Alien Isolation but I am in a constant state of shook

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hey there friends how's it going my name is Kevin and today we're playing alien isolation this has been suggested a hell of a lot of times and I never played it before so I figured why not I'm always up for something new even though I'm pretty sure you only want me to play it because I'll get scared and angry but I'm still willing to play it I'm already standing and anxious and it's just the fact in main menu huh Oh 20th Century Fox Oh No my final report of the commercial starship Nostromo the way she's talking he's putting me on edge and the music can I skip this the I'll skip it it's about your mother you shouldn't be looking at a blowtorch like that that's [ __ ] dangerous like the real scary thing here is the lack of workplace safety if you ask me and it's got me on the edge of my seat oh my god no pants Jesus Christ scheme is scary please sign in oh I forgot my password this game is so scary can really relate to all the terrors in this game oh my god he just keeps going that's so scary get dressed all that's so scary who tackle the outside world that's so scary something tells me I'm not gonna fare well in this game wet floor all that so scary where the hell can I get dressed oh that's handy where is everyone else at if they're already dead I'm gonna be pissed oh is this gonna be one of those games where it just keeps building up anticipation and suspense and I just can't catch a break weird the nice probably blind men go now it was with me earlier looking at me weld oh there he is okay I'm immediately somewhat relieved now I was so on a hedge oh my god for some reason I just got like this feeling that he was gonna be like dead or something his face is gonna be missing but he turned around I don't know why just pushing buttons on his machine hope he doesn't mind I don't think here you want to put that away but that's okay that's how I learned just being curious and pushing anything Jesus Christ even light scare me I'm not cut out for horror I'm telling you what's she playing with those carrots what how many people are on here I thought it was just me and two other people hope you all had a restful journey yep I was asleep so long I forgot about personal space and he buttons to push around here there's another guy there too okay so I think there's five people on the ship in total what is this what the hell if I hold the hell one I can like lean all over the place let me get up in this guy's grill Hey how are you doing there buddy how you doing pay attention to me please I'm a youtuber I need constant attention why are we bringing her she's like a legal person why does she need to come along she's gonna die imagine signing up to be a lawyer for a big company and they send you into space and they're like go on then go outside I dare ya well [ __ ] the whole place is blowing up now good thing we brought a lawyer okay I think I made it wait was that me am i okay got a workplace injury again good thing I have a lawyer well had a lawyer gone okay good the horror part of the game is over I'm safely on board we can relax now wait did I just change my clothes that massive accident is my first instinct is like let me get out of this muddy clothes I might be meeting new people oh well this is [ __ ] terrifying use registration points to manually save they will warn if enemies are nearby how do they do that it's not warning me of anything is that good am i safe oh Jesus Christ nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope back in hell I hate everything this way looks a bit safer unfortunately it brings me back to where I started if I just keep doing this loop for another like 40 minutes that's enough footage that's I usually record like 40 to 50 minutes so that would be enough right I'll just keep going around second lap is even more interesting than the last wow this is quality content right fine I'll walk towards the stupid fire oh wait I know one here a nice tight enclosed space great yeah definitely go into the ventilation system when there's a [ __ ] fire dude this game looks really nice for a what for five year old game or something like that I can't workplace safety what is it with you people oh Jesus Christ well I did warn you honestly not sure how I collapsed those it's silly break or did I just slip it looked like you're gonna jumped it you know what I'm just gonna start running the suspense is worse than any terror can be great when I train advanced I'm blocked goddamn my slight braver he got blocked I mean is that what happened to me did someone push me that's what the sign looks like anyway all right good it's bright up here I feel a little safer at least in the brightness and some nice music it isn't too bad just start running everyone run everyone run if I run towards my problems my problems will be more scared of me than I am of them this life for what if you're gonna write a creepy message on the wall at least try and make them legible you know I'm thinking that the alien might just be a bit passive-aggressive and like a well aggressive but you know more in a sticky note kind of way okay great I opened up all the doors don't know why I wanted that and I immediately regret it but it's done now ooh a gift shop I'm gonna go there is that my friend looking for me hello can you see me can you feel help don't just talk to her she's not gonna hear you try waving it's not a good thing like I know it's bad that they can't see you now that the shutters are closing but she might be like oh the shutters are closing that might be a sign that she's alive in there she doesn't seem that bothered that those doors closed like she was like a minor annoyance you know she