I was WRONG about *WONKA*

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OA Loa D I want to watch a movie with you hey guys what's up welcome back to my channel I'm Natalie and today we are watching [Music] Wonka welcome back to my channel everyone thank you so much for being here and welcome if you're new today we are diving on into Wonka I'm not going to lie to y'all I am feeling a little conf icted about checking this movie out I myself grew up with the Gan Wilder version of wily Wonka I always strongly identified with that movie as being my Wonka that was the Wonka I grew up with that movie to me is so comforting except for a couple scenes maybe just one scene in particular is a little traumatizing but the rest of the movie is really nostalgic really comforting and so when they announced that they were doing this movie I wasn't so sure about it like I'm definitely a fan of Tim shalam I do think he's really talented and so I thought okay well that is probably a really good casting choice but I don't know I don't know if I need this and so I'm definitely feeling a little conflicted I don't know what to expect I think my conflicted feelings really just have to do with the fact that I feel old now cuz all of the movies that I grew up with are getting remade so it's I think it's just me feeling old really the main qualm that I'm having I don't think it really has anything to do with the movie it's just me so that's nice but despite feeling conflicted I am excited to check this one out and see what it's like cuz I do think it will be a really fun time and maybe potentially have some nostalgic feels to it but without any further Ado I think it's finally time to grab a drink grab a snack and grab your golden tickets because it's time to get into to Wonka not like that is that going to be him climbing the Mast of the ship after years of life upon thece I guess I didn't think about the fact that there'd probably be musical numbers in this you know what I should have realized it was a musical because I think I think I heard him talking about how he was taking voice lessons I wasn't thinking here's my destiny I just need to unlock it ah so this is like this movie is about his beginning that's cool dance oh he's dancing by it's so cringey okay I kind of love that that they did that no daydreaming huh no daydreaming that's a horrible la I would lose all my money so they he's going to go to the that was cute I like that choreography pocket he's it's going to fall down the drain oh yeah bro that was really dumb he doesn't care though he he's unbothered by the fact that he has he just lost all his money in one day oh to be fair if your hat is magical then I guess it doesn't really matter Perhaps it is a little cold for camping but unfortunately I'm not in a position to pay for a room sir oh I'm sorry to hear that uhoh God why is it with this guy he's so creepy I know someone who might be able to help you out it's a scam Willie it's a scam you don't trust this guy with this kind of music underneath his dialogue okay I guess oh I gu I guesss thank you Mrs scrubb it you and your husband have been so kind to me husband him oh you'd love that would you oh wait does he actually love her wa he said that maybe that dude is fine cuz I kind of trust her maybe they're fine I don't know I'm afraid that's true Mrs scrubb but all that's about to change oh yeah oh my God the tone of this movie is wacky prepare to be amazed as I present to you a taper no that's just for making she wasn't even impressed by his magic trick his magical hat and we've got Josephine for you the entrepreneurial package now the room is One Sovereign night but you don't have to pay till 6:00 tomorrow does that give you enough time to earn a few pennies is there interest why do I feel like there's interest if he doesn't pay it in time now sign here and we're all done o read the contract son read son read the small print yeah this thank you that'll do oh they are scammers they're scammers that girl has sounded like read the small print and there does seem to be a lot of [Music] oh oh my God you could tell that the Wardrobe and costume people just had so or not even sorry I mean the props is what I about to say you could tell the costume and props people had so so much fun I just G it one over uh oh well B seems to be in order really uh-huh hello oh no he didn't read the fine [Music] print a his own label handmade ladies and gentlemen of the gallery Gourmet my name is willly won he is so confident and wi ask nicely lay precisely one little egg in each of these see they're impressed by the Hat Tricks uh-oh the other chocolateers are are watching there's chocolate but only wz makes your eyes po out the chocolate I don't think I want that for my chocolate Willie I just want it to taste good bro that's all I really want Miss Bon bong yes Mr SL call the police uh-oh no soliciting well who wants to try one I oh of course he got downstairs so fast let's try one of these socalled hover it's going to be really