So I tried playing The Outer Worlds after Starfield...

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the outer World spacers Choice Edition want to go back to this one for two reasons number one this was one of the biggest slam dunks we saw during this generation where oh it's the OU of Worlds great RPG great DLC to follow it up put it in a package ship it boom you're good to go you got the definitive edition uh it lived up to its name with spacer's Choice it was not good at all as I indicated in my review how disappointed I was in how they messed up the visuals as they messed up the performance it just was a far worse game and you were better off buying the original and the DLC peace mail since then there's been four patches and I wanted to try this one out and see if it's been fixed so you don't have to at the same time though after Starfield came out a lot of people were saying man I wish we had this sort of space RPG with less planets more meaningful exploration and I couldn't help but think of one single RPG that did that phenomenally and that's the outer world as time has gone on I've noticed a lot of people have soured on the outer worlds it's it's not as good as we thought it was at launch there was a lot of hype driving it I have always been and still am a lover of this game I love the choices I love the humor I love its characters I find it all memorable so I wanted to go back to it I thought it'd be a fun little break from the usual Mr Maddy Candor so let's check out Outer World spacers Choice Edition and I said it was going to be fun but let's hope it works cuz when I went to steam and checked out the user reviews some had a great time and said surprisingly great performance some we still having a bad time so we're going to see in a two for one kind of special here so ladies and gentlemen if you're new here you're into these kind of random playthrough videos you're in the right place consider subscribing okay let's see what we're doing here last time we had uh vicker Max's companion Quest we had a couple side quest we were a little bit into uh the Edgewater main quest line you know immediately playing this game the first thing I can think of and I hope the out of Worlds 2 has this is a third person mode so far performance doing pretty good I remember when I I was playing this on this same PC by the way which has a 380 in it it was skipping all over the place not doing too hot but uh here we go let's let's see how things are handled in combat I also remember the uh the AI was worse in this oh man all right so far so good yeah that's one thing I hope that they do a little bit better in the in the outer worlds too or just obsidian games in general uh combat needs to be like just mildly more challenging it's it's a really easy game and I know they kind of pack some of the difficulty into like the alternate like the Supernova uh difficulty I know that's like an alternative there but when I say difficulty I mean like just enemies not running at you and dying so instantaneously would be I think a pretty good start oh man oh boy oh boy am I going to eat my words on the challenge here so quick oh yeah they got their own version of that which I always liked I think it's good for people people who aren't great first person shooters but like RPGs oh boy I'm out of ammo hold on now can I just say I love Edgewater as a location like the way they capture through the environmental art like the the very corporate nature of this world well also showing how like rusti and run down it is the flickering lights as an example of course the debris in the streets like it makes a lot of money here but they do the bare minimum because again of the corporate structure that we know and love in the outer worlds like I just appreciate the way they Design This Town visually so much H the eyes are still little like everything in the outer world is almost this pastel sort of visual style and then the eyes like creepy reflective it's like if you don't care about that stuff I guess it wouldn't matter if it's performing well but it's such a distraction to me like why are your eyes so shiny wait hold on I think this line is hilarious hold on wait what the [ __ ] is this is this French I can't [ __ ] read French it's a law forsaken joke is what it is oh man see what I'm talking about I think this game's still funny I remember when I was reviewing the game and I got to that line I think I had the same exact reaction I just burst out laughing eyes look so I shall see odd it's just way way way too reflective like they look okay in the overall like if you look at parv when you're just looking quickly like you're not going to stop and really Analyze That hardcore so I think it is less there but when you get up close which is the dialogue that's where it it looks definitely a little funky one of the other reasons I forgot to mention to the top of the video that I I wanted to go back to the outer worlds is I've been thinking a lot about AOW and obviously I think that it's going to be a big part of our coverage in 2024 where undoubtedly we'll we'll see more gameplay and I was thinking to myself that you know what like this game is probably going to be I think AOW is going to be pretty much like fantasy the outer Worlds at least on a design level holy smokes that is a big Behemoth just challenging me right there um and so I was thinking you know I want to like reconnect with this kind of design I don't know if everyone agrees with it maybe I'm behind on the times but for me I've always been a bigger fan of the style of design that the outer worlds