Timberborn | Building the GREATEST Survival Colony & Logging City Industry to Survive Droughts

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello nerds welcome back good to see you all here for some more timberborne [Music] we enjoyed this previously for a previous stream and i wanted to kind of continue on with that build that we were doing is quite fun to survive the first couple of droughts and i figured we would continue on today with the other first beavers that we you know started with and figure out how long we can survive this game game's available now on steam if you're interested just look for timberborne and you should be able to grab it today i think uh as it's in early access it's also on discount so make sure you jump on there giveaway on the discord after the stream i have still many more giveaways to do and many more to unlock so if you haven't become a member right now is the time to smash join and become a member today help us to unlock giveaways and much more good to see you all back we'll jump in in just a moment here the game just had a little mini update typically i try to wait until right before stream to do any update to make sure we're playing the latest version and this one's got like a less than a megabyte update so it'll be just a second oh there it goes perfect welcome good to see you all hello chad hi where is everybody watching from today by the way good to see so many people tuning in early thanks again for being here i hope you're all enjoying your day and welcome to the stream and boy oh boy are there plenty of people from around the world watching that is great all right let's go the game just had a mini update so it's going to take a extra second to start you know how steam is even if it's an even if it's a tiny itty bitty update it is uh usually a little extra extendo time to start malaysia turkey lebanon denmark fort worth texas oh boy checking in from around the world philippines bangladesh very nice all right well we're at the mercy of steam starting up the game we'll we'll see how long it takes shouldn't be too long though portugal that's awesome you're you're camping right now what deutschland awesome hungary oh that's good too i'm going to do a game restart steam is being extra extended let me go live inside the steam servers to hear what's going on oh wow uh let's see finland arkansas egypt very nice man steam come on now let's see yeah i tried to start the game but you know how it is it's like oh you want to play this game yeah i do can't let you do that dude okay now there it goes all right cool i got it up on screen there we go now it's gonna move monitors [Music] i don't know why it likes to start on that one there we go [Music] unlock camera [Music] oh let me see if i can get that to work hold on [Music] i guess there's not in apply settings okay all right let's figure out where we were let's see [Music] i think this one was our previous save let's wait day one one [Music] let's try this one i'm gonna have to figure out which save we were on for last time can you have a house in my city you have to share with a few more members so we'll see about that uh carrie linham thanks for becoming a raptor egg just before the start of the stream too or some sometime overnight thank you very much for the support or recently i'm not sure youtube says yeah they someone became a member but i don't know when thanks youtube yeah you're welcome for nothing oh boy uh i think this was our settlement from last time right oh a drought is going on we'll just pick it up from here then and if we die or whatnot we'll just jump back in time this looks familiar right i think so all right let's unpause and let's roll good thing the game update didn't like break the game at all that's good i want to build some more pumps here we'll have to move some of that water luckily we're full on water [Music] all of our storage tanks are full ah chris grant thanks for becoming a raptor egg as well welcome aboard all right so our industry shut down as we have no water flow at the moment till the drought is over it's going to be lasting for another 1.7 days i don't know if this is our first route or what but this good this good point to start well let's see [Music] it looks like aesthetics are almost up to eight so that's good i play awesome games yeah this game is pretty good i'm back to play it some more our last stream was a sponsored stream as in they like paid me to play it but now i'm back to play it some more just because i enjoyed it and would like to see the village thrive a little bit more i'll be doing a series on this one too in a few days so if you can't get enough timberborne and if you want to see like how to kind of build from the beginning and see what the initial playthrough is like seems kind of the same you know for a start like you need water you need food you need to get wood and storage up but then once that's started then you can kind of go any direction you want the beavers are still gathering wood how many unemployed do we have two unemployed okay that's good that means we can open up some more industry could grab some berry bushes down here um do one there gathered all the trees from down there [Music] hello from australia well hello snake welcome good to see you yeah welcome to all the new members you're right chad yeah we yeah we could try to build a dam here i think before we do that though the water if it backs up could flood this way and could flood the town so we might have to build like a levee here first it looks like the water at least goes up to could go up to one i'll have to see we'll also have to unlock uh we'll have to unlock dynamite and stuff like that too lots of work to do and that's why we're here today [Music] oh good aesthetics brought us up to eight oh well let's turn uh inventing back on yeah we have two two free beavers so let's put them on to uh on to gathering uh some knowledge some bit some big brains i could put like a pathway here to get more storage yeah i could build like a platform here if we have that unlocked let me check oh we do okay i could try to build like a platform here wow it takes a lot of materials though like four planks just build stairs these are turned off while we wait for the water to flow again the water must flow yeah this is like a kind of more of a hardcore city builder in terms of it being like um you know you're preparing for seasons rather than just you know it's not like winter comes like a brutal drought that'll get worse it's kind of like how frost punk is it build a little pathway here oh yeah we could build a whole actually i could build a section here stairs and then on top but we'll see all right the drought will last for another day eventually the water will disappear it's not gonna last forever in the dam now if we fail we'll just start again and take each experience to uh the heart for our next attempt pom pom [Music] [Music] hey we got another almost half day to go hmm [Music] how much storage does the second storage building have oh okay the first one is 200 the upgraded one is 1000 oh we better we better off uh yeah we we should just save for the large warehouse that stores so much more right now we only have 600 yeah i'm just gonna build that we'll just start making planks and stuff so we'll wait for a while better to build one bigger storage plus then if we put it in the city it's like one everybody can go to one building okay route is still going to go on for about a half day [Music] oh good it should be over tomorrow morning you're a beaver believer oh pinto bless chat closing in on that 200 likes too no possible way chat would even get to uh 160 likes there's no way no possible way close but oh wow look at that they're actually harvesting the carrots now we have so much food seven hundred and thirteen i i'm gonna have to learn like uh exactly how the progression goes for this uh let's see we have 18 out of 18 too we have nobody homeless so we got to build some more houses too i think i had an idea for that if we build like this all right so we can build a little house up there sorry about your windows guys but the drought has ended great water will flow again that takes about a day for all the water to return to now the water will flow again come down the river i kind of like this map for starters i like some of the other maps too so if we if we die here i'm going to check out some of the other maps too because they're they're quite nice i thought they'd be much more difficult but they seem to just be different not difficult [Music] okay we're gonna have to build some more houses then so let's do apparently we can also build mini lodges too inhabitants one six or nine [Music] that takes a lot of knowledge though we're working on unlocking that now we have 112 20 logs is what that would take okay let's shut down water pump too put down our backup pump okay well we're gathering a lot of trees now that's good we've got like two beavers working on logging but we gotta make sure we can sustain enough lumber too we have nobody homeless but everybody's just got enough house [Music] let's prioritize harvesting right now make sure we get food and storage i don't think food actually goes bad i don't think it'll decay that's nice this would be a great area to build an additional tree farm up here let's do that oh and then we have loggers right here so that'll be perfect let's ask the fordster to build trees um oh maple trees take oh they they're the longest to grow they take 24 days but they have a massive high yield okay that's cool let's do that then [Music] [Music] wow okay the nice thing about keeping our trees near the river bend too is that even in the drought it should still stay fine yeah here comes the water finally still going to be a long time till we get water power back like when the drought is over it still takes like an ex extra day you may as well just have like all your water powered industries shut down for the time and have everybody switch over to farming or something not a bad deal okay so the forester's gonna be quite busy oh he doesn't work in this area though we'll need to build another one oh yeah we'll build them here perfect then you can plant trees up here too yes pinto bless yeah we're making them a relax that's true that is true yes we can actually store 180 logs there that's not bad we do need to make more uh relax before we you can see the water start to move again [Music] that's so cool look at it actually push the water like this is stagnant water you can see the river coming [Music] that's cool man the water physics are on point man really good stuff all right we got two unemployed beavers let's give them [Music] the lumber mill and the gear and we'll have to work on increasing that population but we'll need uh more planks and lumber to build that stuff [Music] beavers are planting trees and cutting down trees we just need that population up [Music] yeah the water physics are really cool another night in beaverton i have a feeling the other beaver faction is much more challenging to play or at least requires much more knowledge in other words i think it'd be best to like really build a large city and maintain it before going on to the next one because no matter what these beavers need to eat [Music] and that's good okay let's skip knight [Music] there we go a lot more [Music] trees and a lot more berries together too luckily we're doing that yeah i want that advanced storage 250 is what we need so we'll save and to build it i need 60 logs and planks too [Music] [Music] pom pom pom uh does making gears use the planks that you're making yes it does we don't uh we have five gears at the moment we have 10 planks and a couple of potatoes it's kind of weird how they put potatoes under the materials list it should should be under food but technically i don't think the beavers can eat it without grilling at first but it does make a lot of doesn't make a lot of food [Music] [Music] pom pom pom pom okay so now i gotta build stairs to get up there exclamation point backseat [Music] that's really cool the animation stops if they don't have the materials to do the work [Music] oh right now we got our second forester up good okay let's cancel together we'll do uh tree planting first there we go nice a cool city builder best kind of games yeah this one's really unique too it's it's nice that you're you're not playing as people you're playing as like beavers so that's like kind of a little added mix you know and then it kind of appeals to the whole wood aspect so that's timber born where the major material is wood you still need iron in the game and you can get it from ruins anyway to dam up things and have large uh reservoirs and things like that so that's pretty cool hello from norway what's up good to see you welcome aboard all right so the lumber mills churning i like how they each have their own wheel there are definitely ways though to like share power and stuff but pretty cool just to make uh your own water wheels that way i wonder if there's a way to make like a large um we could make a whole water wheel across there and then oh we got people dying of old age wait i need is it 250 oh yeah okay so now we've got homes for 24. yeah okay that's a lot of housing the cool thing about this too is that if we plan our city for next time we can make a little bit more space between the houses and you can do like uh like a balcony with stairwell all around it pretty cool imagine the possibilities all right so yeah we just got to get the beaver population up a little bit [Music] [Music] nice that you can see all your jobs on the left side and see how many people are employed and or what they're doing that's good [Music] hmm the price is actually hot uh actually high like this game makes 18 a good price um yeah i can't remember what exactly the price is but it also was on sale because it just went into early access so it's probably not going to get any cheaper until uh until it probably releases and then it'll have another sale then and or any other steam sales coming up so maybe like a an autumn sale or maybe a winter sale but any game that's like you know really unique and cool and under like 20 bucks is usually an insta buy for me and definitely would recommend [Music] not sure how you could actually utilize the higher tiers of land well yeah like these large these little narrow areas might be a little harder to utilize that's for sure but you can kind of see where there might be a possibility to like store some of the uh areas water and reservoirs and stuff so some of these could just be used as walls to hold water like here for example [Music] but i could totally see us being able to use like uh up here for a little bit just to build houses and just build a stairwell up here and build some like a large apartment building up there okay 250 is what i need for the large building i think we need some more haulers around any more people transporting looks like materials are not getting to where they need to um we could build a smaller windmill too so we have power whenever the uh whenever the water stops flowing [Music] creates a little less horsepower but means we can keep working even when the drought hits so we have 21 timber and 15 gears and one unemployed which we'll put on food from bangladesh well thanks for watching appreciate that yeah this game is really nice i agree [Music] yeah true the game is still being developed so it's going to take a long time to hash out another faction and do more stuff but there's plenty of maps and even a map maker which is pretty cool that way you can kind of if you want to experiment with manipulating the water and seeing how things work you could probably make a map that's a little um [Music] more tailored to experimentation [Music] all the districts have different colors [Music] mind [Music] oh these trees are growing back nice takes a little while but oh good okay these are not growing back as fast [Music] those ones are though [Music] here we have housing for 24 we have a population of 24. [Music] wow we need more homes again i'm actually surprised um all right that'll extend our housing again we can build like a the verticality in this game is really cool too it's one of the things i want to see in more city builders where you're building up um you know city skylines is a game where people like to see a big expansive city but the coolest thing to me is like when you have city streets with sidewalks on top of that with a highway on top of that with a rail line on top of that with a like a high-speed rail line on top of that and then there's like a metro underneath everything and it's like yeah that's really cool when you can you know stack up that level of stuff pretty cool [Music] yeah that's true we're almost to 1 million subscribers true we're very close we need a lot more regular logs but everything in time in this game trees take time to grow food takes time to grow beavers take time to be born [Music] yeah we'll unlock some higher quality homes too that have more uh storage speaking of which let's unlock that other storage gonna take an insane amount of materials so maybe we should hold off hmm the lodges only take like 20 lumber let me see what this looks like oh it's already a pre-built double without stairs and there's like a little balcony oh that's cool oh we could even stack it on top like that oh that's neat [Music] that's really cool i need to build a path here too okay that's neat [Music] okay oh wait oh they could only get out on the second floor well that's interesting so if you build that you need stairs to go up to the top that's interesting really interesting oh that's cool though because then i can make like a oh i could like make an outdoor area here wow [Music] hmm or a cool thing is too is we could actually build this oh yeah like this we could build it like facing a mountain and then just have a stairwell go up there that would actually save a lot of materials too because we wouldn't have to build platforms build one stairwell up there that's cool let's see or build it on top of the warehouses oh that's that's really cool you know what this is starting to look like for whatever reason looks like a like a star wars settlement where all the buildings are all like uh you know sometimes a really high density like super clustered together i don't know why i thought of that but just gives me those vibes all right i want to keep that for industry farming farming i can see why things get so clustered quickly i want to do something weird let's try this so if i make a wait can i build that on top of this oh i can't build on top of the plant hmm [Music] exploring the possibilities [Music] [Music] wait sir wait what [Music] why did he get under there oh no oh there he goes that was weird i wish i could make i wish i could make a platform over this hmm [Music] are we doing on housing anyway 30 population of 25 all right we got a little bit of room for now unemployed two let's go with more food [Music] should have a haulers guild too where's that haulers guild [Music] um do the large water tank instead [Music] [Music] oh that'll look nice there ah what's up geek how you doing welcome aboard good to see you welcome again to all the new members welcome to all the new subscribers thank you chat for 300 likes that's crazy thank you very nice all right well now we're gonna have a lot more storage so let's get somebody else on pumping water hmm right ty's maple prioritize pine yep these trees take a lot longer to grow but [Music] will definitely be worth it [Music] yeah this is that that's exactly right it's like planted to the beavers if it were like planet of the apes true okay [Music] [Music] so be able to stack two i don't know what i want to put out here though [Music] i could put that leisure thing but they wouldn't be able to walk up there [Music] um uh district centers act as if they were like um they work as like a little trucking companies basically they you can hire haulers to to work and transport things around [Music] oh i could build decoration up here too uh let's do