I Turbocharged My Sleeper Ford Ranger (LS V8 Swapped)

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all right guys i've been doing some redneck science and i have a hypothesis v8 ford ranger plus ebay turbo kit equals x if we put an ebay turbo kit that costs approximately 450 onto our v8 ford ranger what exactly happens and that right there is what today is all about cue the signs [Music] yep right there and i already see a bunch of problems on why it's not gonna fit there's lots of stuff in the way we'll have to chop up lots of things to make this fit oh my god we don't got room for dude there ain't room to do nothing under here look look at that oh my god dude he torched through the frame rail to make the exhaust fit hey another question how many bolts are supposed to be in a transmission several well there's less than several that one's missing that one's gone that one's gone there's only bolts in the top of this there's no bolts in the bottom of it he did tell me he fixed the rust and i asked how and he said you don't want to know here's the thing the turbo needs to go right here which means everything that is right here has to go by remove so here's the thing we got a lot of things out of the way now we can actually see the entire exhaust manifold so we're gonna try to take the old manifold off and then put the new one on and see if we can save the air conditioning because we need ac either it's gonna work or it's not or we're gonna have to sacrifice it okay well you know what they say about size matters little tools don't always do the job and we're gonna break something once again yay we got it that was a scary moment oh [Music] yep we're good i'm tired all these [Music] i knew this was always the answer to this got everything right out of the way we can get right to the bolts now that's the answer if something's in the way cut it out of the way here we go it's off so now we just gotta chop it off the rest away second tube out that one good got it dude i don't know why people don't bring their cars to us oh damn it it's a freaking frame rail hold on let me do a little bit of redneck calculations so if i chop it there and i grind it like that it shouldn't be in the way anymore you have that okay so go ahead and just get in there oh man i made it fit grab a wrench real quick we'll tighten that bad boy up and she is fitting seems to work now let's grab the turbo see if the turbo fits bam right there that actually be really good because if we do it that way then we put the intercooler underneath the frame rails and i think it'll actually fit underneath the hood so maybe you won't have to cut a hole in the hood it can stay being a sleeper hold on let's move everything and see if the hood actually shuts okay so turbo is now mounted now we just gotta figure out oil feed oil drain and how to get the air from the turbo through the intercooler and into the engine dude this might actually work i just ordered this thing on ebay i didn't even look to see if it was the right size or anything how's it look oh my god dude that is good and if we mount it there we got plenty of room to bring oh look at this bomb the turbo right down to the intercooler bam come out the other side go up into the intake we're done i'll be honest i'm getting really concerned right now because this is going well there's no other word for it this is going good dude i'll be honest i need to just get off ebay because i got on ebay motors app and uh i've been buying all kinds on that we're gonna have a lot of boxes here pretty soon nothing for me they have fender flares for your jeep on there all you gotta do is get on there get it you can get intercoolers you can get turbos you can get anything you want to do i found tires for the military truck on there yeah cheap ones too [Music] all right look at this the intercooler is now mounted so we're gonna put the bumper on make sure the bumper still fits dude look at that that's really good it's not even hanging below the bumper oh i'm happy with that i'm real happy with that things are happening things are going good the intercooler pipes are ran the hot side is ran we got a blow-off valve we got a wastegate the turbo is on the oil feed the oil drain there's only one thing left to do it's kind of my favorite part the thing is is normally you know we do things tasteful we just take the hood off launch the exhaust out of the hood call it a good day but this time we want to do it sleeper-ish we want to make sure nobody knows this ranger is fast so i'm thinking we'll put a hole just right there in the fender all right so the secret to this is just [Music] i made a hole got it it is officially done look the exhaust is done it's not fully done yet but it's on there good enough that we're good this is where things are getting dangerous i've got a laptop right now and i'm plugged into the ecm i hit up dr tunamall the guy that tunes all cletus's cars and he's like oh i'll write you a platoon real quick might pull a big ass flame out the turbo but it'll still be good so we've got one minute and 32 seconds to greatness if i did this right it should start if i didn't do it right it's not going to start well it's all right oh oh my god i think we need to go get a put another spring in it so we get more boost i think we're running on two little boost right now so it made like one pound of boost i think that wastegate when when we got it we had two springs in it we took one spring out let's put that one spring back in it okay new springs on whee oh yeah now what do we do we can't lose the laptop off the dash all right oh she's working now that's what we needed dude it's got so much i'm not sure how much it's got but it's got a bunch we have no boost game so we don't know how much we're gonna put into it but we're just gonna push as much as we can and hopefully it doesn't blow up oh we blew it up what's uh let's hope them noises weren't like real like engine blowing up noises like just just like something fell off noises it kind of sounded like engine blowing up at least we broke down [Music] to be honest i'm not exactly sure what happened there's a bunch of oil all over the exhaust manifold though let me try to crank it back up see if it makes weird noises oh no dude you hear that you won't know what that is what that's the sound of that's the sound of a walked up loader [Music] no way no way did i literally watch no way is it moving at all nah dude we walked it up dude what tapped out at 157 kpa what is that that'd be like seven pounds of boost that's not that bad hold on let me save this for forget it ranger blew up bam would you come get me i blew it up you're not supposed to do that well you should have told me that before i did it well guys thank you for watching today's video we turboed it and blew it up in one video we're having a bad habit of doing that lately but it's fine in the future we're not going to do it as much we're still going to do it just not as much what'd you say well probably a new motor and we blew it up nice you've been out catching any perpetrators just checking on them oh no well guys i gotta run now
Channel: Westen Champlin
Views: 2,367,392
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fCySD56J5vQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 45sec (645 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 14 2022
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