Deciding The Best Content on Youtube by using Super Smash Bros - WWMii

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wwe me the youtube crisis smackdown tonight we are going to decide the best type of content on youtube let's go meet your contestants representing every corner of the platform that is youtube for round one we're kicking off with some high energy it is high energy versus asmr a man who keeps talking constantly in the hopes that he doesn't lose your attention there's this you know some relaxed sounds on the microphone let's go first game high energy already on asmr's tale but asmr is actually just kind of punching them back it's not stopping high energy from going from those kicks and lob lobbing asmr into the air oh they do seem to be taking a bit of a lead now though that i have to be aware of the stage hazard here neither of them seem to be paying attention to the potato unfortunately it's going to hit high energy asmr somehow dodged that one another stage has it here asmr has an advantage because they happen to be in the air i don't know if they were trying to dodge that and where did that bear come from they're calling in midnight to get some assistance on their side relaxing in their twilight princess sounds in your ear help you sleep at night it seems to be working as they're cranking up some more damage on high energy but they need to go in for the punch or they're gonna be in trouble here well high energy just doesn't know where to [Music] go except they were going for the win that entire time my god asmr did not stand a chance it did look like high energy was quite confused they didn't really know what they were doing but asmr perhaps taking it a bit too chill for its own good [Applause] two titans of the fandom community k-pop fans versus minecraft stands wait minecraft stands now hang on they didn't finish their training how did that slip by oh he's supposed to be all right uh there appears to be a bit of trouble in the the tournament process here minecraft stats maybe had a disadvantage uh oh i swear this doesn't normally happen and i apologize for this stop the count oh no i mean it doesn't seem to be stopping them now in fairness they're off to a very strong start this has not affected them whatsoever they have a very early lead in the k-pop fans although they do have a persona behind them now jesus they're going hard despite the circumstances this may not have any bearing on the match minecraft stands know exactly who to target and who the quote retweet in this matchup k-pop fans trying to retaliate with some dancing gifts but the timing is just wrong it's not appropriate right now and they seem to be struggling they're trying to land some hits off but they're very slippery they've got the fire bar were they attacking up smash into the k-pop fans that's going to do it my god they have a strong star already one stock down for the k-pop fans minecraft stands establishing dominance over the algorithm doesn't matter if you're not interested in this content on twitter it will appear in your timeline all the kpop fans not to be outdone actually getting a very early stock smash there i'm so amazed that actually killed they've been able to even the playing field they are making a dramatic comeback here on the second stock minecraft stands in the spot of batter here they're playing it very dangerously on the wing k-pop fans trying to go for the warp star in oh that's some heavy recoil k-pop fans i think people are going to be upset no matter what the setup for that match up was you guys think that is bad i found one of the me's was actually had like well one of the amiibo had performance enhancing drugs in their system the pinnacle of youtube content in this tournament we are only trying to represent the very best that the platform has to offer which is why this next matchup is reaction channels versus the mukbangers can the reaction channels react in time or will they be swallowed whole this is what youtube has to offer let's see what's best reactions trying to get the up airs here mcbangers not to be outdone surprisingly high mobility right now on their end both sides really seem to be struggling this could be a long fight i think the problem is reactions has to wait for the mukbangers to strike first and who knows what the the muck bangers are doing there's a smash ball in play but like does anyone want it i think reaction is waiting for them to go first and look bangers are trying to size up they can actually eat it i don't not just yet they're gonna save it for later apparently the stage has changed that smash ball is just sitting there no one wants it oh that's sad it just disappeared oh disaster reactions couldn't take the initiative they have to wait for someone else to do it first and it's gonna cost them magnus is gonna knock them off the edge of the stage here and they're at a very high percent here maybe reactions kind of learn what bangers did to them and knock them off they've seen it now they can make it happen there you go the content makes itself why do these challengers know how to fight properly i'm not sure it's hard to tell at this point items respond there is a bomb here they're gonna have to be careful oh disasters the muck bangers took more than they could chew reactions wins by doing absolutely nothing of their own merit and the mukbangers have killed themselves you know mass media has adopted to youtube uh news important has made it into our online world it's more mainstream now it's not so much of an underground thing but can the entire broadcast might of news corporations as a whole withstand a fury that is a political fury may be too powerful he may be too woke to what the news does not want you to really know he has alternative facts political theory furry not backing down