We Road Trip the Cummins Mustang and Race It

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oh no we're getting arrested now oh okay is he gone hey how you doing just yeah what are you up to boss man oh you got febreze and everything in here well yeah that's wrong gotta buy your cop car because ours smelled like sweaty balls that's why you need to get you you're chasing perpetrators like you get sweaty they're sweaty too and they gotta ride in your car then you give them a little shot of that and they smell good that's good stuff no yeah see now you're ready so you've been down doing anything good he's looking for you oh no gotta go guys kind of sad to say because the smoke sting is broken i know you might not think so listen to it it runs good it sounds good but uh the transmission is broken and we got to fix that before we do that there's one small itty-bitty thing we need to do first [Music] oh god almost killed me oh man i love you and this is the best car i've ever known so uh now let's pull it inside and we'll show you exactly why we got to pull the transmission out the works just fine it's just cracked and leaking all over the ground all right guys you're ready to see this my buddy dom was helping us for about a week while he came back to town and he took and used an impact to put this short pan on here because we had a thick pan and the thick pan was hitting the ground anyway he used an impact on the transmission sunk one of the bolts too far into the pan and ended up cracking the entire this side of the case we tried to flex seal it that didn't work i think we tried duct tape that didn't work we definitely tried bailing wire that didn't work so now we're just up to we got to pull this out and put a new one in which is sad because that thing cost a lot of money hey the good news is not even leaking on this side it's just leaking on that side that's like saying there's not a problem with our boat there's just a hole on your side of the boat my side of the boat is just fine but sure my side of the boat is fine oh i'm tired don't just get wore out when you're jacking it too hot i love you smokestain i'm sorry don't worry we're going to get you fixed right back afternoon you're going to be out there gapping fools again blowing smoke everywhere doing bursts god damn that thing's heavy i want to worry about how or put the 12 valve in it hey what do you mean 12 ounces of white compared to what my last girlfriend oh there he goes she just needed a little bit of prying there we go we got it oh there we go she's out baby she looks good besides for the big old crack over here you can kind of see where we had to flex seal the crack it cracked it right in there it's so sad because it's like there's nothing wrong with this thing besides for its craft all right guys we're gonna send this back to power driven diesel they're gonna take and completely rebuild it put a new case in it and uh then the smoke sting will be back up and running oh they sent a bunch of stuff oh yeah that extra fat dude it's three extra fat it's perfect oh look at that they wrote us a message on the inside of the bell housing gap edition smoke staying ready oh you want to do the pumping or do you want me to oh oh you got into two speed now this is falling oh there we are give me a bolt i'm in on my side bro that was nice dude that fit good dude this is actually just flying back together bam put drive line in fill it up flood the shifter up and we're back to doing burnouts i oh up that and bam there you go all the way in here's the thing we threw the transmission the smoke sting last night filled it up with a foot everything's ready to rock and roll now let's see if we can get her started oh i'll be honest i never really measured how much timing we gave it but we gave it a lot oh my god it is dirty i didn't recognize the shop but it is it's in dire need of a bath let's go take her for a rip see how she runs make sure the transmission works we need to make sure it drives all right make sure that everything's good on it what happened it's not overheating it's 180 degrees the smoke sting is really good at marking its territory when it's running good it's two straight lines of rubber when it's running bad well kind of looks like that come on don't do this to me i love you good news the car is fixed all we really had to do is flush the radiator and bam it don't even heat overheat no more it's not leaking it's ready to rock and roll and to make sure that it's ready to go we're going to road trip at 150 miles of drag strip try to run down the drag strip and see if we break it will we [Music] probably not navigate to mokan dragway 149 miles easy she's a cruiser she don't care she'll be fine imagine if this thing gets like 25 miles a gallon going over here this might be the most economical mpg friendly thing i own and get as much in there as we can so we don't run out oh yep she filled up ready for the road trip eight gallons 42 freaking dollars how is that fair full of fuel is 149 miles away let's see if we make it all the way there oh this car is mad you are maddie mad mr buick this car flew around my brother which is following me and then almost ran into the back of us it's been sitting on my ass like that trying to go around on double yellow i have a problem the throttle is currently stuck and we're doing 100. i shouldn't get into it because if i can't let off i might run into the back of her now that she's went around we should probably fix our throttle issue because i'm not on it and we're doing 85 so shut her off it's not even wide open it's like stuck like halfway maybe a quarter but we definitely can't go down the track like that okay hold on i think i figured it out yeah working fine there the problem