UNDERTALE 2?! | Deltarune - Part 1

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[Music] are you there [Music] are we connected oh hell yeah excellent truly excellent now we may begin oh I'm so excited hell yeah back first you must create a vessel select the head that you prefer what okay anyway welcome everyone to Delta rune the game that everyone has been screened from the mountaintops for me to play because it is from the developer of undertale toby fox and this came out when I was on tour and I couldn't get to it immediately so everyone was like Jack well it doesn't have a fact they okay I'm trying okay I've tried my best but here I am so people have been calling this undertale too every time to me I don't know if it actually is undertale - I know nothing about this I knew it came out I'd reached we did some of the stuff that he was talking about and then I just kind of went blank on it because I didn't want to spoil myself because I love his types of games but already it kind of looks a little undertale II considering the heads oh that one's cute this one is not how many we go with this one so I don't know what the game is about I don't know the story I don't know the characters I don't know the gameplay I don't know anything all right and a lot of you probably know a lot more about this game than I do right off the bat so let's let's just get into it let's just jump into it select the legs that you prefer okay I am not seeing a difference between many of these legs that one is different because the skinny leg is on the other side these I guess this is your body do you accept who just seen undertale type stuff again is making me all giddy I missed it yes I do accept it excellent you have created a wonderful form now let us shape its mind as your own what is its favorite food oh sweet soft sour salty pain cold baked my favorite food is pain what order of pain please your favorite blood type kara is that you I don't know I don't even know my own blood type I don't know what the difference is between the blood types let's go with a B because it's cents for abs what color does it like most mostly I should go at green because it's the whole channel and everything bought me personally a bit more fan of red which okay so I don't know how much this is actually going to affect things I'm just picking the things that I like to see as soon as I see them so no in these types of games this is going to mean a lot or fuck-all it's red please give it a gift kindness mind ambition bravery voice I'm gonna give you am now not ambition i wouldíve you kindness how do you feel love hope disgust fear oh how do you feel about your creation it will not hear i'm hopeful for my little bean have you answered honestly i have you acknowledge the possibility of pain and seizure no but I guess yes to progress so this game is is called Delta rune which is an anagram of undertale so I'm assuming it has some sort of connection to it the character already looks like an undertale character it kind of looks like car and everything so I'm trying to think ahead yes understood name your vessel oh I wonder if I could have fun with this because before you were able to name your characters like sands or papyrus or something that would be like no you can't do that let's see what happens if I try name my character sands sands an interesting coincidence and what about the creator oh I actually can't call my character sans okay I'ma be Johnny boy that's my name Shawn [Music] excellent truly is gonna say is it truly excellent before as well truly excellent Shawn thank you for your time your answers your wonderful creation will now be discarded no one could choose who they are in this world your name is and we're not gonna get the answer god damn it hey yes Torrio's back that is Tori listen it has to be look at Oriel and the delta rune symbol is also the the Serb family named dreamer it's the it's it's from undertale Chris Chris if you do not wake up we will be late for school I forget the voice I gave torial I will wait outside for you all right okay bye goat mom oh my god I look just like Cara is anyway I'm yeah this symbol that's the Delta ruins symbol right that's their family crest oh this is weird close drawer your bed dope it's a red wagon with a rusty birdcage on it looks like it seemed quite a few crashes I'll break my rusty cage in road maybe it's a reference that it's stained is that blood the drawer is mostly empty mostly except for a school cross country shirt with a tear in it okay so we are just full on in the undertale world right there are CDs under the bed classical jazz religious ska was also a game console it is one normal controller and one knockoff one okay it's cleaner desks there are many boxes under it filled with books those feet under my bed I know there's just the CDs okay okay okay I get it I get it I read the CDs the console it's a beautiful day outside birds are chirping stays like this that kids like you should be burning in hell a cactus it's not much to say about it there are crayons in the drawer their labels have long faded and there's no green oh if I pick green would that have affected it oh hey it's only you oh this is