going for the immediate swipes attacking with facts and logic the news is having a bit of trouble with the news news is gonna have to be careful just not to throw itself off the edge of the cliff oh but disaster is the political furry seems to have just chucked himself off the edge what happened oh goodness me his logic and reason has worked against him there's some glaring flaw and the evidence he has presented is too much for himself to handle the news doesn't even have to do much here the occasional slingshot seems to be enough damage this is a high stock lead so far oh they got the smashing though they're not done yet the news seems to be struggling to land too many blows the political fairy has that regrown oh i don't believe this oh that was so fast oh the mainstream media [Music] the entire organization of the news it's all been crushed some reporters that have 40 years in the business they can't hold a candle to this guy who made a youtube channel tech review channels of course a mainstay on youtube all technology that is produced must be reviewed but can they beat technology itself because the technology has a platform of its own now and it's called v tubers let's go oh that's an early blow eye for an eye though the tech reviews do not want to be outdone here the youtubers struggling to get their foot in there they are just keeping them at a distance here youtubers really struggling to get close i gotta learn these projectiles slap with the wings there able to dish out some damage tech reviews have got a lightsaber oh my god oh they are out for blood youtubers just trying to narrow the stock gap they really need to get the smash off here or they're going to be in a lot of trouble trying not to fall into the sea of clouds colossal up smash is going to do it tech reviews has been taken out youtubers may be able to man a defense here although they're on a very high percent they need some luck here they need to try to take back this game heck reviews getting exceptional use out of the technology provided to them you know for the sakes of the review what i don't believe this as the stage changed both the v tubers and the tech reviewers were not able to adapt to the change in time and by a sheer stroke of luck as they both plummeted off the edge at the exact same time the tubers are going to take the match i don't know if that's deserved i didn't feel like the tech reviewers may have been robbed of this one very dramatic tournament this next battle represents perhaps a blunder in the history of youtube uh formerly two allies in the field of youtube content uh we have the grand platform that is youtube kids child friendly youtube versus not safe for work elsa for some reason this was a thing i don't know why this is a battle of children's content on this platform do not search spider-man and elsa on youtube it gets really up really quickly we can assume the luma is spider-man in this case it is a two match it just happens to have worked out this way not safe for work else is gonna have to be careful if she's really struggling to get a footing on the stage some content violations are starting to come down on her youtube kids are having none of this their interest has simply gone elsewhere they take the early stock both sides seem to kind of be ignoring the smash ball though they really should be going for not safe for work elsa happens to bumble into it um what did that accomplish i'm going to be honest that was terrible oh what was the point of that oh and that gun to the face will do it she amazingly did not take that much damage all three pieces of the dragoon are currently in play by the way if either fighter realizes this here the game could be over not safe work else has two of the pieces one of them is flowing off the stage youtube kids are gonna have to be very careful there elsa has two of the pieces again i'd say for work elsa hasn't realized the final piece of the dragoon the key to victory is there she's going for it can't she land it [Music] youtube kids is dead and not safe for work elsa [Music] has slain them we won but at what cost a recurring challenger dmca who made it to the final of the last wwe me is back to claim the throne and their first target is original content music can originality triumph or his outdated loss simply too powerful now they do seem to be struggling a bit here oc music is taking some early damage a smash two smashes there though are gonna narrow that gap three smashes and they're now in the lead if they can keep up that momentum they're gonna be in a good spot they seem to be doing quite well here oc music is deciding that maybe enough is enough they have got the early smash oh my god dmca in a lot of trouble this might be it for the small man the music corporations in our industry everyone shed a tear oh they seem to be struggling a little bit now dmca has got the hard arm of the law at its side in the case of a fox that just sets things randomly on fire sounds about right but they haven't been able to get the smash off just yet all almost almost they're going for the bounce can they make it back to the stage they're too far gone the strike was too much we lost the channel eighty percent to zero it is an uphill battle for dmca they're gonna have to put their back into it if they want a man to come back here there does seem to be a lot of pokeballs just sitting on the ground oc music is able to pick up all three of those in a very powerful display here and dmca is not able to meant to come back i feel like that was a bit of a blunder they let they let oc music get away with a bit too much and dmca has been defeated once again [Applause] do you want to produce money produce animation on youtube or to have money you cannot do both combined might that is the animation industry and community