Driving 1,084 Miles in a Humvee...It was Terrible

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guys one month ago i bought this military humvee and attempted to drive it 1500 miles home to kansas the problem is we failed but now we are back in cedar city utah we've got upgrades due to it and we are going to continue to drive it all the way back to kansas will we make it probably not [Music] i'm not sure we can do this last time we went to home depot for a roof it worked pretty well but the windows um they were getting ready to fly through and get ready to hit us into the face as we drove down the interstate but we're getting a little fancier with it this time tada convertible humvee again now all we gotta do is start putting back better stuff on it so what i'm thinking is we'll lift it up you walk over there i'll walk over here dude this is legit that's good oh yeah that's not good that's off by a lot see look the windshield on this side things are getting serious i'm gonna watch your youtube video take it you cut a half inch off of the b-pillar itself and reinstall it for modification we gotta shorten this roll bar half an inch for the roof to fit right should i use this one or this one i'd use this oh oh yeah oh yeah we're using this one [Music] this thing does need a good name fred fred the humvee that's a pretty terrible name dude fred's a good name there's a terrible name fred's a bad name fred is a sophisticated name for sophisticated gentlemen they like to go and party she looks pretty fat to me [Music] okay let's set this up right now boom all right let's grab the roof see how the roof fits now if i pull down on there's no longer a gap it's fine this is good it's a lot better it's good dude what is wrong with no i don't know we are not calling it humvee dumpty her name is fred dammit it does kind of sound cool though humvee dumpty oh sir you'll see how good our door is we got the hinges on the doors but let me show you a problem there's nothing to mount them to this is time for redneck science let's do [Music] it been a long time it is now dark and you might want to know how many doors we have on the humvee yeah we don't have any but you give us another 30 minutes and we'll have it put together all right guys we got a little crazy last night but the humvee is done all we gotta do is put the tire on it and we are ready to rock and roll we got one spare and uh hopefully the rest of these tires make it boom she is ready to rock and roll now we've got narrative tire we've got a roof we got windshields we have doors took a little longer we thought it would but she's officially ready for the road trip we'll let her warm up and we'll get the hell down the road and we're ready to go baby we worked on it for two days but we're finally ready to go so i guess we should just hit the interstate right yeah i think so all right sounds good let's see how the whole humvee still runs okay so the game plan is as of right now we are leaving utah then we're gonna go to colorado we might find some place to go off-roading there maybe camp and uh try to make it all the way home to kansas fingers crossed we'll see if we make it it's already overheating it says 240 but i'm just going to ignore the gauge let's send it or what the gauge is just mildly optimistic that we're just a little bit too hot is the thing is it accurate i don't know does it look like i know i don't know what i'm doing i'm driving a humvee all the way back from utah to kansas come on baby let's go so we've made it our first little jaunt of our trip let's see how far it is 1084 miles 0.1 this is gonna be a long trip are you guys happy it is kind of cool though oh what do you think i'm trying to do we broke down the place kind of like this the problem was the first time we got the humvee we didn't give it a name now that fred has his name he can't fail us there's just no way he can fail us now yeah this ain't dangerous we're not even at five gallons yet it's already over 20 bucks humvees are thirsty so we stopped at harbor freight bought some jerry cans we'll do them both because i know that we're gonna run out of fuel eventually it's like we're resupplying for a call of duty mission where's my cab package they didn't give you sleight of hand there ain't nothing to stop a humvee how about them flat tires hey i feel it now fred is going to make it all the way back to kansas are you telling me humpby dumpty's going to make it to kansas fresh rap she may not be referred to as humbly dumpty she's either fred or frederick we're going radio silence after this this is this is i'm going fred won moving out bye i'm turning that off fred is so damn good she's gonna make it all the way to kansas and she could drive all the way back to california if she wanted to [Music] damage loosen the tire i can feel it all these have front flat tires on them i guess we're going to see how far that run flight could go oh thank you sounds bad though there ain't no place to pull off on this this is damn it fred it's not fred's fault just fred's shoes are a little bit this is a really bad place to stop hold on well that didn't go to according to plan dude this is the worst place in the world to change the tire we got two options we need to sneak it down there we can tilt the trailer up real quick load on the trailer take