I used a random word generator to decide what to build in The Sims

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I'm gonna be honest this may be a very very bad idea but listen hear me out I watched a video that smallish beans made where he used a random word generator to pick out five words and then he built all of those words in Minecraft one of the words he got was to toll like toll booths so he built a literal toll booth in Minecraft it sounds kind of dumb but it was a really funny video I'll link it down below and I got inspired because I was like wait what if we tried this and used a random word generator to figure out what to build in the sims the thing is though I think it's easier to do that in Minecraft because you can't really build a toll booth very easily in the sims 4 like our build tools are a little bit more limited towards like houses and like actual places a person could go as opposed to things like a toll booth he also built a thing from Toy Story which is I think a little bit harder for us to do but we're gonna try it anyway so we're on this website here and the way it works is you click this and it generates a random word like silk lesson and so we're gonna randomize it a bunch of times and then whatever word we get we're gonna use our inspiration for something the thing is though sometimes you can get really weird ones like this one insurance like what I don't know all right but I think we're gonna do is just click this like spam click it a bunch of times and see what we get so I'm a vegetarian okay wait what if we made like a hot dog restaurant I mean the word generator has spoken we don't make the rules okay okay let's do it the next one must depend so yeah no that's it that's so dumb what how do you what does that even mean how do you make us a bill related to depend ya know sausage sausage is the one I'll link this website down below to it's literally just random word generator calm but I'll give you guys the tools you need don't worry what if in our hot dog restaurant all the employees wear the stupid hot dog costume oh my god this is gonna be horrible in so many ways I can't wait you guys might recognize some stuff like this from real life like these kind of hotdog stands with the red and yellow colors I don't want to make like an actual hotdog stand but I kind of want to use this sort of vibe as the inspiration we're gonna make it red and yellow oh this is gonna be good I say we do it here on like a small lot to kind of get that like tiny restaurant vibe I don't know what to call it for now that'll have to do okay let's make it into a restaurant obviously this is the least important part but I think what I want to do first is make a menu I want to get this all set up and then we can do it because this is the most fun part I think in my mind let's pick the main courses first okay this is obviously the most important part hotdogs hotdogs plural wait why is there a hotdog and hotdogs we should just pick the more expensive one sausage and peppers tofu dog this is a kind of sausage veggie dogs this is disgusting I'm horrified I like the idea of having a tiny menu to like if they only have five main courses that's the vibe appetizers okay chips and salsa banana bread right and peas maybe french fries too okay that's it I like that menu I think that's real good I say for dessert we just have a few kinds of ice cream like chocolate mint chocolate chip vanilla and then maybe how about calplan essence meringue pie alright and for drinks water milk orange juice coffee lemonade and a root beer float I say that is a very nice menu quickly though we must done must craft an outfit obviously all of the staff will wear the same thing Oh what shoes do we wear what kind of shoes people wear with hot dog cost maybe no shoes or like red converse we have to wear shoes food safety and all yeah can you imagine coming here and getting served by a guy in a hot dog costume or even worse like working here and having to be the guy not dog costume like what a nightmare but it's funny so it works it's gonna be a really cute place I'm looking forward to it you know what's terrible is I don't think we have a giant hot dog that I can put on the roof well it's there something out it's fine I want to have a bunch of outdoor eating space too like I think that is a fun concept okay here's the theory we're making like a really small sort of hotdog stand type thing that's actually a restaurant in the game but hopefully still keeps that sort of really small hotdog stand type vibe and honestly if it were up to me I think I would like it if like it was all outside like I like the idea of coming up to the window to order obviously you aren't gonna do that like the some of restaurants work in the sims because in this team's you have to have like a waitress that takes your order and brings you to your table and gives you your food where is it real life this kind of place you would like probably just walk up here and order and pay and be handed your food all from the same spot but this is a classy place it's a it's a sit-down hot dog restaurant so I'm looking for like an awning and that sort of red and yellow okay hang on this might work my friends we may have cracked the code here it really is kind of ugly huh just give me time it needs time I was thinking about using like this sort of thing but then that top part is floating but I what I want is just the sign I don't want the arrows because the arrows are flying and this doesn't come in red oh we can have a floating sign this is too fancy this one I don't know who they think we are but to me this looks like if we were building some sort of like fancy French or Italian restaurant you know if the font does not work for our hotdog stand we can use this it's fine oh wait hang on link in the toddler pack look at this hang on guys don't worry guys guys I fixed it look there's like this pole what if we put the pole so it looked like it was holding up the floating sign okay it's still not even in the right spot but that it's so unnecessary you know what it's there's it's there's magic there's magic and it's