I beat ONLY UP! in 20 Minutes (Speedrun Explained)

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all right so this is a commentated speedrun of only up in 20 minutes at the time of recording this I'm like 16th in the world on the leaderboard by tomorrow I'll probably be like 50th with how many people are running this game right now currently only up is the most active speed run in the world with I think over a thousand active Runners which is crazy the genre of it is like a streamer rage game like getting over it or jumping if you've heard of those uh this one's just in 3D when I played this game I think on Monday I really only anticipated to just play through it once and then put it down forever right after I finished it I watched the world record and it was so fast that I really wanted to try it so I learned it that day and and I've been streaming it a couple hours every day ever since didn't really anticipate getting 16th but uh here we are the start of this run is probably the hardest part uh this pipe section is genuinely the hardest platforming section in the entire run you have to run across them with so much precision and avoid ledge grabbing wherever you can because ledge grabs slow coming up here there's the first sort of trick in the run where I roll in midair up onto the pipe like it's a way to get a little bit of extra height to make it up Ledges that you otherwise wouldn't be able to but like even right here this spiral up the pipe requires so much position the world record just Sprints up this pipe I've tried I can't even get a quarter way up so I just do a casual walk all the way up it's still pretty hard now that I'm getting out of the pipe section it's just a couple of jumps and climbs up to get out of pipes and to the first core skip mechanic in the Run beds or just bounce pads there's a few different things I can bounce you you'll see that a lot in the Run they're kind of just hidden all over the place in this game and and help you skip stuff if you're really precise with it so there's a bed over here as well that you can jump to to skip climbing up a bunch of luggage to get on the top of this train station they've been updating this game a lot and they've patched things in and out of the game one of the biggest things was rail skip where if you've watched other speedruns of this game you'll know that you run up these rails for about 90 seconds there's no skill involved it's basically just running straight for 90 seconds the developers have been pretty responsive to the speedrunning community uh just recently added a skip that is a little bit tricky but still a lot but allows you to completely skip those 90 seconds well at least like 60 of the seconds with this bed did I only run out the rails for 30 seconds and then skip 60 seconds of rails with this bed where you do a little bit of a tricky jump it's it's really not too bad to just go straight up to the top of the rails and then you can get to the actual gameplay of it uh the strats that I'm using in this run are super safe because I was invited to like a little Ludwig speedrun competition that's happening on Monday so I've just been learning like the really safe strats to try and be really consistent with the game but I happened to get this run somehow you can see it's it's just a lot of running and jumping up the trains until we get to some of the bigger skips in the Run pretty much everything that I do there's a slightly faster way of doing it like right here you can jump right and land on the rail beside the train but instead I'd climb and run across it so little things like that will make the world record a little bit faster than me uh in certain places but uh you know I'm fine going a little bit slower and not killing runs because because this speedrun is a really weird one where normally news feed and you can make a small mistake and you're fine you know it's a small mistake you can keep going with this run if you make pretty much any mistake you just restart because you're going all the way back to the bottom so it's a really weird speed run like that where you either finish a really good run or you just don't finish it all I really like this part just because it's so smooth you jump so cleanly over this train where I remembered my casual playthrough it was just ledge grab after ledge grab and this part's scary I still don't run up this because again I'm too scared and I just want to be consistent because it's so easy to fall off but I'm running around here to try and not get any ledge grabs and here we get to the one of the first flashy skips in the run where you go from bed to bed to bed it's easier than it looks but it is still a little bit difficult each bed is a little bit different but with these beds you have a lot of air control for some reason I'm not really sure why you just do and so it's really easy to like over correct or under correct when getting up there but I know that pretty smooth and I'm able to go into the little Factory section after that but right here you'll see that roll thing used again where I roll to get a little bit of extra height to get up on that ledge because it wasn't going to ledge grab otherwise another small thing in this game it's not used a ton is bunny hopping where if you happen to get a lot of speed through weird Collision or a bed that sends you horizontally like this bed coming up here you can maintain that speed by just mashing the jump button and so you'll see me do that here I don't do it perfectly ideally I do it three times to maintain all of my speed directly onto this bed and you can jump all the way to the subway station over there but I only go for two play it safe do a roll over this um railing here because that saves a little bit of time over the ledge grab of course next is I think the second hardest trick in the run it is the windmill Skipper you see a windmill in the distance there and I'm going to be using um I'm going to be utilizing that to skip a pretty large portion in the game uh but first you gotta get over to the Drone and just wait until it's in position uh the world record speed run uh one thing they do to go a little bit faster is uh they'll jump directly from the Drone onto the windmill I'm not going to be doing that because again it's not consistent enough for me and I'm just doing this to win a race so I just jumped down to the bed right at the face and wait for the windmill to be in the right position to do the trick the goal here is to get far enough out on the blade that it launches me up after I pull myself up on it this one is really clean for me I don't usually align on this metal roof which is the goal and then right into the next one where we get to see another useful mechanic of the Roll where it cancels all of your forwards momentum and I'm able to hold full backwards and start accelerating backwards and do two more beds uh one after another to skip again an enormous portion of the run to another