first time watching *THE KARATE KID*

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hey guys what's up welcome back to my channel I'm Natalie and today we are watching The Karate [Music] Kid welcome back to my channel everyone thank you so much for being here and welcome if you're new today we are diving on into an 80s movie The Karate Kid I'm so excited to be finally watching this one it has been on my list for so long I've included it in so many polls over on patreon and it has finally won a poll and I feel like this is just going to be a fun little action movie today something comforting to watch on this gloomy day I'm filming this on a day when we are getting a lot of rain here in La the weather is very bad and so I'm excited to just kind of watch something nostalgic even though I wasn't born in the'80s I was a '90s kid barely barely a '90s kid cuz I was born in the '90s I'm really more of a early 2000s kid but there's always something kind of comforting about watching movies from the'80s it just feels like a simpler time you know it just feels like a happier time people weren't on their phones so much so I'm just excited to be watching a movie from this decade again I have a feeling it'll be fun and I don't really know much about this one quite literally the only thing I know about this movie is that you know wax on wax off is a part of it and the only reason I know that is because I had an earth science teacher in high school that taught us the phases of the moon Waxing and waning with using the Karate Kid wax on wax off technique honestly I don't even really think his lesson made that much sense but I did learn the phases of the moon so I guess it worked and I'm really excited to just get on into this one and have fun with y'all today but before we do I just want to quickly mention that I do have a patreon page I always link it in the description bar below for those of y'all who are curious and want to maybe watch these movies along with me in a longer format my full length reactions are posted over there as well as polls tell me decide what I watch next here on my channel I've also been doing Patron exclusive live streams for my top tier patrons over there as well as as including reactions to the movies that I'm reacting to on my other channel Natty gold so if you don't feel like checking out the patreon page I totally understand but you could also just check out my other channel Natty gold where I do live streaming and react to other movies lots of places to see this face if you're not sick of me yet but I'm already getting sick of hearing myself talking so without any further Ado I think it's time to grab a drink grab a snack and let's get into the movie Newark New Jersey oh great we're going to New Jersey Tony don't forget to tell Uncle Lou that I left the red wine and the pesan in the pesan okay so so he's Italian they couldn't have written a sequence of lines to set up that this is like an Italian family more than like I left a bottle of red wine and Parmesan in the freak are we leaving New Jersey California here we thank God get me [Music] out listen I I love my New Jersey fans okay I got a lot of friends who are from New Jersey but I got to on it it I'm from New York it's a rule well we know we've made it cuz there's palm trees no more nework Winters I like Winters ma oh you like sore throats you like frozen toes I don't like smug did I tell you about the pool here he's not wrong did she just moov here cuz she didn't want to deal with the winners she like relocate her kid oh okay oh my God hey what was that karate huh oh yeah so he already does karate ever use it a couple times you know bet you kick some ass huh G there's no water in the wow that is a sad pool hey we're having a beach party sort of I somewh you want to come a beach party hopefully we're actually going to the beach and not just calling the pool the beach please don't say anything about the pool I will call first thing in the morning I don't think the landlord cares ma'am I'm sorry sure a lot of people have called hey you the maintenance man oh no he's not yeah we the new people in Port apartment 20 did you just snatch a fly out of the air with chopsticks look at all the bonsai trees he has when are you going to fix the faucet after oh he is the maintenance guy too still hasn't got it yet that fly is really helping him out by just staying nearby for him to [Music] practice oh he forgot how to play he like wait a minute she's so pretty wait a yeah who's that who's that blonde blue H she looks she looks like oh the hills she lives in the Hills like Beverly Hills oh she looks like an adult oh oh my God they're all watching they're all watching oh my God this is actually cute try three and four try it just bring your leg good he is good with the lady oh no the jerks have shown up oh no 8: a.m. tomorrow I'm a senior got one year to make it all work and that's what I'm going to do make it work he's a junior in high school and they all have motorcycles what kind of junior in high school has motorcycles like this hey Johnny forget it man it's ancient history who told you man oh they used to date uhoh Daniel you better run boy oh I'll get it I'll do it back she just kicked it right into the ocean like she was trying to I'm sure she was It was supposed to be an accident but it looked like she just did it intentionally what is your problem what is just take your little Cobra kaai and get out of here Cobra Kai I've heard of that oh give me my radio he taking her radio my God just bre my radio yeah that's [Applause] horrible oh face out time the music oh no the blocking for this was just