"Do You Know What Time It Is?" - Mark Brown

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[Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] hey everyone if you haven't followed us on any of our social medias yet make sure you're following us on facebook instagram and youtube so that you can keep up to date with what's happening here at the pentecostal [Music] [Music] association [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] uh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] hold your head [Music] takers hold on be strong [Music] [Music] remember [Music] jesus our redemption our salvation is in his blood [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] to take [Music] [Music] everything with breath repeat the sound of his children clean hands pure hearts good grace good god his name is jesus come [Music] everything with breath repeat the sound of his children cleanse [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] let the walls come down everything our redemption our salvation is in his blood jesus [Music] is [Music] i am not alone i come out of agreement [Music] with the worry and the fear i've come to know but they won't have a hold on me [Music] you said you wouldn't leave me and you won't [Music] i come into agreement [Music] and i can trust your heart i come into agreement with what heaven has declared over my life [Music] projector your presence song is the night [Music] protectors will prosper against me no darkness no evil will tease or torment no darkness no evil will tease is oh your presence is he's your protector [Music] no darkness no evil [Music] no darkness no evil [Music] [Music] oh my jesus foreign [Applause] me [Music] thank you jesus you're always protecting me protecting my heart protecting my mind [Music] oh come on let's give a hand clap of praise to jesus [Music] this is a new year a new beginning do not bring 2020 slumber into 2021 let's kick off this new year with a little bit of praise come on we can do better than that yes jesus he's our protector [Music] hallelujah amen wow what a good looking crowd on a friday night thank you all and all the churches surrounding churches that traveled to come to our service tonight and hear a great man of god preach the word anybody excited about tonight and what god's gonna do amen if you would why don't you give someone a fist bump a smile a wave tell them it's good to see them happy new year [Music] make your way back to your seats really quick my guys that are helping me uh sure if you could come and stand in the front i'm not going to take very long because i want to get back into the presence of god but i just want to welcome everyone to the pentecostals of bossier city and thank you for joining us tonight for the first church service of 2021 it's gonna be a good night you're starting off your year in the right place you're starting off your year in the right place really quick i want to just thank current students in this amazing worship team they this is some of their holiday break but they spent some time practicing and and preparing and they're doing an incredible job i honor your sacrifice and i love y'all dearly we have some special people in the building we have our youth president brother drew and summer galloway and we have brother oliver here tonight too our future youth president in jesus name and a good friend to my son beckham that will keep him on his toes hopefully um i love y'all thank y'all for traveling then thank you so much and uh of course we have brother mark brown with us tonight and his son the ninja noah me and him went to altitude today and i've never seen a kid jump and swing as much as that kid did but i love y'all and thank y'all for spending this week with us if you would let's go ahead and stand and we're going to pray we have um if you would if you have an offering i'm going to ask that y'all bring the offering to the offering plate and then these guys will collect it and then they will take it out we're not going to pass it around but if you would why don't you raise your hands and let's prepare our hearts for what god's going to do here tonight father thank you so much for this wonderful opportunity that you have given us god to start off this new year praising and worshiping your name god we are believing in an incredible year god i pray for healing this year i pray for deliverance this year god and ultimately i pray for the greatest revival we have ever seen in the year of 2021 god i pray for this service and let you have your will in your way over this service if that is your prayer why don't you clap your hands and let's get ready to worship one more song before brother mark brown preaches the [Applause] [Music] word [Music] i tried so hard to see it took me so long to believe it that you choose someone like me to carry your victory [Music] [Music] you take the broken [Music] i am who you say i am you call [Music] undefeated with the one who has conquered it all [Music] and now i can finally see it you're teaching me how to receive [Music] you are my champion [Music] i am [Music] undefeated [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] shout every wall comes crashing down i have the authority that jesus has given me when i open up my mouth [Music] miracles start breaking now i have the adorable jesus has given me for jesus [Music] science for when you [Music] i am you crown me with [Music] by the power of your name i exceeded [Music] [Music] come on can you let some worship stir right now begin to let that stir in your spirit in jesus name let's just worship him right now in jesus name [Applause] [Music] so the song says that giants fall when you speak his name if you have a giant in your life right now whatever it is i pray god that you speak his name jesus it has power power in your tongue power in your voice you have power speak in the name of jesus [Music] [Applause] come on [Music] jesus christ miracles is jesus has oh [Music] [Music] i am who you say i am am seated in the heavenly place the defeated by the power of your name i am seated in the heavenly [Music] [Applause] place [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] paul magnify the lord with me let us adopt his name oh together love you jesus i praise your holy name none like you jesus none beside you you're the great i am you are god and you are god alone [Music] i wonder if your voices can go up come on your voices to the king of kings your voice is to the lord of lords jesus come on use your voice use your voice [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah god is so good i love the lord there's nobody like him there's nobody beside him when i was your age i had a drug problem my parents drug me to church they drug me to prayer meetings they drug me to youth group i was backslidden but they still drugged me everywhere 18 years old i was ready to check out and go do things how i wanted to do them but god got a hold of me pray through [Music] and i can honestly tell you that now i am glad when they say unto me let us go to the house of lord i don't i don't have to be here tonight i i go smoke some weed right now if i wanted to either a lot of places you could do it legally i'm over 21 years old i could drink as much as i want to drink i go out like a ha ha like a hound i do anything i want right now i am here because i choose to be here i've tasted it i've seen this world and i'm telling you there is nothing better than this living water that is in the house of god and it is possible to enjoy church to enjoy the presence of god and if you do not have that in your life i would pray psalm 51 god restore unto me the joy of salvation amen you can make your way back to your seats and as you're doing so i just want to say thank you to this local church that has allowed me to be with them for the past few days i love the pentecostals of bozier city i love the deans just high caliber people high caliber family and they mean so much to me i love them i give them honor and a fantastic student pastor here levi he's just he's golden and you like that he's he's excellent i do love him and appreciate him and uh so great to see my friend george galloway here he and his wife and oliver they're fantastic people this district is blessed to have apostolic leadership i love them i love them