This Game is Rocking My World. [DKC2] [#02]

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ladies and gentlemen welcome back to Donkey Kong Country 2 what you thought I wasn't going to play it again um I will be straight with you guys I've been wanting to play a lot of stuff as you know we're playing this game I recently played battle kid which I do intend to get back to as well another game I really really want to play is this one right here I think this is going to come soon let me know in the comments what you want to see I want to do a lot more Retro Gaming let me if you want to see continuations of games that I've already started or new games all right we're starting off with the jungle Jinx I guess in the special world or something you know whatever this is here we go wao it's a tire this reminds me of a Donkey Kong Country 1 okay by the way I learned the hard way that the KO o n the Kong letters in this game don't do [ __ ] I thought they were for completion but all they do is give you a oneup absolutely ridiculous so we're not going to worry about the Kong letters moving forward however I will be placing an even bigger emphasis on getting the DK coins wait how do I get that also you need the um what the the hell that dudee was crazy oh God oh God wait can I kill him oh yeah yeah yeah also I need the um I need uh those coins so that I can pay off clubba in other worlds woo whoa no woohoo woohoo woohoooo whoa buddy hey there's the O that I don't want no come on that's rigged all the way back to the beginning are you kidding me dude what I got smashed woo whoa you cannot do the Dixie flying thing when you're jumping off of a uh Tire all right here we go here we go so the bonus games are important because we need the uh we need the coins that you get need the coins oh yeah that's a dony Kong coin holy smokes all right well I am certainly not going to complain with that is there anything down there oh you son of a [ __ ] I just got the DK coin too I don't think there's anything down there no I don't think I was supposed to be down there [ __ ] come on no no no stop pushing me stop pushing me why why didn't she jump off of it I have one life where did my lives go do they reset your lives when you start the game over I had so many lives I had so many lives before and now I have no lives what is up with that that's ridiculous I missed again oh got it whoa wow those ones are huge that's huge oh my God so enormous we hey hey look at that that's cool [Music] what what the hell happened I have zero lives how did I even die that makes no sense how did I die where did I die was it here is that where I died I I guess so I don't even sorry Dixie no that's not where I died did I die here I don't even know where where did I die where the heck did I die that was a little risky a little risky oh yeah oh yeah do I want the G I don't want the G please no G anything but the G dude I'll take the bananas all right with like no lives to spare we beat that level so beating the level doesn't seem to unlock anything like in the uh in Super Mario World when you beat a Star World level you can like Advance around the star world but I didn't see I don't see any way to do that here how how do you get back to the main how do you get back to the main world I'm like stuck in here dudes how do you get out of here oh I got to do funky flights I only have did it reset my banana coins too did it reset my banana coins cuz didn't I have a lot of banana coins too I'm so confused but whatever man whatever I don't care I don't care we're playing the game we're in the next world it's beautiful it's freaking beautiful oh look I got a k I got a k all right I guess I need those letters cuz I have like no one-ups wait there's something down there there's something down there there's something down there hold on what is that hey oh I shot the wrong way and we're back to zero lives turns out I'm going to need the Kong letters after all you guys oh there's the Little Crocodile oh shoot whoa what what Ramy chill chill dude freaking chill Rami God dang dude that's crazy oh how am I going to get that can you get off the Rami oh you can get it Diddy get it nice good job budddy M yeah yeah dude yeah yeah yeah boy how does that Rhino fit in the freaking Barrel I don't understand that at all hey how do I get in here how do I get in there I need a cannonball [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] oh no more Rhino oh what I got a Donkey Kong coin how do I get in that Barrel though or the cannon is there a Canon there's no cannon ball anywhere where's the cannon hey where you going hey where you going dude come back what holy [ __ ] that's cool we're getting all sorts of Secrets all right nice let's go yeah boy so how do you guys feel about this game we did one episode on this game already and I think everybody got to see the game maybe it's uh the first time you saw this game in a really long time like do you think it holds up do you think it's like legit let me know what you think I have an opinion myself but I'm I'mma hold on to it until I hear what y all think got the Cog baby got the Cog kind of wish I had the Kong cuz I don't have any freaking one-ups whoa chill dude whoa I can't dude would you chill would you chill dude come on man oh nice nice circumvented the process uh once again you guys it is my goal to try and post a video every two weeks on this channel and honestly I wish I could post every single week and ultimately that that is a goal of mine but right now I don't have the bandwidth to do that got the one up nice if I can somehow work it into my schedule I would love to post once a week but for now it's going to have to be