so much fun okay so it's been a long time since I played undertale so it's partly gonna be a lot of references and characters and stuff in this that they mentioned that I might go over my head but that's where we can join in together that's what the comments are for the door is locked because before it was like even after everything it's still you or after whatever I can't remember the exact quote there are many books tales of snails a storybook snails do not have tails a scientific refutation canals help your garden not really an assigned copy of the history of humans and monsters by Gerson boom OOP am I gonna get any music at some point oh you looked inside the sink cupboard there's can of ice 'yes cool boys body spray spray for boys flamin hot pizza flavor flamin hot pizza seems to be almost entirely full it's a toilet well [ __ ] hell yeah charge you flush the toilet I feel accomplished on the shoulder ledge there's a small cat painter of apple-scented shampoo and a gallon sized container of pet shampoo cuz toriel is goat wait you should go she's not a is she a goat why do we keep calling her goat mom there's some white fur stuck at the drain oh that's for wonder tail as well right there's a photo in the fridge it's a view your mother and your brother as real wait so does this take place before undertale is this cuz in undertale spoil 'yes kara ends up becoming part of that family and then convinces Azrael to [ __ ] [ __ ] up so I'm trying to figure out if this is Kara Oh Chris though this is a prequel I don't know there's some cinnamon cinnamon a batter caked on the stovetop cookie cutters for gingerbread monsters and gingerbread humans that's trashcan somehow it's emitting a pleasant floral scent probably floral scented garbage spray I thought I should get from my armpits I'm garbage it's a landline phone but you already have a cell phone it's cherry oh the beloved living room chair this that means that this chair will be called check the beloved chair belonging to Jack it's a TV doesn't seem to even be plugged in anymore take it easy Stevie whoa I said take it easy Stevie into a thunder outside I have summoned Thor come on in buddy play some Delta rune with me I was going to call it Delta tail it's a book of hymns ah this is pleasant Chris there you are we might Oh Chris there you are we might still be able to make it Chris it is a beautiful day today is it not I hope it stays this way when Azrael visits next week what is Azrael but I wonder after the excitement of University will he still enjoy the coming home to this little town still enjoy that coming home ah this is delightful famous that I'm dying oh it's so much more pretty then undertale was they they spend so much more time on the graphics this time do dodo dodo this is just undertale music okay now I get why people were yelling undertale too at me Oh hugs from mom hugs for goat mom or getting so many flashbacks it hasn't even been that long since undertale sofas so does everyone have it so Oh grace we thought you weren't coming in today we're doing group projects this month so walk around and find a partner okay oh I love this to check the time seems to be time for class the computers wallpaper is a rotating slideshow of nature images and rarely an image of two buff superheroes embracing blushing yes it's a bunch of roses it's a bunch of roses all right what am i watching on my phone it's schoolwork of course animated schoolwork and hey hey Chris have you chosen a partner yet she watched Anatomy hey Chris what's up did you lose your pencil again here you want the candy cane one or the one with the lights on it huh you wanna be partners sorry Burton he already asked me but I could ask miss office if we could make a group of three I'll ask if you're sure I don't yet I want to see what everybody else says yeah I'm sure there's someone else you can ask hi grace Lane again I see hmm you need a partner uh sorry I'm already partners with the second smartest student so wait grace now that I think about it your unique skillset might help a lot on this assignment nah [ __ ] I clicked off it was good fries oh it's Teddy crisp oh very stars Tim already have partner Oh what is that it's a black-and-white hard-boiled egg sadly seems like it already has a partner is that your partner that monster kid yo Chris show up earlier next time I ended up having to partner with snowy huh no he keeps turning me to saying howdy partner like a cowboy these are the ice Birds the ones that are like cool or something god I wish I should have had a refresher course on undertale there's a lot of stuff in this now that I'm gonna miss partner I hardly know her ha ha what do you think of that one funny right no well I Got News for You pal I already got a partner scrap I'm not gonna get a partner on my click click tucked up taken ok too good for me are you Chris you know jacking t'nuk kadia always partners where are the ultimate academic duo ever since our first gym class it was hula hoop day and they ran out of hoops for us so she used me instead that's our origin story [ __ ] well Here I am again all alone miserable don't worry Mew Mew you'll always be my partner wait so the [ __ ] am I