on youtube or the money guy those channels on youtube where the sole premise is the guy has a lot of money and does things with a lot of money something the animation crowd will sadly never live to see animation just trying to chuck out some bombs but money guy is gonna go for the slam at the start but they're gonna go for it twice animation really needs to try and learn from that for some reason animation seems to be struggling somewhat they they seem very bomb heavy i'm not sure what's going on there it seems to be like kind of a security issue they just need to have a bomb in their hand and they're in trouble money guy just bought a hammer and it's going to destroy them if animation doesn't go in for the kill here then like money guy will just take it in terms of time well disastrous money guy seems to have purchased lightning here though very expensive but they were able to do it and with a head smash to the side animation did not stand a chance oh god love animation gamers versus hygiene gamers versus hygiene a battle we all face in our day-to-day lives you cannot be a gamer and be clean the only thing you need to wash yourself in is achievement points gamers off to a very strong standing hygiene he's probably like disgusted by what they've just found trying to apply some water type attacks here to start cleansing the earth from where they stand pretty even playing field so far the gamers have attached a bomb to hygiene oh they're not able to get it off in time ironically not able to wash their face free of it gamers have a strong early lead on hygiene now they're really gonna have to up their game it might just be too much for hygiene to wash clean here oh falling off the stage though may have spoken too soon hygiene looking to be in a bit of trouble here their damage is getting quite high now hygiene preparing a very strong up smash here does not set it off in time gamers going for the drop kick and completely annihilates hygiene gamers prevail once again hygiene has been defeated the long kana content on youtube video essay man who will give you a two-hour critic critique and review as to why mario odyssey isn't as good as you think it is or literally just 10 hours of rain oh he's going for the immediate kick here 10 hours of rain struggling to get an early foot in there not a problem for video essay man he's just pounding away with his critique here oh he is not take lying down 10 hours of rain struggling to even get on the stage right now video essay guy obliterating the rain here video essay man hasn't even got started with the critique they're defining what a video game still is a half hour it's taken to get to this point may simply be too much for 10 hours of rain they're completely annihilated eventually they'll get to the argument they want to stay up until then they have to define what an argument is pounding for the hammer oh disaster as video essay guy accidentally kills himself he went off on a tangent he was trying to establish too many terms they're on the edge of the stage here now 10 hours of rain may be able to keep him off the stake it's already over 10 hours of rain mountain an impressive comeback that's completely annihilated video essays it wouldn't be youtube unless we had dumb drama and stupid you who consumes it here we go oh that's an immediate heavy blow stupid you seems to be struggling to see this coming catch it on a little bit now to it playing field does seem to be even it was just some early blows starting to reconsider the content that you are viewing and the comeback is being made as dumb drama oh just propelling itself off the edge it went too far already it took it too far it wasn't believable people clicked off it's gonna have to try a different strategy to win your attention [Music] can you be fooled yet for some reason it's taunting after its hits it seems completely unnecessary considering that dumb drama is losing right now stupid you finally getting a hit off on dumb drama but it also hurts itself in its own confusion dumb drama has now got a baseball bat still trying to go for the tans i don't understand why exactly the water is in player not going to be washed off the stage just yet though gum drama is landing a heavy blow on you though changes the stage that's stupid you a very cheeky smash there on the dumb drama you've taken a stand maybe you're not so stupid stupid you advances quality comedy does exist on youtube but in recent years it has been under significant threat from the rise of the tv talk show host these cardboard cutouts of human beings are now dominating the comedy sphere on our platform tv talk shows struggling to find their footing on this new platform uh both liter like actually just literally speaking in terms of youtube on this match oh but they have got a fire barry just threw a six zinger comedy's in a bit of trouble there oh but for some reason tv talk show host just dumped themselves into a hole and it just like flew off the other end of the screen i don't really know what happened there you'll have to see the full clip well the full video on tv presumably to find out we only get like four minutes here displayed comedy though still getting in a lot of damage here they've got the dragoon as well this could already be over oh disastrous the slow parachute tv talk show hosts taking it a little bit too slow they didn't they didn't adopt fast enough comedy has defeated them comedy has persevered it's probably for the best quality content on youtube is becoming harder and harder to find you know a lot of content is produced on youtube so you really have to kind of dig for like the diamonds in the rough these days but one thing that certainly doesn't help is there is an entire genre of content that is solely devoted to impersonating the quality content itself