I Tried Tik Tok Food Hacks to see if they work

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the fans it's me today I'm hungry and we're gonna be trying some food hacks real chick-fil-a hat you can get any drink frosted whoa so they do in the hack for me oh they even mix it to so any soda you can even do it with the lemonade I'll put soft-serve in it and mix it up okay so I got asked for a frosted I would go to my chick-fil-a Nabila we need frosting but this is coming from an employee I will trust her okay I'm pretty sure they gave me cope but what is this is this the frosted drink they just gave me a frosty in a cup are they frosting the drinks this looks like a regular coffee they want me to do the frosting at home and I'm pretty sure they gave me a coke lemonade ain't brown unless it come from bad lemon by the way some of you guys have been asking me about my glasses they're actually a collab I'm doing that will be available in a few months so give me a coke it's funny cuz I said I didn't want their a/c and she was like no you should keep thirsty in case we mess up but this is foreshadowing it even small lemonade this is a frosted lemonade the diet lemonade and then a coffee is that the frosted lemonade it looks like it's just ice cream okay here it is oh that is a frosted lemonade it's pretty good I feel like there could be less frosty more lemonade I thought it was gonna be like a scoop of ice cream and a lemonade I didn't know it was a good yes it's literally lemon flavored frosty and now we got a nice coffee flavor this'll process you this one's watery there's all just a nice coffee there's no frosty in this I wanted iced coffee frosted chick-fil-a has never messed up like this before that's good coffee though I ain't mad so they make it a talkies hot pocket nothing says depression food like this where's the meat mmm talkies my favorite source of protein okay seems simple enough right cheese and takis I bought a whole bag of talkies just for this hat cuz this actually looks pretty good and that's how you open a bag otaku silly hat my tortilla I'll never have a burrito with no meat you're gonna Maureen tortillas you know me healthy these are talkies so first do we just pour them or they have to be in a specific design on the cheese and then we're going to fold it like this like this and like this I think over stuff and then we pop it on the pan with that bad boy cook again bigger although the good one okay again go with ash right just I'm gonna hide the exercise it smells really good it smells like some modern spicy food this is the cushion a cup like lacquer it's tinted in a harsh so I'm going to eat it with my like top the ruie cuz it's so crunchy chocolate you see what the inside looks like mmm are you talking hard okay mmm that's pretty good spicy talkies are oh I got a nice crunch let's leave I got some cheese I'm playing I look pretty bomb no I never have the seasoning it with anything as I gotta feel I've got I did not think chips in a burrito would taste Silva eight out of ten go snack big if McDonald's I want hot and fresh fry every time yes so if you order fries with no salt they have to make you a fresh batch every time you just gotta remember to salt your own fries definitely worth it let's try it out the drive-thru goes all the way down the road we go no another McDonald's give me they're making my fries fresh so they're making the parking wait okay did I what's up here behind this we're all waiting for no salt on our fries who knew it was that easy to get fresh fries okay they gave me the fries who they they told see they hot they smoking hot there's no salt they're gonna give me a soul back ketchup packet you took the salt oh she let her friends laugh salt poor girls I'll taste buds don't even waste a ketchup packet on her you're so good you drew it up salt for but they're gonna be here better you still you know them is my organic ketchup I have at home and my honey mustard from chick-fil-a five minute craft click baited a skittles jelly I put the video like this doesn't actually use this so we're gonna try to make a skittles jelly I took my bag of skittles we separated them by color I got my last team we're gonna mix hot I don't think that we're gonna do it the right way no idea how I'm gonna do this so we're just gonna go at it with the first IDI hat I haven't really like fully plan this idea who's gonna take a container lid take some parchment paper to it and I'm gonna little sections okay this might work it might not you didn't try to do these hacks by making the least dirty dishes possible now that I got taught that I'm gonna take my boiling water pour it in the gelatin she'll probably mix it up a bit look at like doodoo juice and I'm gonna pour it over my skittles hopefully I get some of the color out these are sour because digital ate my regular skittles yesterday oh we got that red water now let them marinate in there for a hot SEC shake them up ooh they be looking pretty maybe I shouldn't even bother with the grape ones good enough I don't know if that's enough actually looking good just like the purple ones trying to pick it up without spilling half of it learn from my mistakes now we're gonna pop it in the fridge we lost one surface in this fridge the fridge you go nobody will know get out of the way and now we have white skittles eggs is what happens when you take all the color off they've been stripped of their color privilege eventuate I guess there was a hole in the parchment paper or something but like they froze a tiny bit so I was gonna take it out and then separate them and then put them back