was like oh no she can't see me but I'd be like who the hell is on this ship and why do they want to block me in here air hockey this place can't be that bad whoever is here must be pissed at me like they obviously have reserved power here and I'm powering up the arcade machines and I don't even play them oh no oh no I take it back I'll just go back to anxiety of walking around with nothing really happening I just hurry towards my unavoidable death I'd save my game and still tell me if there's enemies nearby right I don't know how it works great another vent brilliant brilliant this is [ __ ] why am I in here whatever was in that kitchen and Advent it's running from me I guess they can look at it that way like maybe I'm the monster I know I'm a monster in real life but maybe in this game I'm the monster too oh one of those noises it's just the winds just ignore it there's wind in space right oh holy [ __ ] Jesus Christ coming after you I'm gonna [ __ ] kill you or else let you kill me either is fine at this point oh god there's a lot of body bags around here have I entered the Sims have I got into another game get through the main door but how at least they know it's a human for some reason and human doesn't seem as bad right now because I'm scared of aliens I mean I don't actually have a fear of aliens but you know they're creepy in this game I mean I would assume if they're the ones like the movie ones fox egg son who is egg and why you angry is his son looters will pay I don't think so isn't that the whole point of looting really you gotta play a musical chime to attract all my enemies oh [ __ ] dude come on like a why is that happening randomly just because I walk by all my palms are sweaty okay so some guy has a maintenance thingy and I need it and he's in the lockup but where the hell is the lock-up there there he is okay good this is a good chamber by the way it's really inspiring the interior designer within me I want to play the sims I'm the monster there I'm safe in the sims wait we already saw him don't be that surprised right now he got his ID and his maintenance Jack this is identity theft remove brace okay I was gonna say if that's what it was holding me and I would have been pissed just a tiny little padlock that I could have smashed with anything do you think I could have probably found just a normal spanner in here somewhere but you know what I'm not gonna complain I got it with minimal jump scares and that's good enough for me just unlocking every door now who knows what could be behind them like they might have been locking something out but I'm just letting everything in now okay I think I can get out of here now I'm really anxious okay it's got into a cutscene thank Christ he can still scare me but not as much and won't be caught off guard okay it's not even a jump scare this is fine to kill me please end of the game is that the alien it could be an alien on the station something you wouldn't believe oh it knows about me it can sense that I'm here it knows I'm a youtuber oh I'm so blown away by this so so unexpected and thank you but look I'm just another person no there's only for this warm reception the guy who just killed me immediately okay he's letting me laugh good and I do feel better when people are with me in horror games like even if they're disposable or anything that's fine it just makes me feel better I just don't feel so alone for once in my life was that you following me back there I had to keep my distance can't take any chances yeah you see that makes sense and all oh god there's more people but why was he just running around in front of me intentionally scaring me if he was keeping his distance don't tell them anything look I've got the elevator working I think they say don't use the elevator in these emergencies but best of luck they are a hundred percent dead keeping to their own safer that way is it isn't the same safety in numbers not safety and splitting up and being hostile with each other hold up no they won't let me stand here what the oh that's where he stands okay now I understand oh I've never felt so safe nice little tune this friendly aggressive bald guy who this way get down I'm this isn't getting down this is leaning all over the place what the hell is this can I extend my neck how are they not seeing me I'm an expert at blending in what do you do just hide in your little rat den here and play your guitar attracting them into your presence leaving a radio on dude seriously I'm robbing the guy taking [ __ ] everything and you was here somewhere see how did you forget where it was it's like right outside your second base why am i whispering I don't want the alien to attack me quiet the most aware of Gary's are they wait why am i leaving it there just to distract them can I not take that back I I don't want to just drop it you know what fine I'll leave it there wait who are you talking to I'm already in here find a way to distract the looters well I'm already here who turned off the generator oh god go into the vent yeah go into the vent yes great I'm just fumbling my way through this oh they're all gonna check it out where the sounds but okay should I just go up yeah I'm gonna go up I don't fear anyone oh [ __ ] I'm afraid I'm afraid I'm afraid run run run keep runnin keep runnin keep runnin keep runnin here I'm so scared I don't like this they're separating us something Bad's gonna happen I'm gonna watch him die why else would there be a window here on three one two three I'm not really good accountants apparently wait what was that cube for I think I've messed up the music in the game I assumed something was supposed to happen but because I didn't press a it didn't like you up right yeah I think so completely all right I'm