we're going to get in the word of the lord here before we do so i always like to introduce my family i don't know if they got those pictures i sent them but as my wife jordan and uh behind us is south dakota and uh there's a lot of different features to the land out there it's not just open fields of wild prairie that's on the east side where i live laura ingalls wilder little house on the prairie her one of her homesteads is out there but that's on the west side the badlands but i am blessed to have a godly apostolic wife and if you're here and you're single and ready to mingle i'm telling you right now one of the most important decisions you can make aside from serving the lord is who you're going to serve the lord with and i hope that you are not too shallow and you just look on the outward i hope that you find someone that is spiritual and my wife she is not an accessory to ministry she is an asset she is an ally she is a powerful woman of god and i am blessed to be married to her this past december 17th we have been married for 16 years and she is incredible and i love her i don't they have another picture to my kids that's noah grace and eden noah is ten grace she is eight years old and eden is five and i love my children very much and i usually travel with the element of my family and that's us at mount rushmore this year all these pictures uh i love south dakota where we're at been there this spring will be 15 years and uh yep those that's washington without a mask and so that still have if you don't know this south dakota is the only place that has not mandated anything and uh so we had a lot of tourists come and basically uh throw a lot of trash all over our beautiful state but there are some that actually now want to move to our state so that's fantastic i'm all about that with south dakota i never thought i'd say i love living there but i can honestly now say i love living in south dakota i'm originally from chicago and we went out there to start a church at age 22 15 years ago and we've been there ever since and good to have my son noah with me i love my boy he's an incredible man of god anyone glad to be here tonight amen amen i i feel a burden on me tonight not exactly sure how i will convey it god willing i can convey the attitude and the temperament in which the lord would like me to but we got to be ready we are living in a very precarious time you are living in a unique time and this generation has a unique opportunity and we could look at the heroes of the bible and think that they're like beyond our reach of ever being able to attain the ministries that they had i'm always stirred and moved when i read the hall of faith in hebrews chapter 11 and you read what they went through and what they endured and that they would refuse deliverance being sod and sunder and they would be beaten they would be whipped they would be tormented all these horrible things that would happen to them the bible says the world was not even worthy of them but they gave their lives for the faith that you and i have and the bible says they did not attain the promise and the bible says without us they are incomplete think about that that without you they're incomplete they're imperfect i believe that god saved the best for now it's not about superiority it's not about better than but it's about the moment you are living in and god did not choose peter james or paul for this hour he chose your generation and i was telling last night in the q a session to the youth group that i genuinely honor your age demographic because i could not imagine being a teenager in this day and age in making an effort to live for god i give honor to you and i want you to know that you do not have to barely get by and almost kind of sort of maybe not really get to heaven i believe that you are going to finish this thing strong i believe this is an apostolic church an apostolic generation and i believe we will overcome but we we got to be careful on how we carry ourselves in this hour the bible says that we must be diligent about the call of god that has been as is there anyone here feel like god has called you to do something raise your hand if you feel like god put a purpose on your life the truth is every hand should be up because there is purpose in every single life that is in this room right now if you have not found it or you do not sense it you need to reach for it because god will reveal it to you but you got to be diligent about the call of god in your life and how you carry yourself in this hour is critical you know it's just kind of like right now uh you know the whole coven 19 thing has turned in more than just a a sickness issue it's turned into like a moral issue and you got to walk very carefully and i probably walk a little carelessly but i try to be careful try to be wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove and i was explaining to the church two days ago that i've literally had to learn some uh what what would you call an etiquette in this day and age because uh in south dakota uh we have not mandated anything we've literally have just continued life as life has always continued and so since the doors kind of opened back up things shut down from march to june for me that when june opened back up and i started traveling places it was the first time i got basically re-entered into society outside of south dakota and it's been very interesting and i i was telling them on on wednesday i always try to look for the positive and i remember going through the chicago airport and i walked into the restroom and i saw something i never saw before men washing their hands so i thank god for kova 19 that it has created a fear inside of the male component of society to start washing their hands for the very first time because men are some of the nastiest creatures that you're ever going to meet on this side of the universe so i'm thankful for that some people are so negative you know you hand them a donut and all they see is the whole but we do have to see the positive every now and again but in this day and age it's just been interesting to see the extremes on both sides uh that people you know they're they they basically go to the extreme of everything has to be rationalized logical and and very protective and bunkered down and and and just kind of almost absent of faith but then you have the other crowd that's like bless god you know if you have a mask if you have gloves you're an idiot and and then they like toot their own horn the neither side of those aisles are the right side to be on and it's a very difficult thing in this day and age but i'm i have some concerns as i've been reentered into the church across our country here and i'm just seeing some alarming things in alarming behaviors and it is not the will of god for the church to attack one another and pick one another apart let me just throw a few tips out there we'll get to the sermon in a moment but i just for whatever this is worth you could take it or leave it but let me just say there's some social media etiquette that we can have out there this is like this is what i told tell the folks at our church you know i go look i don't really care if you're a flat earther or not i don't really care if you think 911 was inside job that's your prerogative it's a free country you think whatever you want but all i ask is that you don't promote your view on social media well bless god it's america i say what i want it's a free country yeah it's a free country you say whatever you want but don't forget the country that we're trying to get to and there's this little weird thing called your witness like yeah you can go out and make your pro mask or anti-mass statement all you want and agitate people and stir the pot but don't forget about the thing called your witness that is more important than whatever strong opinion that you have out there it is not the will of god for the church to engage in a war with people within the church or outside of the church about where you stand on covet 19 but we should be in agreement where we stand on eternity and god help us to be wise as serpents and harmless as it's a doves quiet in here maybe i'm stepping on a pinky toe you okay but we do have to be careful you know the bible i don't know if they have the verse they could put up there