I Used Smash Bros to Resolve Global Politics: WWMii

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see all these [ __ ] here I at the goal find all of these and train them up it's a United Nations Smackdown I've named all of these emil after prolific world leaders tonight for christmas 2019 we're going to resolve the entirety of global politics in the span of an evening the rules are one stock three minutes items are on the stage changes at the minute and a half mark welcome to the WWE 2019 United Nations Smackdown the dates wrong don't mind that it's it's [ __ ] I already made a mistake round one there's been a lot of smack talk on Twitter between the two of them but it's finally decide which is superior and we're going straight into the hook and political spectrum here this is Donald Trump versus Barack Obama someone's going to be offended no matter what way this battle goes so whether you're Republican or look at or a Democrat I hope you enjoy the humor oh we're gonna have an easy going toe to toe here Obama launching the first punch on Trump here with a face to the face Trump is kind of just meandering about not really sure what to do is well Obama's had a lot of time to just kind of practice and train added he's out of the Oval Office Trump trying to get a couple of smacks in but he's is strong and actually approach of Obama just going from those leg trucks repeatedly Trump do bation using the blue shell to target the person that's currently in first place might be a bit of a self-criticism there on himself he's not Obama but regardless and as Obama seems to have be colluding with someone here to actually request in some [ __ ] health some foreign aid right that Trump just died I that was actually surprisingly quick Jesus he did not last long okay Donald Trump's dead someone's upset because of that okay Barack Obama advances the next round but next up on the European battlefield Vladimir Putin is going toe to toe with Angela Merkel basically the head of Germany at this point and the European Union we're going toe to toe with the entirety of Russia itself he's got a spec ops uniform on and he's right ready to use some sneaky strategies here on Super Mario Galaxy Putin's taking his time just charging up some shots really just trying to get some like ballet poses in not really too worried about pressing the offensive on Angela Merkel here who seems to be like hurtin herself in her confusion not really sure what's going on there Putin's kind of sitting back and watching Angela Merkel and she dissolves herself the European Union just really tearing itself apart here as Putin is just kind of snapping his fingers with the charge attacks and the European Union has just been dissolved okay well he'll be up against Obama in the next round but next up we have the Civil War this is the big one for anyone washing in the UK we have Boris Johnson versus queen elizabeth ii herself a battle for what remains of the united kingdom it may no longer be Unitas his race if Boris Johnson has his way but the two are going to go to tutu and fight for the monarchy here as they're on the high seas around the island here brexit is on the minds of us both I launched a ready speech this Christmas season Boris Johnson trying to get the lowdown on the Queen she's struggling in her old age here Boris really just hammering in with that sword here just going for them swipes and he appears to request it foreign involvement I don't know what's really going on but the Queen is in a lot of distress right now she's got the back shield but it's not enough not even Scotland behind her could save her Majesty the Queen and the Queen has fallen instantly brexit means brexit and i think i think i'll no an ordinary --lens going at this well I don't think Boris Johnson knows where Northern Ireland is if Boris Johnson advances now possibly the goodest boy alive in politics you all know who is you all of them but can he defeat Jesus Christ himself ladies and gentlemen it's Bernie Sanders versus Jesus Christ who is gone to win the 2020 elections he looks a bit like he had her reviews as well it's just the way Jesus is gone a battle for the ages here too champions of their time fighting for what they believe in here on the Mario Kart 8 Super Mario Super circuit I don't know why Bernie seems to be in a little bit of trouble here as Jesus Auto Jesus seems to be going Jesus just got pulled into hell I don't know what happened Jesus Christ just Satan god of two major political activist Nick's and in their time standing up for what they believe in by means of not using violence or anything but just trying to rally and unite their people well here tonight they're gonna set their ideal Society as they kick the [ __ ] out of each other it's Gandhi versus Nelson Mandela oh I'm their third not holding back they're going right into again he launched the first blows on Nelson Mandela hair getting him into a stranglehold here again he's gonna have to be careful to make the ship here and not miss the boat Nelson