mac n cheese...that's it, that's the title

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you know buttoning up this outfit every week has made me feel more like I have a real job than I've ever felt in the past like five years real job who's ready to use this measuring what is this called who's ready to use this measuring thing as just a mixing bowl and not even using the markings that's pretty much hieroglyphics to me doesn't even need to be there welcome back to my kitchen as I anticipated you guys came through with pretty wonderful idea for this week's video I like to be inclusive when it comes to food if someone doesn't like a food that I like that's fine we're all friends but if you don't like mac and cheese like just what's what's your deal a little bit you know I just I just wanted to talk I don't know like it's okay be done but why and like you're wrong marble marble hello you haven't barked all day and now you're barking my Turks thank you hello you know we had to hey mom you know like peachy come here sous-chef you're not getting out of work this time come here she volunteered to work for free yes I'll give her pets and scratches and maybe a bite of mac and cheese is that good enough I think of item mac and cheese is worth everything to her do you want some mac and cheese for dinner oh okay we are gonna be making mac and cheese today as usual it'll be plant-based but we're not gonna just make one mac and cheese and call it a day because if you're gonna spend some time on mac and cheese you might as well go all the way and that's what we're gonna do today well you're gonna make I have no idea what's going on with my hair I again returning to you with not taking care of myself chic so I hope you're okay with it well you're gonna be making three different tiers of mac and cheese and I say tiers and not types because I feel like they require very different levels of effort and time first we're gonna be making boxed mac and cheese this is actually our box mac and cheese of choice I found that to be probably the best-tasting mac and cheese that comes out of a box then we're gonna be making a full-on like actual recipe of mac and cheese with the bread crumbs and we're gonna bake it and that's gonna be a hole that's gonna take up most of the work and then we're gonna make instant pop mac and cheese you don't have an instant pot you might say well I [ __ ] bought one for this video okay I bought an instant pot I didn't even know what it was before all I know is a slow cooker and a pressure is this a pressure cooker is an instant pot of pressure cooker I wonder I feel like it is I don't know it's called an instant pot and when I was doing research for this video for apiece I was just trying to find the quickest and like easiest recipe for mac and cheese if you don't have like fox and mac and cheese and that's we're gonna make in the instant pot and we're gonna make mac and cheese that supposedly takes like five minutes and all you need is elbow pasta vegan butter a butter substitute and then cheese maybe maybe milk I have to look but it's very easy now I'll ask you to mac in please have a seat and relax and enjoy the show all right oh there we go there is power so I kind of feel like an instant pot mac and cheese is like exactly my language I'm always trying to figure out ways to make just the fastest meal I can and this seems to be quite literally that okay I lied we're actually gonna use this to measure we're gonna need four cups of water oh we need to turn it on - how do I tell if it's working oh my god this is bad there are wires oh god I spilled water and there are wires okay it's all and I think so I'm gonna do all right so I'm gonna add the pasta and the water although I think I need a little more pasta because there's only 12 ounces and we got a nice little pinch of salt I don't know how to actually turn this off but really should have read the instructions do you hear that that was crazy so wait is it on manual mode alright I mean that sounds like it's not tell if this is cooking it doesn't feel warm on the outside we're gonna let this cook for four minutes I think it's cooking I don't know we'll figure out how to turn this thing on at some point oh my god Julian struggles with the pressure cooker for 45 minutes what the hell this is crazy okay anyway if this ever gets figured out I'm going to be using these cheddar shreds some of this type of cheddar even though it's sliced I prefer the block but I don't have that right now and I couldn't find it in the store and then we be using me Yoko's vegan butter and then if you want you can add a vegetable or vegan chicken Beyond niche and some seasoning I'm gonna do probably onion powder paprika and some garlic powder okay this has been doing its thing for probably like six minutes this dial seems to be doing nothing I think I broke it but it is cooking yeah that's ready let's just strain this real quick okay well pretty much instant pot we're gonna start stuff that looks good says bunch of cheese okay that's a lot vegan burger go on that butter is actually like incredible then we add our spices maybe a little nooch and let's mix this thing around huh honestly like this is my style of cooking