Fidget Trading Scams

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happy day i'm glad and i have not seen scamming this bad since pokemon cards i've not seen a stock market and trading this ferocious since i don't know when fidget trading is like gaming trading but in real life and so like this is how it's done you offer it up you smack it you smack it you make it look cute and there's a check mark there's a plus and there's an x the plus means you got to add more like feed me feed me give me more and the check mark means yeah let's go so this guy's putting it down he's slapping it he's going look at this thing you want to play with this that's a big popping yeah we'll trade these guys trade fast look at these little fruit what about the dimples oh he wants more he's getting greedy but he accepted this is such a funny and interesting way to like do some trades with your siblings because sometimes you get tired of playing with the same toy over and over again and especially with fidget toys like you get tired of popping this you want to pop something that feels a little bit different you want a little variety they say that variety is the spice of life and that oh my i want that now i want that you yo your your boy's your boy is ripping you off that's your dad your dad is ripping you off okay so he didn't accept that one oh you can't settle in this life you cannot settle why is he offering up so much so fast you know the first rule of trading is you want to trade one and then keep adding a little and keep adding a little and make them think that they're getting a good deal when really it's a bunch of traffic like you would have put this whole pile of trash anyway well they seem like iphone air pods what's going on holy oh i i thought we were just gonna slap some fidget toys i didn't know iphones were gonna get involved with this and like the iphone stuff doesn't end there like people are using this trading system to pull some scams for example we have some cute innocent trades yes enthusiasm variety i would do that trade as well perfect i would yeah i want more too yeah that's good that's good i am the trade referee i'm making sure that everyone's safe here more yep perfect this all looks well and fair here i want one of these so bad i would trade ever i would trade everything i have what where are these okay so this guy's offering all he has he's like listen we got the airpods i want everything i want everything you have i never want you to play again i want you to be miserable forever oh my goodness you can't you can't you're ripping them off oh wow please okay what i would have done is i would have taken everything off that i had previously offered so i'd have some toys eventually and i would just offer the macbook air but isn't the macbook air worth way more than the airpods like what someone's gotta teach these kids supply and demand economy okay okay gotta calm down oh my god and there's a there's a laptop in there oh and you ripped them off oh okay so this is the scams this is the scams yup this is the i would punch my sibling in the face parents would have to get involved and trading would be banned at my home and then i'd start ripping kids off at school and then trading would get banned at school like if you so much as drew this on a piece of paper you get sent straight to the principal's office i know this is the gradual progression of trading at school did pokemon cards get banned at your school because they definitely got banned at mine i grew up with toy story kids now we're growing up with pixar's fidget story stop somebody's gonna get traded today well i don't need to be afraid because i'm not getting why is there a nose here what makes you think you're not getting traded orbeez ball she doesn't really use you and i think that she could get a lot out of you so she's totally gonna trade you oh yeah well i think it's gonna be mochi she never uses him you guys think it's gonna be me all the boys i think it is two she's totally gonna trade me she knows no mochi don't say that emoji mochi if she trades you then i'll kill her i want you mochi i'll use you every day i know for a fact it's not gonna be me or water timer though because she loves us and she only just got us you're so rude this is me for all her tick tocks gosh she's coming done who should i trade today don't you dare trade them get him justice that was amazing storytelling that was perfect like that that had everything in it it had drama it had suspense it had tragedy it had justice i love it squish strawberry you want to offer anything love that danielle homemade slime he's training his homemade slime he's bringing his homemade slime on the trading field can you believe that when you're putting a diy in your inventory like that that's that's what you want to do like he's crafting you know what i mean he's collecting supplies out in the world and then crafting and trying to get value out of what he crafted this guy's playing video games in real life and for a mermaid tail you're under ad bit uh my ear pod died i need to trade my fidgets for some new airpods how do you think measure oh my god that is my dream i need that it's my dream so all for dna ball never tell the person you're trading with it it's your dream like are you kidding me right now puzzle cube and magnet pulse um are you kidding me how [ __ ] stupid are you i give you a deal last it's my dream it's my dream yeah well i mean that's guilt is a negotiating tool i just it's not the most ethical but you know hey worked for this guy especially though any offers that's really rare strawberry squish dna ball didn't you you just traded him silly bands you're on your ad that hurt this is a mess i have this i think it's like