I Watched Jaiden's Mario Video

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hello everybody and welcome to a new video so in today's video we're going to watch jaden's new mario video that's right jaiden animations animated a mario video which is something i have been dreaming of for years it's actually not a lie i think one of the first videos i saw of hers was one of her video game ones and i was like man it'd be so cool if she animated mario and like her style i've got mario here as well he wants to watch and see how he was depicted in the video shout outs to sunny black media so without further ado let's watch this video oh hold up you already know mario i'm not gonna explain him i'm not gonna explain mario to you but a lot of people don't know about a little mario excuse me that thrives in the depths of the deep dark mario crevices i'm talking is that me mario kaiser am i one of those cloaked dudes is basically fan made high difficulty mario people will take base games like mario bros 3 or super mario world rearrange the levels to look like this hey that's amazing a little more than normal i've been casually watching mario maker and mario kart freaking awesome for a few years i just think it's fun to watch while i'm eating cereal in the morning and then one day i just stood up and was like i want to do it my favorite mario content creator is ryukar so i watched him asking if he had any kaizo recommendations you know beginner friendly i mean i'm naturally gifted i love that picture that little profile picture it's mario kaizo i need a beginner little baby card over here cut me some slack all right were you asked if i played any kaiser i love that little picture no i want that to be my profile picture for real kaizo levels in mario maker before and i say no and then he asks if i've ever at least done a show i remember this conversation i've played hollow knight and he goes i don't think that can help you here and i'm like yeah you're probably right after a few more messages generously offers to train me for kaizo before i jump straight into a complete rom hack and oh boy that was extremely nice of him and extremely needed colin as i screen shared that i really do love that profile picture tips and pointers how to do tricks so i opened up the first stage called the simple jump and all right so this level seems like nothing it's literally called the jump laughing ahead of time because i knew what was gonna happen on what i'm about to be dealing with here anyway throughout the session i learned about getting past chucks getting past reverse chucks how to deal with lava plants while saying fast fall is balancing on disco learning mechanics grabbing and jumping on this block thing at the same time it's weird shell jumps i don't remember that i know i don't know i remember that happening definitely getting more familiar with the moves and learning everything and i'll be honest i was starting to feel pretty good she was killing me i'm getting the hang of it now and then i hit the test stages where all the mechanics you learned are packed into like mario time you ready it wasn't too bad it was like this and ended up taking me around 20 minutes to beat but test 2 was the one those are tough levels it's a short fast-paced level with no checkpoints but between the really difficult but this one this one was crazy straight into a shell jump and then land on a party man onto yoshi i was my armpits were sweating the last thing you gotta do is ditch yoshi and win but since i bought i love the animation missed the jump so many times you can you can see the trauma behind this hesitation here but i ended up getting she died there a lot and a half of it not gonna lie after all that ryu says he thinks i'm ready for the real deal sends over the rom he recommended and here's my experience trying to beat my first mario kaiser sue us nintendo real world yes that's how the game starts out yes you're doing great that's fair so level one i'll be honest pretty straightforward jump on a few guys do some more jumps choke right in front of the checkpoint no oh but eventually i was able to beat it and i'll admit i was pretty stoked i really really really like the animations yes i was worried i wouldn't even be able to pass the first level and i actually just couldn't make this video because i was too bad but knowing i could beat at least one yeah meant more to me than it should and the show goes on dodge various swamps and stuff to hit a p-switch then run back through everything in reverse so you can get into the pipe that was previously unreachable after many attempts and this yo that [ __ ] ain't easy by the way no let me in i managed to slip my way into the pool where i met these two oh god it's hector and cora i was really caught off guard by cats in mario game so caught off guard in fact that i just ran into them and died checkpoint what what is that oh i beat the stage quickly after so that's not the cat kicked the other cat next was this really cool escort stage where you nabbed this gloom at the very start and use them to progress through the stage it was difficult but i had a really fun time with this one and the atmosphere was really cool man but i guess i was having too much super great because i let my guard down and got real humbled welcome to kaizo also the first time i got ptsd at our first training course turn around and come back but he didn't so i just watched him walk off the edge and strand me anyway i had to hunch the checkpoint was right after that pipe so i knew that if i just got that jump right i could start making more progress and after like 30 minutes of trying to get back in there i finally did on the bright side i know it's gonna happen completely right about the checkpoint i did not however calculate this so i did it you did it oh god checkpoint oh god and it's even more funny when after you get the checkpoint they'll spawn you right above that pipe continuously so whenever you start again you gotta immediately hold hard right oh it was a lot of tricky maneuvers though much room for error also i thought it was getting funny run killer big speed run killer trying to jump on these slippery little freaks was a bit rough this was hard acting it was