i tried making lefse (norwegian potato flatbread)

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hey do you guys know the time anyone know the time oh oh yeah you're right it's time to do it to them p.m. welcome back to the channel today we are gonna cook some more food and probably do a poor job at it but I don't know why else you came here that's that's the sales pitch I'm genuinely so excited for today because this is a recipe first of all about two days ago I had never heard of someone in my chat live streaming told me about lefse and how it's this Norwegian staple it is their flatbread that they love and the way it's cooked to me sounds like the way I would prefer to cook flatbread it is a carb and it is made with potatoes and after all the videos I watched on how to make lefse which there are a lot of videos out there it just kept reinforcing that this is a good idea to try to make because it looks really fun to make you need some like interesting tools look at this look at this I have to use this I actually use this to cook food today okay this it's required can't make lefse without it aside from this there is actually a really cool kind of group of tools that you're gonna need well not need but are recommended to make lefse one a potato ricer I had no idea that was even a thing - you're gonna need a corrugated rolling pin which is a rolling pin that has grooves in it so it's not completely smooth and lastly you're gonna need a pastry cloth and a like a sleeve that goes on the rolling pin so that the food doesn't get stuck in the groove why even put the grooves there at all then am i right bakers anyway I have high hopes for this recipe I also managing my expectations I know that's kind of a contradiction but the recipe looks really good I think we can do it I'm also expecting to completely fail at it this is sort of the conundrum that I've gotten used to each week so join me as we try to do it too and once again Norwegian style okay so first things first we are gonna need potatoes the potatoes are the heart of the lefse recipe most flat breads or crepes don't use potatoes that I've seen and so I think this is a really really crucial part of why this specific flatbread tastes the way it does and why if you've grown up eating lefse nothing really will taste the same because of the fact that you're using potatoes I mean you're using potatoes to make like a crepe flatbread which is pretty cool I'm a big fan of potatoes I will put french fries on anything I will put potato chips on anything I will put potatoes on pizza don't let anyone tell you that you can't potatoes are good well you're going to need to soften our potato up so you can skin it and boil it after chopping it up which is not the way I'm gonna do it obviously since I'm just holding it and not doing that I am going to take a little knife and stab some holes in it so that we can have steam escaping so you're gonna roast this in an oven or in a toaster oven at about 400 degrees for like 40 minutes I think I'm gonna make two of them and so when you take them out you should be able to stick the knife kind of in the hole potato with minimal or no effort obviously you can boil these I don't think it really matters I've just decided to roast them and so that's what I'm going to do first step roast your potato wrap it open-faced don't cover it but just like wrap the outside of it in tin foil and roast the sucker up so it gets nice and soft and then we can proceed with the recipe in front of us we have a beautiful array of ingredients we have a little bit of flour a little bit of almond a half and a half plant-based butter sugar cinnamon salt brown sugar and some Jackies jam get jammed we're gonna use the gym actually for one of the variations of left side which is the sweet or dessert version because you can make them savory or sweet there's a lot of things you can do with lefse to make it how you want it so my plan here my plan here is to hot potato with this hand and cut and scoop out the inside of the potato into this bowl we're gonna want the potato to be relatively warm so I'm gonna let it cool off so where it's not like piping hot but it mixes better when it's warm and then also you're gonna have the butter melt in while it's warm so don't burn yourself but also don't work with cold potatoes in this part of the recipe let's see how we're doing oh that's nice I'm gonna stab these potatoes I stabbed him it's maybe like a minute away it's the the knife goes pretty much all the way through with like very little effort I just want to make sure they're completely finished so yeah I forget they're probably done this is a very very hot potato my gloves be like I don't care so I'm gonna cut it in half oh yeah this thing is done this thing is dunzo look at that beautiful so we're gonna leave half on the counter and we are gonna scoop half into our Bowl here this is actually pretty nice way of doing this and it should look like kind of fall out of the potato cuz it'll be nice and soft by this time easy oh yeah what else you got let's cut this sucker huh and let's start scooping now we're gonna either spatula to rice these potatoes I really should have two receptacles shouldn't I all right so I'm gonna rice them into this bowl so we're gonna fill up a little chamber with roasted potato and then you're gonna whoa okay that is satisfying okay that is fun that is really fun I would like to do that again now here we go [Music] yeah what bag this is so cool so okay in the recipes that I watched it's recommended that you twice rice the potatoes some people do some people don't but I figured since it's our first time trying this recipe why not try to make it the best way we can so we're gonna double rice it also I was on the fence about grabbing this little racing tool because I was like when else am I ever gonna use this thing but after using it literally once I am already a Big Bend here we go better this is so fun hell yeah dude now we're gonna fill up the chamber again yo is it is it a job to just be a potato ricer cuz I would be good at that is anyone hiring it's rainin tato holy crap is literally raining potato dude so now the potatoes have this like interesting texture which is not something I think I've ever seen or at least cooked with but first thing we're gonna do is we're gonna add where we add a little like two and a half tablespoons of butter and you're just gonna kind of mix it around I use dummy Yoko's butter from plants then we're gonna add a little