I Got Myself In Too Deep with this Old Boat - DIY Yacht Restoration

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my name is Gus and this is in to deep all right today is the day today is the day the boat comes out of the water this is Kip's first YouTube exposure you'll be you'll be scared this is The Man Behind the madness this is the machine that we're using this is Garrett and the crew how do you think this is going to go 50/50 o we're going to pull her right out on the boat launch this machine's capable of carrying 35 tons I believe so we should be below that with the hatus Garrett this is the first Marina exposure that I've given really for the YouTube and I quite frankly I don't know how to explain the situation here and um yeah I'm working at this Marina what do you think Garrett I think you're going to be running that machine next summer there she is right here coming out for some cosmetic work and some mechanical repairs so that she can go south I took the name plates off I know it's been quite some time since I posted I have been busy trying to make money and building relationships here at the marina all right we're in action now there you go so this is going to be quite the operation here first time wearing my head Mount see how this [Music] goes end of the trailer right here end of the trailer here here right here oh my God we want this thing as far for where's the light can we bring It Forward more yeah we want that thing forward more more forward this is ke he owns the place Garrett's the service manager managing the service what do you think Jacqueline what are you fixing on I'm going to make it cosmetic ly pretty again and do a couple mechanical repairs this is a a lot of boat for this thing I'd say it looks like it fits pretty nicely on the tril asin's got to go a little more out I wonder how bad my Rudders are leaking now how do you know where it is without being able to see it looking up there C where it is gotcha oh there is a transducer right there I might be on it on the other side that's all right is what it is wow look at that ouch he goes could be over just a little bit I've never seen that build pump come on ever cuz that doesn't take on water so the rudder must be leaking should be over just oh that would have been good she's squirting from every freaking angle you get power oh yeah I can't wait I'm looking forward to I'll put my bathing suit on I what I'm most excited for is kept to walk around this thing with a hammer might not be excited for that I got a moisture meter too do you you want me to sound it out for you I do this does for this boat is it doesn't have should have freaking trim tab def for is terrible having to have those down like that especially that really sus yeah the autopilot doesn't track they look bent they no they're down they get bent in a following sea because they you never want to travel with them in a following sea down ever Lobster that's I hit one Lobster buo it was on this side yeah I can see it right there so here she is out of the water in Maine I'm going to pressure washer soing good to [Music] go scine New York City Fireflies in Tennessee SI a little Shine from a paper sack that'll knock the horns off a Cadillac I must have sat on a do and ISS watch the sun sink into the sea been there done that got the t-shirt and hat okay so the time has come I'm covered in bottom paint cuz I just finished uh wire Wheeling my outer shafts that get split at the coupler there but anyways I'm pulling the shafts out of this thing completely they need to be aligned checked I'm going to put some dripless stuffing boxes in here get rid of all this uh stuffing Jazz and I've developed some sort of moderate to severe leak at this shaft log tube here uh where the log comes through the boat so I'm hoping it didn't wear through I know my alignment's way off you can kind of see it's way off so I'm uh I'm on like a hell of a mission here but what I'm going to do is I'm going to unbolt the couplers I'll put it on a little time lapse so you can see how this goes but I'm going to have to push the shafts out of the couplers it's going to be uh it's going to be [Music] interesting now nowhere else in this world T now you and me ain't it good to be alive ain't no better place ain't no better time than Here and Now everybody's waiting but they're waiting on what better get to 11 cuz all we got is here all right so I got most of the bolts out there's a couple left but there's a a drift pin that pounds through the coupler through the shaft so if you come over here I pounded the drift pin almost all the way out if you can see that um so I'm going to do the same to the other side now that took a little while to get that pounded out that thing was freaking stuck in there and I didn't want to muck it up so I'm going to pound this other side out and then I can get the rest of the bolts out and then I can start trying to press the shaft out of the coupler the way that I'm going to do that is I'm going to separate the coupler from the transmission flange let me go here is better lighting I'll separate the coupler well you can't see it as well but from the [ __ ] flange I'll put a socket between the two and then I'll bolt it back together with a couple bolts and in theory you know you can push the shaft out of the coupler you know I've done it many times but it's going to be tricky because this is really rusty corroded blah blah blah so we'll see how that goes for now I'm build diving all righty I got both pins out I've got all the bolts out I've got both both sides separated see I'm pushing the shaft out now I've got a gap poor [Music] lighting dead this is what we call the kip special yeah walk around the boat with a hammer destroying Gus's future endeavors all my hopes and dreams it doesn't sound like a bell it's dead that sounds good so that's a good thing yeah so these are some of the blister repairs that I've uncovered thus far yeah whoever repaired