I watched Lele Pons' new show so you don’t have to...

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hello everyone so you know me i love to see myself as a little bit of a multicultural youtuber for example if you didn't know already i'm trilingual you probably didn't know that i don't mention it that often on this channel no word of a lie the number of times that i've said that i'm trilingual is bigger than the number of subscribers that i have and on that note i'm attempting to say that i'm trilingual two million times before the end of the year so you know if you get my drift subscribe you ape i deserve it now the reason that i'm mentioning that i'm trilingual is because i feel like i get lolly pons on another level you at home may find lele pons unfunny in english i also find her unfunny in spanish and if she wants to do portuguese content i'd probably find her own funny there as well now here on the james marriott channel we've addressed a lot about lily pons her book her music videos even her quitting she didn't really quit that was clickbait if anything she got a promotion because youtube recently gave lele pons her own premium show not in the snapchat or only fans premium kind of way but as soon as i heard about it i also heard one other thing here comes the money but then i watched the trailer and uh i saw the titles i'm my own worst enemy i have severe ocd i have tourette it's kind of like signing into netflix and seeing 13 reasons why james marriott is an [ __ ] now obviously this means i need to readjust my approach usually i'm quite sarcastic about what i react to or review and that's a roundabout way of saying that i'm a dick but you know i'm not a complete brute i'm not gonna come on my channel and say oh she doesn't actually have tourette's she's lying for views she's an [ __ ] she's not lying about having tourette's it would be such a moronic thing to lie about and even if she was which some people are saying she is the single worst thing that i can imagine if i was suffering from those issues is the whole internet jumping on my case and telling me that i'm lying so even if after watching her series 99 of your brain believes that she is lying about it it's still not worth making a snarky little comment about it says the man making an entire video now if i'm being honest i wasn't even going to talk about the more mental health oriented videos but when you watch the episodes you realize that their titles aren't really concise the tourette's episode for example it's not really about tourette the thing i picked up most from this episode is her rather peculiar relationship with her mum now the relationship that i have with my family is fairly strange something about me making videos on only fans models doesn't quite sit right with my grandparents so i'd like to pre-requisite these comments by saying that i'm quite jealous of what you've got lalay but that's probably not saying much because at this point i'd rather be parented by daddy 05 that's the level that we've gotten to my mom does everything i should be doing for me cooking cleaning launch everything just all the chores i should be doing so here for example i don't understand why this episode is titled i have tourette's when it could be titled i'm not a functioning adult the episode does go into more detail about why she can't function at all times which is unfortunately because of her ocd i don't know about you though having ocd in this situation must be one of the worst things imaginable imagine having a condition which gives you obsessions and compulsions and your basic needs are reliant on someone else who could trigger you at any time also just living with your mum actually you know what that sounds worse [Music] where are your manners i'll have you know that rejecting a cup of tea here in the uk is a crime punishable by death or maybe that's just something about being british i used to hate both tea and coffee but if you go around someone's house and they make you one you drink that [ __ ] you dip in a nice rich tea and you [ __ ] ask for another one this episode is a bit surreal it's just lele's mum being a nuisance but a very loving one at that and lily just does not vibe with it at all are you five we also meet uh lulu ponzi's dad and uh oh wow uh first word that comes to mind is cummies you need to have a support system not just in ways of handling schedules and handling whatever you're going to be doing and what your career is going to go oh he could handle my schedule handle my big [ __ ] calendar you could admit it okay we're a very open channel here he's hot maybe i'm projecting a little bit here because people keep telling me that my dad's more attractive than me but case in point the next shot you know lily has said now i may not have ocd but i see his deep in my mouth in short it's very clear that lollipops has a lot of mental health issues that i wasn't aware of beforehand it's a shame that she's gathered this label of unfunny latina woman she making the funny face that's all she do but obviously as a human there are far more levels to her but let's address the public opinion of lele pons these premium videos that she's been making have been getting a lot of dislikes we're talking tens of thousands every single episode and one of the episodes of this series which i haven't watched yet is called the internet hates me and before we get into it i just want to say a few words to lele if you're watching this you're not watching this only losers watch my channel i don't hate you lilly i don't think that many people hate you some people may be jealous some horrible people may even