good I bet it's going to be the best chocolate they ever had he's like oh no it's not just chocolate is it there's marshmallow it it's making him smile he doesn't want to smile caramel salted with the Bittersweet tears of Russian with the Bittersweet tears of her what surely not CH that actually seems like too many flavors now and I can safely say that of all the chocolate I have ever tasted he's going to lie isn't he 100% worst what W there we have it ladies and gentlemen an endorsement for M wait the worst well it's just we weird the choice to make him speak like that is so funny you're going to hate what happens next oh they're going to fly oh that's cool that's cool who in their right mind wants a chocolate that makes you fly the kids do the kidsing do who's for a h i want one are you kidding me I would eat it later though maybe not here maybe in the safety of my own home just hover around my ceiling oh he noticed her oh the police are here to arrest him now that's so sad the kid's doing nothing wrong just a small group of people defying the laws of gravity oh my God it's Keenan that's funny I'm regrettably obliged to move you on and to confiscate your earnings hey what are you doing don't worry it's going to a good cause that's messed up that's so messed up sick kids or something could you at least leave me a sovereign I need to pay for my room give him one yeah that's nice thank you sir he he needs to get out of this horrible contract that he signed into which I don't think he's going to get out of it now tell me Mr Wonka did you happen to use the mini bar there's a mini bar mini bar of soap by the sink the mini bar of soap see even bleacher knows you never touched the mini bar and he was raised in a ditch add in your mattress oh he looks hurt every time she disses him 10 Fs in sovereigns you got to be kidding me it's all in the small friends area you know what's funny is I'm just remembering in like the Gan Wilder version of willly Wonka there's like the small print in his own contract if you're not here at roll call Mrs scrubbed we'll call the police they'll bring you right back and she'll charge you a th000 for the inconvenience yeah oh the dog yeah back to work come along Mr Wonka the dog is in charge down here it's interesting that they do the laundry too since like Charlie and his family spend so much time doing laundry like this in the beginning of um M Wonka what are you doing I'm making chocolate of course oh he still has his bag and hat they let him keep it okay dark white nutty absolutely insane my God's performance is so cute back when I was your age I wanted to be a magician M my mom was a cook we lived on the river just the two of us we didn't have a lot of money but each week she brought home one cocoa bean by the time my birthday came around there was enough to make a single bar of chocolate as it all happens I do know a little secret that even those fancy bants don't and when you do share chocolate with the world I'll be right there beside you promise no she going to die it's going to be sad so what was it Willie what was the secret did he never find out oh he never found out but it was love we all know it was love oh that so that bar is really special it's probably stale by now but it's really special all we have to do is find an aristocrat and slip out while she's distracted yeah but where are we going to find an aristocrat the light bulb oh my God I knew it when he stood under that they're awaiting thank you very much okay it makes sense cuz oh he's in cahoots with the chocolateers as I see that makes sense cuz he couldn't just be a random little cop with an actor this big you know so anyone can afford them even the pores are you going to say pores the poor I can't just go around roughing up your competition I'm sorry well now Chief oh no now we have an evil number here we [Music] go have you got a sweet tooth I do they got him addicted to sugar and now they're going to they're going to say you won't get any more sugar we'll cut you off if you don't give us what we want they're just going to bribe him with chocolate and that's it Gentlemen let's give it the big cell the big cell yeah oh my God this is so have I do really yeah this is so silly I kind of love it key change yep we need a can can line a new tailor oh yeah that'll fix the problem 1,800 boxes oh deal oh oh my God that's it that's it just for chocolate unmistakable sound of love you what don't tell me you had noticed she's madly in love with you oh he's going to get in his head she'll be thankful for an ankle yes and pleased to see your knees but if you want to make her sigh tell me show her a little thigh just wear shorts are you kidding me blow me that looks exactly like Mr bleacher oh she's planting seeds for her I kind of hope they do fall in love I think it'd be really [Music] funny scrub scrub He barked in Rhythm scr scrub cuz we never change our song this is adorable guys I'm not going to lie have you done something with your air maybe maybe maybe not oh my God