My little Irish heart can't handle this

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my little dark heart can't handle the no but's in titles

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/NixSphinx 📅︎︎ Nov 03 2019 🗫︎ replies
hey there friends how's it going my name is kevin and we're back with song of horror again this is a sponsored video by song of horror so i will thank them for that and we're jumping in to episode two don't worry i won't be scared at all i'm totally totally ready for this song of horror is out now it just released on halloween so there'll be a link in the description if you want to check it out this is where we left off last time and he was waking up and he got scared by this demon woman yeah that's her jesus christ i wish i had some scented candles right now okay sophie survived last time with her scented candles literally nothing bad happened to her pretty much erica manages the antique shop which is i guess where we're going oh my god she's got a lot of serenity she's strong at heart probably because she's listening to some really good music renee renee was born to be a cop and he'll die one two oh i'll make sure that wait he is a gun i want to be him already on daniel the guy we saved last time oh sorry i didn't mean to disturb you again we're going to be the cop i want to be the cop i want to hold a gun i'm sure that'll intimidate the monster you know especially if i hold it like sideways or something oh my god this place is going to be terrifying isn't it like the mansion was bad enough but look at this place okay so apparently the shop next door reported noises all right well i guess that's why i'm here effect's sake where's the key i'm already stuck and i'm getting all wet oh it's in the flower pot okay good not a great place to hide it use the gun just shoot the hinges off the door no i don't like that that's moving it's probably just the wind yep it's windy in here i like this character already i know why because he jingles when he walks so that way the monster can find me easier spray bottle all right i'll hang on to that i know i'll use it for something all the mirrors are smashed that's not good that's what it was like in the mansion oh yeah i'm taking this haunted hangar too i don't know what's wrong with it but i just don't trust it to sit in there i'd rather have it on my side oh i tell my future it just turns to me like you will die soon can i use something on it spray it nope not surprised just start cleaning the whole shop i need the right type of token to get it running he says i want to get it running now oh my god the music box that's why i'm here they sold the music boxes antique store there's a wardrobe full of dry blood stains we took it out into the courtyard and dragged it into one of our storage rooms in the basement but which one did we place it in i can't even remember what color or shape it was great i gotta go into another basement that's all i really took in from that oh they're talking about finding the blood with luminol which i could use the spray bottle with okay it's all coming together where am i gonna find that an old suit of armor made entirely a wood pretty impressive it looks like there's something in its mouth get the coat hanger should i pry the thing out of its mouth oh no you know what go for it take it out oh thank god well that's the token i need i think now i can get my future red you will never amount to anything you are about to die all right let's go use the token it won't work what is that not this oh i must use them the wrong thing okay i was already there for a second oh jesus christ why are you gonna laugh like that there's something you forgot remember it and you will be blessed well now i just don't know what i forgot it's like neville in harry potter when he's the remembral it's like yeah now you're telling me i forgot something but i don't know what it is i'm guessing i can get more tokens for that so i'm gonna look out for more tokens even though he doesn't seem to want to help me that much oh [ __ ] sake look at this place this looks terrifying jesus christ okay down we go oh my god the fact i'm running so fast is making me more uneasy but i just feel better because it's just getting it over with it no i don't have the key i assume this thick key won't work yeah okay well i have to run back through there what the hell is that thing it's shaking it's as nervous as i am i say shoot the bloody lock off like he comes for a noise disturbance and ends up breaking and entering blasting locks off with his gun what the hell is this thing a jack-in-the-box that's terrifying oh god what the hell is this there's a whole section to the map that i wasn't expecting here oh my god this map is going to be huge isn't it i thought it might be easier than the last one since it was just an antique shop oh for [ __ ] sake so clumsy yeah it's easy for you to say i'm the one that has to go all the way down there and get it a set of keys huh maybe i can use my coat hanger oh god damn it how about your gun it's just there blasting wait that camera's moving is that just automatic or someone watching me just can't shake the feeling that someone might be watching me something metallic and half buried and rubbish yeah take it that can't be a monster surely just some used needles oh jesus christ what was that no just [ __ ] off don't go in dude just stay out yeah i had a feeling that button was for that door but i don't have the thing for it oh my god what the hell happened here it must have rained hard when i was inside for three seconds i've got you oh feko off what's he doing i came all this way for a refrigerator ornament what the [ __ ] wait coat hanger magnet i can get the keys see if that'll work you don't think would solve anything [ __ ] i thought i was a genius there what the hell oh [ __ ] off