okay just run and just trip over his leg immediately oh he oh so the motivation for him to get good at karate is going to be to beat this guy's ass sure pick cool people to be friends with Freddy where' you find this guy what wait they're making fun of Daniel for losing a fight oh my God why does it already suck so much come on let's go come on let better feel him alone a this poor girl did nothing you know she didn't encourage them to fight she just lost her radio and the guy that she was flirting with and the bonfire pit oh my god wow looks feels do that it's going to make it worse it doesn't hurt can you see I can see fine all right do you want to stay home from school no no I got to go a what a sweet mama like stay home from school my mom would have been like okay put some ice on it go back to school but I'm going to you tell me who did that you I'm going to kick their ass I bet he goes to this school too because of course he would oh there he is oh he's got a little Walkman maybe we could break it see how it feels hey you got a name Alie with an ey hey what's your name Daniel with an L he's cute he's got that that New Jersey confidence he'll be just fine he'll make friends no problem I think unless everyone in the school was just a total jerk off oh no oh no they're all scheming are you a nice trip look what he's doing look what he's doing to Bobby oh Daniel no oh it's SCH sucks man it does suck it does suck they actually do all suck here they're really awful oh she looks so sad I feel like she can't tell if it was like she probably she probably just thinks he like reacted out of nowhere but F foret oh he is practicing fighting moves right now karate he does know a little karate he does practice okay run from books eight and a few months at the W nework where I live n this guy this guy knows what's up he's going to teach him so that he can defend himself with these at school karate is he going to go see if he can take lessons here no this and this does it I bet the trains here Cobra Kai guy oh he's like a sergeant like he's like a military guy yeah they all have SN they all have cobras on the back yeah okay it's he definitely trains here I can't hear you so this is his method of training I see which I don't think is the way that you really should learn karate it seems like a militarized method what's the matter Daniel nothing this guy across the corner is the matter oh oh with this loser's here quick let's run back and go harass him guys come on look he's with his mom what a loser cute no not cute she's uh I mean she's Beyond cute listen you'll tell me about it later I love you careful how you ride home smile she excellent smile she's really smart he's still thinking about her he's just talking to himself a she's hot definitely hot okay buddy good job were those kids just like were they just like taking note of how like I I don't know what they were like poting pointing and laughing at I mean obviously Daniel but they looked like they were going to go do something and then they did oh God they found him here oh so they're following him I see they were waiting around the corner to follow him on his bike ride home like what jerks hey don't think about the [Music] pain oh not his bike oh no he'll be okay oh that's pretty rough oh my God he just recovered from the black eye this is awful I hate this place I hate it I just want to go home like only just go back home we're fighting right outside where the fixer upper guy lives the guy that knows karate you took karate no not not not as a why a good school good yeah yell here so he can hear you and train you hey did you fix my bike oh he fixed it wow you like see come inside this man's smart he's in him in with the bonsai trees and the fixing of the bike come you TR wow he's letting him trim the bonsai tree that's a big deal close eyes close eyes what really wipe your mind to clean everything but tree nothing exist all dude this man that I like pretty much just met like touched my face like that I'd be like oh okay okay who we're a little close here okay what me oh my God I couldn't oh please uh H the feeling oh oh my God this dude is amazing you know what this is actually makes a lot of sense because he's the exact opposite of not only all the bullies U but he's also the exact opposite of the drill sergeant style trainer at the other karate studio so it's going to be like one method of training versus another you know you too much byself not good not by myself with you m to make honey young bee need young flower not old prune that's funny man you have costume you go what costume is that the costume he's a giant shower hey there's Daniel where the shower how do you know the shower I just know that's actually hysterical help me help me my flow needs water hey come to the right place stranger oh that's actually really romantic that's kind of cute i' love to see him get a dose of his own medicine well you know it goes around comes around I'd love to be there when it does oh I'm sure you will girl oh they're so they're canoodling like so so close as friends like oo these are the least awkward high school teenagers I've ever seen oh is he going to do something Johnny up he's using those is he gonna D him with water that's actually really funny it's GNA fry his Walkman smart smart smart smart yeah twist it and then get out of there hey Spider-Man you almost ruined it get out of my way out what what's wrong it's coming [Music] [Applause] around he just caused the three car pile up to be fair that guy that swerve should have just break like what the heck oh he abandoned the shower hopefully Mr Miyagi doesn't need that bag