I Tested Fruit Under a Microscope For BUGS!

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yo it's alive terry that's a live hi i'm carthage and this is gaggle bunden looks like a blob a blob of bugs because we're going to get some blob of bugs gaggle there's bugs out there and we intend to find them [Music] today's story starts with a microscope okay on tick tock they did a thing where if you mix vinegar salt warm water and some fruit you could draw bugs out of strawberries and i personally didn't believe it i wanted to maintain my skepticism skepticism and i ended up seeing something that i did not want to see so naturally today i'd like to um you know scare myself with other such fruit and find other such treasures with this microscope salt do you like salt and vinegar chips because i don't and that's what these here fruits are going to taste like i always get weirded out when people say fruit i always say fruit like a bowl of fruit not a bowl of fruits get out of my room ruby rex starting with nature's cereal blueberries i noticed on tick tock liza's been doing this thing where she like puts blueberries and raspberries in uh coconut water and eats it as cereal i find that disgusting put blueberries in almond milk that's nature's cereal put her in and we're gonna let that soak it just looks like there's bugs in raspberries but the problem with raspberries is that they are the finest most beautiful fruit there is you're legally allowed to have a certain amount of like worms and maggots in fruit and like still be able to sell them it does look cool it looks delicious mmm raspberry mojito there's no better treat than a raspberry with maggots and bugs in it great who cares i'm hoping today we don't see any kind of bug that's like really creepy looking because i'm just finally starting to get over it you know when you watch a really scary movie and you can't shower with your eyes closed for a while and then you start getting over it i'm getting over it so now i'm gonna re-scare myself carthage's favorite berry of all the blackberry they're gorgeous when you get a tart one it's like not the most fun you've ever had but a lot of the time they pretty goop enoki mushrooms these are very fun you can make little noodles out of them but i've wondered you know mushrooms they just seem so clean people always say that like mushrooms grow on poo is that true i want to find out and that doesn't gross me out i still love mushrooms so we shall see straight up carrot carrot kerplunk would you rather have a leaf perfectly not taken a bite out of or would you rather have a little microscopic bug taken out of it so there could be bugs there but also it's not so laced with pesticides that nothing could possibly live on this lettuce like somebody had a feeding frenzy on this one bon appetit yuck now that is high resolution yeah did you see a bug no i just thought i did this just looks really gross it looks like skin it looks inappropriate it's like moving i mean hey i'll give it to the lettuce there is not a single bug like just watching this and waiting for something to move it freaks me out i'm like itchy from this on to something that's actually been soaked in salt and vinegar the blueberry now truth be told this isn't my first time doing this we did it before and we had a malfunction so i'm a little scared to hold it because i will say i did see something gross this blueberry's got a bung hole i just hope that i don't see another bug because i can't help it i will drop it i will scream geez this is disgusting things up close are d am i tripping i 100 thought i saw something maybe it's just a dream there's some stuff going on here the water is lightly falling off how dirty is that this is why i get weirded out by people who are like yeah i wash my fruit we soaked this and there's still dirt everywhere you just kind of gotta be chill with eating dirt i'm chill with eating dirt i'm gonna cut the blueberry in half it's not very blue sorry about my nails i it's been a long week i mean okay it looks so gross it's like a horror show in here but this is a i would say it's a very clean blueberry i would have unknowingly eaten this one and not eaten any bugs by accident which is very nice you don't want to accidentally eat maggots not on a friday there's the other side the seeds what there was something that moved it's like the blueberry bigfoot yeah it just hides from you i'm like trying to look with my own eyes and my own eyes are just not gonna cut it these may just be the cleanest blueberries known to men and i may use this as a bias in the future to eat blueberries like my heart depends on it raspberry time yeah blueberries were relatively safe mascara i mean not nice for bug living i guess but nice for us to eat what about my favorite berry just take a little look around and hope there isn't a whoop there it is the thing about raspberries that's a little bit confusing is they have these little hairs you know what i mean like they they say little you know they kind of look like a little okay sorry you know how spiders have hairs on them i just compared raspberries to spiders and i'll never be the same i'm seeing a white thing that looks a lot like the bugs that i saw on the strawberries but it appears that it's dead you died of natural causes yeah old age okay we're filming the inside of the raspberry it looks like i'm like shooting inside somebody's intestine right now why does it look so gross okay i'm sorry i can't hold this for too long i'm like itchy now that's a good shot it's so fuzzy on the inside of a raspberry like hairy that it's kind of hard to tell if you can see something in there like i keep thinking that i see