nice like that nice how do you obtain more beavers well you need to make homes for them give them areas to socialize and stuff basically if they're happy they'll make babies food starting to dwindle a little bit no unemployed beavers in this district [Music] i need some people to move over there in order to get those berries but we're not even gathering the ones we have bump uh chicken assassin in order to comment in our uh chat section you are a subscriber so trying to distance yourself from being subscribed by using the word this guy is quite interesting now that you've got chat's full attention the next thing you say better either be funny or intelligent otherwise we'll say goodbye to you forever what will be your next comment make sure you fire up that brain get two of those cells bouncing off each other oh there it goes come on buddy you can do it come on come on you can do it pull the choke out give it a little bit more gas come on nothing okay i didn't think so all right [Music] don't flood it it's not it's not a beaver dam chat [Music] oh good the beavers are bringing over materials why couldn't you respond we gave you a chance and looks like he blew it goodbye you had all of chad's attention you had your 10 seconds i guess he choked his chicken all right well let's see we've got to make some more paths up there we got to build this stairwell can't get all required materials so we just need more planks and logs to be made and delivered things are taking a little bit of time not to mention we're building this giant uh storage tank too actually we just need a few more planks okay well more logs [Music] more lumber [Music] i guess we're just gathering trees as fast as they're growing [Music] this is a pretty strange it is a beautiful stream isn't do you guys like my stream so pretty pretty well [Music] hmm [Music] we have three unemployed beavers but we're mostly waiting just for construction construction to be complete hmm [Music] oh yeah you've died with in this game before yeah i mean you know while dying is a great way like losing your entire colony is a good way to like kind of learn how to not do it again everything in this game is a good learning experience well thank you very much a for watching from saudi arabia good to have you welcome you're gonna go watch our generation zero play through that's a great game all right we need more planks for the stairs and our population will boost [Music] i wonder what else i can do for [Music] that one turned off for now let's do more farming definitely speed up on that food could do more research too uh the trouble with inventors though is nothing can be built on top so if you build them on something you have to you have to put them into the very top what am i serious would i recommend all of them i've enjoyed them all yeah we've we've definitely died before in the game it's a good learning experience to see like to get a feel for like how you know how it is some of these games different food is you know like anna 1800 the food works a little bit differently than like in uh banished which is different than how it works in patrons so sometimes you know like one farm like an austria could be enough to sustain everybody for a very long time like one big o potato farm and like uh buying food it all depends you know like sometimes you can buy food sometimes you can pick fruits and berries and vegetables and whatnot in this game you just get berries and that's about it at least for like natural sources can't do any fishing can't do any you know like uh can't pick out apples or anything like that but it's it's all good and the water management is interesting in this game not to mention you don't want to just store water in tanks you also want to have it in the ground for irrigation [Music] so that's good quite interesting all right let's get through tonight again you want to see a beaver metropolis yeah we're working on it we are working on it luckily when the maple trees hit we'll have a lot more uh a lot more wood okay oh wonderful thank you for the five just wanted to say thanks for the streams and the wonderful content but most important for introducing me to new games well thanks for watching well thanks for interest uh introducing me to like new places and new people for everybody who's joined here it's been nice to have you all with us uh what do i want to do here well we'll start with just a small house here [Music] [Music] detonate land to make green come on man [Music] you can buy this game yourself you know [Music] you you have buying power hmm [Music] [Music] oh i see how that works pump [Music] we need a lot more planks [Music] well let's have them stop turning into gears [Music] we'll put gears on paws for a little while okay and then over here we have food we can gather [Music] of somebody gathering food building a hut and hopefully cutting down some trees oh we have a lumber post apparently i already had to gather his flag there [Music] you know what i just thought of chat halloween's coming soon it's a good time to watch hocus pocus again oh wasn't wasn't that like a whole month no like a month and a half straight on the disney channel you guys remember the like the 13 days of halloween or whatever it was like 13 days before halloween disney would show all these like scary movies we're gonna show casper and then we're gonna show hocus pocus oh ask your parents permission first it could be could be some really adult subject matter yeah okay disney didn't you buy the franchise where the guy with the blinky sword cuts the other dude in half now and the other one with the teenager who shoots spider webs out of his fingers uh killed a man [Music] oh but you know parents permission oh yeah goosebumps oh man yeah it wasn't yeah that was that was a tv show for a while wasn't it they made a tv show out of that are you afraid of the dark yeah oh we need to get some more wood here oh there they go now we'll get a new colony started over there tales from the crypt oh yeah you enjoyed the books more than the tv show for good yeah you know you have like kid actors and stuff what do you expect for some of those shows [Music] okay we need a lot more relax but they're on it oh yeah boxcar children uh wishbone that was the one with the with the dog that had like a circle drawn around its eye right rin tin tin and stuff rob sergeant small inflatable couch random steering wheel wear costume walk around telling people how to play games just a thought lol well that's too scary that's too scary of a halloween costume you might not get reinvited to parties hmm basma phobia stream for halloween yeah i don't know maybe if we get to a million subs right now maybe we'll do it anytime could happen anytime oh good planks are coming in again that's good biggest drawback now is wood how long for these streets they're about quarter of the way there pine trees are looking good oh there's vr videos on the channel yeah [Music] something wicked this way comes was a disney flick and it was scary really like how scary though like super scary [Music] oh poor beaver oh they're working on getting their houses up there's not enough logs though uh dark fire thanks for becoming a raptor hatchling again welcome back and ashraf ali becoming a raptor egg damn thank you guys for the support new members all right exciting [Music] boom people enjoying the streams how do you connect the second floors oh you can build stairwells and platforms and stuff you can build like multi-story high-rises uh all the stairwells and stuff just have to be but it seems like some buildings have um like stairwells built inside of them but they're a little different with their um they have to have their entrance on the top floor you have to be a little bit more uh thorough with how you plan that out [Music] yeah there's tech in the game a lot of science and things to unlock [Music] i don't know can we build houses under water oh yeah wait houses yeah houses can be built under water okay i don't know if i want to take away space though for my uh water reservoir not yet anyway some city had crime the new types of games never seem to have crime hmm yeah aside from city skylines um there's a few builders that have something called like security he's got too many berries there if a pack of struggling beavers ever needed help would you even give a damn wow yeah the trees are going to take forever [Music] [Music] [Music] are we getting backseating that's stating the obvious some of you are quick to backseat but don't actually watch the streams youtuber section 14 subsection 4 tile 4 x by 2 is currently paused oh yeah thanks dude yeah lucky i was here not all heroes wear capes dude not all of them but you know you have a superhero in your chat now marvel disney dc i'm here you can take my backstory at any time [Music] oh boy chad relax [Music] we're just building beaver dams [Music] you've talked yourself into getting a chicken sandwich to eat while you watch the stream hope it's not ending in like 10 minutes oh no we'll be here for a while animorphs oh yeah i remember animorphs actually pretty cool uh series now we're just waiting to get more wood everything's growing at the moment there's there's some uh logs and stuff around but it's it's pretty far away so we're just trying to get everything to grow things just take time you love the games thanks for the stream well thanks for watching welcome okay what do i want to research next well i better make sure i've got lumber in storage before we do anything we get water flowing again here there's not too much wood there but i'll do it every little bit will help [Music] yeah we're playing timberborne that is right i really like the whole water manipulation thing i want more games to do you know water when places were being settled was so much more important too for especially before electricity and even after though you know still large amounts of water could provide [Music] transportation and such via steamboat and uh settling places was a lot easier with water power and being able to create like giant flower mills and things like that it was good stuff yeah water was really important for transportation and for transporting logs that's maybe one thing that might be missing from the game actually that i just thought of is you know transporting logs down river and getting like a giant log dam or something that'd be kind of cool if there was a another faction that could somehow do that be interesting to like do all your logging up river and then send it all down river the canadian way [Music] is there a way to increase the growth speed of a tree no so long as things are watered they they just take time like it's the same with potatoes and stuff like right here you can see uh growth process 20 it doesn't look like there's any fertilization or anything it's just basically more more you just want to build more that's a feature request that'll be added it looks like log floating will be a thing in a later update that'll be cool well good i'm glad i'm glad that everybody's got some ideas and that they're going to put it in [Music] all right so we got some busy beavers cutting down some trees we've got logs coming in hopefully soon i forgot to shut that down we'll get that district built up soon when we have some more wood to transport we could build another oh yeah let's do that [Music] he's all done planting there so let's [Music] make pine trees here [Music] there we go so he'll get cracking on that and start planting trees there for those guys then we can finally expand yeah this game is early access it was in a beta for a while was pretty good and i was like well this game will be neat but yeah the early access really kind of blew me away the whole uh steps in the right direction they've taken some great ideas and taken their time to to make it a really interesting game plus there's two factions so when you get bored with this one you can play the second faction to mix up the gameplay a little bit more which is kind of cool bum [Music] all right so we're still waiting for a large reservoir to be done but the logs are coming in [Music] finally where are they bringing those logs oh they're completing the house constructions oh that's good that needs to be done too [Music] we're still holding at about 700 for food i want to extend our fields a bit now we have two um new farms here so there we go [Music] leave those trees growing for now okay one have one plant and one harvest yeah levees will raise the water level dams kind of keep it at a certain level but we'll allow it to flow over so it's really like a uh that the dams kind of work like how a ratchet works where it's like you can move one way but restricts movement the other so it kind of stops the water from going below a certain level [Music] a good tree planting is going on excellent what is my favorite uh sim i played um had a lot of fun in microsoft flight sim doing landings and stuff the nice thing about um the nice thing about microsoft flight sim is that you can jump in really easily with a lot of people and there's really not you you can see all your friends but you know like accidents happen in those games so if you bump into somebody it's like there's no consequence and the whole world is modeled in and modern technology has made loading a snap and you can do it on console and you can do it on pc so it's a really good way to get people into simulators i think flight sims were probably a lot of people's first simulators if not maybe like military sims and stuff but those have flight too but i hope it brings people into other games like american truck simulator and euro truck and star citizen there's a lot of games that are you know shooting each other and whatnot in like call of duty and stuff is cool and all but it gets boring after a while so it's nice to have some more options [Music] age of empires the original as kind of more of a city builder rts type game [Music] there they go all right harvest harvest yeah i feel like at this point i put more time into creating either like building games city games or more time into like working with friends to do some sort of a common goal like even survival games are a little bit more like simulators too like they have that survival aspect but there's a lot of realism to them where it's like you got to eat x amount of water food you know this game has elements of that too but there's other games out there like you know the forest or what now where you got to eat well actually i think maybe green hell is a better example for the whole fats proteins and carbohydrates and water system filtration and whatnot i think one of the probably one of the most interesting games out there at least is uh the chat getting to 410 likes game pretty good games multiplayer everyone can play it's free [Music] even get a little reward if you if you hit the like button it'll like turn blue and stuff i can even oh yeah i can see it even now in chat wow isn't that amazing wow chat you won congratulations yeah command of congress yeah i found building a base in command and conquer to be more interesting than like uh essentially one of the things i remember doing is making a base that looked nice and was efficient where like you know you wanted your ore factories to be near the edges of your base but also protected and like i was more interested in building a cool looking base that functioned than actually uh doing any sort of combat ah we got a drowning coming [Music] your top housing has no steer access oh thank god you were here dude oh hero [Music] yeah the the beavers should just they should just gather wood that's what they should do all right well now we got some more trees [Music] the beavers have more trees down here to gather too [Music] [Music] yeah oftentimes the uh the people who don't often come to the streams will be the first to rush to like let you know things like they want you to know that they know that you might not know something that you should know and it's like this constant like their existence kind of like this or it's like they just walk around and like they're at the grocery store and you know like two cereals that are not very similar and next to each other oh my god did you put the whole grain shredded wheat next to the frosted flakes uh yeah their nutritional values are different i want the entirety of this grocery store to be organized by man's discovery of each item object and food group um so you want us to put berries and lumber near the door exactly [Music] man imagine that going into a grocery store where everything's organized by man's discovery of it you just joined doing good yep feeling pretty good now our city is going real nice we got more trees being planted we're gonna need a lot of wood here but things are going good we got a drought coming in shortly [Music] but our beavers are happy and healthy and that's important [Music] pump okay how would i compare this to austria um it certainly has the feel of austria where buildings look really nice with wood and stuff but it's not this game's a little more grid based uh spreadsheeting as where austria is a little bit more like uh it's a little more free flow like you can build each um house in austria to be very customized and austria now even has like gardens and stuff in the homes that the residents can take care of on the daily that game's great they're not they're they're you'll like both games but they're not they're not as similar as you'd think but they're both fantastic city builders yeah they have a lot in common it's both being good games let's let's put it that way bro i can't see water flowing in there literally unplayable um [Music] [Music] i like the uh smoke effect coming out of the grill oh there we go looks like the log shortage has finally solved itself finally getting enough wood [Music] okay so i want to start doing something with water manipulation up here i will need a little bit more uh lumber and storage so we'll do that very shortly [Music] my scientific method good morning to you as well good to see everybody in the chat i hope you're all enjoying the stream and thanks for being here i want to try to build a windmill just to kind of see how it works [Music] wow 1400 for the large one wow that's 20 planks 20 gears and 30 what looks to be paper [Music] do you research buildings or level up in this game yeah there's uh there's these buildings these are research buildings here and you'll generate research points in the upper left corner otherwise known as science and then everything in the game can be unlocked you'll see like a little red lock here and then you see the number at the bottom where it says 250 that's how many science points you have to spend in order to uh you have to spend that many science points in order to uh why somebody need food you guys should should have food any tips you got it downloading right now i just start slow you may die to death but you know stay play the first map a few times till you kind of get a hang for it things are a little different in this game the verticality is like something that's not as common but is definitely awesome in this game so each play through you'll learn something new and that will be your player development [Music] [Music] productivity is [Music] okay there probably get some more water pumps going looks like there's only one type of pump in the game though we're taking in water [Music] uh the water wheels are attached to the lumber mill which helps the uh those making lumber uh do their job it's basically like like a power source that increases efficiency honestly we don't have to have these connected to it do we [Music] we could just put these anywhere long as they're connected to a path [Music] you could also delete these old ones and upgrade the big ones because this holds 300 each of these small ones hold 30. be more worth our space to uh eventually delete these and build another big one a couple of things i wish the game did was tell you like your overall water capacity but since there's districts it's kind of like building a lot of little different cities [Music] yeah the