**Elderly SCARED** to Answer Door After ACCIDENT, then CRIES for FREE Lawn Mowing!

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me you friendly okay hi how are you does anybody live over here across the street yes ma'am it's it's an older lady yeah house we was thinking about mow for grass for free okay all right um I guess we'll go try her and see if she is we just wanted to make sure somebody lived there yes ma'am before we went over there definitely she keeps in the garage all the time okay all right well thank you you're welcome hi Rocky hi Rocky come here buddy you guys say [Applause] hi Oh look The Path [Applause] there spider web eggs in there some oh hey um we go around once a week and we look for overgrown Lawns like this and we mow them for free for free yeah wow can you come to the door and talk to us or I can't really okay um been in okay well is it okay if we mow your grass truly appreciate thank you you're welcome you're welcome is there any way that she could come to the door she said no said she's been in an accident and she can't come to the door oh okay well thank you we'll get you're welcome yes you too mhm she was in tears yeah yeah she was saying thank you so much and um that she's been an accident and she can't come to the door and she was in tears crying because we said we was going to mow her grass for free and um told us to have a good holiday really [Music] yeah well let's take a look around I guess and see good look at this I don't even know where where to begin with this we'll figure it out though yeah have no idea where to begin with that you know what they say about the backyard but actually what it looks like is the worst is this spot right here I'm not sure if we can actually get all of that down I have to you know assess and see what a kitty cat back here I see you it's running I want to say it again it looks like it' be pretty easy the backyard doesn't look so bad yeah the backyard don't look too bad but the backyard looks like it's about twice as big as the part yard yes there's some kind of hole what do you think this this think it's a goer hole it looks like a gopher hole lot of lens and stuff down around here yeah clothes line well awesome I get the help someone else out uh in this community in the neighborhood y let's get started [Applause] yep is me [Applause] [Applause] [Music] you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] h [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh it's hot out here already what do you think that's why I'm sitting in the truck got really hot just cutting that one thing down she she has no shade whatsoever here that's what I was about to say she's got no shade in this yard it's going to be a hot one yes it [Music] is [Music] [Music] it's a lot better than it was but it needs it needs to keep getting moved because this batters up and it and just you can't you know you worry about snakes you worry about everything yeah well I mean regardless of anyone's situation we we appreciate having the opportunity to be able to come out and know this for free you know but you know she needs somebody that comes in here and mows it whenever it needs to be mow yeah and not let it grow up like this yeah cuz if she did it would look nice and all the other guards would look nice we my water my brother-in-law and me live here now my sister died I'm 21 my nephew just died Labor Day weekend stage 14 oh I'm sorry and it's it's health and not been having them around for the holiday tell you yeah well the good thing about having this mod nephew was only 49 years of age really and he he used to get on the M when we had our Rider yeah but then my bulaw got a zero turn and it takes 45 minutes to an hour to move this whole damn yard well like like I said look good it it look good what's your name uh Casey Casey mine's Mike Mike I I'd just like to see it move to make it look good I I come out with if I had a push mower when I first started I had a push mower I used to mow this front and and she goes Mike you're going to kill yourself well you can't get out Mo I'm going to get you back let you go back to work cuz I know you got to get back to work on this yeah well I mean thank you for stopping by and chatting no I just you know I'm tired of looking at and so are the neighbors yeah be be a shock to see this all moved down it's cleaned up yeah that it definitely will be and like I said we're happy for the opportunity to be able to do it I I think I I know she's sick but so was everybody else I mean I didn't I you know I didn't want my nephew to die either keep on holding my head high even if the sky is falling [Music] [Music] down [Music] [Music] just she definitely got snakes living in here got some snake skin that's snake skin yeah it dropped some of it off right there over on this side the ne uh the neighbor over here he said that they were worried about the snakes that were in here I guess he's had some snakes and stuff come over to their yard from out of here she definitely got them there it goes I don't know if I got it but I picked up I seen when I was over here uh pulling the weeds and weed eating and stuff I seen a big uh roach the the stinky ones the ones if