but it's it's first timothy chapter 6 verse 20 and 21 and in the apostle paul as he's speaking to his son in the gospel he says look look you've got to keep that which has been committed to your trust and you've got to avoid some profane and vain babbling there's just some things we don't need to be talking about and he says oppositions of science falsely so-called and look at the next verse this is interesting he says some professing have erred concerning the faith we got to be very careful about what is driving our decisions and what is driving our discussions because conversation determines your direction what you talk about how you talk about it and who's influencing you is very critical and important right now because if we're not careful we will let social media we will let mainstream media we will let some talking ahead on some news venue basically give us all this conversational influence and impact in our mind and it now has greater influence than your pastor it is quiet in the house of god today but i'm i'm all right don't worry about me i'm going to go back to the land of isolation and social distancing called south dakota where we say six miles apart each neighbor but this is the point you need to understand is we must be spirit-led in this hour right now we have to make sure that when we wake up and start in the morning this is me this might be weird to you but i i haven't listened to the news for over a year the the before the whole copa 19 thing happened because i got sick and tired of letting the world be what determines my the emotion i wake up with and the emotion that i carry throughout the day and i have learned unplugging from this world and unplugging from media and going to an altar and saying god what is your will for me today god what is the attitude you want me to have today god what is the direction you have for me today and not one time has god given me a directive of fear anxiety or worry but god has always led me with power love and a sound mind make sure that we the church get our marching orders from god and i i'm repeating some things i said wednesday but i i just i want to repeat them again because it's very important because i know there's some other folks that are here tonight that weren't here on wednesday and i just want to say this to you not every decision your church makes or that your district makes will be the same as another district or another church and you got to learn to trust your pastor and you got to learn not to nitpick another neighboring congregation if they are doing something different than your congregation or if another district is doing something different than your district one district may have a youth convention one youth one district may not have a youth convention but you do not dare raise a finger and lift your voice and speak something negative because the bible says in the old testament the book of genesis that god spoke to isaac during the days of famine and he said isaac go down to egypt and then jacob in the days of famine god told jacob don't you go down or you do need to go down to egypt he told one man god don't go to egypt he told the other man of god you go down to egypt it's not that god is bipolar and god can't make up his mind god deals with each person and each generation differently this is why you've got to have your own ear to the ground of what the spirit of the lord is saying we've got to have a personal prayer life and we've got to hear from god you okay i want to read a few verses to you here today and i feel a strong burden on my heart isaiah 59 verse 16. it says he saw there was no man and wondered that there was no intercessor ezekiel 22 and 30. i sought for a man among them that they should make up the hedge and stand in the gap before me for the land god puts you on that piece of geographical property that you call home that land that you are in god is looking over the canopy of heaven upon your land and he's looking for an intercessor he's looking for someone to stand in the gap that he should not destroy it and what a sad end to this verse but i found none james 5 7-8 be patient therefore brethren unto the coming of the lord the husband waits for the precious fruit of the earth and has long patience for it until he receives the early and latter rain be also patient establish your hearts for the coming someone say the coming of the lord draws nigh romans 13 11 through 14 and that knowing the time someone say knowing the time that now someone say now it is high time to awake out of sleep it's interesting to me and i don't literally try to spiritualize everything and look for a demon under every rock i'm not a demon chaser and i don't tend to you know be one of these people that levitates only on leap years but a lot of what happens in the natural it reflects shadows or reveals things and elements of what is in the spirit and i'm not here to spiritualize covet 19. but the enemy how a spirit works is he will attach himself he observes human behavior he observes what's going on and he will attach himself to something and it's interesting if you've if you've had the sickness and everybody in our church in south dakota has had the sickness and um we've had a pretty few fun rounds it's been exciting stuff and um one of the things for me personally and i've heard it from multiple people is this this ongoing lethargy that seems to be coupled with it in a clouding of the mind that plays out for a long time anyone have those symptoms right now not funny but here's the deal it's interesting as i mentioned as i've been re-entered into congregation after congregation after congregation in our country there is almost a lethargic spirit that lingers upon churches right now almost a subdued stoic dead dry rigid clouded mentality that is in the church i promise you we're going somewhere in just a moment we have to recognize this the bible says that we are body spirit and soul and this is why if one element of you is affected whether it's the body whether it's the spirit or the soul it usually affects the other elements of the body because they're so closely connected and that's why you got to be careful what decisions you make in what health condition that you are in you can make some horrible spiritual decisions when you are in horrible physical condition and vice versa you have to be extremely careful and you have to be observant of those things but here i just noticed that it's almost as just a slumbering spirit that has attached itself to the church and the bible says we must know the time in which we are living that right now it is time for us to wake up out of sleep for our salvation is near than when we believe the night is far spent the day is at hand let us cast off the works of darkness let us put on the armor of light let us walk honestly as in the day not in rioting not in drunkenness not in chambering in wantness not in strife and ending but put on the lord jesus christ and make not provision for the flesh to fulfill the lust thereof i want to talk just for the next few moments at 7 47 i'm going to be conscious of your time and i have an early morning flight but do you know what time it is do you know what time it is would you lift your hands with me would you pray we need the holy ghost in this place right now would you ask god to open up your ears and open up your eyes your mind your understanding your spirit would you begin to use your words don't just listen to my words i want you to use your own words i want you to pray your own prayer i want you to open up your spirit to god and i want you to ask him to speak to you for these next few moments come on the holy ghost wants to do a deep work here tonight don't be staring at me right now i want you to focus on god for the next few moments i want you to lift up your voice and say holy ghost i need you to speak to me in this hour i need you to speak to me in this moment in the name of jesus i pray you open up the windows of heaven roll back the roof of this church and fixate a ladder between heaven and earth and may the angels of the lord ascend and descend upon this location tonight and i pray god that you would have your will i pray that you would have your way let your kingdom come and let your will be done tonight on earth as it is in heaven would you clap your hands to the