Mandela may be on his own here afghani does not catch up they're going toe to toe here they both got some guns at the disposal I think Nelson Mandela has a smoke ball that bleep may account for where he was hiding the past 12 years he's trying to get a couple more weapons and Gandhi's just taking his slow time there he's got a piece of the secret weapon I think the mo he's just launched a couple of bowling balls on Nelson Mandela he's gonna have to get back on the ship soon oh he's gonna be in sort of trouble here Danny's got two pieces of the ultimate weapon lined up now if Nelson Mandela is not careful there Gandhi's go to finish the mango weapon here he's got to be careful the the last piece is now on the ship Gandhi just has to pick it up Nelson Mandela's gonna cheekily try and get it in and let her pick one of the pieces that's been dropped by Gandhi it's all to play for here either of them could still take this oh but Nelson Mandela with the sudden turn around here right at the end [Applause] I am actually quite surprised Gandhi was on the offensive that entire time but Nelson Mandela pulling out the punches there he was tired of taking Gandhi's [ __ ] to more renowned political leaders her time the count from Sesame Street versus Steve Harvey now accounts gonna be trying to Kathie matter like time can put Steve in a body bag I think this match well Steve has just good looking for a bit of a feud here going toe-to-toe on the bridge of L wind getting some initial chip damage in the county is actually going to but that's that's not a vampire I don't think he's allowed to do that that's not even like one of the Muppets or something I don't he's allowed employ that kind of help but that's alright Steve trying to get some more damage [ __ ] hell the games just end oh we have the reigning champion of last year's WWE we a mr. bean he's back and we have a new contender on the Block everyone's heard him heard of him in pretty much gift for my I haven't even seen the Mandalorian Mandalorian myself at this point but you all know who it is and it's probably gonna be like the leader of a [ __ ] church baby oh does only level 45 for some reason he's still a baby reign and champion versus the new kid on the block I don't know why his hair is like so emo and ready he's not even a baby hang on he's supposed to be smaller that's just regular but that's not regular yo diner and this has been talk there too ah I said why are they talking something's wrong with mr. bean he's not support Rowan Atkinson is not supposed to speak it doesn't have any vocal chords I don't know what's going on there emo Yoda seems to be confused with mr. Bean's actually in a lot of trouble here he's not doing too well against baby Oda he's gonna have to bring the game back here this is the reigning champion of last year - he could be out very quickly here if he's not too careful Oh mr. bean is struggling can he get the recovery off just barely flashing off the edge of Peach's castle he's on 99% Oh but it's not enough baby Yoda who is not actually a baby just killed Rowan Atkinson I cannot believe this is 63 he doesn't he doesn't look like a baby at all does he well next up we have Fidel Castro vs. Salima from one punch man I can't exactly remember the exact reason like Sytsma is in the United Nations for 2019 but we're just going to go with it I think it's cuz we I just had the mute me QR code obviously have to get him in there just going toe-to-toe at the moment no one's really interested Fidel Castro was kind of taking his time you know it's kind of getting on in years now did he doesn't need to work himself up too much Saitama is just waiting to land a single punch that will kill Fidel Castro he hasn't got it in just yet but he's gearing up for that wasn't one punch that was a kick you not allowed to do that okay well Fidel Castro's still in it they got to be careful for the groundskeepers here but we're trying to take Castro back to the Retirement Center he's just getting a bit too on in years and I think seismo just killed himself it that wasn't even Fidel Castro's involvement but don't [ __ ] with Cuba I guess the takeaway to gods of our time this look this like choosing between your babies I think we might die here I've seen this me and he actually is quite strong it's just all the more ominous cuz he can't see his face here's our boy and it's shaggy is this a battle for the age it's like two God's fighting each other shaggy going for a swift series of uppercut I want that I trying to keep on his toes here Donna and Shaggy at the best of him he knows this man's power he knows he's only got two percent right now a where did that bomb even go off where don't even come from that's not even a move I want though he's trying to be very cautious here he's on a very high percent getting the bullet bill in here it's fearful of Shaggy's presence at the moment cuz every time he seems to go near the man he's just getting a bunch of chip damage and shaggy going for the grab here I won't die he's very