talk about you in their youtube videos so they can pay their rent could it be me but for real i never talk about people that i hate and if it was ever obvious that the people talking about you were doing so in a really hateful way no one would like that now i have no idea how this episode is going to pan out i may even end this video by repenting for my sins and becoming a better person however in my opinion that is impossible as i am perfect and before we get into it a little word from today's sponsor yes that's right this video is sponsored by this chair you my lucky viewer can download their new app using my link in the description mischief is a brand that makes and releases drops every fortnight no not the game there have been over 25 completely unique drops and they've never re-released them their drops can be from viral digital experiences like a bot that texted people ai generated feet picks on demand to something physical you could imagine those ai generated feet in a custom 1420 sneaker whose souls are filled with holy water from the river jordan i wish i'd known about mischief sooner they've even released a free font that looks exactly like times new roman but it's five to ten percent wider do you remember how much i despised university i would have murdered someone to have had this font i love mischief to be honest they're simultaneously the most interesting and cursed brand that has ever approached me it would be like me dropping a bot that reminds all of my viewers that i'm trilingual on a daily basis all lily puns dropping a mystery box that you can only physically open if you're latino now as i've mentioned earlier they've recently released the mischievous and if you are from the united states it is imperative that you go and download that app right now you can get early access to their drops access to secret drop and you can also support me directly by going and downloading the app please do go and install the mystic app using the link in the description or go to mschf.com or search mschf in the app store and google play i've been told that the next drop is [ __ ] mental so go and install the app so you can be ready for it and thank you once again to mischief for sponsoring this video okay so here we go the internet hates me yes you know what i am a very easy target i've always been since i was a little girl i've been a very very easy target she's ugly she is not funny she is a latina well this is harrowing all right let's get the record straight i've never called lillypuns ugly look at me a lot of people are unfunny in this world let's be honest you watching this video you're probably unfunny i wonder how long i can insult people for until they leave me people are allowed to criticize your content for being unfunny it's like if i watched a kids show i probably wouldn't find it funny and lollipop's content obviously isn't for me so i don't find it funny but the third one you think i'd hate you for being latina i've wanted to be latino my entire life four years studying your [ __ ] culture dude did i not remind you the reason i made a reggaeton diss track on you in the first place if you're not latino you don't get reggaeton if you're not latina you don't get reggaeton what the [ __ ] lily you know what lily i think i'm i'm gonna start crying at this right a picture for instagram and then we'll have like a shoot for youtube then we have like a podcast and then in between that she might go to therapy i've just heard her schedule and my god if i had a schedule like hers i'd be struggling too do you want to know what a day in the life of james marriott is like wake up 2pm get an iced latte i order too many iced lattes have anxiety for the next three hours because of my iced latte have a post iced latte anxiety nap make a beat on my op1 and then like i don't know maybe make a video i guess why should i be making videos when i could be having a post-ice latte anxiety nap what i'm trying to say is i've got a lot of respect for people like lilly pons not trying to say i like their content i don't but people like lele pons even people like lily singh they are hard-working people they deserve the money that they get at the end of the day mr commentary youtuber here who just like chat [ __ ] maybe make some music every now and then my work ethic is nothing like these people hi everyone this is lel ponce and this week i'm going to be taking a break from my usual youtube videos to talk about a very serious crisis venezuela is suffering oh my god are you trying to ruin me on my own channel so not only is lollypons hard-working despite suffering from severe mental health issues now she's a philanthropist but who care right she released bad book i think it was one of the most important things in life-changing events in my life it's hard for me to wrap my head around everything that's happening to be honest one of the only things i've noticed is he's filming her ass she's gone on a plane here right to go to venezuela huge humanitarian mission big respect for that look over your shoulder every now and then he's [ __ ] he's filming look where his eyes are bro that's where there really is in an awful place that ain't so bad i feel like i've watched four episodes of a show here and none of those episodes are yet to have anything to do with the internet hating her i don't want to have to skip through this but i'm only halfway through and so far people seem to really rate her especially this dude [Music] is hannah's talking lalay's shadow she seems to follow her everywhere i was under the impression that lollipops was doing this on her own this doesn't take away from the