I Win the Game by Using THE BEST Item Ever in Cities Skylines!

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mommy can we go and have the strawberry experience sounds like you're going to turn up the heston blumenthals there this is this is a deconstructed strawberry hello everybody welcome back to the next episode of the city skylines with me biffer and here we are in the city of teaport and i've got plans for today i've got plans to expand oh what a fantastic view of the city look at that isn't it just looking amazing i have some plans i've seen some of your comments of a couple of little mistakes i made last time that we're gonna fix as well but yeah thank you as well for your fantastic support on my last video if you haven't seen it i went back to my original city the very first city that i built on city skylines that was released onto youtube new biffington and we took that city and we fixed it and oh my goodness me that city was a disaster it was like i said in the video if someone had sent me that city to fix i would have said no thanks and moved on and looked at something else but we fixed it it was a great uh great fun uh to make that video so go and check that out if you haven't seen it after you've watched this video of course that would be a good idea so first of all um lots of you did notice that the way i set up my train line last time meant that this station here our big internal multi-platform end station which i allow intercity trains is now not connected to the outside and i'd only like intercity trains to go to that one um so what i'm going to do i'm going to fix that hopefully just by doing this which way around see this one here this junction goes to the outside it goes to the outside down there but then it's disconnected from everything else that ended up just being my cargo network so if i do this i turn off bend and anarchy on whoa that train was like what yeah there we go so we can come up there come up there go to the multi-platforming station and then come out again all of this is looking okay all of that's looking okay that should be it that should be okay and then what i'm gonna do is all my other stations like this one here that's a cargo one um is make sure that they've got intercity trains turned off i think that's it if there's any more i'll find them good so that was that uh one other thing was this junction here loads of people saying look at that look at this right angle jumpy game look at this right angle it's like oh my goodness me they really don't need to do that and i thought that actually in the last episode but i never changed it so let's wait for that train to leave oh and stop it before the other ones enter let me fix this up i mean i've got to say i prefer the way the other one looks but now this is less less walky-borky than it was before let's just check them all still connected okay excellent so that still works takes up lots more space than it did before good so we've got this area here that was sort of earmarked to a park but i'm reckoning with this sort of beachfront area that's along here these lovely trees we've got access to ferries that are coming up and down here i reckon we might end up with a little park sort of maybe connected to these islands good so we need a road connection we do have this junction up here i don't want to mess with that let's come off of this road while i think of it i will give these dedicated turning lanes and i won't make this one give way so you people on here can just keep on going why do they instantly take the road it's like there's nowhere to go and they instantly say do you know what this looks like a road i want to go up i'm going to run that down to there and then i want to round about do i want a roundabout at the end or do i want something a little bit different what about that okay uh yeah i think that might be interesting that's it should come up go around the roundabout and then you've got all the other stuff going on off the roundabout let's upgrade this road to that uh so that is two lanes coming into the roundabout so i want that roundabout to be three lanes uh three lanes so we'll do that that oh that's a three-lane thin road is that like a different three-lane road no that's my normal three-lane mode i'm just having a funny moment okay good right it's one of those days okay i'm feeling fine don't worry it's okay i just need more tea obviously it's like everybody else being stuck inside all the time on lockdown teaching kids from home the days blur into one your brain sometimes decides to go off and do something else right so this is going to be the entrance of the park let's get back to what we're doing i'm going to use this road oh i like this one let's go for that i like this with the trees in the middle as well um and let us do i feel like i'm going to want a little car park in here for the park entrance does that overlap i overlapped it nicely okay so let's make this a part then i mean we do oh you know we always end up using the same park at the city park because the amusement park now do you know what this could be i mean the amusement park some of this stuff's quite big but we could have these on the island we could make another violet oh let's do an amusement park i've suddenly decided small amusement park main gate large this is going to be our amusement park this is where it's going to go okay hadn't even considered doing that and now i'm very excited that we can have like the yes the rides and things all over here oh yeah okay so now we need to just check where the ferry's going i'm hoping that the ferry doesn't come through here i don't think it does judging by the look of it no it goes around the outside so we can have tons of parts going across here so how should we do this we could do something like this where it sort of stops in the middle everyone's up look you hear them all upgrading they're like oh we're so excited there's going to be an amusement park nearby let's upgrade our houses so what we've got to add first uh oh side gate yeah where was the side gate going to be we're going to have one up here and then this path over here where's me pick at all pick a picker there we go so the path still works and