close to dying he's gonna have to be very careful the recovery here they're going toe to toe on the edge here I want the eyes being very cautious to get back on the stage one hundred and seventy one percent Shaggy's only wants 38% I think this might be it for I won't die I want die as died I even know what power lovely was that he did not take much damage he gave a hundred and seventy two percent damage and only they received 25 in return Reggie fils-aime may the president of Nintendo you know one of the world leaders in the United Nations he's a president it counts and Bob Ross Reggie's got a gun and for some reason he's under level two Oh what [ __ ] level is this yeah well Bob Ross gonna have to paint into existence here he's got a home-field advantage because he's literally working with mspaint Wow yeah that that cannot be understated Bob Ross just instantly killed Reggie we have our glorious Galactic Emperor mr. Santos Marvel versus Ferb from Phineas and Ferb oh you know it's probably gonna be like the future Prime Minister of the United Kingdom at the rate Bo Joe's going on the Queen's going these days you know Ferb is gonna lead us into a glorious age after brexit basically here we go [Music] okay he's got all his gadgets at his disposal you remember the gun Thanos is just kicking the [ __ ] out of him you know I like Phineas actually died in the snap so he's actually here for vengeance to know each ladies and gentlemen Santos is still trying to take no prisoners though we're looking at the kind of unreleased version of the image game end game final scene where Ferb just you know snaps his fingers and actually just destroys the entire army that one's for Phineas Mae Phineas rest in peace yeah in case you're wondering for the fan US picture too so I actually used the camera on my treaty yes to get a me face of Thanos and that's the one that came out for some reason I don't know why it's so shrunk next up we got Jack Black versus the contending Challenger of last year that was a YouTube rewind you know we have YouTube's Indy sort of sort of golden poster child versus the rewind itself let's see if there's anything worthwhile that happens in this match or if we should just wait until next year and be disappointed by YouTube rewind again at least Jack Black's gonna put on a bit of a show you know II's he's making the rounds he's doing well he was in the new Jumanji film the guys remember [ __ ] Jumanji it's a video game now it's not just the board game movie but this is just sad to watch I think YouTube rewind just slowly killing itself from its own confusion to dismay of [ __ ] no one honestly Jack Black just kind of unloading on it here oh he's gonna have to be careful though Jack Black actually is indeed starting to lower on this ledge Jack Black needs to actually get back up or YouTube rewind may win by default and that's gonna be a depressant state of affairs I'm pretty sure YouTube you are has caused more damage to itself than Jack Black I've actually tried to I don't even know what happened I think YouTube rewind kill itself okay well there's one for the disappointing top ten compilation next year this is one we don't want to miss this is Peter Griffin versus sands who was your favorite meme of the year Oh Peter Griffin almost killed himself immediately there sounds gonna have to be careful to the plain wood fire the gods of the internet are fighting right now there can only be one can they both die yeah in an ideal world somehow they actually both die in this show match Peter Griffin is getting a lot of damage on with the Metroid there though Sands is gonna have to up his game or he's gonna be in for a bad time here Peter Griffin meanwhile is doing the same attack for like the second time over but sure look he's working with Family Guy material they recycle a lot of our material if you know what I'm saying I mean while science is just taking his time really this is just mosey and about in his slippers your Griffin trying to get in a couple more shots here attempting to go for a funny katana joke there but no instead he's just gonna almost kill himself I don't know why I mean he does nearly die in most episodes these days he's dead I've I guess you can't beat science ok next up we have all the filler characters we have this is a me just named dweeb and this is the cat man no one knows who any of these characters are they're all kind of just here for the ride yeah it's the man yeah we literally have a weap versus a hurry right now guys that's that's the showdown there they're just gonna battle it out they're gonna decide what the favorite anime is so root for whichever one you want we could just be here a while as they kind of just flail at each other neither of these two are political world leaders they're kind of just here the cat man killed himself the weave wins by default now this joke could have been a lot funnier if it was four people fighting because this is the YMCA we're gonna see which of the YMCA is victorious and first of all we have