in but look look where the purple is it was like you don't like me I don't like you do not work out on you know she's never gonna create a baby no five minutes couldn't even try this they click mated with it and they didn't even attempt it so I'm attempting a hack that I don't know how to put more effort into it I could probably figure it out but it is but one the many hacks we are doing today I don't know got time for that I am arranging my jelly there we go he's almost mean boo thank you the British refrigeration around to mummy used me mr. peace make them now Elise is edible I need to do a taste test let's taste this see if at least it's good it kind of does taste like skittles oh it doesn't taste bad it's just like a very watered-down jello I think if I use regular skittles or not the sour ones this would actually been pretty delicious nothing but disappointment okay mukbang time y'all ready for this shirt do I always want to see my thing you know a lot of people got a sour candy problem me being one of them but can't control themselves so I have the alternative is supposed to be lime plus green grapes and it's supposed to be it's exactly like sour patch kids I can't say I believe this there's no way a grape and sublime cuz he's exactly like sour patch kids no I'm gonna prove that you're all liars gonna sacrifice some of my very perfect grapes for this pack these ones tamson very hard which is how I like them twice um in half do you know that if you put lines on grapes they taste like sour patch kids no way right no way they're lying I bet it just tastes like sour grapes i coated them real good newtons are really crunchy so I'm like mad about this there's no way that fruit can taste like a candy like that I'm kidding guys this is exactly what you think it would taste like well I'm covered great it's not bad it just doesn't oh my god I like a split second and my taste buds it's like he's probably got second it kind of did it kind of I'm not till things like great but I mean grapes tastes better than sour patch kids so maybe I'm just biased stop letting tick-tock lie to you have a separate the yolks from the whites it's not racist at all no I know they have a bunch of fancy contraptions to do this but this whole time you can just do it with a water bottle just slurp it up and eject one egg boom I bought a fancy egg Anoop separator when this whole time it's left it for a second okay the yolk has been secured only works with thick yolks that's gross for the next pack popping in my mug is wipe away any excess egg juice take some bread put it in a mug mix some egg tomato sauce parmigiano sausage tomato and more cheese microwave for only two minutes and when BAM yes man you got a pizza mug ma'am no hacking way I'm not believing it for a second and not because it came from five minute cracks but that seems too good to be true but last time we did an Oreo mug cake and he came out so good that I'm starting to believe in these mug recipes so let's try we're having white people pizza night have an egg from the grocery store shut it up bread from the grocery store shredded more bread from the grocery I can't share fast enough they're gonna mix our bread and egg mixture the last time I tried to tax I made a prison pizza in the microwave and it was so delicious so I have hoped for this one being the only differences what I see became from an ex-inmate and then this recipe came from five-minute crap no our tomato sauce bone Apple teeth I'm gonna put some oregano because you can't have pizza with no oregano unlike a lot of oregano but you leaves come through do they use Parmesan cheese for some reason but I'm gonna use parmesan and mozzarella you can't have a pizza with no mozzarella had it all down I'll make sure stay down just in the little pepperonis I'm gonna break them up and pop them in they did two layers of cheese so I'm gonna put another layer over them pepperonis real good the stupidest mug I own we're gonna pop in the microwave first I don't even remember until we hear it sizzle I'm gonna do three minutes oh good like a whole town in the kitchen maybe I should let it cook a little more a few moments later well there's a passive lizard testa more time okay okay god I want to like take it out and see what it looks like oh it's like it's cook look who you do oh it's like a pizza ball alright we're gonna take a bite of this oh good does anybody pizza kinda they look at big dish pizza not even online how bright an egg go and do that you know what is actually pretty oh look just that dough good pepperonis cooked to perfection I feel like I put it in too long the sides cooked a lot more than I would like the bread does not taste that good though give me the egg that the bread wasn't like mix good or something going on there that I don't enjoy everything else is a pretty fun but anyways that's all for today I hope you guys enjoyed this video comment below let me know which one of these would you actually try and if you enjoyed make sure that like my number make sure you turns out notifications today today I subscribed you're the wolf pack I love you guys so much thanks watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 11,122,980
Rating: 4.9209423 out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reaction, reacting, funny, life hacks, tiktok hacks, tiktok, tik tok, diy, do it yourself, to, see, if, they, work, tiktok life hacks, life hack, food hacks, tiktok food hacks
Id: U8HNTpd7fRY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 14sec (734 seconds)
Published: Mon May 18 2020
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