supposed to do oh wait I should ask you'd make it a group of three yeah do you want to be partners ok I'll ask miss out fest is it ok if we have a group of three I already forgot the boys evening Hey what no I do not approve this abort what but but Chris doesn't have a Noel what were you saying she was just saying we're fine being alone actually I just wanted to know if no I can you please speak up Oh who is this tall drink hi Suzy with two fives fifty am i late oh no you're fine we were just choosing partners for the next group project and Suzy you're with Chris great oh you're cool you're way too cool for me now that everyone's here I'll write the assignment has anyone seen the chalk this is the third time it's gone missing and you all know I can't start class without some guards waiting real bottom say can you hear it yeah how about this if no one speaks up everyone gets in trouble anyone please Oh alphys you need to grow a spine hey there might be a box in the supply closet miss alphys why don't Suzy and I get a good idea know how Suzy since you came in last why don't you go get it for me whatever Oh Suzy reminds me of be from night in the woods whatever and grace can you go with her and make sure she actually gets it and uh stays out of trouble thanks grace see you later bye best friend teacher hey foo be oh I thought you were smoking did you just eat the chalk oh no are we gonna do battle Chris didn't see you there hey you didn't see anything just now did you um no see the hair was covering my eyes mm-hmm you can't even say Chris oh oh we gonna do battle we gonna Duke it out Oh too close I'm getting the fever's oh [ __ ] I don't know if you can hear that but I just said I getting the fever's and then the [ __ ] most character ass sounding Thunder hit outside holy [ __ ] balls that was awesome hey let me tell you a secret oh [ __ ] quiet people piss me off the music's pretty badass you think just cuz you don't say anything I can't tell exactly what you're thinking it's over like on Susie eating all the chalk this was her last chance now she'll finally be expelled come on Chris don't act shocked you know it's true everyone's waiting for it everyone wants it so congrats Chris you got me I'm done for just let me say one little thing seems like a waste to get expelled just for having a snack so Chris if I know you're gonna pull the trigger why don't I just get expelled for some real carriage Chris how do you feel about losing your face oh [ __ ] yeah Chris you've got a good mother it'll be ashamed to make her bury her child Jesus the thunders back for foodies bringing all the mood all right let's get this over with we'll get more chalk mosey back to class and then Chris you'll do our project how's that sound oh [ __ ] don't bother answering if you haven't gotten it by now your choices don't matter let's go freak oh crap see these badass also very scary the locker is covered in jocking taneema Emilia are you ready for the Sadie Hawkins dance at this dance all the chaperones were giant hawk heads and screech at any students that make contact while dancing all right for foofy you go that way Chris what realize that baby classroom was a better fit for you hey actually I should come with you maybe I'll find a better partner in there yeah actually let's not wrong way Chris okay I'm sorry okay the Thunder is going further away now my thunder thank you for the atmosphere and the [ __ ] terrifying shock God can you walk any slower or what now I get it not used to walking around without someone holding your hand come on freak Tam Suzie's a mean person well here's the closet too bad we were just starting to have fun [ __ ] hey Chris is it me or is it really dark in there it's really dark so dark that it cancels out the light that was in this hallway so dark that the darkness Holmes what's the holdup Chris are you gonna go in or what nice up to you you're the tough one fine if you're gonna be a wimp then I'll yeah my pleasure how about it we'll both go in at the same time okay [ __ ] see why are you so scared it's nothing in here but old papers let's try to find a light switch okay that's weird can't find a switch guess it's further in I don't trust this so anything I can click on see this is the type of game that there's likely a lot of Secrets everywhere Ernie's under tailored love secrets everywhere so I'm I don't want to miss anything kind of big for a closet huh you think we'd have reached the end by now oh god it just keeps going hey Chris I think this cause it's a broken there aren't any walls well we've worked hard enough if alphys wants chalk so bad she can get it herself let's split oh we're not gonna be able to go back are we here ah never mind well what the hey this isn't funny let us out let us the floor it's oh [ __ ] hahaha oh man the sprites are so much better-looking this is fun I missed being in these types of worlds I miss these types of games actually I just missed undertale and this obviously reminds everybody exactly of what undertale is oh god wait i i'm completely different did i merge with fofo v i know her name suzy is like same fufu v fun are we in undertale and also you will notice that i have a cold at times