Trying Rare Snacks You Have Never Seen Before

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hello friends it's me and we are back at it again with a bunch of super rare snacks did you see my shoes i put on these shoes to make me a little taller no you can't take them off no no you can't so i came across this really cool store that sold very rare snacks from other countries take a gander at some of the things we got here fried chicken cheetos peach fanta mystery pringles pizza flavored cheetos bruh are these even cheetos it's like zero one six one three kfc did a collab with lays and made kfc flavored chips we got some supernova mountain dew whatever that is so i kind of panicked and bought a ton of stuff at the store and then i came home and realized that half the stuff was expired months ago it just adds more to the mystery flavor what's really cool is that the receipt says which country everything is from i want to get my least favorite one out of the way i want to do peanut cheetos ew so they are cheeto puffs peanut flavored hey that doesn't sound right it's supposed to be cheese the cheese and cheetos stand for cheese it's the nut puff ugh here's what the inside looks like they're slightly smaller cheeto puffs they smell like peanut butter it's like if a cheeto never had any cheese on it and they slightly dusted some nut powder on it that's super plain yeah i don't really have much flavor which country came up with this atrocity they're from poland i give these a two out of ten trash put them where they belong disrespectful on the cheetos name hopefully they can reclaim themselves with black pepper flavored cheetos now these sound like a good time we got the dark brown bag i think this is very like aesthetic if you ask me and it's got like some cheeto comics on the back are these from japan yeah i know i opened it the worst possible way but here you go so you guys can have a better view this one smells gourmet oh my god these are all right all right that's okay that is better than a regular cheeto it's like the cheese it's different it's just like real cheese real cheese real salt and pepper like who's cracked on it i can eat this whole bag right now top five best chips i've ever had in my life i don't even really like cheese these are bomb japan knows how to make a cheeto next up we're going to try a mystery fanta and it's called what the fanta it has no sugar have you seen a fanta with no sugar my gosh no sugar no sugar it's keto this was 15 by the way like they be charging 15 for a rare fonta this one's from thailand and it's green i'm guessing it's green apple because it's green it smells like floor cleaner the good kind doesn't it this smells like green apples that's green apple y'all really gonna call this a mystery flavor when it's that shade of green like we're fools or something that we've realized that this is green apple do they not have green apples in thailand or something i don't know i expect something like exotic when it's mystery it's exotic to them i mean i guess next up we got the pringles mystery flavor i don't know how much more surprises i can take it comes in a white container very mysterious guess the flavor be in the wind okay so we're gonna take a sniff of this is it bacon flavored i might have to smell this again cheeks flavored stinks stinks nice and good by the way these are tiny look how small these are it's like baby pringles sprinkles on a diet you just smell it again and i'm gonna taste it i can't eat these these are not gluten-free i'm gonna risk it all for the mystery oh did you what flavor do you get it says there's tomato in it is it pizza flavored it could very well be pizza flavored listen as someone who knows pizza pizza experts that ain't no pizza it kind of tastes like pizza flavored it's something it's something italian it's something italian it's not italian zest flavor it's like meatball or something meat it's like a meatball covered in you know rainbow sauce but it could very well be meatball you would never guess judging by the packaging that it was a meatball maybe a bolognese spaghetti spaghetti it's in that family you can guess the flavor to win 150 thb that's 1.50 for americans this one's not chips but this one i thought was very interesting it's dr pepper cotton candy which sounds absolutely disgusting dr pepper made a cotton candy oh no that looks like the lint you get out of your laundry yeah i'm not sure about this one it's like i just cleaned out my dryer it looked like a dry kidney you know the first like initial when i touched my tongue it was like okay this is good and then it's just i tasted the dr pepper yeah it's like it's like a sweet dr pepper dr pepper more like doctor disappointment doctor disrespect these flavors why do i keep eating this let me use some more are you serious that's pretty good just just a little bit just a little bit a little more bite you're crazy i'm done yeah she says she's done after the video doesn't eat all of it the kfc lathe the moment you've all been waiting for is it finger licking good only at 7-eleven why the 7-eleven don't have anything good here the smaller fried chicken does not smell like kfc or fried chicken it's just more like lay's the seasoning better be top-notch like i'm biting into a gluten-free fried chicken okay it's like a really very light barbecue flavor yeah like a smokey barbecue they're pretty good i wish it tastes more like fried chicken me too yet another disappointment next up we have ketchup blade and i'm pretty sure they have these here i don't think this is anything like too extraordinary oh the color did not disappoint they look like beet chips oh they smell like ketchup oh whoa if you gave me a bottle of ketchup and then this and i took a blind whiff i would have called this ketchup it tastes too tomatoey it tastes like ketchup it looks like tomato it tastes like fresh organic tomato ketchup it tastes like the good ketchup not like the fake ketchup you know what i mean it's weird there's also vinegary fry ketchup on a chip that's what this is next up supernova mountain dew whatever that is what makes it supernova i don't know it's like this weird like rose gold orange color i can't open this i ain't got that grip that hurts that's why they call it supernova it's a super lid i had never seen an industrial lid like this before i'm going to do it's like a like a cut jeep [Laughter] it tastes like a tropical mountain dew it's good it's