lord do you know what time it is if you are anything like me time is very important to me i'm one of those people that one of the greatest pet peeves i have is being late i cannot stand being late and i cannot stand when someone else is late to something i showed up on time for is there anyone like that here in the house well so most people they usually like to be the late people so we're already at a a rift in the room right now but i i like to be as early as i possibly can and i i show up you know as early i try to plan i try to prepare i like to create that little buffer of time and i can't stand being late and usually when i travel somewhere i'll fly out of an airport 100 miles south of me and so i'll have to wake up at three o'clock in the morning like my flight here to to bozier city or shreveport uh i had to get up at three in the morning and i had to drive through some pretty bad snow storms and glazed over ice cars in the ditches all that fun stuff just because i i wanted to have some cajun food and i don't know how cajun it is up north here but it still was pretty good for me and uh was that ralph and cuckoo's um man i'm cuckoo for ralph puffs but it had some uh some i don't even know how to name those things but it was good we don't have none of that where we're at we basically have like pickled everything and uh so anyways um that that's usually what i typically have to get up pretty early in the morning and for me i i have this horrible addiction called coffee and uh it's it's more than addiction it's probably a passion and a love and it's a problem and so like when i wake up i i don't drink coffee to stay awake i drink it right before i go to bed i just love the taste of it and um so anyways there's that's usually how we'll start off in the morning for whatever reason one time when i had to go somewhere i i was i got rubbed early i'm getting prepared and i just sit and i'm enjoying my coffee so much and i am just having the time of my life sitting there reading thinking and all that kind of stuff and i lost track of time and i looked up and i realized what time it was and i freaked out like i am not going to make my flight in south dakota it's not like you got a lot of options of flights you don't get many options oh i'll just catch the next one no like that's not until like next week and uh so i i'm panicking because i'm about to miss an event and it's all my fault and i'm going get in so much trouble so i jump in my car and i'm moving as fast as i can and i am a grandpa driver i am the person you don't like to be behind with that is driving the speed limit but i'm doing my math and i'm not very good at it and that's why god let me be a preacher because ten percent's not too difficult to figure out but everything else i'm not good at and so i i'm just start doing the math of the miles per hour how many miles to the airport and i know mathematically i am not going to catch my flight and i've heard all these crazy stories of people's cars driving and disappearing and cars being transported and angels of the lord doing all this stuff and i start praying every kind of angelic prayer i possibly can god i need the angel of speedilies to come through or i need something so magical and powerful to happen right now and as i'm praying that prayer i kid you not i mean this car just goes now south dakota our speed limit is 80 miles an hour on the interstate so that's pretty good but 80 miles an hour wasn't going to get me there but home slice that just drove by me was going about a hundred and twenty and i wasn't sure if it was an angel or not but i sped up to see if it was and he i followed that speeding angel right he passed the airport exit i got an airport and i made it right to where i was but my heart was pounding the entire time i cannot stand getting tickets i cannot stand being late i like to be on time we just had our ministers retreat just uh uh the other month and um we were blessed to to uh have a a great man of god there tim gaddy who is going to speak to our our ministers and so it's it's it's the night before it starts and we're sitting down and we're eating at a restaurant and all sudden i get this text from our north american missions director saying hey uh uh brother terry shock is here uh he just landed in south dakota i'm like what are you talking about and so i i i called brother shock i'm like hey burst shock how you doing and he's like well i'm just excited to be with you guys i'm i'm here i just landed in sioux falls i go what and he's like well i i landed here what hotel am i staying at i go shut up you're not here in south dakota are you and he's like oh yeah we're ready for the ministry jersey i was like you're coming in 2021. and it was funny because like i was so jealous of him talking to him for like the the the these past few weeks and months because he was asking all these detailed questions what to wear what's the attire where are we going to stay at what's the event what's the venue all this other man this guy is on top of his game that he plans all these questions in advance but the entire so like i was in admiration of the most holy reverend pastor shock and i was just like oh my goodness man i want to be like him he is so good but he came one year in advance and it ended up being a fantastic fun story and it was the will of god for him to come he tagged him with brother gaddy and it was powerful but if we don't know the time we can make some critical mistakes and we may not like the time that we are currently in but we must understand the time that we are in you can criticize the day and age in which you are living all you want you can dislike the day and age in which you are living all you want but you would be foolish not to try to figure out what time you are living in and understand what is going on i know that 2020 has been a horrific year and i'm probably talking to people in this room that you have lost your aunt or your uncle or your grandfather or your cousin or your pastor or your favorite evangelist you may have lost someone very near and dear to you and you can get ever loving confused and frustrated with god and your faith in what is happening right now no doubt some frustrations of some i really feel for the younger generation this past last year because all events just completely pulled away and it's like i said you got to respect the decision of your elders they are wise and they are watching over your souls but we must also understand that yes it hurts yes it's painful yes it's frustrating but why what is going on and what is happening and i want to read a couple verses to you found in ecclesiastes chapter 7 verses 2 through 4. and this is the advice from the wisest man that ever lived he says it's better to go to the house of mourning than to go to the house of feasting literally he says it's better to go to funerals than to parties what who would rather go to a funeral who would rather go to a party right and this wise man of god says it's better to go to a funeral than it is to go to a party for that is the end of all manner literally after all everyone dies and the living will lay this to heart meaning that the breathing people in attendance are the one that is not breathing this should do something to your heart you should ponder this you should consider this you should think about this look at verse three he goes on to say sorrow is better than laughter for by the sadness of the countenance the heart is made better literally he's explaining that that that sorrow has a refining influence on the heart when you are at a funeral when you are at a moment of death and in a moment of loss and you're sitting there it should have an impact on you that causes you the death should cause the living to consider that that is where they are going to go one day and what they do today matters the next verse says this in verse 4 the heart of the wise is in the house of mourning but the heart of the fools is in the house of mirth better to go to a funeral than a party why because when you sit there and you stare at that casket or you walk by that cask in my my wife lost her grandfather to coven 19 and i've lost some people i've known personally in uh to cover 19 it's been a year of a loss it's been a year of difficulty i lost my niece not to cover 19 but to attract