what the hell is that oh go [ __ ] yourself oh jesus christ what's it gonna do shoot the thing dude i can't see you but it sure can hear you i thought i'd get the same monster i didn't think it would be new now i'm more scared running is futile you need to keep can stay quiet in order to do so you need to control your breathing try to keep the white circle as close to the frame as possible ah jesus christ what are you coughing now oh i see i see i see i didn't get it okay sorry stop coughing jesus christ i'm gonna [ __ ] die i'm gonna die please just leave thank god i must be imagining tins yeah i must be imagining things you'll be fine i love that he's like oh i should stay quiet just start coughing all over the place can we use the magnet at all the item is useless wait what is wrong with that camera it just died and came back to life wait what the hell okay uh i'm not sure what i can do i'm trapped in the bathroom i feel like a kid when my parents have guests over and i don't want to come out the magnet came off okay god damn it i didn't realize that would happen and i was just wandering around looking for something okay well i am a genius after all my theory worked all right i got the dorman's keys great i don't even know what i can use them for i'm assuming hopefully all the apartments here's the key to the switch you'll find on the shop counter yes oh oh wait here we have something crank handle okay keep that in mind it's like got a triangle kind of shape in it okay fact that i'm not going in there i can't hear him because of his breathing look we're going out this way okay this guy needs to just chill a second because i can't hear [ __ ] the hell is that liquid antiseptic ah okay the forensics team used to activate luminal okay great let's see if this will work on this aha it will okay now i can go to the art gallery then i'm not sure i even want to go to to be honest there's weird noises in there oh for [ __ ] sake he's waiting he's [ __ ] waiting right at the door he's gonna jump scare me he's gonna [ __ ] jump scare me isn't he oh my god [ __ ] off dude i have no idea what that was but it fled the scene okay well if he thinks it played like he's the detective what the [ __ ] is that okay this is great love it yep i'm getting out of here run something tells me i'm in danger it does it yeah i can see why you're a detective oh a combination lock oh god i don't even know where to start with that nope i just in one and i heard it click and i thought i actually got it i was like i'm a genius i think that's all that's here so i'm gonna have to find that combination somewhere okay the dorman's key works on these and all i can use is my heartbeat so i think we're good something large under the blanket yes just [ __ ] remove the blanket come on like a band-aid pull it off oh [ __ ] off interesting huh so that's why all the mirrors are smashed it can live in the reflection the only problem is you just made a hell of a lot of noise and that's what it's attracted to i think it is i never know what to do when it gets cold i didn't even bring an extra jacket or anything oh the best way to fight the cold is the walk thank you thank you sir let's get running let's do laps here that would explain why i fended it off in the last episode i just started trying to get into a different part of the house but it was actually the walking that was saving me oh [ __ ] god damn it dude how does he even manage on these steps oh fact fact i was matching the wrong frame [ __ ] i did that last time too i don't know why you struggle with this so much stop coughing or i swear to god dude feko no i lost my policeman oh he was so good too he had a gun who do we want next i guess uh i'll take the next new person we'll save the scented candles to last okay first things first i have to go find the policeman again and get all my stuff back she just immediately finds it it's just a woman's intuition oh [ __ ] women's intuition is getting me in trouble what the hell was that that sounded like a gun is he around here oh [ __ ] hell jesus christ he scared the life out of me no no no no no no [ __ ] that was [ __ ] terrifying oh my god i can't believe she's dead just like that oh that was so scary all right let's try daniel he's pretty balanced and he used to be an alcoholic so he's been very jumpy so oh wait no daniel's story must continue if you lose him you'll have to restart the episode nope i'm going to scented candle lady now i'm terrified can i even get my stuff back i don't know okay i don't hear him okay i found my blood it's just over this sign oh my god which room was it in again was it this one i see a tape there but where's my stuff oh here's the stuff okay god this woman must be so confused she just wanders into buildings and find loads of clues just in these packages on the floor she's always the one who like never actually starts the investigation but she cleans it up so hopefully she'll solve this one oh this letter's from erica the the woman i just got shot i kept the copy of the key to the house in the display case in the showroom i would have loved to find out like what would happen if i arrived with her because she would already know it surely i would have left at the store for you but i don't trust the doorman provide you with a reminder the combination on the back of this note okay oh jesus christ oh her father was way smarter than i am i'm not even getting attacked silence knows i have scented candles it's too risky the last one doesn't really make sense because it says she can't write it in roman numerals unless it's zero i've never heard of zero in roman numerals i feel so smart that was my first try to oh my god there's another puzzle inside it it's like not so fast you felt smart did you well wait for this something inside the rings are stuck though i can hear something inside