i tried making that awful hotdog waffle

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forgive me internet and forgive me Father for I will be sinning today okay well there's good news and bad news the good news is it's the weekend that's all that's the whole that's all the good news the bad news is what's about to happen every once in a while the internet uses their collective brain cells to come together and celebrate something so awful that one can't really help but join in on said celebration and that's kind of what what I'm doing today there was this just absolute god-awful video travesty of a Twitter video of someone doing unspeakable acts to a hotdog and then pouring eggs into that remnants of hotdog and then making a waffle out of whatever you want to call it at that point and then pouring beer cheese on top of all oh just the stack of them there was like a hundred and I remember watching that and thinking wow I really should get off the internet for today because that is enough for me and then my next thought was I would never make that it's like ever I would never make that until Jenna over my shoulder said hey that actually looks pretty good and so that was just kind of the beginning of the end for me so here we are I'm gonna make just the most awful terrible disgusting thing I've ever made here yes banana peel pulled pork included this is this is worse this is worse I'm calling it right now I'm going to resent myself for the rest of my life for doing this but it's too late now I have the ingredients okay it's literally cheese hot dog beer and some sort of egg I wish I could just like fast forward this part so that well I don't know I just don't want to be here I also don't know what the grocery store clerk was thinking when I was purchasing cheddar shredded cheese and paperclips at the same time but then again I don't know maybe it wasn't the weirdest thing maybe I had a school assignment do and just really wanted some cheese anyway usually now I say join me on this journey so we can do it together but I'm gonna go ahead and say save yourself and leave while you can because we're gonna be making something awful just truly terrible today so I don't know we'll see how it goes I'm gonna go into Twitter and search hot dog waffle and then quickly delete it from my search history [Music] Oh God okay so um Jesus Christ first things first let's open this package up soon to be defiled plant-based hotdogs and I'll set that bowl aside I just I don't know okay so at the start of the video he really did one of these he really said hey y'all welcome to the channel and then when that's a [ __ ] did I swear to god oh god why okay I'm just gonna put these on the counter and we're gonna take this is [ __ ] terrible we're gonna take our paper clip and we are going to literally just try to take strips off of this hotdog so that we can put them in here and then turn it into just the worst thing on planet Earth I'm assuming we'll get like at least four or five strips per hotdog so it should be enough and also we're not going to make this the leaning tower of disgusting pizza okay we're gonna make maybe a couple and then put the cheese on and then literally move on with our life okay I just word we're gonna do it and get out well here we go okay that works surprisingly well why did someone think to do this why did someone thing to do this and why did that work oh god okay it is this [ __ ] awful this paperclip is cursed forever I can throw it out I can recycle it wherever this paperclip ends up and whenever it becomes a part of in its future endeavors is gonna be cursed the ghost of hot dog waffles past okay now after like three strips is starting to fall apart kind of this just this is unspeakable what I'm doing right now this is unspeakable look at this it's disgusting okay that hot dog is finished Oh God on to the next one I guess I don't think they teach you this technique in culinary school so this one's on the house you're welcome all right so it's actually the perfect distance from end to end on this side hot dog to say the sentence I really really hate myself and then you're done and then it finishes so it's a good timing mechanism to to make sure you're getting the right size and I really really hate myself oh yeah perfect works every time I would say that making this a plant-based version of whatever disgusting thing this is makes it less gross but I don't think there's really any winning for anyone in this recipe you can make it less gross sure but we're still losers we're still losing here this is not a win for anyone watch me eat my words watch this be like actually really good there's no way it can't be good nope just straight-up milk oh okay so I only have a couple more passes to do of defiling these hotdogs and then we'll be on to adding our just egg mixture to do our best at making this in in some sort of cohesive form to where we can put it on a waffle iron and turn it into a hotdog waffle also in the video I'm not sure you know if if they didn't include steps in the video that were actually part of the recipe or whatever but in the video they literally pour shredded cheese into a pot and then beer those are the ingredients they use and it's in their entirety so I'm gonna go ahead and just do exactly that and if everything breaks and nothing works and the cheese is gross well I'm blaming the recipe because that's what it told me to do I mean even the world's best beer cheese wouldn't save this recipe right like there's no way who thought to do this with a paperclip it's just so dirty okay well that one didn't work Oh God this is a hotdog graveyard right here let's just throw all this in the trash I am so sorry okay so I think we should make the waffles and then we can once they're settled we can make the beer cheese and just be done but let's do it in that order so the beer cheese isn't sitting around I'm going to grab the old waffle iron and plug her in and I'll turn it on level three and so what we're gonna do here is I'm going to shake up our egg here and we are going to just pour it in let's just do it