Review | Starfield | Finally Getting Around To It

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[Music] Starfield the game that's been talked to death about at this point is it good is it sh does Bethesda still have it I'm not here to beat a dead horse or anything not in the mood for it although I do love to get that good work but it's a game that I didn't play on launch um I I feel like a lot of people are in that position there was just a lot of big games that came out around that time that a lot of us got distracted by I consider myself a big fan of Bethesda games but Starfield I just didn't play at launch so why not try it now so jumping right in we obviously spend way too much time in the Character Creator trying to make sure we make someone who doesn't instill feelings of uncanny valley they do let you do a fair amount of customization within the character builder um you'll be able to create some pretty wacky characters I've seen some pretty fun ones online I think the favorite one I saw was someone made William de in Starfield you know how my sacrifice but despite this you have about 46 hairstyles and about 43 of them are why can't we have more hairstyles to choose from I thought that was a bit weird I noticed they had Todd Howard's hairstyle in there um so you can be Todd oh yeah uh but the rest of them are just kind of bizarre like who modeled these who looks like this bit of a silly nitpick on the surface especially since you're only going to see your character like 5% of the time if you're playing first person um but I do feel like it's worth bringing up cuz a lot lot of people spend a lot of time building their characters in these games with my first few hours of the game I was actually pretty pleasantly surprised the tutorial doesn't take very long to get through which is nice and you see space pirates pretty early in so you're going in gun blazing pretty pretty quick I definitely don't like it when big RPGs like this really like to take their time with building up Grandeur in the beginning of the game especially something that you expect to be playing over and over again the combat is pretty similar to Fallout 4 in my opinion uh but the guns feel like they have even more oomph which is big cuz Bethesda games just aren't known for good gun play uh looking at you Fallout 3 so to have guns that feel like they have a bit more Firepower to them uh that was a very nice thing to see in Starfield with Bethesda RPGs I never really expect the combat to be something that I'm going to enjoy much uh usually it's the World building and exploration that sucks me in so for Starfield to have combat that felt fun um I thought was very promising going through the weapons there is a good variety that compliments different play styles with this game um I would have liked to see more overthe toop kind of guns like if you think about game like Fallout how you have like the Gamay guns and everything I always enjoy just kind of really silly stuff like that you still get some good variety of weapons in Starfield though uh I really enjoyed the old world guns I thought those were pretty cool going through the first dungeon run going after some space Bandits or whatever um I had a lot of fun with that however one thing that really stood out to me was that I didn't really notice like a big reward at the end of this uh like dungeon I'm used to like a game like Skyrim where at the end you see like a big chest or something and you're like ah there's my reward I didn't really notice that in Starfield um like sometimes you would find little things that feel kind of rewarding like a skill magazine or something uh randomly on a desk somewhere in one of the dungeons you go through however it doesn't ever feel super obvious and I often feel like I have just completely missed it and then I need to go back and search go like okay well where's the the reward for this dungeon I must have missed it and then find that oh I already collected it it was just kind of trash I was often put off of wanting to explore dungeons by just the overall lack of reward when going into the constellation quest of the game which is like the main quest series of the game um I was definitely expecting some sort of like grandio story like this is a game set in space where we're looking at how far Humanity has come and whether it shaped the overall human condition as we live separated across the stars but no it's all fetch quests ooh how you doing look I'm not going to pretend like Al Bethesda games are much different from this uh Unice and I have actually been playing a lot of Oblivion recently if you'd like to see our Oblivion review please subscribe so you can see when it comes out but Oblivion is filled with fetching punk what makes a game like Oblivion feel more distinct with its fetching is that the journeys are often a lot more memorable in Oblivion I may need to get some dri artifact the thda love artifacts don't they so along the way I'll be fighting zombies ghosts then some big Lich King bastard comes out to fight then I'm traveling the actual PLS of Oblivion to steal an artifact from under a d Prince's nose like like in Starfield I was expecting more fetch quests but I was excited the idea of having those Journeys but across space in all new environments I put a fair amount of time into no men's sky and these are very different games but I loved all the weird and colorful places I discovered in that game that made me really excited to think about exploring environments like that but as a Bethesda RPG what I found in Starfield was that I was often just boost jumping across an NPC of rocks that usually look the same or I was going through menus in order to Quick travel to a different MTC of rocks that also look the same with the same group of people in it that all wanted to fight me again ultimately most of the journey in Starfield is going to be looking at menus now there are obviously some cool looking areas throughout Starfield the best planets are always the ones that are most populated what bethesa is best at is well building so places that feel lived in are the ones that stand out the most talking with Unice about the game he had a similar experience um and he told me to stop playing through the main quest cuz that was what was burning him out and to just focus on the side content and enjoy the little stories there and