oh my God oh my lord well that worked really well Willy Wonka does not used any old cow's milk for this particular creation I require the milk of a giraffe oh my God that is a bit extra Willy fact there's one at the zoo Bing is she pregnant is the giraffe a female and Pregnant for the sake of the movie it will be it's called a big night out a single chocolate that perfectly mimics a night on the town the outer layer a champagne truffle oh that's lovely the next is white wine followed by Red now we are talking he's going to get drunk we have a I really like the way they executed this with we can't see him we just see his shadow woman I he might do something Reckless give her a call I'll give her a call Miss um Abigail Abigail whoa easy now I brought a and min oh he was prepared it's all I have for my real parents see and for noodle or Nora or Nina or nothing at all why did the theme come in there that song better be in this movie at this point like actually him singing [Music] itot oh the hopes oh all The Joy sucked out of the room with the balloons if this is about Abigail I got a message for you pal whoa do not sell chocolate in this town I don't know if he heard anything you just said not really I'm afraid oh so you got a mouth on you huh candy man I said he's not going to now walk Qui you hear me that time I have water in my ears okay that makes sense I'm sorry oh my God I don't know Colin you're a lovely man but I'm looking for someone to sweep me off my feet you know whisk me off to a life of adventure oh poor Colin could that be you no oh not with my chronic lack of self-confidence oh taxi oh Colin goodbye to feeling small and frightened of it all just eat a few of these and you'll be so basically Wonka is making drugs doing he's making mood altering substances they're going to catch on eventually but this is great the word is spreading I don't know if I want that but actually no I would I would eat one of those oh this would be the most popular one hands down this would be so popular oh the Sphinx the Sphinx is going to oh no oh it's did that's so cute I love that but you had chocolate like it was the musical chocolate they're all [Music] dancing oh I don't know can he oh oh There was a little piece of fabric that got stuck outside the he's fat now that is such a funny choice oh my God this movie is hilarious this is so cute yeah they figured it out I knew that was going to happen I want a man on every storm drain in the city are you sure sir shouldn't we be focusing on all those unsolved murders the priority shouldn't we be focusing on all those unsolved murders it's like no no no no it's honestly like real cops LAPD no no no this business is operating illegally this is way more important than all the murderers it was a trap hold on you've been stealing from me for years well you started it you stole our cocoa beans oh they cocoa beans allow me to refresh your memory in the form of a song so ruinously catchy that it may never leave your mind oh oh yeah once we've started We Can't Stop the dance oh my God you came along and pinched the lot hey why didn't you say something well perhaps I drifted off he wasn't paying attention and he got in trouble yeah he lost his job paid my friends back a thousand a thousand fold you got to be kidding me they gave him a very nice boat how is he going to get the Oompa loomus to be working with him we don't need to sell chocolate today why is that you know that shop when you've been dreaming of oh they went and rented it I see you mark my words this is going to be the best chocolate shop the world has ever seen you won't be scrub scrubbing much longer noodle we'll all be free I feel like they're about to get caught being out because of the sewer Fiasco something's going to happen what is it Arthur the girl you don't really think it could be her oh yeah there's something about the girl huh what what is it assured us she wouldn't be a problem oh what is it about the girl you ass SW us here's a that's like no he's got everything on Q ready to go he just was like waiting for the biggest crowd this man works so efficiently oh Le the stage manager yeah he's on a bike oh my God that's cute world of your own wow they did a great job beautiful this is cute because this is giving me Vibes too of like the beginning of Wonka with like Charlie and his grandpa dancing together we're just eating everything you better be paying grab a hand it's allow oh I guess it's allowed they're allowed to eat okay they're allowed do whatever not very profitable Wonka but that's okay [Music] world oh the little chocolate teacups that was a call back too that's fun I'm loving all the little call backs they're doing but while this still feels unique and different how would you like your change spendable or edible oh edible please edible change Ah that's cute that's so cute his hair is turning blue yeti sweat Yeti sweat most powerful hair potion in the world I didn't put it in there he's been sabotaged he's been sabotaged it appears that the