Todd Howard has spoken...

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well everyone it happened Todd our Lord and savior has indeed spoken once more he has spoken it into the world the truth of almighty God Howard's teaching and as a result I have prepared this seance for us to enjoy it you see he did an interview with the kind of funny games cast specifically Mr Greg or Gregory Miller and in this interview he asked a series of questions some of them are very very good and pressing like Todd's retirement he's getting to be a bit of an old fell when is he going to pass the torch and what's that going to look like also questions about Starfield the shattered space DLC which has been kind of missing in action for a while but all of that is sort of beside the point the question that I found most intriguing was this one about collaboration with the Fallout franchise specifically but before we get into all of that of course a thank you to the sponsor of this video Opera GX thank you to Opera GX for sponsoring this video this may come as a surprise to you guys but I am on the internet a lot as a result I need a browser that works for my workflow also that's intuitive easy to use and respects my privacy all at the same time and on top of all of that I love customization of things like this and Opera GX has all of that in fact right now Opera GX has actually partnered with cdpr for a cyberpunk 2077 customized version of the browser so you can add all sorts of specific mods to your version of your browser and find tune it exactly as you like and with this cyberpunk splash screen specifically you can see you have things like a unique background when you go to open new tabs and with these unique modifications to Opera GX such as the cyberpunk 2077 modification you can really make your browser exactly what you want it to be even down to the live wallpaper sounds as you drift over links on on your homepage or you can even enable the ambient music so as you browse you feel as though you're living in the world of cyberpunk in addition you can 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having to so much as think about it so just like you can see here if you want the background music you can turn it off or you can leave it back on but you can fully customize it to your heart's content in addition you've probably also noticed if you watch my Luke Stevens live Channel where we do stream clips and everything I use Opera GX every single day on stream and it's because it works better than any other browser I've tried which have all had problems with playing video or screen tearing when browsing web pages all of those headaches cuz I just don't want to deal with an opera just works check out Opera GX at the link in the video description box below or in the pinned comment and head over to the gx. store in order to download the cyberpunk mod or any other mods that you could possibly want they've got ones for all sorts of different games like this one for Fallout New Vegas if you want I mean this looks pretty cool too actually I'm not going to lie I mean that's pretty crazy again check it out at the link in the video description box below or in the pinned comment okay but with that said let's get back into it I have been going crazy since the Fallout show came out looking for another Fallout fix and it is so amazingly baffling that Xbox has nothing seemingly planned except for a Fallout 3 remaster which was leaked previously and other than that like some Fallout 76 updates but there really is nothing big planned to take advantage of all of this hype and interest in the franchise I mean seriously Fallout is bigger than it probably has ever been and they have nothing to capitalize on it with except for a game that's like 6 years old and that a lot of people still just don't click with or a 9-year-old game that they just updated and broke but Luke they also have fallout shelter they do technically have fallout shelter a 9-year-old mobile game you're right how could I have forgotten but here's the thing while we give PlayStation plenty of crap for having like The Last of Us Part Two remaster and the last part one remake and all these other things slated for release right around the time that the show comes out and I'm sure they're going to have ghost of susha stuff when the movie comes out they've all this stuff lined up so that they can sell you something or give you something to enjoy while you're interested because of some external multimedia event so The Last of Us season 1 comes out oh cool we've got the Last of Us Part One remake ready to go and yes I know it's a remake but at least there was something but Xbox really has not done much of anything to capitalize on the success of the show like at all and I think there's a couple of possible reasons for it most likely of which being that they didn't expect people to like the Fallout show as much as they have I think they were kind of braced for it to be another Halo show and so when it ended up being wildly popular they were like oh right yeah you guys like this cool great we don't have anything planned but I'm glad you like it but that brings me back to this interview and this question that was asked of our almighty God Howard and that is whether they're open to collaboration because at this point Fallout 5 is likely to come out around 2034 that will put it assuming there's no delays or anything roughly 19 years after the release of Fallout 4 a delay happens it's 20 years to put that in perspective if Fallout 5 launched today that would mean equivalent time frames Fallout 4 would have launched in 2004 when Bush was president there is so much time in between these releases at this point because bgs can only do so much that it's baffling they would just sit on the franchise for that long especially with the hype and interest in Fallout as a franchise