"Lessons I Learned From A Loser" - Reverend Wayne Huntley

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[Music] otto's step out of break into the wild and don't be [Music] [Music] like your weight hospices way the Lord is there is freedom there is freedom where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom there is freedom compiled of the dog for the stairs [Music] let me [Music] bring all of the sky [Music] - I'd open spaces wait Grace's way [Music] it's free [Music] [Music] [Music] three [Music] the snake [Music] [Music] to sound [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hi dad [Music] you hide your husband has been no way [Music] there is creative [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] somebody shout for joy some of you been set free hallelujah and he who the Sun sets free is free indeed come on somebody turn your pain loose this point and let's see what the Lord can do in your life how do you got the situation the Lord he has an answer this morning come on June you believe it till you believe it plays it like you know it's on its way this morning [Music] we do restore without your church and make a soul ignite transform take us to a place we've never seen before the you've done the impossible we've seen the mountains do before your word is unstoppable with expectation [Music] great things we know thank you you do have a party thank you oh great turn face trouble greater things everything yesterday greater things in last year [Music] [Music] isn't stopped above the expectation don't bounce to your Mountain standing on your head oh wait two things we know [Music] no matter what the problem is no matter what your situation is God has the answer in your life if you're let's praise them in advance I know that every obstacle every situation it's going to be leveled to the ground this one foundations are shaking purses play strongholds [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] great sweet release no mountain stand before me we're stacking on your progress great two beats we go back to we know that you are baby Oh God [Music] Great Danes yeah city law send it down alone the smaller hallelujah which other faith groups we've seen your work before we know you'll do it again hallelujah somebody clap your hands and events for your promise for your healing for your miracle come on somebody praise [Music] come on put your hands together [Music] your kingdom come Lord we pray sure will [Music] every I behold the one see come on [Music] yummy [Music] right you [Music] [Music] every time you're passing you are [Music] [Music] when you're eating [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] to see [Applause] [Music] me [Music] you are your kingdom [Music] [Applause] Mountains have to every chain is loose God we declare your kingdom and see in everyone will see Shawn King every chair see time [Music] [Music] why Sharkey [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that was relatively meager compared to the presence of God that's already met us in this place I think he warrants a response a declaration of intent that we're going to worship the Lord of gods today with everything that's within our spirit can we clap our hands like we mean it this morning [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] why don't you find someone and greet them warmly in the name of Jesus this morning if you do not recognize them make them feel especially welcome here at the Pentecost suppose your city [Music] [Music] before we proceed into the offering today we do have a few announcements to go over to remind you of remind everybody that after this last week the who enjoyed this week of social media media fasting anybody out there alright then who was miserable this week during the media fasting okay then let's let's celebrate the other one min because I feel pretty good at the end of this week a man who's gonna continue it this week all right I got you we're clear here this next week is the week of fasting if you would pick at least one day pastor would prefer if you pick at least one day of fasting everything you might want to drink some water but beyond that with if you're able if you're physically able if you're willing please take one day this weekend and fast for a revive what the Pentecostals of Bossier City over these coming days because God's doing something special in us already and he's gonna continue to do even more a man for the rest of the week if you pick something find something that would actually mean something to you and fast that throughout the rest of this week if you like coffee but you don't like hot tea don't fast hot tea fast something that will actually mean something to you this week this Tuesday January the 22nd at 7 o'clock in the old junior high room that's called the presentation room now in the FLC it's the front-right building or a front right room in that building we're going to have connect group leadership training if you're a potential connect group leader we're going to do this over the next four weeks every single time is going to be the exact same so if you would just pick one of those Tuesday nights for potential connect group leaders that will be your class to attend then we're gonna address any questions that you might have as well missions conference is coming up February the 1st through the 3rd we have three missionaries