Buying more cheap Waverunners

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] all right I just picked up these two wave runners the other day so I paid 400 bucks for the two of them I didn't get much of a story with them the guy just kind of said this was the better of the two and this is the one I'm more interested in anyway I really like the style of this thing and I've heard these are very reliable so they've been sitting for a while but not too long this one was last registered in 15 that one 16 so that means they were running at least six years ago and neither one of them are seized up so let's see if we can get him running again [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] you you [Music] all right so this thing's looking nice after pressure washing it so let's try to get this to start but the first thing that's jumping out at me is a problem one of the previous owners for some reason must have thought zip ties were a good way to hold them off Laurent so let's see what's going on with that well I guess I see why they did that see if we can get this bolts out of there look at that first try that's going I want to thank someone when I always used to do this I would well then not over someone suggested in the comments like oh well the washer first because it's easier to weld the washer then while the nut - the washer so whoever said that thanks cuz that's that worked alright a cheap way to get bolts through these things cuz if you went through a bolt store to get some metric stainless bolts that probably be a million dollars each go on ebay and just type in waiver on our bolts and I got all the used bolts out of some junk waverunners someone was taken apart so I got a big bag of metric stainless bolts for like 20 bucks I'll probably need two more of those oh yeah it's important that these are tight cuz if these are loose the thing will be leaking water a full throttle and you won't notice it and the jet ski to be filling up with water and you'll be wondering where the water is coming from [Music] alright that's fixed let's try to start this thing I bet you this is gonna run I don't think I'm Matthew anything to this looks like yes I just got this battery pump someone said to get it it was cheap too it's nice this one's oil injected you just put straight gas in it I got a couple missing bolts here but luckily I had them in that bag of bolts let's get this sharp thing off of here that's a chunk right there right [Music] [Music] alright well that was easy this thing runs good you [Music] all right so the starter motors not working I think cuz it's broken off the engine alright let's figure out what's happening under there the engine turn on this thing oh yeah okay yeah all right it's not seized up just the starters laying in the bottom I take this exhaust off no it's too hard to get to the starter with this in the way you [Music] all right well here's the starter well that ain't good I think good either all right here's like that I was there all right so we got a few things going on here so here's a piece of the starter broken off in there all right so here's one of the starter ears right here broken but at least that's always that part of the engine [Music] I can't see it from where I am I think you can this is the other starter mount which is now whole the engine this needs a lower end okay well this ends it's got to come out you [Music] all right so this is where we're at on this thing here this engine kind of had a pretty big failure where the looks like a connecting rod or pin in there you can see the piston right there is broken in a half and you know blew the side of the engine case out so this engine is needs to be replaced the other issue we have here is with this choke this lever is broken and this cable it moves but it's like impossible to move we've got a new old stock choke cable I see how easy this one moves okay yes see this moves fine all right so this new choke cable I'm noticing it's way too long the ends are the same but it's just way too long my old one now it's actually not seized just this is seized up let me try to break this loose this piece here oh you know what here's the issue it's got a flat side that's supposed to be again it's the flat side it was just twisted wrong okay this is all fine this can go back together and it only goes in the one way I mean it goes in anyway but then it doesn't pull yeah right there see this is what I had for the choke lever where did that alright that works a brand new battery at least that batteries easy to get to this thing runs good alright cool alright this is good to go let's get back to work on this one I got some parts for it screw was loose you all right so since this original engine is no good with this big hole in it I just ordered a used replacement engine this one's supposed to run so hopefully it fits um what is this one this is a J 700 F 62 T we got a J 700 L 63n well let's see if it fits it's supposed to all right so we got to transfer some parts from this engine on to this one definitely those carburetors and that that well let's get started [Music] got a new starter that old one broke when the engine blew up this out with this exhaust manifold off there's a really good view of these Pistons you [Music] you look at all the metal particles I gotta get that really clean alright so I thought I was done with this here's one more thing I just noticed it's different this I need to put that on there they're different and then I fell at the bottom of the engine [Music] but now keeping this one from turning I don't do that I think if I just stick some string in here alright let's give that a try not go crazy on it threads are nice on this one [Music] [Music] you you you know I was gonna mess with this but this is just a diaphragm carburetor there's no Bowl on it to even get dirty I'm just just throw it on there and see if it runs you you that's how it was set right in the center like that put it right where it was you you you know I'm trying to put this in here with more stuff on it when I took it off I had this off of it [Music] all right I got most of stuff hooked up fuel lines are hooked up all the motor mounts are bolted on oil injection hooked up starters hooked up the ground is hooked up all right here's the last thing all right let's try start it up [Music] I see what we got in here for gas some fresh gas in this it looks like gas all right will pump as much out as we can and put some fresh gas in and try start it look at very bad throw a little two-stroke in there [Music] [Music] all right well the thing seems like it's good it's starting super-easy all right needs a few more little things to it then let's take it out in the water and I need a trailer alright let's do something about this I almost fiberglass this but I need this latch for the new one I've been messing with these screws I you know I just like twisting that screwdriver I don't want to strip him out [Music] and now I can actually get on them all right let's do something about this you [Music] all right that looks are good enough [Music] all right so I needed a trailer for those two waverunners so I go looking on marketplace for trailers and then it's like I'm seeing better deals on jet skis with trailers than just plain trailers so I ended up coming home off a trailer but it doesn't quite solve my needing a