that the show has helped to kind of Jin up so now people are wondering if bgs and Xbox specifically I guess are open to sharing the franchise with somebody else and that's where this question comes in I'm going to let it play out in its entirety shout out to Greg for asking the good question because I don't want to cut anything off and I want you to just hear it and then I'm going to pick it apart and tell you what I make of it again with Fallout now having I would say even more success being even bigger bigger than it's ever been thanks to the show do you sit sit there and think more about that Cod development external development let people go not make Fallout 5 but make Fallout colon whatever more stuff like the mobile game more stuff like uh New Vegas I would say we're all we we've always had those conversations we we did a lot of things for the show it might seem like hey there isn't a big new game out but we added content into 76 for the show 76 has a really great map expansion that's coming this summer with Skyland Valley and so we look at what we're doing with the franchise and then we say do we still feel good about I can't reveal it now but here's our runway for the Fallout you can reveal it now it's fine season two happening what are we doing on mobile what are we doing in 76 what are we doing with this thing what are we doing with this other thing when are these landing and again if I could snap my fingers and have them all be out and ready I would but the main thing is like all how do we deliver these at a high quality level that's that's always most important I have some thoughts first things first of course Todd mentions that they actually did add a lot of stuff for the Fallout show in anticipation of the excitement that it would certainly Garner and listen I have tried Fallout 76 many many times and it's just not for me and I will be honest about that I'm not going to pretend like it's bad just because I personally don't like it right that's not necessarily a given that just because I don't personally like the game or get dopamine from it doesn't mean that it's full stop bad as it currently is at launch it certainly was bad but currently I think it's much better certainly but even then among the people that have been playing it since launch and are hardcore fans of Fallout 76 there are still many problems with it and the updates that have come from bgs Austin specifically have been pretty anemic and not very high in quality over on Luke Stevens live we actually checked out this review from Mr Maddie the one and only who a month ago before the crazy hype of the Fallout show he reviewed the latest update to Fallout 76 which was particularly wanting the review is really well done and the fact that he played an entire expansion in Fallout 76 just for a video I think deserves a lot of credit because not many people would do that and basically the takeaway from the video is that the game is just fine like they're never gonna put their best content forward they're never goingon to blow anybody away with it it's always going to do just enough to keep the player base satisfied and never more than that and I think that that is an astute observation of the current state of the game that I've heard echoed from many many fans of Fallout 76 but I think all of this is to say that for Todd to be like well we have added a lot of stuff to the Fallout franchise for the show to keep fans happy look at what we did for Fallout 76 well like what you've done for Fallout 76 is kind of mediocre and that's assuming all fallout fans like Fallout 76 which is not a given many Fallout fans find Fallout 76 to be extremely wanting but beyond that Todd mentioned they've done stuff with Fallout on mobile which of course refers to fallout shelter which is fine and then he refers to two other things when he said season 2 happening what are we doing on mobile what are we doing in 76 what are we doing with this thing what are we doing with this other thing what are we doing with this thing and this other thing when do that line up with season 2 blah blah blah one of those things he's referring to almost certainly is the Fallout 3 remaster that was leaked as part of the FTC hearings it hasn't officially been revealed or anything but it's I mean it's it's out there people know about it it's happening it's a thing I know some people are really ful for that but it's a remaster as far as we understand it not a remake all of the technical restrictions that plagued Fallout 3 at launch and to this day they might be polished up a little bit but it's still going to be Fallout 3 we're not talking about a remake you're still going to have to do the constant load screens between every single little Zone as you travel through just understand we're not talking about a remake and honestly as long as expectations are clear I'm fine with that as long as it's not like 50 bucks or something yeah remasters are are fine I personally am not that confident in their ability to put forward quality content which is the other thing that he mentions when he says if I could snap my fingers and have them all be out and ready I would but the main thing is like all right how do we deliver these at a high quality level that's that's always most important that's always most important I'm I'm sorry Todd I'm going to say it I'm going to bring it up okay for Todd Howard to mention quality always being the most important thing is freaking hilarious you can say a lot of things about Bethesda game studios titles like that they're fun they're addicting they're junk food games it's like eating popcorn you keep popping it in and it's delicious and satiating something deep within you but there's no nutritional value at all but you're still okay with it you could say lots about Fallout stuff and Skyrim and Elder Scrolls all of that but they have always as long as