hard this was hard i did this so accurate i think i needed him this guy's suicided no don't do it and then it just got worse the second part of the stage turned into a build-a-bridge oh my god the mole animations are awesome pain in agony and just say this level it's so good especially the second half gave me the most hell compared to the upcoming levels for a while even more hell than the level called jank heaven i don't really want to cover every single day kevin oh my goodness but i can give you a little taste of what jank heaven was like real quick this one is as uh the name implies quite gently oh shoot that's a jump that's just hard i think everything i do here is impressive it's just some benchmark denied somebody is impressed somewhere this much we know i'm glad you like had the awareness to do that's like holy sh oh she almost got that was that first attempt that would have been clutch shoot this is the last jump she gonna get it so i'm progressing a good amount into the game at this point but then i get to a ghost house called the waiting room overall it was a pretty difficult all-in-one go level with my exact point but the one part that just kept tripping me up throughout the entire stage was this part where you jump onto this wiggler balance on them until that wall goes back up jump off and then whatever do bomb stuff i just couldn't do the wiggler part consistently at all either i would miss time the jump and pathetically hop off the edge i'm picturing the charlie day meme i would say probably 80 of my deaths happened on that part specifically and it technically isn't even the hard part of the level i really don't think that part was even meant to be that hard at all but an hour and 30 minutes of doing the same mistakes over and over just trying my best i realized there was a much easier and smoother way to do that entire part and i literally wasted all that time making the whole thing way more difficult than it needed to be that is mario that is mario my friends nice like i was doing that wrong all along damn it mario oh my god i can't believe i've been dying to that wiggler that way this whole time and i could just do that it's probably what's intended as well you're probably right yeah i mean once i learned that i beat the stage 20 minutes later that was that was awesome am i upset no not really i'm an animator that works in adobe animate slash flash i'm used to throwing away multiple hours of work into the trash by the way this is feel you there okay be cool be cool be cool oh the fishing boo you [ __ ] excuse me that was a naughty word damn that [ __ ] got her the stages are getting much more difficult at this point there's only four worlds in the game each containing around three or four levels which going into it i didn't know hold on it's gonna be a full getting i wanna go back here what's in the game wow that's actually an accurate drawing of the the game around three or four so awesome into it i didn't know it was such a cool little full eight worlds and i was starting to sweat in world three so freaking cool yeah ryu ended up telling me i was in the home stretch and i popped off so hard i just thought i was bad this whole time uncontrollable dabbing pain agony i made it to the last world and oh my god world four stage one was the worst thing this game ever ended up throwing at me i don't even know how to go get rid of the bar all the time you're in that bar moves you need to do in this stage but i spent four hours this level's in an hour and 40 minutes on the first half and two hours 20 minutes on the second the game is no longer in other contexts at this point changed people's perceptions on how much is a lot of time in terms of youtube content four hours is nothing compared to i don't 24 hours touching a worm but i sat there making mistake after mistake learning and adapting and still failing for four hours straight it was starting to like get to me like personally eventually every time i would mess up i would feel it in my insecurities loud bones ah i have no confidence in my own judgment to make important court decisions but i did it again four hours later maybe you don't think that's a long time but i was wallowing in my own personal health obviously like most new players either wouldn't be able to beat that level or it would take them much longer than four hours really very afraid of this game and what it'll do to me but surprisingly the other two levels weren't nearly as bad as the first this is where i was impressed finishing stage was she like truly impressed i was already impressed three in 30 minutes that was the the the ego these are hard ass levels and she beat those two fast stage three boosts 30 minutes and stage one keeps me humble fair and balanced life confidence then i realized i was about to enter the last level dude i'll be honest i was mad proud of myself i went from not even knowing if i could build one level left one level left man getting ready to go into the final level of the entire game for the finale which basically meant he sits there for an indefinite amount of time watching me fail over and over on mechanics he's already mastered like watching a toddler struggle to fit the circle block in the square hole in good old mario kaizo fashion the level starts out with i'm gonna miss this when i come out victorious or just perish on the spot either way so i started chipping away at the level jump on these guys balance on spiky do this do that i was a little bit nervous because ryu was watching and i i wanted to show him how much i've gotten better at kaizo you know like a teacher finally being able to see their student face their finals that's exactly what it was like well like not just some school teacher like a a cool samurai oh my god look at that i've messed it up anyway i was trying to impress him and then i just went and did this and this this but he seemed proud of me anyway for just being able to get this far i was making some good progress on the level i was about to get to the final checkpoint but you know right [Music] damn i remember that that was devastating level it was still surprisingly a lot of fun and not nearly as bad as 4-1 i keep bringing it up but i you know it really got to me but like