he going oh no almost hey leave him alone man he's had enough shut up Bobby look at it dut he can't even stand up Bobby at least has somewhat of a conscience all the side when he's had enough man what is wrong with you Johnny Johnny's a meanie he's a psychopath there he is Mr Miyaki [Music] get [Applause] nice man he made light work of all of them oh that's so funny that stylized like blurring of the edges of the frame because you could tell he was just barely seeing Mr Mr Miyagi before he was going to pass out an enemy deserves no mercy what is the problem Mr Lawrence hey come on let's forget this wait no he's interested now now he's like no no let's not forget this class we have visitors fall in behind me y yeah get behind me make me look like this imposing leader oh my God little sidekick oh ew ew uh no more fighting this is a Karate Dojo not a knitting class you don't come in my dojo and drop a challenge and leave old man it's not a challenge he's not dropping a challenge too much Advantage your dojo name a place oh my God tournament the tournament but you don't show and it's open season hun him and you this guy's evil he's crazy doing a disservice to karate wind Ru no matter you make go fight and respect m I do hope he wins though he's right like it doesn't matter it's just about becoming better and able to defend yourself but I like want I want him to win I say you do no question dear still oh first step is wash the cars oh wax wax on wax on do I have to remember deal no question he's going to start to think he's just getting taken advantage of here he's going to start to be like are you just teaching me to wash cars I'm going to get my ass beat in two months wax on wax off don't forget to breathe very important wax on wax off wow I didn't realize that he would just be washing cars for that lesson it wouldn't fly water be easier man who catch fry with chapstick accomplish anything you have a catch one nothing it oh oh he was close that time hey hey hey Mr Miagi look look oh my God no way no way no way you begin a luck of course he s loser that's hilarious first you accomplish pain defense this is just child labor Mr miyak I'm starting to think you are not training him in body at all and you just want your place renovated he's doing a great job of not questioning like why he has to learn this stuff he's like okay I'm just going with it I was told to not question it and just do what he tells me all finished looks pretty good huh say not yet oh my God both sides oh no oh my God he's not not complaining though but damn oh is there a note paint housee no up down go side side half left oh now he's mad now he's starting to get mad yeah I figured at some point he's probably going to be like why am I doing this you training I'm what I'm being you goddamn slave is what I'm being man we made a deal here it does seem like child labor sand FL big sucker sand FL he's starting to realize oh oh you were teaching me moves wax on wax off wax on wax off show me wax on wax off now we're getting somewhere oh death yes they were defensive moves show me side the yes wo yes that came out of nowhere what we're practicing at the beach now learn balance go out make kick oh we're going to go kick in the water he like it's cold though the Pacific is cold it's a bit chilly oh wow what a place to train just going to get sucked into a undercurrent man they picked a they picked a high surf day huh oh my God I wonder if that guy was just actually there to surf or he's like an extra in the background they probably background but how funny would it be if somebody was just like I'm going to surf today I don't care if you're filming the seagulls aren't extras they're just living their best life what was that you doing on those stumps over there called cran technique Alo having the seagull in it was actually poetic in a way he what am I going to learn how to punch better learn balance balance is key yeah I like he's taught him defensive moves first and then balance next like punching is going to be like the last thing you learn probably cuz he doesn't want to teach him for fighting it's more about protection learn how keepy [Laughter] no you all to behind oh my God czy he was he loved that he loved that joke that was a good one he was rolling back in laughter oh my God he's having a grand old time listen I've been thinking maybe we can call a truce yeah I'm not at War excuse me could we please finish the dance ew the way he just looked at her so like entitled to her time nasty oh he's going to see them dancing the fact that he was able to just sneak in is like so unrealistic to me I've never had an easy time getting into new a country club yeah GH oh no it's going to make him [Music] happy he's going to of course he's going to look away just at that [Music] time oh my gosh wait oh my God and they're all laughing why is everybody in this town just a villain to the nth degree what the heck is wrong with these full-grown adults laughing at a kid who just got humiliated that's [Music] horrible is that his wife a I don't know you a singer a looks like he's wearing like a war uniform funai Pai funai he wants you to yell it with some fervor man come on yeah whiskey is some strong stuff man oh my God celebrating here anniversary oh first American Born Miagi waiting to be born wait were they supposed to have a kid yes regret the inform wife son come oh when he was at when he was in the war oh my God that's really awful what an interesting scene to have right after the scene at the country club because it just like hits home for this kid like yeah like Mr Miyagi has his own problems too you know and what's