I was doing this FREE POWERWASHING job and I FOUND a HIDDEN driveway - covered for decades

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all right i'm cleaning up this property started with the the front sidewalk this sidewalk and then the driveway but there's there's something major something massive that you haven't seen and nobody else has for many many many many many actually many years all right check this out this was the old driveway to the house you can tell it went down and around and through those trees that driveway was added on but this one i did some probing okay i used my power washer and i just kind of made some holes in here to see and you know what man that's like at least six inches deep and there's a driveway underneath it you know it's a big semis apparently i didn't know this but this little town has this is the highway anyway moving forward the sidewalk that driveway goes between these trees and all the way to the road it hasn't seen the light of day in many many many years probably a good i don't know i would say 40 50 maybe even 60 or 70 years i've uncovered a lot of stuff on this property you'll have to check out the second video of the driveway in the first video with the front staircase it was absolutely crazy but you're not going to want to miss this one this has got to be one of the craziest ones i've ever done now i can't really use a shovel in here so i'm going to use my power washer probably a little bit of power washer and the shovel now here's why i'm cleaning the driveway i didn't really know about this until later but this is just completely covered in mud and leaves and all that stuff rocks debris and it's been here so long just like this that there's actually vines all the way through it so these are honeysucklevine that is just growing like crazy in here which doesn't seem like much but it makes it a real pain to shovel so use the power washer make a mess and kick it over into these flower beds or what once was flower beds and you could tell cause there's some bulbs and different stuff there look these are cool i don't know what the actual term for this is but my grandmother always called it liv lives forever okay and basically you can pull this up or break it off uh say just like that you break it off right and pull these pull those lower leaves off it doesn't really matter though but you can stick this in the ground right just like this make a little hole stick it in the ground and a new plant will grow right there off of that one it's because it's a succulent all right uh all that said i'm gonna go ahead and get into it i'm just gonna have at it i don't really have a plan of action other than just go go to town so i mean basically the the main idea is all the leaves and debris and stuff like that push them over there so maybe the first thing i should do is hit it with a blower get the stuff on top and then go at it with the power washer to get the stuff underneath i don't really know let's see what i come up with man all right let's try to do this without getting any in the neighbor's yard [Music] all right right out of the gate i want to thank you for taking the time to support our channel we go around and we service properties completely free for people it's gotten to the point where last year i was like hey i want to do this and go full time with it and now we're actually getting ready and planning a trip to travel the us and cut loans for free for people so i mean it's just an unreal thing how far it's come uh so fast and like on the last video i had some d-bag he's like oh i can't believe you're still scamming people the awesome thing about this is i've never once taken a donation or um i've had people send me some money in an envelope you don't have to do that and if you do just know that i'm i'm giving it away like it's gonna happen um i'm compensated through youtube and it's pretty awesome i feel like a modern day robin hood like literally i just make videos and these big corporations put their ads on my video then google sends me a check it's been pretty awesome pretty damn cool in my opinion now having said that if you like that and you want to support that and you want to support me encouraging people in other industries to do videos like mine where they're going out and they're helping people and it's kind of changing and re-molding the way that we think of how we can do business and service like where i would have gone out and on a project like this charged at least two grand um and for like the whole property we're probably looking at like four grand for the whole property which you'll there's there's four videos to this series okay um and i wasn't even able to finish all the concrete on the property so my point is it was a lot of work but every time i talk about numbers people like there's no way you could charge it well you know i did charge uh for my work for 10 years and i know exactly what i can charge it's it's not hard to be the guy that goes out and you charge what you're worth and what it costs to do the service and and uh look at getting into that let's go ahead and dive into that uh but before i go into a deep dive on that i want to let you know that if you do want to watch these videos with absolutely no talking i do provide that for all of my viewers that would like a boring experience over at the boring channel uh it's a real channel it's not it's not just a joke like i know i joke a lot but that's a real channel the boring channel it actually outgrew this channel for a bit you sick freaks [Laughter] i love it uh but you know anyways all that said uh we'll go ahead and dive back into this as a lawn care guy and a business owner and somebody that's been doing this for a long time and of course this is power watching this wasn't really my expertise in business it was something that i learned and progressed more as i started making videos and really for the enjoyment and wanting to learn new things like i've been testing the water on doing