Trying EGG HACKS to see if they Work

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hello friends it's me your favorite egg loving youtuber today we're gonna be doing some egg hacks one of my videos I revealed to you guys the bouncy ball egg hat but today I want to see for myself if it actually works so you take a glass and an egg fill it with vinegar you better wait a whole day for this now I was hoping to do this today I'm on my bouncy ball oh wow it's bigger than before maybe cuz that thirsty boy sucked up all the vinegar another cup how many days do I gotta wait for the can I just skip to this phase Wayne ya know now you have a blue bouncy ball if the egg colored bouncy ball was too disgusting for you another variation of the bouncy ball egg take a markers heart and soul I mean couldn't cheese like food coloring - we literally just do that okay take it out oh so now it's glow-in-the-dark very bouncy would not yo the vinegar just like creates another shell for it its integrates the shell Zords its power and gives the egg a new shell alright alright we're gonna do it let's get it okay wait how do I let me put it in gently doesn't break there we go all right I don't have regular vinegar but I think apple cider vinegar will do justice fine I don't want to leave my house on one in the morning this doesn't work tomorrow I will go buy some regular vinegar and we can try it here we go drink up boom delicious eggs love vinegar oh that's melt dang it's literally so much serving size 1 tablespoon literally pardon me a glass full bone apple teeth I actually mean a drink it but I can drink this stuff I just didn't read you yeah that's gonna be on my lips all night so you starting to like fizz up a little bit ok now we wait you tomorrow several days later ok so I actually oh my god sex island okay there we go this is after not one but two days sitting in here see I couldn't record yesterday smells really disgusting and I've left it on my counter so I wouldn't forget to record it today for the past like few hours and it stunk up my whole kitchen I think this is probably the eggshell home I know all about yeah bro I know and it's so big now it's like one and a half times the size all right so we're gonna do this you're gonna touch it I put some gloves on just in case I always drive my hands that I so like we am risking it should I just pull it out oh it feels so weird oh okay I don't want to burst it so I'm gonna I don't like when you fried chicken and like the nasty crust that's still in the pan with the egg I've been taking it out oh it looks like the shell is still disintegrating off of it yeah I'm gonna rinse that oh oh baby please excuse my dirty sink we just made food okay there we go so here it is this chicken was sick drink all of the vinegar so I guess it does work with apple cider vinegar all right we're gonna do the test bounce test that it was in a recipe for egg didn't last very long whoa it just days look live I can like move it yeah it's like a slime egg okay oh that's a lot of eggs ma'am I'm gonna whisk them up oh whoa we're making an omelette delicious oh they got a pizza cutter is it papa they're making pasta except does not pasta its eggs it's lies wow you even trying to like scoop it up like lick its pasta you're not fooling anybody especially not me I mean it looks delicious in this picture I'm just like looking at it like put some cheese on it I'm to me can we drain that egg oh they're gonna put it in vinegar just the shell oh what's it gonna do congratulations you have a new toy why was it really worth it was it that satisfying is that a plastic straw say it ain't so we don't have any of that contraband here no but it's not used for drinking so is it illegal oh that's cute that's really cute I mean really all that effort so your five girls will eat his eggs you know what didn't guess be like oh my god it's too cute to eat no they're like oh it's cute what we devour it now oh I always wonder what happened when you freeze an egg okay then put it in some warm water the shell just comes right off ooh it's like the bouncy ball egg then they're gonna cut it oh it's like hard-boiled egg but frozen time to grill these bad boys up oh they actually look super cute it just made a ton of mini eggs like if you only got one egg do this and then you got enough like mini eggs to feed a whole family all right all right I like this I like this hat being delicious finally some good freakin eggs I'm gonna take this bad boy put them in the freezer but you with the ice cream okay safe in there make fake home will be a pain there y'all be nice to him okay breads get away several days later so over here we have our cold egg it was frozen for two days touch it make sure it's cold cool care about you Wow literally look with all it that is one strong character probably another one yeah I'm gonna want to take the shell oh the shoulder comes off so easily oh but what's the point just watch what you can do to this bad boy oh my god look it's like a mango I see sounds like oh my god it's like a mango popsicle so you get a bunch of mini eggs when you cut them we're moving to the egg cooking station I feel like you have to move fast because it's like the white part is like melting off so we're gonna just put these in a pan some oil I know it's separated you got a little half right here all right this is only like half of the egg and we're gonna see how many little mini sunny-side up so we can make yeah I feel like they didn't freeze it when they showed it in the act what internet hacks lie to you because they know nobody will do them that's why I'm here today would you try this no that's of course you mean it they live it grows doesn't that look like chicken it like blew up yeah it looks like chicken chicken nuggets right here oh this is kind of sickening to me it doesn't do this legit I did this legit and this is what you get where does the salt you're gonna salt and pepper these bad boys up and we're gonna bone Apple teeth wash too hot I hate the texture I hate the texture I hate it so much the texture of these is absolutely disgusting I thought this hack is cool if you only had one egg and you have to like split it with a ton of people I don't know I guess if you like like the fatty part of me that's what it kind of tastes like that's what the texture is like but I hate that texture and I think that's gross I I didn't like it oh that's actually sickening no I feel like the only reason I was able to like even put that in my mouth just to like salt and peppered it but it felt thick & juicy yolks oh why don't you look like their parents still together and they wants a private school that came from a privileged chicken anyways egg plus flour oh I like where this is going it's going in a bag please tell me you're making a funnel cake oh you're making like noodles watch just straight it to the soup oh okay I'm intrigued I wonder if this actually works and you could do like legit pasta like this they use three eggs in