bit of salt and a little bit of sugar which I mix together in that bowl prior and a little bit of half-and-half which I'm using the Khalifa farms I'm gonna go a little at a time cuz I'm not exactly sure how much we all need but the next thing we're going to use is flour all-purpose flour I'm using Bob's Red Mill mixed with a little bit of expand X tapioca starch just to help it be a little stretchy ER when we need it actually hold on I'm glad I caught myself so before we add the flour I believe we're gonna want to chill this so let's do that let's try to follow the recipe as best we can't even know we're not good at that usually let's let's try to be better okay we're gonna kind of Pat this down to the bottom let me get some wrap real quick and we are going to press it literally right against the dough so it's like in the ball so there's no air in there now we're gonna chill this for let's try like 15 minutes I don't want to chill it for too long because we got to keep our momentum even if the recipe says chill it for an hour we can't afford that time and loss of momentum we need to keep our momentum so I'm gonna throw this in the fridge don't go anywhere okay don't go anywhere don't go anywhere well we've let our potato mixture chill literally it's pretty cold it's been in the fridge for actually close to like an hour and I think it is time we now start mixing in our flour and I don't have an exact measurement pretty surprise for the flour but I'm thinking maybe like probably half for this amount a lot of the recipes I looked at we're not very specific with the quantities of flour or quantities of a lot of things but it's perfect for me because I hate quantities of anything and I just like to throw a bunch of [ __ ] into a bowl and see what happens so so I'm gonna put a little bit of flour in and then let's mix around and I think you want it to be sort of like you know like your average dough texture you don't want to be too dry but you don't want it to be like wet and runny a little more flour careful with the flour because you can always add more flour but since we don't have any more like potato mixture you're going to not want to over flour it I'm gonna get in here with my hands actually it might be time for this bad boy which is actually a pizza stone and I'm gonna wrap it in this pastry sheet which is something I got for this recipe this is where and how we're gonna roll out our left says first let's just get our hands dirty a little bit and feel this dough out so I think like something around the size may be a little bigger than a golf ball is what we're going for so the dough actually feels really good it feels like a great consistency the texture it's actually nice because it's cold and before we put it on a pastry cloth let's put a good amount of flour down here oh you're gonna flour up this cloth this is something I'm completely unfamiliar with because I just didn't even know like a pastry cloth was a thing I thought you just roll everything out on the work surface or your cutting board or wherever I'm going and then we're gonna take our corrugated rolling pin which is a bizarre thing we're gonna put this little sleeve on it and the sleeve is to protect the food from getting locked and jammed in the little grooves of this rolling pin we still actually kind of confused as to why we have to use this one I mean again you don't have to I think you can do with a normal rolling pin but this is like the traditional Scandinavian way to make it so this is all nice and floured and here's what we're gonna do before we actually start this I'm going to plug in our cook surface and we are gonna use this flat non-stick pan not our cast-iron pan and I'm gonna heat this wait a minute this is not working does this not work oh okay so quick change of plans this won't work on the induction cooker I thought this was induction cooktop compatible but it's not so we're gonna have to cook it back there because we really need a flat pan once we're done rolling this out I'm gonna have this nice and heated and ready and we'll just turn around and cook it back here so I'm gonna cook this on like medium to medium-high right now but let's get rolling huh let's get rolling our ball and we're gonna roll it out okay well it fell apart pretty much immediately so this might be the story of today but we'll see how it goes why is it not sticking together I got all these tools I got this fancy little rolling pin come on you got to work with me dough you got to work with me all right well it's getting kind of weird at the edges but now it's at least kind of sticking together okay this is working okay well let's just let's play it a little bit here's what we need this slapper for you're gonna want to stick it under the middle and you're gonna pick it up like this I'm just worried it's gonna it's gonna break like right away all right well if it breaks it breaks let's try [Music] okay it broke so I think the trick is gonna have to be since we're using gluten-free flour and it's a little bit you know you know how it is we just got to be a little quicker with how we transfer the ball of dough onto the pan because once it's on the pan and cooking I think it'll be fine in terms of holding together but it's getting it to that point that's gonna be the tough all right here we go let's roll her out come on left left so go that's actually okay here we go this is gonna be the moment of truth okay gluten free left so it's gonna be not something you want to do this is a mess I love it this is like my cross to bear nothing I ever baked sticks together maybe a little more flour on this make sure I don't know we'll try whatever and we might have to just abandon this stick because the best way to transfer this might be by hand since it's so delicate so delicate oh I didn't even hear you're feeling go man probably to make this one's smaller and we try again well that didn't work as much as I like this thing I don't think it will work with glue burrito unless we had liked to but it's really falling apart cuz this dough is just it's got nothing left in it all right I'm gonna roll this one out and try to get it in my hand how do I do this what do I do um should I use this spatula and we just pick it up from two sides oh man okay let's try this this is a bit of a mess oh my god it's like you're doing surgery [Music] what I try cooking this I'm gonna just cook that I don't care that it's not the right shape this is really not supposed to be breaking apart like this it's