water will evaporate during the droughts in our storage area here [Music] [Music] why are we building on the green well because when you start the game you start right here otherwise you'd have to build up here and there's there's no way to get up to this uh area here you'd have to build stairs and stuff and we don't have access to it or have your people walk all the way around they'd have to like commute all the way to the city the good thing about this game is that you'll eventually you'll like uh spread out like the real goal is to like fill the entire map get the maximum amount of population and try to minimize the impact of the drought and really to like try to wean yourself off of uh like water power and try to use wind power too so you can continue to uh keep working well that's good all right the house is here done that's nice all right let's migrate how many people should we pull and we only have one unemployed and that actually could be used for making gears [Music] but we'll wait until we have a little bit more lumber [Music] how much to make these little thingies oh it's 12 lumber wow it's bendy [Music] hmm hey chat where are you watching from today by the way i asked at the start of the stream but and as a reminder wherever you're watching from you're all invited to our discord whether you're a member or not because we have a giveaway in between our streams today so if you haven't yet become a member now's a good time to smash join and help us unlock even more giveaways even more dino hill park wow that's where i'm from too denmark uh yes jeanette from denmark of course sweden california mumbai san diego lithuania all those awesome subscribers from all over the world thanks for subbing guys south africa too awesome hawaii in anada well with the name with the first part of your name being toronto i would have never never imagined that it's like calling yourself texas bob and being like oh where are you from dude oh i'm from uh arkansas oh okay which actually for whatever reason i actually wouldn't be surprised by that [Music] what's up james potent from norway kazakhstan a lot of canada here what a game about logging no it's in the canadian blood they're all like when it comes down to it the canadians are all ready to log if it goes down they're ready to log wow these trees are going to take a long time to grow but they're worth it for the amount of lumber they produce eight logs versus two for the pine it's double the grow time but times uh four times the uh the growth of pine oh you're all logged on to watch oh i see bangladesh netherlands utrecht in the netherlands very nice oh you're watching from wisconsin robbie awesome man japan awesome good to see you guys chicago uk poland so lovely to see so many people welcome all right we gotta get that population up hopefully this part of the stairwell gets done and then we can boost that pop and then send them over here [Music] portland oregon indonesia very nice very nice yeah the whole world is watching it seems heavy breathing intensive we're watching you raptor okay i think there's a way to yeah empty storage i wonder if i empty storage does it dump the water or does it just not let it fill i'll test that when there's not a drought coming i want to see how that works uh would another forester make wood grow faster no the foresters only plant but it still takes the same amount of time to grow but just like with the farms once the farmers have planted potatoes for example it takes uh what is it uh seven day wait what is it four for potato four for let's see carrots are four days six for potatoes and ten for wheat but eventually i need to build a mill for that and that'll be something we do a little bit later we got another drought coming no diggity no drought yeah right now we're saving up all of our materials to uh we have to store a lot more lumber so we're growing all the trees we we need to build some more dams and stuff not to mention we'll have to research some more things too we're working on research working on growing some trees working on making lumber and planks ears and then we'll do some damning here we'll probably build a levy here and see what happens say beforehand just in case things go crazy [Music] oh you wish you could have two beavers in each forester building oh yeah that's true they do yeah they plant pretty slow because they have to kind of like go to each little spot there's like a little animation every time that they every time that they plant something yeah log jam sounds like a canadian music fest but i would i really would love to see logs go i want to see the rivers be used for more it'd be cool to see this game for trading you know what would be really cool is air ships in this game too where the beavers could like transport stuff via airship like figure out a way to make hot air balloons and then be able to like go to other parts of the you know because like if you want to go down here it's a little annoying that you have to like kind of basically make a path down here in a settlement and then transport all the you know the stuff out there [Music] okay so more trees being planted more trees being cut down good okay the drought is coming in less than a day we have three unemployed just need to get that population up limit right now is sitting at 48 is our housing limit 30 is our population yep so we want to get them numbers up these are rookie numbers right now [Music] hey ma'am all wants you want you're here to have fun that's good welcome i hope you're having a good time have i played stronghold 2 stronghold's a great series wonderful wonderful uh gaming series i think they kind of got a little away from the original over time but the first one is still a big favorite of mine love the first stronghold game that campaign is just awesome i think stronghold 2 has like some pretty good multiplayer and there's some new strongholds out now too with like free updates and a lot of cool stuff taking place in like asia so there's like china japan korea uh vietnam i think also has some uh like a little campaign too a lot of good history there about all of the warlords of asia of those times um but yeah for me nothing hits like the original gathering stone and more wood is needed not enough stoneman lord you know all the we are the mage men good stuff i'll never get tired of that uh yeah water hamster wheels there actually is a wheel yeah you can build to be uh beaver powered if you uh if you need a little extra power you can make a power wheel and a beaver will go in there and run it's a good way to use any of your unemployed beavers too if you don't have materials probably a good idea to just build a little bit of everything just just for fun like when you're when you're making your map just say you built everything even if it's like inefficient [Music] place your granary my liege i think um some of the women in that game were also voiced by men so you get like this this funny like uh it's like a monty python type acting for some of the women it's funny it was all like voice voiced by like the dudes who worked in the studio i think so it's really funny uh small budgets but yet big impact [Music] i think stronghold was one of those game you guys know those games where like in rts's you can click on a unit repeatedly until they say something funny like company of heroes has that i think stronghold might have that a few other games if you you know continuously click on the character they're like what do you want quit clicking on me good stuff okay we're gathering about 300 plus water the two pumps are working nicely starcraft has that oh yeah i want to start working on explosives what do we need to do that so we need a paper mill that's 250 oh printing press increases knowledge oh we need paper first though yeah i'm gonna wait until we've got a little bit more wooden storage that's our biggest drawback right now is just getting more wood and storage [Music] i can't bring myself to get rid of the berries a very bad idea okay we should also up our storage too um 80 planks and 60 logs damn that's a lot man we better just build some more basic uh storage we'll build some over here for these guys baby on the border um [Music] now let's build one warcraft 2 does that as well yeah simcity 4 great city builder game [Music] you need explosives uh you need metal to build the explosives factory okay let's see so the explosives factory is under science wait what is this thing oh monuments here [Music] oh i think it's underwater no [Music] ah landscaping oh yeah no matter what we do we're gonna need a lot of knowledge we're gonna need big brain emote in chat uh neil with the five forgive me if you've already been asked what's your favorite brand of coffee i'm in the market for something new um for a while i was just grabbing the uh i can't remember what i used to grab but recently there's just been i tried to mix it up so it always tastes new so uh for a while i was grabbing like a some sort of a french roast from somewhere but now i've got like a it's like pete's coffee french roast or a major dickinson blend or something like that it's like p-e-e-t-s pete's but uh i'd like to be in the market for tea but american tea is like you know i like coffee but i prefer i do prefer tea however i've had a lot of good tea in japan and i'm not even gonna try to like i'm gonna need like a black i'm gonna i'm gonna need um flippers to ship me some like good like british tea like through the you know like a black market trade deal like slip them a 50. oh green mountain yeah that's good yeah go for some skull crusher coffee oh my god yeah when they sell coffee like it's an energy drink that's when i'm like hesitant some some things are really weird like i think coffee and tea are just fine but when we get into like the whole like uh [Music] like the you know when mountain dew is making like a a breakfast bre a beverage that just seems like just like death all right the drought is here it's funny the drought is like you know somebody just turns off the uh turns off the water it's it's kind of funny this is a great concept for a survival game though uh of course frostpunk did it fantastic with the storms you know and that extension existential dread and just like every moment you could fail like you could you could be dead in uh frost punk even without the storm being like a thing or without weather even being that bad uh but this is great because you have to worry about you know what they could do instead of beavers in this game you could do a game with squirrels where you just got to store a ton of nuts for the the season i want to see more games like this with you know animals having to store things in a city builder that's kind of funny pg tips is a good british black tea i'm going to have to get a a british discord open like i'm going to have to make a british only section of the discord as to what brits would uh recommend for tea and whatnot i think i know i think red red if you're in chat i think red told me that he somehow got uh pot is it pot noodles or i think it's super noodles or something like that which people like uh in the uk which is almost like is it a ramen i think i'm not sure yorkshire tea or nothing yeah i uh i hear all the people that i know who are british live streamers just talk nothing nothing but uh yorkshire wait what how does that work wait what uh that's not correct wait or is it oh no okay i thought the water stopped flowing it it did but i don't know why the wheel kept spinning i guess it was uh ryden spinners rod and spinners they don't stop right spin you guys remember spinners for cars [Music] okay we got extra storage now that's good yes uh back in the uh late 90s and early 2000s ryden spinners dude walmart used to sell like plastic hubcaps for your car if you're if you're browsing at a walmart for hubcaps might be time for an intervention let's get rid of that all right well we've got 2.6 days left on the drought we've got uh 323 water and storage the problem in this game will eventually be that we'll need more farmland so the real goal is going to have to be storing water partly for our people to drink but also for irrigation which might not be as big of a deal as it sounds because you know you can use the land to store water too so we can you know we can make like long irrigation ditches here although i see we have a lot more farmland here and like i would like to convert all this to farmland eventually and figure out a way to store water in the lake [Music] barnsley brew oh i've started a battle do they have a depth gauge for water yeah it's kind of weird it's like really expensive it's a depth marker measures the depth of water it's 150 knowledge to basically stick a stick in the ground and be like okay it's getting low that's funny to me how i like how how it's so so much research and materials we should build one though but right now i'm trying to save up all my planks and stuff so we can build some more stuff all right finally we built the uh the members home everybody who's a member you guys get to live in there it's gonna be awfully crowded there's about uh almost 3 000 members but you guys can you know just just squeeze in a little bit some of you might just need to turn like sideways a little bit or you know bring your shoulders in that kind of thing [Music] you'll be fine all right what are we going to do here chad should we do a levy or a dam here i want to build some more now we got a lot of logs in storage if we're going to build a levy it requires logs and knowledge some of you are claiming top bunk already okay we could build it here you drove your chevy to the levee oh well that means the levee was dry so maybe that's not gonna work out then uh oh that might that might be a game glitch well we still need the water to flow otherwise we won't get any water power down here so we can't cut off the river but we could build secondary dam uh like upper and lower dam hmm do we even have enough material to do that each section of a dam is 20. so yeah we could probably do that like right here [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] what will be my reward for the upper dam uh well by doing that it would uh when the water goes into a drought state it should slow the it might actually allow the water to reflow faster or something well that's not true because there needs to be a force behind the water to to push it down river let's save though before we uh build anything i'm i haven't really experimented too much with the like the water um different types of dams and things so i kind of want to see how it works it would be good for a free build mode in this game too to just goof around with how the water works differently i really want more games like city skylines and stuff to have this where it's like in city skylines you can build a dam and then delete it all my city exploded la la you know like you can build you know water pumps and water uh you know you can like pump the water into a reservoir or whatever but i want i want more games to have like where cities do need you know to think about where they're going to get water from and where you know there's like man there should be more detailed city builders like that where it's more about the resources than it is like um you know well actually i will say probably one of the most difficult city builders i think i've ever seen is workers and resources soviet republic because if you build um if you build uh like let's say in that game you want to build an apartment or something like that you either have to import all the materials the concrete the steel the this the gravel and stuff to level the ground or you have to like have all that stuff like if you want a hardcore city builder workers and resources soviet republic is like insane that's like a really it's not even a challenging game it's like super super like realistic like oh you want to build a nuclear power plant well like you're going to need all these materials beforehand like you got to have the workers there first to build the thing or you can import everything and it takes a lot a ton of money but it's like no you don't you don't want to work you don't want to spend money you want to use your workers and your resources like that's what makes that game fun is by having built the infrastructure beforehand trains and things like that [Music] all right let's build a pathway here to the dam anyway i can build over those bushes [Music] [Music] oh there we go [Music] we're going to build a dam there to start with and see how things go [Music] uh well i see before we built the dam so really this is now an experiment to see how the game like what the game's rules are for building dams and stuff we save so if our city gets flooded that's fine if our city if the water bursts into flame it'll be like oh only on a raptor stream with the water literally burst into flame [Music] yeah workers and resources is a pain in the ass with the terraforming yeah so many times in that game i've just clicked randomly and built a road where i shouldn't be able to and then other times it's like oh i'm going to make a roundabout in this perfectly flat land nope oh is that a point zero zero zero zero one incline oh road's too steep dude but that game is good i can't recommend uh workers and resources enough it feels like a mix of tropico and like uh like a bootleg city skylines like that's how the game feels it's really cool it's it's such a cool game there's so many cool things to build to airports and train stations and stuff i think that game is heavily underrated and there's always new stuff added like every six months they add some big new stuff to it like i think what was the newest thing that they added the last thing i remember is like international airports if you put stairs to the water and path through it the beavers will swim across oh isn't that cute [Music] well sammy knows what's up yeah i kind of want to see the beavers swim but also why aren't they building up here oh it's out of a district that's why no they should be able to build outside of a district wait why is that district like that hmm you can now build heat pipes and things underground oh yeah how many people are unemployed here five let's move five district two put two workers at the station one there i should build a builder flag okay maybe is that how i did it last time you mean a builder's hut oh that's that's really expensive i didn't need to build her hut though to build down here apparently this district encompasses the other side of the river oh the bush oh this guy's still removing the bush that's why okay it's cutting off the path there you go thank you yep that's why there we go bum bum the game's good though man i it's neat i i like games that aren't necessarily about like just building a functioning city for like profits and for livability it's more like survival [Music] okay so what do we need here 20 40 60 80 120 logs i hope we have yep okay well we'll see how the uh we'll see how the damn goes yeah wow 11 children we'll have to start making books we can charge them way too much at university and then games stop their asses when they leave how much for the book on uh how much for the book that i'll read four pages of 800 nothing we could do no can't charge a cheaper price at all oh okay can i sell it back to you now yeah two dollars dude gamestop gamestop runs the inside man it's been game stop the whole time yes we're at 984 000 subscribers so everybody make sure you sub we had an awesome community out there awesome community seems like everybody's nice and chill now chat chats chat's chilling [Music] uh hey raptor have you done any legos lately my wife and oh you got the nes lego set as a wedding gift yeah i haven't done any legos lately but i should probably get a if i do that i want to buy a higher quality camera but if i do the higher quality camera i also want to make sure that when i buy that i have some other ideas too so maybe i could do some cooking streams although i don't um i don't have a laptop that i can stream with where i could read chat and stuff and