you smoos them they stink yeah um I picked up all those weeds and put them in the back of the truck and and when I turned around it was crawling up my arm and this wasn't recording at the time plus it was in back of me that was in back of me I was like and I got it off and I tried to record it I don't know if I got it or not I it ran under the truck and I was trying to follow it but I don't know if I got it or not but it was one of them stinky ones the ones that it was like this big and dark did you smell it no it didn't make it it didn't have a smell it didn't it didn't let off any odor so I guess I didn't scare it that much it's on your neck there's something on your neck is there now it's right here down it's like going in your shirt I think it it had eight legs oh God [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you see that guy even in saying up yeah thank you thank you you must ride through here all the time yeah uh you guys see him he thumbs up thank you thank you thank you as you wrote by yeah [Music] what do you think about all this stuff that one thing definely ain't going to be able to come down I don't know about the trees I mean we might get some of them down but that's a lot of wheat it is that's a lot of wheat in there I was noticing running this over I was wondering if there was there's a dirt patch right there but I was wondering if there was going to be more dirt patches because did you see all the The Vines and stuff on the ground I gu I can a few of the trees anybody need any hey hey need some hay got Foody hay for you there's some cactuses oh I know I saw [Music] that see [Music] [Music] these right here are the things that I said needs to stay it's too thick this is way too thick we don't have stuff for that to cut this down it we would be here for days trying to get this cut but look in there something's living in there what something's living down in there it's it's matted down where they've been laying there's oh it's matted down I was going to say there there's nothing there there but yeah there's something definitely been sleeping there what do you think like a deer or be we get a ticks we'll know no no tick yeah deers bring ticks so um raccoons possums um Yogi Yogi to Bear yep um could even be snakes you don't know I mean I mean if it was snakes it'd probably maybe still be there but maybe but I also want to show you this come down it's a beehive so it makes me wonder what's crawling on me is there something crawling on me no oh maybe it was sweat felt like something crawling um yeah there's beehive that's a pretty big size beehive there would a bee and yeah I know I seen a bee come out as soon as I said that too so I'm wondering there's probably beehives in here okay oh look look there what no no no I didn't do this no no I'm there's bees flying around there there's your home leave that I'm going to say not to mess with this right here I'm just cutting some of the trees down that's overgrown that's on the outside where we can mow you know maybe around this area but some of this we're not going to be able to get that's [Music] all [Music] [Music] [Music] I [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] the [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I [Music] for [Music] [Applause] [Music] no [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] these are very convenient electric pruning shears watch how easy it is to cut down these Wheats here with the electric printing shears if you like the way they work check out our description there will be a link in there to the [Music] product oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] now [Music] [Music] [Music] sh [Music] [Music] ch long day yes been here I don't know about 5 hours I think it's been a while this one was really overgrown yeah it seems like the smaller the yards are though the more difficult they are it does because they when you look at it you see it's overgrown if it's smaller then there's a lot of stuff in that yard yeah no joke there he is holy hell it's yard holy it's y [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're done hooray yay thank you all for staying around to the end we absolutely appreciate it guess what time it is Thanksgiving so Happy Thanksgiving from us my mother Trish and myself to you all of you wonderful viewers and subscribers Happy [Music] Thanksgiving [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] here
Channel: CJ Mowing
Views: 1,799,530
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cjmowing, Cj Mowing, free, lawn mow, lawn care, overgrown, grass, tall grass, viewers also watch CJ Mowing, ASMR, weed, eating, edging, mowing, helping others, best way to mow grass, how to get grass cut free, SBmowing, AlBlades, SB, CJ, Lawmow, lawn mowing videos, lawn mowing, cutting grass, edging lawn, tall lawn being cut, cj mowing youtube, cj mowing florida, overgrown lawn, mowing tall grass, cj free lawn care, how to mow grass, grass cutting, grass cutting for free, bad boy
Id: nfH1Y1lHPVg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 38sec (2738 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 21 2023
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