i tried making minecraft lava cake

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kind of want a box jump onto the counter should I do it is that crazy I can definitely boxing this I just don't know if I have the space welcome there he's kitchen got out of my system welcome everybody to Gary's kitchen we're back here today to do it to him in every way possible catch your breath then lose it again and catch it again because we're gonna get started cooking right now I have fallen down the deep wide beautiful and wondrous world of doing nothing but playing Minecraft I don't know what it is about that game but I started playing minecraft like just a few weeks ago I've really decided after a lot of thought to dedicate a lot of my life to that game and so here we are back in the kitchen where I meant to be cooking normal food but all I can think about is minecraft and during one of our streams you guys had the idea to make a Minecraft recipe that was like such a cool idea for a lot of reasons number one it's Minecraft number two it's minecraft I know how popular minecraft has gotten recently especially and its really rad to see because everyone is making their own different version of Minecraft content and that includes cooking I actually looked up a whole bunch of Minecraft recipes and there's some really cool [ __ ] out there I found a video in particular made by a channel called feast of fiction where they made a Minecraft cake from the game like the cake that you can build in the game they made that exact cake that was inspiring and even though I'm not going to do that exact recipe I'm gonna be taking some pages out of their book with how they used something called fondant I had never heard of it before to decorate it to make it look like an actual Minecraft item I was really trying to find a way to make a lava cake but it looks like the lava from Minecraft I learned that the traditional type of lava cake where it's you know you turn it over and it's hot it pours out because it's undercooked in the center it's not gonna be easy to make look like a Minecraft blocks just probably won't be able to make a proper lava cake if I'm going make it a Minecraft cake so we're gonna call it lava cake but it's really just gonna be like a layer cake so the baking portion is pretty straightforward we're gonna just be making kind of sheet layer cake at the end we're gonna use fondant to decorate it and make it look exactly like a block of lava from Minecraft bomb ready to do it to them are you everybody grab your diamond pickaxes put on your armor and jump on into the lava cuz we gonna do it to him today also I'm dressed up cosplaying as a creeper I'm finally gonna have a real proper reason to use my beautiful stand mixer we are gonna be making just pretty straightforward like vanilla basic sheet cake in order to do this though let's just calm down a second we're gonna need sugar egg replacer flour some dry ingredients in that flour salt vanilla extract vinegar cashew milk and vegan butter cashew milk I've never used but I've actually wanted to try for a while because I've heard why is there a fly in here why I've heard that it's the creamiest well you're gonna add our vinegar to our cashew milk because this is supposed to just sour up to turn into sort of a buttermilk and the first thing we're gonna do are you can come back down as we are going to cream the butter with the sugar so we're gonna put all of our vegan butter in there and all of our sugar and we're gonna let this cream for like 3 to 5 minutes on low and this should give us sort of like a kind of a fluffy consistency we're gonna let this go so okay BRB ok well this has been going for a few minutes it's looking real fluffy you're gonna turn this off lift this up we're gonna add our egg replacer which is also you can use a flax meal you're gonna very gracefully take it out of the prongs of your tiny whisk and you're gonna pop this back down lock it and turn it on high yeah yeah yeah so we're gonna add our vanilla extract to our cup of soy milk with vinegar in it the buttermilk and we are gonna start by adding a little bit of the dry mixture and then alternate between dry and wet until this is all sort of completed okay okay that back making minecraft food y'all get those hearts call me crazy I'm out of tiny dough more flour because if we've ever learned anything it's that baking is not a precise art thank God I'm not miked add just a little bit of flour right here just like the smallest amount yeah I'm gonna let that go until it's about even which it's looking relatively good right now I think it should be like a cake batter consistency you know not too dry not too wet now it's arts and crafts time you're gonna take your parchment paper and cut it very high in the air with scissors and make sure it's perfectly straight because if it's not it doesn't matter at all thinking up with the parchment paper down on our cake pans okay this is done don't worry about the noise everything's fine pour evenly the mixture into these two Squarepants maybe a little more in here trying to give it as even as possible so these are our sheet cakes or our layer cakes or whatever you want to call it and just to kind