i don't want to have like a mobile phone so you would love to see this in co-op do we need more co-op city builders uh that's what i really like about like velheim's really cool because it's you know like a third-person city builder in a way it's really nice it's really cool indeed [Music] amazon has a book rental program now you rent your university textbooks for a vastly cheaper price oh wow youtube short yeah i'm gonna make my next youtube short is just basically going to be one minute and 14 seconds of me mike it'll be nothing but placing the ramen into the microwave pushing the buttons hitting even i'll be backseated on that youtuber you could have put it in there for one minute but your inefficiency of moving from the one to the zero zero for the start was a .01 0.01 in efficiency you should have pressed one three times to make the microwave auto start inefficiency detected i've specifically subscribed just to unsub and reported cops are on the way okay dude dude people will backseat mike with microwaving ramen i swear to god i swear to god it'll happen all right let's uh build some more log storage up here which by the way chad i i think about things like that on the daily for inefficient like for increasing efficiency and stuff i do think that way but i also want to live a life so man you know imagine that some of you will start doing that now some of you will press one three in a row now is the 11 seconds really you know will the ramen burst into flame i don't know but do you really want to live a life where you could have saved five minutes in total in your entire life by inefficiently moving the um thingy around [Music] have i ever made homemade pasta no i would like to get to all the equipment and stuff to like make food that way i think food is one of those things where it's like you really should take a big pride in the things that you you know if you if you're very picky at the grocery store and the cuts of meat and all the food that you buy when you care about that then when you care about the meal that you make you know it shows that you care about yourself and or people that you're cooking for so it takes a lot extra time and some of us don't have that extra time but try to be picky where you can i need uh construction up here to start we need to get some of the unemployed beavers up there oh these guys don't have water can't they come down [Music] aren't they smart enough to just come down to this district well actually what i could do is just put a water tank here i guess [Music] i'll just build it there [Music] all right go back on i go back on what i said about chat chilling let's move everybody back so i can get a drink of water and then we'll build the rest the resources oh boy [Music] and the water should be coming back there it goes [Music] so [Music] oh yeah about the pasta yeah no i would i would like to make a homemade pasta just never have i also uh probably the best pasta i ever had was in japan [Music] at a japanese italian restaurant wow why not make a damn higher um yeah some things are just like a little too hard to get to if i build the damn further up the water it's i'm gonna i think i have to build like stairs and stuff to get over there but oh good we're just we're just hanging out [Music] well looks like they are constructing the dam 2 out of 20 has been delivered so that's good oh good and the water storage thing is ready but can water not be transferred to other districts [Music] wow this tank's almost full nice what is backseating well the back seating is kind of okay in the chat but you youtube particularly there's a lot of people who are very vocal about increasing efficiency or things being done a different way or what not it's okay like once or twice asking questions or making suggestions but a lot of the times it can you know want like it's like temperature on the stove you know it's like you could turn if somebody turns it under low somebody's got to grab that knob and turn it up to 7 000 like it needs to be molten lava level it's like whoa whoa so there could be like a lot of dog piling and then chat just becomes a wall of you should you should you should why don't you why don't you you should use and it's like it's not it's not fun that way like it's too difficult to like communicate and okay i need to make a water pump then i guess that'll be cool over here [Music] i guess i could put it here [Music] yeah see senses like you you need to you should you know it takes away like uh ninety percent of gaming is like the discovery you know you need to you should why don't you when are you [Music] [Music] what do we consider backseating if you're answering other people's questions uh nope that's fine but a lot a lot of people are very insistent or it'll be like a long parrot like a college thesis on how you misclicked or something it's like particularly this game has brought out a lot of backseating means that people care a lot about the game and the channel but also where were you guys uh yesterday during the valheim streams or where were you six months ago for a different game like people who seem to come out when they when they're knowledgeable about a game they'll come out and they really want to share that knowledge which i would say good you guys some of you guys should really consider making youtube channels and stuff in basic tutorials it's a really it's a really good thing to have some like really detailed tutorials and stuff out there yeah i know a lot of you were there i know a lot of you were there but uh all right so are we good to go now how many extra beavers wow 14 unemployed awesome yeah see there you go college thesis right there in the chat and twitch chat is just usually like just keck w twitch chat is just usually a kick w wall bob ross wall [Music] specifically for this game welcome aboard dude thanks for thanks for watching dan thank you very much for becoming a little raptor appreciate that [Music] and then i have to explain what keck w is [Music] hi cody thoma how are you [Music] actually can chat make a members can you make a keck w pyramid well thank you jd for being a subscriber you put a lot of hours into this game already shouldn't be possible if i was sleeping properly this game is really fun to store the wall i i want again i want more games to be about like resource storage and stuff like storing materials and but you know it's nice to have it's nice to have things different otherwise you end up with the same thing all the time uh dan thank you very much for the five glory to raptoria thank you very much dude [Music] you should make the beavers happy by clicking and tapping the subscribe button there you go see that's that's a big brain play yeah so if you want to know what twitch chat is like just you know what the members would do twitch chat is mostly just about interacting immediately with what's going on at the time and just like everything is like a flow of water like twitch chat if you've streamed on twitch the the life cycle of twitch is always in the moment since there's not a lot of vods or anything there people just react to what's going on at the time as we're on youtube since a lot of things can be a vaude uh people can um uh like wind things back and like see it again it's pretty cool william thanks for the two i learned something today what keck w means it's just a laughing face of a famous uh i guess maybe a one once famous guy he passed away recently but i i think he was like a famous comedian or news something along those lines you learned something today too yeah twitch chat is more spontaneous yeah it's mostly just like um it's kind of like sonar you know like the streamer will put out like a a ping and then the chat will just basically ping back what's going on i tried to treat chat that way sometimes to encourage them to use the emotes and stuff and remind them that you know as a special perk for their support they they get all sorts of different emotes man everybody needs water again i gotta get that thing built all right lumber mills back on i need some more planks eventually i need a lot of logs too to build this thing here and then you get people in chat who want people to donate for them so somebody in chat wants you guys to donate for their back seating [Music] hi chat i'm gonna need you to go ahead and drop a fat super chat for this youtuber so he knows what i know i can't do it myself but if you go ahead and take care of that for me that'd be great i need to go down to the monocle store now and swing by the caviar rental shop i'll be on my way oh is the has the duesenberg's steam levels been achieved yet i must take my steam out of my steam-powered automobile down to the top hat store i must also swing by and have it dry cleaned with saffron damn that dude that is like taekwondo levels of backseating dude that that's like jiu-jitsu that's crazy that's crazy i mean i'm totally not posted that super chat by the way if anybody wants to uh you know go ahead and help them out that'd be great you know community and all that but also whoa can you pump water dot the highlands to grow more trees up there yeah you can i could build like a something called a dumper here so you have you have your pump and your dump and then of course you can dump the water there into the reservoir that's crazy man can you imagine that the the donate on my behalf i cannot believe that like hey chad could you pay my taxes on my behalf thanks appreciate it [Music] all right we'll build that pump next oh good we got a lot more uh log storage too [Music] would you have to refill it each time the drought comes well you can continuously fill that with water until i guess it overflows i i don't know if there's a way to well i guess what you'd probably want to do is create like a like an overflow dam what you could do is like build a little canal here where if the if the water reservoir ever over like flooded you can filter out there leno thanks for the 10 danish kroner thank you very much appreciate you all right i'm going to send people back to that district again actually i want to research some more stuff can i do a transporter guild now now that i finished some of that basic uh yeah the haulers post oh that's what i want yeah i was kind of afraid of building that before oh yeah i don't have enough planks oh yeah we do i could build that on top cool well that like that looked like such a cool building dollar 99 from toby for putting up with all the back seating yeah i get it like i i know chad cares but it usually it goes it sometimes just goes a little too far and then it's nothing uh but that in chat it's like oh sometimes i just play these city builders as chill i don't really care like if everybody dies it's like okay i just build again raptor hates life confirmed let's build a nice little building there that's cool [Music] uh you're interested to get my take on the dumper and irrigator uh damn near killed her i think [Music] pump [Music] assist workers within a district in carrying goods greatly increasing their productivity ah good probably build one in each district actually some think you'll read every q i mean i do i do see the chat like i can't comment on everything [Music] [Music] all right let's transport everybody over there again [Music] wait oh they need to build the road on the back side of that thing or no it's just full uh buildings like that should provide a radius of effect well you can you can see it on the pathway it'll turn yellow when it's starting to get inefficient i want those darn beavers to build that water pump first though [Music] then we can get that section jump started [Music] what would happen if you remove a district center would they fuse together into a giant district i'm not sure good question uh maybe you can't delete one i'm gonna save again though just to we'll save this as test one because i'm curious to [Music] curious to see how things work out [Music] does each district need a storage yeah it's a good idea i think some things might be able to be stored at the district building but no it's it's a good idea to have storage everywhere for logs and for goods wait i heard fire and i was like wait is there i thought the forest was on fire in the game i had icarus uh flashbacks all right so now we built our our water pumps so now we can get somebody working there we'll have water [Music] yay unfortunately i should probably have built that over here but if we store enough water we won't have to continue to pump throughout the drought [Music] [Music] [Music] so essentially this stuff here is for the other district since this gate is here i can move the gate and kind of like take these things into into storage here but this district's small enough to where we don't really need to worry about it too much but i do want this stuff so i'm going to take it blame it for this district instead can i delete an old gate yes [Music] oh you have to like delete a road first that's annoying [Music] okay so let's build a district gate [Music] is this comparable to banished yeah it feels like that type of a city builder a survival city builder let's see gate there path there and now this district has more storage and haulers and stuff too we'll bring it down to one worker for now now we'll have to worry about this district's food but since they have a massive uh berry farm yeah you can build a massive hotel if you want to yep we kind of have a pretty big building here that can continue to get larger well there's a lot of unemployed in this district [Music] this district has two and this has eight now we'll probably have to build some more lumber mills or something [Music] yeah it might be a good idea to to do that over here well that's farmland well we still need to be near the water though the industry must be near the water unless we build near uh if we build windmills yeah that might be a good option too [Music] yeah let's try building some windmills up there uh this game is out in early access as of recently yeah it's kind of tricky nowadays isn't it like a game will be in beta so it's like when we when i make a video on the game being new like new in beta it's like you have your noob like your beta status or then you could have a new demo and then you could have a new play test and you could have a new prologue then you could have a new early access then you could have a new update to the early access and then you could have a new release so it's like every time there's news to report on a game it's like yeah there's always something new timberborne is number three right now valheim is four gas station simulators five best-selling games yeah i've been playing all the best selling it's you guys you guys see me play and then you go out and buy them but i thought gas station sim was awesome it's got some big problems but the fact that we helped to iron out some of those problems before the game released was like really cool because that means now that developer has succeeded a bit more and the reviews are better and thus they'll put more of that money into making the game better and also more games which i am always down for always down for bum [Music] has this game available on a tablet um well i guess you could probably play this on the new steam uh the steam deck right whenever that's available although i don't i guess i would consider that more of a tablet than a computer but calling it a deck is like a weird in between at the moment okay they're almost done building that or delivering the materials good [Music] it's kind of neat though like each section of the like if we continue to build districts up the river each river will each section will be responsible to the other other section that's kind of cool and we can build a road up to that ruin now and we could try to claim that later all right this will be cool yeah just check steam for more details on the game yeah more details available on on there you know what's weird about the windmills too is that it takes planks in order to make the windmill looks like we got to use planks to make planks but i kind of actually want to save a lot of this shoreline for farming we can eventually gobble all this up and then keep all this land for farming although the water wheels produce way more uh power horsepower yeah we should build a transporter guild in this town too with all the unemployment we have [Music] and there's a lot of stuff to transport so let's do that we need a haulers guild now that's probably slowing us down a bit so that is under uh that's the one hmm wait what does it need to build this oh this takes ten planks too okay [Music] [Music] okay that'll give a lot of people some more jobs and this colony will continue to get bigger so that gives us room for expansion we'll build two of those [Music] you want there to be procedural maps well there's a few uh pre-made maps for this game the developers did a good job of adding like uh eight to ten maps but there's also a map editor so if you want to just make a big o like a massive river or would be interesting to build on an island that would be cool although i don't know how that would work for the water flow aspect but still something interesting to consider [Music] [Music] flooding the mountain map is so fun see there you go see in this game you first want to learn how to survive then you want to learn how to destroy [Music] wow we're getting a lot of a lot of knowledge too that's great looks like the beavers are building the stairwells there good just put the sea around it and make it so deep so the water doesn't dry up well you can make a drought that's like infinite oh that'd be a good that'd be a good challenge it's like make an island have a drought come in that's infinite but it doesn't come in until like maybe like five cycles in and you just have to gather as much water as possible and see how long you can survive that'd be interesting or to make it a more brutal one where it's like maybe there's like 20 days without water then it all comes back is this game like banished yeah i'd say it's closer to banish than it is like city skylines or something how does the research work if you have beavers employed in these buildings here called the inventors it'll generate research points in the upper left corner under science and then you can spend those points whenever you want to unlock something so like let's say we wanted to build a bigger house uh the little red padlock if you see there it shows 250 so we need 250 science points to unlock that and then we can spend it so you can store them infinitely forever about a sea base apparently we can build in the water although i kind of don't want to do that because i don't want to one change the flow of the water until it take it might take away a little bit of the reservoir space so anyway i wonder if this will slow the water too or maybe it'll speed it up did you hear knowledge uh yeah you can sorry you can generate knowledge by making books and then you can uh i guess that's just something that increases their well-being and i think one that's required to unlock the iron teeth faction but two it's also required to um i think it might actually like make them happier and thus they'll possibly breed more oh we actually have a homeless problem in this part of town wow uh oh wait i got an idea we could build these houses like this then we could build these like that and then we could build a stairwell all these guys don't have access to planks though [Music] hmm wait first let's make a power source uh if i build that we're gonna need a lot more a lot more planks we're not generating anywhere near enough [Music] yeah when the dam is complete it'll just flood over the top it'll flow over the top you love the streams well thanks for watching yeah i don't i don't know how to to get things between districts yet i will figure that out i need to make more planks though we might have to increase and make more industry along the water first you need to build a distribution point okay distribute oh distributes goods to other districts okay thank you oh that takes 15 planks too alright so if we're going to do that