anybody can remember struggled with putting forward the most high quality product when graded against its competition they've always struggled with Polish they've always struggled with bugs they've always struggled with keeping things technologically in line with their competition and for a long time their games were just frankly fun enough that it didn't really matter it was okay because at least Skyrim's fun enough that you can look past all the bugs and stuff or Fallout 3 is quirky enough that you can look past the fact that it has really really bad gun like Gunplay compared to contemporaries of the time nowadays people just don't tolerate that for a AAA Studio to be struggling to get games to launch consistently is baffling for them to come out with like the Fallout 4 nextg update and have ultrawide monitor support be one of the main selling points and then completely break ultrawide monitor support in that update is hilarious I mean hell Juice Head who is I think it's fair to say a Bethesda fan boy I most of his content is Bethesda related at this point so I I think that's fair to say I don't mean that it's like an insult I just mean you're you're Fanboy it's fine it's whatever uh as long as you're upfront about it that's fine but even Juice Head came out and said that he thought the state that they launched the nextg update was not okay I don't think it's okay look at this ultrawide support he's all excited to play the game on Ultra wide nope they just took the UI and stretched it horizontally I wish I had seen this when I tried the game myself I just I don't have my ultrawide monitor set up for gameplay right now it's all vertical off to the side so I didn't even think to try it I I was like they've put ultrawide support is one of the main selling points of this update surely that works at least like there are free mods that have been up since 2015 supporting this there's no way they screwed up but guess what they screwed up on Xbox the platform they are owned by one of the three DLCs shipped without meshes for the new weapon that's included it's a DLC weapon part pack and it's largely unusable right now on PC many players including me cannot progress the very first quest of the workshop DLC look at this they shipped it this is the quality that Todd said was most important I mean come on guys look at this if somebody came to me and worked for me and put this forward and said yeah uh Luke we got the ultra wide support working for the game are we good to put this in the update and send it out to all of our millions of players and they showed this to me I would fire them immediately for thinking that this was acceptable like if they thought that this was high quality enough that it's clipping text off the screen and it doesn't even properly stretch the UI off to the corners it just Clips off at the edges I'd be like this is a prank right like you're joking that you thought this was acceptable but no this is what a multi-billion dollar company released Bethesda game studios probably multi-million dollar company probably worth a few hundred million dollars at this point but the fact that they even thought that this was acceptable is ridiculous and the fact that Xbox puts their name behind it is ridiculous so again I just find it really freaking funny that Todd is saying that like yeah I know people are excited about this but quality has always been the top concern you sure about that you really really want to commit to that okay okay dude whatever it's statements like this that get me more worried than anything else Todd can say like what he mentioned where he said we've always been open to collaborating with other Studios which is supposedly the headline of this interview or of this portion of the interview which is that he's always been open to it they've had conversations about it make of that what you will maybe they will give the franchise to obsidian or to in Exile after they do Clockwork Revolution or something they'll get to do a remake of New Vegas or a sequel to it something like that maybe that will happen but when I hear the guy that's at the very tippy top of this organization saying that they've always prioritized quality first and that is their utmost priority with a total disregard for reality which is that that is obviously not true I don't know how I can possibly take anything he says seriously at that point like is he aware of how ridiculous that sounds like either he's in straight up denial and and like is aware that they've struggled with quality and it's just pretending like they haven't for for marketing perks I guess or he really does think that the stuff they release is high quality which is like almost more concerning because at that point I'm questioning your senses like can you not see and honestly this video is filled with little bitty examples of that where there's just things said where Todd might mention something off the cuff but when you look at it a little bit more precisely it's just confusing and it makes you wonder how much of a bubble bgs is sitting in but the other thing this interview really confirmed for me unfortunately as someone that doesn't really like Fallout 76 is that Bethesda game studios currently views fallout shelter and Fallout 76 as the current offering for Fallout as the sufficient offering for Fallout again and I encourage you to listen to the entire interview but there are entire stretches where for like 10 minutes it's just a circle jerk of how great Fallout 76 is and how they've recovered it they're talking about it like it's some sort of No Man's sky or cyberpunk 2077 Redemption arc when I I don't think that it's on that level at all like yeah it's not criminally bad at this point but it's still not great and I know what you might be thinking Luke what are you looking for what do you want them to say like he's he's hyping up the