HAS THIS EVER BEEN CLEANED? power washing the super dirty brick sidewalk and patio

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all right so we're on to the next section of this property this sidewalk entryway you see there's a lot of moss a lot of algaes we've got some lichens building up all right the patios looking real nasty okay this isn't looking so good at the doors daddy uh now when this gets wet it's gonna be jet black slick real slippery uh for this project we're gonna be using the hustler at least uh 42 44 42 20. i don't know anyways it's a 4200 psi unit it's a belt drive we have the 20 inch hustler uh surface cleaner and we're gonna go ahead and make this look good let's go ahead and get into it oh jess so dirty [Music] oh my goodness we gotta find your vaccine passports do you think mama will let us bring us their pop pop-tarts [Music] and now a moment of silence for all of our viewers over at the boring channel all right all right all right well i tell you what that was boring as hell and if you like that i have more of that over at the boring channel hey welcome back to the channel if you enjoy this type of work this nasty dirty dingy stuff getting cleaned then welcome to your new youtube home i think i gotta be the only youtuber that is dumb enough to drive 250 miles so that i can work for free but you know what i knew would make an awesome video for you guys and i'm down to do it so this particular property we got about seven different videos on so you'll see some of those trickling out this is the one where we did the crazy dirty sidewalk that looks like it's never been cleaned i guarantee it hasn't um the really mossy bricks the one with the bird bath we spent i want to say somewhere around 12 to 14 hours on this property doing cleaning all around it so you know i spent a couple days at the property and i i think when it's all said and done everything came out looking beautiful there's a few things i would like to go back that's right i'm back in tulsa and i'd like to go back to this property because i hate to leave things unfinished but we'll have to see if you guys support us we'll go back and make another arkansas trip power washing crazy stuff i'm not opposed to that now of course the big plus side for me there is that i get to spend time with my parents this is actually in the city that they live in and while it's a beautiful place it is a little impoverished town which means a lot of the luxury services like power washing have never been done now with the amount of work that i did at the property it would have been every bit of two thousand dollars so you know this was obviously a pretty big gift and the house that we're working on currently is actually up for sale so i think it'll help the house sell so you know kindness for them and we're able to get good footage for you so works for me anyways having said all that right now i'm getting the brick wet with my ball valve basically my hose is hooked up to my machine and it's pushing water through and the valve i have just barely cracked open so it's like holding your thumb over a hose and it just shoots a higher pressure out if i open it all the way it just comes out full force but it's low pressure now that we have it uh wet we're going to come in with the chemicals i'm using pool essentials cleaner you can bite in a gallon jug at walmart you can also buy a chlorine granule and then you can put that in a five gallon bucket and mix it yourself i typically don't do that for the amount of work that i'm doing on power washing side it's easier just to have these jugs put a bunch of them in the back of the truck and then tote them around and then when i'm done i don't have to worry about all this extra chemical or not having the chemical or not having you know it's just easier for me and i'm using a pump sprayer for a lot of stuff that i do so you know mixing it in a five gallon bucket just wouldn't work well for me with where i am at in the power washing game now if we do look to scale up which i'm honestly contemplating it because it's i enjoy the work anyways if we look to scale it up we will definitely start mixing our own chemical because it would save money but currently it's about four dollars per gallon i've got a two gallon sprayer and what i'll do is i'll mix that 50 50 which brings it down to about five percent sh which is still pretty stout but it's it cuts right through stuff so uh when you spray it on moss it'll start turning the moss white and you can see it already working on the concrete here all that turning white is algae dying away so it's pretty pretty impressive really cool to see in action you do have to be careful not to get it on plants so part of why i spray the concrete before i start is i'm actually getting the concrete wet so that we have even distribution of the liquid because if you put a liquid on top of a liquid it spreads out better just think of the water on there as a lubrication so that the chemical adheres and spreads correctly and then the other thing is any plants so all that monkey grass that's down the side of the walkway there we want to get that wet we want to make sure that it's wet and the reason being is we don't want the chemical to adhere the plant if it adheres to the plant it will bleach that plant out and kill it so you have to be really careful if there's a lot of landscaping around you and it's expensive landscaping i would highly suggest taking your time being cautious so that you don't get overspray onto the plants and if you do it's okay don't worry just come in and immediately immediately rinse it off as quick as you possibly can and you're gonna be okay so i'm actually putting that sh on the door i wish i would have had the camera turned towards it this was the first time that i had sprayed it on