the Y and the M fighting each other there can only be one for the popular song you're gonna hear like seven times at new year's these are like oh just completely stop means as well but these this is filler as you guess who you're rooting for on this match the wire the M the M has gone full metal on them to living up to the M sake why he's gonna have to pull out some of the stops at all no the M may have almost killed herself there why it's up to 92% of and may be able to take this back you know why you even may stand a chance hear that yeah that bomb true is gonna like get a fair bit of damage in if Y is careful here he's still went in a chance expertly dodging the final smash there from the M no one that the contract will only go to one of the members of the YMCA oh but the why it's been eliminated it's now just the MCA does anyone care you should do I skip this battle that does this anyone care like if like which of the CRA will die I t's like that I think that's like guess to be on the console and like guess D or something like that they don't even have a nice I could have set something up but they weren't worth the effort getting just getting a bunch of a sister oh but that's that [ __ ] monster hunter Jesus I don't even know that was in the game okay well the see is just straight-up cheating at this point the a is got its work pulled out for it cut out fer if he wants to win no seizures so you just spawned like a bunch of extra characters it's completely unfair BAE just died and it's time for round two Barack Obama versus Vladimir Putin is the battle for control of the United States who has the most sway choose your side now and jump up superstar is playing it's such a jamming tune I love this we're just gonna have a good time as we fight for democracy it's time to jump up in the air and vote while you still can this Putin has taken no prisoners he kind of stared a Angela Merkel the last round there and just utterly decimated her so Obama's got his work cut out for him if he wants her no he's just died [ __ ] hell Vladimir Putin just one shot at Obama democracy is dead I can't believe this oh oh good lord but there's still hope for one of the United Kingdom or the United States it's Boris Johnson versus Bernie Sanders okay we got we goin Sanders or brexit Bernie or bars let's go beneath the mask fightin in persona can Bernie Sanders defeat brexit this is the show that we've been waiting for there's still time you know good like Boris Johnson it's been taking his time with his super brexit move you know he's thought about doing it like four times it's not quite there yet I think he's having commitment issues can Bernie run in and prevent it from ever happening become the new prime minister of the UK pulling out all the stops taking a lot of damage on him though he's getting on in years up to 76 but but he's gone toe to toe with Boris though they're evenly matched right now Bernie Sanders laying in the barsik Oh getting a fight and getting an up smash there though Bernie's gonna have to be real careful there to stay on the stage as the trains come back in Bernie you've got to get back on the stage it's very close either of them could take it here Bernie Sanders has just the feet of brexit boris has just felt the Bern you know things are looking kind of bad for the United Kingdom because like the Queen's gone and mr. Bean's gone already we now got Nelson Mandela versus Steve Harvey III don't know what his campaign is here honestly I'm kind of confused as like his political viewpoints he's just here to cause a feud in the Mario Kart Super circuit this Steve fights for capitalist Jesus well if the price is right he's gonna defeat Nelson Mandela here and we're lucky here and they actually survived the next 25 seconds we may see the very first stage change of the entire event and note Nelson Mandela's dead okay couldn't stand up to Steve Harvey baby Oda versus Fidel Castro it's still not a baby Castro is no one to be messed with here got a lot of experience okay you know like Yoda's been to all these alien planets Castro has been to [ __ ] Cuba you know like that that's no easy feat get about going the Myers for a moment oh and Castro has proven his might as a pokemon trainer is he's getting a couple of fire types on the stage he's laying on the pain into baby Oda here Yodas gonna have to be real careful he wants to even stand a chance of a comeback the fire is kind of unfortunate here Castro's being caught up with the flames here he's struggling to get back on the stage Oh baby Yoda is getting away with murder here I feel Castro just took so much damage there but he's able to pull it off with a quick up smash good a man yourself Castro lighten up baby Oda like his cigar now he returned to the Titans of the Internet it's Shaggy versus Bob Roth's now this could possibly be a home-field advantage again for Bob because he's got some happy little trees and plants about the place it just needs to get some friends by which you mean some assist trophies and two