tricky platforming section with this one you see I land on a car and then I just get off of the car you see there's like a chunk of Road there that chunk of Road killed like three runs today and I just did not want to interact with it so I just got off the car and went around you see I'm just running across these cars I'm trying my best not to ledge grab so you'll see I do a lot of neutral Hops and then I hold forwards like I didn't ledge grab on this semi truck here because I was never holding forwards at the start of my jumps and that saves a good amount of time you know every ledge grab was like two seconds or something so saving good amount of time every time you do it um [Music] another little skip here to uh get onto a section and we'll see the first use of another mechanic in the game which is honestly really nice for learning the speedrun uh slow motion where you can just hold the right click and run in slow motion just like that I use this sometimes to help time jumps that are tricky because that one's kind of precise to get to that trampoline so I use it there I think I might use it like one or two other times in the run because it's a speed run you generally don't want to use it but it's there if you need it which is really really nice um another thing with that trampoline while we're waiting uh there's a trick in that trampoline where you can jump on it once hit a tree to accelerate back onto the trampoline and jump directly to this elevator that I'm going to um I think someone told me it saves like 12 seconds probably saves more time than that now but again uh if you want to see that watch the world record um which is I think currently like 90 seconds faster than this thanks to a couple of Skips coming up here is uh another difference that uh the world record and I have is uh I'll be jumping up this and I'll be going on to uh you guessed it another bed uh but the world record jumps on the bed twice to like launch themselves in a crazy far onto like a hot air balloon to go really high up I really didn't feel like learning that so I just use the bed here to land on the top of this Tower and the the world record uses um the double bed bounce onto that there's the hot air balloon there to just go straight up and you don't have to wait this elevator out but uh I waited out so um there's that here now I am officially done the tutorial sequence of the game uh these first like eight minutes are probably overall the hardest section of the run like once you get here you kind of have a chance to breathe it's relatively easy platforming there's a difficult section with some books but once you get here you've got a run going this this is the point where you're like okay there's like a 30 chance this run will finish and it will be a PB at least in my experience um getting to this point feels real good I guess now that I'm waiting for the elevator uh there's some weird stuff with the developer of this game that's going on I'm not really sure of all of the drama but uh the game has been taken off of the steam store putting back on put back on Steam the the game gets changed slightly like there's a a big anime girl that was in one section of the Run she's been removed completely uh rumors are that it was a stolen asset and they had to remove it or else get like a lawsuit or some something I'm not really in the in the loop with all that I'm just going up going up it's a pretty simple sequence here I'll just be walking and jumping across stuff doing my best not to uh to ledge grab you but with that that anime girl that I was talking about there used to be a skip called waifu skip is what the community called it where uh you would use a bed to do an enormous jump onto the anime girl and uh now that she's been removed there's actually a harder version of it uh which saves time fortunately um that I managed to pull off in this run later on so look out for that but you know as you can see this this section of the Run uh is very calm it's just running you know it this snake is pretty cool the snake is wider than it looks like the hitbox is wider than it looks so it's pretty hard to fall off like I think I've literally never fallen off of this in a run uh it's relatively easy platforming I've fallen off of this section before but uh just you know it the ledges are thin and it's you know as you lose focus for a moment especially because I've mostly been streaming this you know you look at chat for a second and you just completely fall down the whole thing but you know it's some minor things like that book right there that I just bounced off of that was changed I don't know why anyways uh the the neutral jumping and then holding forwards actually saves a ton of time here because this Jesus statue thing you can ledge grab like everywhere on it but I do a lot of neutral Hops and then hold forwards to to jump and then slide up The Ledges instead um which saves a bunch of time over just holding forwards and ledge grabbing up every little tiny seam that this this guy has uh you can see here I'm standing on the index finger um it saves a little bit of time this uh standing on this index finger allows you to jump off a little bit earlier just save like four seconds or something so might as well do it you have nothing else to do education but we're going up to school now where uh I think it's you know I said pipes were the hardest part of the run I would say the book section is the second hardest part of the run which is directly after this next bed which is hidden behind the school you'll see me jump on this bed and watch where I land literally the run before this one this Landing killed my run there is a specific book that if you land on it gives you insane speed in the wrong direction last run I hit it and I was so frustrated because it was on a pace similar to this and this run I was not going to let it happen again so I I had the book I realized I hit the book and I had to crank it to the right so I grabbed that bench and now I'm shaking but I I do my best to jump across these benches anyways and I surprisingly get it pretty cleanly I I was kind of impressed with myself after screwing up with the uh the book launch although I I do get a bit nervous on these stairs actually I remember I I missed count the stairs and I'm like wait where am I going and then again this is they they change this section A little bit they changed the books around recently with an update I don't know why again so I stand here and I'm like wait which book do I jump to and then I I figure it out but yeah I this is like my second run here after the update where they change these bookshelves I assume uh I think they were just regular books before and I think they also might have been stolen assets or something so they had to remove them but uh anyways get into uh the end of the run where it's just non-stop tricks back to back to back so some pretty hype moments uh the world record will jump from this piece