okay so I don't know how much egg we need but I think this is about a map and I also think that we're just gonna be able to make one because we don't have a million hot dogs and we're not gonna make like I said we're not gonna make this giant Tower that they made I think I'm gonna spray it down this is nonstick but actually we'll just get the cheese going back here I'm gonna turn on medium and pop a bunch of cheese in here we're gonna pop open our beer sorry about what's about to happen sounds like it's heating up so I think we're just gonna give this a go Oh yikes okay I just want this to be over this is not right this is not right at all this is wrong I hate myself right now this is so gross the egg is like spilling out the side there's no way this is gonna stay together in one cohesive form okay let's just pour some [ __ ] beer in here I'm gonna stir this up I know how to make beer cheese and that is not it but I'm following the recipe so here's what it is you know this is actually like sort of working I think like one of the things I thought when I watched this video was like how is it taking the form of a waffle shouldn't the hot dog like strings just kind of be growing but the egg actually I think fills it out and makes it turn into a cohesive like almost bread Oh God so many gross words in this recipe how are we doing over here cheese Jenna this is gross I also don't know how long I'm supposed to put this in here for it already feels like it's been too long like the whole time has been too long I shouldn't be doing this this sticker is not sticking sorry neat ood I don't think it's supposed to be on here no beer he's a little more beer this looks like beer we're pulling on top of a waffle of a hot dog dude oh my lord what am I looking at what am I looking at dude this is like obscene what I'm looking at here it's like a red waffle but it's red because of a hot dog dude oh good it's actually kind of grossing me out but let's just try to get it out of here if we can oh my lord this poor poor waffle iron I'm gonna unplug you not from life just from power ok we'll clean this mess up I'm gonna do my best at cutting this and stacking them because we need to have some sort of Tower because that's what was in the video we're trying to recreate it as accurately as possible so we're gonna start stacking okay are you all ready last little bit of beer to make it nice and loosey-goosey this is one final apology and here we go deep breath we can do it we can do it we can do it okay oh god I'm gonna puke dude way less gross than I thought it was gonna be but somehow still just so repulsive Jenna you need to try this oh my god I really wish I hadn't made this in like the hot dogs didn't cook all the way through it's just like especially the ones on the inside that weren't like directly up against the griddle we're not cooking through like the only redeeming thing about this was the beer cheese which somehow turned out really delicious even though it was literally just shredded cheese and beer good to know for future use I guess I'm taking another bite ask me why I don't know I feel like I'm I know you this at least yeah no no oh no baby what is you doing somebody needs to take this kitchen away from me oh yeah the consistency is gnarly it's like wait there's something wrong with the cheese yes it's on top of a hot dog waffle that is what's wrong with it I hate it I hate it I saw the video I don't think that's how you make beer cheese it's just like raw alcohol that's what they did in the video I know it's like strategies and beer and that's what it's like a half of a [ __ ] beer yeah it's not just two steps you don't just pour beer into cheese well I mean it worked I don't know it tastes like really beard like Robbie er that's the only redeeming thing about this that I'm getting drunk while I have to deal with it how about beer cheese like you let it cook down a little so it's like good I did this in the same exact way that they should look how gross that is that's like a red waffle it definitely needs like some bread yo it's keto it's fine ooh oh I'm so sorry mr. waffle iron for what I just put you through well at least one of us is enjoying this I mean this is just right it's not right oh I'm gonna redeem myself in a second you're not supposed to those are all carry and there's some potatoes off-camera Jenna seen them yet yeah you can leave and take your nasty meal with you for all the times that you've looked at me while I'm eating something that you think is nasty I finally understand what that feels like you nasty and you need Jesus this just appeals to my white-trash side you know this is this is what a garbage plate [ __ ] out of itself this appeals to my ancestors that cut off the top of birthday cards so that they can reuse them and write happy birthday to someone else and then keep mailing them sure you know what you should take this to Nick Tahoe's and see what they think maybe the ladder to the menu it needs some work like I definitely think I could use other things in here like this is the keto garbage this is not good look like I just like hot dogs all right we'll take it with you just as long as it's away from me you know the the paperclip method worked perfectly I don't know who thought of that okay everybody it's over okay we're free and we're never gonna think about it again and we're not gonna talk about it again it's done now what I want to do is improve on it because literally anything that we could do in the kitchen would be an improvement from that so we are gonna make our own little breakfast sandwich with a real waffle and we're gonna make our own breakfast sausage and I have something special to show you and what we're gonna use for the egg which I'm excited about so first things first we're gonna compile these ingredients which is just pancake slash waffle mix oat milk oil some spices for the sausage and then egg replacer for baking we're gonna take one of our beyond sausage links and we are going to add some spices to it and then mash it up what I have in here is some everything spice paprika red pepper