then we can have our little side entrance so amusement park side gate there excellent oh our fairies do go under there don't they um i'm thinking he's gonna hit that pillar right there do you know what he didn't what about coming the other way ah the people okay let's just move this over and it certainly doesn't need to be that high so let's just lower this down oh here we go right okay how high are you i want your lights to get underneath yeah that looks fine we'll go with that excellent okay so we've got that in and then we've got some little things here so we've got an amusement park plaza cafe carousel and then we've just got like the little buildings souvenir shop and stuff so let's see if we can get how big is our carousel that is not too big let's see if we can have our carousel over here that would be nice oh this is going to be interesting i'm looking forward to doing this oh there we go look oh nice okay that's good let's pop the carousel in here getting distracted uh this one over here carousel now we want to turn collision off i need to find the shortcut key for collision don't i okay collision is alt c so collision's on now collision's off and i'm never gonna remember that so yeah we're gonna have trees and stuff everywhere so let's put that there i'll add collision off i'd collision off because of the pavement and then of course it messes up with the trees okay there we go excellent oh look at the the noise oh the scraping and the fantastic i love it there we go and next to that i'm going to put these two the game booths because i think they fit in really well nicely together so let's clear a little bit of space yeah we'll have that one going that way we'll line these up as well and have that one going that way there we go that looks okay a couple of the natural trees that we've got instead of the trees that are built into the path let's just move these over a little bit so we can see what's going on there we go move that one over a touch move these off of the path something tells me i had collision off again i need some sort of visual representation of collision being on and off that would be nice there we go so you can walk to the end of the path have a look around down the sand bank or you can wander in here and have a go on one of these rides that is a great start i think to this area uh let's just have a quick look we're gonna need a name aren't we of course you have to let me know about that uh we're gonna charge a high ticket price and what are we gonna do we're gonna make this the main park now so everybody comes here and gets the most uh visitors hopefully why am i losing so many people what is going on um what is going on plenty of water pollution drinking water pollution ground pollution five percent uh health care available six citizens a lot of six citizens average health 71 okay well we'll keep that in mind uh but for now we're doing this they can be distracted from their sickness um so that's for zoos that's an advertising campaign we will have that one uh park will not organize fireworks yes they will fireworks every night night tours we'll do that we're spending our money i don't mind amusement park buildings are maintained super well causing them to be even more fun than normal we will have that one and that's for nature reserve so we're gonna do that and what do we need 500 visitors to get to the next level um entertainment we're well over the entertainment that we need which is great yeah there we go so we've got some restrooms nearby but not right by where you're enjoying your games and such and then over here i think would be a fantastic place for a restaurant or something because you've got like these ruins over here more ruins we love the ruins more burnt down houses i'd uh lots of people sending in comments with huge stories about how these houses are all built into the fabric of the fabric of teaport i loved it it was fantastic there right in the middle with all the trees overhanging so let's just move over these a tiny teeny touch so that's the start which is great we're gonna leave that going and hopefully it won't be too long before we hit the next level and we can unlock whatever it is we unlock next so while we're waiting for that we need to sort of try and sort out what is going on with our citizens so death care yeah i'll tell you what it might be i mean i know this has been commented on before and i know about it is the noise level around here is pretty high in this area area of the city so people are dying there's plenty of healthcare so what they can do is like for instance we look at this person here citizens are sick so it says they're not feeling well because of noise pollution make sure there is health care in the area so healthcare is available um this hospital over here is not sending anybody out and i've rebuilt it i've checked the roads around it i'm not quite sure why not so they should be going out and should be helping these people but they're not they're dying instead uh because of the noise which must be pretty flipping noisy if it's actually killing you um so like these ones over here dead person waiting for transport so we do have plenty of hearses around i'm gonna add a few more in because if the dead bodies aren't picked up then you know that causes problems as well doesn't it yes um so i'm just going to add a couple more of those around and hopefully the situation will sort of sort itself out yeah there we go look this building is abandoned because no one collected dead people so there we go that has answered my question um so you know what i'm gonna do as the building was abandoned i'm gonna put in there a nice uh crematorium so they can go out and collect some of the dead people so that is the problem and it's weird because we haven't really got any traffic around here we've got a couple of traffic hot spots as always this is a traffic hot spot but overall it's okay it's it's red but it's moving extra 10 bingo points for you though this is a bit of a nightmare up here what the heck is going on oh i know we've just had a match haven't we and now everybody's leaving there we go so they can now walk down there and get to the trams and then if we make sure that there