Trying Food Hacks to see if they work

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I think I'm just gonna flip it on this friends it's me I'm hungry today we're gonna be trying out some food hacks that I'm a little bit skeptical about see them they whack so you don't have to fill it took a squeeze bottle put some pancake batter in there and made a bunch of mini pancakes oh it's that simple pancakes cereal I don't know how I feel about syrup instead of milk this looks delicious squeeze bottle so we're gonna use piping and hopefully this works I'm gonna turn on my stove phrase is bad boy and take my pancake puddin it's just pain cake and we're just gonna spoon it in what do you got time for this I'm gonna pour that bad boy in easy peasy okay and now we have a squeezy tube now I wanted to make them perfect it's gonna be so much easier in a squeeze bottle here probably I don't want to do this on really low heat because these are gonna cook super fast make sure you don't touch the pan these pancakes are more privileged than others [Music] you wanna see flip no I'll show you flip they don't flip okay we're gonna turn off the heat a little bit cuz you ain't even cooking okay I think that ready to go we're gonna flip a Rooney I wanna do I hope they do that mom oh okay okay no please don't stick together we're gonna have to do individually no they're speaking together like everyone do a flip a little real reason that I have long nails quite the unfair advantage in the kitchen I always use I don't know now [Music] Pam more butter it's so few I can make the little less stack of pancakes right now or I could eat it just straight up like this mmm and more delicious cuz it's tiny mmm I wanna make the tiniest stack it's the leaning tower of pancake quick put the butter oh pretty for this oh no I'm gonna put the whole thing in my mouth [Music] Ivan Zena is all over tick-tock where they take cookies preferably Oreos mix it on up put a little bit of milk crush it up put in the microwave for a minute and then you've got Oreo cake what is it really that simple so I watch the video the other day and she made this beautifully moist decadent chocolate cake in the microwave wait cookies and milk add like how you do that is it actually good so it tastes like a cake or a soggy cookie this will work with any cookie instead of Oreos I'm using the gluten-free alternative they're basically Oreos but from Trader Joe's I'm gonna take my Oreos and just break them up into little pieces three of them cuz me on a diet now we're gonna stack them up Davin like they hurt your self-esteem and then just ice of milk mix it up some more make sure the hook is really Mike's gonna be mushy warm Oreos 30 seconds minute I'm not sure we're gonna do 30 we're gonna start off by 30 the [ __ ] do be tasting good though maybe 30 seconds is enough oh man I actually turned kind of cakey oh wow look at that you can't tell me that's not like a cake consistency Casas not for you absolute poison chocolate cake in here ah ha ha hmm it does taste like a cake that's crazy I can't believe this this was some ice cream that would be bomb but it tastes like a lorry okay who knew cookies could turn into cake when they grow up this one's good okay so they took those weathers kinzey put some melted butter popcorn kernels and you're telling me wham bam yes ma'am we got caramel corn just like that ma'am no way no no you did not make that I don't believe it not for one second that you made that like that see I'm gonna prove you wrong then they went to the store that's that fancy popcorn that comes in a tin that you get during Christmastime they just popped it in the microwave put some extra caramel sauce on in there like I need this no you didn't if five minute crafts made this caramel corn I mean bonus water I am really excited to try this out so I couldn't find those like both old man's candies the weather's already so we're just gonna use regular caramel sauce I'm gonna put a little bit of butter in the thing knowing Eve this pan to be real stick to the pan I don't get it oh oh you see that perfect that caramel sauce is good nice G thick to drizzle love a fine layer of this stuff okay that's enough that's enough that's enough go back into your jar oh she sizzle and we just pop the popcorn in there kernels do go thing now cover your shame they gonna be popping in peace under there fights about us starting this bowl igloo wait for it I'm waiting by the corn not pop it another way you could probably do it take a bar of chocolate or my I should probably put in with it I'm gonna do a chocolate bar we eat it while we wait okay I'm slightly concerned because I haven't heard a pop yet they can't pop under these conditions gotta pop they'll the pop I think it's just very very low something hit that bowl I heard a Clank could all be done for all we know it smell burning we're gonna have to retreat from our mission soon okay something has popped in here several of the corns have popped so we're going to take it over here don't see it smoking okay you guys ready for this I think I'm just gonna flip it on then look at this abomination y'all really told me I could make my own