something like that door and it just melted right off so it was very impressive to me at this point i was still learning about using this chemical now we've done it quite a bit and i feel pretty pretty proficient obviously there's more for me to learn about the business but you know as far as using this particular chemical i feel pretty confident with it the next step let's mess with some rust so i am looking for some driveways that have rust i'm going to be using some muriatic acid obviously you got to take a little more caution and um you know with with messing with um chlorine it's one thing to not wear respirator and glasses and everything if you're in a well ventilated area but with acid obviously i've got to be wearing rubber rubber gloves and and make sure that i don't get in on my skin because it will jack me up now if you watch a lot of my videos i've mentioned this before i'm not the safety sally which you know uh might be crazy if you realize like i used to be on a safety safety committee at a factory and i got to tell you uh when you work factory work they don't really care they're like hey uh you over there you're going in the safety team so just throwing out a lot of that uh safety stuff when i was at the factory was bs there were a few things that i really um agreed with like lockout tag out and stuff like that if you're gonna be working with machines which is basically a system where you lock down the machine so that there's no stored energy they can actually crush you so i used to climb into these massive machines that close under you know 500 tons and i would have to clean out the molds and stuff like that not molds like water on the concrete but a mold that shapes something like say you have a cup well that cup has a mold that turns it into that what we were making was uh like clorox and windex sprayers but yeah it was a very interesting job and i really enjoyed it unfortunately it didn't work out but ultimately i ended up being in business for myself and i think that's a good thing for me because i i actually enjoy that a lot more in life it brings me a lot of fulfillment and especially when we get to share content on the channel and talk about our journey and where we've come and where we were we are hoping to go and you know that kind of stuff so now from there after i've got all the chemical we did let it sit and there's some dwell time some of this darker black algae it doesn't change color but the green stuff goes from like a dark green to almost a white color you know so all the lichens and moss and stuff like that you just definitely see a transition but i should have given it a little longer you know i gave it about five minutes but i should have given it a little longer about 10 minutes or so and it would have been fine if i didn't use it at a well it wasn't a strong mixture so 50 50 and you get five percent it's it's okay it's not super strong but if you spray it on straight you'll see moss change colors instantly so you know the higher the strength the less dwell time you would need for it to activate and do its job now having said that the higher the strength the more safety you need to take for yourself and um you need to be cautious of what you're applying it to you know normally with uh concrete you're gonna have a hard time messing concrete up it's it's a good place to start if you are wanting to start power washing because like i said it's just it's just hard to mess up now i'm not saying you can't if you run into a brand new driveway and they want to clean i would suggest using low low pressure i'm sure you can uh you know jack the surface up if it's got a very um high polished surface now as far as these old bricks and stuff i'm not going to do any damage man they're primed and ready they've been around for a long time so what we're using here is the uh 20-inch surface cleaner it's a hustler but i believe sim simpson brand uh is the one that actually makes it so you know they make a lot of power washing gear and then companies go through and put their brands and logo on it but this is a a very good surface cleaner now it doesn't have the rollers some people like the rollers some people don't it just comes down to your personal preference the good thing about rollers is you can move side to side a lot easier but you know with this surface cleaner just dragging on the ground i don't think it's bad at all now you can buy a roller separate and add them onto your surface cleaner if you don't have them on there it's it's really not that big a deal and then as far as what tips we're using i couldn't tell you i i haven't looked i imagine we'll swap them out down the road as they get plugged up we've got a couple spares that came with it but it's just the stock tips that came on the surface cleaner and what i mean by that is there's an actual spray bar underneath that spins around really fast right and that's what's actually doing the cleaning is just instead of having a spray wand where you see it in a shooting one direct pattern it's got two of them underneath and it spins so that it covers a larger surface area which is a really big plus side to the surface cleaners is that you can get a large area knocked out very quick with a lot less wear and tear on your body you know it's pretty uh ergonomical which is very important if you're going to be using a machine all day you don't want to be hurting at the end of the day you know it's just like when i'm talking about the mowing business if you're going to be mowing all day and you're going to be cutting a lot of lawns it behooves you sir to get away from push mowers and invest into a larger riding mower or stand on or walk behind it's in your best interest for your body long term to progress into machines that will allow you to get more work done in a shorter