I tried Edible Food Art on Tik Tok | Sea Shell Buns

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hi I'm Karthik Jewett and this is the CEO of Walmart Doug McMillon you ready for this Doug oh sorry my hair is in your ear we've been watching some Tech Talk lately and there's one Tech Talk in particular that was so gorgeous so stunning so oddly satisfying that I just had to recreate it oh my goodness it's shells that sounds so like not cool but it's really really really cool like you're gonna die when you see actually I'm gonna show you the tick-tock right now Wow Wow check that out - I can't believe it how does she do that why now a lot of what I'm doing today is going to be improv because the person has been very very secretive about their recipe but I can only assume that this is a steamed button like a steamed Chinese button so that's the recipe I'm gonna be using please let this work please let this work [Music] we have the flower pre-measured here because I didn't want half the video to be me trying to measure it while screaming the next thing we need is instant yeast and a paper towel baking is scary because it's a science we're starting off with the shell first and then oh I think you'll love my filling Iftekhar FiguArts special this was the last flower at the grocery store which is good for me because I'm about to do a lot of baking not very good at it and I want to get better and this was the last yeast well not the last one but it was customers new insulin try to have a little drama well we've got a photo of it that's 2.5 grams flour yeast looks cool 5.40 okay I need to take like with baking you have to be exact perfect three grams of baking powder the person who made this tik-tok I was looking for the recipe in the comments and all that the author put was the recipe is above but then you went above and there was no recipe so I might be cracking a confidential secret here 3.1 grams of baking powder 10 grams of sugar and I think you'll be pleased to know that this is a sweet dessert fun usually Chinese steamed buns er are savory and they're delicious and I love dim sum but I'm gonna try my hand at a little sweet gorgeous fun cuz Karthik goober it's got sweet gorgeous buns whoa 10 grams exact what 10 grams exact impossible it's possible if you put your mind to it I'm just gonna put a pinch of salt just a pinch whoa that's a pinch yes salty button no although there's nothing wrong with that the filling is this sweetest thing you've ever seen and it's something that I've always wanted to make I'm just very grateful for this opportunity I'm proud of this community mmm smells like baking dimmer watch those cooking shows with kids and the kids are just so incredibly good at baking I hope one day I could be one of those kids you're gonna go back in time and get better at baking at the same time yes I have to do this mama style with a bowl on my lap cuz we got a slowly add this Oh and incorporate it perfectly I don't know why there's oil in this give it that I don't know the first thing about baking I asked my little friend Brody who's like wants to be a baker when he grows up and he was quite perplexed by this as well this is a very very strange thing to make and it's hard to know what it is and the original poster has secrets now we ever so slowly add 250 grams of water now they say that it needs to be lukewarm water so hopefully she's lukewarm I always do the messiest things in my brand new cute clothes I just like having opportunities to wear them and I haven't been leaving the house much these days this is the last step with a fork after this it's all me it's all my mitts to be doing the work just watering my dough taking care of my household doin the best I can I can't tell you how proud I'm gonna be if I'd get these perfect there are some things that kind of prevent it though mm-hmm the green part of the dough so when we do this during the spinach step it's gonna be exactly the same except this is going to be me pouring in spinach water and I was asking if I could use green food coloring but apparently a lot of Baker's really prefer spinach okay this is like actually feeling good though like this is feeling like the kind of dough I'm kneading oh it's really starting to seem like dough though the dough is done and now I'm gonna take this and put this in the microwave make a second batch of dough but before we do that I'd like to kick back to nighttime prepared kartha who's making our lovely filling hi daytime kartha hai nighttime kartha how are you I'm good it's just been really strata really care what do you think I'm gonna put in this filling chocolate chocolate chip Oh strawberry mousse cream or you know what I'm really like you literally have it in your fridge like your car that from the future of all the questions you should have got this one right uh he makes me sick did you forget your happy pills all right just get out of here for now hi I'm night I'm Karthik ooh words and now we're gonna make some custard for the Philly I love custard I don't like custard and donuts however have you ever had an egg tart before mmm they're really good and I've always wanted to make a custard treat with a nice creamy ah thick custard so that's what we're doing now we're gonna start off whole milk cuz custard it's thick oh okay can't you just feel the nourishment in your whole milk have a cup of heavy cream and if you think that this is heavy as it's gonna get oh you're in trouble thick cream it's like a little cushion it's a thick delicious nutritious fantastic healthy wonderful snack now we're gonna turn this baby boy on gotta plug it in ah now I like custard cuz it's very very easy easy and delicious and everyone's gonna be like Oh kartha invite me over more you're so much fun to be with and there right now as we wait for this to heat up here I'm going to whisk 1/4 cup of sugar into this milk this might be one of the few like sickeningly sweet things that I actually like to eat because oh girl it's delicious and nutritious I don't know what the nutrition it is nutritious you know why I'm about to put the next ingredient in it and the next ingredient is a powerhouse of nutrition in my opinion depends who you listen to and push these shells are just a little snack these shells are just a little tiny bite it's not like you're gonna be eating this whole thing unless you're stuck at home and you uh are just hungry all day you see that that milk