these did not do a very good job there's another another blister I've yet to peel apart yet that's that's loose I think that's the that's loose that's the murator output I need to play with that anyway I'm going to redo all that sewage see how red those look too this one's pretty red that one's red yeah what does the red mean uh he's pulling iron out losing iron cuz it hasn't been protected so there's my whole survey big old so here's the latest on the shaft situation all you're do this shaft is junk see the pitting I got it you know halfway out of the boat and she's just uh I got the coupler off on the inside this is the coupler I'm going to have to dish out the big money for some new shops for this thing cuz they're uh can't put those back in not with that pitting like that they could be Hollow for all I know so right here I've got the first inner shaft out of the boat and it is a whole lot longer than I thought so that's going to be really expensive really freaking expensive wow well with that said I'm selling T-shirts on my website I made a website these t-shirts will help fund my new shafting and my future boating Endeavors intoe merch.com I'll put the link in the description thank you guys today I spent the day fixing all of the blisters in the bottom of the boat now mixing up some epoxy barrier coat to plop over the vinyl ler filler that I use to fix the blisters and it's dark out it's probably uh I don't know 10 10:30 something like that anyways we have two days of nice weather right now tomorrow is Saturday and then after that it's all cold weather coming so I need to get all of this fiberglass work done so we're out here at the boat now I've got the flood light going got my little tray of paint ready to go epoxy barrier coat those are the blisters that I fixed they're perfectly flat if you run your hand over them all right so we have some big moves going on here I not recorded as much as I should have because I've been on a mission I took the Rudders out of the boat and they were a total [ __ ] show to get apart I'm going to replace the four bolts that hold their bronze that holds the uh the base of the rudder stuffing box into the hole the bedding looks pretty good so I think I'll leave that but the heads of the bolts are a little uh on the underside they're a little corroded so rudds are out and the plan is see that's the other one that's the where the stuffing box screws on I got all the stuffing out and now we're going to go into of the shop I'm going to sand blast everything so it's bada bing bada boom nice and clean ready to go and yeah so look this is my setup I've got a set of Lowe stairs Bam Bam there's the boat the shafts are out I sent them out and there there's the Rudders big old solid chunks of bronze and look at that head of that bolt so I'm going to replace all the cutless bearings Bam Bam and then another bam in there that's going to be its own Extravaganza right now it is September 26 2023 and in about a month I'm G to be leaving on the boat to go back to Florida so yeah the boat has a lot of holes in it right now and I have a lot of work to [Music] do there's my transducer that got squished I need to fix that at least I got it out and it's not bent so that's a good sign but yeah let's go into the shop and and do some sand blasting shall we so these are my Rudder couplings versus having to take the whole Rudder um with the whole entire shaft out of the boat they're split right above the stuffing box and then they're labeled so Port Port starboard starboard t for top on all as you can see they were getting a little corro cuz they were seeping so that nice beautiful carpet that I replaced like 6 months ago is going to have to get replaced again here's what we got going on in the sand blaster Rudder stuffing boxes so let's get blasting shall we to be here and now nowhere else in this world and now you and me ain't it good to be alive ain't no better place ain't no better time than [Music] here I'm on a hardcore mission to get this boat prepared to go back to Florida Micah has flown in from Miami just to help me for the price of food and board which I am so appreciative of he's helping me get this thing back into shape so we're varnishing all the rails doors I say we he while I'm doing some fiberglass work upstairs I've got all of this to fix look at that lot of work but we're getting it done what do you think Micah try to think as little as possible it's a whole uh ordeal there's so much work that needs to get done to this boat and it's leaving here at the beginning of November right now we're on the hard there's no shafts in the boat there's no rudds in the boat it's in a million million cadrillion pieces but I'll tell you what it's going to make it to Florida this year I don't know if you guys remember probably not this was all rotted at the base so Micah made a beautiful scarf joint and got a nice new piece of wood and he's shaping her all up and she's going to be brand new we have all sorts of projects for the boat and this is just one of them so Micah is here for 4 months no I wish as soon as it starts getting cold I'm out of here so it should be tomorrow now we got I'm going to Plum up a new outlet for the boat so we have reliable heat cuz right now I'm running through this super sketch extension cord that blows the breaker when you fire up the heater put me on spot like that man I don't know what to say now no I'm nervous so Micah is in here and we are getting high turned the boat into a workshop we got these little heaters going it's probably 90° in here Micah's at home in the 90° weather we're doing wet systems epoxy on the doors going to be beautiful beautiful beautiful and then uh yeah what's systems epoxy tastes like strawberries strawberries see now we don't need lunch going at it got to fix all this hurricane damage wow look at this to take so this is my project this is the side she tipped over on obviously we have some severe damage I