I tried the new 'Starfield' update Beta...

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well everyone we're back Bethesda has managed to do the impossible and get me to play Starfield once again congratulations everybody loses you see Bethesda game studios just announced a major update to Starfield the biggest one they've done since the game launched last year and this update promises to bring all sorts of stuff such as new city maps and things like that to actually enhance the experience when you're navigating Planet surfaces and stuff there also as they announced adding all sorts of different modular parts for ship building they're going to tweak some other things for New Game Plus making it so that you can uh reassign your perks and redesign your character and stuff which is super super useful they also announced that they are aiming to add a performance mode to console so if you were looking to play this on your Xbox series X it looks like you'll be able to do 60 frames right right well as always the answer is in the fun print and in this case if you look at the fine print it's revealing namely they specify if you don't have a variable refresh rate display screen tearing will occur When selecting 60fps uh or above as your preferred frame rate target which means if you select performance over quality and then Target 60 frames above that as you can see them toggle it to you will straight up get screen tearing unless unless you have a vrr compatible display which I'm guessing a lot less people have then we'll be trying this that was a Cluny way of saying it basically it sounds like it's a performance mode where you'll flip the switch and it'll do 60 frames that is not what this is it's basically just a vrr mode that aims for 60 and that's why they have in big letters down here performance setting is intended for variable refresh rate displays that's what it's meant for if you don't have that if you're playing this on older display an older TV or monitor that doesn't have it you will not get the benefits of this it will be something you'll need to turn off because the screen tearing will be so bad so I just want to be very clear with that I've already seen some like bgs and Starfield stands talking about how they did it they added performance mode it's not really what this is this is a vrr mode that's targeting 60 frames but likely won't achieve it and if it does achieve it you still have to have a very particular type of display to see it beyond that they also showed this where you're going to be able to have conversations with people and turn off the dialogue camera which is different I mean basically you'll be able to have conversations and you won't have to look at the weird like Fronton conversation camera that's like straight out of Oblivion you won't have to do that which could be nice I don't know and then they showed this this Majestic little clip here of a work in progress dune buggy that will come to the game at some point in the future it it stood out to me because for one it will hopefully improve one of the biggest problems with Starfield which is navigation and exploration but even this little thing they show it has a boost bar and it basically looks like it's a repurposed boost pack that has taken the shape and form of a dune buggy so it uses the same mechanics as the Boost packs or jetpacks it's just shooting you forward horizontally now I I don't know I don't know if this is going to satisfy everybody um even in this footage which to be fair is work in progress footage it could be much much better by the time we see it but even in this footage it doesn't seem to be moving particularly quickly and it seems to be yo-yoing pretty hard so we'll see when that comes but it seems like uh that might be might be a cool addition but it might also be rough time will tell but luk all this is great but I thought the video title says you're going to try it well guess what guess what I am you see this update comes out on the 15th to all platforms officially it's not out yet however it is available through the steam beta program which you can also opt in for so if you play the game on PC you can do that and that's what I did earlier on stream and that's the version of the game you see on screen right now I have enabled beta access so I downloaded the beta update and as a result if I hit M for map and then I go G for surface map you can see there are actual city maps now these are way better than what was here before and if I actually use this to fast travel into the city you can see it will pop in here and then if I go here pull this open it actually renders a readable map with objective markers and all sorts of stuff like it it actually has a map now instead of the weird blue ocean of dots we had before so props to Bethesda they added maps to their game like over half a year later but they still added them so hooray and when you go to a random Planet surface let's just go like over here and land in the craters we'll pop over here load screen and then the game's going to load in and there we are you can see o all sorts of cool stuff so many points of interest it's captivating and amazing I pull up the map I go to surface map and you can see it actually has a real map rendering from a bird's eye view showing you this area now this is great to have honestly I'm surprised it wasn't here since launch but I think I like honestly I have sort of a conspiracy theory for why this wasn't here and this is just me making stuff up to be very clear I don't have any like leaks confirming this or or anything this is just my personal speculation given what I see here these are cool to have in cities when you look at the game from this perspective from this map perspective when you're just freely exploring I don't think it actually Paints the game in a good light I don't think it actually helps the game this makes these Landing zones appear I would say just as empty as they actually are but it removes much of the mystery or Illusion of scope and Adventure like this is too revealing I think to keep up the idea that this is like a vast map that you could explore and stumble on interesting things in like there's one POI over here which doesn't have an objective marker so there's probably nothing there of note to find but beyond that there are these points and that's it and so there really is no reason to go explore this direction there's no reason to look over here there's no reason to look over here and my conspiracy theory is that Bethesda intentionally did not prioritize having Maps like this at launch because it would make it too obvious how little