is a tram stop so there's one all the way over there we might as well just add another one here for that tram and a blue line as well in both directions so maybe some of these will actually take the tram instead to get the word to where they want to go because that does lead to all the train stations and all over there and it comes around here to the main train station so it's not too far maybe it's just they were unable to walk so yeah we'll see what happens next time there's an event right so back over here to our strawberry experience mommy can we go and have the strawberry experience sounds like you're going to turn up in heston blumenthals there uh this is this this is a deconstructed strawberry okay extra points if you know who heston blumenthal is right okay so piggy train uh this is actually ending up being like a little kiddies area isn't it so we could have the pika train along here there we go we've got the piggy train and if you didn't believe me there's a train noise can we zoom in a little bit more ah what child will not love to go on a piggy train like this so that's that one and then what was the other one of the unlocked oh this one here the rotating teacups so that could actually fit in the back here i put all this fence around here but i'm actually going to remove it now so oh yes the best ride in all the land the rotating cups of tea everybody wants to go on this this is like the highlights i used to love these with the turning wheel in the middle make yourself go super fast absolutely fantastic okay so what do we need next uh total visitors we've certainly got enough entertainment value so again it's just a matter of waiting and we're making so much money just a matter of waiting until we get 2 500 visitors which is absolutely brilliant oh we've had an end of an academic year report well let's just have a look at that more academic works lost a few students attractiveness up ready to work which is good at sports trophy we've won in basketball and two toga parties fantastic i'm not sure that has upgraded us to the next level how's it let's yeah we're still on level two so we need one more academic work and a whole load more students well we were gonna do that weren't we by extol my goodness the death now there's gonna be a lot of you saying it's a death wave um i don't normally have death waves in the city i've got uh a model two that helps with that and also with the new uh these here the child health care center and the elder care death waves are a thing of the past really because they help to even things out yeah we've got one down there and one over there but we've got nothing this end i'm gonna put it there i can get down to the path take the kiddies out for the day and then the elder care slope objects yeah that's okay that still fits in nice who wouldn't want to retire to this spot right there so that'll maybe cover that a little bit okay well let's see how that goes so we were going to expand our university campus weren't we up to here because we do have a university up the top here uh this one which has in it 1128 students i do not want all of those students go into this one here where our main massive campus university area who i haven't named yet doesn't have enough students let's name our campus area one second well the most upvoted comment look at this traffic is still trying to leave this area the most upvoted comments was by snoof and it was a fantastic name and we're just going to pop that into here it was smarty pants university fantastic name absolutely love it well done snoof thank you for all your suggestions there are a couple of other ones as well i really like that one as well so great right let's get our zone over here and we are gonna just drag this zone i'm gonna drag it all over here oh darn it so i've just gone straight over a park and parks and university zones don't mix oh dear let me just see what i've done sorry people of anchor meadows right let's try that again let's take this here and go around the park and yeah there we go let's go down this road and let's go up here and i've lost track of where the university is there it is and i'm going to take in this area here we are going to delete this university that we lovingly built and prepared many episodes ago the university cafeteria university gymnasium citywide effect on citizens health whoa i mean that would just be fantastic wouldn't it oh that is nice that is not too big either and then oh now i like that i do like that i don't know why these bike lanes are going the other way around there that is very weird um we could just turn those around if i grab this grab that and then do a right click and turn it about there we go so we've got bus stops that were here buses were going up through there but they're still connected because they can go around the outside around the outside around the outside nice um and then if we go back into here and grab our nice little university path we could just have whoops we could just have that come through here on the back and connect oh there's still a fence there but that will disappear when we do that excellent yeah i think that looks okay so that's now added our student capacity and all these people that are students can come in here and what's our health now 71 is actually going down which is fantastic what i don't understand is i've got loads of comments about polluted water but it's only one percent which is literally nothing because i put these water things in here and these do make ground pollution but i think my mod that i have that removes the look of pollution possibly removes the actual ground pollution as well oh look that one there is still polluted okay well what i'm going to do if i can turn the movement mod off i'm going to grab that and move it over here and i'm going to do the same with this one as well maybe it was literally just that it was causing the problem maybe well let's just see if that's uh fixed it so i'm going to attach that to there touch that to there yeah we'll go with it and we'll just see what happens good so now our university smartypants university students look at that so all the students are now going to smartypants university we could do a similar thing