just a tragic death that occurred and just to see someone younger than you impacts you because you know things are out of order that's not the way it's supposed to be it's been a difficult year of loss but when i read this verse i take it serious i say god i want to take what is happening to heart i want the death of 2020 to affect the way 21 is gonna be for me i want all the loss of last year to affect how i live this year i want every single funeral of every pillar every man woman of god in our faith that has lost i want that to go into my mind and to help me to realize something that none of us are exempt from this reality it is appointed to us to die in fact this same writer here in ecclesiastes chapter 11 he goes on to say in verse nine he says go ahead young people rejoice in your youth live and let loose do whatever you want enjoy being young have a good time being young that's what he says in verse 9. but he says this you must remember that at the end of this all god will bring every single one of your works into judgment you could do anything you want as a teenager you could do anything you want as a young adult but don't forget this reality one day you're gonna be in that casket and when you're in that casket your spirit stands before the judge of the quick and the dead would you lift your hands for a moment i know this is slow i know this is different maybe you're thinking tonight will turn out different but i i really believe we're obeying the holy ghost and god's going to do something in your life tonight would you lift your voice it's quiet in this place it's quiet in this house but i i believe god's trying to get your attention would you lift your voices would you ask god to awaken you right now would you ask god to speak you to you jesus we need your help right now we need to move with the holy ghost in this house right now for without you jesus we can do nothing but we can do all things through christ that strengthens us tonight tonight tonight tonight tonight in jesus name i'm not from south dakota i'm from chicagoland area and when i when i got uprooted from from being in chicago to indiana bible college for four years and it was an amazing atmosphere to be in here i i'm going to that bible college and brother paul mooney is in his prime and i'm getting basically just fed filet mignon after flamin young in every class and every sermon that he preached and you're sitting and listening to a voice of 200 plus choir and you're listening to ibc praise and you're going to church literally five to seven times a week in an atmosphere of just constant praise and worship and theology and just it's an amazing atmosphere to be a part of but then god uprooted me and put me in a different atmosphere called south dakota and in south dakota it's not like ivc it's not like calvary tabernacle it's not like louisiana it's six churches total in the entire state and your closest neighbor is going to be an hour and 15 minutes away if you're fortunate you go to youth camp ages 12 to 18 put together and 40 will show up is a good attendance think about that family camp comes together 150 good attendance it's a completely different world when god put me there you know what you guys been going through this past year like i've been going through it for the past 15 years social distancing isolation loneliness and depression six miles apart and when god moved me there all of a sudden i was affected by being in a different atmosphere in isolation and i was dying and it started affecting me and it started killing me and the spirit of the area started affecting me and i got isolated i got lonely i got depressed i got discouraged but i tell you what something very interesting begin to happen to me in that process of being quarantined alone and isolated because i've never been alone before i've never been isolated before but what happens in isolation is all of a sudden all your security blankets are removed from you all your safety walls are removed from you and it's just you and god it's just you and yourself and things that you've never dealt with begin to come to the surface and you begin to realize what is inside of you they begin to get revealed to you but when you are an atmosphere of constant events and constant praise and constant worship and surrounding with all your peers you never have to deal with the issue and god begin to show me mark you've been living off the consecration of other people you have been enjoying the fringe benefits of other people's consecration but god removed all that from me and he left me to myself alone and i realized it is not possible to live for god properly off of someone else's consecration off of someone else's prayer life after someone else's revelation of god you've got to get your own personal revelation you've got to get your own personal walk with god and this will happen is i'm basically living in my own personal funeral this refining influences purging begin to take place and god begin to open up my eyes that look i've got to get closer to god i've got to get in touch with the most high because if you are not connected to god you cannot survive the onslaught of the flood of this world but if you got god on your side if god be for you it does not matter what is against you i hasten here it's 8 o'clock i'm paying attention but we got to be very careful because we don't like death we don't like funerals we don't like isolation and so you know what we do we try to find distraction i don't know what what stage your church is at what stage your parish is at and what what's going on in your individual congregations but if you could think back to when you were isolated and when you were quarantined and when you were by yourself how did you fare how did it feel and what did you do you try to get connected to somebody you try to facetime you try to get on social media try to go to someone's house to try to go to something somewhere to be connected to people why because we don't like to be alone because then we have to deal with the issue distraction is the enemy of consecration distraction prevents us from isolation where it's just you and god and god can begin to do a deep work and what was so sad in the statistics i was reading about last year is the average person would be on media for about three to five hours a day but during coven 19 it went up to five up to eight hours a day the average person sitting there watching and reading and scrolling through social media hear me this is why it is important jeremiah 9 21 says this death has come up into our windows and it is entered into our places to cut off the children from without it literally means that death that can come into the windows it keeps kids from going out and being in the streets and playing and activities all that and the bible says that our eye is the portal to our soul it's the window to our soul and we don't like to be in isolation in a consecration with god so in distraction we watch and we read and we get entertained and it's flooding into of our soul and we don't realize that there is a dying of our spirit and the enemy is subduing this generation and quieting this generation and silencing this generation when this generation should be out and it's like i'll sound like an old crunchy whatever but back in my day kids played outside at the park you drive down the road you don't see anybody playing pickup basketball man man it's different in louisiana but man it used to be pick up all outside all the time everywhere and there didn't have to be referees and trophies and awards and announcements and crowds it was just kids outside play but now it's like kids trapped inside all day while the entire time death going through the windows keeping them from going out the commission that god gave us was to go out to go forth to preach to teach to reach all nations and as long as we are in distraction we remain in our palaces we remain in our homes and we remain from the mission field it is not the will of god for the church to be removed from the streets it is not the will of god for the church to be removed from everyday common people that need to hear the gospel i share a story with you and i'm going to wrap up here i want to read or outline a story for you from first samuel chapter 25 you can write it down if you like to reference