stuff but i i don't know oh gosh what is going on in here yo why does the right side of this look like it's alive this looks like i'm in jabu-jabu's belly i'm inside my third raspberry now just making sure everything's normal this is like making me as squeamish as like surgery videos make me i don't like to know the truth that in the top rate is for sure a dead bug that i killed that thing is huge oh wakey wakey if it moves i'm gonna scream and never speak to anybody again so it's so funny because i was about to move on to the next fruit but there was this one raspberry that was floating at the top and on the inside like it looked kind of dark brown before we move on i just gotta check this last one out i have a weird feeling about it and it looks absolutely disgusting like it like this one looks like it was infested this is like the equivalent of the diseased raspberry a lot of them were like so cute on the outside none of them were cute on the inside yo it's alive terry that's a live wait wait wait for him to move he's going to move again don't worry about it oh he's feeling lazy now i see hey wake up dance for terry okay so this raspberry it's it's infested like this one couldn't find one bug couldn't find one super clean gorgeous we would have loved to eat that one this one a mess of the highest degree i'm a little scared of raspberries now like it could just be a coincidence but i feel like i can know by looking at them like which ones are infested and which ones aren't because like i had a feeling about that one should i check a gorgeous one just to make sure that i'm not biased oh i just decided to film the unwashed raspberry and there's two bugs having a feast they're having a feast anyways one one of the bugs like one of the stems fell off and then a bug's like head popped out and they were just like eating together like on this unwashed raspberry like i feel like i'm gonna wash my fruit from now on oh that one is thriving raspberries are infested oh my god he's got a son he's like don't talk to me and my baby we're eating it's so funny because they look like two little seeds but they're not seeds they're two little guys always wash your fruit you have to blackberry time my favorite berries this is the washed blackberry could be a bug on the right not gonna say it is though it's a glint it's like moving so much these bugs really just like live on fruit and just eat and raise kids and hope they don't get eaten by a human blackberries look pretty clean but it could be that like the crevices on a blackberry are so deep there's no need for the bugs to hang out on the surface where they're a bit more vulnerable now let's get in you know i don't mind eating fish or like you know chicken if they ingest bugs but they have to digest the bugs i don't want to be the one doing the digesting of full bugs looks like a little caterpillar on the bottom there i don't think it's anything though blackberries clean hard to find bugs on them we are now moving on to mushroom mushrooms mushrooms fun to eat good noodle replacement cook them with a little soy sauce sesame oil okay so the problem with these uh enoki mushrooms is that a lot of the bugs that we found are white wow this looks like a like a relaxing cave of wonders it looks like you're gonna like pull up the bed sheet and miley cyrus is gonna be like you wouldn't want that it looks like nothing is here oh god what the heck is that i think e.t lives on this thing look at this he's like even the dirty roots look clean this might be one of the cleanest foods and it grows on poo who would have thought unbelievable maybe because there's not as many like sugars in here all right this is the cap cool texture huh oh just a little bug's leg don't worry about it yeah i mean hey a clean clean food next my prediction for the carrot is that it's just gonna be a very clean vegetable with no bugs whatsoever i feel like you'd have to be like a pretty big worm to enjoy a carrot kind of like a really big worm could enjoy an apple there's no squishiness look how lacking in texture the outside is i'm gonna look really quick and see like do bugs live in carrots the carrot rust fly the carrot weevil a weevil isn't that a pokemon i was thinking weedle when i said is that a problem yeah i highly doubt like i feel like this is like one of those big guys that like a pesticide would make short work of and it wouldn't last like you you could easily wash it off it's a clean fruit vegetable well i'm not sure why i wanted to do this again i think i was just like having a strawberry smoothie the other day and i was like wait i wonder what i can find in other things i did expect that raspberries was going to be the worst but i love them so much and i'm always going to eat them so whatever i hope that you guys enjoyed this video if you'd like to see me again make sure you push notifications and i will see you on the next one bye [Music] you
Channel: Gloom
Views: 1,754,035
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Keywords: strawberry bugs, tiktok strawberry bugs, gloom, gloom tries things, kassie, gloomykassie, gloom tries, gloomgames, tiktok strawberry bug, strawberry salt water bugs, strawberry, tiktok bugs in strawberries, salt water and strawberries, how to clean strawberries tiktok, strawberry up close, are there worms in strawberries, insects on strawberry, tiny insects on strawberry, trending videos, 2021, raspberry bugs, tiny insects on fruit, blueberry, mushroom, blackberry, raspberry bugs tiktok
Id: YLtGwDpEuR4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 59sec (659 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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