and games like it uh pursue um I prefer that focus on like tight interesting Hub areas with unique characters to meet and fun quests to do and then you go on to the next hub I I never really I love open worlds of course I'm a a bgs fan uh but I I've realized as time has gone on I I like a particular type of open world like it's not a guarantee that I'm going to like an open world like you either need to have very special combat I think of like the shadow of War Series where you have this uh very bloody Arkham free flow style combat that goes a long way with me cuz like your game's fun to play You're styled like a Ubisoft game but you are fun to play so that can go along with me or it's like the intimate explor ation which I think bgs does you know so well it's like oh I can you know pick up everything and I can talk to anyone um and then the outer worlds captures that same Freedom obviously on a smaller scale but you get more I think at least meaningful Choice out of it so yeah like I was thinking of the um the the avow I said the avow I was thinking of AOW and you know it just made me kind of want to get back into this game cuz who knows when we're going to get our hands on AOW it it could be a little while they said it was pre-alpha when we first saw it back when um so it is possible that maybe uh this takes into 2025 I would just selfishly hope not but uh Xbox looks like they have a lot of exciting stuff in the can where I could totally see them just letting AOW be delayed just so that they can you know have other stuff in their pipeline like hellblade 2 Tower born all that stuff come out uhoh parva is down uh-oh uh-oh oh I take it back this game is a challenge that or I'm just my skills are are beginning to atrophy before your very eyes P theophobia after repeatedly getting beat up by primals you longer function well when they attack your companions so I get a perk Point yeah I love this about this game I don't know [Music] if like it's it's sometimes such a hard trade-off to accept but that's like where the fun of the playthrough is I highly recommend if I'm going to reject it I highly recommend if you have not done an idiot playthrough in the outer worlds you seriously should it is the ending is incredible that or if you've played the game multiple times and you just want to check it out like look up the ending it is it is so worthwhile I hope they change how skill points are allocated CU they put them into little groups here and they all scale with you as a collective until you get one of them to 50 and then you can individually level them up see um for me though like I I like when you just have to pick a c of individual skills because what happens is the game quietly makes you a jack of all trades and master of them too especially when you're wearing like gear you can see here that we got like 30 technically 30 as well 28 uh just based off what we're wearing what we have equipped uh so it can make you better than you you actually are and so you can get to that point of scaling up individually a little easier um where again I I think the strength of like an obsidian RPG is being really good at a couple of specific things uh rather than great at everything and so yeah you can even level up your campaigns which I thought was pretty cool here she can do 10 engineering threat generated uh and health we'll do the 10 engineering when she's in the party cuz I I always got parvani in the squad best companion to have with you she is awesome oh my God holy smokes hold on now whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa I take it back it's a hard game I take well that ended horribly okay I've not used a shock weapon like this but this is pretty good okay big fan big fan forgot how Fallout this game is man just like even reading the the files in terminals I always loved having that in these games so I know some people saw it as unoriginal but I was like oh nice I love that in the other games forgot to mention this when I was in here I'm also a sucker for the lived in World detail like we see the receptionist here we see the blood splatter on the wall you you can like kind of put together in your head what happened here and again it just it liks the bgs level fire me who loves the environmental storytelling what can I say yeah the terms of performance so far so good no hitches at all in both the open world and Interiors the worst I saw was a little UI bug which like the a button was Miss or the x button was missing when I was uh when I was trying to enter a store menu I just you know the button still worked but it it was just not there I can live with that but you know that that was really it and so so far I mean I'm I'm impressed I'm impressed that it's actually uh fixed as well as it is and honestly that's great because uh the outer worlds let me say it now murder on aidanos you know per on gorgon's not bad but murder on aidanos is some of the best DLC you can play in our industry I'm talking like my favorite DLC of all time probably goes to Burial at se for BioShock Infinite and let me tell you that murder on aidanos is probably the best DLC I've played since then um it is really good I mean it adds like a whole other 10 15 hours to the outer world and um I think you'll walk away quite pleased I've not heard anyone say anything negative about that although the internet can surprise you from time to time I found nothing to be super critical about murder on aidanos just to me was such a delight every step of the way and um especially taking that kind of of course corporate storytelling that we that we know