of give you a better idea of what's happening because I haven't really done a good job of explaining it up until now I'm gonna cook these square sheet cakes my plan is to cut them into fourths so I'm gonna have eight total squares and that way I have a little more room to experiment with this so the cakes gonna be more like single serve size and I want to layer I think three pieces of that on top of each other with frosting in the middle and then I'm gonna use the fondant to cover and color the final product but we're gonna cook this for I think 30 minutes at 350 and while that's in there we're gonna make the fondant out of some of these dandies isn't that just dandy this is the part where it's gonna get nice and sciency okay so get your lab coats on I'll take them off because it's gonna be pretty hot I'm gonna take a whole bag of these marshmallows I'm gonna be very unpro some marshmallow fondant which again I'm not quite sure I know what that is it's gonna turn out to be like a colorful coating that's edible for our cakes and also these are vegan marshmallows I don't know if they're gonna work the same but we'll see two tablespoons of water I'm gonna microwave it you're supposed to go in 30-second intervals so I'm gonna try to get this down to like a nice mushy thing while your marshmallows are nuking themselves you're gonna want to take some vegetable shortening and get it ready because we're gonna be using it kind of like every day okay I've put vegetable shortening on the inside of this bowl here we go go ahead hey my name is spatula okay well that's in and what we're gonna do now cuz we're gonna add some confectioners sugar which is the other main ingredient in making fondant I'm gonna add two more tablespoons of water this is so much okay so now Jesus we're gonna take some more confectioner sugar and we're gonna dump it on in here and let it do its thing this is about to be real messy what we're gonna do is we're gonna pick a part of the work surface we're gonna literally grease it up this is giving me anxiety that's what we have to do and you're gonna put on your hands too I know this is [ __ ] crazy that's we're gonna be handling the fondant feels warm weird I don't know if I like this oh my god this is weird then you're gonna grab your phone I'm just kidding don't do that I'm gonna divide this into like 1/3 to 2/3 we're gonna take our gel food coloring and try to open it even though our hands are very slippery oh man I did not do enough planning for this okay so I'm gonna put some red and I'm gonna put some yellow hopefully getting an orange a nice orange don't worry bunny daddy hasn't lost his mind completely yet and we're gonna just sort of mix it around he wants us to turn yellow because the lava in Minecraft is like yellow and orange hey Google how much time left all right we have 12 minutes and three seconds to clean up our [ __ ] act this is so weird looking this actually kind of turned out the color we wanted and then for this one we're gonna make it straight yellow this is the weirdest [ __ ] ever okay this is just gonna sort of turn into a yellow color which most of the cake is going to end up being the orange color but I got some cookie cutters like square cookie cutters and we're gonna do some like Minecraft pixel squares of yellow throughout to kind of make it look like the actual block of lava one quick thing that you can do while you're waiting for your cake to finish is you can take some milk or all milk and add some food coloring and I found this tiny little ice tray that makes little baby ice cubes which kind of looks like breaking pixels and I'm going to just chuck this in the freezer see what happens okay well the cake is taking quite a while I'm not sure what I [ __ ] up but definitely something regardless while that sorts its life out I'm going to use some square cookie cutters and try to punch out some squares in the orange and yellow I've decided as an audible that I'm gonna take my frosting and color it orange and this is going to be the base layer of the color of the whole cake because that's kind of the orange that lava and minecraft looks like and then this is like a darker red orange and this is a yellow and so these will be like kind of freckled over the whole thing so let's just try our best here I don't know if it's because it's not real marshmallows like if they're vegan marshmallows but something with the fondant isn't perfect it's like a little bit too stringy all right well cake number one looks weird definitely looks a little bit gooey it's hot so that's good it's good to know we're gonna do some crazy [ __ ] right now we're gonna flip this this is the worst thing ever I don't know why it's so like wet but whatever we lost like a fourth that's a fourth of a cake but I think we'll honestly still be able to make some do with this it's making quite the mess trying to just let it cool I think I just have to do nothing which I'm not very good at Jesus this is terrible just do that a couple times yeah well this actually didn't turn out that bad this is usable we just need to let this really cool that's a usable square that's a usable square I don't know maybe in like 10 minutes and we'll get this thing