it's quality content versus click bait roy on roy let's go early blows quality content already struggling under the weight of the clickbait it may be coming in too hot too quick quality content is gonna have to mount the fence here they're already in a lot of trouble case in point oh click bait has actually spawned a ditto to impersonate itself god you can't make this up clickbait has made a copy of itself to fight the quality content and it's simply too much quality content already being knocked off the stage this is going terribly wrong at 3am and you won't believe how shocked i am they're trying to just take care of the quick clickbait as quietly and discreetly as they can they don't want to draw too much attention to it but they need to take a stand but they're not going to last long on this platform stage is changing oh quality content not able to adjust with the stages they simply get swamped under the stage change going completely off the edge clickbait has persevered the algorithm has struck vine montages tick tocks re-uploaded twitter clips there's an entire genre on youtube has gradually made its way over that exists purely to archive short like five second the 30 second bits of content we call them youtube shorts but who actually watches those vine compilations versus a fighter that has been brought to you in association with ray shadow legends and you know before we get into announcing who exactly is going to be performing here i just want to give a shout out to loot crate uh a nord vpn vine clips uh seems to have a bit of a foot in here they're going for the ball try and get some extra tools to help them in this battle here that's a lot of bombs this early in the game oh my god a vine may be going the way of vine at this rate if it's not careful the ad reads are ever growing in the number uh vine clips struggling ever more so to actually get towards ad reads a stock is already down problem seems to be that they're struggling to even make contact with the fighter so much fluff between the actual content of the video and the promotion it's already over they didn't even get to touch them you didn't they didn't even survive it's done listen here i might be a boomer when it comes to this platform but back in the olden days even i'm familiar with this one there exists a music genre on youtube a platform if you will called nightcore that is specifically devoted to slightly faster anime music remixes or like higher pitch we're talking like the real old days of youtube this has been like one of the original things on the platform not really sure why i'll be honest with you versus what could possibly be the fan favorite of the entire tournament it's the posts night court versus the rat of god can only be won oh this is a very strong start they're going in guns blazing on the offensive air ship post out for blood nightcore is really gonna need to start speeding up by about 10 if it wants any chance they've got the super mushroom that could be enough oh that is a dirty early game stock shitpost is in trouble from an ancient relic of youtube oh but not to be outdone the stocks are flying fast on this stage like we're really trying to go for the stump shitpost really just taking the piss at this point with that side smash like they're they're literally just gunning for it they really want to land this will nightcore fall victim to it unfortunately so they had a good run they survived this platform an extraordinary long amount of time [Music] of course two final titans of youtube unboxing videos cute pets cute pets simply too cute to handle it would seem unboxing having a lot of difficulty closing the gap here going for actually one charge punch there is enough to almost catch it up completely just got a new iphone they want to share it with you you pet struggling to stay on the stage here the unboxing for some reasons gone a little too far you think the home field advantage here would take play you know everything being literally made a cardboard but doesn't seem to be the case cutepets has quite the lead right now a fake smash ball in play i just want to be careful here if you set this off that's gonna be the end oh somehow that dodge unboxing they unbox the fake smash and somehow did not get caught up in the recoil but the cute pets have now got their own smash this simply may be too much cuteness to handle cute pets take the game this is why you don't bet on little man high energy content talking very fast talking very quickly versus the k-pop fans arguably they possess a higher energy of their own let's go oh high energy just going in okay pop stands need the amount of defense here high energy may simply be too quick they're just rolling about the place they are on the offense charging in kicking the k-pop fans right into the air and just immediately pursuing it with a chase oh they are not easy enough for every punch they deal they just want to follow it up with more punching someone in the aid of a pokemon as well they've got a very convenient item here they're almost able to completely smash the k-pop fans off the stage already they're moving so fast they've already taken the first lincoln stock miss it they're moving too quick they can't slow down now oh the k-pop fans combination of ice and fire against them you cannot get a moment's piece from the high energy here it's simply too much not letting them back on the stage they're almost at the same percent already but there's a stuck in the difference oh my god they're really struck desperately trying to get back on the stage the k-pop fans i think are just scared at this point they're struggling to approach the high energy but they have acquired a bomb that might be enough to knock them off the stage not quite they desperately need to get a smash off now they're within final