reorganizing my entire pantry

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oh hello I'm in my pantry and it is super messy like really messy and it might not look the most messy but the thing is like nothing is where it's supposed to be and well I'm gonna take responsibility for that because there's one person who lives in this house who enjoys order and then there's me so I decided that today in the spirit of spring cleaning and I don't know not cooking because I'm just not in the mood I am going to do a complete reorganization and overhaul of our pantry because it needs it desperately and I got to do it I think it's just something I got to do let me first show you what we're working with here okay what is it might not look down here we have some emergency rations of crushed tomato some tea that fell on the floor yesterday or two months ago I don't know popcorn machine tons of oats flour underneath it bags of rice a vacuum cuz I'll be needing that and yeah there's really no organization we have like canned stuff with dry beans and we have Oreos and currants I mean a really old blue corn taco shells in case you guys wanted one or two really stale taco shells peanut butter and sugar and vinegar and strawberries you know that kind of section and over here we have like all of our baking stuff which even in the drawers is just a complete mess can't even open that so oh also yeah not to mention over here where we have yeah just more pantry things that I haven't even made into the pantry because there's literally no space for it so behind me I have some new Tupperware actually this is glassware and this is glass or ceramic this is sort of to replace /ad this type of thing we want to use Lincoln the big glassware for like flowers and oats and pastas and stuff like that maybe more baking stuff for these I don't know what we're using those for yet but we have so many things that are just completely disorganized what is my plan you might be asking yourself well I don't have a plan I'm just gonna go for it I think what I'm gonna do first is I'm just gonna go left side and just completely take everything down and put it on the floor so I can look at it and I includes the drawers right so I'm gonna take the all the baking stuff down and just kind of assess what we have where those things should go and how to make it better so join me on this wonderful organization journey I don't know I don't know why you would watch this but here we go let's let's just get started because I've been putting this off for way too long [Music] okay so I'm about thirty minutes in I completely cleaned this whole section the drawers included i vacuumed them wipe them down all done and I'm ready to be done can we be done I don't want to keep going because I'm literally I'm like shin deep in just pantry things whatever I'm gonna use those tall mason jars for here's my plan I think I'm gonna do I think we should do three and three that's like three up here and three down here all right down here we can go with I don't know I don't know I don't know how to do this I'm just literally going as I as I go I don't we'll go peanuts popcorn kernels out okay let's do that easy and then down here we'll go cashews something else in something else sound good I also don't know how I'm gonna be filming this I think I'm just gonna like sort of check in every time I like deciding something but otherwise I'm just gonna go and hopefully this turns into a cohesive video I don't know I'm sorry I'm sorry okay so I decided I'm gonna go on the bottom shelf with rice cashews and I guess I haven't decided on the third but I'm gonna keep rice in this as well as rice in the container was was in before so there will be like a lower kind of square container with the rice and then there will be this up top so these these almost will be a little bit decorative but also like for storage so we won't be getting our rice for our meals directly out of these these will be like kind of the reserve but instead of just sitting on the floor it'll be up in a nice container so and you know refill this also you'll notice that we just have way too much oats flour rice beans things like this because we had been stocked up for months because of just good preparation honestly that just happened to come in handy with all of what's going on now we're able to slowly start getting more shree delivery to our house because previously wasn't available but that's kind of if you're wondering why we have a lot of like pantry staples stocked up it's because we just we had them for months and we were kind of eating our own supply we weren't really ordering food or anything like that so this is a giant bag of rice filling this mason jar with well I'm two hours in and by the looks of it I haven't done anything I haven't done jack [ __ ] dude this is taking so long that's not true I have done some things basically the most time-consuming part of this is like taking containers that are previously empty or have like crumbs in them cleaning them out and then putting a label on them deciding what goes in them that has been taking up most my time I am almost done with this third quadrant that I started today as you can see I got some Mason's up here sugar and more Mason's and then other things yeah it's it's getting there and then I have like reserved stashes up there but I have a feeling I'm not gonna be able to finish this today I think I might need a I might do the the our thirds today that side and that side and then finish the middle tomorrow because boy there's a lot of work okay god damn it but I'm glad I got all these different Tupperware's these we've had these we've had these but those these big ones back here are really great these little ones that are kind of full right here are amazing the labels are really really helpful too so once I finish packaging all the flowers and the dry kind of baking stuff in their containers I'm gonna decide what to do with those drawers we'll see we'll see I don't know I'm losing it I'm losing it quick little update is uh about I think three and a half hours in and I still feel like I'm not even making a dent but I am making done I know I am and I also apologize if this