I Tried Working In A Security Booth ...But I Only Let Creepy Strangers In

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uh is there a guy standing over there hello back in my booth get back in my booth get back in my booth [Music] today is october 1st which means it's the beginning of spoopy season i mean i already play spooky creepy stuff on the channel but in october i take it up a notch and i thought what better way to begin this spoopy month than to combine two of my favorite things spooky things and simulating job experiences because as you know lately i have been amazing at every job that i've ever tried to do and now today i'm gonna try my hand at being a security booth guard i will be the person that will okay people to come in and out of this office building and my job is to keep people safe so let's uh let's see if i keep people safe because this is a spooky game probably not somebody's gonna die hopefully it won't be me 1996. oh my god it's my first day oh look at my little booth oh do i have a tv oh no wait it's 1996. wait there should be a tv in here no tv all right what what do we got job rules job rules make sure to talk to the person in the car they must work here got it check person's license plan on front of their car if the person's license plate is on the employee register let them in if they are not on the registrar you must tell them to leave only open the gate to employees keep gate closed until you've checked the person's plane id got it i think i hear a car somebody waiting for me hello oh i'm sorry hello there ma'am or sir hold on it's my first day i don't know how to open the door there we go hi just your friendly neighborhood security booth guard feel like jesus i hate every night i come in for my night shift and i gotta deal with her hello great night we're having good things to come i think mind letting me in hold on i need to don't run me over please sir g12 69r g12 69r g12 69r j12 69r g12 69r ah stefan opry operson yes stefan you gonna let me in yes oh you know i'm gonna have to replay this and just say no to everybody and yes to everybody but no i will do my job oh i gotta let you in hold on this yay i did it please don't let anybody else in behind you go quickly thank you does it close by itself or do i have to close it quickly okay it closes by itself what's this do no one is on the line great [Music] i hear a car ah ah hello battle more sir it is me your neighborhood friendly security guard quiet night but that's nice today just feels like it's gonna be hell let me in sure what what is what is going on over here nova nexus they won't let me in the building i don't know what's going on in there all right what do we got leon three one leo and three one louis woodhouse i hope you have a wonderful night louie go fall do i have to go out and tell them yes or no or can i just open the gate have a good night louie oh can i get in can i get in can i get in can i get in ah let me in please oh they won't let me in there they don't like me i don't know why i'm very pleasant oh hello you may be wondering why i'm not in my booth the air is just so pleasant all right what almost pulled the sick day but this is just too important to miss let me know when i can go in well we'll see if you can go in all right g-u-d boy good boy ah i see what you did there sir are you a good boy are you a good boy good boy george phillips all right i'm just gonna open it for you have a good day george phillips or night sorry i like your license plate i like your alexa ah oh he didn't get to he didn't get to hear my compliment on his license plate so stupid door is this uh is this bulletproof glass by the way am i safe in here oh okay hello night shift again i hear that i doubt tonight will drag on too much not for me at least uh can i go in xt2m28 mario villages uh mario yes uh i'll just let you in go mario get out of here go there we go well this is a lonely job that food jesus hello error code zero five zero am i supposed to remember this number seven okay what's the error code for i'll ask this guy hello rather be at home playing games but i got called in for an emergency could you let me in what's going on in there you uh you want to tell oh oh oh i didn't mean to talk to you again sir i need to check your license plate uh crap i don't know what happens if i say no where was your license plate what was your license plate hold on ah you don't have a back license plate i have no idea if i was supposed to let that guy in i did not check his license plate i did not need to talk to him whoops who knows he could have been a serial killer i just saved everyone you're all welcome now i'm definitely gonna have to replay the game because i don't know oh god uh is there a guy standing over there jesus why is there a man standing over here hello sir another late night yeah say mine let me in okay i will check your license plate this time f a five a four eight i don't like this is that the guy that's the guy turned away he's like how dare you turn me away andreas stavis is everybody men what are they running over there hello should i go over there i'm too scared i'm sorry if you were the man i didn't let in earlier it didn't give me the ability to go back can i walk over here i'm scared oh i can't i can't go for this hello i'm gonna go back in my booth back in my booth back in my booth get back in my boots get back to my boobs get back to my booth back in my booth shut the oh my god what where i'm sorry i didn't let you in it wasn't my fault help what's happening what's happening system failure system failure oh do i live do i work at a chemical plant what is happening please somebody tell me what i do this is my first day it's my first day oh my god that's the car of the guy that was staring at me over there oh god the music why hello sir this is nova nexus headquarters right today is my first day and got a little lost running late mind letting me in let me just check your license plate sir uh d e4 d e d e4 d e4 d e4 i don't you're not on this list you're not on this list i should have known sir i can't let you in i want to know what happens if i let you in but i can't oh oh my god get in get it get it get it get it get it get