coming this year and it is always a highlight of our year every single time ladies conference coming up March the 7th through the 9th early registration has ceased but I think you can still actually get in there and register if you did not do so already if the ushers would come we're gonna sing one more song here in a mo as we get ready for our special guest speaker to come up we're privileged to have the Huntley's here at the Pentecostals of Bossier City that's not a cliche it's not something we're just being generous with we are absolutely delighted to have you here this is the district superintendent of North Carolina the bishops of the temple of Pentecost in Raleigh North Carolina but today they're the Word of God in Bossier City and we cannot wait to hear what God has in store for us today before we enter into prayer let's add something to our prayer today we have one of our members and one of our I guess former or original members who are now in Brazil teaching the Word of God Hartmann Carson and Baron Carson are both down there teaching for some time how long are they gonna be gone until next Wednesday they're down there doing the work of God and I believe they're gonna come back or Harmons gonna come back home very impacted and hopefully Baron visits at some point but we want to be in prayer for them that God would use them in Brazil if you would just raise your hands and lift up your heart to God with me for just one moment father we love you with everything that we have and we want to bless your kingdom father we want to give honor to your name and to your work today everything that we give out father we pray that you would use it for your glory and the advancement of your kingdom for those that are afar off right now teaching your word and expressing something new to these people father I pray that you would anoint them with an anointing that they have never had before God do something special today in this service and this people we pray it and we receive it in the name of Jesus Christ and everybody say in Jesus name [Music] if you've been walking the same old road for miles and miles if you've been hearing the same old voice tell the same lie if you're trying to feel the same Oh holes inside there's a better life there's a better life he's a prison shank and say don't you got change he's a change we fall search for the light of day in the dead of night we've all found ourselves worn out from the same old fire and we've all run the things we know just a ride but there's a better life a better life if you got hey he's a pain [Music] away [Music] we should say break now we've all searched for the light of day in the dead of night we've all found ourselves worn out from the same old fine we've all run the things we know just a right there's a better life there's a better lie he's a pain away maker it's a prison seconds later you got he's a chain breaker [Music] if you believe you receive if you believe somebody testify you believe it you receive you can't be somebody [Music] shake it later you got he's a chain break this one's for you Phillip is a prison shaking finger [Music] [Music] [Music] it's a breathtaking scenery gotcha he's a chain breaker give me freedom saving these improvements a container it's a shame Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] as they say in some places how about pastor Dean out front here this morning [Applause] go ahead give me praise right now hallelujah [Applause] [Music] oh thank you Jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] go ahead that's all right let's get him the glory he's worthy of this morning god we magnify your name [Music] [Applause] and everybody said praise the Lord I still have deep in my soul in my spirit that resident scripture that has been there all my life I was glad when they said unto me let us go to the house of the Lord and I've often thought if the rider was glad when they said let's go how did he feel when he got there and I got another little revelation for you out of that verse I've often wondered the power of missions and evangelism soul-winning the writer said I was glad when they said somebody came by and said hey let's go to church somebody the Bible doesn't he tell who they are it just said they said I was glad when they said aren't you glad you had Ave in your life that said let's go worship God let's go to the house of the Lord I am not given to flattery but I am given to reality and you won't find any better singing any better music anywhere in the world give all your musicians and singers are great began worship leaders what a joy and how privileged it is your main standing just a moment we'll get directly to the word of the Lord how privileged to stand and this when I would consider an iconic pulpit of the United Pentecostal church one of our very best churches in our fellowship it's all right for you to say amen to that you need to believe that because it's so you are in one of our most iconic respected congregations in America and that is relative to who your pastor is your leaders and also the consistent faithfulness commitment loyalty of this congregation I come to you from the eastern part of the United States where it is somewhat barren relative to apostolic Pentecostalism however we have enjoyed revival and growth and God has favoured us but my heart yearns for every major city in the state of North