Pokemon on the map and on stand a chance against shaggy but do not underestimate the man he's going for his full power strat as he continually just goes to the same uppercut it doesn't even need to use any other move he's just that powerful Bob Ross's friends are on the scene but [ __ ] hell shaggy is just actually doing so much damage to him and how did where did that damage even come from Bob Ross's within an inch of his life already he's gonna need some friends if he wants to have a chance here shaggy doing some spicy Scooby Snacks Bob Rost in a world of pain if he's not careful Bob Ross is dead got the devil beaten out of him hey Bob Ross rest in peace Ferb versus Jack Black I don't know if anyone cares about either of these characters but they're still going there we go we go over a rainbow right Ferb may have the home-field advantage here because this has a bit of Technology does anyone does anyone really care about Jack Black are we all rooting for Ferb here am I supposed to be biased as a commentator can I just like openly admit that did you all go see the newest Jumanji he's gonna have to be careful to not fall off the stage here Jack Black is getting like a quite powerful lead here though herbs gonna have to be very careful here I mean what a bit of luck he might just fall off the stage Oh careful Ferb you're going down with the ship the bolt means seemed to be struggling on the auto-scrolling stage Jack Black is still in has a considerable advantage here Ferb is just trying to keep a flow born in it I think Jack Black just leveled up to level 50 there too his training literally just completed Oh God and a poor moment of silence for Ferb 40 year-old man has just destroyed this small child that's quite upsetting mister undertale versus just a random like filler character in a maid costume is is depressing no matter which one wins here again let's go oh it's an auto-scrolling Stage two can sans be stopped well he's I Scott he's at a disadvantage off the back has done the left side of the screen this match will basically determine by whichever character walks right and more like that will be the victor basically currently Wiebe is linen winning because he's further to the right the [ __ ] just happened sans just died type what just happened oh I can't believe this no one cares about this dairy Oh next up speaking of filler characters we have the M from the YMCA versus the C from the YMCA oh he's really strongly forgetting how to use his legs do you think he's just traumatized I mean in fairness he still [ __ ] see like he can't really do much you know you can't you can't hold much like that at least the M has like an aggressive like elbow trust she can deploy seeds just like you know what go to your behold a beach ball ladies and gentlemen I think we're gonna have our first stage shift of the is it going to happen it's supposed to happen at the minute a halfback well we just barely got it in but the sea died and it's time for the final fight for democracy it's Vladimir Putin versus Bernie Sanders is like link versus Ganon and we're on big blue oh this is gonna be a showdown for the ages Bernie's gonna have to do his best to keep up because things are moving fast he's taking no prisoners he's a launch in an avalanche of attacks on Vladimir Putin he's actually the first character to get a considerable amount of damage off on Putin he's got to be careful to stay on the cars though like whoo and kind of hanging out in his dreadnought he's kind of like battleship over here Bernie Sanders just trying to be plucky here fighting on the backs of hard-working American cars that he can find on this highway as Putin is just trying to trow a bunch of [ __ ] at him and I hope and Bernie kills himself slowly max still moving quick bernie is lasting longer than anyone else versus Putin Putin fell off the car oh my god Sanders is still in the game democracy has been restored you know I'm Bernie Sanders when I'll go on the fight either the [ __ ] Steve Harvey or Fidel Castro the popular television host this is a popular man from Cuba I just realized they're actually wearing the same outfit this is kind of embarrassing Steve Harvey almost killed himself there too hang on there Steve you got you got to be careful I know Castro was old now but he's not quite dead you can't just throw the match like that oh god they're going for a lot of ballerina twirls here Castro like deflecting the barrel there unfortunately hitting himself though in his own confusion a couple more side smashes ought to do it here I don't even know as the Evy Steve Harvey just killed Fidel Castro Jesus Christ okay well that's that's gonna be an interim this is the weirdest electric ins election cycle I've ever seen we have shaggy from scooby-doo versus Jack Black but I think everyone's rooting for shaggy I I got there might be some diehard Jumanji fans at this point still going for Jack black maybe someone just really likes to school a rock but it cannot compete with the masterpiece that is the Scooby Doo