smash range themselves it's too much high energy it's just simply too quick [Music] reaction channels as a whole versus one political furry there's no four straggered at a single political figure i mean he's beaten mainstream media already can he beat reaction channels himself can he anticipate the arguments that will be presented against them can reactions react in time reaction channels taking some time to get some distance should we know that all pieces of the dragoon are in play currently oh okay double stock take down their political furry able to get the up smash and reactions but unfortunately the crab has come in to defeat political fury oh and reaction shadows assemble the pieces of the dragoon this could be a very early game political fairy has been defeated i swear to god that that dragoon is coming in like every second match okay the new age of youtube now must face its greatest challenger yet the rise of v tubers versus not safe for work elsa two equally mighty contestants and sis trophy spawned it's the tentacle bird don't know whose side they're on there's also a jellyfish i don't know whose side they're on your guess is as good as mine already a piece of dragoon is in play i feel like we may need to turn it off just keeps making a comeback oh that was a that was a very cheeky smash there i didn't expect that to go so soon and it's what you're doing again oh but it didn't kill it didn't kill it didn't kill the dragon didn't kill the main troopers are still in it they're not quite gone it wasn't quite powerful enough just as once not safe work for elsa's not taking an early win the v tubers are not yet to be done and they melt in the side smash they've been able to take the stock back it's one a piece it's one a piece a smash orb is in play and the v2 hasn't been able to acquire it if they can time this if they can time this not safer work else has gone to the black hole it's not a smash but it's a lot of damage the comeback is being mounted here an ultimate weapon is now starting to assemble as well they've each got a piece feature was trying to get a magnificent up smash but it's not enough not safe for else is going for the up air oh v2 was just completely ignoring the ultimate weapons they go back for it they realize their mistake three pieces in play they just need to try and acquire one from the other person here very high percentage rat smash kill percent on each side here a go goat is in play that's a frog elsa has the has the low ground youtuber struggling to get a foot being knocked out the stage they need to get back on getting back onto the middle going for an up smash it's probably a bit too much there is a golden hammer on the stage whoever grabs this could decide the match whoever goes for this whoever realizes it's here the v tubers have it can they land it the v troopers take it a magnificent comeback from the v tubers not safe for work elsa had it in the first half but it's time to let it go your cover of wonderwall at home that you just want to share with your friends versus someone who can buy your house and will give your house away whoever can stand in the circle first now oc music seems to be employing its strategy here of just attacking with the bird again it worked well against dmca but can it work well against money uh money guy has spawned a seizure here which is unfortunate for oc music to struggle in a bit to get back on the stage two enemies to contest with that does not seem to be slowing them too much though they're still able to mount the leader money guy has now spawned a toga beat gonna come in and freeze him here before you get the side smash off still now in the lead in terms of percent a lot of food here and snacks for oc music guy mom brought a meal while you're recording the small man here who's passionate for the arts may be able to stand a chance against a guy with a lot of capital side smash there will do it hitting with the bird strategy is really paying off that's the first stock [Music] a money guy picking up a shield here oh and it seems to be counteracting the birdies learning stage change here they have to be careful not to be knocked off too they want to make sure they're on oc music went too far they went too far they got pushed off by the money guy it's unfortunate that is increasing money guys this seems to be picking up every item that spawns on the stage before oc music has a chance to even acquire it there's a present there but it is a surely for money guy we'll see music's not even going to attempt to touch it oh money guys got a beetle they're able to skillfully dodge two beetles that was actually a very impressive move there if either of them hit oc music they would have been knocked off the stage very barely threading the needle and they're able to stay on but the cost of a very high percent oh they're struggling the bees they need to get back on the percent is increasing money guys simply acquiring every item on the stage and oc music is really struggling to fight back simply too much combined capital it's all over money guy using the combined might of just purchasing everything has taken the game i don't even know if this is an enemy for gamers i'm going to be honest with you like i don't know if we've ever taken issue with just 10 hours of rain uh the closest comparison is that 10 hours of rain is like an ally of hygiene this is like shower 2.0 can gamers withstand 4 minutes of rain or will they be washed away i mean so far they are like mounting an impressive amount of that they've already taken the first stop gamers are saying no to anything that might vaguely resemble a shower it would seem they already have the percent lead they've already gotten assist trophy the gamers are like unbelievably powerful here it's looking heavily one-sided 10 hours of