you see it flickering the light only you can see you by second nature you reach out and it's the exact same sounds i'm not filled with determination anymore oh I like to be filled with determination I've heard that the combat is different in this game as well so I'm excited to see what that's like [Music] oh yeah there was a lot more effort put into the visuals of this game and it has all that Toby classic music it's too dark to see anything yeah but that I merged with Suzy like I saw that but I merged with Suzy like Steven universe style they can click on that so we'd like to see anything something following me are not following me but something ahead of me oh man if I have seen Undine an alpha spy now does that mean I get to see like sans and papyrus and everybody there's something glowing inside take it yes you got the glow shared all right like an inventory or anything no I don't want to quit I don't think so how can I open up to you ah control equipment power level one human body contains a human soul attack ten defense - so same as undertale I'm assuming there's going to be a pacifist route and a like a violent route and normally if I'm playing a game like this I just attack everything and try and get more powerful everything cuz that's the standard RPG but undertale is a little different so I'm gonna do the best I can to avoid killing people do all sorts of things in isn't magic but are you telling me master Maya this is just whatever autorun yeah I want auto run on please equipment I have a wood blade a shimmering shared its use is unknown I can't use it okay it's too dark to see anything that looks like a face now though it looks like a dog's face crying wait what whoa am I in battle what the hell okay you bathed your body in the light a power shines within you breaking through the darkness the pain you had melted away HP fully restored okay I'm at a place called I puzzle in this land only eyes blinded by darkness can see the way okay I figure immediately I'm a genius okay I'm so into this this is awesome [Music] God what are these things am i killing so see everybody else at home now knows more about this game that I do I saw that that wasn't sands was it nope hey but back off come any closer or not whoa you look way different a zone so I didn't merge I just looked different we're like Power Rangers get Chris off you hey don't scare me like that dumbass unless you want to get clocked in the face anyway enough screwing around I'm gonna find a way out of here where is here anyway doesn't matter you got us into this mess you get us out I didn't get us into this mess lead the way Chris hey I got a little party what you want to make it a race no why is everything a freakin competition with you you said I was supposed to lead the way and then you've got all weird about it and made me right ahead hey Chris there's someone up there waving at us any idea what they want no oh [ __ ] run Chris holy crap whoa the buckles are way different I mean kinda the same but damn there's no like battle menu or anything now it's all real time well okay okay no problem no or maybe just these ones oh we almost got hit Chris down here oh [ __ ] oh crap okay okay very good I defeated sands I can do this I know what it takes all right oh god this is confusing my eyes they didn't even get hit once Wham that's the barrack of a true gamer he says is he'll get [ __ ] destroyed by everything after this man way different battle system okay kind of into it oh you're not dead sweet any idea what the heck this place is me neither wonder if there's anyone in that building up there oh yeah boo knock-knock looks like a shop the door is locked and no one's inside it's locked so also by the way because I'm gonna be like theorizing a bunch of stuff that's going on in this game all the time because I love undertale undertale might actually be my favorite series that I've ever done in the channel but please be mindful of spoilers because a lot of people said that they were waiting until I played this game for them to be able to watch it and I don't know what's going on at the game either so please be careful of spoilers it's locked it's locked this is all weird is very Tim Burton II in front of you a castle looms beneath the empty town a black geyser emerges from piercing endlessly into the sky the power of this place shines within you good to know a castle what the hell is there a castle inside a supply closet welcome heroes who's there do not be alarmed I am NOT your enemy please come forward both of you oh hey it's the dude from there I mean it might not be but you look like the dude who was on there the boat who got me is my fast travel welcome I am the Prince of this kingdom the kingdom of darkness Chris Suzie there is a legend in this land a legend that one day two heroes of light will arrive and fulfill the ancient prophecy foretold by time and space please heroes listen to my tale yeah sure by that I'm not going anywhere very well then plus I want to know what's going on you know once upon a time a legend was whispered among shadows it was a legend of hope it was a legend of dreams it was a legend of light and of dark [Music] this is the legend of