I was doing this FREE POWERWASHING job and FOUND this sidewalk that no one has seen in 50 years

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all right so i got done working last night and i'm on my way home and i happen to pass this one and you know what i look at these dirty concrete driveways and sidewalks and stuff and the steps and look at all this algae i look at this stuff like a lustful man looks at a big old booty yeah buddy i'm gonna come in and get this cleaned up we're gonna make it look like it's brand new or as new as it can be there might be some pieces missing who knows we're gonna find out we're gonna see what it actually looks like now you can tell that it is crazy now this has got to be one of the worst ones i've ever done and i'm excited to do it it's super dark super nasty a lot of algae's growing on it it's got mosses sticks twigs leaves we'll use the power washer and blow that into the yard i don't have my leaf set up with me otherwise i would clean them up but that's not an option now coming in look at these steps buddy some craziness going on it's so pretty though it's so pretty so put that over there now here there's actually a walkway so you're gonna see that one in the next video so let's go ahead and get to work on this one all right i'm gonna do some talking for a minute i'm gonna tell you about the job the tools i'm using and why i'm using them i'm going to talk about how much water i'm using and why it uses that much water and some other nonsense and whatnot now if you don't like commentary of any kind i totally understand and i created a separate channel just for you you'll see the link in the description it's called the boring channel now why is it the boring channel i don't know people told me they don't like the talking i totally get it but you know when i started the channel i was like who would want to watch this stuff without talking it sounds boring so i call it the boring channel started as a joke it took off so a lot of people love it a lot of people don't i don't know you'll have to let me know what kind of viewer you are in the comments below moving forward let's go ahead and talk about what we're using on this job i'm actually using uh the hustler hh 4240 power washer it's got 4 200 psi and 4 gallons a minute i am not sponsored by hustler i just want to let you know that that's the machine i'm using i have a lot of people that ask about that so i might as well tell you now i'm using the turbo tip and i generally run a 20 inch surface cleaner you won't see that in this video but the turbo tip is a new addition to the setup i used it on this trip to arkansas when i was cleaning we did like 24 25 jobs so you'll be seeing those coming up soon but this is one of my favorite jobs from the particular properties that i did because we actually found a lot of concrete on this job right right i found a concrete so on this section here i actually find a six foot chunk of concrete but on the total property which you'll see in the next video i actually saw or i saw i actually found a driveway it was completely gone hadn't been seen in 30 something years and we found a driveway so pretty pretty cool never thought i would i would do that so awesome things are happening here now as far as the supply hose we're using for the house we have a 150 feet of supply hose that hooks up to the homeowner's water and then down to our machine i'm not using 150 feet i'm using 100 feet at this particular job but i have access to more if i need it that way i've got the length now i have the machine in the back of my truck so the way that i can do that is just having a longer supply hose and then a longer power washer hose i have a hundred feet of power washing hose which gets me around to pretty much anything if you needed to go into somebody's backyard you would need more so maybe 200 foot of hose or whatever but i will say um not having to move the machine out of my truck is a a awesome it's an awesome way of having this setup like just moving the machine around kind of sucks but um pulling it out of my current setup what i've got going on back there was crazy so that was kind of our prototype for our travel rig uh we're still working on that but i think we've got it kind of down we'll talk about that more in the future as we get closer to doing a tour across the us and going to a bunch of states now we have a 10 state tour planned and we'll release what states we're going to down the road although i've got some crazy people out there there's a channel that's trying to connect me with some kind of conspiracies they're taking my videos that are uploaded in high definition and making them look like a 1980s bigfoot photo and then photoshopping stuff in it and uh yeah kind of weird anyways having said that they're excessively crazy and they've got a large amount of crazy fault well not a large amount a couple hundred people that are following and leaving comments uh so big thank you to the people that notified me in my emails about that it is odd it is odd i think she's a meth detective so we're just gonna blow it off at this point but having said that i don't know uh we'll just skip forward i'm getting off topic here okay so as far as the turbo tips or some pros and cons one as far as the pros it's like super powerful and it's much faster than a general tip um cons it's super powerful so be careful when you're you know getting close to yourself like that's just any tip in general but i just feel i have to throw that out for safety it will tear you up if you hit yourself with it so don't don't do that it's a zero tip that spins um now here's another con would be that it vibrates a lot and now i will say if you get a more expensive turbo tip like they have different brands and stuff so there's like i don't know what brand walmart uses but if you look at that and the dewalt tipped it's like 80 bucks they look