not bad it's okay it's just like nothing special nothing super nova about it mountain dew really thought they did some but it's a no for me i don't really like soda unless it's melon flavored i don't care coming from the person who drinks static water this is really cool so i saw this and it's basically cheetos without cheese or any seasoning on it and then it has like a sauce packet and you just dip the cheetos in it all right so it has like a little sauce container we're gonna pretend we're at the movies and i have my sauce open it up i don't know what this is don't smell it ew they're so dry so basically we're gonna season them with this oh that's sausage this does not smell good and smell it i don't like the sauce oh that doesn't look good i think it's spicy it smells spicy try and make a cheeto first no you gotta dump it in here do this right walk up to the movies like this my little snack are we eating it naked first i think it should actually taste delicious really i like it it's all right it's like it's just salt and pepper on it there's no cheese mmm why does this taste better than a regular cheeto i'm pretty sure all this has the salt and pepper on it like this and it's bomb it don't need no socks but i'm gonna taste the sauce anyway it's like a sad cheeto it doesn't have no flavoring oh you don't like the sauce look imagine eating a wet cheeto it shouldn't be wet is it sweet it is a little sweet it's like a sweet sour sauce oh is it chicken wing it's chicken wing flavor hot dog and bologna chicken and macaroni chili with my home fried chicken chips round two cheeto edition these ones are spicy fried chicken they come back with the vengeance chester out here holding a chili pepper we got some comments on the back anybody care to translate tell me why i wish the cheetah looked like that piece of fried chicken hit it with that smell test smells like disappointment waiting to happen cheers how could they be less seasoned than the unseasoned ones they got juices but i wanna know they got seasoning but they were like very frugal with it they just like yeah that's good and spicy how dare you put a chili pepper on it when the biggest spice babies are eating these and it's not spicy no i did not get a tickle of a spice i was super excited for this one no i'm just sad and disappointed i want to go home to make up for that one oh my god the one that digital's been looking forward to the most i've been waiting for these giant skittles i love skittles this is ten dollars for a dang bag of skittles it's a softer inside that boy's big look at that thing it's slightly bigger than your average skittle took these bad boys out do a squeeze test take a bite they're very firm but they're softer on the inside it's like eating three skittles in one it's everything i ever dreamed of how i normally eat skittles do you really yeah but i'm not just gonna hold your hand i'm sorry time to wash it down with some peach fanta and look how cute this little container is it's like an aluminum bottle it's got peaches on it that's a fat juicy momo [Music] i'm scared this is gonna explode it's just like something like smacked my finger gentle it smells so nice does it stick your whole mouth over it now i get to smell your breath dope i didn't touch it where's the fizz there's no fizz it's flat how long has been living in this can oh no i just broke the seal and you see i like my soda to be very fizzy it's very delicious but it's not fizzy enough cucumber lays oh it smells like a dank pickle it's like between a cucumber and a pickle aren't pickles cucumbers yeah no oh that's the worst one that is the worst one that is the worst i i can't even out of all of these that was the most disgusting i had high hopes for that one cucumber chips that sounded bomb i think i had these a long time ago they're 3d doritos or maybe i'm just thinking all like buggles or something but these didn't look like are they these bubbles what are they bugles these are nice they look like they've got arrows they've got filling in them those are nice what kind of filling you want doritos chocolate nacho cheese all right when i was younger i used to love these ring chips i don't know if it was this brand but this is a ghost pepper we cannot handle our spice the only spice we can handle is paprika oh these rings don't even look like they could fit on my fingers or maybe my fingers just got bigger rings gross pepper let's see how spicy it is that's spicy why is this so spicy i mean this ghost pepper i mean this is actually spicy so i thought these ring chips were like for kids for brave kids okay see now that's how you do a mystery flavor they did pina colada flavored but made it blue i feel like all mystery flavors are either in a collage you see the the the waste on this bottle oh look it i got lucky and got two of them on baby dog oh no i drink the milk drink the milk that's not spicy you're good why is he lying you go hard okay put some respect on that pizza flavored six one six one three can i usually like look at this package it looks like a bootleg cheeto right but apparently in different countries they just got like different branding and different names whoa these are like xoxo cheetos look at this no we have to play tic-tac-toe with it you do the middle yeah thank you right here oh no look at these look at these these are cheetos why they look like this tastes expired it kind of tastes like the cardboard under the pizza it doesn't have any flavor seasoned cardboard i'm gonna wash it down with some chocolate covered chips i just thought these were neato coming in white chocolate oh okay they dipped smelled pretty good tastes pretty good it's like crunchy chocolate these are expired these expired in march all this did was made me realize how well seasoned our chips are but anyways that's all for today i hope you guys enjoyed this video comment below which one of these you would want to try and if we should do another video and you guys enjoyed make sure that like button and subscribe to my channel i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 5,878,516
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, rare, snacks, rare snacks, taste test, food, trying rare snacks, trying rare snacks you have never seen before
Id: mZwiz7kZFOg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 29sec (749 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 22 2020
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