Delta rule for millennia light and dark have lived in balance bringing peace to the world but if this harmony were to shatter a terrible calamity would occur the sky will run black with terror and the land will crack with fear then here hurt there then her heart pounding the earth will draw her final breath what of your singing this attitude only then shining with hope three heroes appear at worlds edge a human a monster and a prince from the dark only they can seal the fountains and banish the angels heaven only then will balance be restored to so epic and the world saved from destruction today the fountain of Darkness the geyser that gives this land form stands tall at the center of the kingdom but recently another fountain has appeared on the horizon and with it the balance of light and dark begins to shift Chris Susie thank you for listening to my long tale I deeply believe you two are the heroes of the legend that despite whatever enemies you may face you two have the courage to save the world but you're not the one that was up on top firing stuff at me to test me were you Delta warriors please won't you accept your destiny what me some kind of hero or something you've got the wrong person but Susie without you though the world will so wide the world gets destroyed my damn business might even be kind of fun honestly but but anyway Chris if you want to play pretend with this weirdo stick around I'm going to find a way out of here Susy wait oh oh yes oh the heroes are already running away and they didn't even know I was here but my dad's gonna make me son of the month who the hell are you the bad guy the you clowns want to seal our dark fountain huh and still picturing you guys as clowns save the world from Eternal Darkness huh don't try to deny it we both know you'll go east it's your only way home but I answer won't let you go there oh this music is fantastic and I'm gonna flawless two-step plan to ensure it step one I trash you step two you lose hmm nice plan kid really yeah actually mind if we use it on you instead oh [ __ ] okay so different type of battle I was wrong wait wait wait wait wait wait no I wanna I wanna no no no I want to stop that can I defend spare act let's check up on Lancer attack seven defense one not to call a spade a spade but he's a spade not old enough to write a motorcycle so he sent his bike on fire oh [ __ ] Suzie just fights in a roll rock pounds oh crap oh Jesus Christ there's so much going on to know how I got an axe but like that's cool I'm a spare room Chris Baird Lancer but its name Watson yellow uh Susie stop I'd love to get trashed just kidding that's you whoa buddy whoa buddy calm the [ __ ] down buddy okay all right still in the game Lancer switches gears randomly to appear competence you tell answer you can't tell the difference between his clothes and his body he seems flattered his attack power went down yeah gosh she's gonna kill him oh you make my feelings do wheelies sweet wheelies Oh didn't have to do without them so a little bracket came around my heart when I was close to being hit I wonder if there's another button I can hit during that period or is that just warning me that I'm close to death lancers motorcycle is actually just a bike that's on fire yes I know you tried to come to compliment lancer again but he sees it as insincere his attack power goes back up [ __ ] did you not realize I can mask my self-esteem levels oh wait a second my brakes ran out of fuel alright you poker ooz look at the draw this time but next time the losers will be you next time what never mind I gotta get home before dinner yes okay so I didn't get spear him but we didn't kill him either so good stare are you two okay um let me introduce myself more properly I am jeez can you take off that hood can barely hear you under there alright whew hello everyone I'm RAL say grace Susie it's ever so wonderful to meet you I'm Rosie I don't have to press my own name I'm certain we're gonna be great friends and best way to leave is east right yes that's where we got it see you at school Chris um I suppose it's just the two of us then just the two of us hmm you got a hurt in their chest grace I'm a prince but I am currently don't have any subjects I've been waiting alone here my whole life for you two to arrive so I'm really happy to meet you I hope we can be good friends Chris let's try to find Suzy she might be to the southeast you can lead the way Chris this is your house hey Chris I really think we should catch up with Suzy we can go back here after our adventure is over and then I can bake you a yummy cake you know what you're alright alright here we go fun run say the lowly Prince is now your ally the power of fluffy boys shines within you ha yes I love being a fluffy boy [Music] okay where do they go everybody Silla door is locked and no one's inside still southeast got it Oh Chris as the training dummy I made that seems like a great chance to prepare for the enemy would you like me to teach you how to fight sure I want to know the mechanics of this game kinda know them already but just in case you're something extra okay yeah ready Chris [ __ ] yeah see that hurt Chris that's your soul the