Trying CRAZY LIFE HACKS to see if they work!

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hello friends it's me it's that time of night where my eyes literally don't want to open so here we are doing this video nothing gets my eyes open at 3:00 a.m. like some 5 minute crafts oh by the way it's your favorite messy hair youtuber Todd I really wanted a shower today but 33 am a nice love so much to do okay a dress shirt a plaid dress shirt let's see what you make out of this I love how there's no sewing involved and no but what is that it is that its final form that's his final form you really gonna go out wearing your man shirt backwards I feel like you actually did this people are gonna come up to you and be like give you that stinky eye I feel like nobody has done this so I think I'm gonna do it if you guys want me to like take some of the absolute weirdest ones and wear them in public smash that like button and I'll do it I really want to see what people are gonna say some of these are just not cute I am very skeptical of this this is not going to work and I'm going to show you guys just how stupid this is like I'm only doing this just to show you how dumb I put it on backwards try to make it cute and tuck it in can you believe it was like actually a thing no actually somebody actually did this I was like serious clothing hacks tutorial looks pretty bad okay from the back looks pretty bad gonna get a big fat buyer to do that I don't want to show you like this doesn't actually work cause it's a Malou crispy you had a party oh and you have a oopsie on yourself did she just match her friends shawl yonk has my shawl now how's she doing a whole tutorial with her best friend shawl you actually trying to listen to address oh wow okay okay damn girl Michelle do I got a snatch around here to get a dress like that I mean to be fair this actually looks pretty good I want to try it okay I have my shawl over here and we're gonna be turning this into a dress I don't think who's gonna work you know I had to go to like three stores and nobody had a shawl this is how you do it you hold it out like this and then this is to me a minute to figure out how it works gonna get the corners so we're gonna tie it like that oh this might actually work I feel like it will work step one complete wait how is this gonna be a dress what you're supposed to tie it what do I tie it like this is just some random tire kind of don't have enough fabric we are here struggling and the safari we're gonna do this we're gonna tie it it's gonna be a dress oh my god it's not gonna work this literally is not one of time what is this maybe mine wasn't like a long enough but like I did exactly what they asked I tied it right here apparently hers had way more material that you can actually like tie right here and mine doesn't work which is not okay can't have your crotch showing when you're wearing a dress this is gonna work I feel like it darted out very well I mean you get like this best thing I mean you can tie it like this put a belt on it there you go that's actually a dress I don't get this whole boob let me tie this right here that doesn't work this one do but this thing I'm wearing right now I feel like a barber could rock this this is work you could actually go out of public with this but nobody would give you this think I know more interested in this I know oversleeping is the worst will you have time to get ready I am to turn those PJs into a look slip the pants off and put both legs into one side now pull them up over your chest take the unused pant leg scrunch it up and slide your head through whoa super stylish for PJs that's for sure alright so we got these DJ pants this only works with oversized pants if it even works at all so somehow I have to get my whole body into one hand maybe I should stretch it a little more before we decide to like get in here alright we're gonna have to get my whole body into this thing I don't know who has Hans's they can fit their whole freaking body into but this is the same it okay so I'm supposed to take my head and put it through this hole you're kidding me right and we're just gonna do this slammer aspec you would definitely win the metal work whatever it is if I can only get it up a little more okay I'm gonna do some squats on this try to stretch them I actually work these pants have like a stretched capacity they don't just keep stretching forever and ever stops after a while if I can only get this up over my head pool noodle okay have one of those this one's not closed what are you doing BuzzFeed oh it's a cooler and it'll flow in the water huh oh yes yes but instead of drinks I want to put my dogs in it okay we are doing this you go got herself a noodle food I'm gonna cut it I'm so sad I have this little container I shouldn't really hike for this actual is gonna fit in here so we're making a pool flotation device so we're gonna cut them out and go oh this is much harder to cut than I thought then make it look so easy I think a knife will work better I mean some salad for dinner oh it's tall I'm ruining my knife who's my favorite knife okay yeah you're struggling give me one I'm just gonna do this on two sides because my container is like really small why are they different thickness yeah so thicken this ones