amount of time with less wear and tear on your body efficiency and quality is the name of the game with business you want to be able to get stuff done efficiently so that you can get more production done but you want to maintain your quality [Music] [Applause] [Music] now with the ball valve i just want to be clear that the main purpose is not so that it can be used as a tool to rinse off the concrete or get it wet it's actually so that i can control the pressure coming out of the machine which means i can shut it off that way i can leave the machine running shut the pressure off and be able to change what tool i'm using so you know if i want to switch from the surface cleaner to a wand then i can switch by just shutting off the pressure and then actually swapping it out but if you have no ball valve then there's going to be pressure going all the way to that hose and because it's a hydraulic system which means you know it's it's under high pressure you're going to have to shut off the machine bleed off the pressure and then you can change it out so that ball valve just makes it a lot more uh functional and it speeds up the process it keeps you from having to stop and start your machine it just makes life a lot easier so if you are looking to get into the power washing uh business i would highly suggest the setup that i'm using if you're just getting into it now if you're gonna be doing a lot more production i don't know maybe you would need a larger machine but this is i mean this will get a lot of work done in a really quick time now i have used um the craftsman little two gallons a minute machine which you know pressure is one thing the gallons per minute are what people say is really important which i would have to agree with after using a larger machine you're just putting out a lot more volume and the machine is able to stay consistent um what happens with a lot of these smaller machines the pumps aren't really built well and almost right away you'll hear them surging you know rev up and down trying to to maintain pressure and even though they're only putting out two gallons a minute they just can't maintain pressure um so that was something that i've had several power washers now and that was something that always frustrated me with the smaller units now with this uh husqvarna i haven't had that issue once um other than occasionally your hose will be kinked and you you won't realize it and you go oh easy fix yeah you know you just with a little bit of troubleshooting you can identify okay it's the hoses kinked way up there and so then you just obviously unkink the hose but as far as the actual machine doing it on its own when everything's hooked up properly i've had no issues with it so far it's been a very good machine now they're not paying me to say that they did provide the power washer at no charge to us which was awesome because it allows us to create this type of content so you know that goes into play obviously with my opinion on it but i i think the machine relative to the size you know you're you're gonna find a machine that's that size four gallons uh four gallons a minute with four thousand psi is going to be a probably a good machine and i think it's kind of like mowers all commercial mowers at a certain size are built pretty comparable you know there's little um things that are better or worse from one machine to the next but in reality they're all pretty comparable because they're staying pretty competitive but yeah i mean if you're looking to get into the business and you're wanting to start power washing the machine i think it is around seventeen or eight eighteen hundred dollars a surface cleaner you can get about for you know three or four hundred dollars the ball valve is about 30 or 40 bucks and the machine is going to come with the hose and a pressure wand so yeah you do that and you're good to go and all you'll have to do from that point is just advertising and if if you are going into business don't be scared about talking about yourself a lot of people are afraid to talk about themselves and i don't mean vainly talk about yourself but what i'm saying is if you aren't willing to promote yourself or your business nobody else will and nobody else is going to know that you're in business just because you have the thought that you want to go in business you're going to have to put yourself out there this applies to power washing it applies to lawn care applies to the painting company it applies to any business you're in if you do not promote your company it will not take off it's just like this youtube channel i promote the hell out of this youtube channel now i do that because i believe in it just like my business just like my marriage just like anything else that i am involved in if i'm going to invest my time it's because i believe in it so you know i think that youtube is going to have great possibilities for me if you're starting a business do you believe for yourself that your business is going to have great possibilities for you is it going to make changes in your life that you're looking for what are your goals around that business and then from there once you know your goals where you're wanting to go with it then you can easily figure out what you're going to have to do to get there a lot of the times if you're just trying to you know you know people talk about wanting to have a huge company they don't even realize that they just need to make a certain amount to to actually get what they're wanting so you know i'm not i'm not trying to diminish your goals if you have big goals keep your big goals but what i am trying to say is if you are wanting to start up just don't be afraid to put yourself out there you are going to get the random crazy person it's inevitable you're going to get the random crazy