Andrew Tries To Make A Dish Based Only On Its Name

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angrier hi so you mentioned that you like cooking challenges so i have one for you today okay i'm challenging you to make a japanese dish but i'm only giving you the name of the dish there are so many food in the world you probably wouldn't be able to guess what they were if you only heard their names for example ants on the log it's raising on the series stock right if you are not american we have no idea what it is yeah that would be very confusing right are you actually eating bugs is it on a stick okay challenge accepted let's hear the name of the dish okay so the dish it's akuma onigiri okay uh yeah onigiri i know is a rice ball the first part is akuma so akuma is devil devil like the devil is that the film okay so you have to make devil's rice ball okay i have some hints for you so this onigiri was created by a chef from japanese antarctic research expedition oh okay so they went to a very cold climate yes interesting japanese convenience store lawson starts selling it and it's become a huge trend okay that's all i get you can ask me two questions but it's gonna be yes no question okay is it vegetarian is it vegetarian no it's not vegetarian okay no does the outside look white no i will give you 24 hours and i will see you tomorrow okay i'm going to do my best all right good luck i went to a local japanese grocery store the first thing i'm going to do is make the rice rie suggested that i get short grain sushi rice so i've got this koshikari short grain rice so luckily i have a rice cooker to make my rice in pretty dusty uh rice cooker i'm gonna make just a bunch of rice like always when i cook rice i'm going to rinse this off until i get mostly clear water look at that now nice and clear put a little bit of salt and then even though i rinse my rice with sink water i always use filtered water to cook it in i don't know if that makes a huge difference but it can't hurt [Music] let's twinkle twinkle little star okay per the rice cooker instructions i'm just fluffing it up great so really let me ask two questions is it vegetarian think about an antarctic exploration expedition on that sort of expedition you're probably not taking a lot of fresh meat and so you're a lot more likely to have canned or dried stuff which makes me think that it's fish so i'm gonna start by making a little tuna mayo mixture one of the more common onigiri fillings that i've seen is tuna that has mayo mixed up in it kind of like a little tuna salad inside a rice ball it's been a long time since i ate straight up canned tuna but you know and this one has salt next up mayonnaise and you know i bought the good stuff cupi and you know it's good because the the bottle does that yeah i'm going to taste the mayonnaise [Music] i don't know exactly what the flavor is but there's something called brewery vinegar in this mayonnaise and it does have a little bit more of like a malty flavor which is very nice yeah that's the good stuff really it just needs enough mayonnaise to like hold it together so now i'm thinking okay it's the devil's onigiri and that makes me think that it's either very sour or very spicy and it also makes sense on an antarctic expedition that you would come up with something that's maybe more fun to eat so a really spicy onigiri the next question is how am i making it spicy and i know what the typical spicy mayonnaise is it's sriracha plus mayonnaise but what a guy on an expedition to antarctica have sriracha with him i bought both sriracha and also japanese chili powder what i want to do is take a little bit of mayonnaise and then i'm going to an amount to this and see what happens not a whole lot it turns out it's like a little tinted but it's not devilish having sriracha is not a crazy thing uh but if this is like 1957 you're going to antarctica i don't think you have sriracha okay i think i'm going with sriracha it's not devil devilish though you know really doubting myself so that's the filling but then my second question is is the outside of the onigiri white she said no i think the rice is stained red with something spicy right now i'm picturing a red triangle with tuna on the inside the thing i'm really unsure about with this step is that i feel like adding something like sriracha or a chili oil would make the rice too wet and it wouldn't bind together i think the first thing i want to do is just take some of this chili pepper seasoning and add it to the whole thing it's not going to be that spicy i don't think but at the same time if this was invented on an expedition whoever invented it would have only been using the materials available to them and so i don't think you would have any like crazy hot peppers just sitting around this is also it's like seasoned so it's also kind of fragrant with other stuff it smells really good and then i just want to wet my hand a little bit so it's not that sticky and then kind of work this around it's a little red i mean it's a little bit tinted it's not like vibrant though i'm adding more it's got to be the devil right like i'm gonna look like such an idiot when it's just like shaped like a devil and not spicy at all now have a bunch of rice that's stained red with chili powder okay i have my rice mixture i have my filling it's way too wet whatever how wet do you make your hands i'm going to start by making the shape then i'm going to make a little well i'm going to take some of my filling put it inside oh god this is not it's way too wet it's both too wet and not wet enough thankfully we covered an onigiri once unworth it so i know the general hand placement that should be used okay i've achieved the sort of triangle here [Music] that's it okay i have a red onigiri that's not vegetarian time to call rea and see what the truth behind the devil's onigiri is so how was that experience um it was okay okay i'm a little worried i'm gonna make a fool of myself but you know what i used the information i had i made a plan and i stuck to it i don't know if i made good culinary choices but i did something i think i made something kind of boring though do you want to show me are you ready uh-huh three two one is it it's red it's red uh-oh is it not supposed to be red okay can you tell me what you put in this onigiri so basically i have chili powder rice stuffed with a spicy tuna mayo wrapped in seaweed you know first of all your onigiri looks amazing thank you it doesn't look like it's your first try i appreciate your effort no oh no only right ingredient is rice so 1 to 10 scale take one star but i will give you i am giving nine stars for your thought process it's really cool but um it's not spicy oh no this is the answer okay okay it's definitely there's something mixed in with the rice right yes i will show you so first ingredient it's a tempura butter beets so we call this tenkasu second ingredient is aonori which is a green seaweed it's like a powder so when you see onigiri you see like green flakes and the third ingredient is tempura dipping sauce okay this contains fish because they make way stashy and it contains dried bonito right dried anchovy i was really worried that there would just be like a fish-like seasoning or like a very minor something exactly like that so why is it called devil's onigiri this onigiri was created by chef junko watanuki who was cooking for the 57th japanese antarctic research expedition and she made devils onigiri using only leftovers because she doesn't want to waste ingredients she used that day before they named this akuma onigiri because it is high in calories but you can't stop eating them so one of the team members started calling it akuman onigiri gotcha so it's like sinful to eat because of how rich it is exactly this was fun though yay we should do more sure should i eat mine now yeah i'm gonna eat mine too cheers you know this it's not terrible it's not very well balanced but this was fun yeah good job thank you one star [Music] womp bye
Channel: About To Eat
Views: 580,983
Rating: 4.9781237 out of 5
Keywords: Andrew, K_fe, Rie, Tasty, adam bianchi, alvin tasty, alvin zhou, andrew ilnyckyj, andrew tasty, annie jeong, baking, breakfast, breakfast recipes, buzzfeed, buzzfeed show, buzzfeed tasty, challenge, cooking, dessert, devil's, dinner, dinner recipes, easy cooking, easy recipes, eating, food, fun recipes, how to, how to bake, how to cook, inga lam, kid-friendly, lunch, lunch recipes, onigiri, rice ball, rie mcclenny, rie tasty, spicy, tasty recipes, worth it, worth it buzzfeed
Id: x0nR9vuSS6U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 17sec (677 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 06 2021
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