different projects and it's really cool because now i have the capability to when before with a service um and you might have experienced this if you've started a business yourself or you've seen other people start a business they'll want to go out and do everything it's they're like i'm a lawn business and you're like cool what's your niche they're like i cut grass which is how i thought in the beginning i'm like yeah that's basically what i do but in my head i was like i don't care big or small oh do it i only got a push mower but i'll go cut that acreage it doesn't work that way niche down and it's down be very very specific about the type of client you service how often you service them uh how you're going to get paid as in how you do your billing because people love consistency just be super consistent and then with the pricing you'll know exactly what the price because you're doing it over and over and over and over and over and over and replicating it and why i say really niche down on like one or two services is because if you try to provide service for a whole bunch of different things you need a lot more tools you're also not getting very very skilled at what you're doing so you can't ever get really efficient and it's just not going to work out good for your business so really hone down focus on like three services and just run with it now as far as what i'm doing on this specific project i went ahead i know there's going to be a lot of people why didn't you use a shovel you're an idiot for not using a shovel i just want to start out and say i went right out the gate trying to use the shovel i tried using the blower a lot of roots and the blower wasn't working so we busted out the shovel it's actually [Music] get that out of the way it's actually a golden shovel uh it's my daddy's all his equipment is gold um but no seriously uh as far as the uh shovel goes we're trying to get under there a lot of roots i'm trying to cut through it it's not working that well it's also really really heavy because i cleaned the concrete on the rest of it so all the water washed down i had no idea that there was more concrete down here i thought that it ended like maybe six inches to a foot into that like it just i did not think there was gonna be another driveway here all right i don't think i can pick that up but you better believe that i'm gonna try it so at this point i'm doing a little observation i noticed there's fire ants or could be regular ants but i'm in an area where there's a lot of fire ants so i'm pretty cautious about it um you know people ask you about animals all the time snakes this and that i'm not too worried about the snakes you know especially like if i'm cutting tall grasses when everybody asks about snakes you worry about snakes and spiders not really you'll see like thousands of spiders when cutting tall overgrown grass snakes they're there but normally i think the equipment kind of scares them away um but having said that i'm sure that um i mean i've seen some regular snakes so i'm sure that some are waiting for me in a spot like this who knows what you're going to find under there it's like catching a big fish look at it it's a monster i can't even pick it up [Music] oh read that thumbnail all right enough playing around let's knock it out like a pro i'm gonna make this reappear it's like a magic trick i promise you you've never seen a power washing transformation like this [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'll say when it's done it'll be on youtube under the boring channel under the boring channel yeah i got another channel too but that's the easiest one to find i used to do pressure washing we pressure wash for uh butchers and super ones yeah here texas a m it's pretty good it was like 200 a night yeah they paid for the gas all right dad pretty laid back yeah there's a driveway under here man yeah i know that's what i was telling him i said there's concrete under that i said it's just a bunch of dirt been piling up for years that's gonna make a crazy video man before and after in the little clips of our slideshow i'll check you out man all right you ever need any help i mean i'll check you out on facebook absolutely man sounds great [Music] i think it's a shower knob hit that there [Music] now [Music] hmm [Music] now [Music] you [Music] so [Music] so [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] to [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so the first thing i would say is that if you feel insecure and less and ashamed and all of that that you have to take stock and look i have an exercise online at selfauthoring.com it's there's three exercises there one helps you write about the past one about the present and one about the future the present authoring program helps you assess your faults and your virtues okay well if you have some faults and you feel insecure and inferior because of that well you should now it shouldn't be so much that you're crippled by it and unable to take action you shouldn't be beating yourself into the ground because you're not everything you could be because no one is and if you beat yourself into the ground then you can't get up and improve but you you you you have to differentiate it's like okay to what degree am i being hard on myself counterproductively critical hearing the voice of my too harsh and angry father in my head right um adopting inappropriate stereotypical representations of masculine competence how much of my self-criticism is ill-advised fair enough and you want to deal with yourself with a certain amount of care but then along with that there's the well fix your weaknesses you know if you're ashamed of being ignorant you're showing up at a party because you know you claim to knowledge that you don't have and someone exposes you well you can be angry at them and you probably will but they've actually done you a favor they pointed out an inadequacy is a pathway that you can travel down right a recognized inadequacy