it down there but this is a terrible place to try to load it too we'll try to take it slow perfect it's fine hey there's a spot right here pull around in front of me we'll put it on the trailer get on to the right get onto the ride get on to hey fred this doesn't mean we failed this just means we've had a minor setback so we're gonna drive it the entire distance from california to kansas mine is probably like 20 miles all right fred don't you worry we're gonna get you fixed up i'm gonna be dumpty hey okay i'm not gonna tell anybody else this but i expected this 100 dude these tires are old as hell this one's not the rest of them that door needs a little bit of fixing all right guys we are in grand junction colorado we got a new tire on the humvee the bad news is that was our last spare tire that we had but we're getting ready to hit the colorado mountains and i'm gonna try to survive the night in the middle of a snowstorm in the humvee yeah this is stupid oh dear where is a four extra fat sleeping bag what is that what where's this one i want this one 40 degrees and this one's designed for zero degrees so i'll be perfect let's see let's give it a little tester yep this will work it's gonna be snowing so i'm not sure why i'm gonna need a cooler but i'm gonna get one anyway we're in colorado we gotta play the park how do i look oh i feel this one is that it this one looks like crocodile dundee i bet oh god what do you think of my hat that's awesome i don't know we just need to sew the smoke stain right onto it dude that'd be great next merchandise drop leave a comment if you want one of these hats in the next drive shop is this a pillow i do need a pillow i'm gonna name you barry bury the dolphin how does this make any sense to go and live without a house you think it would be cheap right how much all that probably cost that's probably like twenty five thousand dollars right there where do we pay for this junk at all i'm actually kind of worried about bears i know the bears mean yeah but you're not staying there i'm not worried about the bears at all my doors don't walk they do on the outside i'll lock them for you then i'm walked in the humvee that's unfortunate we're gonna put the humvee they get stolen please tell me you got stolen you know what the thing about is i started off this whole adventure like i love military vehicles i don't love military vehicles no more okay so you see this cart right here this is what eight hundred of dollars worth of a cabela's kitchen we got a cooler backpack to put all of our junk in ooh we got a chair so i can sit down and be comfortable sleeping bag so it don't freeze down last but certainly not least i got barry my dolphin me and barry are going to hold down the humvee overnight i hate to break it to you but barry's going to freeze to death tonight barry is not going to freeze it up there he's not going to make it i ain't going to freeze that listen here i'll start this okay when you put this hat on women want you looking over there oh yeah that's that weston you're just supposed to stay over there for me okay to the mountains we go we're currently driving our very very cold heavy into a snowstorm how's it going i'm not hot anymore where are we you are here bush creek okay so it goes up goes that way and then you turn left and go right over the top to pearl mountain so we're going we're gonna hit that tomorrow it's getting dark on us and i don't want to go up in the dark so i guess we're gonna find a place to camp and see how cold it gets tonight how much snow we get and then try to go up that bad boy in the morning so i think we go further up the mountain up there to where that clearing's at and that's where we camp at oh hell yeah it's been a long time since i've been camping with a fire i like it here [Music] we're ready to cook if i could weld as good as i can put mustard in the hot dog i would be the best fabricator you've ever seen in your life all right boys welcome to my crib now first off i want to introduce you guys to our pantry we got the barbecue chips rocking in here we got the hot dog buns and next thing i got to show you my fridge now this here is the nicest lifetime cooler fridge you'll ever see in your life full of aquafina dr pepper can't afford it but that's somebody else's let's get introduce you to the kitchen now here we have a fully wood cooking stove now i know what you guys are thinking this is expensive i know it is but i had an importer from italy because i only believe in the best of the best the living room's got to be fire and it is i'm sitting here i'm chilling when i want to watch tv i want to watch the bears coming up to get ready to eat me guys i've showed you all the good stuff but i got to show you the best side here's where the magic happens right there sleeping bag my coat is bundled up as a pillow that's the bedroom also double there's a humvee sometimes it runs all right get out of my crib we're leaving what yeah no here's a gopro unless you need to film anything with that you can't just leave me with it well there's my bed who's left me out here get in there berries you hear that dude i don't like it out here i don't like it out here at all i will say as much as i complain about it as much as it sucks right now to do i never thought in my wildest dreams that i would ever be