chocolates have been poisoned poison poison oh no oh no this is going to be tough PR to overcome when they say no such thing as bad bad press this is pretty bad press this is what you get from the stashing my daughter woman you just became a villain you're setting the place on fire ma'am that's not good you can't do that that's so sad that happened very fast that was a very quick descent into the dark KN of the Soul terrible shame what happened here oh of course he intervenes at this moment we may have encouraged Mrs scrubb it to enhance your Creations we paid her to poison them yes thank you Gerald Gerald a little subtlety would go a long way Gerald we've come to offer you or to bribe him to not sell chocolate anymore honestly the best way to handle the situation as these guys would be to actually want to work with Wonka and share business with him that would be the best thing and this for noodle that's really what's going to get him oh yes Mr Wonker you could change her life change all their lives know would I have to do leave town own them never make chocolate again you can't you can't you can't make somebody do that but he's going to he's going to take the deal yeah I hope you'll forgive me one day checking out always yeah I love how she doesn't they don't seem to care that there no one's doing laundry there anymore but the dog sorry nood the other lyrics are so pretty I just think hearing sorry noodle over and over again is kind of silly I'm not going to lie some of the songs are like are pretty good and some of them are just kind of cheesy and but it's fun so I don't really care thank you oh no are they supposed to crash the boat is that what's why did he make ey contact like that what's he supposed to do I guess crashing the boat would be kind of crazy like why would you take a bribe if you were going to sentence yourself to death and crash the boat huh what is it no nothing no nothing he's going to double ha very well don't re he's going to recline again and then he's going to say h again huh you did it again tell me what it is or I shall poke you quite viciously with a cocktail stick where slugworth shook my hand his ring left a mark see it's an a surrounded by s's so what is noodle related to slugworth why would noodle the orphan have a slugworth family maybe she's part of the slugworth family wup come back here wup did the captain Abandon Ship Captain yep with dynamite the explanation can wait life jacket he just had a life jacket on oh no then have some shment yes they broke her out Abigail uh might want to duck tell her she might want to what duck could have dri you could have breaked Abus just slow drive slower for a second it's Baron F Michel Hammer's funeral today and his widow is a bit of a Pious type so I don't want to see anyone eating chocolate they were annoyed about the fact that she's a Pious like a religious woman really oh that's why we put the aasia mins in his pocket so the giraffe would follow him run everybody else it's just a giraffe they're gentle creatures run away oh my God this movie is so dumb I love it oh the F oh there supposed to be a funeral today right so you might want to pop the late Baron down for a minute ah the Cavalry are you the cleric who called about a giraffe great it's like a trojan horse scenario that's great [Music] oh the tra her in there ah thanks for all your hard work father Julius and the chocolate cartel oh that's how they're going to incapacitate her all we've learned from this is that nobody in this world either has diabetes or self-control I could have been happy I through a PE away I'll give him a call no I can't I love how all the people just call call the person that got away oh oh it's him W we're going to have a happy ending wait that's great he gwenny you were right that's [Music] cute not not Mr hon a gun yeah but she's not just an urchin is she Mr slugworth your family mhm that belonged to my brother zeid zeed is her dad is he my father a hopeless romantic is what he was what he was fell in love with a common little Bookworm book died before they could marry leaving me sole he to the family that's not really true though or so I thought thank you for revealing all of this sir I said I would help but you did it did you Mrs scrubb found me she saw The Ring thought I wasn't n and called me noodle so is her mom still out there what the heck my mom what was her name does he not even know let me see oh my God he doesn't even know sorry but you have to understand she was very poor my God Felix death by choc are they going to drown him oh no a chocolate River you're going to kill them with the same chocolate that you give to people as bribes this is not a wellth thought out plan gentlemen I was wondering if you could give this to someone little orange man yeah yeah yeah I was wondering the Oompa Loompas have to come farewell Mr Wonka farewell urchin my goodness this guy's affectation is great he doesn't ever let it slip best chocolatey ever made oh yeah mhm and yet you guys killed him you love