is as soon as such a gift in some sense if if it's accurate i'm in it because you think well what should i do what should i do with my life that's a real complicated question oh here's an inadequacy excellent you have a pl you have a goal now rectify it now you still have to think strategically and figure out how to rectify it and do it step by step and but carl rogers the psychotherapist um pointed out that the per person for therapy to be successful the person has to want to change so they have to have recognized that they have a problem if if someone is mandated by the court to attend therapy it's very difficult for the therapist to convince them that they have a problem once you're convinced you have a problem it's like away you go you know i know it's still technically difficult requires discipline and all of that there's no magic solution but if you're plagued by feelings of inferiority you should rectify the most obvious inferiorities right focus on those first over optimizing strengths would you say no not necessarily not not necessarily i'm and you don't have to redress every like i can't i'm a terrible jazz musician you know it's not it's not it's not a thing where you hold shame around or like well it's not an impediment yeah yeah i would say that you have to rectify an inadequacy when it's clearly an impediment to your goal or you have to shift goals but if you're shifting goals because of an inadequacy related impediment then you have to ask yourself are you is your desire to shift the goal reliable or are you just taking the easy way out you can protect yourself by by picking a different goal that's more difficult that that's a good mental hygiene practice because sometimes you should switch goals rather than rectifying inadequacies but you can fool yourself then and and that's a that's not good and if someone is goalless lazy unmotivated not sure what they want to do what would be a few key steps to get started to turn their life around or to find the motivation for something greater than where they're at well i i think a fair bit of that's probably to be found in you can find it in shame you can find it in guilt you can find it in conscience you can find it in anger you can find it in interest and and and engagement and beauty there's lots of pathways if you're angry about something in the world well you know that's an indication that that's in some sense your problem right it's speaking to you in a moral sense this shouldn't be that way well maybe you're the person who should do something about it in some manner maybe it'll take your whole life to figure out how to do that but it's bothering you for a reason so that the negative emotions can be a pathway to transformation i'm not trying to romanticize them they can crush you completely and leave you with nothing right for sure and they can go badly astray but [Music] shame that's a good one what am i ashamed of well can you fix any of that because you might ask yourself let's say you're so ashamed and so crushed that you're nihilistic and you can't see any hope for life you're just done you might think well what if i was less ashamed like i'm not gonna jump off the bridge today i'm gonna wait a year i'm gonna not i'm gonna work on these things that i'm ashamed of and and just see like does my life improve enough so that i'm not so bitter about it now or i'm not so hopeless about it now and my experience has generally been that that works it works and then some of some of its practical knowledge too it's like you can get a really long way with very small changes incremental changes yeah micro habit changes so aim low don't have big big goals or big transformations well you can but but the problem with a big goal is that it's daunting enough so that it might paralyze you and there's a high probability of failure and so imagine that you're your own child okay now imagine you love this child and you would like him we'll say him because it's you and i talking to succeed now you have an ideal for this child you'd like him to grow up to be the best he can be better than you the best man he can be that's what you want for your son if the good part of you is talking yeah you definitely want him to be better than you are but you want him to be the best he could be if your vision is unclouded okay but then you offer him a goal it's like well do this well can he do it well if he can do it without a second's thought there's no challenge in it there's no developmental impetus it's not in the zone of proximal development you want a goal that you can do but that requires some improvement on your part because you want to attain the goal that's satisfying but then you want to make yourself into the thing that can attain goals and so you want to push yourself yeah you want to push yourself a bit for it yeah yes and and and there there's an ample psychological literature that suggests that that's where maximal motivation is to be found interesting so you're you're pursuing a goal but you're also pursuing the goal of transforming yourself at the same time you're doing both of those at the same time do you need to know that you're transforming yourself in order to attain the goal or do most people just think i got to take these steps to make it happen but they don't realize they're becoming better human beings they it depends on what you mean by realize they they have the sense of satisfaction and confidence that would indicate that although they might not be able to make what that means explicit but i would say it would be better to make it explicit it adds one other dimension of possible motivation what would you say would be your three truths i would say have the faith strive to manifest the faith necessary to make things better rather than worse [Music] pray that you have enough terror [Music] to be frightened out of your own deceit [Music] and strive to be grateful [Music] regardless of [Music] regardless that would be [Music] that's good enough [Music] honey miller