rain is in a lot of trouble there they need to get a foot on the ground gamers are very powerful here it's already over it's already over [Applause] the gamers are too strong [Applause] stupid you versus comedy will you finally achieve something with your life or will the joke go over your head so far it's looking surprisingly well it was kind of looking okay for you then you just started faffing about in the air for no reason but you know what else is new you put on three shields for some reason i don't really understand what your plan is there uh comedy seems to be having a bit of trouble though as they're trapped into the plane not a good position to be in uh still be you is just trying to hold on a bit doing the same move again again hoping has a different outcome this time seems to be enough surprisingly stupid you put the pitfall on the wrong floor of the plane so of course it didn't get the easy kill there and comedy is going to kill you that's very unfortunate you really messed up there smash ball is rolling down the plane oh that's stupid you now you're not bright enough to even attempt to hit it comedy's gonna get that too just rolls past you twice it's very unfortunate and comedy's going to make a direct hit to your face and you're dead you could have played that better it was very disappointing [Applause] i literally killed a man at 3 am and it went wrong and it was brought to you by raid shadow legends usually these guys i think are allies battle for the ages does that not want to die me in the cage i actually can't tell clickbait seems to be having a bit of trouble with the cliff there oh god it is i won't die i'm sorry i'm a bit distracted uh they're struggling with the cliff severely here they keep falling down and i don't understand why smash ball is in play but both fighters seem to just be ignoring it oh clickbait trying to get the smash off there but advent is going to bounce off the cage i won't die just got caught in the crossfire and died there as well well he did want to die so it's probably for the best both sides seem to be going for the attacks but they're just not quite able to finish each other off clickbait is going to spawn another fighter to the stage that's going to do ad reads in oh and they were able to ad reads i think was able to take the the max tomato tomato there before clickbait was able to get it probably needed that it would have been a very dire straight clickbait does have a lot of allies on its side now the stage has gotten alarmingly small and he's able to use that to an advantage and we're moving the train stage two lagoon seems to be very popular today oh but ad reads has brought in a sponsor gonna be able to help it get a blow off on clickbait the train is in a very awkward position here average needs to be careful too close to the edge clickbait is triumph the two most beloved types of content on youtube i feel sad for whoever loses this battle this is like choosing between my kids shitposts and cute pets here seem to be very fond of the fully charged smash attacks they're going for the kill they're going for the kill there is a smash ball here there's a bomb here too all contenders need to be careful chippo's able to get the up smash on cue pets there take the first stop but cutepets coming back with the second stock is able to get the smashball they land this they can very easily catch up on the stock metroid has been spawned that's an unfortunate one to get that can deal a lot of damage thankfully though they're going to be able to get off the smash attack uh cute pet seems to be in a bit of trouble the metroid is unfortunately lingering around and just making life difficult [Music] not an actual pat pet just a stray animal in the house right now what actually happened there didn't even know what happened i i don't even think shitpost hit them [Music] what was that well shitpost has unfortunately annihilated cute pets they're gone can't do them both at the same time i don't know how that would work imagine a high-energy reaction channel that would probably be a bit intense wisconsin non-stop talking over what you're supposed to be watching high energy has shown that they really like going for a lot of kicks and also playing on the offensive uh very much just chasing the enemy maybe a bit of a struggle for reactions here although some reason they appear to be struggling with this kick now i don't know what's uh [Music] what's going on here there appears to be a bit of confusion on this building the actions is in a lot of trouble here struggling to get a foot fallen victim to the side smash high energy is just on the offensive he's not even swayed by the assist trophy he's just going for the kill he knows he's got the lead right now he's constantly peppering with commentary here and another up smash kick you've been practicing it all day that's enough to do it v tubers versus a guy with a lot of money modern youtube boiled down to its finest most recent types of content to emerge on the scene youtubers will unite the class here we go money guy employing its strategy once again i'm just grabbing any item we can see a fake smash ball in play though will this be it's it's undoing this time oh unfortunately for the v tubers they were confused they couldn't tell the difference oh disaster as the v troopers have lost an early stock but they have got two pieces of the dragoon maybe they can catch up in time one more piece and they can get a very cheeky catch up here they just need to find it there's the last piece they're going for it they got it field even money guy trying to purchase a barrier to catch him there too little too late to light it off a real smash ball now in play the v tubers really just going for the ups match but they've got it trying to make it connect the black hole