achievement by the way it's like a short studio's family trip solve a humanitarian crisis that's our spring break the bigger you are the more negative comments you get it's proportionate to your growth all right you know what i'm not part of that i've never had an issue with it gonna go ahead and dust myself off not talking about me i think i'm good to restart my timetable now what was it again what the videos i'm doing next next friday it's um lelapon's dog friday after lolita pond's cat does she have a cat i can't believe i've planned out my whole year of content now they're not wrong here the internet is filled with hate especially the bigger you get as a social media influencer you do get a lot of hate even i get a lot of hate somehow and all right you think there's nothing to criticize me about that but people do find some things yes my left eye closes a little bit more than my right eye please stop reminding me if you ask any youtuber how they felt when they got their first dislike my christ and now i can't make a video about someone making a comment about my physical features some spot i may have even though i'm glowing but yeah everything comes with backlash so the fact that they found three bad comments it's not the end of the world at the end of the day for like venezuela i still got a lot of hate just people asking why i was there and i didn't really get that though and had a stocking was there at least lulu ponza's venezuelan roots that makes sense hannah stocking is i mean come on like a last name's stocking she's whiter than the north pole you know you should [ __ ] kill yourself get it you're latina you don't have to keep pushing it in our faces how can you call those two things the same kill yourself uh does not equal your latino no people wanting me dead that's one thing people are saying that i say that i'm latina too much it's a fact okay you say that you're latino a lot it's funny to address that fact i say that i'm trilingual a lot people take the piss out of it i just roll with the meme comparing it here to people saying that you should die that's just gonna make people joke about it more i just don't understand how someone could be managed have people that specifically help with marketing and yet take everything on the internet so seriously you're just being called latina that being said a lot of people that make these type of comments especially the really harsh ones definitely could not last a day in lillypunch shoes but in a way i'm glad that she's made this documentary i think it showed a side to being a content creator that is really important for people to see it isn't easy at the end of the day one thing i will say though is when i get a hate comment on my videos i've almost tricked myself into being glad it's like i'm doing my job at the end of the day you can laugh at my videos you can you can be grossed out by one of my videos that's a visceral reaction i made you feel something right and if you hate me if you watch every video you [ __ ] you wish you could just choke me not in that way then watching my videos is an outlet for you i'm helping you i know for example i watch a lot of this uh this beatbox youtube channel like pennywise versus joker i think the content's crap but i find it really funny and i'd be really upset if that content stopped if i had any advice for her it would just be tune it out concentrate on what you're doing maybe take on board some of the criticism and grow into an even more successful creator because she's doing really well they're just driven by someone that hates me and that person that hates me is like go attack her and that's the the thing that the thing that bothers you i think this is a good point to end it on i think here lale pons is referring to us not us as in you and me us as in me and other commentary channels i want to get this straight when i make a video on someone i don't want you to hate them i like laughing at things i never try to take anything too seriously don't go and leave hate comments on people's videos for the record i never see this happen if anything people always go to the channels or people i make videos on and show them a lot of support i don't see my channel as ripping apart something i see it as adding another layer onto it so it's like hey there's this base thing that entertains a lot of people here's me and i may not like it adding something on top and making this thing funnier hopefully so yeah remember there's always a real person behind a camera don't leave hate comments to people you don't know especially if you couldn't take it yourself just leave some hate comments under here i always hate on you guys roast me what do you like about my face look at it huh look at this mug but thank you for watching today's video i hope it was insightful also thank you once again to mr for sponsoring this video they're a brand that i really love do go and download that app if you're from the united states and if you didn't enjoy this video leave a like down below subscribe if you're new or have not done so already and i will catch you next time
Channel: James Marriott
Views: 1,328,080
Rating: 4.9575481 out of 5
Keywords: lele pons, rudy mancuso, hannah stocking, the secret life of lele pons, vete pa la, lele pons vine, lele pons song, lele pons secret life, lele, pons, james, marriott, james marriott, adios lele, reaction, review, entertainment, comedy, british, funny, eboys, youtube premium
Id: pQIRQ1j9xTU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 2sec (782 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 25 2020
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