culmination of your being within it holds your will your compassion and the fate of the world if it gets hit you and your friends will lose HP if everyone's HP reaches zero we lose the battle this music is so badass reminds me of old school games so please take care to avoid the enemy's attack ready let's try edgy okay ow ouch it's okay Chris you're still learning anyhow after the enemy attacks it's your turn Chris first I'll teach you how to fight though fighting is unnecessary in this world there's no harm in the throw listen let's try fighting oh hell yeah Wow Chris that was an amazing attack have you done this before or something okay next let's try it defending simply revela and the enemy's attack will hurt you less not only that but you'll also gather hates or a teepee toilet paper pan Oh what's your each big bear on the left it'll explain it next all right I'll explain it next great job Chris how did you gather TP how about spending 100 that TP and some of my spells cuz you hit the enemy enough it got tired now if I use my pacify spell on it it'll fall asleep and we win peacefully [Music] nice bronzy cast pacifier great Chris we would have won the battle by now now we have just a little more teaching acting through this even the most violent enemies can be defeated through various acts of kindness Chris no it's just a dummy why not give it a hug oh-ho good to me oh I could have huh growl say instead ah that's great Chris each enemy is different acts that satisfy them their enemy is satisfied its name turns yellow but that happens you can defeat it by sparing it if we spare all the enemies we meet we'll never have to fight okay can I act you ho crowd say um I don't think I'm this is what you're supposed to be doing but I appreciate the hug Chris spared the dummy great job Chris gonna be the end in a real battle I'm really happy I had the chance to teach you Chris you won you got zero exp and three D dollars oh [Music] that was fun you're a wonderful student Chris and case you ever need to refresh your eye here I wrote a manual for you and Susie proceeded to open the menu and use it in your items thank you you got the manual thank you it's just a dummy no no it's not it's the learning utensil Oh God my the great door is opened no wonder Lancer was able to come through grace once we pass through this door our adventure will really begin a journey foretold exactly by the prophecy but Chris I believe your choices are important too this world is full of all kinds of people Chris in the end we treat them how we treat them makes all the difference so let's try our best to get by without fighting if we can manage to do that I believe this tale may have a happy ending otherwise I'd figure that you may not find the result favorable oh I'm sorry too much to ask huh see this could go anyway the last game did not tell you so clearly that there was a pacifist way of playing and even then tell you that oh this will affect the ending and you might not like it if you go this way so what if it's trying to reverse it on me what else it's trying to troll me what if that's a bad guy when we played undertale the [ __ ] flower we met at the start turned out to be the baddest body in the whole land I can handle it Chris I knew you were a hero the moment I saw you let's try our best all right yeah let's do it okay so I'm gonna leave this first episode of Delta rune here I want to get too much into the next part because I want to break things up in a nice even pace but I love this already as if I wouldn't as if I wouldn't love something made by the same developer that made undertale and even making something that is essentially like an undertale - not really it seems to be telling a similar story to undertale separate from it just using some of the same characters but that might all change as time goes on maybe it actually is all completely tied in together but so far I like the characters I like the writing I love the music and the the battle system seems proved I like that a lot as well so I'm looking forward to finishing off the rest of this I don't I think there's only chapter one out so far and I think he's breaking it up episodic lis so I don't know how much there actually is in this first chapter but a couple hours at least but I'm excited to play more of it but for now thank you guys so much for watching this episode if you liked it punch that like button in the face who are your boys and please [Music] I need to pick easier voices ooh my throat is wrecked
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 5,260,336
Rating: 4.9519653 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, deltarune, deltarune game, deltarune gameplay, deltarune walkthrough, deltarune playthrough, deltarune jacksepticeye, delta rune, undertale, undertale 2, undertale sequel, deltarune undertale, music, OST, soundtrack, Undertale Gameplay, Let's Play, Pacifist run, characters, funny, funny game, RPG, indie RPG, mercy, enemies, story, Steam, Sans, Papyrus, Voices
Id: Y2deJnrvTVM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 2sec (2942 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 10 2018
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