right here it's just quickly making some pasta and then throw in whatever you want there until it tastes right all right well I'm gonna turn this off and I'm gonna taste little bite of it oh crap it is delicious but he's a little salt I mean once I learned how this instant pot actually works I'm sure if I'm measuring and [ __ ] it'll it'll actually be like a four-minute cook that is really good like I would say that is as good as box mac and cheese if not better make sure to spill all sorts of pieces of macaroni on the outside of your instant pot that you just bought for this video I in the name of science it's a delicious looking mac and cheese like it has a really good color it's gooey that one's like so good I don't even want to continue because I feel like we did it instant pot ten out of ten but think about mac and cheese I feel like and I think why the reason like I don't like kraft mac and cheese is so popular is because people don't need a complex flavor profile for mac and cheese they want delicious cheese in macaroni and that is probably my new favorite way to do this so I was actually nervous like I was so nervous I was gonna buy this instant pot and hate it and although it's kind of taking a little while to learn it does mean that once I learn it I can make things very fast and you guys know how much I like making things fast you did your job okay so here's we're gonna do for the next one we are gonna start the hot for food perfect vegan mac and cheese that is how for foods recipe we've made it many times it has a similar cheese sauce to the nacho cheese that we made for the Crunchwrap so it's gonna be almost the same list of ingredients a couple tweaks we're gonna make that I have the water going right here it is boiling good job water are you ready for the mac and cheese smackdown do you want to smell it definitely not it's really hot so don't touch the pot of instant pot you can smell it you know why because I'm Mac in teasing you no eating it yet you have to wait till later but smell it okay that's enough Mac and please take your seat again I have to I for the sake of our new doggy I have to be quiet well I'm doing it for her not for you I take back what I said earlier this is a bit of a different recipe than the nacho cheese sauce that we used for the Crunchwrap we're gonna be using some miso paste for this amongst cashews so this is a cashew based cheese sauce a lot of vegan cheese's or cashew based this is one of them so we're gonna take some of our cashews let's just mix it all up right now huh okay you're gonna take 3/4 of a cup of cashews one and a half cups of non-dairy or oat milk let's do it with this I lied a lot the beginning we're definitely using this to measure forth a cup of sun Flower oil sorry guys I'm out of sunflower jokes then you're gonna make and juice 2 tablespoons of lemon juice which i think is pretty much just the equivalent to one whole lemon that's what I'm gonna do like last time we can't forget our tomato paste when we're making cheese 3 to 3 tablespoons I'm gonna do 1 tablespoon of miso paste I also take this out and make sure that even though it says do not eat no definitely don't eat that then we're gonna need 2 teaspoons I believe of arrowroot flour which we bought for the other cheese recipe then we're gonna blend it up mix it with the Mac and put it in the oven so let's just get to work baby let's get to [Music] I just realized and I don't know if I should be upset about it but I kind of feel upset about it this recipe does not require a knife well actually okay well we have our bread crumbs waiting and while we're sitting here and the hot for food Mack cooks in the oven everything's a mess sorry about that we're here to make some boxed mac and cheese so the instructions say slam the box really hard into the pot and hope it makes itself alright well let's try it welcome to Ares kitchen where we only read instructions that say things like that blows me away every time here you go this is the deya mac and cheese from a box added our bacon bits little heck these are plant-based well plant base they're vegan so you can eat them if you'd like Kermit I know I know you're crying I know you're excited for this me too man here it is so obviously delicious looking the bacon that's a nice bacon look to it even though it's just bacon bits so we are two out of three years [Music] one thing you probably need for mac and cheese day is kitty spoons which spoon are you gonna take this is a big decision right now would be a perfect time to use the blowtorch now I mean like a full-size one or they you on musk one I mean like just a little cooking blood torch thoughts Connor cooking blowtorch for me she ignore me if we had a cooking blowtorch we wouldn't have to brown the top of the mac and cheese in the oven you just do right here right and get some absolutely beautiful shots of it and be safe of course fire safety well I mean this looks damn delicious looks like a baked mac and cheese honestly with some bread crumbs very flavorful good color the final bowl of mac and cheese brought to you by hot for food and bread crumbs on top so this is definitely the most gourmet of the three Mac and cheeses and it looks really good