not quite there that they will catch money guy in the tail end it's enough money guy stopped his toe they forgot to keep a receipt and that's gonna do them in they've conquered hygiene they've conquered nature's means of hygiene but can they now conquer anything remotely funny it's time for the ongoing battle that is gamers versus the world this could be a battle of position in here gamers going to employ pokemon trying desperately to mount this building here the struggling to get on top of it but they're still getting the damage in oh they've leveled up the gamers are too strong the gamers are too powerful comedy is struggling comedy really needs to do something here need some kind of advantage unfortunately the gamers have literally summoned god the gamers have literally evoked god himself in the battle this is a bad move for comedy although they have been able to find a heal health restore item on the field stage is just randomly like exploded the gamers have knocked themselves off the edge for some reason they were going in for the kill they were too confident they were desperately trying to take out comedy they went too far someone in the power of a star now and a banana comedy is in a bit of a rough spot here it's a very unfortunate stage hazard it just takes up so much space that was an unbelievable play so comedy did the up special right to try and get the jetpack attack on the gamers gamers sidestepped it ever so slightly and was able to line up a perfect side smash on the exact spot that comedy landed comedy has been defeated i'm not allowed to be funny anymore um on today's stream but unfortunately that was never a problem for me the pinnacle of youtube content kind of beat the imitation of it post in a very tricky spot here they're being knocked off the edge of the stage being bumped back on just barely hanging in there oh but a dangerously high percent for failing to get back on in time they got to be careful barely dodging that side smash able to land one of their own pushing the clickbait back we're trying to go for it again here but clickbait is gonna just stand away there's a blue shell hovering above their head chipboas has to be real careful here it's gonna collide it's too much there is a full heart container on the stage if clickbait gets that it's going to spell disaster for shitposts they don't seem to realize it's there stage is changing the heart is gone that was a very dangerous position to be in for shitposts oh no no the unthinkable has happened they healed it they healed it oh shitpost has to do it all again and it's all over shitposts have been annihilated clickbait advances to the semifinals we have the four pillars of youtube that is left high energy v tubers gamers and clickbait let's go we got the new tekken stage here they got to break down the walls i believe to knock people off as the youtubers are going to demonstrate that with a bomb oh my god the v troopers seem to be rivaling high energy's own high energy they're not going down fighting oh it's art they've already taken a percent double whammy of the laser there to smash it into the wall with a smash attack so much power behind the v troopers here high energy struggling a bit with their kicks here the youtubers just want to get in as much extra damage as they can and try not to get caught up in the kicks the high energy determined to just destroy the building instead of the enemy in front of them oh it was just going that way at the time they don't have time to think right now they got to keep going quick the troopers have the ultimate weapon assembled if they can land this slightly too high for high energy they're going to dodge the projectile and they're going to be able to take the stock back on very unfortunate v troopers there playing dangerously on the edge here oh the wall seems to be it's closing in that's actually quite dangerous they can get locked out stage reassembling around them to keep them fighting in this prison no captain falcon get back in there okay all right i think it's one way oh there was a smash there that would have killed youtubers but the wall bounces feature was back in feature is going on the offense here there's a fake smash orb and a real one but disaster is high energy is too much energy that expels it on the fake smash ball [Music] v tubers have advanced to the final it's all up to gamers to stop the villain of the tournament now this is gonna be an intense one i think two champions boxing ring they're locked into the dash gamers land in the first blow look like just hiding in the rafters gamers trying to go up and fire get back against them they're both fighting on the skylight now [Applause] there's there's no low that clickbait won't stoop to clickbait trying to just keep him out of the ring although they're getting into a bit of a juggle now gamers do seem to be struggling though they don't really know what to do with this bouncy bit i'm confused clickbait has summoned the fox but that was a very cheeky smash i'm amazed that kills a down smash there from the gamers is enough to actually take out clickbait for the first stock as a smash ball in play gamers just want to try and keep clickbait away from it as long as they can and they seem to be doing an all right job of it oh but they got the final smash though this is gonna wreak some unfortunate damage on the gamers too much they couldn't see where they are they got out games stock a piece although clickbait is on a much higher percent here gamers does have an advantage right now but we've seen we've seen how fast this turns back around pinned at the ringside there a hefty punch it was 20 there on gamers stage changing from the boxing ring i think somehow with the stage change their gamers had a projectile they were able to pinpoint like trollish in