we need planks jr is now a wrap drag welcome aboard dude a new member thank you very much clicking to tap that join button welcome aboard ramen packet wall and chat thank you very much for becoming a member and joining the best community on youtube dude thank you very much for being here and thank you for subscribing and hanging out with us everybody it's good to see you all here hmm i guess i got to squeeze more of these in can i take power from one building and distribute it to another [Music] i think you i think it only goes in i don't think power can come out power can only go into the buildings i'm pretty sure i also think that it might be a three to one ratio where you can have three buildings on one wheel oh can you put three buildings next to each other and use the power next to each other that way it turns green let me uh get this out of the way oh yep says right there at the top shares power with adjacent buildings ah that's wonderful that's cool and then i could probably like build another one here oh yeah and we could build a little uh little pathway there awesome okay thanks chad see that's when you guys have the most power good job chad that takes 15 logs to build so that's nothing at all so now we're going to be putting out three times the uh three times the the power basically or the lumber are there boats in the game nope i don't see any boats at the moment i would like to see airships and stuff it would it would be really cool if they eventually have airships and stuff in the game but again this is early access so all that we see this is a good start this is a really good improvement over the beta and now all we need is more we need more chat [Music] rose heart toxic is now a raptor egg as well welcome aboard big o shout out to you thanks for the support welcome how many people are living in this district 10. [Music] oh yeah looks like they're getting ready to build the houses back there so if i make a distribution point um receives goods from other districts okay looks like that's free free to build okay well that's good you wish this game had pipes ooh that'd be cool well yeah i i could see that being a thing in later builds like right now it's kind of just it magically works where like pumps can deliver water to on connected uh thingies like i think actually the uh the beavers transported there right yeah so it mat it just magically works by them taking little barrels but i think it'd be nice to have pop pipes because then one you don't have to dedicate labor to that and two then you can also build something more and that's kind of neat okay well let's do this i'm going to build a distribution point as soon as we have more uh oh that is a massive building as soon as we have more uh lumber now so we've got three planks but now we've got a lot more uh beavers transporting or we will as soon as this pathway is done so everybody here who's unemployed will get will become basically a teamster and then start transporting things around [Music] and that means more things will get done then we'll use the lumber to build the distribution point and distribute lumber over here to build these stairs we can just have some some of the uh homeless people looks like there's four of them that can come over here get for them to migrate back to the other town because we don't have housing for them yet that'll be fine yeah i'd love to see trade and stuff in this game too be kind of cool if there was eventually other animals and stuff [Music] yeah well there is entertainment in the game you can actually build like a little beaver amusement park there is like a little uh like a carousel that you can build which is pretty cool i actually have a playthrough on this game before too and this game was not as complicated as it is now uh i wouldn't say this is complicated but you know they like they like stepped up a little bit and that's really neat all right chad we're going to learn these things together we're going to see how all the all the damn and stuff works we're going to try levees next i want to try to do that and i think the next thing we can build after that is a chevy so if we can build a chevy and a levee if if there's a drought then that'll save us if the levy is dry uh is there horsepower in this game uh there is a horse with no name and it is good in this game when it rains but i don't see that being an effect on the landscape at all no not at all [Music] uh drink of choice uh risk whiskey and rye yeah i i prefer whiskey and rye where have you had pie before uh just america i don't think i've eaten uh pie in any other country so just just uh american pie what why is chad laughing i don't get it okay then anyway uh all right so these will be built soon look at how nice these buildings look i love the lighting coming out of there you know be a real nice effect is if it actually shined on the ground a little bit that would just be a little extra they don't have to do it but be nice if there was just a little a little those hey we need more water storage uh travis says wanted to say a great channel gassy up a little bit thank you travis yeah your guys's kind words and support are like i've certainly i've certainly i've certainly enjoyed my time playing games with you guys or for you guys just hanging out but the best thing is when chad comes in with the kind words that's just nice thank you thank you very much one of our power wheels wasn't spinning uh that could be a graphical thing the water should continue to flow just like the spice so [Music] also when the dude when the new dune movie comes out is it gonna be like a spice girl like crossover or anything wait by building this dam did that now wait i think these trees actually were already okay weren't they oh wow we've we've opened up a new area for district oh dude this game needs to allow us to build tunnels [Music] that'd be so cool if we could do that is there path lights no that would be another cool thing though i would like to see that all right planks are now sitting at 16 but it's still not enough we need we need way more planks coming in the lumber problems solved though look at that the pi the maple trees are ready to go nice we'll get some people on cutting those down get like two people cutting those down nice [Music] flood the upper area and the pond will fill that or we could build like a little channel here we could build like a little channel and try to get it up to a million subscribers that'd be kind of cool never done that before [Music] uh build tunnels isn't that what tnt is for i don't know if you can actually i don't think you can cut through can you just cut through any land [Music] or it doesn't have to be like a water level i don't know what the rules are seems like it'd be awfully expensive though it might if you're going to build all that tnt you might as well build a couple of stairs and just use a few planks rather than like uh you know making a massive like panama canal just to to do that with explosives you can level anything all right uh stephen cops are on the way [Music] they'll be watching you well once we have these houses done i think we're gonna start gathering metal here and start figuring out how that works [Music] [Music] yeah a lot of you guys asked me to play arc if i if i play that i feel like no one's gonna watch that that's that's usually how it goes oh good the uh haulers are ready yay okay let's put one of these on pause and turn this one up to yeah i guess anybody who's unemployed can now go work there yeah transport stuff as quickly as possible all right cool unemployment is less of an issue mark is lame not gonna lie well i noticed it was free on stadium recently and it's like well youtube kind of gives me like access to stadia hoping that i'll uh you know play it or i use stadia but it's like honestly i'm glad steam has more competitors though i i hope steam gets more competitors but none of them none of them have that cool power like i really feel like um you know it sounds cliche or dumb but it's like yeah power to the players yeah but i feel like steam has the most power where like when you guys write reviews except for like the review bombing and and all that stuff but i think games like no man's sky have shown that people are willing to like i feel like a lot of steam reviews i think steam should send you a thing too after a while like if in the first year you play a game and you don't like it and you you write a review on it you're like this game sucks it'd be cool steamer would remind you every once in a while like hey this game has some updates would you consider playing it again or like changing your review either better or worse that'd be kind of cool get another chance to like play a game after a while and see how it's improved and then like update your review and be like hey they fixed these few problems but these major problems are still here i still don't like it you know that kind of thing or wow this game has made a complete 180 i love this you know that kind of thing if you create roads on water the beavers will swim across i hear that all right chad i'll make a beaver crossing if you get to 700 likes if you if you smash that like button we'll let the beavers go swimming but for now they're high and dry good luck champ no man's sky has improved so much but still has reviews from years ago uh slamming it after i played the uh the last few updates i've just enjoyed i want to play that game more but it's like with valheim and no man's sky and star citizen where i had to pull myself out of valheim because i was getting too into it you know once in chat by the way if you're here for the valheim streams all right chad wants the river crossing okay um i have to build it though somewhere where they're actually going to go to oh wait would this be a shortcut wait am i even supposed to be able to do this that seems like a glitch to just like build a path under water like that or do i have to build stairs into the water do i have to build stairs into the water for them to do that that doesn't seem real it seems like it it seems like that should not be a thing you have to build stairs oh well we have 40 planks [Music] all right i'll i'll do it when we have a few more planks and it's going to be a little bit of an investment let me check uh yeah eight is kind of a lot at the moment we have 43 but let me just finish our distribution center and then we'll build it all right chad i owe you one water beaver crossing thing we could build it up here [Music] well those beavers are awfully busy now let's uh give a few more jobs to the lumberjacks oh man we're gonna have so many logs coming in now that was totally worth the wait i'm gonna put it in here because it's it fits perfectly here like look at that or maybe not well that area i want for the lumber the plank maker so let's make that there [Music] and we we can make a little bypass highway behind the yep perfect perfect it's bob ross look at all these trees all these happy little trees chad with tnt you can dig water canals to divert waters to other parts of the map too yeah it's pretty cool that we have the ability to manipulate the water that way it's pretty neat maple trees where's jessica b i think she's playing velheim right now so luckily i'm safe oh somebody wants some bread food is starting to dip a little bit too so we need to be cautious about that shouldn't we have a secondary uh yeah let's put another beaver gathering pile here we'll expand our farm a little bit let's get rid of all these trees finally [Music] yeah let's get those out of there [Music] and we'll make the farm across the whole southern half of the map looks like the grill needs more potatoes too so and then we'll have to start wheat farming somewhere else but you know that'll be in due time is this my favorite beaver game of all time did angry beavers ever have a game i feel like they may have had like a ps2 title or something maybe [Music] hey is everybody here following me on instagram too by the way speaking of uh all this ramen talk from all the new members i have some pretty good food pictures on there as well as some uh videos of me crushing cars with like uh cold war era tanks and flying helicopters and stuff if you want to see [Music] go ahead and follow follow me now there's a link in chat you should totally click it bro no [Music] okay so once this distribution post is done we can deliver stuff to the other district so let's build a drop-off point luckily it's free to build the drop-off point that's nice let's build the drop off point here this map's nice it's really generous with all the berries it's really cool oh i know i didn't designate the maple trees as harvestable thanks for the reminder there we go not like we needed the logs but i mean now now we can well it's gonna explode the wood storage is gonna explode [Music] so we'll need to make some more uh lumber mills up here i guess [Music] [Music] like we cut these trees down here yeah let's get all this old wood out of the way bump [Music] what's my aim handle can we be friends on myspace would you imagine if we were able to stream back then in those days the stream would have to be like a one it'd be like a 28 by 28 stream no 1080p everything would be garbage microphones and stuff everything had to be at least up to tv level before you could really start oh remember to set up where everything is okay yeah good point yeah we need to make sure we don't dump all of the food in the wrong spot on just a moment oops that's not going to work let me just try something here there we go [Music] oh perfect yeah otherwise boom bad times nice haircut buddy well thanks i don't think i got one but yeah maybe it's more bouncy than usual i've been i've been using a new conditioner i haven't but you know okay so what do we need here for this building oh it's all done great okay so add a new route so drop things off there ah there we go well let's at least give these guys some more logs and logs and planks wait what select good log wait how do i set a limit um jesse you're listening and playing valentine god we can never talk we can never talk behind your back you're always here keep in mind we're gonna build windmills up there oh here we are district distribution limits ah there we go okay so send no more than like let's just do like 20 at a time we'll do like 50 logs it will send some carrots there too 10 carrots and uh 10 grilled potatoes now we can only transport 10 things that yeah okay but they should be self-sufficient with berries cool red button and building thank you leno thank you very big brain dane right there we got a big brain dane in chat big brain dane yeah it used to take yeah yeah downloading music legally back in the day actually was like a you had to dedicate yourself you may as well just gone like go go work for the day [Music] oh looks like we need to build a little gear though we can't directly attach it we have to build a little uh [Music] a little thingy this produces 120 the uh the watermill produces 180 [Music] let's start with one though and see how it goes see how it can power too okay let's turn the wheel fat of the gear factory back on been a while since we've actually given them any love let's also build another gear factory and we'll call this the richard gere memorial factory even though he's not dead probably [Music] how about how about the mech game on aol oh jeez [Music] oh so limits have to be set at the receiving point of district two okay well we'll set them to the same since they're only going one way anyway playing the game myself as well watching the stream pass a little mine went kaboom 10 minutes ago ran out of food in the main district oops hopefully you've uh got those auto saves ready to go hey what were my numbers again was it 10 planks oh first game i remember playing i think there was literally a game called baseball [Music] a game called baseball for the sega master system i can also remember playing a hand-me-down atari with uh centipede and a game with like planes and tanks i think it was called combat and uh planes tanks centipede pac-man i think then playing zil zillion [Music] which was a game like uh if you like metroid zillion was like this crazy ultra hard yeah i can remember like we had family members like create codes from a zillion and like create printouts of like the combinations of the codes for different types of things [Music] the game was crazy um what was i doing all right we uh i need to ch check the numbers again so it's 10 carrots 10 grilled potatoes 50 logs and 20 planks okay so 20 planks 50 logs let's go with 20 i guess on everything [Music] eric's potatoes will do 20. [Music] that'll be fine we'll monitor it [Music] you're going to try the new map instead after dinner has been cooked oh good that is good yeah i actually think i want to do that too where it's like no matter how this camp goes i feel like i'm already wanting to go on to another one and take the lessons that i've learned about using space effectively here onto the next one good all right chat you're over halfway to a member giveaway we're already going to do a giveaway on the discord by the way so keep that in mind for those of you who have enjoyed the discord we have more giveaways to do even more all right let's make the rest of this baked potato territory [Music] tato territory [Music] [Music] the music is so nice i love it it's a really good one all right we'll do your beaver crossing now chad all right then uh let's see it's gotta be a removal of one you're gonna go back to the shadow realm where no chats can be seen oh well thank you again leno for your uh earlier super chat appreciate that and chat never be afraid to say hi it's always good to have you all here and don't be afraid to jump at the discord or send me a dm or whatnot i'll respond to it eventually probably won't be immediately but it'll be eventually let's just build a stairwell here [Music] and that'll help with the homelessness problem here [Music] dawning rapier becoming a little raptor thank you very much for the support big o support thank you how's my day going pretty good what's up brandt good to see you hello everyone in chad hello hello hi population's up to 53 now damn good chat good [Music] i need to dedicate some more people to uh research but it looks like everybody's got a job now oh there they go chat they actually swim oh yeah he is swimming oh he's building the stairs wait well it looked like he was swimming but it looks like when they run they're on all four legs [Music] whatever you got you got your little water crossing chat i don't know if that's supposed to be like that or what but they're beavers they should be able to swim [Music] [Music] i want to see another drought come along soon lifesaver am becoming a raptor hatchling welcome aboard welcome to our community or at least the members section enjoy uh how's it going yep everything's going great i i'm really thoroughly enjoying this game even more now definitely the way i like to learn where it's like each time i play i like to step up a little bit learn new new things sometimes there's mechanics and games that don't really interest me too much but this definitely got some good ones alright so it looks like whenever anybody's unemployed they're going to work up here uh sir you have no food go grab some food bro we got plenty of food down here [Music] be kind of cool if the if the beavers actually like took a little boat across there that'd be funny you never seen this game before yeah i played it a couple of times on the channel and we streamed it recently uh it's kind of a sponsored stream but this this game so fun i wanted to continue on with that this stream's not sponsored but i can say that i really like this game a lot which is obviously why we're back how long until the drought i'm not sure it'll tell us though it'll it'll tell us like three days ahead of time there might be a way is there any way currently in the game to like know when a drought is coming other than being told in advance like is there a way to get it more advanced warning maybe there'll be some tech that