that that he's holding we regret to inform you that yeah oh it's a letter at the men's and our relocation Center your wife and newborn son died due to complications arising from that's how he found out was from a letter so awful as he was fighting in the military and he doesn't like fighting right like he was fighting for his country even though yeah he had a medal of valor even though he doesn't like fighting but he probably was doing it because he thought it was the right thing to do he's bowing while still looking at him like you taught him I like that that we had a scene like that it shows a layer of depth to Mr Miagi and like humanizes him a bit more which he I mean he's already an awesome guy I already love the dude but like for this character to really see like the things he's been through oh he's celebrating his birthday with him he got him a gift how funny would it be if it was like a karate belt oh Mr Miagi this is great oh wow wow like a suit that's great hey where did this come from anyway m m timeo from her that's really sweet really I'm serious Cho what oh no no what old man feeling oh my God it's like the sun you never had oh my God oh my God this is so dude this guy is a gem he's going to pick the yellow one for sure I can't believe it but if anything happens to this car or like the patch on the back of the Karate uniform like because of Cobra Kai Johnny I'm going to be pissed you're the best friend I ever had oh my God they're so cute pretty okay too you're pretty okay but I did give you a car I love him guys I don't want to look up this actor cuz I'm sure he is probably dead and it's going to make me sad buai hey buai buai buai hey he's doing it he's yelling back with more fervor no no hey don't leave me I'm wounded good maybe you'll die I just want to apologize fine we apologize apologize for what I don't know why the hell she's mad at him you know Daniel I didn't go out with you because of a car or you in okay well while you're on the subject why did you then well cuz she liked you I listen I understand why she's hurt at these insinuations but she should apologize for what happened at the country club or at least feel not necessarily like she has to apologize but she should understand how it the Optics looked and that everybody laughed at him oh what was that his hand on her ass her right hook you think she sprained her wrist doing her nails to be fair she didn't tell him that or like call him she shouldn't have to should she I mean I do feel bad for her I I feel this is just a classic misunderstanding I feel bad for her because she's just been put in this horrible situation with this horrible X and she doesn't deserve to have to deal with it but she shouldn't really be mad at Daniel either so I guess you know about the tournament tomorrow I don't have much of a cheering section you got me they made up so fast oh my gosh well I'll probably get killed in the first match anyway no you're definitely going to face off with Johnny so we'll leave early a aw a that's cute excuse me Mr referee this is not okay thank I stole that man's black belt hry up come tournament starting where' we get this Buddha provide uh Buddha provide I love him I am dead you told me you fought a lot for life not for points right exactly everything above your waist is a point how does she know listen it's not about winning he's Pro he's okay he's definitely not going to win but I would love for him to face off with Johnny that's really the point I feel like damn dude damn Daniel I feel like we're about to get like a montage of him kicking ass that would be really fun yes that's what I thought a musical montage he facing off with the first Cobra [Applause] Kai didn't seem fair to match up a brown belt with a a black belt although Daniel's not really a black belt so it's fine oh this guy oh that guy's good he was [Music] quick bye-bye Cobra Kai that guy's good he stands a chance ooh right to the face that was rough nice dude he's killing it I really think that one guy that's really good should win I would just be happy if Danny just beat Johnny but he doesn't need to win the whole tournament oh these two are facing off oh man I want this guy to do well cuz he was good oh my God bro they hired some real talented folks for this point Lawrence three points and it's over okay all right well Johnny won that makes sense so okay so Daniel has to face off against I want him out of commission but sense I can beat this guy I don't want him to beat but I'll be disqualified out of commission oh they're going to cheat they're going to cheat are you kidding me what little snakes you know what they're right to be little cobras they are little sneaky little snakes what's he going to do huh don't listen to him Bobby's the only one that had a somewhat of a conscience when they were fighting before in sports movies like this the antagonist always has to cheat somewhat oh we hit the leg are we saying I'm sorry oh we did like a leg move you're not supposed to hit the leg Daniel Luso has 15 minutes to return to the ring 15 minutes wow goodie you did well out there young man no this is not how it needs to end this ised up uhuh I mean every time I see those guys they're going to know they got the best of me yeah not of have balance that way not with them not with Ally not with me that's what it's really about in your head yeah is he just going to magically he's going to magically fix his knee Daniel Aro is going to fight yeah he is buddy how's the leg son it's okay I mean he's limping but he can balance on one leg is he going to do crane I bet he's going to do the crane pose and champion of the all