mixture has been brought to a little simmer and now I have to do the grossest thing ever separate 5 yolks from their eggs you okay one I'm using flat surfaces now because I don't want to get stuff and Oh flat surfaces it just breaks it too much now you might be wondering why am I not saving these egg whites to make a nice omelet and it's because I the yolk is the only good part what are you talking about imagine eating like egg whites it's like eating paper the yolk is where all the flavor is the yolk is where all the knowledge is yoga knows what it's talking about quarter cup of sugar once again this one's going into our yolks a lot of sugar now I'm gonna mix these two together until they're smooth this just says custard all over it gorgeous cornstarch quarter cup and then whisk until incorporated this isn't my non-scientific method a stirring cornstarch in now this is gonna thicken her up thicken her up real oh god it's getting everywhere I'm just gonna put the rest in it's no time for science this is a time for conspiracies I've been being told that Karthik oh it says gorgeous too much I have to disagree you can never say gorgeous too many times now baking scares me because it's a science it really is like there's unlike just regular like savory cooking there's no room for error with this you can't just eyeball it have fun it's not about fun it's about precision okay now a quarter cup at the top at a time we add it the milk to the egg we're go now this is supposed to temper it I don't know what temper means but that's what we're going for right now oh that smells so good tempered no it just smells like a hit of dairy it smells like if you're lactose intolerant like this is not your thing but I hope you stay and watch anyway now we got to gradually add this to this why I have no idea that's just the way it works okay this is about to slip out my hands I was gonna good for you Oh mother bear mode activated wow this is really an arm workout I need 57 grams of unsalted butter whoa look at this it's thick now last butter piece keep stirring this until the butter is all melted oh my goodness it looks so much like custard now I had no idea that custard was this rich this is like the kind of thing that you get at a restaurant and it tastes way better at the restaurant because like your mother would never do this to you but like hey every once in a while am i right a teaspoon and a half I'm really excited for this stuff it's what gives custard that mmm yummy yellow nectar of the gods that's custard oh so good smells like a little buttercream vanilla it smells like a doughnut smells like Krispy Kreme okay now I gotta put this in a bowl cover it in plastic and then back to you kartha it's been not she the green of our second dough and that first dough oh she doesn't look great but we're hoping for the best I'm just gonna keep blending this until it's like a really nice green okay I need 250 grams of that please let this be green dough wow that is like strong like food coloring I learned from a baking lady that I was just watching that you have to be very gentle with dough and in the first batch I was not very gentle also it would have been a lot better if we juice to the spinach but I don't have a juicer so we're gonna get an extra dosage of fiber today I had no idea you could use veggies as natural food coloring except for like beets but spinach that's funky yes get my fingers sticky do it I dare you we ran out of flour so I have to be very strategic very gentle as the baking gods say now this dough feels a lot better than the first one like this one actually feels like dough she says always roll it towards yourself so I'm gonna do that Karthi guru listening to Martha Stewart what a collab that's the finished green dough huh fill this with hot water cling wrapper fridge there not fridge microwave 20 minutes but not actually yeah yeah don't turn on the microwave it just needs to sit oh my goodness that's dough for ya hold we okay now we got to roll it out but we don't have a rolling pin because they're really hard to find right now so I'm going to use a bowling pin who has a bowling pin instead of a rolling pin in their house I'm gonna use a bottle we got to roll the holes out of this and we're gonna roll it flat and then we're gonna roll both of these dough's into a cinnamon bun of color time to get the holes out of the dough oh oh I was worried before but this is very soft very soft indeed I'm gonna put some flour on the bottle here we go now because I don't have a rolling pin this isn't going to be how they say perfect but it's gonna be almost look at that green one that one's really popping through pop and fresh big broccoli [Music] okay so now I just have to hope that there's enough flour on this cutting board that this comes off I have to roll the green one now but I don't know where to put this one when I'm rolling the green one oh yeah when the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie oh I like that stretch I got there all right now just rest here for a bit okay don't do anything while I'm gone don't do anything I wouldn't do Oh round this time I'm gonna really flour the board wouldn't want that happening with our little green one whoa it's so far on the fuel bottle oops indubitably baking at its worst I think that we're onto something here we might be making a difference in this world oh it's hard work working in the kitchen you know my dad used to always say if you can't take the heat get back in the kitchen I think he was right okay yeah I do think that like once my technique got a little bit more refined the green dough has come out much better it's much easier to work with it's much smoother and might I say gorgeous now we're gonna put the white dough on top of the green dough oh my gosh yep whoa wow you just went and did it yep had to you'd have to make decisions in this life otherwise what are you doing okay I'm gonna grab a knife [Music] holy crap I think I've done it have you ever practice a sushi roll no I got to start on this side because the other side is kind of stick into the bottom Oh dough is so fun I totally get why people like baking now like this is very very interesting Wow okay this is the part where it's like not coming off come on get off please I was almost perfect look how bright beautiful green that is okay so now we take the cylinder and we let it sit for another ten minutes and then I get something so