that definitely made the game a bit more [Music] fun so the places with the NPCs or people in it are the places where that journey I keep talking about can be found playing through the game I kept having flashbacks of play Fallout 76 at launch where it was just an empty space Avid of any people or stories then Bethesda realized oh the game isn't much fun to play now and added more back in why would they make the same mistake with Starfield does Todd Howard just hate having people in his games for a wave of critical reviews in this game but thda start to actually respond to some of them they told people that the astronauts had a good time on the moon uh so you should have a good time jumping around an empty space as well the different cities were nice in this game and it gave a sense of variety that I really started desperately crave after seeing 15 different planets that are all different shades of brown with the same group of friends on it that all want to murder me going through the main quest this game just doesn't feel super fulfilling to me this could be why I've seen a lot of reviewers claim the game doesn't get good until you played it for like 20 hours but I also think it's pretty l chis to say that you need to play a game for the length that it takes to beat most games until it starts feeling fun uh could be because the main quest of the game is just kind of a grind it doesn't feel super rewarding and most of the memorable moments I had in the game are doing side content or exploring the cities uh things that the main quest doesn't really make you go to while it is ludicrous to say that you need to play the game for the length that it takes to beat most games for it to be good it does kind of seem like that's the case with Starfield the more you play the more it starts to feel fun eventually though it does feel like the game starts out stay as welcome a little bit leveling in the game is very similar to Fallout 4 and that you don't get to see a list of stats and a more pen and paper style RPG uh instead you'll have a list of perks to choose from each time you level which leads your character further into whatever play style you enjoy this is kind of nice for a more easy accessible way to approach an RPG but admittedly I haven't really ever enjoyed perks I've always enjoyed just seeing stats and numbers the Skyrim it wasn't so bad cuz I still felt like I was leveling up a stat while also putting pucks into it kind of like a dual system with Skyrim with Fallout 4 though it felt like it was dumbing this whole thing down a bit by just letting you boost your health a little bit and then you pick a per and that's it we see more of this dumb down RPG approaching the Starfield which maybe it's not really fair to call it dumb down uh it's just not really for me I much prefer seeing my stats and attributes and me have to manage those numbers and everything I guess I'm a nerd nerd as I had stated earlier though uh one thing that this game does take from Fallout 4 and uh improves on pretty well is the gun play theor have always struggled with guns in their games Fallout 3 or obsidian New Vegas the guns just feel so underwhelming in those games fortunately in Starfield though a lot of the guns feel great to use I enjoy the variety we have even if it's not as over the top as I would have liked I think there are many that'll appreciate this more modest approach to the Future that leads me into the overall visual design of the game I love it the UI is still clunky to navigate as a tradition these days with the Bethesda game but the visuals look slick and I really love the Aesthetics shown in computer software in the game everything has this kind of like 70s but in the future kind of Space Age vibe to it and I think it works really well what is on your head it's just a shame that looking at the overall Graphics of the game you can tell this is all built in creation engine and uh the creation engine is trying really hard to convince you this is the nextg [Music] games Starfield is by no stretch a bad game and I think of another Studio put it out people will be far more forgiving to that game and it may even have a cult followings the issue is that this game is put out by a game studio with a big track record to keep up with and they are now being backed by the most valuable company in the world it's kind of hard to go into the game without expectations like I remember when I played Fallout 76 at launch I was really underwhelmed but ultimately I gave it a pass since they kept reminding me this is an online game this is scary new territory for us after playing Fallout 4 and questioning some of that game's design choices to Fallout 76 where I'm just confused by The Game's design choices uh to now playing Starfield I'm seeing a bit of an unfortunate pattern the thesda seems to refuse to have their games grow and instead want to keep throwing the same ideas at a wall and hoping that it sticks or maybe they just know people will come in and mod the out of it to make it the big grandio space adventure that it was supposed to be overall Unice and I decided to give Starfield a 6 out of 10 it's not a bad game at all and there are plenty of Great Moments to be had in the game it's just those great moments I often felt like I had to search for rather than just organically appearing through my adventure like they would in an El Scrolls game like many I think I'm a bit concerned about how ELD squirrel 6 is going to turn out uh fortunately we have many great Bethesda RPGs to play after playing Starfield it got me pretty heavily back into the roller game so I'm thankful for that I've been having a lot of fun playing marwi wind and uh you and I have been playing a lot of Oblivion so subscribe for that review which will hopefully be coming out soon and if you enjoy hearing me ramble about video games that's what I do now so subscribe for that uh check out our older video on sad Amigo if you want to check out that review otherwise I will hopefully see you in our future content hey thanks so much for watching I'll see you in the next one goodbye m [Music]
Channel: EatSplode
Views: 7,774
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2U1CqfpfA6M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 49sec (649 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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