Carolina to have a building like this to have congregations like this and to have pastors like pastor Jerry Dean oh god help us my wife has known the deans far longer than I have they were somewhat raised near each other and she was in Waco and they were there buying Killeen they were much younger teenagers then later on in Bible College days coming from the East Coast I became friends with the Dean family such a tremendous blessed group of people I mean I don't mean to keep you standing very long but I would like to say in the event that you don't acknowledge it and you don't understand it when you walk in this build and you start worshiping there is an ancestral blessing upon this church there is an ancestral blessing on this church now I believe in ancestral curses and I believe in ancestral blessings and that means in the way of blessing when your predecessors those in your genealogy make commitments to God they make sacrifices to God God honors that as long as that name is alive and it's compound it is compounded there is a compounded ancestral anointing in this atmosphere relative to the history of your pastor and your pastor's wife and the families that they came from apostolic DNA is in them and it's in this church why don't you give a hand clap for your leadership I believe it was a sixteenth president the United States of America I question his integrity and wisdom when he said all men are created equal that just ain't right that ain't right Jerry Dean is not created equal there's too many talents there there's too many ties not right for a man to have that many talents that means he is unequal not all men are equal to that man and you people need to know that well I see my time is almost going let me get to the word I have been a radio preacher I understand that really my wife is with me today it's a joy to be in this church I will challenge the church tonight with the word of the Lord the difference in a good church in a great church is the matter of how they respond a good church can always accept a challenge to become better I will extend that challenge tonight this morning I don't bring so much of a message looks more like a Bible study but a burden I have a burden that I want to discharge this morning second Chronicles 25 verse 14 some of the most ridiculous absurd hard to understand verses in the Bible second chronicles 25 14 now it came to pass after that a messiah was come from the slaughter of the that he brought the gods I am reading second chronicles 25 14 I want you to notice that he brought the gods notice how the word gods is failed it is a little G God the world is full of little G gods but there is only one capital G God he brought the gods of the children of Seir set them up to be his gods bowed down himself before them and burn incense unto them wherefore the anger of the Lord was kindled against a messiah and he sent unto him a prophet which said unto him why has thou salt after the gods of the people which could not deliver their own people out of thine hand why hast thou salt after the gods of the people which could not deliver their own people out of thine hand I will use this as the setting for our message this morning and primarily do a character study of another New Testament person and preached to you again I say with a a bird and relative to I know perhaps not many that are in this room but the Good Shepherd comes after the one and I ask all of you that may feel this message is not somewhat relevant to you right now to help me pool for that one as a matter of fact where I stand I learned as I taught this to our church years ago this is called a pulpit there is a reason it's a pulpit because every time a man stands here he's pulling people from the pit that's what preaching is about it's pulling people from the pit and I told our church that when I began to pull if you will push the devil has no chance in this auditorium this morning and everybody's today man I preach to you today on the subject lessons I learned from a loser lessons I learned from a loser I know that we're in a winning Church you're winning people but losers can teach us something if we will observe them clap your hands unto the Lord and give Him praise right now hallelujah praise God glory to God I feel the Holy Ghost moving in my spirit this morning hyah hyah hyah Oh Holy Spirit we worship you just a little tease here if you're glad to be Pentecostal you may be seated if you're not god bless you it's gonna be a long while that you have to stay in my message this morning is directed for those who may be in the valley of decision perhaps you're questioning your Christian consecration your puzzle by the Pentecostal path you're in consternation about the course you will take from here on I don't understand that how anybody could be in such a state of mind in the church that you're in with a ministry you're under but I know that Lucifer couldn't make it in heaven either and Judas couldn't make it with Jesus so I understand it is a personal thing between you and God that no church can carry you but so far and then it's up to you I brought to you a very controversial verse of scripture in my mind very difficult for me to understand and what's going on in our generation today as I travel the fellowship extremely concerns me and puzzles my mind I don't understand how it is that in this moment of time of the greatest