I wrote the rest of Deltarune so Toby Fox doesn't have to

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deltarune you know the sequel to undertale that no one talks about but it's actually a better game undertale is fine but deltarune deltarune is beautiful but the guy behind it released once whole chapter and says then it has been 3 000 years so i took it as a sign that he probably doesn't want to finish anymore and i decided to take up the task myself at least the writing part since i can't really do any programming or art or music or anything really hi i'm siddang and move aside mr toby fox and let me finish what you started for free for those who are fans of undertale but never play deltarune i'd like to explain the basic plot so spoilers ahoy it starts with a survey yeah such fun even the name of the game is in deltarune it's survey program but there's a reason for that you think it's going to be fairly standard character creation of some interesting questions but then everything you did was for naught in life we don't choose who we are the little person we create is going to be somewhat important later write it down then you're awoke by toriel and no matter what name you put on the survey your name is chris you fall into the dark world with her chalk eating bully susie and are joined by the well-mannered dark prince rousey to fulfill the ancient prophecy of sealing the dark fountains stop the mysterious night and restore the balance between light and darkness there's also this guy lancer he's very funny i like him and at the end we go back to the light world there is sans and at the last scene chris is revealed to be shara and trapped inside a cage right so how do we go from here let's start with the themes shall we undertale was all about choices deltarune not so much since your choices don't seem to matter it's a parody of jrpgs and a really good one at that look even the keywords are highlighted but the message here will inevitably be that despite not having a choice you can still influence the outcome in small ways and i'm not talking about multiple endings i'm talking about how you the player themselves will be the ones responsible for saving the protagonist chris have you noticed that if your teammates namely susie don't always obey you the reason for that is that the theme doesn't just apply to you the player but also to the other characters speaking of characters we have two opposing halves here rousey and suzy both representing order and chaos respectively or pacifist and genocide if you will susie is how a regular rpg player would play the game and rails is how a regular undertale guy would play it and yes susie does leave the party to become a bad guy in chapter 1 but it's a harmless joke where is it let's make it that later it's not a joke it's a juxtaposition but next time it won't be susie that leaves the party it'll be rousey and you know what rouse's anagram for ezreal yeah there are some hints on how this game isn't as black and white as undertale when it comes to mercy and rousey being antagonists for time would be the perfect subversion suzy turns more pacifist as the story goes on but without completely abandoning violence when it's needed and rousey clings to his past his ideals in such extreme way that he hurts people more than he helps them your choice if you can call it that instead of being focused on your own actions it's more about the actions of others and how they can choose since now you have an entire party there's one more thing though i'm certain you'll notice this the townsfolk speak to chris as if they were a different person before why is that because you didn't control them before the game started hell they even had a save file their pass is a mystery to you the player not to them or anyone else for that matter chris knows someone in his head is controlling all his actions and remember when i told you that you don't really have a choice it's because you don't have the power over fate in other words you don't have the determination and who else is connected to this mysterious force wd gaster now let's talk about what you've been waiting for how do undertale characters fit in is this some kind of parallel universe the answer is maybe but actually no we could make it that this is a parallel world like those undertale alternate universes where maybe the monsters steal the humans underground instead but that be too predictable instead hear me out the dark world might be the past of undertale's world a shadow made possible by the light of the light world which happens after undertale in a parallel universe created by gaster as an experiment basically undertale's world's past is the dark world and at some point the timeline split into infinite universes and a likewise scene deltarune is one of those possible outcomes gaster's experiment to attain the power of determination himself dark yet darker or the dark world so gaster has determination but chris doesn't since the game's all about control and lack of choices it makes sense that chris regained control of his own body it's like on that survey when you create a body and a mind showing the dichotomy between those two it's all about the relationship you created with others like rousey and susie and a relationship we created ourselves it's about accepting who we are not trying to be who we aren't so yes from now on you control the little person you create in the beginning so all episodes will have the same basic structure we start at the light world go to the dark world and come back at the end the actions we take in the dark world will also affect the light world in a way so it's always different when we come back this time you the player form a relationship with the townsfolk to understand chris's past and motivations we learned that chris came to hate the monster kind after an accident in the past involving his brother ezreal an accident he still blames himself for as you come back to the dark world again and again you question if the closing of the fountain is a good thing in the end remember what the king said to them i'm the hero to you and the bad guy the mysterious knight that we know nothing about is opening the fountains right and three heroes must close them to restore the balance yada yada but there's one underlying problem here the prophecy is lying you thought it could trust the opening text remember when i told you the story wouldn't be so black and white this time around so we'll make that rousey helps the night at one point out of a sense of pacifism to protect his people his kingdom after defeating the knight he reveals that the light world will be engulfed by the dark world if not all fountains are opened but they can't save it but only if they erase the shadows the knight was created by gaster to maintain his unstable experiment rousey realized the he did and is lectured by susie of all people and they join forces with you the player to stop chris who is going to open the final fountain after this point you never return to the light world again sinking into the darkness more and more in fact all the troops back to the light world serve to deepen the relationship between you and the town folks because in the end you fail chris opens the final fountain both worlds collapse onto one another light and darkness two halves of the same coin but in the struggle between light and darkness the dark has one dark yet darker the balance shattered you lose the ones you learn to love you lose the remaining of your identity you lose the place you call home you cry for help but no one comes you're filled with despair you wake up in a bat of flowers deep underground after a few steps you were greeted by a talking flower similar to the ones asgore used to sell back in your hometown toriel saves you and then undertale happens then you realize it the character you made at the beginning of delta room is one of the six other fallen children beside frisk and shara you know they are destined to fail after all you're not frisk you're not the main character so you can't choose anything in a story that's already been told a story that isn't yours but you're not alone this time around susie and rousey accompany you in this last stretch where you play through undertale but with different events you meet everyone you loved back then and now you have to stop shara the one knows chris from crossing the barrier to the human world sans say that char is gonna have a bad time if you don't stop them and fights you like a genocide round of undertale all this time it's a test to see if you can succeed in giving mercy in the last part you meet shara who hopes to be their own kind again with dreams of another time another place those hopes and dreams you have to crush them to return the world to its original state or maybe for your own hopes and dreams but you can't win can you you need something more you need that elicit power mercy doesn't work sharon doesn't listen it's kill or be killed your hopes against theirs your dreams against theirs what's your choice shower thirst their knife inside your heart you couldn't do it could you you try to be like frisk the problem is you're not frisk you fall into the abyss of darkness forever but then a dim light shines from above you desperately try to reach it who's calling for you you're not alone suddenly the characters made by every delta rune player appear beside you they help you out of the darkness and into the light and then you're filled with determination [Music] in life we always have control but we do have the choice to act despite that to forgive others is hard but forgive oneself that's even harder no one is entirely good or evil and no one is beyond salvation either you just gotta try try with all your heart with all your soul and maybe you might reach them maybe you might reach their hearts oh and don't forget when the light is running low and the shadows start to grow and the places that you know seem like fantasy there's a light inside your soul that still shining in the cold with the truth the promise in our hearts don't forget i'm with you in the dark you
Channel: Ydneets
Views: 183,049
Rating: 4.8607907 out of 5
Keywords: Sydan, Deltarune, Undertale, Undertale 2, Undertale AU, Deltarune Chapter 2
Id: QpdIHduFl9Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 50sec (710 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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