started grinding she's been propagating her juices all over everything unfortunately the S is missing on my hattera badge maybe I can get a new one from Sam's Marine but I need to fix this flybridge needs all sorts of work I ground that open up there grinding this this whole piece needs to be glued back together so I'm hoping I can tackle this and get this done the glass work today I am beyond thankful that my friend that owns the marina here has just allowed me to uh make a huge mess without this man lift I don't know what I would do because I'd probably risk falling off the side bent over off the fly bridge trying to freaking do all this all right so I've got this opened up in a reasonable manner it's not going to be perfect once I get everything leveled out and sanded and then that's just [ __ ] that gets cleaned off but I'm going to get creative with the glass here cutting all sorts of different things and trying some new materials that I found I'll put it on a time lapse and you can see what an an experienced fiberglass can do them here and now nowhere else in this world T now you and me ain't good to be alive ain't no better place ain't no better time than here and now everybody's waiting but they're waiting on what better get to cuz all we got is here and [Applause] now a lot of people dream about a one day suay [Music] waiting all right so I have some glass on here I'm not particularly super happy with it but it's my first thing I'll grind a lot of it out and then it'll be a better starting place for the next round Mike is making some serious Headway on the rails they're looking beautiful and uh yeah quick little update cuz I'm on a mission next little project of the fiberglass glue this back together this whole seam and then also repair this it's project but Micah is hopefully I don't get copyrighted I'll try and talk so that the music doesn't copyright me but this is the rails and they're looking great I've got this spot of fly bridge damage here and I'm going to get creative so down here I used epoxy resin and over there it's a little more uh important this I'm using polyester so it cures up quick I'm going to cut my piece for the inside of this I want to put a piece right on the inside of this D it g stay away from my rails what did I do there's like little pits of glass Dr oh I'm sorry I'll be really careful it what did I get something on you yes did I not on me I don't care about me the rail yeah did I really all right then I need to not after this batch I'm done up here then cuz I can't risk that all right so I have completed my fiberglass repair and uh right now it's all spotty cuz she is not primed or painted but she is smooth all the way down I started priming that then I'm like I better go grab the camera to show the progress that section I already primed this I'm going to Prime and then paint it all white the same white hopefully hatus off-white 4208 my friend Ethan is Down Yonder this will be Ethan's first introduction to the YouTube channel to be explained shortly here but Ethan's helping me do the bottom today paint the bottom I fixed all the blisters and stuff and primed them and painted them so right now this is where the chair was mounted for the upper Helm the helm seat and this got so wet that all the core in this fly bridge got soaked and blah blah blah so what I'm going to do is cut a piece of this out see what I'm working with and then I'm going to add some synthetic core under there this is all the Balsa it's just soaked so I need to dry this out before I can properly repair [Music] [Music] it [Music] wow look at that so actually oh it's soft over here [Music] though oh I need need to cut this back until I get to some hard material this is what we're working [Music] with yeah this needs to get cut back until we get back to some coring that's not totally rotted smells like rotted wood who we've definitely got some mush in here now it's starting to get like smelly mush that's bad like look how wet that is it's like a puddle wow I do not want to have to cut this whole deck out so we found a fly bridge drain let's see Micah ready doctor let's see it wow that's a hell of a fly bridge drain huh that's some noxious water right there that's not a real Trin no that's not TR that was a screw [Music] hole no better give them here and now nowhere else in this world and now you and me ain't good to be alive ain't no better place ain't no better time than here and now everybody's waiting but they're waiting on what better get to Liv cuz All We Got Is Here and Now [Applause] a lot of people dream about a one day Sunday waiting just around the B I used to be one wondering when they come but now I'm living in [Music] now so here's the situation that I'm dealing with right now in the deck was this metal bar it looked like some rotted this that so what I did was I chopped it right out not realizing that this is a structural component that travels through the fly bridge from edge to edge so I need to weld a new piece of bar back in there I'm going to use epoxy coat rebar thank God I have access to this equipment cuz I don't know what the hell I would do without it but thank you Kip does not go unnoticed or unappreciated very appreciated all righty so I successfully have welded in my new piece of rebar that's all good nice and strong now I've got the man lift up here I'm going to take the solar panels off so that I can access the bimin and then I'm I'm going to drape this tarp over the whole fly bridge so I can enclose this thing so I can finish up all this fiberglass work um without having to worry about what the weather's doing cuz it's getting chilly here up north now it is like October 7th I think yep I'm about to get real busy fixing my fly bridge floor that I cut apart got some synthetic cusac cor and now I'm going to put it all back together all all right so after many missed steps because I have just been working working working and focusing on getting this