it and look at it but there's three characters in this story david nable and abigail everyone say david everyone's a naval ever say abigail these three individuals in this story here is what happens david is the anointed king but he's he's he's out running about because saul is insane and still reigns as king and david and his men are camping around the property of nabal and nabal is an extremely wealthy man and the bible says it was the time for the shearing of sheep which later it's kind of like just think about this you got like piles of money and you just want to count the money that's what the sharing of sheep is like look how much money we have we we are rich we are filthy rich so let's just throw a party and so they would have the shearing of sheep they would gather everyone together and they would celebrate and have festivities so david and his men are on the outskirts around this man's property they notice it's the time of sharing the sheep and so david sends the messengers he says go talk to naval and ask nabel if we can participate in the festivities because we have been like a wall around him protecting him and he doesn't even know it and so the messengers go forth they go to nabel's house and when they get to nabel's house they say hey um we are the servants of david the anointed one and we are just wondering would it be all right if we can have some some good old crawfish out of faith can we have some food can we have some festivities with you and nabal his name means fool david's name means loving and abigail's name means source of joy and nabal just as his name he he retaliates against david and his messengers he says what are you what are you talking about who is this david i've never heard of him get out of here this is my food this is my property these are my sheep this is all of my i don't know who david is get out of here he ain't getting nothing so those messengers they begin to walk away and they go back to david and as they go they tell david what naples said and david this loving anointed king gets full of wrath and rage and judgment he says get all of your swords get your horses we're going to navals and we're going to we're going to wipe out those people but the bible says there was another character named abigail the source of joy she was not only beautiful she was wise and in her wisdom the bible says she heard the report of what nabel said to david and so sheik said quick hasten get as many beverages as you can get as much meat as you can get as many spices and offerings and gifts that we can give to the king come on we don't have much time and she got on her horse and she got with her servants and she began to charge towards david and as she was charging towards david david was charging towards their property with his army and these two forces coming together and she sees him and she gets off of her horse and falls to the ground and begins to apologize profusely and say i'm so sorry i'm so sorry i didn't know and i just heard about how he treated you but please do not destroy the village there's innocent people there there's good people there they're not all like nabel would you receive all of these gifts would you receive all these sacrifices would you receive these gifts before you to appease your wrath and david is moved and he gets off of his horse and he begins to pronounce a blessing on her and he says if it wasn't for you by this moment i would have already been there and not a single man would have survived and the wrath of david is appeased and this is what i feel to share in the holy ghost tonight and i'm done is this story typifies the condition and climate and time we are in right now david nabal abigail david represents jesus nabel represents the world and abigail represents the church and i'm telling you right now the anointed king has been so good to this world the bible says in the book of james chapter one that every good gift and every perfect gift comes from above from the father of lights with whom is no variableness neither shadow of turning of his own will begat he us that we should be a kind of first fruits of his creatures god every good thing we have comes from above i'm telling you you are blessed no matter how bad you think you got it you are a blessed individual if you got a roof over your head you are blessed if you got clothes on your back you're blessed if you got indoor plumbing you're blessed if you got a vehicle you are blessed if you have children you are we are a blessed people and this world has enjoyed its riches and opulence for an extended period of time and they're trying to live it up and have a great time and not deal with the severity of the situation and this moment here all the anointed king wants is some thanks and some sacrifice and some appreciation and so he goes to this world and he sends messengers to this world and say hey hey we've been watching over your property every good thing you have the breath in your lungs everything that you own it comes from the anointed one it comes from that good king he's loving would you just show him some appreciation and this world is so foolish to say no i don't know who this jesus is he's done nothing for me my family's died and i've earned this living for myself and i've had this bad thing and that bad thing but everything i have i've earned it i've worked for it my land my money my kids my property my life back off and those messengers go back and tell the king yes he's a loving king but the bible says in the book of romans chapter 11 verse 22 behold the goodness and severity of god he's loving he's like a lamb he's approachable but he is the line of the tribe of judah and he is a force to be reckoned with and the bible says that righteous indignation that zeal began to consume him and he says get your sword get on your horses and he began to charge towards this world and i'm telling you jesus is loving he's gracious he's merciful and kind but he is coming back to this earth there is judgment coming to this earth there is not only this time on this earth but there is a judgment coming and there is a time called eternity where time is not existent and we now live in a timeless atmosphere of eternity and at eternity there's only two places to go it's either heaven or hell and those who refuse the creator and refuse the king their eternity will be lost in a devil's hell and the king is coming back he's had enough saying look i've been rejected time and time and time again no more and he starts charging bringing judgment to this world but there's another character this character is called abigail and abigail is in the land of plenty abigail is amongst the world abigail is amongst the fools abigail is married to a fool abigail is blessed with abundance abigail is blessed with property and everything's going all right she's enjoying herself but finally she heard something she heard that the the world rejected the anointed one and she some revelation came over her and she recognized this no no there's going to be judgment coming and she awakened to the reality what time it was and she began to say quick let's get the sacrifices let's get the gifts we've got to go out and meet the king right now and she began to charge towards david she began to charge towards the anointed one that was coming with judgment she got on her horse going as fast as she could he was coming as fast as he could but when these two forces met one another abigail got off of her horse and she began to cry out she began to plead she began to weep i'll tell you what this represents church hear me right now it's called intercession it is called intercession it's when somebody in the church that's been living in a land of abundance that's been living in a world of prosperity finally it dawns on them what time they are living in yes i've had a good time in america yes i've been blessed with a nice church and a nice home and a nice family but god has been rejected it's one too many times oh thank god hey abigail woke up that day i thank god revelation came upon abigail that day and she hastened she charged towards the king and she began to plead on the king's be on the the world's behalf and said no they're not ready they're not ready for you to come like this don't come like this david don't come like this king don't bring the sword