it's okay look the magic did it that's how it's floating this is way too fancy I feel like I'm I don't know what I'm going for okay it's kind of growing on me I'm gonna be honest I kinda like it you obviously want to have a like most of the tables outside so I want to have a bunch of space for them out here I also want a little spot to put the bins I literally made this whole thing just have a spot to put the bins nice I don't know if that makes much sense like realistically but I think it's cool in the Sims picnic tables could be really fun for the tables outside I don't think it counts as a dining spot though that's so sad that could have been cool I also like the idea of using these like the red tables but I worry that it like clashes too much does it clash too much with the red stripes on that I mean I guess the whole vibe is clashing you know or we just go straight red and yellow tables I feel like that's like objectively a better vibe it's like all the worst ways possible - it's so weird look I don't know if I want to use these I wish the tables weren't so dark because I don't know if I want to use like Oh what if the red oh hang on so the yellow tables get red chairs and then the red tables get yellow chairs just kind of awful no it works it's good I like it right now I'm kind of just like going through the dine out catalog and figuring out what comes with the pack and what we should include should we have this like meat sign I don't know maybe this makes more sense all right that's way better than the meat sign get rid of that go away I don't want that this is like objectively really ugly so I'm sorry I really am oh I can make a tiny bathroom this is fun oh this makes my day I think that's so weird okay I like that no we can do that for sure it's the little things in life that bring you the most joy I think it's like I'm making McDonald's right now I also don't know what kind of like texture to put on the outside maybe this old brick I genuinely don't know I really wish this sign didn't have this weird arrow thing it's so odd you're the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse song that like hotdogs hot-diggity-dog whatever that that's going through my head get me out of here trying to go through and like pull out little decorations we might want from all the different catalogs like the paper towels that come with get to work hand sanitizer this fire sign I don't know this is what I was looking for originally was this sign I don't know something about a special we're having maybe yeah that works I think though that I may I may have to name this restaurant Hot Diggity Dog after the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse thing I just I can't get out of my brain and if I can't then neither can you I don't know what kind of landscaping this lot needs probably not a ton like a couple trees or something we'll come back to that let's do the interior for real now cuz I've just got a bunch of random items placed and we got to fix this up a little bit I'm gonna put both of the like waiter stand thingies inside of this little hallway cuz in my mind this is like a you know employees only section back here in the hallway and back in the kitchen but I think the kitchens gonna be the most fun part to decorate so let's do that first we've got some hand sanitizer I got a fire hydrant we have this sink you probably need a trash can needs to be a trashcan inside because otherwise you know what are you meant to do I'm gonna be honest I think a microwave also you know they're microwaving food here like if you order the mac and cheese oh we don't have mac and cheese on the menu how about hot dogs and and mac and cheese and that's it or a microwave dinner wait that's kind of funny you come here and you order you can get a microwave dinner or various kinds of sausages also it keeps resetting my chef's outfits I obviously want the hot dog costumes it keeps changing it though how about the blue tile Oh God honestly that combined is one of the worst things I've ever seen maybe we could use the kind of dirty wall from from city living - oh yeah no that's good that's real good I like the idea of having some of this brick as like an accent the blue tile is horrible in like the best way I love it I want like a straight-up bright red wall back there - I'm not kidding Oh what if we did it like that instead oh my god maybe it shouldn't be blue maybe it can be brown maybe the blue is too much what kind of floors do they have in here linoleum maybe I feel like linoleum tile makes a lot oh my god oh wow oh it's like the linoleum makes sense for a place like this I just don't like how most of it looks like that's cut wait maybe that's not weird Oh maybe that's kind of cool let's use that oh no I'm sorry I don't know where to best put the host station maybe you should be outside maybe that makes more sense ly because you can walk up and be like hey I'd like a table and then when you come inside there's just tables and seating inside okay no let's do that you can grab a magazine before going into the bathroom of course there's a security camera up here I think the kitchen can have kind of dingy walls but the ones outside the customer facing walls they keep these cleaner like we don't want customers to know we've got a nasty place in here you know that's a secret that is behind closed doors I'm not sure what tables to put inside I feel like the glass ones are kind of weird like for this concept that we've got right isn't that kind of odd then again like what else would we use because I don't think the dine out ones really work either I like almost like this one best or this one if it was white maybe this could be good maybe that's good spa day it's like it's so hefty though the table I want like this base with just like a plain top it almost want like a plastic table oh maybe this could work the city living one it's like too modern and too fancy this is horrible and also incredible in every way like I kind of like this let's see if we can get some better lighting in here because what I kind of want is to hang up like pendant lights above the