it get it get in get in the booth get in the booth oh get out of here okay he's sleeping he's he's leaving what's that sound what's the sound what's the sound what's the sound [Music] jesus yeah hello oh i'm getting chills i don't like this [Music] is everybody dead in there what happened i heard an explosion i don't know what this business does help help help help help help help oh no what do i do what do i do what do i do i'm just staying in here just gonna stay in here just gonna stay in here nobody can hurt me in here oh it's a different car okay okay it's not the blue car all right sir oh god oh god oh god should i check out of the phone's ringing r e b 0 3 1 r e b 3 0 3 1 [Music] oh my god the car is gone i hate it why did i agree to this job why emergency emergency is that what the explosion was sound system activated security weapons activated oxygen levels reducing oh god your families will be informed of your death but emergency emergency lockdown system activated what security weapons activated security weapons oxygen my family ah nobody's been trying to leave yet though if it was an emergency wouldn't somebody be trying to leave i want to leave i want to go home oh my god somebody's trying to leave okay i was just i got it oh no did something terrible happen because i accidentally didn't let that guy in who said that he got called in for an emergency he got called in for the emergency uh the guy in the red car that i turned away said he got called in for an emergency i'm pretty sure that was that guy and i didn't let him in and so the emergency happened i caused everybody to die in there because i didn't let that guy in by accident am i supposed to go out to the car what's over here not oh the director is still running tests i'm going to shoot him if this goes on any longer oh there's notes hold on i found another one the excitement is a rush we are so close to finishing the experiment we have had a few accidents someone called natasha died last week but it's all worth it in my opinion help help finally the experiment has been improved i'm so excited i feel that classified will really change this company in the world for the better oh wait there was another page looks like it's coming together now after the weekend it's time for the experiment as long as we don't get error zero five zero that was the error which never happens everything will go great oh god oh god sir and or ma'am hello are you here to take me home what happened a car fell out of the sky it won't let me end [Applause] okay so i'm assuming maybe the other ending because there's two endings i think the other ending is if i let that bad car in because i did it so today i'm letting everybody in hello sir and or ma'am i think it's different license plates i'm just gonna let everybody in though not even gonna look there you go enjoy oh hello there not even gonna talk to you there you go oh my god it's the guy i didn't let in last time i think unless it's just a random red car again well this time either way you get to go in and you get to go in everybody gets to go in i'm terrible at my job goodbye erica oh there it is we're all gonna die yay oh was this a guy didn't let in yeah this was the guy didn't let it he got called in for an emergency well this time you're gonna get to go in unless this fixes everything somehow but i doubt it oh it's my buddy hey buddy tonight's the night i'm gonna let you in come on i'll let you in come on come on yeah that can't be good what are we in chernobyl victim failure great this reminds me of chernobyl those explosions that i'm hearing just a little bit oh good it's the creepy guy hello i trust you there you go enjoy i wonder if he's got like oh my god oh yes yes yes finally there you go all in a day's work oh i found another one if the director keeps running his goddamn tests we will never get to open classified with classified and classified it would only take a short amount of time to complete i missed that one last time yes whatever don't care this time i just want to know how it ends there's the hand print i don't know why though i let the creepy man in can i let this guy in because last time he just disappeared i'm not answering the phone go go on in ghost car now right and the ghost car's gone is this the call to notify my family of my death emergency yep lockdown system activated security weapons activated i've ruined everything i ruined everything i ruined everything again everyone's gonna die cause i let everyone into the building my bad my bad i shouldn't have let everybody in well the first time i messed up because i didn't let that guy in for the emergency well that's new oh i feel like it is chernobyl oh my god get in get in get it get it get it get it get in get in get in shut the door oh as it says if shutting the door would have saved me there what's happening ah yes got the second ending by being terrible at my job all right and that's uh what it's like to have me working your security booth everyone dies don't have me work your security booth i don't know what i'm doing but those are the only two endings as of now this reminds me a lot of the night of the consumers game if you didn't watch me play that i will link it below or if you have watched me play it then why not check out one of these videos that are popping up right now also make sure to leave a like before you go especially if you're excited for spooky season and if you love these spooky games then make sure to hit the subscribe button before you go there'll be lots of them especially this month and as always i will see you guys soon
Channel: LaurenzSide
Views: 1,390,044
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, Laurenzside of Gaming, funny girl gamer, night of the consumer, night of the consumer game, scary games, 3 scary games, scary, scariest, retail, retail worker, retail game, supermarket, shopping, nightmare, I got another Job, new job, funny, funny moments, all endings, security booth, security guard, job simulator, I worked, creepy
Id: 2JB9DYGsL8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 59sec (959 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 01 2021
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