caramel corn really are you kidding me God trust this bowl half I think that bowl is done for oh don't even tease like caramel that did not work and I'm outta Bowl you see that power of nonstick up around - that was not the caramel corn I know and love okay you know what I'm gonna actually do this with my dark chocolate Toblerone it's better than milk chocolate white a little built like that why is it so strong stammers we're gonna put a chocolate with it some kernels uh-huh chocolate eyes meet captain I'm sorry I don't have a bigger lid ladies and gentlemen we got a pop Oh Oh y'all gettin around me am I gonna get my chocolate popcorn let's looking good looking good so far I have a hunch that the other ones didn't pop because we were watching them you simply don't watch popcorn pop they have performance anxiety okay okay okay here we go Oh sir you're done those days chocolatey it doesn't raise like chocolate now I'm thinking it would have been better with milk chocolate oh no what we could do I've seen people put chocolate into popcorn like right after it's done we have to like put it in a bag and shake it up this is the only paper bag I have we're sacrificing it for the sake of this popcorn the chocolate outfit a little bit oh that's good that's really good especially with a salt it could pull out a charm that has the cups of chocolate all right talking about five-minute craps deep fried a slice of water melone that's illegal we're not gonna do that that's like sticking some soap in a deep fryer and be like no good there's no way shape or form warm water Malone is gonna taste good chick-fil-a hat so take any sauce whatever sauce your heart desires I like honey mustard so take the chicken out of the sandwich hey wait that's illegal put it back in the bag shake it up with the sauce if your chicken sandwich tasting like a cardboard sandwich are you have inferior taste buds this is that for you just shake it on up ma'am designer chicken they did it with a Polynesian sauce which looks bomb okay I'm excited to do this because they have a new increased sandwich and they put the chicken lettuce and tomato in a separate little container oh so there's gonna be a honey roasted barbecue sandwich but first we're gonna take our sandwich to the next level i'ma show you how I like my chicken really well done so when I come home I either like put it on the stove for a little bit so get a little extra crispy just even toast it I mean that's fine y'all really want to see this one out Oh take my burger and a burgers a chicken pad honey roasted barbecue all over it take it out oh it worked just fine boom that's a long way out pretty good I've been seeing those all over tick-tock it's called the black cow so you take coke cop some vanilla ice cream in there and you've got like this ice cream flow not a big fan of coke but I feel like anything you put up McDonald's soft serving is probably gonna taste good cook be drippy we came at a good time wait where's my socks I think high school does the best part gives you that just a tip you want oh okay thank you for some strange reason I thought I have to go to McDonald to get a coke and ice cream maybe come out like this officer so McDonald does not at least my McDonald's that I went to instead they aren't serving ice cream anymore or at least temporarily I think probably could they have to touch the cone by anyways I got my coat which is probably long black I dumped some of it when I have my boring vanilla ice cream at home gonna take a big chunk of this put it in this there you go it's like a giant vanilla ice cream ice cube reactivating that fizz okay I just imagine this this tastes like vanilla coke vanilla coke is a thing right I'm gonna take our strong is the Bobo straw take my sippy sip it's just he's like coke with a hint of vanilla keep in mind I don't really like coke oh there we go we got a chunk of that vanilla ice cream she chunky right now trying to break down with the chunkiness trying to make this a skinny coke okay this is strangely pretty good I like it I think it would be even better if you just like junk the vanilla soft serve in there I'm kind of mad that I like this but it just seems like ice cream soda or like an ice cream flow I don't think this was really that much of a hack depression meal check crusty musty microwave yes do they just squeeze lemons in a bowl of water and then put them in you can tell me I kept microwave my microwave mess clean huh oh and then they sponge it away with ease but anyway that's all for today I hope you guys enjoyed this video comment below let me know which one of these would you actually try if you guys enjoyed this video it should hit that like button and make sure you turns out notifications pink click and subscribe Jon the wolf pack I love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 17,575,079
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reaction, reacting, funny, life hacks, diy, do it yourself, to, see, if, they, work, food hacks, life hack
Id: U_er2hjVP5c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 5sec (725 seconds)
Published: Thu May 07 2020
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