Valley under 18 karate champion man he is going to win he's going to have to win we the thing is with guys like this even if you beat Johnny I'm pretty sure they'd still try to bully this kid after cuz five against one is always going to be stronger oh time out time out oh of course timeout oh cuz he's bleeding sweep the leg you have a problem with that this guy just wants to make his whole team look like huh he's like kill this kid I don't give a how old he is all right oh maybe he me sweep your own leg kick to the side one point Lawrence 22 two two it's a tiebreaker baby oh my God who's going to do it just punch him in the face oh they're [Music] booing was that the sweep the leg move that was clearly illegal because of the music and he hit his leg warning for illegal contact to the KN warning You' think he'd be disqualified the other guy got disqualified this is just bull yeah thank you thank you it's coming back around thank you [Music] good job dude wow beautiful all these Rand oh my God all of these random ass people who were never nice to him before Oh okay he did have to go out and beat his ass to earn respect my God we did it all [Music] right and that's how it ends what a sharp ending Pat morid was an American actor and comedian best known for Happy Days and the Karate Kid died in 2005 I figured he was probably not alive anymore this movie was made way back in the 80s and he looked already kind of old then he's so precious I love him this movie was really sweet I really enjoyed it a lot I did not expect to fall so in love with the friendship between Mr Miyagi and Daniel it was so sweet such a cute relationship and I'm really happy that we got that scene learning more about Mr Miyagi and that he fought in World War II the idea that you know he fought for the Americans and yet his wife and son passed away in an internment camp is just so awful but I appreciate that that story was told cuz it's not a part of like American history that really gets told a lot especially in films and also was really poetic because the people that they're going up against in this movie like the antagonist figure is this mil military man Prides himself on like no mercy and fighting till the end fighting to the death when Mr Miyagi doesn't even really like fighting but he decided to fight for his country presumably because he thought it was the right thing to do and that it was necessary but not because he likes fighting and despite his family dying in an internment camp he still went on and got a medal of honor like it's just it speaks to his character so much and it really gave Daniel a good idea of the type of person that he was and not only looked looked at him more as a teacher but really as a friend and it just deepened their relationship that much more I really thought that was sweet all in all this movie was just really fun and really cute I don't have too too much to say about it it definitely has some cheesy moments in it and things that maybe are a little campy or a little over the top because one you know it's the 80s style but two it's also just like that classic High School Story of like relocating to a new school and everybody in the school is just over the top awful even the adults at the Country Club are just over the top awful like everyone is particular brand of just evil and gross and annoying the only likable people are literally Daniel Mr Miagi Ally and Daniel's mom like everybody else in the movie is just completely insufferable and it that's kind of like the way it should be right it's more fun for a movie like this to have things be really black and white and stuff and just have stuff feel really campy and over the top especially with the drama of it being like a Sports Action Movie and having this big competition at the end all in all it's just really cute and a lot of fun and I know a lot of people have suggested the show Cobra Kai to me but I had never ever considered it because I hadn't even seen Karate Kid yet upon watching this I've looked the show up it actually looks like it has decent reviews and they're working on season 6 I think I'm actually shocked that there's been this many seasons so far that definitely seems like a successful show I think if I'm not mistaken that was like a YouTube Red show as well yeah it launched as a YouTube Red show and then Netflix acquired the series Once YouTube stopped producing YouTube red shows and original programming but let me know if that's something yall would want to see from me I know that's a bit beefier of a series a bit longer so I don't know when I would dive into that but if that's something y'all would want to see from me definitely let me know in the comments down below I had a lot of fun with this and I hope y'all enjoyed watching this with me as well if you did please give this video a big thumbs up so that I know and I can check out more stuff like this in the future with all of y'all of course let me know your thoughts in the comments down below and anything else you might like me to watch next And subscribe if you want to till the next one stay golden bye [Music] oh
Channel: Natalie Gold
Views: 139,421
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Karate, karate, kid, Kid, The, the, Miyagi, Mr., mr. miyagi, daniel, Daniel, Cobra, cobra, kai, Kai, 2024, react, reacts, reaction, reactions, reacting, to, first, time, watch, watches, watching, review, film, movie, movies, natalie gold, Natalie Gold
Id: mh4srD--Lnw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 56sec (2096 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2024
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