it i like how i'm using this dorman's key to just break into everyone's house hi any interest in some scented candles i've been looking at the top of this greenhouse and there is a way in from this window and i've been trying to get in there but i just don't have the key why can't the doorman's key just open everything yes okay good the dorman's key got me in somewhere into the basement why am i saying good i don't want to be in the basement ah yes adjustable wrench this should make quick work of that puzzle but i know i'm going to be wrong because i always am god damn it i thought it would like you could clamp it on and just give it a tug i just smashed the [ __ ] out of it at this point i'm not sure what it should be used for she's saying it'd be good to clamp something but i don't think i've ran across something that needs to be clamped okay i'm gonna try using the wrench on this thing because she's saying you could clamp something with it oh yes and genius strikes again for the second time in my life old copper key okay let's see where can that be used for i'm gonna try the guy's apartment this hallway scares the bejesus out of me now because of what happened i'm assuming he's gone for good though at least i hope he is yes okay great oh jesus don't give me a cutscene that frightens me every time well this is terrifying great so what am i in for here a wooden circle piece carved and decorated i don't understand the design looks asian could i combine that with this thing yes ah thank you she even answered me okay i think i got it yes now what's inside of it what the hell is this i don't want this what the hell does this even mean i love i can jingle it i'm like a baby you do it to a toddler like you jingle your keys i kept a copy of the key to the house okay so i guess i gotta find out where she lives jesus christ what is with this audio recording unintelligible sounds i think that's the whole recording to be honest she's a genius to be able to figure this out whatever you do don't listen to the box are you talking about this box that i'm listening to she just puts it away like oh god oh my god why do you have to have a photography room oh my god what the hell is in that picture thank you what's in all of those pictures okay maybe it's actually handy to document this stuff because no one would believe you oh my god look in the hallway they've got oh jesus christ i didn't even realize i was looking at the top one in the the hands and then i didn't realize that the bottom one has this massive shadow but no one's standing there looks like farber is into photography i don't think he is i think he's just going mad and i don't blame him oh a place to mix stuff i can make the luminal with that i just gotta find everything i need mr farber oh no don't be calling out jesus christ what the hell what the [ __ ] why oh oh my god i'm so startled i almost called him niece i made the plural of noose into nice like goose and geese oh jesus christ oh my god they're everywhere they're all over the flat all of a sudden [ __ ] that oh jesus christ actually that could be handy for the blood stains give it to me yeah take it take it we need it yes we need that oh for [ __ ] sake okay it didn't break the bulb i don't think oh she can play the piano oh really good pet food a box of dead cockroaches well i guess if i get desperate i can eat those okay let's see if that key was indeed for this woman's house yes it is okay where's her apartment can i even check i don't know if it even matters because it looks like i can get into oh my god that angle scared me it looks like i can get into this little window here can i get out of this window and try and pry it open oh i've got something that might work on that i thought where is it did i leave my wrench behind can i not reuse that ah i did just leave it behind for fake sake all right hopefully i can use this on the window after coming all the way back for it i don't know how i just left the dangling there and just didn't take it back okay let's try this please work yes okay thank god that wasn't a wasted journey at least she's a modern day action hero with scented candles on her side no one can stop her square torch oh for the bulb okay can i combine that with the bulb yes not gonna leave my wrench behind this time i'm not willing to i need it i may as well see can i actually go into her house as well if i can find it don't just don't just leave the wrench i i want it oh god she doesn't want to pick it up maybe i can't use it anymore i know i'll have to come back for that at some stage now ah found it okay is somebody there oh why are you letting your presence know the last time you did this they hung up a load of niece on the roof what's this i'm robbing from you i'm literally just breaking and entering note about how to combine several chemicals huh i could not find the luminal i believe it's inside your little cabinet but you must have left the key in the pocket of some dirty trousers as usual when you find it if i'm not here come home and make the mixture as follows that's a lot of big words oh my god what the hell is this in my home inside the walls all over the entire building the photographs they can't be real oh yeah this is from isaac who's taking all those photographs no wonder he's freaking out watching the rain from here is really soothing well i'm glad it's soothing because right now i'm so [ __ ] stressed what's this oh great i'm gonna do her laundry for her careful with that candle you're gonna light it on fire it's quite the array of keys at least there's a paper explaining what they're for let's see what i need oh sweet jesus oh my god dear daughter i've tried to arrange the keys for you instead of labeling them i made you this riddle okay so i'm guessing i need the keys for the storage room warehouses which is the the last one and