light drinkers know how old that can might be i bet you it's from the 90s [Music] [Music] all right there's our orange crush [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] this [Music] [Music] it's getting there i'm surprised to see it yeah i'll get all the roots cleaned up when i'm done this here is gonna be a big mess when i get to that i'll probably have to let that dry out overnight and then come back with trash cans thanks man [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey man if you haven't if you just take a quick second give us a thumbs up and really go a long ways to helping us out i appreciate the help i'll go ahead and wait for that let's get to it [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] so so [Music] my [Music] so [Music] so hey hey what do you think of that man oh man what was that a rug that's the years of build-up that's on there damn hey this looks excellent crazy isn't it yeah man i don't know that i've ever done one quite this bad sorry man sorry so high school i'm gonna be back for the rest too but it'll be a couple months okay [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] you will fail your way to greatness most people allow their fear of failure to outweigh their desire to succeed when you're willing to fail again and again and again when you make up your mind to become unstoppable when you make up your mind to become a no matter what person then that will then give birth to a part of yourself that you don't know right now imagine if you will being on your death bed and standing around your bed the ghost of the dreams the ideas the abilities the talents given to you by life and that you for whatever reason you never went after that dream you never acted on those ideas you never use those talents you never use those gifts and there they are standing around your bed looking at you with large angry eyes saying we came to you and only you could have given us life and now we must die with you forever see most people stop short of their dreams and park and get off the highway of life because of the rejections of life you will always be rejected it's no big deal jack can feel said rejection is a myth it's not like when somebody says no and then they slap you no it's just you know to me make know your vitamin get excited about the no why because every time someone says no that brings you another step to a yes you're getting closer trust me you will win if you don't quit you will win if you don't quit even a broke clock is right twice a day as you go through the challenges of life and you look at it and embrace whatever comes to you don't run from it step toward it don't try and duck it like most people do see most people want it easy see if you easy come easy what easy go see but when you go at what you're going to deal with and you deal with the difficulties of it when you handle those hard things close at hand making those hard decisions right now that you don't want to make learning those things that you don't like to do but you know that in order for you to get where you want to go this is one of the hoops that you have to flip through and i'm saying to you whatever you got to do do it because if you don't life is going to whoop you until you surrender you have something that you brought to the universe and that if you decide that my life deserves my developing this what i do well and becoming the best at it and mastering myself and seeing what i have within me if you decide to drop your buckets where you are and develop your gifts i grant you you'll never ever be without i grant you that your gifts will take you places that will literally amaze you i grant you that if you begin to work to develop your gifts you develop a strong sense of happiness you'll get a larger vision of yourself because part of beginning to get a larger vision of yourself all of us need some area of our lives where we can have a feeling of competence that people know when they think about this area that's something you do that you eat and sleep at and that you do that you do that changing is not easy but changing your life changing habits reinventing yourself yeah picking yourself up after life has knocked you flat on your back i've got to say when life knocked you down try and land on your back because if you can look up you could get up well that sounds cute but that's not easy when i was diagnosed with prostate cancer 17 years ago that first time that happened i said hey i can handle this then when it came back a year late i mean last year 17 years later and this time it metastasized to seven areas of my body and ate 40 percent of my t1 vertebrae now the stakes are higher is this life saying okay mr motivator you beat cancer the first time what you gonna do now you know i started laughing when the doctor told me he said why are you laughing are you in denial i said no i said i feel like mother teresa he said what do you mean she said lord i know you know how much i can bear i just wish you'd have so much confidence in me so i said the stakes are higher so i've got to dig in and got to fight more because at the end of the day life is a fight for territory and once you stop fighting for what you want what you don't want will automatically take over and so it's a fight it's a challenge in life every day and what we have to do is embrace it what we have to do is see it as a project to be worked on in life you will always be faced with a series of god-ordained opportunities brilliantly disguised as problems and challenges and so i see even cancer is a gift is a god-ordained opportunity if you die today what dreams what ideas what talents what books what music what leadership what voice will die with you there are a lot of people who are biting their fingers in fear that they might lose their jobs but there are few people who have decided within themselves i'm going to make it some people aren't waiting to be cut some people are moving on their own because they feel within themselves