his chocolate and you just kill him you never get to enjoy it ever again look somebody's coming look Bo we're saved no it's them again oh my God this is a really bad plan on their part cuz it just it would just make their entire supply of red chocolate go bad from two dead bodies in it like it's just a poor plan it's just a bit of chocolate correction it was actually my chocolate good he's going to get them out he's got Wings you steal from anaa mhm we take back a thousandfold yep than you thank you that's it he just walked walk away how big is the police chief now oh my god dude oh my God a couple of fees broke in but I'm afraid they met with a little accident in which they they died yeah we get it Gerald I wouldn't be so sure about that officer would you kindly take a look at this Wonka it details every single illegal payment these men have ever made yeah good thing they gave it to that cop gentlemen you're under arrest handu on that's okay right give one second oh cuz they ate their chocolates yeah somehow breaking his belt at the same time the rumbling of the ground there we go Willy Wonka And Friends invite you to enjoy our chocolate this is it this kind of movie with all these like funny little Shenanigans happening happening happening I can't speak oh my god oh cute yeah yeah yeah bringing people together in love really all of these Shenanigans give context to like how Wonka kind of became so like crazy with his Factory and like all these kids getting in trouble because they weren't following instructions because his inventions were kind of dangerous it sets the tone for all of that later which I do enjoy about this like he learned a lot of things from from these guys but he operates in a more like optimistic and kind way than these other businessmen but he like made a chocolate River and like did all this crazy stuff later on so it does feel like the precursor to that is he going to eat it bro it's probably stale I hate to break it to oh she put the golden ticken in the a the secret that's really cute [Music] that was really sweet I'm like getting emotional the music is definitely manipulating me do you know how many people in the city are named D smith6 did he find her mom and she spent the entire afternoon ringing around oh my God no I'm going to cry again we found her God you found my mom she works in the library of course she does that's where she lives she lives in the library too she's a bookworm therefore she she made her whole personality about that oh the Willy Wonka theme come oh thank you yes okay I'm going to cry I'm going to cry they knew how to manipulate me in a world of Pure Imagination that's a cute little touch it's a shame you have to go go I said good day I'm going to need a factory well good luck with that and someone to head up the tasting Department the tasting world of pure imagin it's a ruined cast day dreamers welcome will defy [Music] explan does defy explanation chocolate River I know the movie will end before for that but I I never need to see him going down the tunnel of horse that's what I don't need shes faft nose job oh my God Aiza girl that is too big of a pile for lingerie open up quick drink the evidence drink the evidence wow how can we help you officer why did they think this would help why did they think that that would help I don't know why they did that oh my God this was so much fun it was it really hit in the nostalgic feels in a way that I wasn't quite sure that it would I'm so happy that I avoided reading the log line for this because I really didn't know that it was going to be a movie that was centered in a timeline that was pre Wonka's factory pre his store pre his business really so just leading up to him becoming this master choler building this business building this community around him and starting his Factory at the end of the film I really loved that we had the familiar themes and songs sprinkled throughout the movie I mean I probably could have done with one less Oompa Loompa song I don't know if I needed that in the credits cuz that is just going to be stuck in my head now for the rest of time I don't know if I needed it that many times maybe once would have been good I think the way that they brought the iconic Wonka song about like you can change the world there's nothing to it that like whole theme having that come in at the very very end was so smart of them and having it be about this other dream not just his dream has been fulfilled but now he could fulfill his friend's dream of finding her mother and have it be this really sweet moment like they it just felt felt a little emotionally manipulative but in a good way like it was really sweet really beautiful definitely made me tear up I think the acting in this movie was pretty good as well I really enjoyed Tim's portrayal of Wonka I think he did a good job of creating this version of Wonka that really felt like his own while at the same time kind of feeling like it meshed well with both of the versions of Wonka that I've seen from Johnny