done and less recording and these batteries in the cold they're like they last like 5 minutes it's messed up anyways I got the whole core glued down beautifully and I have it glassed over top and once this cures I think she'll be ready to Fair hell yeah got the heater on it cuz it's chilly it is October 14th 2023 I believe and I am working on the boat today's mission to get the cutless bearings out so I destroyed the first one completely and also I mucked up the uh I mucked up the bronze a little bit in the Stan or in the strut on both of the starboard side ones this one's really rened and it's soft and that's the worst of it but I should be able to fix that up a little bit um really sucks but as time went on I figured out that the trick is to just sawall a slot in it and then it pounds right out with the air hammer so this is the best one and by far took the least amount of time and did no damage to the strut so the fourth fifth and sixth hopefully go well the problem with the fifth and sixth is that they're set into the boat so you can't get behind them to hammer on them so that's going to be an interesting setup I'm not quite sure how I'm going to do that yet a slide hammer would be ideal but that strut is in the way there's only about 2 ft of speed space between these for so I can't get my big slide hammer in [Music] there no damage to that strut looks good looks good you know what's bad is that all these struts are red it's bad I wouldn't even want to know how much it would cost to replace these freaking things especially those ones I am now dealing with this blind cutless bearing right here you cannot get to the inside of this because it is 10t feet that way in the engine room stuffing box of the boat area tighten there so I started I started by brainstorming ideas my first idea was to take these rear axle bearing remover sets that I have I have one for uh well I have three of them for different sizes but essentially this thing attaches to the slide hammer and you unscrew the nut this flip sideways it goes into your hole and then it flips back out and you can pull so I just so happen to have the perfect size one so I got that in there all is good I do not believe there is any set screws holding this bearing in I believe it is glued in versus these ones have set screws so this is what I came up with the slide hammer did not budge it started chiseling on it but I didn't want to muck the fiberglass up right here so uh that's pressed into fiberglass glass versus these are bronze So This Is My Idea bearing splitter two chain binders connected to one chain running to the back of the boat connected to this wonderful forklift that has side shift in the forks so the binders you can use to crank the chain or you can ship the forks this way I found that where I'm pull in from is a perfect spot where it does not bind the side shift at all so it likes to go this way it's very easy for it to move um so I am taking advantage of the hydraulic power so what I have done now started pulling and then whacking this with a hammer and as you can see it started to move so I'm going to continue with the camera recording and you can see the process and hopefully it comes out with uh without any bad events happening wishful thinking wishful thinking beat on it manat on it I'm going to guess that these have never been pulled out in the life of the boat because I'm chipping away Factory fiberglass to allow it to allow it to come out all right so update it was way too stuck to get out and bottom paint started cracking here I see cracks there which I really really don't like so I cut a hole here and I'm going to keep pull in with the forklift and hammering on something maybe this all right you ready for this I've got a good feeling about this one oh the tube doesn't even look all that messed up at all looks perfect all right so right now I have the exact same operation set up on the other side of the boat and I'm going to give it a shot so I'm going to show you what I'm dealing with on this fine day today right here let's get that out of there just trying to burn the boat down no just kidding so this is the other cutless bearing and I gave up on it for a couple days because this one was so so so so so stuck I had so much pressure on this damn cutless bearing and this is from M hits with the hammer destroyed this thing anyway I'll fix it no big deal I've synthesized a tool for pulling now I need to feed this line into the boat so that I can attach my tool to the end of [Music] it all right that's all the way in now I'm going to go tie my fancy tool to it so I can pull my fancy tool through she'll get the back of the cutless right there and I'll rig my forklift setup back [Music] up well that broke my jig damn all right so I haven't done much recording really for the last week or so um I've just been so so so busy working on the boat it's November 7th today and I'm supposed to be leaving here Portland on the 20th of November so that's 13 days and the boat is completely ripped apart like I am in to deep literally in deep I have the shafts out of the boat the new shafts are ready I need to go pick them up tomorrow morning so that' be the eighth but we had a major major issue um I got five of the six cutless bearings out I'm going to bring you down uh well I guess I could say I got six out but I'm going to bring you down and show you show you what happened to the sixth really really bad situation some some want epoxy this cutless bearing in there's my puller the freaking shaft log tube broke out of the boat now this is a serious situation because this alignment is crucial so you know I can fix this but this is a serious ordeal essentially I need to fix this and then I need to fix this I need to get all the new cutless bearings in the boat I need to get the running gear in the boat I need to get the ruds in the boat I need to uh rebed the rudder bolts with hopefully new Rudder bolts I need to completely