i've got what it takes to make it they're not afraid about tomorrow because of how they see themselves because of what they feel that they deserve because of what they feel that they can create for themselves because these people have decided as they look at the future as they look at themselves there's a way where there's a will there's a way for me to begin to create a way out of no way and when you have that kind of consciousness when you have that kind of spirit nothing can stop you nothing there's no secret to success there's a system to success and no matter what organization you become a part of the system works if you work it if you don't work it it won't work but it works if you work it and that's one four-letter word that most people don't like they're not willing to work they're winners and they're losers and there are people who have not discovered how to win and all they need is some coaching all they need is some help and assistance just a little support all they need is some insight or a different strategy or plan of action to make some adjustments that will open up the key to a whole new future for them that will give them access to the unlimited power that they have within themselves that's all that they need so what i want you to do is think about something you want for you that's real for you that's important for you that will give your life some special meaning and power and i don't even want you to say i can do that i don't want you to assume that see five years ago when i started out in this area i would not have been able to make the mental leap that i would be up to where i am right now i don't want you to begin to just psych yourself out no no i want you to be able to say something to yourself that will enable you to maintain a level of integrity with yourself that when you say this even when you face tremendous setbacks it will be a benchmark to keep you in the game to keep you moving forward and experimenting and readjusting your strategy and your plan of action continuously looking for ways to win i think we have to reflect on who am i why am i here what drives me if i die today what three words would i once said about me if i die today you know what is it that defines me you know how how do i define myself [Music] so i went to the next more necessary to stop talking to people and seeking and asking for what i wanted and leveraging relationships and trying to find out how do the people do it that went ahead of me how do they do it and then what is it i need to do how is it i need to train myself to develop myself what's the resources that will be required in order to make it happen and as i started seeking out and asking questions i started running into people said i know someone who can help you do that and they help me get connected with those people remember we have so much energy that can take us so far it's necessary that you hook up with some other energy that can take you to the next level i hooked up with them they said let's let's go i said away we go [Music] [Applause] [Music] so so [Music] so [Music] [Music] my so [Music] i found a coin but there's nothing thank you well i'll take it home see if i can all right that was arkansas dot let me know about the mud runoff down the street i let them know that we're actually shoveling it into this yard which he said is perfectly okay um i told dad we can't be shooting that down into the drain just because it's gonna clog up the drain anyways we'll be shoving it back in this yard but this is crazy he said that this section was abandoned in the mid 90s and they actually put in the other driveway over there so it's been since the mid-90s is that basically since these two big oak trees grew up you know i don't know if somebody planted these here um but they've just completely completely overgrown this pretty wild isn't it look at all these roots quite a few of them i had a couple piles this size they're hauling away one more there one there one in the back of the truck already and uh yeah from there i just got some shoveling there and then we're finally able to hit it with the surface cleaner and get this section cleaned up man and am i ready because i am tired worn out ready to go home take a shower super dirty this is probably one of the coolest ones i've ever done [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my name is kiara and i have been looking for these guys ever since i seen their uh video from doing this easterly for um driveway and i finally found them leaving the park on sunsets and they're going to do my house so stay tuned we're going to put their work on the channels and get them some good business because i really need them and i really like their i really admire their work they are very much good so when she came up she asked me how much it was i told her friend he set free ain't nobody so yes yes subscribe them follow them and stay tuned because they do the driveways but they're gonna do my house [Music] yeah you know with back to weather but like i said i'm trying to knock all them down trying to make my home my house a home been there about a month now so come take care all right thank y'all well that's cool we got people around town looking for us word is spreading that means dad's gonna be a busy bee this year you excited about that yeah i am that's really cool to have people out there it's really neat a lot of good people here ted i'm tore up from this one man but all we have left all we have left is some surface cleaning some surface cleaning and some rinsing off and cleaning up big piles of roots so dad did you tell them the d.o.t stopped by and said we needed to clean up the street a little bit it was a mess i told dad we can't be shooting that down the block my plan was to get it far enough past the driveway that we can just kick it back into this yard it looks nasty now i mean like let's look at it it looks really nasty but keep in mind it's actually really really really good soil so everything that's