done and over with so we never ever have to think about it again I'm gonna just go back to playing minecraft mowing down this video because I learned that minecraft is best kept on a 27 inch monitor for my face I don't need to bring it into real life because this is just way too much stress I didn't ask for this I don't know who asked for this but it wasn't me I don't know why I'm here I just went away minecraft I brought my mic okay so here I have the base of both of our little personal sized cakes the only thing here now is making things that look anything like a cake with this abomination that just came out of the oven this looks like brownies just got fired from their job this is just a goddamn mess welcome to Ares kitchen where we have an idea in our head and nothing like it and it happens really fast and then at the end you're left feeling confused about your decision-making in life in general you ever wonder what a true abomination in the kitchen look like this layer cake thing layer cake potato pataga anyway are we rolling so I'm gonna stain its food coloring it's made for this stuff it okay well now that Jenna's here we'll let her watch the ending of this abomination we're gonna put some frosting it's getting no no babe it's uh it's a layer cake well gluten free to start because now we're gonna take the orange frosting and we're gonna what babe just support me come on guys it's fun daddy's having fun in here come on no like any more broad general life sense I need help you know okay wait why is it can you help me please babe no no this is frosting fondant that's fondant yeah that's the fun I actually don't even know it just came out nothing like I wanted it to [Music] well turns out it didn't but there was only one way to know about it is to try it everything's gonna be fine and we're all doing well and things are good this looks just like a lava block alright well we're getting there guys [Music] I'm cooking could you down so as you can see here this looks just like lava so we're gonna put little squares on the top on the side this looks just like it okay this is so great you know what's cool about this video can I have that towel please you know what's cool about this video it's sort of like the downfall of my cooking career all in one video that is the representation now let me you know let me finish hey do we have any lava colored plate we're gonna take a plate this is this is the finale right here we're gonna take our yellow ice cubes here and break them no other pixels look at that does it look good look it's lava from Minecraft or also the worst thing I've laid eyes on my whole life let's cut down this I don't see a nice cross-section we're not gonna do a cross-section guys this is this is the lava from Minecraft this is lava from minecraft sure take a bite why did you take a bite at me come on babe time to have a bite of my dessert and your words here comes the minecraft minecraft' plain here comes the minecraft playing Minecraft you guys ever play Minecraft Oh [Laughter] how do I delete a video before I uploaded it's so good I know it's like plastic yeah those are the pixels remember the beginning of the pixels it's for the picture babe not enough chefs look at the cross-section um I actually don't know yes the crunchy in this off texturize cake name it's like oily and chewy how much oil did you put in here it's a little bit look at it I'm shiny but that's like the same color from Minecraft right this is um my crowning achievement I've made food exactly the way it is in video games don't I don't touch it it's lava babe right like in Minecraft you would play Minecraft delectable rate it from a nine to attend okay so a nine if you guys would like this recipe just open up your trash can and look inside of it that's the recipe babe this is lava for Minecraft I hope you guys enjoyed this I did so 1v1 me minecraft hardcore well I knew this recipe was gonna be a bit funky and not my usual level of just gourmet quality but I didn't realize it was gonna be just a dumpster fire like it's become so I want to deeply apologize to all my viewers I'm gonna take some time to think about what I've done and if you have to unfollow me I understand I'm gonna go play Minecraft I wish I did something better for you this week but here we are do you play Minecraft is that why you got fired as my sous chef from playing too much minecraft that's a good girl at least someone approves of my recipe you [Music]
Channel: julien solomita
Views: 2,072,204
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jenna, julien solomita, vlogs by julien, how to, peach jenna julien, jenna and julien, girlfriend, video blog, cinematic vlog, greyhound, vegan, vegan recipe, vegan cooking, diy vegan, diy, julien cooking, gluten free, aries, aries kitchen, chef, julen, julien, best, meals, minecraft, minecraft recipe, minecraft cake, minecraft food, julien minecraft, minecraft lava cake, making minecraft food, how to make minecraft cake, vegan minecraft cake, vegan minecraft
Id: RmP9daEAh34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 34sec (1174 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 12 2019
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