video is kind of scattered I don't really know how to film this because it's just gonna be hours and hours and I'm probably not even halfway done at this point um I'm just cleaning I'm almost done with the right side I decided I wanted to have all of the heavy canned goods on the bottom shelf just to avoid any sort of tumbling of heavy cans should an earthquake hit or something I mean obviously if an earthquake happens all of this is coming down and you know it's gonna be a mess regardless but I figured we'll have the heavy heavy hands on the bottom with the soups the canned beans that crushed tomatoes all things like that and I haven't completely finished that section yet so I don't know what else is going to go there right above that I have the oils and the condensed milk as I felt like they're canned so they should be in the same kind of sector as the beans and stuff just in its own little area so we have the peanut oil the coconut milk cashew milk almond milk things like that then above that we have all of our sauces and salsas that we keep in the pantry the rest of them obviously are in the fridge but we have like a giant thing of her Frank's redhot we have a giant thing of Cholula in a bunch of salsa as well as some gochujang for spicier Asian dishes and then I created two little boxes for tea because I felt like we just had boxes of tea everywhere and they there was no organization I mean not that this is super organized but at least it's kind of compact and easy to view in Access I don't know I haven't really figured out what's gonna go up there so kind of like I said I mean I'm still I still just kind of go fly by the seat of my pants a little bit I literally have zero question in my mind that this is going to bleed over into tomorrow I was definitely a little over ambitious with trying to knock this all out more day but I am NOT done I'm gonna put probably another hour to and today because I gotta get to streaming all right I think tomorrow is gonna be more tidying the whole thing up finishing touches making sure everything is where we want it to be and then just kind of like filming a before and after right like I'll just kind of show you everything all in one little clip so you can see what the pantry has become but this is fun it's good I mean I feel like I'm cleansing you know it's like good for the soul to clean out your pantry every once in a while but every once in a while I mean once this is it not doing this again well that's it for today it's been about four and a half hours you can sort of see some progress I'm feeling pretty good about where we're kind of ending up with where everything goes and I'm excited to walk you through tomorrow but I need to stop it and he makes them dinner in stream so this is gonna continue tomorrow all right see in the morning see in the morning get some sleep good morning how did you sleep did you sleep good do you sleep bad did you have a nightmare did you wake up a bunch and your dogs start barking in the middle of the night well here we are I'm actually walking into the pantry for the first time today and I'm feeling pretty good about what we have done here okay it's we still have a good amount more organizational things less cleaning yesterday there was a lot of cleaning so we have the middle section to organize I put some things like pasta oatmeal in containers the rest of its just kind of floating I need to clean that surface everything else is okay I have organized the snack drawer as you can tell and then the snack for number two with pretty much just jerky and smart sweets this [ __ ] is amazing first things first let's organize these drawers right here so this is the pasta drawer previously the pasta drawer where we would keep kind of extra stock of pasta because now we have these holding our pasta problem is we have a good amount of extra pasta so maybe this can stay as is and then down here we have like maybe this could be like the Asian food we have some the Korean hot pepper powder we have miso soup ramen soy paper wasabi all of our kind of ingredients for like sushi or any sort of like stir fry or whatever we can also put our stash of ginger pickle ginger in here that would be good too bunch of lemon juice yeah I think this works this will be the specialty in spare pasta drawer and this will be the Asian foods reserve drawer perfect done I still haven't found a place for this giant bag of rice that we opened to fill both of our rights containers this one and that one but I have the unopened bag of rice up here along with some other reserved stash of things that are currently bottled in these containers haven't figured out what to do with that yet yeah might just need a might just need to move some stuff around see how things fit and feel for a little bit and you know hopefully we'll be done with this soon cuz I am so ready to be done also one of these is definitely gonna be a soldier container okay if you don't know what soldier is it's salt and sugar if you don't know why I would use it I don't know what to tell you okay soldier is amazing I'm gonna just be moving some around now [Music] well y'all I think we did it I do want to say a few things about this process so just listen up real quick okay one I'm treating this process as sort of like a first pass of like cleaning all the stuff we don't use out organizing the stuff we do use making it accessible and making it like nice-looking cuz it was a mess before so just like a first good spring cleaning second thing I am fully aware that showing you my entire pantry is going to open up everyone's opinions of what I'm eating for public discourse and that's that's fine I mean I don't care if you don't like what I eat or you would eat something else or you would put the beans over there that you wouldn't reserve an entire shelf of just mac and cheese then that you know that's your that's that to your choice where's my choice no I just wanted to say that like I don't know I don't usually expose at least I haven't in a while this much of like my life in a video so if you don't do stuff like this or you don't eat things like this or you organize things differently that's fine we can all do you know whatever we