game because people are excited about it what what do you want from him what I want is just an honest evaluation of the current circumstances I I just want them to say like listen yeah I know like there's members of our community that are not that into like the MMO offerings of a Fallout 76 and we're working really hard to make sure even those fans are satisfied and get something that they can enjoy hint hint nudge nudge wink wink that okay cool like we're at least acknowledging reality that Fallout 76 isn't supposed to be everything to everybody but instead we're just pretending like well we added a ton of content Fallout 76 is great and then also you know we've got some other projects we got mobile we got all this stuff going so you know things are great and quality's always been at the top of our mind so we're going to make sure it's all quality I'm like I just don't know how seriously I can take anything that any of these people are saying but all this to say he points out two things that are happening that have not been announced where what are we doing with Fallout 76 what are we doing with mobile what are we doing with this thing and with that thing and when do they land how can we make quality you know the the highest we can the first thing almost certainly is the Fallout 3 remaster that was leaked already the second thing that we know is probably coming it's Fallout 5 so there's a really good chance all he's talking about in this interview that people are like losing their minds over is just a Fallout 3 remaster we already know about which is coming in a couple years probably and then Fallout 5 in about a decade it's possibly he's talking about something else or there's some other mobile game or something that's in the work but it it's also just as likely that he's just talking about a game that's a decade away so I I just want to remind people you can speculate to your hearts content One Direction but you can also speculate the other direction and end up feeling much less excited but there's a point later in the interview where he actually directly addresses obsidian and Fallout New Vegas which is pretty rare they've always been kind of koi around New Vegas it's sort of like the redheaded stepchild nobody wants to acknowledge but he actually does address it here let's hear what he has to say cam wrote in and said you've kind of touched on the this from a vague point but he wants to be specific with Bethesda and obsidian now being under the same Microsoft umbrella has that opened up more opportunities for collaborations like New Vegas and I'll stop you right there Todd we all saw the headlines you hate New Vegas you hate obsidian you've rcon them out of the timeline it just doesn't exist so you don't even have to answer this question if you don't want to which is to be fair very stupid sorry guys that I'm taking this time it is very stupid for people to be like oh they redcon all of New Vegas not not really I can't go into it without oiling the show but like people who said that almost certainly didn't watch the show okay we'll just move on first I'll say they did an amazing job with New Vegas we we see some of that and I'll say everybody like that's a game that we published right so it's also kind of it's ah so he's he's taking credit for it I see okay yes it was it was obsidian but we published it so yeah we we get credit for it too he's calling dibs okay moving on yeah um and I will say Fergus who runs obsidian is absolutely one of my favorite people in the video game industry and uh he's been around for so many decades has done so many things and has seen it all so they they do a fantastic job I can't speak to things that that we're doing with the franchise in the future obviously um but New Vegas is a very very important game to us and our fans uh we think they did an incredible job and if anything the show is leaning into right the events there you just a bit by that final shot of the show yeah just a bit it's leaning it yeah and obviously season two is going to be featuring some of New Vegas and we're careful about you know maintaining the key events of that game and the great content in it it is obviously difficult to deal with when you're going back to an area where a game had multiple endings you know we have some answers there but it's hard it is I'll just admit everybody realiz it's hard to sort of canonize or say this is the exactly how that game ended and so whenever we can I like to avoid it like don't be don't refute anything that happened be careful when you're was specific about what happened just like you know we want that game and what the players did to be to be their reality and Truth my truth indeed Todd my truth as well and so some fans are taking this and running with it being like see he said it's very important to them it's a very important game blah blah blah nothing said there makes me think that there's currently something planned related to New Vegas they're just saying it's an important game to us we love obsidian they're nice and we published the game so we should get some credit too that's kind of like the extent of it I know some people want a new Vegas remaster remake or a sequel so so bad that they're just starting to see Shadows of it everywhere kind of like a bloodborne 2 or a bloodborne remake or something but listen it's just not it's not there right now as far as we know even with those FTC leaks and everything there currently is nothing planned for Fallout other than Fallout 76 updates a Fallout 3 remaster and then Fallout 5 in about a decade that's all there is there is a Fallout shaped hole in Xbox's lineup for the next 10 years and it's such a waste because it is at this point one of the biggest franchises in all of gaming thanks largely to the show's popularity and they have nothing to capitalize on it with it's one of the biggest blunders