chili flakes onion and garlic powder and we were just going to just kind of mix this around yes I clean this spatula and I think between the everything bagel seasoning as well as the onion and garlic this really kind of gives the sausage a breakfast patty flavor little tip if you're trying to make your own breakfast patty you take like a regular sausage and add those things and let's turn on our griddle we're gonna add a little bit of vegetable oil right in there and now we're gonna take this with our hand and just shape it into a patty so a homemade plant-based breakfast patty that is kind of what we're working with here we're gonna just pop this onto the griddle pick the oil room and pop the sucker down all right so while this sausage patty is firming up let's make sure it stays together we're gonna take some tater tots that I have found in my freezer and do the same here in terms of mashing but we are going to not need to season them we're just gonna mash them into a little kind of hash brown patty and hope hope it stays together that's the hope here how will we make this stay hmm oh oh it's not stayin actually we're gonna share the pan space here with our hash brown hopefully this doesn't completely crumble if it does oh well we tried I'm going to flip our sausage patty could have done that a little sooner I suppose what I'm actually gonna do is I'm gonna put the cheese hmm yeah let's put the cheese on now we're gonna take some day of cheddar and put it on top of the sausage patty really need to figure out how to make this hole this potato situation work for us because right now it's working for itself it's rogue yeah it's it's a bit of a mess but maybe as it cooks it will kind of stay together it's not gonna get worse than that we're gonna take this oversized topper right here we're now gonna take our tiny whisk and whisk together some baking egg replacer and set this aside and then we are going to make our waffle batter so we're gonna take some waffle mix some oat milk and some oil as well as our egg replacer we're gonna set that aside and above the pot we are gonna whisk together or mix with a spatula our waffle batter this is gonna serve as our bread for this breakfast sandwich because we have to stay true to the waffle theme because of the crimes we committed earlier I'm kind of whisking this with just a spatula but it's kind of working anyway it's um I think this kind of works perfectly all right so here's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna take this home this um hash brown and just plop it on this plate right here pretending it's completely fine and then we're gonna take the breakfast sausage patty and do the same and now I'm excited because we have a brand new product that I got sent in the mail as a wonderful gift from the folks over at just they sent me their new folded vegan egg which comes like this so it is like the egg for an egg sandwich that you want already in the form that you want it in which is really dope so I want to keep this low so as not to burn this brand-new product that I was so generously sent we're gonna pop this open this is pretty damn cool this is really feels like an egg it really does so I'm gonna put one down and two down and let those cook up a bit okay well I think we've redeemed ourselves because like I said earlier there's literally no getting worse than right here this is rock bottom this was hotdog bottom and here is what we made this is a proper breakfast sandwich with the new just egg folded version which is literally brand new it's not even now yeah and they sent me something which is it up right dude I'm on the list wanna take a bite get this [ __ ] out of here after I eat that I'm starting to feel sick yeah I should so this is makes your mouth taste like oh god so big I'm gonna cut it no we need a cross-section your red waffle might be a little bit fall apart either little breakfast sandy sauce it's the aioli that you like so this is homemade waffle with the folded just egg homemade breakfast patty potatoes and the aioli what cheese do you think yep pretty bomb yep this is ten million bajillion yeah it's all yours I feel like I owe you after feeding you that abomination I can't tell you how excited I am to have like just a patty of egg that you can kind of pop down and cook you don't have to like pour it anymore um you glad you like it just like the Phoenix we have risen from the ashes except our ashes are burnt hotdogs and a really really sad waffle iron because we just defiled it this paper clip has your fingerprints on anyway I had to do it to him a little bit because that first recipe there was not a lot of doing it to him involved yeah out of here right it's like that line flow take that fine piece dissapears get your toe socks out of here anyway I hope you guys enjoyed this ride earlier I told you to leave because you didn't want to stay for what was gonna happen but if you made it this far I commend you and I thank you and I worry about you anyways if you're gonna make any of my recipes don't make this one but you can make the breakfast sandwich don't make the hot dog waffle definitely don't tweet it at me if you make it I need to go think about what I've done thank you all for joining me next week we're gonna get real festive with it we have some English comfort food as well as a certain dessert it's popular this time of year so I appreciate you sticking with me and I will I'll see you next week just tell me it's gonna be okay sandwich tell me tell me everything's gonna be fine
Channel: julien solomita
Views: 1,174,650
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: julien solomita, vlogs, vlogs by julien, how to, jenna and julien, girlfriend, vegan, vegan recipe, vegan cooking, diy vegan, diy, julien cooking, gluten free, aries, aries kitchen, chef, julen, julien, best, meals, hotdog, hotdog waffle, hot dog waffle, julien hot dog, julien waffle
Id: tl_9dkS1Qag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 33sec (1413 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 10 2020
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