this is the custard from yesterday who made that I did I did yesterday oh this is mmm it's very firm let me see if I can like roll it into a ball okay that's kind of tough gluten yeah it's kind of tough are you ready for something I like to call the moment of truth mm-hmm okay now cutting this is gonna be quite tough because you kind of just gotta like let the weight of the knife fall through it otherwise you're essentially squishing the dough which is very soft but if you look at the inside here mmm ooh I know it's perfect there's like bubbles in it right now but after I get my first slice um you roll it out again so I think that we are nailing our lives right now wow this is precise okay this is the first one that I'm gonna roll with my bottle oh my god it's so pretty it's not perfect but hey it's something now we're gonna make a little shell thingies mmm it's okay for a first try now I squish this together add a custard and then close okay so this is the first try what do you think it's not great Coolidge Enki yeah it's not it's not perfect this is my practice one doesn't have anything in it though yeah but I'd say it looks a lot better like that one's kind of cute this one's kind of you what happened I think it's a little thing maybe oh okay I'll go thicker this time so this one's thicker I'm just gonna make more lines through it so it looks more like a shell I don't have the precision that like the fastest worker in the world guy has that's one less kind of like doo-doo-doo doo-doo-doo-doo whoa she's a beauty didn't the probe yeah a little messy okay so I think as far as beauty goes thicker is better the next one I'm gonna try with my hands oiled because some people say flowers some people say oil I feel like it'll be a lot more like shiny and pretty if there's oil on it okay all makes it really easy to roll out like scary easy I feel like this is over rolled flapjack yeah she goopy oh my goodness hey I don't think oil is the play I think we use flour cuz that's a sad deflated shell right there guess this one's a little baby so I need a little baby filling for it [Music] it's a baby shell it just washed up on the beach a little janky here I tucked it in get it again yeah kind of cute huh mm-hmm so this is my first try does that I don't have any cuts to you yeah second try third try oil try and then this one I'd say I'm getting pretty good this one's gonna go in the steamer room yes these are gonna be steamed hands steamed clams so the thicker it is the deeper you can go with these like little dents and the more it looks like a shell so it sucks that we don't have a rolling pin like a light one cuz in the tic-tock the guy has a very light rolling pin and I have a wine bottle that one's kind of a beauty I will say that one's a beauty I just have to like kind of close it enough on the bottom so that the ingredients don't come out okay so now I'm about to steam these pups in a rice cooker because that's what one of the recipes I followed set to do I've just realized that custard is probably a risky filling for this kind of thing because it melts so I tried to pack these as closed-off as possible hopefully it has the same integrity as a soup dumpling because if not I'm in trouble another batch yeah so we've got the experimental kind of more open batch and then this one I'm like ruining them to make them close just to see because I really want to like be able to eat these huh don't want the custard to all melt Oh what are you doing now making creme brulee because I'm scared that these buns won't turn out how to use the extra custard for something experimental buns with the lid on top of the strainer on top of the buns on top of a strainer they look done they feel done probably have to wait for them to cool a little bit I don't know where to put this why'd you pick it huh want to remove it from the heat source that's probably really hot yeah it is thank you excuse me and for these I think I'm just gonna like leave them until Oh they're done it was exciting I'm actually like gonna get to eat food art okay so with the ones that we closed tightly they didn't leak at all so like this is gonna be like an actual bite these ones are interesting because the rice counter steamed ones are a lighter green than these ones it appears not only like two of them leak though so maybe custard wasn't such a bad idea oh he's smells so good I'm so excited I get to eat food hurt like I get to eat it try this little shell this is so good what yeah there's like a little pocket in the middle with the custard that's perfectly in it look at that mmm now this one didn't leak at all because it's like pushed the flavors really really good and like it tastes just like Asia for some reason it tastes like exotic like something my mom would make the custard is perfect the dough isn't too sweet I just wish that I made it more beautiful but I think for my first try like actually seriously baking even though it was steaming I was still making bread I think I did a really nice job and it tastes really good and it's funny cuz I'm one of the recipes like the lady was like no you shouldn't try making steamed buns if you're new at this like it's gonna leak everywhere but like this custard didn't leak it's in there and it's good so you think people could do it if they tried it mm-hmm it's like not too hard right mm-hmm a bond with custard in it so good should I try to crumble a to I mean we know it's gonna be good I'm gonna be up all night from all the sugar yeah that caramelize sugar oh maybe the custard is what makes it good actually I'm positive the custard is what makes it good like it is the richest creamiest nice buttery sweet dream it's a magic dream well yummy we did it I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you'd like to see me again make sure you have push notifications and I'll see on the next one bye [Music]
Channel: Gloom
Views: 5,701,584
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gloom, gloomgames, kassie, gloom tries, art, 2020, techniques, style, interesting, pretty, food art, kassie mom, kartha gewart, hacks, 123 go, school, food, food hacks, gloom tries cooking, recreating tiktoks, tiktok food, tik tok lunch, tiktok, tik tok, dessert, steamed bun, custard, diy, shells, tik tok video
Id: TU1E-UhY0qs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 35sec (1415 seconds)
Published: Fri May 01 2020
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