there actually was to do in these fishbowls because when you're looking at the planet surface when you're just running around in first person or third person it can look really exciting and really interesting there's so much stuff all around wow but when you look at it from the mini map perspective or I guess main map perspective you see just how not vast and epic this actually is to explore again just my speculation me making stuff up but it would make sense why Bethesda seemingly didn't add this really obvious thing to their game and it was because if they did you would see just how empty most of these fishbowls actually would be but a lot of the other eccentricities let's just say of Starfield are still here people still look a little odd and there's still like some weird bugs I what is he doing that was weird it it it's still a Bethesda game okay this doesn't really change a whole lot it adds some quality of life things that frankly should have been in the game beforehand personally uh I would say since launch uh but perhaps that's just me being uh an unreasonable Bethesda hater I suppose but with all of these things the game is technically speaking better but it's still Starfield it's still a Bethesda game it won't really change that granted what I'm playing right now is a beta version of the software and with that comes risks of performance issues usually bugs and maybe certain objectives will break stuff like that when I was playing this on stream earlier something interesting happened which I'll just play it here um this is why you should come subscribe to the Luke Stevens live Channel we're on our way to 100,000 Subs you could be in the first 100,000 you should definitely join us but this moment happened live for everybody that was in chat and uh just just just just watch like you look at this this was like supposed to be the big exciting moment in Starfield when you land on a planet and you start exploring freely a a place nobody in the world has ever been oh no it just killed my computer uh thank God I have a streaming PC separate um we've angered him we've anchored him greatly we'll let you rest now uh okay well that's that's something else uh I'm not I'm not like I'm not meing here I'll I'll rotate the camera okay look look at this okay okay power button yeah yeah we're going to try cycling the power supply we'll see if that does it and obviously it's not a breaker issue or something cuz everything else is still on the computer to the the other side is still on and fine okay let's cycle it back on moment of truth okay it's turning on [Laughter] um wow wow okay well that's what I get for trying for trying that that's funny I don't know what could have done that I have it so this each of these computers goes into its own separate UPS which is like an un uninterrupted power supply and it has like a battery backup so when power goes out it can still run until you can turn it off properly and this thing is set to beep when it approaches like 90% utilization or or load which this thing has like a 1500 watt load um that I have under the desk that it's plugged into and so it wasn't maxed out on power or anything it just gave up I've incurred Todd's wrath yeah the minute he talked bad about Starfield it crashed his PC I kind of dude should you try again yeah let's let's let's try again what's the worst that could happen it breaks the computer so yeah it just like straight up like killed the PC it had a stroke and everything I actually tried to film this video once already and it also caused another hard crash and listen like I I understand it's beta software but it was just a very quick reminder of why this is this is Bethesda I mean it at the end of the day it's still Starfield it's still going to be buggy and kind of clunky there were other bugs we ran into like you know when the adoring fan was just flying as I ran around a little encampment and stuff like that so don't expect this to magically change the game it's still going to be the same thing it always has been that being said let's try one of the other updates which is in the settings accessibility Tab and you see we have the option for dialogue camera I'm going to turn that off and now when I talk to people it should get rid of that semi cinematic but not really cinematic cameras let's go over here and have a conversation with somebody employee no no it needs to be like a named a named character hold on okay here we are hello and welcome to Terra [Music] Brew okay and then we compare that with the dialogue if we have that turned on which would look like this thanks for choosing Terra what can I get so that's a thing I honestly don't know what I prefer um they're both different and I I I think one feels more like you're playing like an MMO or something the other feels like you're playing more of a a scripted firsters game that's that's trying to do a little bit more for presentation I still prefer the Fallout 4 way of doing things more with like the Cinematic camera than than this but at least it's different it's something so listen I'm sure it's only going to get better as time goes by and they're going to continue to make improvements and performance will be better and all that will will be great they'll eventually add little dune buggies which will help and uh speed up the time between points of interest and stuff which is is sorely needed but frankly I think the biggest problems with Starfield are not ones that can be remedied by way of quick quality of life improvements like the the core problems with star field are much more structural and I think integral to the the engine itself I've done a number of videos where I've interviewed like game developers or modders asking them what could be done to improve or fix Starfield and the general consensus is that more work than is reasonable would be required to do it because the main thing is like you'd have to fix the Fishbowl thing you'd have to probably totally redesign the procedure generation because as you can see when you go to these now available surface Maps there's just not that much yes it's more realistic to go to like the moon of Earth and navigate it and not find very much that is more realistic I mean even this is more than would be realistic but just because it's more grounded and spread out doesn't mean that it will necessarily be fun and I think that that was just the big miscalculation with Starfield is the assumption that the novelty of a th000 planets where you can land anywhere on them and technically explore in like interconnected fishbowls I I just think that that was a miscalculation because they assumed that it