don't bring judgment please receive this offering please receive these gifts please receive this plead that i'm giving you right now give me some more time let me intercede and the king was moved and he got off his horse and he said thank you thank you how would it came and no one would have made it but thank you for your wisdom thank you for pleading on their behalf i receive it and i'll go hold off and the swords got put away the judgment of god was appeased and she was able to go back and spare people and not everybody's going to respond correctly nabel didn't have an ever loving clue about that prayer meeting and that intercession but the day came that nabal heard the news when the wine gone out of him when the pleasures of the party faded his heart became his stone and he died and when the king heard the bible said david returned and he came back for the church and he took him a bride listen to me church i hope you hear it frequent i hope you hear it often but if you haven't heard it in a while i'm here to tell you tonight this is my mission jesus is coming back and there's a wrath to this loving savior it's called the justice of god you may not understand it fully i don't have time to explain everything about it but the bible declares it that there is a judgment and there is the justice of god and as we read in the book of james the only reason why society is continued as it has is because he's the lord of the harvest and he has great patience for it but all he needs is somebody to intercede and if the church does not intercede judgment can come sooner but if there is an intercessor the person that you begin to pray for can be spared and they can be saved i feel so strong in the holy ghost that jesus is returning and our attention must return to righteous living and lost souls there's not much more to it than that jesus is returning so we must return to righteous living and reaching lost souls the church has enjoyed a time of prosperity for quite a long time this past century but it's time for the church to wake up and i believe the spirit of the antichrist is doing everything he can to put the church to sleep and to keep them unaware of the time in which they are living and if he can keep us distracted see god forbid i'm talking to somebody tonight but i feel it very clear in the holy ghost that there are some people in this room that you're just trying to ride this season out you're not really doing anything you're not praying more you're probably praying less not reading more not reaching more not really do anything just hoping that this whole thing just kind of blows over and it's just kind of been a great inconvenience to you but i'm telling you jesus is coming back we gotta wake up church we don't think very much about what we watch what we listen to and just the inactivity of our everyday that's not anything to do with the kingdom of god look you i i you might make it to heaven but somebody's not gonna make it to heaven and it's gonna take an abigail that gets up and it's going to take an abigail that gets out it's going to take an abigail that charges towards a king and begins to intercede and i'm here to tell you right now prayer makes a difference if you can put these verses up real fast and i'm coming to a close hosea 2 6 and 7. i'll paraphrase it for you basically god says look i'll hedge up the way with thorns i'll make a wall so she can't find her paths i'll not let her follow after her lovers she will not overtake them shall seek them but not find them she will now come to this conclusion here's the point god says if there would be someone that prays for someone that's lost god can develop a hedge of thorns around them they're trying to live in the world they're trying to sin they're trying to pursue something that is ungodly but god says if someone would pray if someone would intercede for them i'll put up a hedge of thorns around them and they're trying to leave the church but they can't get past the heads you prayed around them they'll try to overtake the pleasures of this world but your prayers your prayers and the conclusion of that backslidden woman is i might as well go back to the father go back to the husband go back to where i had a good genesis 19 16 and 22 abraham interceded on behalf of lot lot would have been wiped out had it not been for an intercessor named abraham abraham prayed the angel came down and a lot was lingering around but the lord was merciful god was bringing judgment but an intercessor brought mercy [Music] look at verse 22 the bible says the angel spoke a lot and says look i can't do anything until i get you out of here woman of god listen to me man of god listen to me first corinthians 7 14 here's how powerful your walk with god is is yeah your husband might be lost and so far gone but if you stay in this if you stay in this your prayer life your intercession can sanctify your spouse your children might be backslidden your children might be far gone but mom dad stay in this get into prayer grandma grandpa get into fasting again awaken zion awaken the church because an awakened abigail can bring about the mercy of god upon your children and your grandchildren i'll tell you right now church you hear me been in a cloud in a in a fog today praying for this service coming into this service and i've been preaching through mud tonight why because there is a slumbering spirit in this room there is a spirit that is agitated and cranky because i'm trying to wake you up but hear me i don't do it out of anger i don't do it out of wrath out of love i want to wake you up because your son needs you to wake up your daughter needs you to wake up listen up teenager your mom needs you to wake up your father needs you to wake up your brethren [Music] [Applause] i wonder if there's someone that wants to intercede on a soul's behalf right now i wonder if there could be an abigail in the house of god right now i wonder if someone would charge towards the king and say jesus i want you to come back but give me a little time give me a space of grace to reach somebody we don't need more time to have more fun we don't need more time so we can get married and build a 401k we need more time to reach more souls come on redeem the time redeem the time redeem the time the days are evil hey zion would you wake up zion would you wake up abigail wake up wake up do you know what time it is jesus is coming back [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] if i have your attention for a moment i'm going to release you to pray for those i don't know everyone in the room i don't know where you're at in life i don't know your walk with god so i'm trying to be careful what i say but if you are confused as wide there are some people up front that are very emotional is because god is trying or has given them a realization and understanding of what is coming if you've been in the church and you've been saved long enough but you are unmoved by the address of what is being brought i just ask you to consider this and yes you can get mad at me i understand that but i i need to let you know you might need to wake up i don't say that with the chip on my shoulder but i just want you to think is your spouse ready to meet jesus are your kids ready to meet jesus are your grandkids ready to meet jesus your coworker your boss your employer are they ready to meet jesus and if we are not touched with the feelings of their infirmities in the state of their lostness we've lost something i'm not saying you're lost because you're not weeping but there's something that's missing in you that needs to be awakened people are going to hell and we've enjoyed just prosperity for so long someone's going to go to hell and perhaps god put me at the intersection of someone's life to reach them and it's the power of you getting a burden tonight and begin to realize your tears and your prayers before god get his heart abigail was a beautiful woman highly educated but she put all of her print proper pristine behavior aside and she got on a horse in charge towards the king and fell before him and began to cry out to him and god is moved by that desperate humility and he respared an entire people because of one intercessor with that being said i want those in the altar to know this when you begin to pray again right now when