all the way to the board I'm a little baby so I'm not gonna do that because it's killed too many of my runs and I'm going for consistency as I've been repeating over and over again sorry for that by the way um but yeah now we're getting two uh what I like to call waifu Skip Skip because there's no more waifu anymore uh But first you gotta run up these stairs do a little Neo around the corner grab these books and then uh this is one of the tricks in the run that has a setup like you have to land on such a precise spot on the bed that you hold C to go into first person mode that's where the camera gets all weird and uh I'm gonna get into a really specific spot I'm really bad at the trick and I was on such good Pace I really didn't want to screw it up so I waste like 10 seconds here just shuffling my feet around until I'm in the right spot but then I hold back I hold forwards and then I look and I realize oh my God I got it okay now I need to time a roll perfectly to cancel my momentum and then land on this bed and then land on the barrel and I get it and at this point I'm freaking out so like you can jump directly from this hat onto the ship I say screw that I'm jumping onto the barrel I'm jumping onto the ship I am not falling down because at this point the rest of the tricks are really cool but are significantly easier than everything else in the Run well that is if you're not going for world record if you're going for world record which uh probably by tomorrow a new world record will be set with the trick that I'm about to tell you about uh this boat is I think the longest Auto scroller section where you just have to wait uh they figured out a way to skip it where you like clip inside of the boat and then Mash spacebar to build up speed and you just launch directly to that uh that structure over there I have no idea how it works I think literally one person on the planet is going for it right now Distortion too you probably already know that because if you're watching this run you probably watch Distortion uh [Music] maybe maybe more than one person I don't know I I've really only been watching Distortion there might be more people than that I shouldn't assume um there's a lot of really really skilled and dedicated speedrunners doing this run right now it's like it's big I uh like everybody that I know that speedruns is at least like keeping up with it if not trying to run themselves um yeah you can see here I'm standing at the front of the ship to jump off it as early as possible and now it's just a bit of a walk and then a walk to the next launch and I think I am now done with beds actually all of the bed skips are done but there are a couple other things that can launch you in the air there is the cannon which I am walking up this incredibly long spiral staircase for and then there is a champagne bottle that I'll be launching out of as well something important to mention about this game is that you can change the frame rate of from 30 to 60 to 90 to 120 and uh some of the skips that have more precise setups only work on certain frame rates so like the setup that I used for waifu skip only works on 60fps if you're playing on 90 FPS you need to stand in a different spot if you're playing on 120 you need to stand in a different spot anyways here's the Canon which I'm gonna use to jump all the way up to this ice and uh so and this cork skip I'm not sure if 30fps is required or not I just it's just in the rules to do 30 FPS I'm not exactly sure why but like this skip uh I'm gonna go into slow motion Crouch and walk forwards pretty much all at the same time and for whatever reason it gives you a second Quark launch which just doubles your height and you skip an enormous portion uh you like if you just get one launch you have to climb around an island go onto a bed to climb up an orca and then do some other stuff but with that one it's just uh with the double Quark launch you just go it's nice and easy and right here on the left a little bit of a reference got the guy in the pot with the hammer of course but uh now it is the final elevator it's the elevator to the final trick in the run it's not the last elevator unfortunately the I think the biggest skip is it the biggest time save yeah the biggest time saving the run is coming up uh I think it saves six or seven minutes depending on how you do it that's an estimate I could be very wrong but I'm pretty sure it saves that much time uh it's called Dragon skip where there is a dragon that's gonna be flying around here and we're going to use it to our advantage so in this pipe I'm gonna look left to spawn the dragon in as early as possible so you're at flapping now and I'm going to run into a precise position it's not that precise and then the the dragon is going to flap its wings one of its wings is gonna pick me up I'm gonna go into slow motion here get into a certain position and you can see the wing is kind of going up and down up and down I wait a certain amount of times I press the space bar and then roll right there to cancel my momentum and it launches me straight up and I'm gonna go land on that black disc down there uh if you've been watching the world record though you can see how high I'm going that is the end of the game uh the world record goes straight to there using a much more difficult Dragon setup this is my like consistent I'll get it every time Dragon setup you know I'm 19 minutes into the run I don't want to take any risks uh but the world record goes for this absolutely insane skip that goes directly to the end and skips this elevator but um yeah that's pretty much the end of the Run there's like one or two sections you can fall if you're really bad but this is just the elevator leading up to the end if you made it this far thanks for watching I haven't really uploaded many post commentary speedrun explained kind of videos so I don't know if you liked it just let me know um and for those of you that are waiting on Pokemon and Zelda and Mario and Minecraft content whatever you want from me uh you're gonna be eating good in the coming month or two because there's been some big projects that have been in the works for a long time and uh they're they're close so uh look out for that um it's it's good but uh yeah this is my run and I I did say 20 minutes that was a bit of a lie I I rounded down I it's just saying 20 minutes and 30 seconds isn't as good of a YouTube title I apologize for click baiting you I hope that this was uh entertaining anyways um but yeah that's the Run only up 20 minutes and 30 seconds um and yeah it's probably the last I'll play it before the competition on Monday so wish me luck check it out if you want
Channel: SmallAnt
Views: 907,854
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ccU50yRfcqQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 39sec (1239 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 02 2023
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