revival the world's ever seen the greatest move of God Pentecost is flourishing as it ever has before that there will be some that could be deceived by the enemy to see by their own flesh relative to the value of continuing as an apostolic Pentecostal I come to this pulpit to reaffirm and reassure and anchor you there's only one thing that makes any sense in this crazy wild weird wicked world and that's living for Jesus Christ being full of the Holy Ghost being apostolic Pentecostal giving your life to God and surrendering your will to him that's all that makes sense the whole world was stunned as far as even yes the whole world and most certainly the Apostolic world when a few weeks ago the the nightmare of all nightmares the tragedy of all tragedies took place when we lost five of our precious Pentecostal young people in a fiery crash it shook the whole world and it shook the Pentecostal world and all of us living the thought of such a thing a nightmare happening when we send our youth groups off when we send our children away in man loads and bus loads we cover them with blood and prayer in the name of the Lord what a tragedy this was and how it shook the world the night that they were at the hospital when this event took place it happened near where pastor Jimmy Tony pastors and by the way that's what's great about being in the United Pentecostal church you're never far from some help you're never far from some help when you're in a brotherhood of believers well that night as they were ministering to those that were in the hospital and the reports were coming in of the death of all the children there was a young lady that came and she met with brother Tony a non Pentecostal that just happened to be there and she told the story of how that the pastor's granddaughter who was tragically lost in that accident this lady said I was there by her side when she died I was there ministering unto her and trying to help and she said the little girl in her last few words in this world was speaking fluent Spanish and they said to her the little girl knew no Spanish the woman said but when she left this world she was speaking in fluent Spanish the lady didn't understand it was the baptism of the Holy Ghost and the young girl was speaking other tongues when she in this world every child that was killed had been to Pentecostal youth camp and was filled with the Holy Ghost every one of him I'm saying it pays to serve God even a false prophet said let my last day and be like here's and let me die the death of the righteous I rise to preach to you today you need to get a fresh grip on your relationship with Jesus Christ it still pays to serve God and it's still cold but worthy of saying Pentecost at any cost because there's nothing equal to this in this world clap your hands and bless his name God sent a prophet to Amazigh and he said why would you serve the gods that could not deliver their people in other words if it didn't work for them what makes you think it will work for you I want to preach to you just a few moments today on the fact that drugs and alcohol immorality rebellion loose livin world in its carnality and compromise ladies and gentlemen I rise to tell you it is not working and why should you want to serve gods that cannot heal you cannot deliver you cannot save you cannot meet your needs we must not serve gods that can not heal and deliver but let me remind you quickly here this one prayer is still working holiness is still working church attendance is still working paying ties is still working love it God is still working have it faith is still working knowing that there's only one God yes still work so don't even think about giving up going back quitting or getting in put in due season you shall reap if you're faint not I'm old enough to be refined I have enough preaching experience to be a little eloquent I'm enough sense to be calm and cool but I got too much Holy Ghost to do any of it in my season years of ministry I intend not to burn out but to burn on he baptizes with the Holy Ghost and with fire I plead with you to give examination when the Bible said come let us reason together let's do some think in here let's be logical a lot of folks are making illogical incorrect and far as I'm concerned insane decisions relative to their Christian continuance their apostolic commitment and their Pentecostal profession when I speak of a loser I am NOT referencing a disabled disadvantage or diss ingenious person my concept of a loser is someone that does not acknowledge pursue or prioritize their precious privileged opportunities or possess to the fullest extent their personal potential that's the greatest loser you need to realize this morning there are 7 billion people in this borough and you're sitting where truth is preached and you're sitting where Jesus is Lord and you're sitting where sin cannot remain and you're sitting where the devil is defeated and you're seated this morning where there's life liberty and joy at peace and happiness you need to give yourself to the opportunity God has given to you Tyrel some I say don't be a loser you need to realize what's in your presence right now realize what's in in your potential right now realize what God did when he brought you to this church oh I said realize what God did for you when he brought you into this church in my opinion the greatest history example of being