I Put Tracks on My Ford Raptor

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uh i think i might have turned my truck into a tank i'm like a genius an evil genius today we are doing something amazing we are putting tracks on our ford raptor yes that's right we are putting tracks that should be on an m18 battle tank or on my skid loader onto my ford raptor pickup [Music] this is gonna be awesome and uh hopefully after that's done we're going to take it up a big mountain slight problem we're in kansas there's no mountains here so we might have to go to colorado to find a mountain but before we do that let's go ahead and get the wraps what let's go ahead and get the tracks put on the raptor [Music] ups brings everything from uh you know special toys to what we're getting today this is this is the next month they said we need a forklift to unload this next package so i brought the best forklift known to man are these designed for a truck yeah they're going on a ford rafter right off they just bolt on like a normal wheel wood i think so i don't know maybe we'll have to weld them on who knows ford raptor we're gonna try putting them on right on that'd be badass we're gonna go see if we can get it stuck in the snow you know what it was i just love my tracks on my skid order so much i need something to pick up right thank you man i appreciate it i've got tracks guys okay i probably better not flip these over you can't tell exactly what they are quite yet but let me get them off the pallet and then you'll see they're great now it's almost like we're riding a birthday candle this is the best birthday cake i've ever got they were so cool [Laughter] i want to put them on my lawnmower they're not that bad they roll really easy i bet you we're gonna at least be able to do a hundred with these oh see them are our nuts we don't want to forget our nuts yeah we got them oh yes big bag of nuts let me go ahead and put my nuts back up good job i wonder if there's a difference for front and back it's a wide truck but do you think they're wide enough like this is one weston span we got plenty of room okay it's time for the truck see this this is a button leading to the narnia into the land of rap a legend is getting ready to be born this is awesome honestly i thought we was going to get snow today but it's kansas and it's confusing weather so it's going to be 72 degrees and sunny today which is i guess just good for other things snow was not designed for today we didn't even need snow it's not like we put snow tracks on our ford raptor or anything our light is falling off weston oh no we have done damage to our raptor are you serious oh so you got a little too happy last night i did get a little bit happy with it i didn't realize that broke like that though dude that thing's awesome i'll be famous from just standing here the raptor is famous you know what this is the only time this raptor is felt like a sexy [ __ ] it's feeling like the smokes thing now everybody just can't help but look at her and be like how beautiful she is we're going on a trip and our favorite rocket ship our track raptor you probably think everybody in my hometown thinks i'm crazy and uh you know what to be honest they're just used to it by now this isn't the first crazy thing i've done that's bad ass take a picture of it yeah yeah you can take a picture if you want we can race i am making history today because i'm the hi how you doing i am the first person to drive a ford raptor with trash down main street and i feel good about it it's a little louder than i thought it would be hey you want a race hey we got a camera too you want to race all right let's go this is awesome i sure hope nobody's waiting in the back of that ambulance to go somewhere i'm fantastic if you won't believe it or not hey i need some ice cream can you do that for me make sure you give that policeman in there a lot of ice cream that way he's preoccupied building uh i'm trying to think about building a rocket but i haven't got there yet what do you think we can go mudding you just get in we'll we can go up that big hill right there that's a city property anyway yeah yeah who's gonna pull me over if you're in here yeah let's not do that you know you're awesome when the police start taking video of you he's probably taking it for evidence like uh judge you are not going to believe what's happening guys we have made it to our local national bigfoot reserve this is where all the local bigfoots in kansas reside as you can see there's bigfoot's house right there it's a nice house he he fixed it up a lot we won't bother bigfoot he's a nocturnal animal what's nocturnal but who knew is so hot at the national bigfoot reserve okay tank and coatrack they work for everything now guys this is where the army trains all of its baby tanks to where they can grow up and to be big m1 abrams battle tank so this is the perfect place for our ford raptor to come and become a good battle tank of our own oh and one other thing guys i've had the goal forever to make it to a million subscribers we made it while recording this video we hit a million subscribers so gotta thank every single one of you that hit that subscribe button helped us get to our goal but if you haven't subscribed make sure you hit that subscribe button let's make it two million twin turbo power no wrong one [Music] you don't even know this this is so awesome holy [ __ ] god i'm about to slip you're not the only one but the traffic raptor is not going to slip anywhere you know how you know when you're getting serious mudding when you get the inside of your tailgate muddy oh that's insane i can't have to worry about the tracks getting hot now i just lubricated them that's that's what he's doing here perfect now i just need to go find about five million quarters actually i do need to go fight for change okay [Music] what i think you lost them with your truck the wheels seem to fail off yeah but luckily i had my skid loader park closed so i just went ahead and took him to the track and put him on there there you go do you handle the car washer yeah i'm sorry all right it was just dusty i swear i don't know what happened now i was hoping the car wash guy wouldn't be here that way it didn't feel bad when i ended up his car though this truck is a liar a big fat wire says i got 40 psi of air in my tracks ford you are confused [Laughter] oh hey hey hey hey hold up hold up get out there and check that back right track it says we only got 22 psi in that one that one's low this is gonna be a hard truck to clean every time i wash it it just gets dirty again in five minutes every time i don't know how that works you know i figured it up do you know how many bogey wheels is in this entire track system 106. there's 106 wheels on this truck it'll be clean in no time [Applause] well finally we broke down and bought a pressure washer
Channel: Westen Champlin
Views: 1,529,183
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: h9xi4DCvLOc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 26sec (626 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 09 2020
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