we can use [Music] [Music] yeah we need to start working on our paper paper production [Music] all right let's get through the night time ah there we go three days we've got an alert okay so we got three days until the drought comes the other problem with the drought is that it also stops us from uh the drought also stops the water wheels from turning but we do have wind power up here well that'll be good we have housing for 60 with 55 people here miles finally becoming a raptor egg welcome aboard miles miles madura now a raptor egg welcome you play simulators like tank and car tank car and planet zoo and planet zoo is a good one if you like city builders this is an interesting little cross between uh planet zoo and and that because you can control animals and all that has nothing to do with that but you know [Music] is it like kingdoms reborn yeah a little bit yeah a little little bit like that you don't have to claim territory the whole map is yours but it's kind of more of a survival game like you really want to slowly make little baby steps towards doing all the things you need to do and well hopefully we have enough water stored here we could work on a large water storage since we are delivering oh we don't have gears being brought up here oh we do have plenty of wood though plenty of wood being gathered [Music] it's about time oh you know you made that decision uh welcome aboard hopefully enjoy all the new emotes like uh what's one we haven't seen in a while well the member bus of course is fully loaded now uh i guess last call for member bus he'll be leaving the station shortly oh the wind doesn't always blow that's out to be a constant uh source of power but i guess not that blows no i guess it doesn't maybe the wind will pick up in the drought there you go miles enjoy the party bus [Music] and wonderful becoming a raptor hatchling that is wonderful thank you very much welcome and enjoy your new emotes well yet another giveaway in the discord i think i have like three or so to go but always keys of new stuff coming in so make sure you're on that discord daily i never know what devs are gonna hand out i like the little apartments and stuff that we can build so nice we have a lot of berries but not a lot of uh well i guess we'll have more grilled potatoes in the next year let's prioritize planting right now get all that stuff planted you busy beavers you're excited for the robin hood stream yeah i was gonna play the other uh dice legacy game i thought that was cool too but got access to that robin hood game last night i enjoyed it a little bit but we're gonna we're gonna play it even more soon soon chat soon another city builder game coming up next it's kind of a little bit more like velheim where it's like um you know it's like a third-person game where you go gather all the resources but the building cell itself is like the top down you know like place of building you have to have materials to build it that kind of thing well we certainly have a lot of water stored up i'm going to shut down one of our pumps for now [Music] yeah the bellheim update was great we've been playing it the last couple of days good times i guess what we'll do is we'll reduce the number of haulers for now that like half we get some of the other industries up and running [Music] [Music] there we go uh if we build a levees block water completely so you'll need to build a floodgate in order to control the flow of water and i think uh there's different there's different ways to control the water but dams are kind of a good way to kind of stop the water from not not flowing past a certain level so in two days the drought will come we'll have to survive again but this dam here should block uh the water up to here [Music] and what we could do is we could build a we could eventually build a levee here and then we could uh make a floodgate so that way when the drought does hit we can close the floodgate and then all the water will uh all the water will like be backed up up the river but it could flood but it seems like it'll go in here but i think we need to build a levee here first to protect ourselves and we're also getting ready to gather iron when we have a chance we're just waiting for some of the cities to grow no matter how well you play you still need to wait for the the beavers to like be born are these buildings what and bob like in boston are these buildings big like do you want a small or do you want a double lodge like is this a small house or or is it a lot lodge yeah i'm sorry i like the idea of the rooftop terrace i just need to build a way to get up there seems really nice [Music] but we can build a campfire instead [Music] um well we could build a little oh you know we could do i got an idea [Music] [Music] [Music] starting to get an idea for like future home building [Music] see see what it would take to do that [Music] oh crap they just started like building it all right i'll wait for some of the construction to get done did someone say boston i did boston market um i don't know if you can i don't know if you can build the um the lodges on like a stilt ceiling i also don't think the beavers can walk under that foundation we had somebody get stuck under here before i don't know if they can actually walk under there well it looks like we have too many logs now oh productivity is like 90 here nice [Music] let's build one more just to keep that lumber flowing the lumber must flow [Music] there we go okay then we can export gears over here too and and have a larger storage for water i could also put stairs here too [Music] then we can put like another apartment block here and then just keep building backwards into the mountain that's right there's a lot of housing though we're not even gonna be able to uh we're not gonna need that many housing at least for a while okay drought's coming soon [Music] uh this game yeah came out earlier in the week in early access so hopefully a lot more it's really great so far i would definitely recommend like uh getting it now just to learn the basics and then when more features are added you can just take your knowledge from previous playthroughs and then add it to each new item or mechanic that comes out what is the best survival city building you've played so far i did enjoy end zone and um surviving the aftermath quite a bit those games are a lot a lot of fun for survival banished is great too though and this is a good one too [Music] definitely need to make more planks i mean uh more gears um we got to build pathways there and again they weren't done either citadel expansion now i think what we'll do it seems like a good idea so far to make sure our districts don't get too big because food is still an issue it's dropped a little bit but we're we've been able to keep up and maintain but now berries are running out again so we won't be able to rely on them too much in fact most of our food is still coming from berries [Music] 253 there 251 there but luckily our farm should be able to continuously uh work throughout the year oh yeah and zones prosperity dlc yeah i'll take that uh and look at that as soon as i can [Music] lots of games to play too many too many what we're definitely gonna have to do chad is get to the point where i i for what i just i need to pull water into here i i want to make a channel and then like make it all full of water here that would be so cool i want to use that for story uh for storage [Music] oh yeah the uh the forester i think can plant berries well we have to do it like a farm setup right that's okay i think that's enough berry bushes i really want to just do more farming and leave our foresters to keep planting trees wherever they've been cut down i've got a good amount of wood that way though [Music] is there a mod where you can change the beavers into little jessica bees that would be too op that'd break the game [Music] [Music] nice i want to see how the tear the rooftop terrace goes okay then after this drought maybe we'll start working on getting that steel up there and figuring out how that works and additional farming which is gonna have to be down here like this is a great spot for farming i wonder if we could we could probably try farming now and then uh i think if they can yeah these these guys should be able to get across here yeah i think the rooftop terrace acts kind of like a campfire for socializing it's nice because it doesn't take up as much space like you can put on top of a roof and uh i think it can hold one less person but they're easier to build space wise especially since the top of your houses you can put roofs up on top of your house for um decoration points or whatever whatever they call it but [Music] oh you want me to turn the lake into a vip zone yeah members only lake yeah [Music] only only for the people who are members and who've clicked the like button only all right the drought is coming here it is the drought begins we should be able to store water from here to here and then again from here to here but we need more all right well i want to start some more farming across the way eventually we're going to need to do bread but what do we need for bread we got 368 knowledge red would require 180 plus 160 so we could do that there's also the beehive too these do these both require quite a bit of materials but we could do that i think we'll start first which is more baked potatoes because it looks like the grill's ready to burn but we're running out of potatoes quickly we'll do potatoes here first and then we'll switch it over to uh wheat and here they come they do look like they're swimming jd white tv thank you for becoming a raptor hatchling welcome aboard thank you very much now the rooftop terrace is connected to a path they just didn't build it yet now it works [Music] oh actually apparently it can hold two four six visitors oh it's even better oh yeah i guess because people could sit in the lounge chairs so that's four or five six wait shouldn't that be able to have eight then looks like four people can sit at the table and then poor people can sit around [Music] yeah i agree i want to i want to terraform the river yep yeah we're definitely going to do that we're going to do dynamite we're going to do that of course the only only where raptor built a little only where i built the little spot we can't get more water i should have built the dam there but that's okay we'll be able to get water eventually from somewhere else hello from serbia well hello so let's keep pumping that water out now [Music] we're going to build another farmhouse on this side otherwise it's going to be too much going to be way too much to do and not enough workers to do it [Music] there's a lot of backseat in this game because people care but uh for the most part it's it's chilled out everybody's cool now can you put the power wheels on the dams um [Music] i suppose you could you could kind of like build a half dam and then add a little wheel at the end of it if you wanted i the the wheel max the wheel horsepower maximum is 180 horsepower and i i don't think speeding up the river or manipulating it to be faster gives any sort of bonus that way if a wheel is touching running water it's just 180 uh horsepower and that's that's that so it could change in the future also some of the thing we also are running on a wind power but sometimes your economy will just come to a full stop because there'll be no water or wind power so i guess that's why you want to prepare for things like it's winter quick name every beaver in your city uh jeff oh there goes the lake now we gotta withstand for about five days luckily there's not too many beavers up here but that's why we need that reservoir made all right the drought is here i can't believe the farm takes 25 logs luckily we have a lot of them now though little uh little drought there i guess what i could do is another way is to like we could make a little lake you know we could like tnt a lake out put a water dump there and then just like we don't have to have all the land connected to water we can just kind of make like a little reservoir i don't have kids you just need to give them shelter offer additional housing and make sure they're happy and having a good time chad are you having a good time one's in chat if you're having a good time let me know i hope so mandatory good times are required by youtube so uh make sure you're having a good time otherwise susan will figure out about it yeah [Music] uh damn you usually just want to build one tall so water can flow over the top of it but a levy is that might be where you want your multi-story going on [Music] i'm going to experiment with a instead of a dam next i want to do a levy and then also add a floodgate blocks water up to an adjustable height oh i see double floodgate and triple floodgate are higher um altitudes or heights well if we but if we block this up more than one it's going to flood the entire valley i could see the water going this way up and around so we probably want to build a levee up here first like right here we should probably do that to protect the city [Music] so we'll call this the jessica b memorial levy and truck stop gift shop it'll be a gift it'll be a gift shop yeah okay well the drought is here we are surviving still got four days to go though that's four days without food all right rather i should say without water the food will continue to grow but if fertility drops we're going to have a bad time let's shut these down for now will the gift shop sell maple syrup yeah i mean we do we do have these maple trees here so that's what we're getting ready to do so that way chat can drop by okay let's build our levee now let's also save before we do that just in case [Music] just in case it doesn't work out the way i think it does [Music] well it's literally just a roadblock [Music] and there they go construction begins then we'll build a we do need a floodgate too to control that so we'll probably just start with one first to see how it goes actually we'll need to be up to two we need to research the double flood gate because i'm going to stack the levee too high the problem actually this this would be a good time to build that too because the water is essentially stopped anyway so because we're stopping the water up the river we could build a little path too so the beavers could get up there [Music] oh you don't be really cool oh man this be really neat if we if we block it here um i was gonna say like we could build water pumps and stuff here but i i don't know well we'll experiment this is our experimental phase we're gonna we're gonna now just learn by being dumb by not knowing what to do i guess i could make some stairs here and the beavers can get down there to build that section then we'll raise it up a second level too wait i should leave one blank for the uh floodgate or we could build a star gate sg1 that stands for stargate one spoilers sorry okay we have 3.6 days to go on the flood the water may eventually uh completely dry up we'll see oh we got some more beavers working down here nice that means more baked potatoes for the grill down at the old applebees [Music] food's going well though make a lake yeah i mean if we if we block this here we should be all right [Music] make this one a top priority we should be able to also [Music] expand on our transportation network we'll just let everybody transfer stuff all right how many unemployed do we have here all right two of you can move to the other district now let's do five it'll it'll buff out [Music] i'm seeing some hungry beavers hmm oh there's a setting where you can adjust the water flow all at once and that's good [Music] yeah maybe i can do a double who far from the builders build more paths oh well they need to build their stairs first i don't know if that should i do more maybe i should do a double or a triple floodgate um bum bum bum [Music] bum so many are hungry but we have plenty of food i guess they just didn't eat for a while district 2 has 235 food district 1 has uh 17 okay so it's being transferred too frequently to the other one so we'll lower those shipments we'll do uh 10. [Music] it's not it's not that many on that side luckily harvesting is going on so we'll have plenty of food [Music] we got three farms harvesting so that's good [Music] it looks like our berries are growing back so we're good [Music] so good this farm will cover all the baked potatoes that's good all right well the first levee's almost done is there any other way for the water to go around us [Music] nope [Music] we're good [Music] we'll give it a test if the city floods it'll be funny and entertaining as the game should be that'll be good very good [Music] [Music] i'm gonna shut down the upper lumber mill for now [Music] food's coming in we've got berries we've got baked potatoes we've got carrots that they just ate i guess everybody's on a little bit of a diet [Music] if it floods they're beavers so they'll be at home oh yeah maybe they'll become happier rue this town has 193 berries unfortunately we can't transfer them back without the distribution center which is annoying but this town down here should have at least another like 300 berries ready to go oh these potatoes are already for harvest we just need to store more food for the next year i guess the problem with the grill is that it does take a little bit of time to process that there's just a little bit of delay from farm to there we go food's going back up though all right back up into the 20s and 30s that's good i'm good in the levees being built too so if i if i built this wrong or whatever the cool thing is we with the drought we do have a little bit of a chance to adjust things and maybe we'll just keep the dam there just in case [Music] oh a desert mode where it's just uh a desert mode where there's no water yeah yeah it'll be cool if there's like a way to pump up ground water and um [Music] yeah that'll be interesting the drought has ended ladies and gentlemen we have survived the water will flow again good it's getting greener around here now we just need to get water pumping again i had that shut off for too long no unemployed beavers all right let's shut down the lumber mills for a little bit [Music] [Music] pump the water should be here again soon to yep there it goes the water will be back soon to flow back into this area so we'll also make sure somebody's working there we have no unemployed here no one employed here before [Music] okay hopefully we we have enough water back we get we gotta work on making sure we store that [Music] these guys have food [Music] okay that levy is done all right if anybody dies we saved before the drought so i'll go back and manage the water and food situation a bit better but what i'm really curious about now is not i know it sounds cruel but they die it's okay it's in the name of science which means that we need to finish this uh this double floodgate so we can see what it's like when the water gets all backed up and it seems to be flowing again here it comes but it should push through our dam i wonder if the water can go upstairs no that's only slinkys only slinkies can go upstairs or is it down okay a couple unemployed is not bad oh yeah looks like water's flowing again and food is 67 good yep and food here is wow 209 jeez that's where all the food went well to be fair they have berries like crazy they have a lot of berries and not a lot of food uh people to eat the food anybody die yeah lower left corner just looks like everybody's born and grown up nobody died to death not yet they still can though maybe you bought this thanks to you your streams are bad for my stream while a steam wallet uh that's all right this is again this good game the nicest thing about this is manipulating the water there there are some games like surviving the aftermath and uh end zone where you kind of manage the water through rain mostly by well there are lakes and rivers that you can take water from and store but this makes me feel more powerful like beaver power bro dude we got we got beaver power building lacks power times two oh because