every other every other week glimmer gallion oh my God it's a water level oh my God I found a secret oh my God find the token oh my God I can't believe it it's so dark I can't see anything seriously I can't see [ __ ] [Music] easy peasy dude all right well we got a dark level here a dark water level everybody's favorite combination so chances of me finding the secrets are pretty slim I feel like oh I have a helper I got a little helper [Music] guy free one [Music] up there's something over here down here a praa [ __ ] coin yeah yeah take the coin okay get those coins that I'm I'm pretty sure reset if I turn the game off so that's cool it's real cool where they hiding the DK coin at Oh I thought that was a hint PR a [ __ ] PR a [ __ ] there's the O that I don't really want or need puffers blowing up where is the donkey coin also there's probably a swordfish in here somewhere too right they usually hide that guy I forgot his name you guys told me last time what his name was but I forgot already what is it sorty Sandra Sandra swordfish I don't I don't remember I don't freaking remember checkpoint starfish oh [ __ ] hold on hold on I think I just passed a DK Barrel yep yep good time to get hit dude pop then off no DK coin I don't know why but I did not even see that guy hey where am I that's weird that seems like such a secret but it's not I haven't found the swordfish I haven't found the K coin either but I'm searching you guys I'm searching I don't want to miss it man I don't want to miss it it's got to be here somewhere right whoa It's got to the [ __ ] what dude damn starfish oh my God no no just like a homing missile God ow wow that hit me challenge I challenged that my exploring is getting me killed cuz I keep running into these damn starfish man I see see stuff in the walls but I don't know how to get to it where the heck am I supposed to go there's so many ways to go man can't get can't freaking find anything man come on what about down here something down there's something down here for sure oh here we go secret fine let's [Music] open hi a [Music] path it's okay I've trained for this oh there it is there it [Music] is okay there we go all that Mario Maker training paying off folks ow ow what the heck is that a trap what that fish went up there and just blew up and now he's just sitting there can I get that I wonder if I could get the coin without touching the fish I ain't trying it if I had an extra hit I would try it but I ain't got no extra hit a man damn I didn't I didn't get the uh DK coin you guys got a one up though did not get the DK coin damn it man oh dude two two what the heck man these damn water levels I see something right there like on the right side right there you see that three what does that [Music] mean four Donkey Kong coin right here why were the rooms why did they have numbers and like what there was like no hint for that how was I supposed to what all right luckily you can leave the course after getting the DK coin and you can keep it which is very very nice crock head clamber oh what's up guys um oh no I was going to a shoot [Music] kind you don't get any eye frames I didn't mean to go in here I hope you bought Cranky Kong Country last year I was the one who made it so successful not that lumbering donkey this stuff is cheap at half the price I didn't mean to buy that after full spinning barrels all that's left is left itself ramble blast after four spinning barrels all that's left is left itself four spinning barrels I got to remember that for that map that I haven't unlocked yet you don't get eye frames if you if you kill him like that you don't get eye frames but if you do this you get eye frames so hope I didn't need that what how do I get through here maybe I can't what the heck dude these look like hot dogs you see that they look like hot dogs on top of the like hot dog Dynamite or something on top of the poles whatever well I got to replay the level to uh go left but I don't really understand how you're supposed to do it whoa life is so much simpler when you don't worry about getting the Kong letters you know oh crocodile man wait spider well I reckon the spider is probably how you go left oh here's a spider but you can't keep him right like I I don't get to keep him outside of the bonus level do I or do I do I get to keep him I do it doesn't let you go left what whoa you can like cheese a a web but doesn't really help you but that's weird that is weird man so you can't bring the spider to the left so I don't know how you're supposed to do that that that thing in the beginning [ __ ] boom [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah yeah [ __ ] yeah yeah platforming is getting tasty jump you idiot jump jump oh my God that'll be good oh oh that was close woo um yeah whatever I don't care we beat that level fast all right how am I supposed to supposed to do this throw better yeah no oh I got it I got it I got it hold on wait wait wait wait wait kill him one up okay yeah yeah yeah there's how am I going to stick the shot I'm going just run through I'm going just run through [Music] what okay first of all that is not how you're supposed to do that part I mean I don't really care but that is definitely not how you're supposed to do it all right so far so good ladies and gentlemen moving on to the rattle battle whoa the heck all right cool [Music] hey that stuff respawned Don't Mind If I Do Don't Mind If I Do what is [Music] this the music [Music] I forgot you get these levels where you play as the uh the monsters or whatever that's cool [Music] man there's something over here there's a guy to jump off of right why the why was he there what was his purpose what the [Music] heck