a loser in all of history is 1 judas iscariot my opinion the greatest loser of all times notice what he lost he lost the preciousness of Jesus Christ he lost the privilege of the Apostolic fellowship I don't have time this morning neither do indeed indeed desire to drag it out but there's so many things I think we need to be made aware of not all churches are created equal it's like not all men are created equal the sign can say the same thing but you don't find the same thing when you get inside if you're thinking about moving away from here and going to another a Pentecostal church forget it and I'm not reading the pastors notes I got here late last night had a moment to say hello to him and I walked to the pulpit here this morning but I'm reading what the Holy Ghost is saying if you think you can change change searches just go anywhere and have what you've got here feel what you feel here and know what you know here you are a loser you need to drive your anchors deep in this church and say the devil is not going to drive me out let me be more relevant money ain't gonna take me out jobs aren't gonna take somebody needs to know there's something more important than your paycheck there's something more important than your bottom line at the end of the year you need to know the salvation of my family the salvation of my teenagers the salvation of my babies and my spirits who well-being is more important than a paycheck don't chase money chase God he lost the privilege of participation of Pentecost Judas could have been at Pentecost he lost it he lost his place in the ministry he lost his reward in the heavenlies so I want to preach about Judas the world's greatest loser and lessons I learned from the life of Judas Iscariot first of all I learned this about Judas losers refused to change losers refused to change the blind were changed their eyes were opened he saw that the dead were raised he saw it the lepers were cleansed he saw it water was turned into wine he saw it Lazarus came out of a grave he saw it the adulterous woman was forgiven cleanse he saw it but the Bible says that when Jesus said when I chose you I chose twelve of you and one of you was a devil the challenge of Judas life is this he was a devil when he started and he was a devil when he he never let what he saw what he heard changed him it is not enough just to be where Jesus is it is not enough just associate with the word and the spirit ladies and gentlemen the greatest challenge is to let God change your life and if church doesn't change lives it's a moose lodge it's just a club where people's lives are not changed it's not a church but if any man be in Christ he is a new creature old things are passed away and behold all things that is a true church lift your hands and say God change my life God changed me somebody simply said it like this he who rises from his place of prayer a better man that man's prayer has been answered Church is about a better you Church is about a better me church is about me being changed but a loser rejects change Judas teaches us as we saw manifested in his life when Mary burst that alabaster box of ointment generously lavishly unselfishly and without restraint dumped it on Jesus Judas it was the loser who said it might have been taken sold given to the poor losers always have a better idea that includes them because the Bible said he wasn't really concerned about the port he carried the bag he just wanted the money in the bag here's a lesson I learned from the loser and that is this Judas was not upset that Mary wanted to give Jesus something but losers are upset when you want to give him everything it wasn't a question of was he worthy of something Judas felt like he was worthy of something but Mary felt like he was worthy of everything and when we follow the story we will find this truth those who feel he's not worthy of everything but of simply something will eventually sell him for almost nothing losers want to give him a little something but not commit to him everything Judas the loser called what Mary called worship loser Judas called it waste losers call worship waste to what purpose is this waste Judas should have known there's no waste if you dump it on Jesus nothing is wasted if you pour it on him nothing is wasted if it's dedicated to him when clap your hands it's not wasted go ahead dance in the spirit it's not wasted go ahead around the aisles it's not wasted if you poured it on him he's worthy another thing let me you know when you passed it a while you learn a few things or you should Judis really missed a marvelous opportunity Judas should have went to Mary and said Mary I don't have an alabaster box of precious valuable pointment but I'm so glad you do and I just want to commend you for doing what I couldn't do by pouring it on him what I'm saying is if you're not careful in a congregation there will be folks who have stuff that others don't have and they're able to give in measures and dimensions that others can't give but instead of being bitter and jealous and resentment because you can't give what somebody else can give you need to go to the giver and say look I don't have what you got but thank you for giving that big check to missions because he's worthy when it came time for the Last Supper if you read that text you will find that the Bible said all the disciples when Jesus said one of you