finish the sewage system today's Mission install my cutless bearings so I have already gotten two of them in this is flush on this side and then this side is set back a little that's normal they're 8 in bearings so I've got that one in and then this one presses into fiberglass I need to glue that in that's going to be a little different and then retap those set screw holes so I am going to demonstrate my installation method on the port side here I still have yet to repair this shaft log tube that literally just broke out of the boat because that was so glued in but I am going to repair that later this week it's supposed to warm back up for one last time giving me my opportunity to fiberglass that but I have these just set in there's the cutless BAM goes in just like that presses in kind of [Music] hard need to swi my I had to I had to cut this little plate out on the plasma cutter and drill a hole through it as you can see it's still bending but I couldn't get a washer thick enough smaller bolt oh so I take this piece out that goes on that fits in there that goes out of the back my Plate's bending Beyond use but this is the last little stretch all right it is November 16th wow I'm covered um not really having fun to be honest but it is the 16th original leave date was the 20th I'm working on my shaft log tube right now and I've got the area ground down I'm going to clean it up a little bit but essentially this is what I'm working with this is the new section of tube and then I have a smaller section that fits perfectly in the old tube and fits perfectly inside of this tube so I'm going to sleeve it and then I'm going to run a laser from that end strut all the way up to the engine so that I know the cutless bearing is going to be perfectly centered cuz that's very important all right so we've made some serious progress on the shaft situation thanks to this guy right here Jay he doesn't want you don't want to be seen huh well Jay is a main Maritime graduate Master's unlimited captain and we have set up quite the laser setup we've got a bullseye on the coupling in uh in the boat and we've got our laser set up going on here and I've built a series of New tubes with Center done here so I'm going to Glass all this together and as you can see we're right on the money not that line but that dot laser wise because that alignment is crucial right Jay absolutely all righty so new shaft log tube is in place it's wedged in all sorts of directions to get that perfect Center action all the way to the front I just put the other fiberglass cutless bearing into so I'm going to blast some heat on this thing Jay thank you so much hey guys all right so I want to show you what we have going on here inside of the boat that is where the prop shaft comes through the boat that's the shaft log tube it's 10 ft long until it comes out of the other end of the boat in the back uh and shaft travels through this whole portion so my shaft log tube quite literally snapped off I guess it was like cracked it was probably cracked from when the boat tipped over so I always had a little water leak from there but I did not realize that that was about to snap off so now I have no shaft log tube sticking out where the stuffing box would Mount so what I've done is I have come up with two pieces of fiberglass tube this tube fits perfectly inside of the shaft log tube it's uh 2 and 5/8 outer diameter and then this tube is 3 in outer diameter and it slides perfectly over that so essentially I'm going to I'm going to vinylester resin this thing into the shaft log tube and recreate where my stuffing box clamps on so I've got a batch of live resin kicking off right now so all right so I don't know know if I truly explained what happened here with this shaft log tube essentially the laser alignment method was not all that accurate and I ended up having to gape this thing out with uh flap wheels and R resen it all and use the shaft to align the cutless but after all said and done it's going to be strong and I'm going to do some glass wraps like that but it doesn't look all that bad I drilled my big angled hole for the water flow and once it's all fared out it'll be beautiful it'll be very structurally sound this thing was pretty messed up from when it fell on the port side and I ran it a long ways pretty messed up I mean the old shaft that was in this side was bent it was wicked bent so this should be great I've got it all greased up I got no resin on the cutless so all that's good and yeah she's coming together it's a lot of work it's 30° out right now and it is November 17th 18th 17th or 18th and yeah time to go south so right now it is November 18th 2023 I really want to get my boat back in the water I am ready to go to the warmth it is getting freezing here so right up here I've got my propellers and my Rudders I've got my propellers set up on a bar sketchy and I've also got my ruds sketchy set up however I don't think they're going anywhere so when I was at the Miami Boat Show this past year I went through this exhibit and it was a prop Glide exhibit essentially prop Glide is an alternative to prop speed but I like it better already even though I haven't used it because it's made in the USA and it's much cheaper so I explained to them that I wanted to do all of my running gear my shafts my Rudders and my props and my struts so they sent me one small kit and one large kit the discrepancy here is that now it's way too cold to apply this stuff outside so I am going to use just the large kit right now I'm going to coat my rudds and I'm going to coat my props I know my ruds don't look like bare bronze right now but I hit those things real hard with the wire wheel the flat disc and that is literally as clean as I can get them without taking metal off so there's no paint or anything there's just some you know tarnished bronze per se these things are from 1968 so I am mainly going to focus on showing you the process in which I'm going