a movie oh but Jack's not messing about though he's getting that damage in the very evenly pace a golden hammer has spawned whoever grabs this could immediately win Shaggy's not even going for it here oh god Jack Black has picked it up I did shaggy get cocky in this moment he neglected to avail of the Hammers power thinking that he can rely solely on his own power merits but I don't think he even needs it he's still bringing the fight to Jack Black he's not out of the game yet shaggy doesn't even need it shaggy doesn't even need the golden hammer and he still wins he's only at 10% power at the Battle of the filler characters we have the ordinary wave versus the EM from the YMCA okay we're fighting stinky terraria I mean this is this is Japanese game okay so the we've may have a home-field advantage here here we go he's gonna just launch a couple of rockets on Emma's already taken a lot of damage weaves getting early start here Dada got a press the advantage here Dee seems to have explode the ground around him I don't know why he did that just establishing dominance for an ending and oh good god he's got it what does the weave even do how does the weave win every match what did he do okay well the we've advanced is the EM is dead the YMCA has been disbanded it's now Bernie Sanders versus Steve Harvey popular daytime television versus the senator from Vermont he's a far away from Vermont now I think they're in Alabama right now I guess it looks pretty spicy out there let me give Steve Harvey the home-field advantage here Bernie's gonna have to be careful or he's gonna be feeling the Bern real soon oh he's taken a lot of damage early game to the LAV is starting to pile on in the election cycle is beginning you can see as everything is kind of just emulating itself and there's kind of a widespread panic across American society Bernie Sanders not to be outdone though Bernie Sanders has advanced to the final moment of silence with Steve Harvey it's Steve Harvey you dead I actually don't know the most powerful being in the universe versus a guy who likes anime oh the fight in the temple this is where they worship shaggy but it could also be a temple for anime both fighters could have an advantage here we've is being very floaty with its strategy the weaves gameplan every match seems to be just do nothing and kind of hopes that the item was just winning the game somehow like Shaggy's actually on the offensive here trying to dish out a lot of damage on to the weed but like like he's still not going down I'm like look at him go he's got he's got a pokeball - what oh good god that's two of them.the we've just made I think the we've just made like a girlfriend for himself this is absolutely terrifying display right now oh good lord that's two of Shaggy's gonna have to be careful as he's we standing twice the intensity of Japan now I bought the weave and his plastic jello girl trying to unload on them is actually even the playing field add this to the we've still has a considerable chance here shaggy is trying to knock him off but he's really struggling to get him off the weave is just so floating you can't quite catch him you don't know what his favorite show is this season oh what a kick to the jaw is gonna yeah that's gonna kill him it's probably for the best that anime was to feed it it took a considerable amount of time to get there but the weave is dead I cannot believe the showdown we have in the United Nations this year now this is going to be this isn't the final one so this is the first match but then we're doing a best-of tree this is what it's all been coming to all of the heated debates in American politics of the past like two decades it's all boiled down to this the senator from Vermont fighting for his life it's the power of Scooby Snacks he's trying to get a lot of hits in keeping shaggy on his toes he's doing well with his master sword he's pulling out all the stops but shaggy is still the powerlevel this match could go either way yet battery Oh Bernie Sanders kind of hit himself with a bomb there you gotta be careful there buddy they accidentally tried to stream on Twitch again it's not sure what he's doing he opened up Vimeo by mistake blump big blunder I'm Bernie Sanders pear but that's okay oh my god and he's rejuvenating his health somehow he's getting younger just when you think he's out of a he's out of batteries Bernie Sanders recharges shaggy is still not to be messed with though holding on for dear life as they've entered the depths of Hell itself is the American polling stations Shaggy trying to unleash his final smash and I'm Bernie's gonna have to be real careful if he breaks this ball Shaggy's got the final smash this is max power level oh good lord it's a hundred percent of his power the senator from Vermont is no he just exploded shaggy unleashes maximum power that's the first game that's the first game it's not over yet it's not over yet shaggy hasn't quite won it's tough it's not over yet it's a best-of-three this this is this is fake