some flour I'm gonna use one egg and some flour this is gonna be a disaster the broth must be boiling all right you know what let's make some soup right now all right I got some broth going trying to figure out what else I want to put in here I just put some herbs into some chicken stock oh dang it I had bone broth I should be use that know what's that simmer for a bit DIY noodles I'm counting on you okay I'm gonna try to be at least wasteful as possible I'm not trying to like who's like five yolks oh no I got some shells in here all right there we go one egg you can even see it one egg it's almost like a vegetable I don't like those can't give me salmonella ella ella eh eh okay that should be a good amount I kind of just eyeball it they didn't give me like an actual recipe so I'm just gonna mix it up with some flour and we got some egg noodles I'm actually a thing tomato with egg and flour and looking for water or something else oh you got like a nice paste consistency you know I feel like this isn't too far off of a funnel cake oh my broth that's boiling you're gonna be noodles we're gonna put it in a ziplock bag in high hopes for this one hi helps boys know we we don't even need all that I'm just in such a rush to try this sucker the air out gonna make the tiniest of holes Oh too big started going oh it's starting to smell good kind of truly be it's gonna be like Robin when you know hope it just doesn't turn into like a huge cake on top maybe I'm putting too much maybe I should stop now because there's not a very good like noodle to broth ratio okay that's enough your time is done no it's over for you go back into the bowl okay please don't be one big thing these bean noodle dish okay if I sister it's kind of separating feel like it has to cook for a little bit we're gonna leave it to boil little bit longer somebody's chumps are really big and I don't like them but it does look like a noodle soup y'all see this you wanna be like oh look like fungus artichoke soup and it smells like noodle like it smells delicious in here okay I'll let it cook for a few minutes and it actually looks like soup it smells like soup but does it taste like soup is the question the whole entire kitchen smells like chicken noodle soup and apple cider vinegar okay this is really hot mmm-hmm wow this is so good I could say eat the whole thing right now I feel like the sage is what made it really good the noodles are weird you don't really taste like anything they're kind of just been there for texture and some people might not like the texture but Wow like if you gave me this out of restaurant I didn't know what it was I would have thought it was noodles I would have just thought they were overcooked and I definitely could have overcooked them bro I can't believe I just made this add a chicken stock my spice rack and egg and flour why I'm gonna sit here eat this whole entire thing ten out of ten you guys should really try this you know while we're here and because I have similar ingredients on the table I'm gonna make some funnel cakes never made funnel cakes before have you ever even looked up a recipe you're gonna eyeball this maybe it needs milk I don't have my phone on me so I literally don't know I might assume it's just like batter just look for the right shade of fried food okay I'm putting milk with this it's 1:00 a.m. and your girl needed a snack mmm delicious I know I should be the whole bigger this is not a funnel cake this is funnel flakes okay okay like a funnel cookie now we flip she get in there I'm kind of like making on waffle just frying it mmm but it's just not as sweet as I like it to me I should have put more powdered sugar on it oh yeah pretty good final cake just like I remember how it has some strawberries though maybe some Nutella mmm delicious Giada be like gorillas are like this three times I just wish I had some more toppings oh I don't know I was so gross they literally put it through a strainer and cut the top of a water bottle container ooh delicious looks like Sunny D my favorite breakfast beverage okay okay are we making this fancy oh wow oh they're boiling now I'm like how are y'all gonna cook these oh they're like little eggs souffles why that's pretty freaking cool okay I ain't got time to be like cutting a plastic bottle in half just so I could boil it in some water okay no you can also make this in like a muffin tin you know that's the realistic way how to get this done but I like this idea I think it's pretty dope Wow how to separate the egg in the yolk now if only every kitchen had a little mini funnel that would capture the yolk and let the whites go through you know I do it and separate them like this egg hat Oh whipped eggs oh I've seen this one where they mix the yolk separate and the white separate and it makes like a really really fluffy cloud omelette no no I like it I like this oh it's so obvious all I've ever seen okay I don't like the part where it's just yo y'all should probably mix it or something or I really hope you seasoned it like at least salt it to less blood pressure going through the roof okay this looks good but it also looks bad fluffy part probably has not much taste I would try this but I don't have like a electric mixer here we do with the good old-fashioned way mostly because I don't want to clean it so apparently if you make some hard boiled eggs put some lemons in them wait did they just like shake it up in a cup what if I'm at the hotel brunch lobby ain't got time for this I want to be able to just peel easily I guess lemon juice is supposed to make the boiled eggs peel easier all right glue a bottle cap into a shoebox are we making an egg container if only when you bought eggs out of store they came in a carton wait really Karen you're gonna spend your entire afternoon gift wrapping a shoebox they're boiling the eggshells and then throwing them in the oven time to make a smoothie you know some good old calcium oh and then they're gonna like mash it into some pot no and you're not putting that in a drink no no they just put ground-up eggshells in their smoothie and they got two straws like let me give a sip to the unsuspecting boyfriend wham bam yes ma'am you got calcium I don't Justice hi I don't trust it but anyways that's all for today I hope you guys enjoyed this video and thought it was excellent if you didn't I hope you'll excuse me anyways I'm exhausted oh girl stuff you guys enjoyed this video make sure that that like button make sure you check out notifications today click and subscribe to the wolf pack I love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 20,397,922
Rating: 4.8667874 out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, do it yourself, diy, life hacks, lifehacks, egg hacks, egg, eggs, useful things, diy projects, tricks, crafts
Id: x6jJQzD140Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 41sec (881 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 11 2019
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