gonna go save you don't worry die probably good guy okay oh my ear is surprisingly bloodless death the future is great yeah we should probably leave get out of my way what are you doing you saved my life I kind of regret it I think I'm under her own side why is it raining black inside look if I go on me oh no oh there it is that's caramel that's why you don't kill people that's what I'm gonna call the alien now care of it axel stop playing around come back god he's reading he's angry call transit I hope an uber just arrives and takes me out of here this transit isn't coming is that my heartbeat six and a half hours late no no no no no no no no what is going on my god could you be any slower Jesus Christ oh okay the tense music is gone I'm safe everything's fine great I got a call more transit christ almighty I'll be waiting hours can I just leave I'll take the damn stairs if I have to all to hide oh that's not good what am I supposed to be hiding from workplace solutions that's what I need I need solutions this place is just offering me problems so fare revolver ammo I'm not sure if I'm happy that it's arming me or not it's on the one hand I would like to be able to defend myself but why do I need to defend myself what's gonna come at me Oh dead guy great just what I needed to see it's the whole lightning strikes twice thing right like if he's dead here then I can't be dead here no weapons allowed well good thing I only have bullets and no actual gun oh god did you not read the sign it says no weapons allowed [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] go back out the way I came into the ventilation system I'm the alien now Oh a little safe good I feel safe now aha great I found this thingy a gameboy color load of Pokemon on this bad boy coming back for me there's four of them well I don't even know where I'm supposed to go ow Jesus Christ oh thank you the hell they killed me okay I the feeling that was coming god she's more alert than anyone I've seen in this game so fair and the other people have been basically blind and deaf okay just sneaky sneaky watch the wet floor that'd be so embarrassing if I slipped right now we've only done what we had to wait as you see me you would like reacted like you saw me but he still wanted to get that last sentence out using my head movement just in case they do come around the corner I'm ready to dodge bullets [ __ ] don't move [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] no don't shoot me don't shoot me don't shoot me don't shoot me I'm a nice guy I'm a nice guy okay did I get away I should just keep running keep running I think she downstairs no no no I didn't I didn't I I went I I'm dead okay good I think they're leaving yeah you better run tech support that's what I need any tech support aha no I'm armed and dangerous I should immediately shoot myself this is [ __ ] terrifying even though I'm not as on edge now anymore because the combat has been pretty in my face there hasn't been any jump scares in a while which means there's probably gonna be a jump scare and now I'm scared again no I don't like that and I don't like the noises maybe it was just a suicide maybe there's no one I was here to get me just shooting yourself in the stoical what what no no no no no no no no oh wait wait wait wait there's something here okay good I don't know what this does okay it activated my gameboy I think I'm locked in here now 2ri tech workshop I feel like I'm being tricked into going a certain way here aha disabled security lockdown okay awesome one button and all that is handy yeah turn off okay maybe it's not one button oh [ __ ] it's Axl okay let's pray this alien isn't as observant as the last humans I ran into and it's more like the first humans I was running into oh Jesus Christ just take me there just take me it's fine you can have me back in hell he's beautiful but also terrifying I'm gonna take him out where the hell is he by scaring me again Ron Ron Ron Ron Ron Ron Ron hear him I hear him somewhere of course I have to hack my way in the hell is that what the hell is that oh Jesus wait no they're evil they tried to hurt me earlier I'm on the alien side alien I'm with you I'm with you oh my god he ran right at me he's fast he's a fast Becker Jesus Christ oh he's leaving me alive he knows I'm evil too oh no he's not he's not he's not leaving me alive at all you know what I've decided that I'm just gonna live out the rest in my storage locker great god she was more than happy to take me up on that offer she jumped at the chance of getting in here right yeah we're just gonna wait here until we starve or I get rescued either way I'm happy but I hope you guys enjoyed the video pretty sure you watching as always and I guess I'll see you next time bye for now share arts patrons Brooks cooler captain Italia cat has leash and the shears Chloe Green Christian clutters restore Connie ripburger cross Haven entertainment crow Daniel O'Neill darshan Shah David LeBlanc Devin Lee McDowell dire wolf doggie dog Centauri the Explorer II drew Chandler eccentric Elliott lured SEMA Elliott Boyko Emma Hampshire emotion box Eric Weiner Aaron Mayer eaten descent and fluffy beetle
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 1,089,106
Rating: 4.9672422 out of 5
Keywords: kevin, callmekevin, kevin1811, funny, moments, gameplay, lets, play, game, cmk, clips, alien isolation, alien: isolation, lets play alien isolation, alien isolation pc gameplay, alien isolation pc walkthrough, alien isolation 2014, lets play, alien isolation funny moments, alien isolation callmekevin
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 13sec (973 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2019
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