shall betray me I have found this the hardest part of the life of Christ to duplicate in my life this is the hardest part of Christianity to me because when Jesus said one of you shall betray me the Bible said every one of them thought well maybe it's me am I the one see Judas had been with him three three and a half years and it was a devil from the beginning but Jesus had treated Judas so fairly and so equally that there was no clue who the devil was me most of us we got a devil everybody's gonna know who he is Jenna you know witness up in here this morning if there's a devil out here everybody's gonna know who that devil is we just feel like it's our job to detect the devil to expose him Jesus was so fair with Judas that there was no hint of them which one is it really going to be that's hard for me to do but notice in the scriptures if you will when you study that context the Bible said all of them said Lord is it I except Judas and Judas said master is it I Master is just a teacher Lord is the supreme god of the universe and the Bible says that no man can call Jesus Lord but by the Holy Ghost which means Judas was not under the influence of the God that was around him he saw Jesus as a teacher he did not ever make him Lord and thank God for precepts principles catechism and the knowledge of truth but that will not keep you saved that will not keep you in the church we need to know the truth but the only thing that can keep us saved is being full of the Holy Ghost and declaring the lordship of Jesus Christ daily in our lives we must live in the spirit while in the spirit if we're going to be saved another lesson I learned from that loser is this whatever you trade Jesus for whatever you take in exchange for Jesus you eventually will not only lose Jesus but you'll lose what you took in exchange he took thirty pieces of silver eventually he ran in threw it down gave it back now I got a few minutes here so let me let me inject a little thought that some people have theologically it's just everybody say just a thought some people really believe that Judas never intended to cruci Jesus crucified that was not his plan from the beginning he thought that if he could press Jesus into a corner being the Messiah of the Jews that he would not let the soldiers take him he would overtake them and set up his kingdom on earth and declare his lordship but Judas did not understand the timeline of prophecy that Jesus didn't come to establish a kingdom on earth at that time he came to establish the kingdom within of the Holy Ghost and to die a sacrificial lamb of God to take away the sin of the world in other words Judas timing was wrong losers have incorrect timing they are defeated because of the time line of god they try to make God do things nah they try to press God into intervention now but we need to understand the best thing for us to do is trust God and if it doesn't happen now it will happen and God will do what needs to be done it is all will in his own way I never ceased to laugh at people who after a period of time they find out what they wanted really wasn't the best anyway and God was doing what was best for them and you know what they say well I guess God knew well I've come to Louisiana to this morning I guess God does know I think he does know don't press him into corner don't tell him he's got six months don't tell him you got one year don't put God on a time clock let God be God and your life will be blessed and whatever you give up you will lose that and you will lose what you get in exchange for it I want you to understand this morning there is nothing more valuable than your Pentecostal experience there is nothing more valuable than your walk with God there is nothing in this world that could possibly take its place when Judas made the arrangement that he would betray Jesus with a kiss and the soldiers were to come he told him this the one that I kiss that's him you take him and you hold him fast the lesson I learned from Judas is this a loser he said if you ever get your hands on him if you ever get your arms around him holding the fast don't ever let him go the lesson from a loser is if you're ever privileged to have Jesus in your life hold him fast hold him tight don't let anything separate you from him don't anything let anything shake you loose from him don't let anything sever your grip on him but get a hold on him and never ever let that's what a loser said a loser said I had him but I let him go I had my hands on him but he escaped I'm telling you as a loser Judas would say if you ever get him don't let him go if you ever get the Holy Ghost don't let it go if you ever get born again don't let it go if you ever get the truth don't let it go if you're ever liberated don't let it go if you're ever say don't let it go [Applause] another lesson I learned from a loser is this Judas loser if you don't somebody will if you don't prize this appraise this evaluate this and get a hold of this in your life somebody will because as soon as Judas was gone Matthias stepped in a fire stepped in the Bible even says if we hold our peace the stones are going to cry out my point is this God does not have to have me but I have to have God and if I choose to walk away from this revelation if I choose to walk away from this transformation there's somebody in a drug den this morning there's somebody on a barstool this morning