just the gluten-free dough I'm telling you dude all right let's roll another one out I'm gonna keep this one a little thicker because I know traditionally this is obviously flatbread so it should be relatively thin but we have to make an audible well I mean this is cooking back here but it's not much of a sight to be seen so I'll show you when I can get a properly shaped lefse on the damn hand so taste it I mean it tastes good tastes like dough but like pretty good yeah tastes almost like pastry dough okay well this is cooking right but I'm determined to get one to cook in a proper shape all right I'm keeping that one warm and let's figure out a way to get this one on the pan here you have to do some maneuvering all right we're gonna use a spatula and the left to stick we have the power of a spatula and left's on our side all right there's a tiny hole in the center but it'll deal this is probably the best we've done so far actually let's get this little [ __ ] piece off yeah not bad let's let her cook up see what she looks like when we are done that is hot all right I'm just gonna taste a small piece I'm gonna put a little bit of butter on it kind of jumping the gun here but everything's already kind of turned into [ __ ] so take a little bite holy [ __ ] that is good what dude that is so delicious it's like this bizarre combination of like mashed potatoes and like a tortilla I want to oh my god I can't wait to try a whole one with like butter and jam I want to try them with butter and jam all the time with brown sugar oh dude dude dude oh yeah we're not gonna use the left stick I'm afraid to to break this thing there we go wow that's cooking let's try to get another one going all right let's roll her out so I see why the little dimples in this it's important because when you cook the bread it's not really puffing up because there's these little grooves in it it's almost like if you were to poke holes in it I think we can still use this tool just like a glorified knife to shape it into a circle we got to have the show won you know what I mean we got to have the one that's on the cover of the magazine it's it's like you know what's crazy about this this bread is like it almost like melts in your mouth it's like so soft but it's also I don't know it's hard to describe well I'm just gonna bang out a few of these and hopefully by the end of it we'll have a nice pile of lefse special wooden free lifts so you know --left said I didn't really want to play ball if you don't need but nonetheless we will have left so so make sure when you get to the intersection don't go right go left side [Music] we are finished with our left side and man something about this recipe just feels special I can't really even put my finger on it it's you need to be delicate with the prep and it's such as like an interesting mix of ingredients and then when you bite into it it it has this like tenderness the softness that like really makes it completely stand apart from any other bread or flatbread or tortilla or anything like that I feed my life I did not expect that something about the potato base of the lefse makes it almost like melt in your mouth it is spectacular I can't I can't even tell you there was one that I ate while we were prepping you guys were chilling I was taking some Beauty shots I took a bite of one with some brown sugar oh my god that is the only topping butter and brown sugar that's all you need it is so good so traditionally you're supposed to fold it like this like it's like a two fold so it looks sort of like a I don't know if like a little corner of a circle of a tortilla or something but it's folded over like twice so if I were to unfold it you know it's just I think this is a really good way to eat it because it's almost like biting out of like a little sandwich so the three on the bottom I made dessert ones and I'm just gonna take a bite out of one of them cuz this is the brown sugar one and I just want you guys to watch me enjoy this that's all [Music] dude this is a special food I don't know how else to put it left set is special I made Norwegian flatbread that's not something I ever thought I would say and you know what you can too I think this is a really doable recipe especially if you're not intolerant to gluten like names which makes everything difficult shout out to you guys for letting me expand and kind of go even further outside my comfort zone this is this is one of those meals that I will forever be glad that I learned how to cook a because I'll be able to cook it for me and my family forever and we can all enjoy it but also I feel like coming across this in the world after having learned how to cook it and you know learn what it is makes it even more special man I I wish I could tell you how good this was like this is the center it has like cinnamon and like butter oh my god sorry not cinnamon brown sugar I do have a cinnamon no I think you can put whatever you want there's like people do like sour cream I think like cream cheese we can try one with cream cheese I don't know but it is a versatile food is a delicious double carb carb potatoes flour oh my god I'm telling you you've never eaten something that has the texture of this until you've eaten this it has a very special unique texture and eating experience that is all I'll say this I feel like I've ascended beyond just cooking meals now I'm cooking experiences shouts out to Norway thank you for sharing with me your amazing recipe and Foods in cuisine I appreciate it can't recommend this enough I think you should go make it right now and you don't need all the fancy things I can guarantee that although if you have a little brother this might come in handy to command some respect you know what I mean don't hit your siblings would you like one last bite before I eat the rest of this would you would you like it okay there you go here take a bite you know what that accent I need to eat this more one more oh my god so God [Music]
Channel: julien solomita
Views: 926,565
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: julien solomita, vlogs, vlogs by julien, how to, jenna and julien, girlfriend, vegan, vegan recipe, vegan cooking, diy vegan, diy, julien cooking, gluten free, aries, aries kitchen, chef, julen, julien, best, meals, lefse, norwegian, flatbread, potato
Id: FeBiROXyY34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 19sec (1399 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 25 2020
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