that maybe a bit less than three hours later i got to the final room it's been my gosh [Music] the fight was actually pretty chill not easy but you chill these on and off switches control the room going up and down and you got to get the floor low enough to grab these little blue blocks to throw at the giant king boo or whatever he's called in this game but don't let it get too low because then you can die to the lava right beneath there so you're trying to keep all these things in mind but to add to the pile these little flying boogers meander around these last years well you gotta dodge them and yeah i hate those guys based they're random you can't just memorize them completely agree with the jaden here those little flowers okay that's a smart way to go about this boss kill your speedo but i was being stubborn and trying to brute force my own way to do it what a little booger i think i lost a death serrano to one of those boogers punishes you for standing on the edges you know i'm going to stand on this edge in the lava and then crush and then oh this edge as is life oh but it's pretty like i'm gonna die on this hill i didn't know how many times you have to hit boo mario rules always default to three but it's kaizo so it could also very much be a thousand they know [Laughter] [Music] okay so now i know you have to hit him like i assume five times oh i'm not gonna spoil how many times you have to hit him yeah so i hit him three times and didn't win so i was like alright must be a thousand but then a few attempts later this happened oh my god oh there it is awesome mario get him three times good job isn't that awesome it was three i just died too soon after that third shot and it didn't count which i'm going to choose to ignore i did it i learned kaizo and i beat kaizo and it only took 17 hours not including training not that much more difficult hacksaws not bad at all oh yes absolutely quite good actually them looks so disgusting i don't even want to be in the vicinity of their aura but i was able to challenge myself and beat one that was really well suited for my skill set going in and looking back at some of the things i was able to end up pulling off makes me feel very cool look at his stuff i did that this level's insane that's a really hard level applause please i think my favorite thing about kaizo is how easy it is to visualize the progression of your skill within every single level like world 3 stage 3 starts off with a really difficult maneuver that i got hung up on for a while and then suddenly i'm nailing it almost every single time you can really feel and see yourself grow within kaizo and i don't think you can say that about a lot of things a shell jump animation so awesome absolutely not if you get impatient and frustrated easily and are also bad at video games don't even think about it but hey if you think it looks interesting and you can stay calm under extreme circumstances and have around 17 hours to kill i can't recommend it enough i liked it thanks to ryu for helping me out and being extremely nice and trying thank you and giving me a great rom definitely my honor and my privilege for many hours go check out his channel he's very hey that's me i've been watching oh my gosh thank you that's it i'm officially very good at man that is way too much documented proof certified gamer again if you haven't gotten your tickets scribble showdown is back on tour all right well definitely go see scribble showdown first and foremost secondly like this video was absolutely incredible it was better than i thought it would be and i already i knew it would be amazing um the animations the message the kaizo experience the humor the everything was 100 on point i cannot thank jaden enough for like including me on this for consulting me for putting me in the video for putting my stuff out there like that's so crazy like so much love to jayden for doing that seriously cannot thank her enough uh one of one of the things that really stuck out was at the end she was talking about you get to see yourself grow and all that stuff and that's it's so cool that she touched on that because with kaizo mario it's a very very much like that you start a level and like you can't even do the first jump but then by the end of it you're crushing this entire level it's like a musical you're just bobbing and weaving in and out dodging hazards left and right but it is very inspiring and i was i was inspired right away watching her like as soon as she started even the kaizo hack she talks about you know the struggle and obviously it was a struggle to beat the game but um she was doing so well from the get-go so much better than a typical beginner would do and she was determined and she just kept showing more and more uh strength and potential but the more she went on she was literally ripping through the game um i was talking to her in discord and i was like so how's it going she was like oh i've beaten like five more levels i was like i was worried that the end would be too much it you know it gets really hard at the end but she like persevered crushed it and it was just so awesome to see so once again thank you so much jaden so much so much so much freaking love for what you do and uh what you've done for me here today um i also got the world record in super ryu world once she started playing and beat this game i got super inspired so i started speedrunning the game um so if you want to see that video i'll put in the card in the end screen if you haven't seen well we just watched this video together so if you haven't checked out jaden if you're not subscribed to her please go subscribe to her now you will not regret it thank you all so much for watching and i will see you all in the next video hit that thumbs up baby and subscribe if you're not subscribed [Music] you
Channel: Ryu
Views: 1,632,241
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ryukahr, ryukhar, ryu, jaiden animations, jaiden, mario, animations, super ryu world, reaction, reacts, jaidenanimations, kaizo, impossible mario
Id: DYvAgk69muQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 38sec (1238 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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