exactly the same but the dewalt tip doesn't vibrate nearly as much so big difference obviously there's something different in the manufacturing process you know different ball bearings or whatever that's in there but a huge huge difference as far as other cons with using the turbo tip i'm not going to say there's really much other than that other than you know it does bust off some of the loose aggregate on concrete so if you're not careful i could totally see you knocking out somebody's sliding glass door just from chips of you know concrete flakes and sand and stuff coming off of the concrete so be very very careful and very diligent to make sure you know where your blast zone is from this i get a ton of crap about how i power wash but i just want to let you know i do a good job and i don't really care what you think so as far as people are going to be negative there so those people would be like you're pointing the wrong direction well oftentimes when i'm at these jobs i'm pointing a certain direction or doing something because i'm avoiding something like that like i'm not looking to replace windows okay i would if i break one but having the forward or the capacity to have forward thinking i go okay stuff's coming off the concrete i'm going to move and make sure i'm not blasting towards somebody exciting glass door or the window or whatever etc etc all right so um another really really common question is how does the concrete get like this because you'll see on the sidewalk it's dirty it's got algae it's it's just crazy nasty well up north they've got different different temperatures and it doesn't happen the same way so basically in certain regions of the country we're going to have a lot of humidity humidity and a lot of moisture which is the same thing as humidity i don't know i'm repeating it at that point we're going to have a lot of water and water and heat together uh help algae grow and mold spores and different things like that so a lot of the uh darker colors you're seeing where it looks like it's black that's mold spores the greens are going to be your algaes we're also going to have things called lichens and we're gonna have moss that grow down here so um those are all things that are gonna grow on there now as far as the concrete you'll notice that it's kind of this blonde color some concrete is very very brilliant white and some is blonde it just depends on what type of aggregate material they're using in it and that kind of stuff so i've noticed it on older concrete like this it'll have more of a blonde tint and on newer concrete it'll be much brighter white and then even on like older older stuff it gets a lot more almost like a yellow tint than this does okay um but yeah the concrete is just getting that dark very fast because of environmental stuff the other thing is they they asked why the homeowners don't clean it and why they have let it get to this point you could clean this treat it with chemicals and within a few years it's gonna be not quite as dark as this but it's gonna get pretty dark now here's the thing when you're living somewhere something like this happens gradually so you don't even notice it's happening little by little by little by little by little every day it gets a little worse and a little worse before too long it's real dark but you're so accustomed to it that you don't even realize that it's dirty until somebody comes like me and they offer to clean it so it's just a really weird thing there now in this particular town that i'm at it's amazing for what i do going around doing this for free for people because a lot of people uh have never had their concrete cleaned at all they're they're not used to it they don't know about it they don't even really think about cleaning their concrete so when i come in to do this gift it really is a huge gift for them and it makes them feel great about their home which is an awesome thing i really enjoy doing that um as far as the water we're using oh the other thing that can turn concrete dark is tannin in the leaves so if you look on the lawn there's a lot of leaves just like in tea when you put tea leaves and tea it'll turn the water a different color or if you look at videos from the amazon forest or any forest where there's a lot of leaf fall and a lot of water tannins will come out of the leaves it'll actually change the color of the water but in this case if you have leaves sitting on concrete it's going to change the color of the concrete and you're going to get a tea stain that's going to happen which is kind of where a lot of these algaes and molds and all that stuff start or from the spores from these leaves breaking down anyways so moving forward are we using the homeowner's water the answer is yes that is actually very very common in the power washing industry if you see guys with water tanks generally that is a buffer tank because they're using a larger machine so what i mean by that is i use a four gallon a minute machine which most houses are gonna push you know somewhere between um i don't know four to like they have crazy pressure maybe like 10 to 16 gallons per minute but more than likely they're just going to be pushing about four to eight gallons per minute so on setups where they have larger machines or machines running in tandem where they got two eight gallon per minute machines or whatever it might be they're going to need a tank that's called a buffer tank so basically what happens is they are feeding that tank with water the gravity feeds down into their machine but they're feeding that tank with water from the homeowner while they are working which gives them a little bit of extra time because that tank is buffering out the usage now at some point in time they'll have to stop their machine and let that fill up and then they get back to it so you know typically on break time or whatever it might be they'll also have