was we just put a brand new shutoff solenoid on it when we did the throttle cable was on top of it which is binding it up now it's fine though it's a good time to stop and check everything oh we got some motor oil over here we can but you know how it is there ain't oil under them they ain't oil in them yeah it's about a half a gallon low it's fine it's still got a bunch of boats it is low oh my god there's a little everywhere the uh drain on the bottom turbo is leaking think something else is leaking oh it's coming out of the feed line for the big turbo we may not have brought any wood can i do burnouts in your parking lot i'm not i'm not gonna say you can't or can't but i'm also not gonna call call on either oh okay it does both yeah it does it does video it does pictures and if you want to use that fuzzy thing on top and take all your balls you can you didn't do this i did this so what what what gave you the idea to do this well i was bored all right let's do it all right we're at the gas station's like a mile away from the drag strip and it's 150 miles over here and we got a 10 gallon tank so we did better than 10 miles a gallon it does kind of feel weird pulling a mustang up to a diesel pump though i will admit so what kind of fuel mileage you think you got six gallons 151 divided by six 25 miles a gallon can't beat that better than my sperm wonder what it got with the ecoboost in it we're just gonna say it's worse than 25. ecoboost got like i don't know 10 miles a gallon this better we just got done filling up fuel i went to fire it up to drive out of here this is kind of just decided to fall the hell off so we missed the the pulley fell off and now the belt's off i fired it up and it squeaked and it kind of bogged down for a second and then smoke started coming up like what now you know what sucks though the drag strip is just one mile that way and the car broke and it ran all the way to right here shut it off it was fine fired it back up and it must the last bolt must have fell out and is that a cummins yeah 12-valve it was crazy i was going over here getting getting some gas it was like i was just watching that video the other day oh i'm sorry you from around here yeah i live just a couple miles over here where's the nearest like o'reilly's autozone be in town uh pittsburgh how far is that probably you're probably four or five miles from the road really yeah okay she's standing picturing me before they hit the ground all night we running numbers on a fitness side this is a cricket match couple day affair with your wife you think she leave it with my hoodie told to give it back stop off at the hometown looking like a little man i keep some episomes of what it's like i wonder what it's like to drop a name fill in there we got the drag wheels on the back i turned the smoke screw in we got 12 psi air in these which they're not beadwalks which is not advised they'll do it at home ladies and gentlemen but we're going to try it but we're gonna go out here give it maximum effort she's gonna blow up go faster go slow now we're getting ready to find out which one all right baby let's do this torque converter locked so as soon as we go into second she should be fine [Music] remember weston got a shift all right [Music] oh well that was kind of bad i didn't get it shifted nearly quick enough but well right i don't know i don't think i was very fast though i'm not sure oh yeah it was super slow 13 5. bro why was that so slow that was slow that was really slow i think we knew a lot better i didn't leave on a whole lot of boost and then i didn't shift it early enough i need to like that's the thing you forget with this car is you gotta be over here just ready to blah blah blah so that one wasn't a very good run so we're gonna run it again [Music] [Music] come on baby don't drop me down now don't let me drown [Music] holy sh i don't know how fast that mustang is but bam that was close we were neck and neck i don't even know who won that one dude there's nothing more exciting than a uh freaking close race when you get like a close race i was like oh my god i don't know what's good it's gonna do i don't think it was fast but it was a close race uh i won there's the advantage i did win doing a 13-2 dude we got to go back to trailer we gotta turn that smoke screw all the way and move that afc housing forward a lot of pressure in there blow up the dipstick pushes hurt they could be explained why it's slower the only hope that i can think of is that when we put all this back together we didn't give it enough fuel but i saw an afc housing ported enough so i already did that i did i turned it up then because i'm like it needs more but now it needs even more you think the engines hurt dude i'm not sure it blew a bunch of oil out the dipstick oh god damn guys here's the deal i don't think the smoke thing is going to go any faster there seems to be something that's not making as much power and the transmission is just not hooking up like i want to there's a big old gap between third and fourth i think if we go back out there and try to push it harder there's a chance we might hurt the engine and we physically can't because this car has to be in california next week to do something insane and crazy which you guys will be seeing eventually so we gotta keep it in one piece we've came out and we've proved it'll drive here and it'll go slower down the drag ship i always love to make progress on this channel
Channel: Westen Champlin
Views: 5,177,862
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: sbh3xFafJDU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 11sec (851 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 04 2022
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