to apply the prop speed to my props they include a very detailed instruction manual essentially I need to clean the crap out of these things with acetone until the rag is totally clean stays clean when you wipe it and there is nothing on these props so this is what you get in one said large prop Glide kit you get primer hardener for each of these and then you get the top coat I guess there's no hardener for the top coat so first you clean the props real good then you do a coda primer then you do another COA primer and then you do the top coat if you're interested in the very specific instructions I'll put prop glide's information in the description you can go buy some or check out the instructions or just go check out their website I really appreciate them sending me a kit and well two kits really and I'm really really looking forward to see how this stuff works here and now nowhere else in this world now you and me ain't it good to be alive ain't no better place ain't no better time than here and now everybody's waiting but they're waiting on what better get to living cuz all we got is here and now all right so my props are done primer coat and all so I know what they're supposed to look like because I I've seen pictures and stuff a lot of the prop you can actually still see through you know the primer and the coat too but that's normal they look really good I'm I'm really really looking forward to seeing how they perform I know in the past it only takes about a week of being underwater for these props to just start to get some growth on them so I am really looking forward to seeing how they work in the water they look good I've got my ruds primed and once that dries I'll put the top coat on but I'm really excited I think the prop Glide seems like some really good stuff and uh only time will tell but I've heard great things and if anyone from prop Glide is watching this thank you very much for sending me this kit it's going to very much good use and I am ECA oh and by the way in case any of you are wondering these are 26 in in diameter 25 pitch props four blade bronze [Music] pterodon who knows I might wind up on the cover of a rolling stone with a parades and a Grammy in my hand just a blue jean boy in a great big world who yes I got my speech already in my head then I say then I say yeah I say thank you Uncle for teaching me love to thank you girl from broken B who shot an elow through my heart thank you Mama before the road all right so I really have not recorded much of my progress when it comes to repairing the underside of this hard top mainly because I feel like I really don't know what I'm doing in this repair um and it's just time consuming so it's a bunch of it would be a bunch of time lapsing but I've sanded i' I fiberglassed these spars and I've sanded them down by hand and I've got all this filled in in I've got all these holes from the enclosure trim pieces um that I've carved out with the sander and then wiped everything down in acetone so I'm going to get ready to start fairing here first I'm going to try and Fa all these holes shut and just kind of make this whole thing flat in one unit wow so I took on quite the cosmetic repair um list and it's all really last minute we'll go back up here I'll kind of show you what I've got going on I have fixed all this glass I have fixed and fared the rest of it I don't know if you remember my big stain SL major fiberglass damage problem over here I'm sure you do cuz it'll be part of this video I fixed all that threw a quick coat of paint on it now I'm at the point where I am running all new sewage line everywhere deck Port uh redoing the whole murator system changing the design really but I got the windshield back in the boat got the side window back in the boat I really got in too deep but you know it is what it is now there's nothing I can do about it but I will say I am spending a ridiculous amount of money on this freaking boat and it's going to it's going to make me broke one of my next projects in the torn apart Bella Rose is my sewage tank in addition to having my generator completely torn apart in a million pieces injectors out uh electrical end off um and yeah my generator was working fine it was just time for some heavy preventative maintenance so I got the injectors rebuilt uh new nozzles and I always had this issue where when I started the Gen set it would produce uh low voltage for like the first couple minutes and it was enough to run everything except for the air conditioners the air conditioners would cat out and say low voltage um so at first I was after the slip rings but then I realized this thing's so old it doesn't even have slip Rings it's a permanent magnet style setup so it's possible the magnets are weak but I know you can get those recharged anyways not to get sidetracked here's my sewage tank I need to redo all of this Plumbing the plumbing to the toilets or the heads I should say is all right but I need to redo all of the Mercator Plumbing the vent plumbing and the pump out deck pump out Plumbing right now the way they have it set up is it's just wide the output's wide and half goes to the Mercator and the other half goes to the deck Port but that means when you're masterating you're creating a vacuum in the deck line vice versa when you're sucking out of the deck you're you're actually sucking through the massat as well so if your Sea's open you could be sucking sea water you will be sucking sea water um so I need to redesign this with a valve so you decide if you want to pump out from the deck or the Mercator and then I would like to add a level gauge and replace all this Plumbing with nice new stuff with the good stuff not this cheaper style hose I'm going to use the wire reinforced um strident I think trident strident it's good stuff tonight I am doing some serious generator Reviving um starting the reassembly process so I had pulled the injectors out of it and I got them rebuilt because