different tanks for different chemicals they're using soaps and stuff like that for me i just downstream chemicals through my through my machine so i'm going to downstream sh which is a sodium hydrochloride and what it's going to do is it's basically a bleach it's pool pool essentials cleaner is the brand i'm using um but it's like 11 or 12 or 14 i don't know whatever percent of bleach is basically what it is and what it's going to do is i spray it on the concrete i'm going to let it dry in there and it's going to keep all those algaes and mold spores and stuff like that from growing back so it's going to be really really really beneficial long term as far as keeping it clean the other thing is it's going to continue to help clean the concrete for um you know the next several weeks to even months and start brightening up even more so that's kind of an interesting thing about that if you don't treat the concrete afterwards with a post treatment of uh sh what's going to happen is all those algaes and mold spores are going to grow back now some people like to pre-treat uh because i'm doing this for video i don't do a pre-treatment i do a post treatment the reason why i do a post treatment is because if i do a pre-treatment it's not going to be as satisfying for you to watch because the chemical itself is going to do a lot of the cleaning it cleans the bowl so you don't have to anyways back to the homeowner's water supply we just hook up a water hose run it back to their faucet and then run it to our machine now right here there's actually some chipping in the concrete and i'm coming in and i'm pulling all the grass and nonsense out to get that uh kind of cleaned up there's not too much i can do there ears of a rosemary grass thrown on it it really chipped out the top guy is what it is [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] all right guys i think we got a little surprise here i got to the bottom of it there's no drainage here so i got to use the one to make a trencher that to me feels like we might have some concrete base under there [Music] oh there's concrete we got a bonus step [Applause] [Applause] dude there's no way this spot i've seen light 30 years [Music] [Music] i'm kidding i would've when i was younger a long time since i've eaten worms i'm not that hungry anymore oh no it goes way out i thought it was just a step i don't know how it is almost lunchtime looks like i may have a lot of digging to do i might have to eat that worm if i find another one [Music] i think this goes way out all right so what i'm going to do is i'm going to fire up the power washer and i'm going to use it to probe the ground find out how far the concrete goes and then i'll cut all the roots alongside the copper [Music] this meets up with the asphalt on the street oh man [Applause] [Music] all right now to be like shoveling big crap that's not too hard [Music] all right so here's the problem if i leave it like that we have drainage you can get that over there i gotta say getting it really wet and soupy was the easier way to do it all i gotta do is drag it back into the yard now and that way you know drainage so this flows out all right so um one of the common negative comments i get because you know people always love to look for a negative and a positive is uh they like to say well they're gonna have a 500 water boo and uh i just want to let you know that's not gonna happen somebody's like they're gonna have a 3500 water bill the number always changes okay trolls are trolls or trolls but basically if it's common knowledge if you look up any area you can find out what the water is so in this particular city the water is 2.87 cents per thousand gallons my machine uses four gallons a minute i was there for about two hours so it's 480 gallons so right around 1.40 in water so a dollar and 40 cents a dollar uh 37 thirty eight if you round up anyways uh you can't buy a bottle of pop at the gas station for that that's my point so all those guys it's whatever now rachel yes sir before our computer crash and we had to start redoing this yeah for like the tenth time today uh we were talking about um the new truck because uh that's something i would have never done is get a new truck i'm kind of a used truck kind of guy i'm pretty frugal but i've been traveling around a lot doing this stuff you know because we had the choice when uh we were working on this youtube kind of took off it's like cool i can still keep the business and sell to clients and then do this stuff on the side once a week but i wanted to go full time and i wanted to be able to do this for a lot of people so i got the opportunity that's what i did and now i'm actually traveling around and you know we do a lot of them here where we're located in oklahoma but we also travel around so we did a lot of power washing in arkansas we flew down to owl out blades down in florida and cut some uh custom yards down there we've got a 10 state tour plan we eventually plan to mow in all all 50 states can't really do anything in alaska i don't know we plan to work and do something in all the states i'd love to see america and travel around and eventually it'll go past america and i'll get to travel the world but you know that's uh down the road and we'll just have to see how that goes but eventually i would i'd love to go travel the world like i'd love to go cut some grass with those guys in australia i mean who what i mean but um so as far as the truck goes uh last year when i first thought about doing a tour um it was just kind of a quick thought and i was like all right rachel here's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna do 10 states 20 days and she's like huh and i was like i'm going to do 10 states 20 days day driving day cut and she's like how are you going to shower i'm like i don't know i'll take bass and she's like well we're gonna sleep i was like i don't know in the