news the strangest election cycle we've ever seen showdown between the two greats there's no time now as well Bernie Sanders is gonna have his work cut out from he's already struggling he's gonna need to get some trains it shaggy has taken no prisoners he's being knocked off the stage already Bernie getting like a sick uh pair they're getting back on bit of damage back in but shaggy is not to be messed with how is he so strong Oh Bernie's lent out a bit of pain he's getting the up smashes in he's got to lay on more damage though shaggy still on a low percent and tree stock if Bernie can just hang on long enough and rack up this damage one smash will take out Bernie at this point so he just needs to capitalize on it as much as he possibly can doesn't have the support of any billionaires on his side but he does have his numbers like that number is just the amount of backers he hurts until he's dead shaggy is still on a relatively low percent bernie is still struggling not quite at maximum power yet but he still seems to be doing great sighs very much struggling to get back on the stage shaggy gave him a bit of a helping hand there this is like a dire situation now he's down a complete stock Bernie's just struggling to get in that final smash of a push oh good god this is hard to watch Bernie Sanders is not having much luck right now shaggy cannot be contained oh he got him down one that's the first stop but he's still got to stop to go and he's already on 44% and Shaggy's just get him in a grab the grabs doing so much percent to look how little damage Bernice or does the shaggy - Jesus Christ that's actually absurd wait a minute let and let's watch those numbers that did 20% hang on no shaggy okay shaggy offed himself there I'm wondering if shaggy is using some illegal enhancing spirits in this setup because the numbers actually seem remarkably low for the amount of damages being dealt - shaggy shaggy maybe on some performance enhancing drugs oh I don't believe this i eisah hang on let's can Bernie shaggy was on performance-enhancing drugs I I cannot actually believe this oh now what do we do with the tournament this is this throws everything into disarray who did shaggy beat please don't tell me the weaves back in by default the weeps on drugs as well how many of our athletes are on performance-enhancing drugs this entire time no wonder he was so strong Bernie actually has default stats how did he do so oh no Romaric oh ok remarkably no he's just he's just an incredibly strong man we're gonna do it again and we're gonna see who's like the final one that Bernie faces off Jojo exhibition the hot Jesus it's a showdown for the ages sans might not have made it this far but this is the true final battle hopeful senator from Vermont versus the guy who somehow holding on to Russia in a game of Risk Oh [Music] Bernie's launching a no that was Putin launching the space program he's playing on a lot of damage to him in the early game who one's gonna have to up his game here his Bernie is taking no prisoners right now Jesus he's laying on the damage and we know that Bernie likes to rock pass the drug test too he's actually so strong all his years of experience of Merida's to this though Putin's not to be outdone though getting a bunch of chip damage it back in this later point the smash ball is down who ones gonna need it if he wants to catch up here he's got two parts of the Dragoon two if you can get one more he can get a cheeky stock off Bernie percents are very high a final smash on either of them at this point could kill either fighter who's got to be careful in particular as Bernie goes to the up smash and takes out the first stop now he is very high as Putin is getting that Dragoon a real quick always catching up fast on Bernie they they really struggle with the Dragoon for some reason it's one apiece he's gonna have to up his game taking too much damage killing edge sword I believe can kill past a hundred percent so he's got to be very careful Bernie of trying to go for the kill on Putin edge garden their clock is on the field it's Britton OPA Bernie grabs it and it's a Miss play as it slows down time for him this might give Putin a chance to catch up always charge enough very powerful smash to that's a good oh that's a heavy amount of damage so I Bernie just barely making it back onto the stage he's got an assist trophy you need the now it's the doctor from The Sims but it's not through doing much oh but the up-air is gonna take down Putin there was a closely contested game Burnie takes round one Putin is on the back burner and he's gonna have to catch up fast Bernie's is just laying out the pain right away but Putin seems to have learned a bit here he sees me evading a little bit more trying to get the damage in he knows that this is his last chance to seize control of the United States and Bernie's not gonna go down without a fight the gunner of many faces apparently never really know what he's plotting oh that's a good smash he got in on Sanders Putin is