you lift up your voice your prayer is not in vain it is invested you are getting access to the throne room of god and he is hearing you and he is moved he is touched with the feelings of your infirmities and god hears every tear every cry every prayer in this place right now and i would ask you if you could just release and open up don't worry about how you sound don't worry about how you look but i'm telling you an intercession that begins to enter into this place will alter an eternity of somebody that is not in this place would you begin to intercede in travail zion come on would you lift up your voice would you cry out in the name of the lord jesus christ i pray right now for my family i pray for my sister god i pray for my brother right now god jesus jesus lord i know you're coming back i want to be ready for heaven but god help me to reach my family help me to reach my neighbors help me to reach my state help me to reach my school heal me to reach my community god lord i walk the path lord across those that do not know you do not know truth that are backslid that are lost give me a party go ahead and pray a hedge around your family come on pray a hedge around your family right now your prayers can sanctify your prayers can set them apart your prayers can dispatch angels your prayers can bring about mercy upon a soul that's lingering so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] okay so [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] uh uh foreign oh i feel to read a portion of scripture if they're able to put on the screen if not just listen carefully it's found in the book of james chapter 5 verses 13 through 20. prayer is so powerful i it's such a burden do you really believe jesus is coming back it says he's coming like a thief in the night when we least expect it i'm almost fearful that we've we've fallen in love with life on earth so much that we're afraid of heaven we're doing everything we can to protect our flesh that's affected our faith we're afraid to die jesus said don't be afraid that which can kill you be afraid of the one that can put your soul in hell him fear been surrounded by death this year family friends something's covered related something's not coping related but it's awaken how temporal and how mortal i am i'm 36 years old i'm not promised the next five minutes eternity hell is real heaven is real how are we living is it is the weight of eternity even on us but listen what prayer in james 5 13 and if you afflict it let him pray and he mary let him sing psalms is any sick among you let him call for the elders of the church let them pray over him anointing him with oil in the name of the lord and the prayer of faith shall save the sick the lord shall raise him up if he have committed sins they shall be forgiven him confess your faults one to another pray one for another that ye may be healed the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much this passionate zeal level in which the number of you have tapped into tonight those prayers prevail those prayers are effective if your prayer hasn't worked try tears try weeping try feeling lostness bible says that elias was a man subject to like passions as we are meaning that elijah and you are no different in flesh and blood the only thing different was his prayer he prayed earnestly that it might not rain and it didn't rain on the earth for three and a half years but he prayed again and the heaven gave rain the earth brought forth her fruit prayer is so powerful and if any of you do err from the truth and if just somebody here would convert somebody god wants you to know this the person that converts the sinner from the air of their way saves a soul from death and hides a multitude of sins my mom and dad so lost my mom in a gang went to prison for attempted manslaughter parents addicted to cocaine but somebody that believed jesus was coming back and they were going to hell reached out to my mom my dad invited him to church my mom was a catholic my dad was a baptist they didn't practice their faith that's just the brand they were walked into a ghetto little pentecostal church scared out of their mind felt like they were sitting in a room full of cultic worshippers my mom holding on to the pew white knuckled scared out of her mind a woman that tried killing people scared just to be around people praying a preacher grabbed a chair set it down and said there's someone in this room if you would just step out from where you are sit in this chair god will forever change the course of your family and i'm so thankful my mom let go and let god and god in that chair but somebody was interceding for my mother and in my lost state and my backslidden ways that i was my mom would travail and pray and pray i was not looking for god i was running the complete opposite direction but my mother's prayer put a hedge around me and some things i reached for i could not attain and one day god got me parents don't stop praying young people don't stop praying there is a revival that is coming jesus is coming and the sooner we are to the return of jesus christ the sooner you are to your prayer being answered so don't stop praying pray it harder than you've ever prayed it cry more than you've ever cried and reach more than you've ever reached because we are entering into a season of harvest you hear me in the holy ghost we are entering into a season of harvest but if you just want to sit back and try to play it safe you're going to miss a tremendous opportunity i love you i thank you for the opportunity to be here i don't know who wants to say what brother levi wants to come up or bird dean but i wonder if we could stand together can we just lift our hands for a moment and can you just begin to call in the name of jesus there is a cloud in this room of the presence of god the mission of god tonight is just to awaken you to the love he has for his harvest jesus is not willing that any would perish but that all would come to repentance he just needs abigail that's his source of joy god did not come here to condemn you he came here to awaken you and if abigail will be awakened you will see what you have prayed and cried and longed for for so long go ahead and lift up your voices hallelujah [Applause] [Music] hey [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] so so hey i hesitate to even come up here this is one of these services you just want to last forever and linger and so if you want to continue praying please do not stop you can continue praying and if you gotta go we understand but these is one of these messages where it behooved you if you went back and rewatched it every six months maybe or every three months to um refresh us to keep us in the spirit of eternity and this is another sermon too where you don't want to just leave this here but you want to take action take action and build a develop a prayer life amen thank you brother mark brown for speaking that word but again if you want to stay here praying please do and everyone if you would reverence the spirit that is in here and uh if you would uh thank you so much for joining us tonight but if you want to continue praying we're going to let you to continue praying but if you want to talk i'm going to ask you if you would maybe go out into the foyer to talk amen but let's leave here rejoicing and clapping our hands that jesus heard our prayer amen again thank you so much we love everyone let's go go into 2021 rejoicing for the revival that is about to happen amen we love you have a great night and be careful going home [Music] you
Channel: The Pentecostals of Bossier City
Views: 2,084
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: pentecostals of bossier city, pobc, pobc live, pentecostal, pentecostal preaching, pentecostal church, pentecostal worship, mark brown preaching, rev mark brown, rev mark brown upci, pastor mark brown upci, do you know what time it is, good grace, good grace hillsong, good grace lyrics hillsong, protector kim walker, protector kim walker smith, protector kim walker smith lyrics, champion bethel, champion bethel music, champion bethel lyrics
Id: KNwQdL6B9pw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 131min 20sec (7880 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 01 2021
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