person that will call you up and say i didn't want this sign on my door look here's all you can do you have to look for the proper signage know whether you're in a legal legal range to do whatever form of advertiser doing and you know like for me it's a lot of door hangers and stuff if they don't have the proper signage on their door there's no way i could know they didn't want one so i just have to assume when i'm putting out the door hangers they want one if they don't have the proper signage so you know if they call me up i just say hey awesome well did you have the proper signage oh you didn't okay well this is a sign you're gonna want and you know if you put a no soliciting sign for a lot of people that means the same thing but you're gonna want a sign that says no flyers or hand bills but you know for me personally i don't put a door hanger on somebody's door that says no so listening i just don't do that i at one point in time i did but you know now i don't it doesn't make a difference it's whatever dude you just got to get out there uh soliciting by the way is actually knocking on the door and taking up their time but you know a lot of people they don't understand the the definition of it so they get up in arms about it either way so i would suggest if you're putting out door hangers just avoid putting a sign on a door that says no soliciting your door hangers and watch just from that comment in this video i'm gonna get somebody that complains in the comments about it but i will say i've gotten a lot of a lot of jobs from actually putting flyers and door hangers on properties that had no soliciting signs on their door a lot of people rent houses if that sticker was on the door before they moved there then it's probably gonna stay there so my first couple years in business i would put one on those doors too now i don't i'm not that hungry for work we stay busy and really the longer that you're in business the less you have to do the crazy advertising and unless you are wanting to continue to grow past a certain point so you'll get to the spot where it's very very comfortable in business which is fine but if you want to continue to grow and make your business a very large company you have to push past that comfort zone and continue to press forward and a lot of the times with advertising i think as business owners we get tired of seeing the same flyer or door hanger or just whatever it might be for add i would say have a set it and forget it type of mentality i'm not saying don't test out and do split tests on what door hanger will be more effective but what i am saying is just because you're tired of seeing it does not mean that it's not working anymore so the other thing is the more somebody sees your particular flyer or door hanger the more likely they are to call you and to buy from you because it shows that you have longevity that you're in business you're not a fly-by-night company you're trustworthy uh there's a lot that they can take mental note from just by continually seeing your advertisement on their door [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right i am much happier with that it cleaned up really nice very nice now some of it has these black marks and uh it's just algae that won't come off i'm sure i could get it if i attacked it with hard enough tip but then i'm compromising the mortar possibly so what i'm going to do is i'm going to go ahead and treat it again and then i'm going to let it sit and i'm going to rinse it off dirty house tug thank you for uh you know giving me some tips on uh what to use how to use it and you know so i appreciate it uh he also told me i could use the ball valve for instant off that's pretty nice trick as far as the rest of it it's coming in cleaning up really really really nice this is quite the transformation especially over here if you remember how bad it was and i even cleaned up the stone a little bit i think i would have left that if i did it again although i do like it but i would have left it now the doors remember the algae was on there that algae i didn't put any pressure on it and in fact i didn't even rinse it i sprayed it i came back and it was gone um same thing over here i sprayed the algae came back and i was i was really surprised because by the time i got up here there was no algae on it and i mean if that's soft washing that's that's what's up just spray it down hit it with the chemical come back and you're like whoa so you know uh same thing i clean the rocks on this side i don't know if i do that again because it's kind of cool seeing the algaes on here and uh you know i i killed them now but uh it's kind of cool i think that would have been a nice contrast from formal to informal you know man-made to natural but you know they'll grow back in time i'm gonna go ahead and uh hit the brick again and this is what i'm talking about with these darker black algae with this darker black algae that's growing it just uh will not come off now there's some green stuff this green stuff would come off but the darker black with it i'm gonna go ahead and call that good on here and i'm just gonna give it a like i said a post treatment i'm gonna let it dwell and i'm like i don't know maybe i'll let it set all right hey if you guys enjoyed this let me know go and check these before and after pictures out and then right after that uh youtube thinks one of these videos would be good for you please subscribe i'll see you in the next one you
Channel: Lawn Care Juggernaut
Views: 1,210,368
Rating: 4.922863 out of 5
Keywords: Lawn Care Juggernaut, K&R Lawn Care, Tulsa Lawn Care, Lawn Care 74145, tulsa Lawn Service
Id: tW8bJaGzhmk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 48sec (1668 seconds)
Published: Fri May 07 2021
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