like I've never been a huge baked mac and cheese person with the bread crumbs and the crispy top I just feel like mac and cheese is fine without that but I tried this before and then I was like okay I get it oh my god I might've been a mistake to try that one first this one just really has a lot of flavors it just doesn't taste like normal mac and cheese like in a good way it has a ton of flavors it's cheesy and crispy on top but it also has like a nice mix of things going on inside the bite now let's try the Box I've eaten that so much and I still am not tired of it is so good just for your information this cheese sauce is based from tapioca starch and some oils coconut oil a bunch of different things but it's not based from nuts I'm actually kind of blown away at how hard it is to make a choice between the three but maybe it's not making a choice about which one's the best maybe it's just about appreciating the fact that you now have three balls of mac and cheese to eat from whenever you want this is the instant pot I have some left over I obviously have some left over here I don't know man if you like mac and cheese and you like having leftovers of it I would recommend all three of these here's here's I'll break it down for you okay you get home after a night of drinking and you are starving and you've been thinking about food ever since you took the first drink of your night you need to fill that belly up with some food or else you're just gonna feel sick and be safe while you're drinking there drunk or whatever just don't drunkenly hurt yourself with the instant pot this takes like five minutes it literally does if you do it right it takes five minutes and you just throw a bunch of [ __ ] it's like the perfect drunk meal because you're just throwing [ __ ] in there storing it up and eating it lazy Sunday you don't have a lot of energy but you are mac and cheese box mac and cheese this one right here cannot go wrong with that gets lazy bowl of mac and cheese that tastes somehow better every time you make it Friday night dinner date and you said you would cook you said you'd cook you agreed to it so your dates coming over they're expecting you to cook blow them away with this gourmet mac and cheese from hot for food and then repeat the cycle go drinking Sunday Friday drinking isn't you know it's a healthy lifestyle it is time if you'd like to mac and cheese okay so right here we have the instant pot mac and cheese where I literally just threw a bunch of [ __ ] in there and it happened in like five minutes yeah instant pots are crazy good we good right it's like yes definitely cooked hardcore yeah the instant pot is hard to like know when it's done or whatever you know what okay and then this is the fanciest of all we're gonna hop for food it's the best mac and cheese so what happens if she speeds the cops just has to wave and say hey good job it's like it's hard to choose what's best right they all have kind of different but they're all so damn good like hot bread crumbs you know nice spicy flavor and they're like this has a lot of flavor I'm just going honestly I love mac and cheese that's from a box that's like that that's the crunchy this is these two are what you eat in the darkroom when no one's looking and then this is what you post on Instagram you know splash some of it on the wall because you're eating it so fast this is a good themed episode for this week because we're going on the first vacation we've ever taken this week well next week for you we're going out of town for a whole week and so the mac and cheese is gonna just send us away for a week we're just going to send us away for real though there won't be a video probably for like a little over a week and like maybe like a week I'll be a little late with the next video because I'm gonna be on vacation we've never ever taken a vacation and we're super excited so enjoy the mac and cheese if you chose to make this please send me pictures I'll still be on Twitter and stuff you know I'll be able to see also we are you taking it also please keep leaving me your ideas in the comments cuz you guys always somehow suggest the best stuff to cook I guess the jury's not out anymore you're not a cop I did it to him officer officer can you cuff me up here can you cut me like this cost me like this officer so I can just be arrested and still be doing it to him I'm gonna leave you with that the image of me arrested while doing it to him Inc that knew your brains when I say was it too much alright I'll post this one on Vimeo [Music]
Channel: julien solomita
Views: 2,097,361
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jenna, Julien, julien solomita, vlogs, vlogs by julien, how to, peach jenna julien, jenna and julien, cinematic vlog, mac and cheese, mac n cheese, vegan mac n cheese, julien mac n cheese, julien mac and cheese, chef julien, chef julen, aries kitchen, hot for food, vegan mac, vegan recipe, vegan diy, how to make vegan mac and cheese, best vegan mac and cheese, vegan mac and cheese three ways
Id: EBv5A7NC2eI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 0sec (960 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2019
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