and love from the outer world and kind of making it more dark uh which definitely wasn't in the base game uh one of people's complaints yeah they they fli that on its head a little bit so just a heads up in case you're thinking about picking up the DLC well worth it we have individual reviews for that uh here on the channel oh little skill check Don't Mind If I Do skill checks in the opening part of the game were really low I remember doing like comparison videos on it um you like borderline Can't Fail them uh which is something I was always a little bit critical of with this game is like yeah there's skill checking and it feels good but it's not like the authentic skill check so to say it kind of feeds you the illusion of choice oh couple frame drops there there hold on I know we're about to make a decision here where we choose where the power goes I remember there's this wild choice you can make here where you can actually like lead the robots to Edge waterer and it's like a fourth option and it's it's it's pretty hilarious excuse me ma'am look I know you want your power See's eyes look totally fine here so it's it's something with like vicker's eyes we're going to destroy edge water here and uh redirect the power that way it always bugged I couldn't go to that volcano like it it's walled off by like a sea of lava and I think to myself why is there why is is there a whole civilization right next to Sea of lava and a volcano I I don't know but like I just like that's where the limitations of the outer worlds would bug me a little bit is is seeing these beautiful things in the distance or these marked locations that don't have much within them um I think that's where the game both uh the outer Worlds 2 and AOW could stand to improve a bit like I don't know again maybe maybe I'm asking too much I just think uh every location should St tell a story just having a transport wreckage like we pass like that's it's just a loot location that's not that's not fun that's not fun for the player I what is fun are these loading screens I'm not even saying that like ironically that is I I love the little art that we get to see the propaganda it goes a long way with me anyway yeah now we can see Edgewater quite displeased with what's happened here life is full of betrayals I'm just the most recent one that may be the most honest thing you have said to me spacer's choice will shut us down before long some of us will die of illness see this is the one thing where I think outer world's choices May lack some punch it's like I don't sympathize for spacer's choice I don't sympathize for them at all so there's no real emotional punch when you see the consequence which I get when people complain about that and if you ever need a pair of eyes watch I the fact that you can tell parvani to just go away is crazy to me like why would you ever do it I don't know but the fact that you can is nuts Captain I have detected that the town of Edgewater is now without power I appreciate you doing your part to H that's cold hearted man a you don't got to do that come on now and here we go to the navigation terminal this is where you can access the uh the DLC as well as all these other planets I remember thinking they were going to make every single planet in the game explorable you can see eridanos is is up here you unlock that later in story I think you have to be level 25 20 or no maybe moves up the cap to that I don't know you got to be a certain level though um I think tyen is the one yeah uninhabitable icy planetoid it's kind of just there I think it was like a plan planet that got cut um but yeah it's I I just love how they they got it all laid out so then you can go to the ground breaker and just pick where you want to go nice tight small solar system like it seems everyone on the internet enjoys nowadays so yeah it was fun to go back to the outer world for this video I I absolutely adore this game still they've definitely improved the spacers Choice Edition I am impressed that that was actually the case as I say that as I notice I'm holding a floating handle to my gun I don't know is that a is that a glitch like hold on let me swap that back out let's I don't know if it's supposed to be like that well it's not perfect but it's much better than where it was at launch video usually as well as performance wise at least on my PC let me do a heat check here yeah even heatwise like my computer is not running that hot from it it's not perfect but if you're looking for the all-in-one package this seems like you could maybe roll the dice on a pretty cheap sale but it was fun to go back down the less in a post Starfield world see like what I like about this versus that so I hope you enjoyed I'm looking forward to seeing your thoughts down below fire away and with that take excellent care of yourselves this character by the way one of the biggest letdowns I I I love a lot of characters in the other worlds Sam was like this let out of what HK should have been anyway stay sexy stay active I love you all peace
Channel: MrMattyPlays
Views: 366,655
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the outer worlds, the outer worlds review, the outer worlds spacers choice edition, the outer worlds spacers choice edition gameplay, the outer worlds starfield, starfield, starfield review, starfield gameplay, mrmattyplays, mrmattyplays starfield, mrmattyplays the outer worlds
Id: aty8BorWIUw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 6sec (966 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 04 2024
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