oh the snake can jump on the bees that's beautiful man that's beautiful whoa [Music] chill whoa I almost died very tragically can I even make this now I don't know if I can make that cuz I killed the guy I don't can I make this how do I can I make this there we go big jump big jump go down here aha aha aha nothing but raw juicy platforming you got to love it anything on the right no I thought I was in the other spot damn it all the way back to the beginning God dang it ow I thought I was here damn it oh nothing over there anyways lame what Su dude excuse me excuse me excuse me fellas you might stop jumping for a [Music] for a moment can you go without the snake nope can't do [Music] it some over here Secrets secret Donkey Kong coin that's a big boy right there that right there is a big gentleman wait a minute I got the Donkey Kong coin and I got all the bonus games so we can get the hell out of here wait what's up there what wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute I thought every map had two bonus coins this one has three or do they all have three maybe I'm wrong about what they have maybe every map has three bonus coins I thought it was two shoot man I actually I don't [Music] know freaking jump you idiot oh my god dude are you kidding me there we go okay two more buddy you can do it charge that charge that ass yeah thank God it had a generous timer I did not perform well a you doofus aha DK Barrel right back here very nice very nice why got hit by that guy twice damn it idiot whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa no don't you dare jumping guy don't you freaking dare get out of here get out of here get out of here get the heck out of here [Music] wa okay ready yes yes yes yes do the combos let's go no Dixie no Dixie [Music] oh oh what do you know we got Dixie sup all right next up we've got clubba kiosk a scurvy chimoy come on you yellow bellies try and cross club's Bridge without paying I dare you I am one creme coin short fight him a I'll wrap me Club around your moth eaten heads if you don't pay every last one all right next up we've got the Slime climb let's go baby let's go let's go let's go wait a minute switch it up there's a mean looking fish down there what the [Music] dude one of my favorite songs oh the water oh the water's coming [Music] up you jump weird off of these bugs man oh what the no I didn't want to go down there water still coming up oh shoot that's a big boy Whoa whoa buddy oh wait a minute nope dude would you did he you got chill wait wait a minute no I was so close there was a barrel I couldn't get it all right go here whoa massive shortcut save point what's up hey what's that invincibility that's cool hey there's something over there oh never mind I think I have to go this way never mind oh that was close ah ah [ __ ] [ __ ] I have trouble jumping off these damn ropes I don't know why sometimes he doesn't jump woo man platforming intensifies oh [ __ ] one of these guys die [ __ ] yeah die [ __ ] Cannonball yeah yeah yeah oh here we go blast off Dixie no damn it wait a minute you have to kill these guys oh [ __ ] hold on that's what I was thinking I was like maybe I can go all the way to the top and just jump on them all I kind of worked yeah that kind of worked we can pay off clubba now I got 15 hey what's up what do I do DK coin all right let's go pay off the club we got the monies we got the Monies to pay him up if yours get in any trouble Clubby here will help you out oh he's my Budd bloody now sick wait black ice battle oh [ __ ] what is this what is black ice battle whoa look at this you guys this is sick this music I forgot about this song wait can I go up there [Music] go go go get up there you freaking doofus ow ow stop ow got it got it got it a nothing what I tried I worked so hard for that whoa the red bees that are so angry you cannot kill them they are too powerful dude I wasted that fool oh [ __ ] what what the hell I got what what he took my one up that's [Music] crazy whoa this is sick you [Music] guys no no stop stealing my lives you freaking ass ah okay wait how do I hold on oh oh tight Trump jump Trump jump which way do I go which way which way did I pick the right way I feel like I didn't I like this map legit could you chill [ __ ] idiot be barrel guy good good God oh my goodness what is happening this is crazy no I missed something huge I missed something something really big oh no damn it what was that I missed something again that looked like a Kong letter actually so maybe not as [Music] important whoa [ __ ] dude this oh we're done I missed absolutely everything in this map no DK coin no bonus rooms no nothing wo that guy chased me all the way down here that's crazy come on oh my sweet Jesus what what was that guy doing there that's ridiculous this [ __ ] guy get him out get out of here get out of here stop leave me alone give me the damn Barrel damn it I can't remember which Falls have the things I need to hold the direction I think hold on wait a minute no not this no hold on this one nope nope not here coming up coming up coming up hold on hold on hold on right here right here right here right here whoa Diddy Kong is levitating that's wild okay maybe this has the Donkey Kong coin or maybe it has a barrel or did that Cannon seriously just despawn that Canon you're telling me that dumbass barrel guy can chase me throughout the entire level but the cannon despawns from like a tiny little drop holy [ __ ] what the [ __ ] was that oh my God that was crazy all right hold on hold on so let's okay here we go so throw the stupid thing and kill this freaking guy and I don't know how I hit that guy but okay yeah okay cool I don't