of the generation as far as I'm concerned it's amazing it would be like if Sony just like didn't have anything Last of Us related for sale when The Last of Us show dropped like it just would be baffling like really you didn't do anything to prepare for this but that's where Xbox is they just have nothing and I know they're very into like fallout shelter and Fallout 76 makes them good money that's all great but there is a huge portion of the fan base that has gotten nothing since 2015 and even then they weren't that thrilled with what they got in 2015 and now they're being told they're going to have to wait about 20 years in between releases to get something that they really really can be excited for and I guarantee you like if people are saying oh well let let Bethesda just do the Fallout 3 remaster that'll satis safy some people you really think that these guys that just did the Fallout 4 nextg update that broke everything you really think they're going to do a good job remastering that game no it's probably going to run worse than the game that already doesn't launch on most people's PCS without editing the inii files like it's amazing it's amazing that anybody takes any of this that seriously like there's a huge quality issue with bgs which is my problem with them they have some sort of disconnect between how players evaluate quality of their games and how they evaluate quality and their tolerance for jankiness and outdated mechanics and Tech and The Gamers tolerance for it they are locked 15 years behind the curve and they seemingly are totally oblivious to it like Todd said when he says that they prioritize quality above everything else like yeah that's always been most important yep that's what we're doing that is demonstrably untrue in a court of law you would be tried for perjury for that statement because you know that's not true there's no way you don't know that's that's just a balaced lie and yet you could say it with a straight face and it's just shocking to me and as long as there's no acknowledgement of these shortcomings as long as there's no acknowledgment of the problems nothing will get better nothing this is why when I did a survey right after Starfield I asked 70,000 of you guys through the YouTube Community post function whether or not you were more or less excited for the Elder Scroll 6 their next game and roughly 30% of you guys said I'm going to be more excited I mean this point yeah I'm more excited after playing Starfield already not a great metric you'd hope the majority of players are more thrilled for the next game after playing the current one but regardless I let 3 months pass and then I did the survey again after most people had played more of Starfield and that number had dropped to 6% only 6% of 70,000 respondents said they were more excited for bethesda's next project after finishing Starfield that should be the most concerning thing that Todd hears all year cuz that's where player sentiment is and yet there's just this total disconnect and that's kind of my main takeaway from the interview is just that I listened to Todd talk about his games and the road maps for them and the projects they're working on and I just get the sense that there is a massive disconnect between what bgs is trying to do and their interpretation or impressions of the gaming Zeitgeist and where it actually is and so long as there is a disconnect like that I don't think they're going to be doing highquality work I don't think they're going to make any sort of comeback they might keep some Fallout 76 and Fallout first subscribers happy but other than than that I don't I don't know who else is going to be that thrilled when after 2 years of anxious anticipation we finally get a Fallout 3 remaster revealed and it looks like a 2008 game with some updated textures and everybody's like really this is what you've been working on it's it's going to be a dumpster fire I'm sorry Todd at this point I'm not even like mad about the neglect that Fallout has felt since 2015 I'm just disappointed because the show has shown us the vast potential that the franchise has that the IP has and how in the right hands it can be made so fascinating and so compelling and the stories are so rich and yet there is just nothing of substance on the way and even if they were actively pursuing something other than free toplay mobile games and an MMO that's mediocre at best even if they had other projects on the way that maybe are big releases and big surprises we'll find out about at the Xbox Showcase in June even if there is something like that the amount of trust that Gamers have in his team to do it is so low that it's going to be almost impossible to overcome at this point all of the Goodwill from the Skyrim days has been burned because there is just seemingly a total disconnect between the studio and the players and until that's fixed nothing will get better so as much as I would like to hype this up and be like oh my God they might possibly sort of be doing a New Vegas 2 or something I don't hear anything in these interviews to take that message away from this I just I just don't see anything and at the end of it I'm left more frustrated than I am excited which is unfortunate but perhaps perfectly accurate for a bgs interview and update but that's going to do it for me thank you for watching I love you all desperately and of course shout out to the sponsor Opera GX for making this video possible much love I'll see you in the next video hugs and kisses bye-bye
Channel: Luke Stephens
Views: 133,635
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: luke stephens, fallout, starfield, todd howard interview, todd howard, tod howard
Id: 9srpE3cXXik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 39sec (1839 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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