out here doing something like this and that is the coolest thing in the world so regardless if it comes out good or bad i got the chance to do it all right i'll get with you guys as soon as i get eaten by a bear or the sun comes up either way good night boys [Music] [Applause] it's 3 a.m it is so freaking cold in here oh my god i got a zero degree sleeping bag and it's not doing any good like it's just so freaking cold so and it started to snow it's snowing really good now so uh i can hear the snow hitting the roof of the humvee [Applause] damn that's cold i think i'm gonna fire up the humvee come on don't fit me now oh yes yes humphy i just kicked the whites on the humvee i don't know if you guys can see that it is snowing good outside i got the heater on full power i'm just going to let it run [Music] humvee's killing my back laying in there oh it's not great but at least with it running on the heater on full blast it keeps me warm also one more thing i forgot to mention the humvee is rolling sorry it's cold the humvee is running extremely low on diesel so i'm gonna take a couple of these jerry cans i got and pour some diesel on it real quick just heard a cow moo hopefully it's not getting eaten by a bear all them cows are mighty upset which means there might be some close by so i'm just going to get back into humvee and go to sleep [Music] well that was horrible but to the humvee's advantage it did well i guess it started when i wanted to start it wasn't that comfortable i will say it sucked so bad last night but this is freaking beautiful out here now on top of going over a 14 000 foot mountain it snowed on it all right let's pack up camp and go off-roading all right we packed up camp i guess it's time to try to get up this mountain hey that wasn't a snow drift did i leave the ground what for you me to tell me fred likes to jump dude i knew fred was good but i didn't know fred was this good so here's the big thing at the end of this trail there's a big boulder field and i know fred can get across that boulder field and back so before we leave we've got to conquer the boulder fish oh dude she's climbing oh our doors might fall off by time we make it to the top but we'll be good oh yo your back tire is low what backlog [Music] this would be the worst place in the world of all time honestly i think if we find some place to turn around we probably go back because blowing a tire up here with no spare like this is the only four tires we got that'll fit this bad boy like this come on dude oughta hit the water crossing with some speed that's that should be our victory this bulls on my face delete my browser history i think it's holding there i'm not sure we'll see what happens next scene either we're broke down or driving down the interstate okay guys i will admit i got pretty sick sleeping in the humvee overnight but the humvee drive is going well okay i'll be honest we didn't drive it all the way because i got terribly sick and i didn't feel like that tire on the i didn't feel like messing with that tire blowing out over the top of the mountain so we hauled it over the top of the rockies we're back on flat ground but we're not going to stop so easily because now we're going to unload this and continue driving at home the problem is we know these tires aren't gonna make it all the way home but never fear i've got a plan i heard they checking for me no one checking on me had to go run up a check i got the message homie ain't no flexing on me my attorney gonna call it collect blessings before he left utah josh said hey take my tires and wheels on my race truck in case you pull out all your other tires so now we've got twenty twos on the we're cruising we're doing 70 miles an hour right now it's smooth if it weren't so loud this right here would be better than a mercedes g wagon this trip has been something honestly i just want to go home fred come on i know you can make it we put you through a lot of all you got to do is make you six more hours it's apparently dying we was ripping pretty good but now we're down to 35 miles an hour and she's dying stupid truck we're only an hour and a half away from home 1500 miles we're an hour and a half get your together i would rather it just make up its mind i'd rather blow up or keep going i am so over this trip probably a clogged fuel filter or something working the fact that it's running out of fuel some idiot wasn't watching the fuel gauge i'm like why is it not running right look down that's out of fuel [Music] diesel don't take fuel because we're on a hill drink up fred i know i was blaming this on you this is kind of my fault me and fred got this you want to see fred do something awesome did it spin the back tires no oh you know what we're gonna squeeze awesome stuff until next time [Music] get official now oh my god i'm so close i can smell it we cross this bridge as official city limits into winfield kansas as soon as we make it across this bridge i declare victory we're here we made it hopefully you guys enjoyed it oh hold on
Channel: Westen Champlin
Views: 3,758,999
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: te0LrPCz1h4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 2sec (1322 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 11 2021
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