the waters intermittent that's right i mean you need water you're swimming in it you guys are swimming in water you're beavers can't they just go wait a minute how come they can't go down the river and take a drink why is that not a thing i mean if you were dying of thirst and you had a glass of water and that water shattered and you were like oh no and there's like literally a faucet next to you the options are like well you got three options really you die dehydration you go drink from the faucet or you drink the sunny water no never mind that's not an option no never mind never mind would rather die dehydration [Music] all right 10 planks and 20 logs for the the levee control i want to see if we can actually like lock this thing down oh look at that it's flooding back here [Music] it's actually flooding pog lad we don't even have to shut the floodgate we've just like restricted the water flow enough oh boy oh oh oh boy oh oh this is cool oh wow okay and that's that's actually pretty sweet some of these guys need food you've got food in the house you have 181 berries [Music] [Music] this town's still suffering with water okay [Music] [Music] we're gonna have to move some of that old storage and just increase the pumping capacity which is okay because then we can build a much better storage tank and we can also transfer water to the other district too paw glad oh we're about to have some poglad here chad some big paw glad a very small flow of water [Music] yeah they're delivering the logs and the planks there they can reach it oh it's going into the reservoir it's gonna go in there oh glad so i don't know how i managed to do that without like dying at like a single death to death but we're good [Music] do oh wow now we made the netherlands there you go a picture of their homeland oh there it goes hey oh oh the water manipulation's so cool that's so cool man oh yeah we got a lot of potatoes coming in now okay all right the goal between now and the next drought is to make sure we're producing enough food i mean the drought wasn't even really a problem for that it was more just needing to make more farm fields you enjoy me playing this game well thank you salah it's nice to have you watching ah now we can adjust the height so we can actually close the floodgate and the water will pass over the top as if it were just a regular dam or we can bring it up to height too and completely cut off the water good good good we control it all good [Music] and that's kind of cool how there's a dam there too so it's going to create pressure here and then it'll it'll create a good water flow although it doesn't seem like water speed affects the the hydroelect the hydropower at all like if the water is flowing it just it immediately gets 180 horsepower no matter what wait they're on horses shouldn't it be bp no that'd be a gas station beaver power water power wp dab dab dab dab wp so now we have a more permanent source of water [Music] so if we can we can try to like build a bunch of water pumps on this side somewhere and then pump all that water over we've essentially back the water up so much that when a drought comes not a problem minor flooding ah this is all according to plan this is fine [Music] the water power will stop for a little bit but it'll it'll it'll buff out chat it'll buff out we'll leave the stairs there just in case dude this is so cool this is a paw glad wall that's really cool and and this will be on like different maps too so like yeah now we have a water reservoir so if the water level goes back down that lake will still be filled with water and we can still pump it for a while not to mention we've now kind of like brought a little little fertilization to this side too so if i can if we can make some explosives now some tnt we could like we could blow out here and make like a little irrigation ditch down here and boom all this land could be farmland with a reservoir lake to supply it dude yep and the water's flowing into the lake so it works it works dammit and the storage is filling up again it'll take a while but it's working i'll have to make water pumps probably down here or something for them well these guys don't need as much water i should build another pump though we can also export water up to them [Music] so i'm assuming the way the tnt works is like if you use tnt it probably removes one block height at a time right so if we wanted to level out this area for water pumps oh dude that'd be cool we could make like a whole water pump area on the other side it'd just take a lot of dynamite to do but that's really valuable space oh wait you can be above the water oh what oh we can build pumps over here oh dude wait can i make uh wait maybe i should make a stairs here instead [Music] wait hold on there chief slow down down how do you excavate uh you can build uh explosives uh you can make dynamite and that'll that'll blow out i'm assuming it'll be a one by one i assume it'll do a one by one area like one height by one one grid space so like that and we have so much room for activities chad giant pog yeah if we if we excavate for irrigation ditches what we'll do is we'll put a line of explosives in a row so it'll be like this you know we can make like a giant thing a giant giant irrigation ditch oh that's so exciting that is so cool delete that path i'm gonna make a thing to the other side and now we have a lot of great territory up here to pump water from and i can do a stairs down there so if we ever need to make changes to this we can just go down [Music] so this is nice so we can put some pumps on this side we just need to connect it to a path hmm yeah this is this is 100 pog and now we're really seeing some cool cool technology today this is cool you can chain reaction with dynamites cool all right so we're going to build two more pumps here and we can even export water down here if we need to i think i want to get rid of these little tanks though and start making some big storage here and we can make some more pumps on this side as well get rid of those bushes can you use water tanks for irrigation yes yeah we can store the water essentially what we could do is we could create like a water there's something you can do called a water dump so it'll actually pump water into a reservoir and what we could do is if we wanted to we could some like it is possible for example to take a tunnel we could make a bunch of pumps down here at the lake and then have them pump water into like a reservoir tank up here it would have to be transported by hand but we could essentially take water from one place and put it upriver if we wanted to but if we ever have a problem with the water there's only one thing we have to do damn it yeah so that's the best way to control water there's like some minor flooding here that goes perfectly into the perfectly into the little lake gorgeous [Music] oh sorry language sorry uh yavlafan [Music] the queen you can make an infinite river i mean essentially you could kind of create like a uh there are there are reservoirs in the world where they'll take water from the bottom of a reservoir pump it back up to the top and then use that motion again to like create some sort of an energy flow which is weird you think like oh that's energy inefficient but um there are ways where like it'll impact electrical grids where you can use it for additional hydroelectric power but there is kind of a way to like continuously pump water up from one area to like from a high place to a low place and use the the water pressure to continue to like make power and stuff like that like for example rain you could take rain from a if there was a large lake you can take all that extra rain water and push it up into the up into a up into like a a reservoir that's called the pump storage that's what you do for a living oh see there you go use the ex same exact turbine to pass the water and pump it back up see so that's essentially what we can do here is we can take well it's a you know it's the same concept but implemented differently we can we can make pumps here make a beaver highway to bring it up to like another area and then just like pump it back into here and then have it flow again which all that would do is create an infinite power source for the uh for the beaver wheels in other words when the water stops flowing from the drought we can manually pump water into the river to create 180 horsepower rather than having to rely on the wind power which actually does kind of suck sorry dutch people but it kind of sucks dutch breathing intensifies but that's all right right now we're working on our farming and our uh right now we're working on farming and food storage really [Music] well so the water pumps actually work from an elevated height nice and they are pumping and delivering water great 300 megawatts is 400 000 horsepower wow well we're sure as hell not creating much power here but uh pretty cool though oh yeah see look we could use tnt here then create another reservoir but we'd have to remove that uh human like the uh [Music] remains of that building that's the only other building i see before we do any of that though i want to make sure we're doing good farming okay water was a problem but they're they have to walk quite a ways to get to that water now we can make a path there later okay um although there's no there's no electricity in this game at the moment but there is the ability to i use water wheels and stuff so that that power creates more lumber and stuff to which we have enough of now i got our employees doing other things i'm gonna try to get everybody transporting stuff better what time is it where i'm at it is time to click or tap that like button and subscribe if you haven't already to our amazing community we have a wonderful community that we'd love to have you a part of make sure you do this game is fantastic dude fantastic game i'm just now seeing its uh like end game potential it's really cool [Music] this is great now we have a lot of lumber coming in from all the pine you're trees part of it awesome good to have you with us really nice to have everyone here and we've expanded the farming as we planned that's great but we need more yes this game is in early access yes well let's uh i guess we could start scrapping now so scavenger flag 250 for that okay i could see now that's our biggest it's going to be our biggest drawback is lack of lack of big brain we have housing for 78 with 64. we have four people unemployed here so let's transport them to the other section we're going to get them in our research and development division [Music] where can i put more research and development [Music] [Music] i want to put on these buildings but sometimes it's now that everything's all crowded it's hard to kind of spread it out well we'll put some over here by the applebee's eating good in the neighborhood oh there we go that's nice perfect [Music] okay then we just need to make sure we've got an ample amount of food looks like a lot of grilled potatoes are coming in and some berries the berries give us a massive surplus but they only last for so long yeah a bunch of beavers with like white shirts on black they look like they work at nasa the pocket protector and that well actually this basically looks like a bunch of a wall of booster emotes those beavers are smart though there's some smart beavers all right we need to make some more storage so what do we do for water storage 30 and 20 gears okay yeah we should put it right here we'll get rid of these old tanks hate to do it but definitely want to conserve all the space we can and also build here [Music] without destroying anything i think eventually what i want to do is get these berries out of here and just move them to a different section like over here you're definitely buying this game now nick that is awesome man well you've already you've already beaten the game with your expertise no but it's it's really fun to be able to manage farming logging and water manipulation those are the three coolest things like watch your food supply make sure you store water and and then use that water too for as a power source really cool how you're able to do that [Music] ah so it looks like the uh the the gear manufacturers require 240 horsepower that's kind of cool though we could put a a windmill here to try to serp like uh give a surplus power source although the windmill has to be away from the buildings could build like a platform there that would look weird though could build another water wheel on this side oh yeah perfect the beavers would just need to get there which means we could just put a um we could just put stairs in the ground increasing their efficiency is a little more important than building another building [Music] there we go beaver brain law [Music] aeromax thanks for the dolla thank you very much for the support bigo crazy support from everybody welcome welcome welcome all right so we got 190 food there got 135. we definitely need like a 500 plus this is nowhere near enough food let's have big focus on planting now [Music] big brain grow fast yeah brain good like you might have to get this game yeah available now on steam in early access like i liked the concept of this during the beta and i enjoyed playing it during my first playthrough on early access but being this far i mean it does take a little while to get into the game but uh yeah yeah i could use the forester to max out berry bushes yeah but i think what i'm going to do is actually move them so i want to get these guys away from the the coastline so i can make some more pumps and then put them maybe eventually put the berry bushes um maybe closer to the to the lake or something like down here maybe and have like a massive berry farm it's a very good idea [Music] oh yeah there it goes [Music] the water would have gone all the way around and flooded us out if we weren't careful but we were good this is really cool did you just say very good idea no but it would be a very good idea to start making that pun yeah you can put wheels on top of wheels but the thing is you got to be able to get out there to to make the thingy like yeah we can we can add a wheel here we can make a wheel across the whole channel if we want to well that's good now we're working at a 96 of productivity so that's good [Music] all right how many unemployed do we have here still none no i guess yeah they're all inventors now oh good so now we're inventing all that big brain technology all right well let's unlock the scavenger flag and the recycler oh that's at 300. now we need a much larger population to go up and process all the metal we're going to start gathering metal so we can make explosives good [Music] water storage down here is at least 600 600 and i think maybe 700 [Music] all right well let's turn all of our buildings back on i need all these these industries be cracking except for up there we'll keep that one off until there's a drought [Music] we call this section beaverly hills well i mean i guess we're in the valley but yeah there's hills all around good point oh yeah now we can use this little pathway to get over here if we need to uh what's up eddie good to see you thanks for dropping a like that's a good spot to build that uh levee right there you know what we could do too is we could use this as another river we could create a dam here and try to increase if we ever wanted to we could make an even bigger river we'd build a levee here and then we could turn this entire valley into a river just just to mess around you know like we we could build a floodgate there open it up and have a levy here and just have this whole thing flood out if we wanted it would destroy our city you know but it'd still be funny okay [Music] yeah we could build a trench yet with dynamite and just like make a one like a little bypass yeah that'd be cool [Music] yeah so when the uh when the drought hits i don't even know how much uh it'll really affect us we could actually when we know the drought is coming we would have three days to shut off this hydro this um this area we could kind of like separate the drought where like it would be we could separate the drought into different periods like we could um the drought would hit and so we cut off we cut off the the water and have the drought hit early and then we could have it end early too so we would be a little bit more in control over it [Music] now the water won't go over the levee if we if we watch it we could actually probably make this a little higher but um now if we do that it'll still just go around it'll be okay i think we should get some more water up here though we don't have enough material for a large storage though we'll get some gears delivered up here actually these guys need to drink now we could put it right here all right let's beat up time all right i'm sure drought will come soon we our biggest worry actually is food and we need way more food [Music] i think we need to step it up to actually start doing uh wheat as well so let's step it up grab that wrist mill and the bakery at 160. just for laws if if chat gets to uh let's say 900 likes we'll flood our city and see what it looks like if we completely shut things off [Music] [Music] now we saved so we'll be okay if we destroy the city you know it's all for science chat do you like science big brain wall in the chat if you if you'd like science well now we're storing up quite a bit of water but we need more we need more water storage more well let's flood the city and see what it looks like that way if we know how that looks then we'll know how to prevent it in the future and or utilize it to our advantage oh good we've started our own artificial drought this is a good way to test your city too to see if it's ready for a drought though you don't really need to do that [Music] okay so we've uh we've saved before this if anybody dies it's all according to science any way to tell how long you've been a member uh yes the color of your eye you should be able to hover over it too i believe all right water's getting higher you see that oh it's gonna happen whoa here we go youtube short there it goes we say before we did this so the purpose now is to purposely destroy the city to death now the question is where will it break first there we go oh boy run beavers all right so it looks like buildings will shut down if they're flooded the river is flooded over the top there too just as we thought it's going straight down to the straight down to the old lake that's too bad like doesn't destroy buildings be cool if we could get like a huge wave now can we reverse the effects of this it does it doesn't get all the way down to the lake but we could definitely make it do that especially if we remove the levee i'm pretty sure i'll increase the river power oh yeah so the water is either gonna have to evaporate or just flow oh yeah wow yep it wow oh but it doesn't destroy the crops it'd be cool if we had to like grow certain things in water like uh rice and things like that that'd be really neat almost loaded and pretend that that didn't happen okay yeah flood irrigation that so that is a viable tactic although it seems like once the water kind of like you know water has to be present if if there's at any point water disappears from that area it's dead like f five minutes passes it's gone it's like oh there's no like there's no water retention in the soil it's all like sandy soil no clay or anything yeah that was interesting to see how that worked can you burn the city for 500 likes well like yeah i can't yeah there's no fire in the game but hopefully that's a thing in the future but it looks like okay so if the levee eventually floods like if there's too much uh water coming in i i would assume that's the problem right like eventually this levee's not going to be in or this uh floodgate probably won't be enough to keep the river under control so we probably couple things we should do one we could make like an uh overflow like we could probably try to make the river flow somewhere else [Music] but now that we tested that like it means that we could you