there's somebody in a false church somewhere this morning that God will bring in and take my place in the kingdom of God that's why revelation said hold your crown don't let no man take it I don't want somebody clapping for me I don't want somebody singing for me I don't want somebody dancing for me I don't want somebody shouting for me because if I don't somebody will [Applause] you may be seated just a moment I'm moving toward conclusion now my story is that my dad was an alcoholic all my life until most of all in my life until the latter his latter years when he finally let me just tell the whole story quickly before I ever went to school my mother tells me that my dad was a preacher I never knew him as a preacher I never saw him as a preacher he went far away from God and his guilt and condemnation in his failure it became an alcoholic all my school years he was in and out of prison in and out of prison never at home never had a father my mother raised me and my brother and both of us are Pentecostal preachers my wife and I have learned this course she's a student of children in life and I will give her credit for this I preached a lot of stuff that she gives me of course she always requires a lot of the money when I get it do you know if there's any money if she wants she has given me one thought that I appreciate a General Conference if I live to be 500 she'll never get that debt paid but she's a woman a revelation woman of wisdom discernment and and this is simple but you need to know this children can survive with a bad daddy but they're in a world of trouble if they've got a bad mama they're in a world of trouble she's here today because of her my little mama our stories are almost identical backgrounds my little mother paid the price held on to me and my brother and both of us became preachers so I've never knew him as a preacher he's in and out of her home most times in prison when I came home from Texas Bible College during a little break I had two suits to my name I had that's about it three shirts maybe going to Bible College a little suitcase with my clothes in it that I'd brought home from Bible College my daddy at that time when he would get drunk he'd give anything for a drink liquor anything his own blood you know he'd go let him take blood and get a little money to go get a drink he drunk rubbing alcohol he'd drink shoe polish I mean he was bad one time he stayed drunk for one year didn't know where he was for one year when I came in from college I had all my clothes that little suitcase I was going some when I came back my suitcase was gone found out that he had taken it to a pawn shop and pawned it for a drink of liquor two suits that I had that's all I had oh my mother when she went wow do you know what you did he had no idea what was in that suitcase he just gave me a suitcase got a dollar or two where he go get a drink we had to find out where he went and pawned that suitcase and buy it back because they had my only to Bible College suits in that I wore it was a continual thing so I was the son of the drunk I was the son of disadvantaged my cousin was the son of the pastor and he and my cousin's husband to me and went pbi Bible College they came back from pbi Bible College while they were in Bible College I was about a junior in high school and I felt my call to preach I was so poor I couldn't afford a Bible I had a little Gideon Bible something like that Ray had my cousin he had a beautiful Thompson chain like this one I have right now which I have had at least five of them the reason I know I've had five is because when our daughter had our first grandchild I made it a practice then learned something from me today I made it a practice that I would give as we dedicated our firstborn grandson whose name is Huntley Huntley scar balusters he's now in his third year Indiana Bible College when we dedicated him I took the Bible that I had preached from all those years I transferred the notes from that Bible to a new Bible and then on its dedication I gave him that preaching Bible it was loaded with thoughts and texts and revelations and insights and I write in the covers all kind of stuff that I learned I gave him that Bible it was a huge mistake because I didn't know my daughter was gonna have five kids Oh God five I did that five times I'm preaching in the fifth one right now and if you open this Bible to the inside somewhere in here it will say jimson's Bible jimson's Bible that's my five-year-old grandson the last one I'm preaching from his Bible now and there will be a day that he will get this one five tops and chained Bibles loaded with ammunition against the devil handheld spirit anointed my fifth one if you're going to do that for your grandchildren make sure you have a good conversation with your daughter and find out how many they plan to have before you launch into that so after my wife and I had Mary and I came home from Bible College my nephew my cousin ray who had backslidden going to Bible College come home left the church he called me and he said Wayne I want you and could you and Patsy come by my house he went out of the church this July my wife and I will have been married 50 years 50 years I know she doesn't look that old but it's been 50 years and so he said could you add Patsy come by the house sure we went over there he got his Thompson chain Bible the his original Bible