I Tried Making This Fresh Soy Milk I Had In Taiwan

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hello my name is andrew you might recognize me from the show worth it where i'm usually tasting foods at different price points with my pals steven and adam in this video i'm going to be making one of my favorite things i ever had on worth it soy milk not just any soy milk but the freshly made soy milk we had at lu jiao shuijinbao in our dumpling episode in taiwan having that soy milk was a real holy crap moment for me i didn't know that's what soy milk's supposed to taste like i never tasted freshly made soy milk before my previous experience was just having the store-bought stuff after having that soy milk i felt like such an idiot because i thought i knew what soy milk tasted like but then i had this and i was like yeah of course there's great delicious rich tasting soy milk i think making this recipe will help me explore something that i'm really interested in which is the fundamentals of why something tastes good holy sh soy milk is one of those food things that seems very simple and singular kind of like butter but it has this incredible potential for flavor that is actually very nuanced and complex so to start off i'm gonna be speaking with miss lou and inka who is also on that trip with us it's so nice to see you again long time no see andrew yeah and inca thank you as well for joining me on this call inca i want to start by asking you a question i remember when we were filming at miss lose you were so excited i think how's the soy milk like almost done oh my goodness i really like the soy milk this is really good and i was wondering if you could just talk about your experience with what you might find in taiwan soy milk i feel like in taiwan especially it's just like such a common drink you know it's like something that you enjoy by itself and also there's so much you can do with soy milk tofu tofu pudding dried bean curd one of our most famous desserts tofu pudding is made with soy milk how would you describe the flavor of great soy milk [Music] coffee [Music] your shop has a relatively small menu i was wondering why it's also important for you to offer this freshly made soy milk at this shop as well for sharing with me and and talking to me yeah yeah all right so we've got our ingredients which it turns out is just soybean water and then a little sugar to sweeten it when it's done which makes me scared because my experience every time i've had to make a recipe where the ingredient list is very short it usually goes horribly wrong i also have to thank miss liu she actually adapted the recipe that they use in her restaurant to a home version and tested that for me oh god i mean is it stupid to say that it just smells like a bean like a green bean ah 500 grams of soy beans our first step is to wash and soak these for six hours so here we have our soaked soybeans what's interesting is that they they go from being balls to being more of a traditional bean shape it just occurred to me that i have no idea what a soybean plant looks like yeah it looks like a lot of other beans and i've had edamame before of course so i'm going to strain this water off put this back in the pot here i'm now adding six cups of water and then we are going to blend these soybeans this is the part that might go wrong for me miss lou had a nice high-powered blender i'm using my stick blender again so also i haven't tasted a soybean because i was doing some other research uh it could really upset your stomach possibly hurt you eating the uncooked soybean but you know what i just noticed these soybeans look like a pot of yukon gold potatoes we get a shot of that real quick it's crazy how much a single soybean looks like a potato just kidding that was a potato but look at these soybeans doesn't it look like a pot of potatoes from really far away come on come on that was good right nice potato trick miss liu does this for several minutes so i think i really need to get like a fine fine grain paste inside of here [Music] it already smells really good in its blended state it has like a delightful like enticing frothiness to it here we have our soy milk ground up slurry so miss lou has these filter bags that she pours all of her ground up soy into i was only able to find cheesecloth but i saw other recipes using cheesecloth so it should be fine it also feels appropriate to use cheesecloth because this method is very similar to the method that's used to make tofu i believe the only difference is that you'd use a coagulating agent and making tofu is therefore a lot like making cheese okay oh it's actually really not pouring through as quickly as i thought it would oh i over filled my satchel here a little bit trying really hard to get all this stuff out it's such a dense blob right now there's a lot more water to extract from here but you really gotta squeeze hard now going to take these ground soybeans drop them into a side bowl the color is actually very pretty it's very buttery so that was a third of the soybeans i'm gonna try to do a little less i think i'll have an easier time squeezing out so now that we've done the first squeeze miss lou suggests adding another three cups of water to the ground soybean to extract even more liquid from this ground soybean ah give this a quick stir i don't know if it's just this sunset lighting over here but i'm finding this incredibly relaxing experience something about cheesecloth that just kind of conveys a rustic cooking process kind of vibe coarse materials are very cozy okay we've strained our soy milk and now it's time to boil welcome to the stove area so i've cleaned the second pot and the next step is actually to transfer all the squeezed soy milk liquid into the second pot and then i have a residue in the first pot that's supposed to brown a little bit not burn but just brown and then that flavor will impart into the rest of the soy milk most of the liquid has evaporated i'm starting to see a little browning i really don't want to burn this yeah it's getting kind of like a toasted popcorn smell to it i'm pouring it now okay i'm actually supposed to use a whisk i'm gonna turn this down a little bit because i feel the soy milk that charred on the bottom is still there i see that there's some kind of like toasted solids that are now kind of floating around they're also on my whisk i don't think that's too big of a concern because we're actually going to put this through the cheesecloth again after it boils oh my god very nearly had a disaster on my hands okay the soy milk is boiled pour the milk back through my cheesecloth so this seems to have taken out most of the charred bits and now it's going to return this to a boil [Music] okay the soy milk is now boiling last ingredient is just a little bit of sugar to sweeten the deal soy milk is often enjoyed hot but i want to have it as close to the experience that i had at miss lou's back in taiwan which was cool i'll chill it in the refrigerator overnight and tomorrow we may taste i made a lot of soy milk this is uh especially in this jar i kind of feel like a milkman all right so i think there's not much else to do but to uh you know there's a lot of condensation happening here i think it's just time to have some soy milk there's something very pleasing about a glass of milk okay [Music] cheers wow tastes really good hold on let me let's uh [Music] it's very good i think i'm very pleased and uh relieved that i didn't um royally screw this up but it was a very simple method it has a very pleasant thickness to it it really tastes like a full fat product so out of curiosity i actually bought some store-bought soy milk to do a side-by-side way less fragrant than the store-bought one the the visual viscosity between these seems to be the same you know they seem equally liquidy yet this one tastes so much thinner than mine all right so there's my soy milk i had a lot of fun making this thank you again so much to ms liu for guiding me through this process it kind of changes your whole perspective on what a thing is all foods have a similar potential but too often we confine them to one category or use i think it's very interesting
Channel: BuzzFeedVideo
Views: 681,550
Rating: 4.9627872 out of 5
Keywords: K_fe, Soy milk, Taiwan, Taiwanese, Worth It, Zuh7, andrew ilnyckyj, buzzfeed, buzzfeed andrew, buzzfeed inga, buzzfeed video, buzzfeed worth it, buzzfeedvideo, from scratch, homemade soy milk, how to make soy milk, how to make soy milk at home, i made soy milk at home, inga lam, pl-worthit, pl-worthitfood, pl-worthitrecreates, recipe, taiwanese drinks, taiwanese food, taiwanese soy milk, worth it, worth it food, worth it taiwan
Id: GWoP0lc-KqY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 09 2020
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