that's basically like the last one's left of course so i gotta exclude all of these ones okay right hand column useless collared metal keys useless okay that's a lot out already yes yes storage room keys haha look at them jingle these angles make me uneasy because it feels like your man's gonna be waiting around the corner with this gun again that scared me so bad what the [ __ ] is that oh it's a scorpion okay god damn you scared me wait i have pet food for you how do i how do i use this uh use i don't understand how i could use that item here oh mystery my god so much clothes i don't even know what i'm searching for like i think i have to mix up the luminal so i don't know why i'm searching her clothes for it but if this game has taught me anything it's mess with everything more clothes by the fridge really erica oh my god what's she finding in there must be disgusting oh pizza all right more clothes great this got to be the last one surely here it is no more searching pockets what did i get ah a key for what though standard dresser key oh okay is that for the dresser i'm searching for oh no wait actually i think it's for the thing of the bathroom i saw it earlier it's a um a little cabinet thing yeah this thing again i would just trash the thing to just pulled it off the hinges bottle of luminol yes finally okay now we got to go back to his dark room and use that chemical mixture thing he had i tell you a scented candle lady has it so easy she just never seems to get attacked for some reason and it all just works out for her okay let's see if i can do this all right where's my document one mil of the methyl sulfoxide oh and two mils of hydrogen peroxide for each milligram of luminal oh my god i need how much all this is stuff this is making me use my brain a bit more maybe there you go oh my god my my brain big brain time too much big brain and c oh my god that pours fast okay stop freaking me out here is it doing anything check oh we to put in the luminal okay please [ __ ] work yes i think it's working yes big brain time okay spray bottle from earlier use yes yes we're doing great here oh my god jesus christ that scared the [ __ ] out of me get out of this apartment [ __ ] off i had it too good for too long and i i just i was not ready for that i want to get my final fortune read here even though i'm not sure he's reading my fortune he's just giving me cryptic notes that just scare me more i see your future what do i see is something there that shouldn't be you thanks a lot i appreciate that dude you're a dick okay i am not feeling confident about this let's do it oh i already regret everything calm down thank you could i light a candle please there we go i don't think that's gonna do me any good oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] off or at least i lit my candle that should light the entire corridor oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] this [ __ ] this man jesus christ how many are there she's so smart she's such a powerful woman what do i do what do i [ __ ] do oh [ __ ] [ __ ] off [ __ ] off so that's what this monster actually looks like that's [ __ ] terrifying oh my god jesus oh i've never actually seen it it's always at the other side of the door i have to keep going for daniel he's sitting at home getting drunk he could be the one doing this okay i think it's cam down back in hell just [ __ ] run woman no time for candles just [ __ ] run jesus christ jesus christ get in get in somewhere just anything stop spraying luminol oh thank god i can hide time to use them wait am i in the right place i was just trying to hide okay thank god i found the right door i was just trying to hide anywhere it's gone the box isn't here what [ __ ] sake how the hell map not available of course okay i think i can trace my steps oh there's signs up for the exit okay i can actually get out of here pretty easily then i guess as long as i don't get attacked oh no back off why did i say that oh please just escape in the cutscene no no no no no no get out get out get out yes yes get out smart lady yes oh thank god cutscene her got out of there because i don't think i was going to be able to get out oh jesus christ i'm stressed i'm really stressed all right well there was no music box in there i guess we'll just head to the end and see if i'll get the music box in the end no music box god damn it we'll have to find out in the next episode but the next episode isn't out yet yeah i guess that's the end of it uh this is really [ __ ] good it's a really satisfying game that's the thing about it you do get really satisfied when you're solving all the puzzles and whatnot but yeah i guess we will leave it there i will thank song of horror for the sponsor really really appreciate it it helps the channel out a lot and i thoroughly thoroughly enjoyed this game it was actually such a pleasure to play uh but there will be a link in the description if you want to check it out the game is now out so you can get it for yourself i would definitely recommend it honestly it's um it's a really really fun game but uh yeah i guess we'll end it there thank you very much for watching appreciate you as always and i hope to see you next time bye for now
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 825,674
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kevin, callmekevin, kevin1811, funny, moments, gameplay, lets, play, game, cmk, clips, haunted house, song of horror, song of horror callmekevin, song of horror one shot challange, song of horror full game, song of horror ep.1, song of horror part 1, song of horror funny moments, song of horrow callmekevin, song of horror walkthrough
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 17sec (1277 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 01 2019
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