I Made This Chocolate Salami From Worth It

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hello welcome to our kitchen uh-oh you see the fly kill this fly for me my name is andrew you might recognize me from the show worth it where i'm usually tasting foods at different price points with my pals steven and adam i'm going to be recreating one of my favorite dishes i ever had on worth it chocolate salami in our lasagna episode we ate at yes so in our lasagna episode we ate at pasta sisters and after eating their amazing lasagna my worth at winter they shared their chocolate salami with us which turns out to be a simple dessert of chocolate formed around broken up bits of cookies that ends up resembling a salami i think making this recipe will help me explore something that i'm really interested in which is fundamentals of why something tastes good holy sh with chocolate salami i think it's an amazing example of deliciousness in simplicity it's just a couple of ingredients but when combined they transform into something exciting and intriguing and so much more than the sum of its parts so to learn a little bit more about this recipe i'm going to be speaking with francesco and georgia to see how the salami's made i guess hey guys how are you good you're great since the last time you came to visit us we also opened pasta sister food truck we are bringing around town our pasta and we share also the chocolate salami on the truck it's such an interesting dessert i'd never heard of this chocolate salami before it's mostly a family tradition it's mostly done by grandmas and moms i think it was invented in a way that you had a bunch of stuff at home you just put it together and every family has a different recipe for this reason my grandmother was like just straightforward cookies eggs and chocolate and sugar so my mom just is actually giving me my grandma book it's this one the recipe wow so the cookies are crumbled inside and when you cut it in slices the cookies recreate the fat of the salami seems like it's a dessert that you can just keep in the freezer and whenever you are hungry you just go you cut a slice and you eat it thank you so much for sharing this recipe with me it was really fun talking to you guys it was a pleasure to see you again okay i've picked up the ingredients based on the pasta sister's recommendation i'm going to use mcvitty's digestive wheat biscuits and leibniz butter biscuits i've always wanted to know why these are called digestives do they truly help with digestion oh it's graham cracker it smells the same as graham cracker or maybe it's that graham cracker smells like these [Music] i mean i like them because they're very boring tasting but i could also see why your first instinct would be to add some chocolate to this and now our german butter cookies butter kicks they're nice yeah so the first task is to take some of these biscuits and break them up i guess i just smack them right how hard do you beat a biscuit also i'm gonna be calling these biscuits even though i'm more used to saying cookie i'm gonna be calling them biscuits because that's what they call themselves i feel like i'm creating a lot of fine biscuit sand here um but still some of my pieces are are a little bit too big i'm trying to picture this inside of the chocolate salami okay i'm gonna stop right there i feel like [Applause] in the pasta sisters version you get a clear outline of a biscuit i don't want to go too far there's something about these biscuits that's like it's not too tasty it's interesting not too tasty is the right amount of tasting something to think about okay next up i'm going to prep the chocolate i feel like when you're doing this type of recipe where it's just chocolate and biscuits you want to get a good chocolate it looks like freaking gold god damn it chocolate is so good chocolate's one of those foods where you taste it and you're like yeah i don't need anything more than that i'm basically shaving this down into little shards i don't know if this sounds silly but when chocolate is really good you kind of get the sense that it comes from a plant well i could shave chocolate all day okay now that there is chocolate approximately everywhere we can move on to the next step so this wasn't a requirement but they happened to have italian butter in the grocery store and i thought how fun oh yeah look at that [Music] that's delicious okay 100 grams of butter i'm going to melt this very quickly two egg yolks i love separating egg yolks it's like the most tenderest form of surgery you could do 100 grams of sugar whisk this together melted butter i'm also going to add jamaican dark rum adding the chocolate now [Music] i don't think i chopped my chocolate fine enough i guess i'll just have a more rustic salami lastly this looks terrible i don't think i did a good job with this this looks nothing like their photos this just doesn't look like it has the right consistency this needs to get in the freezer because it's quickly becoming way too melty okay this salami has been in the freezer overnight there it is my freezer salami oh why is mine so bad i mean it smells incredible immediately i can tell i did not do nearly as clean of a job as they do at pasta sisters the one that we had was a perfect dark chocolate exterior you know the more i look at it really does resemble meat here we go i am now so confused how they make it so nicely i don't understand because my mixture is so uneven as i'm going through it some different areas look better than others i'm just gonna go to the direct center of my salami it's so weird to say my salami but i guess this is like the easiest recipe that you get to say that my salami i made a salami i really should have prioritized the larger sections of biscuit because they're the sections that most resemble chunks of fat that you see in real meat salami [Music] i mean yeah how could it not taste good it's extremely satisfying for a coin sized slice of dessert it is exploding with flavor it is so good i think there are a lot of different levels of dessert you could have a single hershey kiss or you have a slice of wedding cake where the chocolate salami lives is my personal favorite just a satisfying single morsel how do i think i did not really good i mean this is classic mom and grandma type recipe the ingredient list is short the technique explanation is short but to get it good like you need the experience in your hands to do it really well if you want actually great chocolate salami as well as some delicious pasta please visit pasta sisters you know what else it is it's a reverse chocolate chip cookie [Music] you
Channel: BuzzFeedVideo
Views: 540,531
Rating: 4.9634399 out of 5
Keywords: Andrew Ilnyckyj, Chocolate Salami, I Tried Re-Creating This Chocolate Salami From Worth It, K_fe, PL-WorthIt, PL-WorthItFood, Re-creation, Recipe, Worth It, andrew worth it, buzzfeed, buzzfeed andrew, buzzfeed video, buzzfeed worth it, buzzfeedvideo, cheap vs expensive, chocolate, chocolate desserts, chocolate recipes, chocolate salami recipe, chocolate salami recipes, food, how to make chocolate salami, recipes, recreating chocolate salami, salami, strange desserts, worth it andrew
Id: INXkDl8y_x4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 26sec (506 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 11 2020
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