she always had a little Haze when she ran so figured probably wasn't a bad idea apparently the nozzles were stuck all of them surprised it still ran so good um so I cleaned up all the washers these are the rebuilt injectors that are kind of like halfly spray painted by the Rebuilder I'll uh I'll end up painting the whole engine so but yeah I'm going to put these injectors back in I just uh I just did all sorts of Plumbing right there's my freshwat pump I rebuilt that and then I fixed all sorts of rotted Plumbing I'll attach a picture of what it looked like before got a little heater on going on down here cuz it's freaking freezing and yeah you know as stressful as this is I'm still having a lot of fun working on the boat so it's pretty cool the shaft log tube breaking out of the boat was a big was a big setback you know it really freaking bummed me out but we're getting her done so I've got to put the doors that I epoxy coated and varnished back on the back and yeah also this freaking crack has propagated in my windshield I need to drill that and then fill it with epoxy so I don't even know how that happened I did not touch anything hard to this windshield I was so gentle with it this glass is just so old so other than that I have my generator ready to go back together basically I just need to to put the electrical end back together put all the new coolant lines on and that thing should be patched back up I'll put the starter back in put the water pump back on fill it up with coolant sewage system's going to be down here I need to paint the base for it paint the tank I already cleaned the tank I got my new Dino Plates installed and I also removed the Dino Plates that were mounted back here and put zinc plates in instead so now I have zinc plates mounted there I'm putting the electrical end back together and I redid some connections well really just cleaned everything up and changed some nuts but I'm getting ready to press the bearing on the shaft and I figured I might as well show this it's pretty neat hoping it's going to work the old one I had to cut off that's how pressed on it was I have the bearing in the toaster oven and I have a can of air duster when you turn one of these cans upside down and you spray it you get some I don't know if it's liquid nitrogen but it's some really cold liquid I think it is liquid nitrogen or some like substance so I'm going to chill the shaft I've got the bearing heated and then I'm going to tighten the nut with these washers pressing on the race of the bearing in hopes that she comes together all right so these are all the nuts I replaced we're going to give this some some liquid stuff evaporates like immediately kind of give her a good chilling that ought to be good all right I've got my warm bearing see what the oh that should work I know I'm crushing my washers crap I need fatter washers now the temperature is going to change back and I'm going to be screwed good morning good morning it is October 20 I think it's October 24th 2023 and I am up early yet again and today I am taking a 40 something foot um I need to I need to figure out the exact brand but it's a really cool tler big single engine tler all the way to Newport area Rhode Island from Portland here should be fun try and get as much footage as possible and uh I'll even bring the Drone so right now we are about halfway between Portland and the cape Cog Canal it's a beautiful day out here pretty sweet boat very loud though very loud caterpillar screaming we making good Headway 6:00 a.m. we are headed out of Sandwich yesterday we came from Portland 40 foot Wayne Beal big cat little choppy out here in Buzzards Bay [Music] today all right so I'm pulling into Newport Rhode Island right now near g bay if you can hear me the engine in this boat is so loud it is crazy uh sorry I'm steering around lobster traps as well um I didn't do a lot of recording this trip because the owner is on the boat with me he's up there and I want to respect his privacy but let me just tell you we got stuck in Buzzard's Bay sixes on the bow this is a real true down east boat and we were getting crashed it was it was pretty brutal but this time of year going south in Buzzard's Bay southern wind to be expecting so we're pulling in right now we're going to dock this thing another one for the bock all right so today we have my original homie here Tony what's up guys he is an expert of many many things many things mechanic but flooring was one of Tony original expertises so I've got him over here and we're uh we're doing some flooring work to the boat [Music] [Applause] [Music] the I turn the rhs up in my mind into a hit and it played 100 times a day on on the radio and it gave a little broken hot some with someo i j on stage and the course would anyways we've got some serious cosmetic work going on in here this flooring is looking beautiful and I'm over here sanding all my edges so that when we put all the new carpet in um I don't need to sand near the carpet I'm actually probably going to sand this whole thing I sanded the bottom step over there and it'll be cool so I've got my ruds in I already installed this Rudder I repacked the stuffing box with new stuffing I reeded new bolts to hold that whole assembly to the hole don't mind this tobac a wiring I'm working on getting that sorted out but I figured it would be cool to show the process of stuffing the stuffing box so right now I've got the top of the stuffing box propped up there I've got the rudder in and then I'll show you how it couples after but first I will pack this stuffing box so six pieces came out so I've cut up my perfect size six pieces to go back in with their standard tap paper on the edge so that they mesh nicely and I'm going to stack these bad guys on the rudder and hope the wax holds them in place the best they the best it can now we're going to put this one the other way what get 11 cuz all we got is Here and Now think I fell in love for the