know how I hit that guy either um I don't even remember seeing come on I don't even remember seeing a Canon Blaster thing all right where do I take this right here right here there it is there it is okay I hope the DK coin is here find the [Music] token [Music] no I forgot that if you take damage at all in the mini game it's over you don't get the multiple hits dick dick you [ __ ] dick get out of here a okay could you Diddy could you stop stop Diddy could you switch dude could you switch Diddy Kong could you switch could you switch Diddy no can't switch we're on a hill I guess can't switch on a hill there we go dude mother freaking guy God damn all right nice and slow this time nice and [Music] slow DK coin damn that one was easy I died on the last freaking B too all right that is that we're going to back out that is complete very nice very nice next up we've got ramble blast which is the map that we got the hint for this is officially an ASMR [Music] video what was the hints when there's like four spinning barrels go left or [Music] something how is there music like this in a game about monkeys I don't [Music] understand damn oh [ __ ] that's good wait for the beat drop coming up here it comes here it [Music] [Music] comes found a bonus game you [Music] guys oh man are you kidding me with this got to like find the way this is ridiculous where am I supposed to go I'm a time out in this [ __ ] for sure oh my God okay hold on I'm making progress I think [ __ ] dude I don't know if I'm actually making progress I don't know which direction to go am I going down right or left wait there we go nice here nice nice nice oo what the that's not [Music] good checkpoint keeping my eyes peeled for the like four barrels or whatever I was chasing that one up that was [Music] cool oh you [ __ ] so much for My [Music] Serenity whoa holy [ __ ] [Music] oh Beetle [Music] [Music] [Music] [ __ ] dead [Music] end Donkey Kong coin there it is how do I get [Music] that I didn't see any anything over there oh wait wait wait wait what how do I where the [ __ ] where am I where do I go where am I where am I going wait where the hell am I going oh I need to go to that barrel with the bananas right how do I get over there I must have like just missed it hold on wait wait wait this way this way this way this way this way this way yeah right there right there feel like I'm going away from the Donkey Kong coin [Music] feel like I'm going wait no I saw I saw something that's so weird out there's like an invisible oh I can make it with Dixie there's like an invisible DK Barrel at the end of the stage squawks my boy [ __ ] in the house there it is there it is cough your nuts on them [Music] [Music] squawks hey and a bonus game what's up [Music] oh nice nice there we go ladies and gentlemen there we go we in there cudal contest cudel cudgel's contest we've got a boss ladies and gentlemen oh my God it's clubba what's up [Music] clubba ah oh what the he broke it dude come on man don't be like that it's club's evil brother C that's crazy back it up back it up throw it there we go that's what's going on yeah yeah oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] boy oh [ __ ] oh buddy oh TNT all right all right throw that [ __ ] yeah dude yeah oh it stunned me oh [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah that's right oh he's jumping he's jumping he's jumping whoa he jumps uh so magnificently his his like his pose when he's in the air is very I don't even know how to describe it but it's it's legit I should jump like that what he broke my TNT I love how he jumps he looks so funny come on you [ __ ] is he dead he's not dead he's so strong haven't you ever played Mario man three hits and you're dead that's how it works not six Hits come on [Music] now [Music] cudel oh [ __ ] we did it you guys we beat the world we beat the whole world and we got the uh the DK coin so every DK coin for three worlds so far we've gotten every DK coin and we've completed the bonus level from uh what's his face what's his name clubba club's bonus level oh [ __ ] I didn't mean to go in here you guys dude I can't exit because I freaking never played this level before well I guess we're getting a bonus level you guys unless unless I die I could just die I suppose damn it [ __ ] all right I'm going die I'm going die I'm going die I'mma die I'm going die I'm going die I'm going die I'm going die they're going to reset my lives anyways so why not just [ __ ] die wait wait a minute how do I leave how do I leave the world I'm so confused hold on I'm using the uh this is the only time I've ever used the the the uh switch back it up thing I've never used this before ever I swear to God I've never used it before but I can't figure out how to leave that world so I'm going to back it up and go save the game I'm so used to playing new games that I forget you got to save the game and if you don't save the game you're going to be screwed you got to save the game man dude I I saved the game three Times by mistake I don't mean to I'm trying to I'm just hitting the wrong buttons it's really embarrassing all right that's it for today thumbs up subscribe love you guys let me know what you want to see more Diddy Kong Quest Star Fox 64 battle kid something else let me know I will see you soon peace
Channel: Ryu
Views: 62,210
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ryukahr, ryukhar, super nintendo, retro games, dkc2, donkey kong country, diddy kong's quest, diddy's kong quest
Id: WI8cEYf5VW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 18sec (2778 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2024
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