with this university down here and add a little something in there i think i'm gonna do that as well let's design that design that design that and then what could we squeeze if i in there a couple dormitories would go in i mean they give us some extra capacity study hall is always a good one and that would actually fit on the main road which could be quite good yeah i reckon a study hall would look nice in here i'm going to back that up against this excellent it's still got access to everything around there and i'm going to leave this little space here for anything that comes up in the future so that adds another 400 capacity students so we're well over what we need to do capacity 800 students what students 1 232 out of 800. oh that's what we need to hit what we're talking about the capacity is down here yeah 2950 capacity we are well on the way to the end of the next academic year there's absolutely no doubt that we are going to get the works that we need well i'm just looking around at the connections and things we've got and we've got this entrance over here and we've got our ferry over there i didn't want to put a path across i was hoping they could walk through but it turns out this little path connection over here is no longer connected to the uh there we go so if we do that they can come out of the ferry walk up there and then connect to this path and come all the way down there and do that or we could just add also another little path in uh let's just grab that one and i'm gonna go let's do this one here i'm gonna go off the end of this uh how should we do that let's just go up and around just trying to make it interesting but avoid all the order of the trees and things there we go so they can go that way as well and have a little shortcut excellent that should be good and then weren't we going to add one somewhere else let's just check our zone so we've got there i was going to add one there but yeah they can walk round what about over this way unfortunately we've got the ferries going underneath again but i reckon if we could add a little entrance down here it's just going to make it even nicer for people to come across let's just do this one and do that and just see if we can squeeze a little side entrance in there like destroying one of these houses or something amusement park side gates there we go and then can oh look they're all upgrading they love it they're like so excited oh we're gonna have an amusement park we can go and visit let's move that tree over there there we go that looks a bit better and i've just got to get a connection across um it's gonna connect i've no idea uh what we could do is is we could have this path here connect to this one yes so if we go straight down there like that that'll connect to that so then they can walk along this oh that just means that anybody can get in without paying so that is probably a bad idea hang on let me work something out here okay so we've got a path in now i just wanted to make sure my buses were going to be stopping outside so let's just double check that yeah there's no bus stops along here so we can have that on that side that one that side excellent let's find a person we can follow over to the park and as if by magic oh there we go let's follow you this way then into chirpy land whoa hello and then up and over the bridge it's not too steep it's just the right height um for the ferries to go underneath a couple of trees there i need to move there we go and there goes a very excellent and then it joins over here by the beach front so if you want to we can have some other stuff down here as well oh very nice very nice along the beachfront all through the underground i need to do something about that let me through that coming through there we go there's the entrance the main entrance on the right there to chirpy land there we go and we're going to turn left and go over the water here thank you tyler for allowing us to get inside your brain mr tyler hancock and enjoy this uh walk all the way over there we go past the amenities and then what ride is he gonna go on let's just slow this down and of course some people are gonna use this to get from one side of the city to the other as well so that's just like an added bonus some extra money we'll be making and he's going to go all the way to the end is he going to go on the train what's he going on he is he's queueing for the train oh look at that are we going to get a first person ride on the train like he jumped to the front of the queue do you know what i've got a sneaky suspicion he's not actually gonna get in the train so that's fine so yeah that works okay and then we'll get lots of people coming from over there as well maybe they'll use that like i said to cut through to over here once we build this up and to over there as well because i've enjoyed building this we're working up to level three which is going to give us even better stuff and our university is going well and we were making money until we took a little dip just then so i'll be pleased with that and we're growing again we're up to 85 000 population nice so don't forget let me know a name for this amusement park tea based island based you know the usual thing try and make it fit in with what we've got going on here don't forget to subscribe before you go as well getting up to half a million you can help me with that if you're not subscribed already and i will see you all very soon thank you for watching take care everybody have a great day bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 91,129
Rating: 4.9743361 out of 5
Keywords: biffa plays, biffa, biffaplays, how to start a new city, how to fix your cities skylines, cities skylines fix traffic, cities skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, city fix, cities: skylines, how to fix traffic, cities:skylines, cities skylines traffic management, cities skylines how to fix your city, biffa2001, cities skylines how to start, cities skylines how to make money, cities skylines amusement park
Id: K-4pZzM57Pk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 16sec (1696 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 19 2020
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