catching up fast Bernie has acquired a lightsaber till all the play for all that hothead is going to just absolutely decimate Putin oh he's really got to be on the offensive now that up smash it seems to be as strongest asset though but that's doing a getting a lot I'm a native signers is not gonna dodge at the second time one stock each who in has to claim this stock or you lose us getting a good smash in to kind of dispel some of the slow time effect from Ashley oh and a nice aerial as well he's deflecting like a champ he got gotten invisibility item - he's just kind of hoping that Bernie walks near him trying to get him with the area of the Genesis reflecting the tornado - Putin is actually blocking like a probe some of these maneuvers like Jesus Christ he's shield at the exact perfect moments that he needs to just the hanging in the game trying to position the trill not getting him with that but get him with the handle summoning the Beast Bernie is in a bit of trouble as the bees are Unleashed and he's launching a charge attack he's just kind of stock enough of it Ernie's getting a bit of a grab on him for trying to go for the down smash whoo trying to edge guard here that's final smash ball is in play if Putin can get this he might be able to finish off Bernie he's gonna go for it Russia is launching his final smash attack oh and that's gonna take round two that's one apiece Vladimir Putin not to be outdone it's one aside this is the final yeah oh my god it's all come down to this all Putin is on the offensive oh he's not taking any prisoners today Bernie is not to be down for long though retaliating in full swing he's got the drill on him getting those up smashes in no no you can get that damage he's got to deploy the drill and get some excerpt I'm he missed some fortunate with the drill attack but he can still get it with a handle Putin has summoned a copy of himself well Bernie's got his work cut out for him there's now two of them Russia just doubled in size yeah he's laying low he knows that he's got to be careful here planning his strikes as strategically as he can okay the did Oh to do is gone Bernie's assembling the ultimate weapon to defeat Russia he's got the first piece harpoon is just on a point with the shield blocks his ledge art garden is so hard right at the second piece at the ultimate weapon has assembled Putin has claimed it they're one apiece and a Smash Ball has spawned Sanders has dropped his he needs to pick it up and fell off the stage no one a piece again and third piece is spawned they need to wait for one to come back oh that's the first stock down Bernie's in trouble he hasn't got the ultimate weapon the smash balls just kind of floating there but Putin's on a very high percent if he's smart here he can get him out without taking too much damage himself there are tactical deflect but Putin though Bernie's really got his work cut out he's grabbing out of the charge smash attack trying to get a tornado in one more piece at the ultimate weapon and he can get him I out for free if he doesn't get back then he needs to just get a smash off first oh and he's got the smash it so it's final stock one a piece here we go it's all to play for the ultimate weapon is in play if Bernie grabs the last piece oh it's a direct hit oh that's a lot of damage off on Putin for Bernie struggling he's got fallen a pitfall trap and Putin's healed up he's not out yet they're still so close Pokeball has spawned Freddie's got his trusty inkay out gonna turn American democracy on his heels turn it upside down he's getting those hits in it's still so close to the explosive barrel has D spawned there's like a he'll point or something that's spawned in the math I'm not really sure what that is Putin getting a smash off on Bernie he's got to be real careful there because one smash could end them oh it's so close though grind warp star has appeared that could be enough to fly one them off the map there is literally a percent in the difference between them and a final smash ball is on the stage Oh Putin went for the uppercut he's got the final smash it all comes down to these last hits it all comes down to this Bernie's done [ __ ] oh he wasn't out of range he just barely clipped back in Vladimir Putin takes it democracy is dead [Music]
Channel: RTGame
Views: 2,127,217
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Irish, funny, gameplay, WWMii, Smash Bros, Smash Bros funny, Smash Bros ultimate, Smash Bros switch, Smash Bros funny moments, amiibo fight, amiibo tournament, smash bros tournament, smash bros cpu, smash bros funny amiibo, smash bros funny miis, funny mii characters, smash bros politics, smash bros trump, smash bros obama, smash bros putin, Smash Bros Amiibo fighting, amiibo fighting tournament, rtgame, rt, game, rtgames, rtgamecrowd, stream highlights
Id: _BWfaa8RIlk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 9sec (2709 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 27 2019
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