the clickbait's face and take them out we didn't even see that kill happen is there anything gamers can't do [Applause] the final two contestants we have v-tubers versus gamers here we go round one of the final three two best of three here we go v tubers not backing down whatsoever going straight into it hefty blows off the back gamers trying to dodge and deal their own back easily trading back fantastic combo landing there and an assist trophy this is gonna be hard for the v troopers now they've got a lot of firepower on the stage they're trying to just play safe on the ledge up above them they've got a beetle item and they're doing a drop kick gamers are out for blood the v was struggling to stay on the stage barely teleporting back in time [Music] very powerful up smash of the gamers there though they're starting to mount it gamers have two pieces of the ultimate weapon acquired [Music] but the v troopers have been able to claw them back into a high percent they just need to be careful not to get blown off the stage too soon they've got one piece the ultimate weapon they're knocked off at least the part goes with them it'll take a while for it to come back hopefully enough time for them to matter come back on gamers here smash ball and play oh very powerful side smash there gamers did not step away in time the smash ball is just sitting there no one seems to want to go for it game is trying to acquire the ultimate weapon again they have no time for just a smash ball we need to completely annihilate the v troopers here wipe them off this earth youtubers trying to power up another very powerful side smash here they're picking up just one piece of the ultimate weapon for safekeeping [Music] oh but it's too little too late as gamers just close the gap and knock them off the stage with the first round round two three two if the tubers lose this they're out of the tournament and gamers will take the throne that's not a good start for him [Music] gamers are just so on the offensive taking none of it starting to mount a little bit of a defense the gamers would only walk into the easily dodgeable side smashing back the v troopers got to stop doing that pokemon has been summoned to the stage it's unfortunately a cure just need to outlast to kind of wait for her to go away her has been popped in the stage too that's very unfortunate for the v troopers that's very unfortunate with a fire bar in the face as well they might just be able to make it back with the teleport with the turret against them [Music] it's the final stock all the get features with a combo holy the side smashes the fireball off the side they narrow the gap instantly stock each they're not out yet another play like that they might be able to take it they're being very cheeky and hoping the gamers just kind of walks into the fully charged smash attack they gotta try something a bit more powerful than that perhaps the rocket ship might be what they need launching that slow time clock is on the stage gamers exploding the rocket disaster they've got the slow time clock oh the v troopers are in danger here they need to keep clear oh but they're able to knock the gamers off the stage they pulled it back even in slow motion the charge attack paid off the vtubers take the second round they're not out yet it all comes down to this every other type of content on youtube will be eliminated after this tournament including me if gamers don't win the finale everything to play for it they have triumphed over so many battles [Music] gamers have the assistant decide they've got a very strong lead don't count the v troopers out just yet they have come back from worse than this [Music] although it is looking pretty bad they need to get down the stage gamers are just sitting there waiting for them if the v troopers can get on the stage they might be able to do something there's a tornado coming towards them gamers are launching fully charged tornado attacks the v troopers have to do something dangerously high percent they're not going to be able to keep this up for long somehow still in the game oh and they're mounting it on against the gamers almost able to knock them off the stage here somehow they stayed alive with that percent it was only a matter of time before that was taken it's only a matter of time they couldn't hold that was not viable they need to get this stock off the gamers quick now the gamers are closing the gap rocket is being prepared the v troopers do not want to touch the gamers they already know they defeated hygiene [Music] and spot a batter here [Music] they really need to get them off the stage quick if they want any chance gamers have now narrowed the gap in terms of percents but there's a stock in the difference smash ball in play if the troopers can take it back they have their work cut out for him [Music] not today it's not happening today because the gamers i've conquered all they have risen up and they are the winners of the wwe youtube crisis smackdown i get to keep my job i don't get snapped i survived [Music] you
Channel: RTGame
Views: 522,401
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RTGame, RT Game, Irish, funny, moments, gameplay, rt game, stream highlights, funny stream highlights, smash bros, super smash bros, smash bros switch, smash bros ultimate, super smash bros ultimate, amiibo, smash bros amiibo, wwmii, rtgame wwmii, amiibo tournament, smash bros tournament, smash bros funny, smash bros funny moments, smash bros gameplay, funny smash bros gameplay, smash bros ultimate amiibo, smash bros amiibo fights, smash bros amiibo tournament, smash amiibo
Id: d1GL75sSchA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 36sec (3456 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 30 2021
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