cover on it case and he said Wayne I want you to have this he handed me his Thompson chain Bible it was the first Thompson chain I ever owned Thompson chain Bibles are very expensive but they're worth the money you know it cost and worth it's two different words money can't buy this but now there are hundred and some up dollars now so he said I want you to have this I have no more use for it I'm not going to use it any more so I took that Bible and he never has come back to the Lord he still doesn't serve the Lord he gave me that Bible I took it home and on the inside of that cover I wish I had it here today he would sing his name written ray pageant I took an ink pen brother Dean and I wrote through him rubbed through his name and beneath it I wrote mine some fifty years ago and the rest as they say is history I have preached from those Thompson chained Bibles for all these years and the message is this if the loser doesn't want to continue somebody we somebody will pick it up love it cherish it value it give everything they've got to it and be willing to serve the Lord with all their hearts or minds or souls or strength I have come today just to reach for one or two that maybe in the valley of decision you're not sure right now you're in the ropes life is dealt you a blow circumstances have not been favorable conditions have been negative and in this service this morning you're in a little controversy as to which way you're going to go as to how you're going to develop the rest of your life I feel the spirit witnessing that somebody 2 or 3 are being talked to right now I like for the church to bow your heads and pray with me musicians can come I'm wondering in this auditorium who it is that God sent me here to preach to this morning I want you to understand you need to listen to the lessons from a loser Judas said I'll let him go I had him if you ever get him don't let him go it may be tough right now you may be in a low spot right now you may be in a hard decision right now but you need to hear me you'll regret it if you exchange anything for him you'll be a lose or if you take anything in his place because there's nothing that can compare or compete for the presence of God in your life while we're praying together so that we don't embarrass someone or anyone you know who I'm preaching to today I don't you know who I'm speaking to today I don't know I don't know if you're over on my right or you're over on my left if you're young or middle-aged the Lord knows who you are and he loves you enough to send you a message god bless this gentleman that is responding today to give himself to the Lord I'm preaching the Pentecostal young people here this morning I'm preaching to young married couples here today don't trade Jesus for anything because if you do you'll lose that and you will lose Jesus also that's all staying right now and while they sing I'd like for some folks to make their way to the front right now maybe nobody even knows what's going on in your mind nobody understands the thoughts that you've recently had even your parents don't know the struggle you've been having the pastor may not even know the struggle that you're having you've hidden it from him you've kept it quiet but inside you've been wondering am I going to be able to continue am I gonna be able to hold on here am I going to be able to pursue this path learn from a loser this morning hold him fast don't take anything for what you have because there is nothing in this world that can compare to it those of you that are back in the pews place your hands this way life or death is being determined right now futures are being determined right now surrender it all surrender it all release it all to Jesus this morning you make no mistake by feeling like he's worthy of everything he's worthy of everything lift your hands right now say I surrender all to You Lord how about shot about cutting down on my hide [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's everybody reach out to the Lord right now the Holy Ghost is doing some great things right now make up your mind after the hold all I'm gonna hold [Music] [Music] lift your hands I'm gonna hold on I'm gonna hold out come on teenagers get a French grip come on young married couples get a French grip come on man oh God lay hold on eternal and get a French grip for what God's not for you here today [Applause] [Music] come on young people get a French grip on your Apostolic experience get a fresh handle oh yeah hallelujah [Music] that's it come on make up your mind make a fresh new dedication make a brand new decision make a brand new conviction I'm gonna walk down I'm gonna serve down nothing in this world is greater than this nothing in this world is more valuable than this nothing in this world is more precious than this [Music] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: The Pentecostals of Bossier City
Views: 3,871
Rating: 4.7931032 out of 5
Keywords: pentecostals of bossier city, pobc, pobc live, pentecostal, pentecostal preaching, pentecostal church, pentecostal worship, wayne huntley, lessons i learned from a loser, wayne huntley preaching 2019, wayne huntley sermons, rev wayne huntley
Id: KTGkAqSqVhc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 30sec (4890 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 20 2019
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