growing underneath it it's gonna pop right back up the grass the vines all that stuff it's just gonna come right back it looks dirty now but after rain it'll settle down calm down it's all good man what do you think good i think i got the golden shovel i love gold right so you gotta remember it rains a lot here in town so in a couple weeks you'll never even know you was here i mean all the dirt are rinsed away yeah yeah this was a lot of dirt i never knew this was here i've lived here 10 years never never even went i showed up to this job because of the stairs and i was like oh those are dirty i want to clean that up and then that turned into the stairs and then there's like six foot of of a sidewalk that i'd never seen and then i was looking at this and i'm like okay so there's a driveway there going towards the house but i could tell this was new and that was added on in the back and i was like oh this has gotta this has got to come down and then once i got to kind of close it a little bit with the turbo tip that's what it was forget i'm gonna put this over there you're gonna put that over there he's gonna put it over there don't blame it on me don't blame it on me it's daddy doing it i'll come back again don't be lying i killed that promise that's gonna break down make some really good soil i'm saying i'm saying that's where it's dead yeah okay i like it i like your idea it'll break down calm down everything turns in the dirt there's some good dirt right here yeah that's kind of stuff people dream about for their garden [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] mmm [Music] [Music] so [Music] all right this job's finally done as you can see we've got the stairway it's looking beautiful let's work our way all the way through the property because we did a lot we came through here that you can't really do much but these stairs look awesome this walkway was completely covered hadn't seen in years right there i'm sure trim the bushes back kept the red bud see it's looking beautiful especially you can find dirty hands coming in here trim the azaleas trim the azaleas over here this looks good those aren't miss spots it's just still drying i'll come in and take some magic shots tomorrow for you guys this sidewalk polished up very beautifully i know i'm a sexy beast right all right it's coming over here this was the original driveway to the house and i did leave my mark i got a pair of what footprints yeah buddy always knows there don't get mad at me for leaving it but i'm leaving it at least until i come back for this but that's gonna be a while because this is the last job i'm doing here in town i won't be back for a while well at least till the second half of the year i'm busy so that spot that was covered up wasn't that the craze blood let's just go back to the driveway we'll get to that in a minute okay the driveway cleaned up beautiful it's gonna look like that when it's dry but this is wet because we are cleaning that the retaining wall looks awesome the driveway i ended up finding about i don't know another six foot section of retaining or of concrete here because it's got the uh apron and i almost thought for a minute that that was going to go all the way back i was a little scared but check this out this is the pistol resistance right the beautiful thing the magnum opus of this job did you even know this was here i know you didn't because i didn't i was working over there found the little concrete over there found this concrete found this and boy was i in for some work well what a beautiful treat nobody's walked on this driveway this concrete nobody's walked on this probably since i was born probably the last 30 years how cool is that i was the one that cleaned it up baby i love my mark on this town this tree here and this tree here is probably why this was uh not used anymore just over through the driveway pretty cool and then crazy how it does that just grows out grows out but it's beautiful i think it's pretty cool that driveway i mean i don't know if i drive through it but how cool is that with the trees there then we got this i just added value to this property for sure nobody even knew this was here but i'm not done i'm telling you guys you got to tell me you tell me i'll come back for this which that is a nightmare i can tell you that's six foot and i'm gonna have to cut all this shrubs back and stuff to get to it another six foot of just roots and mud and crazy nonsense that'll have to be cut out and dug out and just and then all that i might run a mini skid for that next time just push it right off right push it right out into the yard level it out caught good that's probably what i should have done over here just come in scrape it off that's what a real landscaper would do you're not a real landscaper shut up so once again this is how it works i go around i knock on doors and i say hey i'm in the area i'd love to clean something up on your property i'll do it completely free now the way i'm able to do that is through the support of the viewers on my channel i'm not asking for donations but here's how you can support me by leaving me a thumbs up leaving a comment and subscribing to the channel it goes a very very very long ways to pushing us out to more people which allows us to get more views which allows us to have the monetary support that keeps us going and out there and being able to help people okay all right so this job was crazy i appreciate you guys watching i'll see you in the next one [Music] now [Music] you
Channel: Lawn Care Juggernaut
Views: 1,342,519
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lawn Care Juggernaut, I was SHOCKED while doing this FREE POWERWASHING job and I FOUND a HIDDEN driveway, free powerwashing, free pressure washing, extreame transformations, extreame powerwashing transformation, powerwashing ASMR
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 34sec (4414 seconds)
Published: Fri May 20 2022
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