first time with the girl of Mexico thought I found a true love in Malibu but that water was a little too cold yeah I left a few tears in the rear view one or two that were hard to forget why you think we call that went rather smooth these are actually the smoothest stuffing boxes I've ever done in my life normally this style is a total pain all right I'm back with a clean wood driff and let me get my halves to this coupler all righty so these are the halves to my coupler as as you can see here the top of the rudder shaft is right here and we need to couple these we need de side with the QA dummy top [Music] part HD what you got we are doing the prop installation less than one week before departure date boat's going in the water tomorrow everything is last minute per usual in two deep into deep polishing my shaft how about these routers oh prop Glide prop [Laughter] Glide all right so today is a massive massive day it is the day well first of all it is November 27th 2023 getting late in the year it's a beautiful day today today is the day that Bella Rose go was back in the water so I failed to record a ton of what I did but I also did record a ton she's got brand new running gear literally brand new everything cutless bearings dripless stuffing [Music] boxes props ruers well the props are Recons and I've been working down to the wire on this boat I want to leave this Friday today's Monday it has been a hell of a freaking Journey so she's coming together lot of cleaning to do but I am very excited what do you think Jacob oh I'm thinking I got to move this in this and it's going to be sketchy oo it's going to be sketchy we like [Applause] sketchy wow a lot of work done to this thing but the thing I'm most excited about is the new shafts that is huge way way way way too much money into this boat but I'm In Too Deep per usual and I had no choice anyways she's going in the water touchdown right now in this very place at this very moment I'm putting my solar panels back on I'm up in the man lift got these sketchily strapped up here man lift right where you like it on the edge of the pier but that's some thick concrete and uh Ethan's down there Ethan we're going to have to film your introduction today give him a show for Frosty show them Frosty anyways we're leaving for Florida on Monday Ethan's all pissed off cuz I've pushed this forward about a month but it is what it is you know it is what it is right now I am approaching Fort Meyers Florida with a 39 ft Norte in toe and it's just a little uh boat transport action but this time by land so I'm doing uh pretty much whatever wherever the money's at is what I'm doing and uh yeah right now it's hauling a boat some of the other things I did this summer to make some money is uh I bought and sold a variety of little boats I had an I had an old Aqua Sport I had a criss craft that I built a 454 for I sold a handful of outboard engines I worked on various equipment at my friend's Marina and I also spent a lot of time fixing up Bella getting her ready for her next leg of travels today I say goodbye to my Wellcraft I'm hauling her to somewhere up in northern Maine and look who decided to join me today young n all right we're going to go Trucking all right we're going to do a demonstrational video of uh of this boat [Music] operation actually goes pretty [Music] good [Music] bye-bye Aqua Sport she's sold to her new owner this thing takes some very special oil this was the cream monster yesterday man so the old gry white here she came with that motor on her that motor is a piece of junk look at it so I bought this bad girl for her yesterday painted up the bracket going to redo the black now she's going to get some real Yamaha power out with the old in with the new so I'm a beginner but I'm getting better little [Music] Patchwork with the old Dynasty but it' be better if he had his don't drop your phone I'm not going to this is oh my God Oh my Captain Jay on the helm we got a vessel in toe look at that freaking beautiful [Music] machine wow telling them over to her permanent resting spot where she'll lay until she sinks qu is it work quick Qui they're watching they [Music] watching go go go on today's episode of into to deep this is what I've been up to all summer Miami to Maine the old Aqua Sport getting ready for her new motor not with that one last rip though wow little hurricane CER console action look at the [ __ ] swells turn just a [Music] bit the day has finally come where we depart Portland headed south for warmer Waters so this is Ethan I met Ethan this summer at the marina 23 years old he's got a 42t Jersey sportfish 671 in her I thought I heard it trying to start and saw a little smoke coming out of the tail pipe we're chilly this [Music] SM and this is going to be one hell of an adventure that's how we ended up [Music] here we're not feeling too good about jumping the water is 44° and I'll be setting a personal record it doesn't hit you until [Music] October when I woke up this morning my dingy was missing in action someone stole his freaking dinghy right off the bow of his boat last night I don't have High Hopes about [Music] recovery big development take the BS all right we got a situation over here Frosty is dragging [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] Frosty [ __ ] I'm getting blown off the B I can't imagine how much pressure is on Myer right now the FL was just until finally it was done [Music] offshore we go one engine with no [Music] steering I got fuel in my mouth no it is Christmas day we're in Savannah Georgia 150 miles no autopilot it's going to be a long one [Music] a
Channel: InTooDeep
Views: 374,877
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hatteras, cummins, diesel, yacht, boating, boatlife, offgrid
Id: LtiaWE85yDY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 5sec (4865 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2024
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