know blow out a big area for a like a some sort of sl maybe a side flow area something like that anyway it's good that we did that because we know our levee's not really totally safe it's only buying us time however when the when the drought comes that could clear things out too the drought might prove to actually um the drought might actually give us quite a few uh [Music] quite a few solutions as well as problems can you fill the water tanks just by flooding them i don't i don't know if you could actually do that that'd be interesting to make a well deep enough or to make a tank underground that'd be interesting [Music] yeah you can use the levees to divert water that's essentially what we're doing here is the water wants to go this way and the levees saying no can we make the river deeper with explosives i believe so yeah we'd have to probably uh block it somewhere further further upstream and then make it deeper [Music] this dam is so nice okay it looks like we got some more unemployed so let's definitely make some more planks we have 27 gears and 123 planks we have 20 planks here and i definitely should build a larger storage tank for water here although we don't really have much population here though it's not too bad and actually anybody who's unemployed here i'd rather ship them into the main city for more industrial work yeah at any point that we're blowing up the the ground it's making more space for water if we do that if we just make a giant hole here it it means that it's like getting a bigger glass a bigger glass will hold more water if you go to get a drink yeah i need to build an ark now to prepare for my floods yeah it's kind of cool how flooding is now the problem it looks like we can now get people on gathering food here yeah food is a severe problem that is not it is not good we are not we are not producing enough [Music] [Music] but i do want to add some more berry bushes and uh i want to start the wheat farm i want to build it down here but um [Music] and if we could do some farming up here look at all this land though we gotta find a way to get the water up here but i think that's gonna be tnt well we could replace some of these farms with from potatoes to wheat yeah yeah we could we could replace a lot of these uh farms with potatoes from potatoes to wheat but let's unlock our bakery first we need 160 for that so the bakery [Music] now we can build that there good idea close to all of our storage let's definitely build that build the mill nearby [Music] wait a minute [Music] [Music] we could build our food production buildings near water for power or we could build um wind power too yeah we'll do wind power now that we've got that unlocked that'll be fine [Music] we'll build more than one bakery i'm sure [Music] [Music] kind of cool if the mill actually had like a windmill already attached to it but i guess this gives you the option to do a water mill or well this you can build yourself it's nice that they give you the option do it whatever way you want might be a good idea to have both too because you know like by having air power when there's a drought you can keep making food we'll try air power first but eventually go to water power [Music] that's cool i didn't know you could also pause the drive trains too so if you don't want power going to a specific building you can control it via the the drive wheels that's cool yeah wind power's not that great yeah i agree in fact like it's it's dead stop up here we really want some more water power but since we're not making any wheat yet we'll uh gonna see how that goes but i feel like i want to build both if we get water if we get air power we can have a little extra production [Music] good stuff [Music] oh you enjoyed the tropico 6 playthrough awesome well thanks for watching the channel appreciate you [Music] and we're doing our materials 25 gears okay well let's speed things up you know unemployed beavers in the district all right we will keep that as an overflow and the problem with wind power too is that because it's inconsistent there's there's no way to store it well looks like it's getting more consistent to have water power i really want to see how we'll survive the next route you know mostly for the power section i don't i just don't think we could ever pump enough water though to like make an artificial river to keep those wheels wheels are turning but we do need to get these berries out of the way they're taking up some important waterfront property for especially a mill that's why i built these back here though the berry bushes are pretty important still these don't need to be on for now nice building though looks nice [Music] all right now we got a little unemployment that's good [Music] uh all right well i definitely want to do uh fields next [Music] we will have to have a farm dedicated to wheat however when we oh man yeah when we can produce water up here that's what we're gonna do we're gonna have like a little a little floodgate we're gonna open it a little bit and just have like a bypass reservoir we're gonna we're gonna have a lot of nice fertile land that's gonna be beautiful so cool how like it's almost um more like egyptian you know like we're it's like we're um you know working on the nile and such and like doing farming for the first time we need more games that allow you to do that there are so there is builders of egypt out there which is cool [Music] all right so now we can start making explo well we got to get yeah we gotta we got a long way to go before we get explosives because we have to we have to gather scrap then we have to turn it into metal but then we still need a explosives factory and we still need to make paper in order to make explosives so that's another side thing we got to do is paper but to make sure that nobody dies to death we need to uh we have to plant wheat otherwise we can't sustain and maintain [Music] we gotta we gotta maintain man we got we gotta hold the line we gotta maintain oh you can just do it that way nice [Music] [Music] we'll see how that goes all right good [Music] yeah we'll probably put some mills here when we get some tnt we can square up some of these edges and it'll make uh it'll make much better territory for making water wheels additionally what we could do is like make a massive power section where we like make a huge number of wheels across the river and then distribute the power that way it would just take a whole city redesign just only oh yeah we've we've made it through several droughts oh nice all the farmers come over good now we definitely want to prioritize food production now let's turn on that mill in that bakery that food production is inconsistent but that's the only one that needs um actually i think the grill can require power too we could actually plop a uh we could probably put down a little windmill next to the mill or to the to the grill and increase production incoming drought [Music] drought alert and i think we are not i don't know if we're gonna be able to make it through this one i don't know if we're gonna make it [Music] okay let's forget the lumber for now [Music] oh we don't need the mill up just yet i guess the bridge on the right needs to be a dam it is a dam haven't you been watching the damn stream you can see the stream right there and there's the dam says watch the damn stream that's all you gotta do okay well we got our incoming drought now you're right yeah it will it is a useful dam it it keeps the entire river basin here fertile so i just tuned in i was just making a joke at your expense but it worked but thank you okay let's buy the shredder so we can go find some ninja turtles [Music] and in order to build the shredder we need scraps so now we can start getting some scrap working [Music] okay so uh metal is good oh paper is the next thing we need we could do a paper mill we gotta unlock that that's two that's 250. we got to work towards that and then the printing press too but food food food food food this town has 198 food [Music] this town has 186 and 200 okay a lot of hungry beaver mouse to feed that guy is so far away from the camp no wonder he's hungry [Music] we could actually see an area here where we could build a i could build like a something there [Music] when the drought hits though we could just cut off the water and just let it flow very slowly [Music] this game is so good see here's the problem with me on youtube and stuff guys like in about 30 minutes i have to go play another game which is a game called robin hood sherwood builders where you get to like build a village in sherwood forest and like resist against uh you know like the sheriff of nottingham and such and it's all about like going hunting and gathering deer and whatever hope you watch that stream by the way coming up next but anyway it's like i want to play this game but i want to play that game but i also want to play valheim but i also miss vintage story and i like playing along with booster and like jerry and everyone else but have we planted wheat yet yep wheat is right here we're just waiting for it to grow and then soon we will have bread as opposed to having brad bradford i guess we could make a bunch of water storage out here [Music] a little extra storage isn't a bad thing especially near their houses and we have food at these places these guys just got a long way to go to get home all right so they made the scrap points there looks like somebody's oh yep yep they're gathering scrap metal now that that there is a uh a giant uh skyscraper and we're gonna tear that down and store all that scrap metal [Music] and then start making our explosive factory so the district 2 that the city in the north or upriver i guess will be mostly doing like water control water storage and explosives and it'll mostly be water control everything in the south will be food food food bum all right let's see if we can actually make it [Music] [Music] a little scrap is being gathered but not not too bad two more unemployed that means we got to ship them into the big city [Music] every time we uh ship a few beaver into the city it means we get a few more workers for the industry all right big drought incoming can we survive the next route will we have enough food [Music] the wheat is a long way away from being ready okay from here on out we're going to make a priority in transportation the haulers post is going to be important [Music] i don't want to close the gate just yet [Music] not yet oh looks like there's quite a quite a bit of scrap in there 90 oh yeah okay we'll be there for a long time gathering scrap well this is good the door is now open for the creation of explosives as soon as we make a paper plant so that should be fine yeah there are beavers this this game is all about beavers at first glance it's like really that sounds dumb but then it's like well actually it's quite a unique concept we've seen humans so many times it's like beavers are kind of like you know instead of an axe to cut down a tree they use their teeth you know can we make the gate taller temporarily to slow the water well if we make the levy any talk we're gonna have to make the levy very tall keep that water back but that's a little too late to do any prepping right now uh what perks do you get for becoming a raptor ultimate if you click or tap join you can see all the perks for uh becoming a member and uh of course our ultimate members know that they're the most supportive of all the member tiers but everybody is definitely a supporter if they smash like or watch the anything you've done to support the channel is definitely appreciated just make sure you jump on the discord to join some of our dedicated servers or the members only section there's a lot of perks for all members so if you're thinking about becoming a member now might be a good time to smash that join button especially since this is our last day before the drought i don't know if we'll be here any longer we could die to death it's your last chance we've got lots of water storage all right let's start storing the water oh didn't save [Music] maybe they should make a button there that says like okay or something before it shuts the floodgates [Music] all right wow there's four more unemployed here ship them to the city maybe i was thinking in the second district all right the water pressure is stopped we're gonna back up all the remaining water for a little while [Music] uh it won't flood right away we got about four days that this would have to be shut in order to we we did a little testing earlier it was about four days for the water to flow with the floodgate closed all right pinto blast wall in chat let's do it [Music] let's see if our beavers can survive especially without food limited food numbers we've diversified our food though we have a bunch of carrots potatoes things producing as many potatoes as it can alright everybody prioritize harvesting okay we got a population max of 72 in the city [Music] yeah throughout the drought we'll be able to open the door a little bit that's why we're using all this territory to store the water for us and we're not even about halfway [Music] here it comes the drought is on the way drought drought all right um more food [Music] yeah we got five unemployed in the big city we could definitely use some more farmers if i build a farm here yeah that's a good spot for it but [Music] you love the robin hood video well thanks for watching we'll be playing that again later today in just a few minutes it's a good game hope everybody who enjoys city builders the next game we're going to play on live stream is a city builder in medieval times well around the whole robin hood thing all right let's release that water [Music] we had like three days to store the water we get a three-day notice store water still a lot more coming down the pipe though and a five day drought begins and we do it 117 food there is great 199 here is not so good all of our efforts into transportation [Music] yeah the whole idea of the game now is going to be working on um trying to get explosives so to do that we just need to gather more metal and they're doing that they're doing that now soon soon we need we need to build our shredder one also takes 250 horsepower so we definitely need water power for that so we'll probably build the shredder down here and get rid of some of these bushes and replant some with the forester hi amanda good to see you now the question is can we get through the drought before chat gets to 961 no let's say three likes no way no possible way chad will do it no way looks like we have a homeless problem too but where [Music] uh the new the old city okay all right we definitely need to build some homes but definitely build some homes this way [Music] it's a little cheese but i think we could do houses like this [Music] or we could unlock the bigger tier the triple lodge let's just do the double for now just have them face the mountain no other additional construction needed then we can build like another house on top but like a stairwell there we go okay 4.1 days research platypus yeah get that water flowing well there's our new reservoir look at how quickly that uh dried up but it definitely gave us a massive reservoir now to pull on that's great yeah we control the river now a drought lol no diggity no drought [Music] 3.8 days to go water's still coming in [Music] should probably build a levee down here too with a little floodgate [Music] just to keep the water well then again that's a bad idea i still want it flowing out i want water flow through for productivity [Music] the cogs of the economy cannot cease to turn we need more you can tell the water's depth based on the the blueberry bushes there's still quite a bit of water there now the other thing is is if we need more water we should probably build like some sort of a pumping area here so that way we can pull more water into storage now we can build manual power but that takes up workers who could be useful elsewhere oh good now we got homes for them and nobody's homeless anymore yay let's take a look at food food to the main city is 400 food at the secondary cities 113. that's great the secondary city the second district doesn't really need that many uh doesn't need that much food good chat good good [Music] yeah there's three days remaining [Music] i'm gonna cut off the water again [Music] just to give us a little bit more time till we get to day one then we can open it up full bore [Music] good [Music] are we doing on food food is very good yep and that food problem is only going to get better because a lot of our weed is almost grown so it'll it'll be a few more days huh what's the what is the timing on that wheat takes 10 days but spent half of its time still growing in a drought rival tribes of beavers that would break your dams would be some damn dumb beavers yeah a good idea is to use this area like to dam up this and then use this as storage too this will eventually evaporate too but the idea is to probably pump everything up river at some point now there's there's a lot i got a lot more time to invest in here this is only phase 0.1 of 600 000 except you know the next phase is like uh you guys remember like on windows 95 machines where when a program would install or something would load the bar was moved really slow at the start and then as it jumped halfway through the screen then it would just suddenly be at the end and it's like what the heck like you think oh man this download's gonna take forever and then it'll be done and you're like wow that's really inconsistent [Music] berries and baked potatoes in the center and berries over there okay [Music] all right we're down to one day of drought pretty soon i open the gates little short on water storage in the north we'll fix that for next time but we could also just easily make one of the delivery people go deliver there instead [Music] all right so now we only have like a half day to survive [Music] giving these guys enough of a boost to survive the rest of it perfect good chat very good we've done it all right and the drought will be over well it still takes about a day for the water to get down uh it shouldn't celebrate just yet it still will take a day for the water to come down here but now we gotta really work on boosting that food but if we actually if we really slow down our processing of flour and bread it could be a good supplement rather than the main source i think baked potatoes should be our main source and then bread can be like it'll it'll back up all right the drought has ended it is officially over it'll take some time for that water to come down here though [Music] yeah irrigation channels will be great we're working on getting explosives so as soon as we can manipulate the land we will do that well this town had no problem with the water what i'm probably gonna have to do is probably uh we'll have to detonate all this land and clear that out so we can have pumps there i think unfortunately we have to delete the pumps though and there comes the water flowing back awesome the water is flowing and i got to get going i'll see you guys in 10 minutes for our next stream of a game you'll really be interested in trust me called robin hood sherwood builders it's going to be a cool little building game that we'll take a look at next on the channel we'll be uh having a timber born video tomorrow on the channel too that will be sponsored by the developers and possibly could kick off a new series so if you want to see more of this make sure you smash like and i'll see you guys in a couple minutes for more of awesome game play on the channel see you guys next time more timber born coming up soon so make sure you subscribe so we can continue this playthrough soon enough see you guys in a few minutes for robin hood sherwood builders bye
Channel: Raptor
Views: 69,580
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gviZ9jeFXRU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 292min 10sec (17530 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 18 2021
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