tables so the chairs be all yellow here the chairs can be all yellow and we can have the red lights yeah what anyone who needs extra cutlery or extra ketchup can feel free to grab it from over here should I put this is the centerpiece on the tables I don't think the Sims will actually eat here if it is I like the idea of that but this condiment basket is like more the vibe I mean there's like menus in the middle of it you know and honestly I'm not sure if I care that much if your sims actually eat inside like they can eat outside it's fine these are the fancy tables though these are like the date tables cuz there's the two people and three people tables in here you know for the private romantic dinners at hot-diggity-dog I don't know about you guys but I I frequent this place personally it's my favorite hangout maybe if there's like local stuff going on you could come check out the board they've got like you know they're hiring so they've got the posting there the local garage sales post up here it is the local hangout so if you want to stay up to date with what's going on in new kress make sure you check out the postings at hot-diggity-dog maybe a plant in the corner like me in a trash can somewhere too honestly I think I like how the inside looks like I think that this is almost like basically done I don't think it needs a ton more stuff going on in the interior bit obviously the walls need to be painted in the bathroom and stuff now for this I suggest we match the walls to the floors oh yes very good there isn't a trash can in the bathroom but you can throw out your paper towels in the trash can outside of the bathroom so that's fine oh no wait how did I move this over there come back go back where you belong maybe like another corkboard in the employee section has the employee information okay wait this corkboard looks more like a public information this one looks more like an employee information one right let's swap them this one looks more to me like oh look you know we got a missing cat well that's kind of sad and this guy Ted here's doing a talk at the local college this weekend make sure you drop in this guy's got his dog had puppies so if you want one call him up oh my god I'm sorry how about some barbecue sauce back there and that's it I put up some fire exit signs maybe like an extra fire extinguisher over there why not you never know when you might need one better safe than sorry that's what I always say about an employee Hall of Fame for all of our hot dogs you've had so many real high turnover right here at this place it's not a good sign maybe they've won some awards too well that's their first dollar and then an award they got for being a doctor of medicine okay one of these things is not like the other that's okay I've been to it they can stay all right let's landscape a little bit I don't want to do too much I mean I don't really think that Hot Diggity Dog has a huge landscaping budget you know I'm like more thinking along the lines of like some little flowers or something like this some low-lying plants is it kind of fills up the area a little bit but isn't like too much and it wouldn't be a lot of upkeep either then at least there's still something and it isn't just random empty space you know what I like Hot Diggity Dog I think it's a fun place I'm into it now I said we bring mr. Jeffrey land-grab here and we try out what it's like to be a guest at Hot Diggity Dog Clint I would like a table please sir oh he does not look pleased did you see he was so angry about having to serve me you know what don't be rude okay mr. Clint I'm a paying customer I might need to be speaking to your manager about this chef's choice orange juice sausage and peppers as the chef's choice makes sense that was the inspiration after all get some sausage and peppers I think that'll be good nice seven seven Somalian meal here oh it's pop in it Hot Diggity Dog look at this my order has yet to be taken Oh Oh Julia you know what the service here really is bad look what she did oh dear oh dear you know what they tried it's okay how come they got their food you know what I'm mad I'm mad and I'm hungry whatever it's fine I don't I don't care I like how this place turned out I like this challenge this was fun let me put this on the gallery for you guys it's only twenty eight thousand simoleons too so it's it wouldn't be in it wait the food on the floor oh no oh that's kind of funny that can stay I built a hot dog restaurant can I be it hang on surface with a smile from our friendly hot dog staff I think it's all we need I think that's a good description I'm into it you're welcome everyone for this quo I feel the first comment I'm not gonna get the first comment oh no if I didn't get the first comment I got the first comment so we're fine sorry guys false alarm anyway you're welcome for this I know this is that exactly what you've all been looking for is a hot dog restaurant so sorry I will delete the one if I have to I will be first I'm not kidding this is so important take that Declan and waffle guess who won me okay honestly I think you guys should try this I think that we should all do random Warren generated builds it's so dumb but it's so fun I would have never ever in a million years built this otherwise and I think that's exciting but on that note I'm gonna go so please make sure to leave a like and comment and subscribe and do all those funny YouTube things and in case you guys didn't know I post new videos every single day and so I will see you all tomorrow bye everybody that stupid hot diggity dog song is still going through my head and I haven't thought about that in years so maybe this is a curse and not a good thing [Music]
Channel: lilsimsie
Views: 294,624
Rating: 4.9791574 out of 5
Keywords: the sims, ts4, ts3, sims 4, sims 3, fixer upper, lilsimsie, kayla sims, kayla, gameplay, challenge, pg, family friendly, random word generator, spin, wheel spin
Id: Uw7JQ0arSPY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 18sec (1038 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 15 2020
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