would be fun to do that when it just frankly gets old and I still think Starfield is fun for the first like 20 hours or so I I would still say that and stand by that but I think the reason why so many people got so burnt out on the game after passing that point is just because the moment the illusion breaks and you realize you're not actually freely exploring a, planets you're not actually adventuring in the same way you might have done with Skyrim or Fallout 4 you're actually just going through a series of small maps that have procedurally repeated content once that happens you can't really get the player back they disconnect they check out because the illusion's broken and and I don't know if any of these quality of life improvements will change it like yes city maps are great yeah it's cool that we have that and you can change some camera stuff you can redesign your character for New Game Plus that's cool that's that's all awesome I I'm glad it's here now I mean better late than never I suppose but frankly it doesn't change the game that Starfield is what could is the shattered space DLC and expansion that's coming in this fall period that they announced probably September uh most most likely and that has the chance and opportunity to really blow a lot of people away and I think that could reasonably win a lot of people over and pull a lot of us back if it's really really good but at this point we just don't know anything about it so it's up in the air what I will say and what I will defend bethesdan is that they have a pretty good track record what was that oh it took off they have a pretty good track record when it comes to DLC I think far Harbor is fantastic in Fallout 4 I would even argue narratively it's way better than the base game n world is pretty fun as well very quirky as long as you're able to put up with like the supernatural stuff in Fallout it's a little weird people just start using magic and it's never really explained it's a little odd but you can still have a lot of fun with it but all all told I mean I think with DLC Bethesda tends to do a a pretty decent job or pretty solid job of enhancing the base game and so my hope is the same story will be told with Starfield and when they eventually add dune buggies and stuff that will improve exploration because at this point while I've been going on all of this diet tribe I have been running intentionally from this point here we ran around a little bit but then we circled back around and ran up this hill we are still quite far from this point of Interest over here and it's been I don't even know how many minutes I'll have Jacob put put up a little little timer can I put my in ja ja get [Music] [Music] get we've gotten this far and we've discovered pretty much nothing of Interest a dune buggy or something or a Rover helps with that because we'd be able presumably to drive along this this uh terrain much faster but it won't change the fact that you're navigating over a pretty wide empty space just to arrive at a place that's going to probably be a little underwhelming so I'm going to fast forward here we'll Speed the video along and I'm just going to run straight over there we're going to see how much longer it takes me and when we get there we'll see if it was worth all this trouble to run there because that's the core issue with Starfield and I have a pretty good feeling when we get there it will not be that [Music] [Music] exciting okay we are here at the fracking station [Music] and I don't really [Music] see anything really jumping out um I'm looking I'm trying to see maybe if we drop down we'll see something more interesting what if we go down in here there's some Sirens blaring I bet there's going to be something in here at least like an encounter or or something storage box leather pocket okay nope oh oh and starborn oh wait or are these guys going to that ship that took off oh I bet they are okay so we we traveled all that way we get some level 30 star borns from a ship that also landed nearby and then took off or glitched off or whatever it did um there's our adoring fan desperately trying to catch up you're doing great buddy but uh we come all this way and then we see see those guys and we can try to take them down real quick like this is this is about the extent of these big encounters and big moments of adventuring is you run into three guys you fought about a dozen times before this point but now you get to fight him here instead which is is different and then we just shoot that booty okay and then there's one more left oh he's right next to me hello Booyah we did the thing so allow me to be the guinea pig that plays these updates for you so you don't have to bother redownloading a like 130 gig game or whatever Starfield is we gave it a shot We are rooting for it to make a comeback and to blow us all away I'm still pretty hopeful for the DLC I think shattered space could be really really good and really cool and bring a lot of people uh back to the game to the game for the first time um I know some people are thinking they might bring this to PlayStation as well I'm I'm not so sure about that oh these don't have Collision oh bummer but I'm not so sure about that I'm not sold on that idea that they're going to be bringing it to PlayStation but I guess time will tell I guess let me let me hear your thoughts in the comment section below do you think they're bringing Starfield to PlayStation do you think that's going to be one of the big moves later this year as they'll do shattered space and then and then bring it to PlayStation I I can't imagine they do but there are good arguments to think that they might that right there look we just found those things in a little box up here finding this box was the most exciting thing in this video that should say a lot but okay that's going to do it for me I need to uh go um play uh play something fun so I'm going to go do that much love everybody thank you for making my dreams reality all of this is ridiculous and the fact I get to do it for a living is remarkable and of course it's all thanks to you thank you for watching thank you for subscribing I love you all dearly and I'll see you in the next video hugs and kisses bye-bye
Channel: Luke Stephens
Views: 298,794
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: luke stephens, starfield, bethesda game studios, todd howard, fallout, starfield update, starfield maps, starfield performance
Id: TDnwvyr-dB4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 40sec (1360 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2024
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