I Was Almost Killed By Jace From Fab Rats!

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[Music] foreign [Music] that's gonna be Jimmy standing up well this must be 102 tomorrow Yeah we actually left out on them what do you guys think of here we got the Utah heat which is totally different than this humidity is crazy right wait until it's 102 tomorrow when you walk outside yeah somebody's not reclining I'll tell you a story about this world Yamaha one of my brothers he bought it 20 years ago parked it in the yard in Utah never used it and he goes you want to borrow my ski and I said I don't trust that thing to go but do you want to get it running you can come are they supposed to go they're going to go to the Mississippi and then they'll come back it's only like what a mile it's right around the corner yep so yeah the confluences I think it's the second one that's telling them it's not a tube it looks like one of ours yep and it looks like mine Towing it the one that wasn't gonna make it which one is that it's a tiger shark 1100. oh yeah she's yep she's cooking yeah somebody's riding it too they're flying well when you're out there you do not want to transfer skis oh Hunter died [Music] no that's Josh he's a friend of mine Paul is on the paint right here thank you and it looks like well he's gonna go down [Music] I have a long sleeve he knows better days [Music] [Applause] like seriously they were here for a second they went down to the Mississippi and they're coming back so Landon got here a little while ago [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Laughter] all right go for the record okay Paul where's my batons [Music] [Music] the props man that's all I got that's oh my God [Music] the old pump is it's had a bad day you gotta say that so has the safety lanyard fire beware yeah what did you do did you break it oh yeah he broke it the pump Rings going away on he got a feather into it yeah it went fast I hit a barge away things went South it's good it runs like a top [Music] there's a soft tackle in there it was men's I put that little scratch down the bottom of it [Music] oh heck how are you guys you want one of these junkers they've been pretty good Landon's was good it runs good still we just had to steal the pump for Jimmy yeah we did there's some they're old junk but they made it hey they're not junk anymore they're tested 350 miles yeah there let's see I think there's a radio right there you get my Gatorade out and all that oh my phone I'm probably ought to take my phone with me they're supposed to be up here Ben's is in good shape Vance is the nicest boat here everybody Paul's was the nicest boat until he wrote it yeah yeah until yesterday around noon issues it has a lot of character including a Hello Kitty sticker on the back it's got some good stuff it has a big bilge pump so you'll never sink it yeah it'll pump it right out as fast as you can put it in it was unhooked and he filled it up with water so we figured out why it's there so we hooked it back up yeah yeah don't leave it in the river overnight okay they accept it all on [Music] them [Music] two young boys oh yeah thank you [Music] Jake did you yeah was it moving dude Miss IP feed right here right good for you oh no oh no sorry everybody sorry foreign [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] 150 that was 160 something yesterday let me look a lot yeah it was a lot of miles on a jet ski the video that we dug out of the Dome physically this is funny because I've been watching you for a little over a year and a half and I kept saying man I said I don't care what it takes um well we appreciate you coming for sure this is pretty cool there's been tons of people down along the river that gave us gas and donuts and drinks okay I was sitting out with my kid had the white flag up everything I'm sitting there chilling Yep this morning I was actually Towing Ben because he'd ran out of gas and we were away from our checkpoint 30 minutes the city up here I got some really good video of Jason about hitting me with a jet ski if you want it we do he was about right there from Union to the Fab rats you'll see it on the video I'll send it to you oh yeah we'll take whatever we can get I mean we don't know what we're doing most of the time we're making this up how you feeling Hunter you a little cook that plane ride's gonna be good to us tomorrow oh my goodness now now you feel bad about making fun of Jimmy's pants oh yeah we'll go find something yeah we will definitely find some of that we put five gallons of gas in it took off ran out of gas it obviously about two miles it can't be out of gas those two little squirters on the back America we didn't blow the seed off of it yeah we didn't have a seat off oh no that's right that one has an exhaust leak too so when the seat was on he rode the first thing that ripped yeah I'll put the seat on it was dying so he wrote it for so long 40 or 50 miles with no seat on it just standing up yeah I wish the 17 year old man yeah do you want to win a ski actually right there the guy in the uh yeah [Laughter] [Laughter] all right you know we were actually worried about uh maybe one person getting all these yeah and honestly we wish we had one to give every one of you Pest Control guys need to step it up when you win whoever wins the ski we'll tell you what we know about that now we've made it as far as we've made it on it so I haven't figured out because they all have their own personality [Music] um yeah it's what time is it it's quite there yet it's like an 18 minute drive from the entrance around that's what I was saying 801 is yeah that's how Merlin ended up beating me with bribery bought all of his judges knifed my tire made an illegal pass at the end yeah yeah it could be rollback games isn't it no no why'd you get your girl back together no it'll be something different he's thinking about making it so it's more Interactive yeah there was so many people showed up like we shouldn't involve them a lot yeah yeah well you about made it interactive when that rope broke yeah it's one thing you got to know about us you never know exactly how things are yeah you give Matt and them a little room to give me and Paul a lot especially if we're together several several several weeks and days and I'm like that's not very important that's gonna be good yes and then you get on a ski and you start riding and you're nice and you're like man that's a really long ways when we hit Booneville yesterday I was like oh we're almost to Cooper's Landing no problem whatever and then we were eight o'clock at night where the frick is this place and then Paul blew right by it we had to go chase him down come back Camp's this way Splash me the only boat on the river and he missed the boat the one Riverboat that you can see no one said anything about a boat last night there's a Riverboat big Paddle Wheel boats yeah what they said 300 350 360 and there was confusion about the miles that just depended on who it was that's right because he did actually different skis went different miles they really did look at all those cameras here I'm going to leave this with one of you guys okay we'll start over here and we'll start looking this way okay over here hey everybody look over on the side to the right smile okay start painting to the middle and smile hey wait that's my bad side oh yeah I know they're both my bad a little to the left should be really well it's like the scene from grown-ups sorry that was practice we have to do things twice we're doing the right again well we can start over here here we go [Music] thank you thanks guys [Music] foreign foreign
Channel: Ozarks Wheeling
Views: 117,997
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fab Rats, Missouri River Race, Jet Skis, St Louis, Kansas City, Jeep
Id: Ab5bVcomDVA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 8sec (1088 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 30 2023
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