trailer problem because because there's two jet skis on this and these things I saw I paid 900 bucks for this and east to run I don't even have to do that much to them I may need a little attention but nothing crazy alright so let's get these two cleaned up and throw those other ones on on the trailer and go test them out alright so now I have eight waverunners so I should probably stop looking at marketplace you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] that one throws water [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you don't think you can flip that back over it's like super heavy yeah you don't think you can flip it over it's probably gonna be hard to start [Music] all right so the tiger shark just died on us and now the wavefront of three decided to fill up with water so of course the the sheriff thinks it's interesting so right that's pretty funny like we got we're told one and the other ones upside down and it's like looking at us like like nothing to see here this would be hard to get this started again I will get it [Applause] [Music] alright so she's filling up with water we it was what before to when we got it empty and we thought it was a loose exhaust clamp but it's wolf we gotta figure it out it's taking on water somehow yeah yeah all right let's try to drain this thing out [Music] [Laughter] [Music] yeah like I see the leak look at that muffler it's like coming apart [Music] rocks right yeah that's like blowing apart yeah that's the leak right there yeah oh I could just straight pipe it or well he's too old to open working at least another yeah so we drained it out wrote it back [Music] yeah yeah definitely not that I'm off floor definitely split what it's not gonna push that big column [Music] all right so here's our culprit here this muffler now for those who don't understand why a problem with the muffler would make something fill up of water the cooling water actually goes through the exhaust system on waverunners and if there's any holes in the exhaust it leaks water and makes the thing sink [Music] okay so for some reason this muffler split on the seams you can see that's not supposed to leak why did this come apart well I'll do it alright so that's what's inside a muffler on a waverunner three so do I need a whole muffler just this piece it's just that little researcher alright so I'm looking they don't this isn't like a gasket that's available they this whole box is just together permanently now if I use one of these but wonderful just glue this or something [Music] [Music] all right so this stuff usually works pretty good [Applause] you [Music] you all right so while the epoxy was hardening up on this muffler or water box I was just working on the taillights on this thing so these side lights were missing and it had taillights but one of them was wasn't working and the three Center lights weren't there since this thing's over 80 inches wide it needs those all right so all the lights are done let's get this muffler installed you all right that's all together that's probably fixed let's go try it out [Music] all right so these two are ready to be tried again so before I take him home I just talk about him for a minute quick so I've actually had this one out a bunch of times now probably half dozen and I need to even think I was gonna like this thing because of how big it was but this one's kind of turning into my favorite one I also fixed those two they didn't need that much work so it wasn't more filming it was just like a ton of little things wrong with them but these two are working perfect as well and I'm confident this one's fixed so I'm not just gonna bring it out and ride it for five minutes and say oh it's fixed I want to I'm gonna go far on these two it's to actually demonstrate that they're working well you know I want to go like at least like 100-plus miles you know being that we're in the Hudson River here it kind of goes forever plus it's attached to the ocean so really there's no limit to how far you could go but we're reviewing all these quick the things that really stand out about this one that I like this one you stay dry on this thing for whatever reason those other three they kind of throw water out yet depending on the conditions this one you just it just doesn't do that it's just you can go out and ride this thing if it's kind of choppy out windy not that warm and still have a good time on the thing because you're not getting soaking wet the other thing that's awesome about it it's really comfortable can carry two people can carry my dog it's got this which is awesome this little storage box that's looking for that for having your phone the for example that wave radar down there doesn't have that you got to stand up and take the seat off which is kind of frustrating even these wave run or three is they have at least they have storage but you still have to stand up and it's harder to get to Plus this one has a huge storage compartment here it's got this big storage requirement here definitely glad I fixed this one and this thing was kind of a gamble because I did spend like 500 bucks on that replacement motor but it's it's nice sometimes you fix something like that bringing out find more problems fix it find more problems it hasn't been like that it was put it in the water and the thing just worked and it works perfectly kind of same with these two now I want this wave Raider here this thing is a rocket this thing is so fast I mean that I mean they're all none of these are under powered by any means but this thing here it's like this is what you know when you're out in the water this is one of the fastest ones out there let me talk about some of the other ones I just picked up this one here too it was online 25 bucks well guy wanted 50 bucks I'm like 25 tomorrow he's like alright so I got that one too it's all apart the motor but there but these are easy to fix this one's running good and these three were all running good last year too now this one here my friend was that that red one that blew up he was trying to buy this off of me but then we would look on marketplace and find two more of these identical on a nice aluminum trailer guy wanted like 1800 bucks and we went there and 1400 bucks he paid for two of them now they had been sitting over ten years so it was a little rough getting them going but he fixed them both but that's the thing with buying these things you got to be ready to get the deals I mean there was another one it was two of these these big three Cedars but they must have been newer they looked just like this but one was a 750 another one was an 800 and the guy wanted like 400 bucks for the pair they didn't run but I should have jumped on it let's take these things out tomorrow go for a test drive [Music] alright that's fixed let's take it out [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] right where the waverunner Katie's got to be you got the wave Raider that's the last one [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Andrew Camarata
Views: 810,205
Rating: 4.9170213 out of 5
Keywords: Waverunner, jetski, xl700, waverunner 3, PWC, mechanic, fixing, boating, bannermans castle, hudson river
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 13sec (3853 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 10 2019
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