back of the truck and he was being serious you guys like he was really dedicated to this plus yeah [Laughter] so um anyways she's like well here's the thing uh you got a family and you can't be away from us that long i'm like okay that's that is quite a bit because last year i was i was going quite a bit i was on the road you know i went to uh wichita and did stuff in kansas i did stuff in uh arkansas i did stuff in um a couple hours away in oklahoma i was traveling all over the place right um not not too far just enough where you would stay there honestly there's enough work here that i could probably work for the rest of my life and be able to help people enough no problem but um it's really cool to travel to and like be able to spread out like these people they don't know that's completely catches them by surprise you know i'll just show up in a small town and be like hey can i help you out and you know i mean they're they're very happy to have the help they're very gracious for it their mother's bloom too well they're the areas i like to target is i find areas that are impoverished now sometimes like you might see some i recently posted a video on the boring channel where it was a it was actually an older woman that owned the house it was a large house had a lot of concrete and i cleaned it and honestly um part of it was just the the size of the project it was like a personal challenge i wanted to knock something out that big but the other fact is you know i saw her out there when we were doing some other power washing she was kind of interested in what was going on you know she's stuck in her house and she's um she had a walker and she's out there walking but she's limited to being on the concrete of her property so you know just imagine having access to the world like we do and then getting older and then your world exists of what's inside your house and the concrete outside your house and that's as far as you can go you know if you want to go somewhere you gotta wait until somebody comes to your house stuff like that and then as you get older obviously you're more susceptible to falling and stuff like that and when concrete gets real dirty it'll get slick so you know there's it becomes a fall hazard so um yeah i clean it up and other people you know sometimes people in the comments they they want to justify who's deserving of what or you know i don't i don't really i don't i don't go to a property um and i look at something that he's done and i don't look to pre-qualify somebody or judge why they shouldn't have it done and so just somebody has because somebody has a big house or something doesn't mean they they can't have help yeah i mean and the other thing is somebody's always going through something so you know it doesn't matter what i see they they might need or whatever it might be i don't know the best way i mean i kind of i kind of just let the lord guide me to where i'm supposed to be that's where i end up and that's where i'm supposed to be and um that's who i help out yeah so it's pretty cool so we when we were planning the tour by the way we were like where are we to go uh that kind of we know the states [Laughter] so it's kind of a fly by the seat of our pants the lord will lead us where we need to go yeah and that's how we'll do it anyways if you'd like to stay caught up with that just subscribe to the channel we're going to be releasing videos down the road as we progress with that starting to rain like crazy now but you know what i got this job done released this section i don't wait until the job's done he cares about a little rain i'm getting wet anyways all right let me put my stuff up and then we'll check the after i didn't get stuck with my car windows open yeah buddy all right guys i got rained on pretty good at this on this one but i think it came out awesome we uncovered an extra six foot of concrete that you would have never known as there we did have some wash out so i'll come in and rinse it off again tomorrow because i got more to do on the property do that in the next video so let's go and take a look at this we uncovered the stairs and then i thought there might be an extra step which turned out to be an extra six foot it's covered let i just show you covered ankle d oh man that is some craziness all right now up here this looks awesome came out looking good now there's not too much i can do about this it's all cracking out and it's got grass growing and just right underneath it the roots are popping this top layer off so i was gentle there as gentle as i could be and then i rinsed it out well i had to come back and spray some roundup on it i will be in the area so we'll do something and i let him know about it and he was completely cool with it now coming up here this looks awesome there's some paint on the bricks can't do much about it it's old paint get as much as we can off cleaning up all the algae that looks pretty good and i cleaned up this brick wall too so that's pretty awesome and of course it does look like it has signs that it's going to fail if you see this on your house this is from your foundation settling it's cracking out of course on this one it looks like it's bowing out i don't know how deep this goes but uh it's a lot of weight and i just assume like i said settling all in all this one came out great but uh hey hang in there if you like this type of video give us a thumbs up leave a comment and subscribe to the channel next up in the next video we're going to be doing this right here and boy is it wild [Music] you
Channel: Lawn Care Juggernaut
Views: 10,250,131
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lawn Care Juggernaut, K&R Lawn Care, Tulsa Lawn Care, Lawn Care 74145, tulsa Lawn Service
Id: Kf6VqaJkMRM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 43sec (2083 seconds)
Published: Tue May 03 2022
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