like so like then I'm gonna make you a nice thing where you can float in the pool with mommy this is the best it's gonna get it isn't look at the time it's 337 it's gonna get I hope a schvitz on this otherwise we could just put her in the drinks in it like this intended purpose that's chicken will unit yeah yeah do a 360 make it look epic oh man we're 1995 this can be yours boys that's John I'm John I'm gonna draw does it puppy fit that's all my child safe travels yeah I know it's not even know I feel like she's gonna sail away actually [Music] oh let's take a t-shirt put a hair tie is that a scarf oh please don't tell me that that's it that's it that's it you couldn't have just been happy with a plain black tee you had to go and ruin it what is this here's my shoulder hmm look at that I got a dress coated Fred this can't wait to show you how stupid this one is like I can't wait to show you everyone is recording and he has no idea like it was an actual hack I'm watching okay this thing is normal okay do it like a shawl either like a ribbon I mean you could take it to the next level and where it is crotchless hands because that's what they're so into this ain't it says hey another shirt tying hack for you guys is that it whoa well yeah just like lifted that up and I was like oh my god this bow to get the amount of time I'm not ready for this but no okay so she gonna make another tie whoa on the inside oh you know gotta show off that shoulder yes get you a girl like Janice who loves to show you her shoulder the next one is another variation you know we're just doing all these at once so just like lift it like you're about to you're older than the tutorial how's it going oh my gosh she's not about to do what I thought she was about to do so you're just gonna from the underside take your hairband on the shirt super easy grandma can do it that's not you cool I like that this one gets a big fat right actually looks like how it actually works okay so the next step is like you could even crop it and like tie it in the back well we don't have the luxury of two hair bands so thank you okay so Santa notion means one thing bathing suits now where's mine Oh looks like I only brought the bottoms wow I'm so stupid but you know what else is stupid this hack I'm about to do I like her friends face playing oh you forgot your bathing suit you idiot poop face take your bottoms like the ones olivia has here and turn them upside down go ahead and pull the strings all the way out of the waist of your shorts next go ahead and pull that string through the crush of the bikini bottom wrap the string around your neck so that the crotch of the bottoms is touching the base of your neck instead of tying the string in a not cross them and pull the ends to your sides wow she did that she did that bikini bottoms into a top that actually looks pretty cute I know they got bathing suits like that I bought pink laces specifically for this hawk wow this looks like a legit being sued ad you'd never know Olivia was wearing bikini bottoms on her top okay but I do somebody walks up to scuse me ma'am are you wearing bikini bottoms up here alright next step you try to get similar ones alright how does she do this she put the shoelace through the crotch hole oh my god this is way too short this doesn't work how did she get a shoe like so long and she took them out of her pants yo this is rigged I'm calling scam alright we're gonna connect to the shoelaces together they obviously not playing by the rules here so we're not gonna do the same through the crush hole it's gonna be our neckline oh my god I feel like I'm too myself and this is how it ends wait I did something wrong supposed to go on the back and then to tie it like that yeah I did it right what does that cover this is where I snap and then the shirt comes off but sorry guys didn't work maybe next time the bat actually looks cute I feel like if you did this properly with a bathing suit that's didn't have like vines on the side I fooled you would be okay pass the ball I don't know more tying hacks wow this is what I like ones that you don't have to so whoa that actually worked pretty well I might add like she made it pretty cute ain't nobody gonna ask your questions like this is something wrong with your shirt it craps okay so this is another one this one's actually cooler so you just take this same thing the tongue if you will and just leave it okay well that looks like a sausage I feel like that's every girl who watches those videos and then tries to do what they do it's that exact response good thing nobody actually does these anyways that's all for today I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure that the like bite of the ice egg comment below which one did I do the best and make sure you subscribe to the Wolfpack I love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 10,081,224
Rating: 4.923727 out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reaction, reacting, funny, life hacks, crazy, life, hacks, to, see, if, they, work, amazing, diy, do it yourself, life hack, clothing, trying
Id: Kh_mC64w2OM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 33sec (753 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 15 2019
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