want to do I'm okay with that and last thing before I show you the final review what we have in our pantry is I would say 50/50 mix between foods that we would normally eat and stock in the house and foods that we have stocked up for emergency like the one we're going through right now so half of this is staple quarantine stock up foods and then I would say half of it is like our our [ __ ] our preferred stock of pantry but I did my best to not get rid of anything really that was kind of edible we use I just you know organize and move things around and you know what enough talking alright let me show you the pantry [Music] here it is this is the organized pantry I think overall it turned out to be a lot of moving things into containers which is fine there were a few instances here of multiple bags of one type of flour or one type of nut that needed consolidating so that was a real nice thing to do because it saved a ton of space and it made it way less cluttery organizing the things on the right side I think needed to be done because those really had no place they were scattered throughout the entire pantry the sauces the teas the vinegar all that now has its place on the left side I tried to keep it to just baking essentials on top with things like shortening and cocoa powder and different types of specialty flours things like that maybe even a little frosting I kept the tin bucket over here we have some dried fruit left over and then this open diner rice also as you can see I moved our reserve large stash of soy curls and rice noodles with a little bit of bean curds up here because this is open space so that is good well my favorite part about how this turned out is that everything has a place and I think that's going to be Jenna's favorite thing too so here it is this is my cleaned out organized pantry I hope you enjoyed watching me sweat and suffer over it for the past day and a half also if you don't have an entire section of your pantry for mac and cheese I don't want to say that you're wrong but you're not right Julian ah okay I didn't mean to make that Julian noise it looks so good starts a work in progress but I think it's definitely better than it was it's so much better than it was because we had absolutely no organization whatsoever it's so funny to me how much like stuff we have for cooking and then just mecha cheese alone yes just like hella beans hella hot sauce so many gummies coffee oh okay I love all of this this is like so perfect and actually helpful so Julian you know the tricks keeping it this way when we buy more you have to fill this up I don't just put it down I would open this joy there's like seven open bags of like brown sugar they're all like you go to the store you buy when you over there I know we had multiple different ingredients with like five bags open and I had to consolidate them in there conspiracy it happens with spices too what do you think nothing so we can't we haven't I wanted to wait to decide I've left one out for summer okay yeah we need silver these are so cute with their little spoon really nice and I filled one one of those is in the popcorn cabinet with kernels in it so we have to come in here to get kernels anyway so here's the snack drawer Oh still kind of a work in progress this is so much better cuz we used to just throw yeah we used to just throw the snacks right there and then this is the jerky and sweets drawer since we have so much we just had we had nowhere to put it over here we have pasta reserved and specialty pasta like spaghetti and lasagna the most most of the pasta is either in here or the only person I've ever met that like he used to just put all the pasta in one thing might fall together didn't mix it up and then would make pasta it would just be a bunch of different seven different types but it's not bad that way but I've never met someone that just like it makes my burger crazy but it's good tastes good then down here's the Asian drawer we have our rice noodles or all of our sushi ingredients soy paper ramen stuff it's my comfort food drawing here so I thought we should keep it all in one drawer and this is the reserve of rice in those because there's racism at all times vital ingredient so we got our sauces and our tea we do it alright well thank you thank you for yeah I think so my day and a half long adventure I hope you enjoy these more beans okay this is so amazing it's clean this is not Ares or kitchen but it's a video that I made you also honestly joined can I say that I think you did a nicer job than I would have even done really yeah I really do think it looks so pretty well I'm glad you like it well we can keep working like wish I think we should get some like baskets or like you know you ever seen like Kristy teens pantry there's like a little lazy susan like stuff to help you either yeah that's not saying earlier we can get like more organization more more tools yeah but this is absolutely incredible and it this sparks joy and actually makes me feel like happy that makes me nothing it's safe and comfortable yeah yeah it used to make me have anxiety here no longer Oh YUM and freeze-dried strawberries Oh YUM and ginger kidneys right oh yeah and you fix that shelf I did that stop you should put one thing on it and the whole thing is fall good times the end thanks for watching ho now we can snack with much more organization and bake with ease bank with ease I'll be back with more cooking videos next week I promise it's an art where you just throw paint on the canvas and when it comes out it is beautiful however you made it it is correct alright I'll see you next week bye [Music] you [Music]
Channel: julien solomita
Views: 1,308,335
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: julien solomita, vlogs, vlogs by julien, how to, jenna and julien, girlfriend, vegan, vegan recipe, vegan cooking, diy vegan, diy, julien cooking, gluten free, aries, aries kitchen, chef, julen, julien, best, meals, pantry, julien cleaning, pantry organizing, diy pantry, pantry cleaning video
Id: BiFfMXGBpik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 31sec (1411 seconds)
Published: Fri May 15 2020
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