Depp and Jee Wilder it didn't feel like it was so jarringly different but it also felt like him you know I just think he did a really good job it was very playful he was big enough in the moments that he had to be big and Whimsical magical theatrical and then he was subtle enough enough in the moments that were maybe a little bit more subdued and emotionally vulnerable I think he just did a really good job I really enjoyed getting to see him in something like this cuz honestly I haven't seen him in a lot like I haven't watched a lot of his work I've seen him in Dune I've never seen call me by your name so I haven't really seen a ton of his work honestly so this was really really fun you can tell that he did work a lot on Voice work and on Dance I'm usually very picky when I watch movies that incorporate musical numbers as somebody who went to school for musical theater and I've seen a lot of movies where there's a lot of actors that are hired and their musical Talent or dance Talent isn't necessarily considered I think Tim definitely put in a lot of work with that stuff and I think he did a really solid job likewise Olivia Coleman and Tom Davis were just great like they stole the show they were so funny the trio of evil guys were really talented as well like they just knew exactly what tone to put on and they it was so stylized and they kept it up the the entire time with every line of dialogue a lot of people in this movie definitely you know are names and have done a lot of great things you know we have Olivia Coleman who's done things like the crown and the favorite I haven't seen either of those shows or movies yet at this time but she's an incredible actress and then you have Jim Carter who did D and Abby another show that I haven't seen but you had this really talented cast of people some actors who maybe have worked on smaller projects others who've done bigger things but nobody really stood out in a way that felt like okay we got a name here and that's what's going to sell it like timate felt like the name that's carrying the movie and so it felt like they could play around with the rest of the cast and just find really talented people that fit the roles really well and I really appreciated that you know Keegan Michael key is a guy that stands out for sure but he is really funny in the role that they put him in I think it made a lot of sense for him to be in this like sidekick to the antagonist kind of role he was really funny with it and a lot of the people they hired you could tell just just do have decent musical Talent or at least real comedic skill so I really appreciated that nobody really stood out like a sore thumb to me in any kind of way which sometimes happens with musical movies especially if they're casting a bunch of names to fill the whole cast it feels a little bit like okay you just cast this person cuz they're a name but they're not funny or they're not musically talented I feel like the casting for this movie was really quite strong you can tell everybody had a really fun time making it too which I really really appreciate like when you can feel the actors playing on screen it's so much fun I guess hug grant for OA Loompa is also a pretty big casting Choice as well like that's a name for sure but I I don't know he was just really funny as the Impala so I also didn't even really think about it like nobody really stood out to me in a way that was distracting it felt like it melded very well and everybody felt right in their roles and I just loved all the little call backs to the old movies or the r doll books like all the little lines and moments that felt so nostalgic this movie just felt really playful and it was kind of impossible to not smile or laugh while watching it even in the moments that were a little cheesy because it's such a magical story with all these magical and playful and Whimsical elements you just kind of can't help but have fun while watching it so I really enjoyed it at the end of the day Gene Wilder is still my Wonka but if I had a kid I would be so Overjoyed to show this movie to them and to like watch their face light up as they watched this movie so I'm super happy that they made this I actually think this is one of those few franchise IP films that could have been made and they did a good job with it and offered something really different with the story and I hope you guys enjoyed watching this with me if you did please give this video a thumbs up so that I know and I can check out more stuff like this in the future with all of y'all of course let me know your thoughts in the comments down below and anything else you might like me to watch next And subscribe if you want to till the next one stay golden bye [Music] [Music] oh
Channel: Natalie Gold
Views: 44,164
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: svl8StbJ3gQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 26sec (2186 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2024
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