a putty but it's really hard so i think i'm gonna try and treat it she's like listen i've got this putty it's expired i'm gonna give it a good trade without letting potential clients touch it because then they'll know it's trash going twice going three times really no one has an offer okay i guess good wait no no no please oh okay what's your offer hmm office p popper guys i'm not really sure if this putties were so i'm just gonna try and scam her and get a lot out of her wait that's sad you can't be ripping people off you can't be ripping people off that pea popper was not worth this this expired gunk the thing i don't like about this trading system is that you can't feel like can you feel what the other person has or is there an invisible wall there i like watching people trade broken stuff i'm gonna trade this to my stupid cousin she's coming over she's here she didn't want this oh my god oh god yes here's my manipulation water squishy oh my god that's really rare but can you add one more thing my poopy bee okay yeah no trademarks oh my god it's broken [ __ ] [Laughter] okay i mean this was obviously a parody of what's going on here but i found that very i found that very entertaining because you know what i kind of liked the way that water looked even though it was just water in a ziploc i was like damn trading fidgets part two nemo any offers this is just a bag okay i was praising crafting at home but this is trash single chain oh that's actually pretty rare i'll take that just because your brother died what offering rubik's cube and elmo that's a troll offering rubik's cube and troll that's a deal ew what the [ __ ] please let's just have let's just let's just play fair here okay you want more that's good that's a good clean trade fellas i uh i wouldn't want to give up that crab when i'm watching these i feel like i believe the ones if i'm like no no no you don't take that deal and then the kid doesn't take the deal it's classic hey you didn't you didn't smack it you didn't smack it you're supposed to like let him know you're supposed to let him know that's how you get the most with it although i mean he wanted to get rid of it i don't like how much everyone's offering oh you know what i've never realized i've never realized that these little mini skateboards are fidget toys i've never realized that that's cool that's cool i like the presentation there i like how the strawberry was put on the mini board very good presentation and i would trade a lot for that as well yo everyone's got these big old ones everyone's got these but oh that baseball i'd do anything for that baseball oh he's being stubborn he's not give me that again with the airpods what do you mean wow there's too many scams there's too many scams in this economy the scams are so popular that scam memes are popping up what do you have to offer my mercedes and so you have to accept two on sweet tea 2017 macbook i'm a fan i'm a fan that mercedes like with the keys joke was it was top notch i was not ready for it and that's the best time to make a joke trading fidget toys stressful case super special purchases i need to know the market value of one of these because i want one and you know i'm gonna be i'm gonna be trading i'm gonna be out there i'm gonna be hitting the road getting some trades done whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa that one's changing colors this is a strong offer okay this trade is still going i need the spanish people to help me help me because i don't know what's going on this is the best collection i've seen in a long time like these are some cool toys it's not just like i have 400 puppets all right 400. it's good variety it's a bunch of different things that you can do different things with i'm into it i don't i don't care for these i care for these i'd like oh no oh no another scam i mean i feel like this would be like a funny way to give your kid their christmas present it's like to still make them pay for it like secretly get something that they really want and like put it there and make them give up like half of their stuff for it it's a pleasure doing business with you i know it's a tough world oh oh that's new these are new ooh some plushies i would have a really hard time training my plushies cause your plushies become like your your children how could you just trade it how could you just put your plushie on the board like this it would have to be a plushie you hate and then you'd feel sorry for him for trading him like i would feel so guilty putting a plushie that i don't really like on the board hey mom what are you doing nothing playing with my fidgets you want to make a deal what is it i'll show you these paw patrol how are you playing with all these fidgets at the same time like that i feel like that would be you know what i'm not going to judge how other people play with their fidgets that's how he rolls that's cool history boss for all of your fidgets [Music] this is an unboxing [Music] are you little weasels trying to sell me stuff cause it's working there's all sorts of dirty things happening right under my nose you guys know the deal if you want some of these awesome fidgets go check out the link in maya oh the kid in the desk the dad runs a business online and he also runs a business trading with his kid his dad's got money coming in two ways i prefer the simple nipple it's super rare uh three squishies ah i don't like squishies quit being rude this is sad okay then i'll take out the squishies and offer oh this is this is the first takeout we've seen ball um oh greedy no i'm not there's so much sass in this bunch of mochis and two balls aren't you gonna count them i do three squishies in your soccer and it's a deal i can't believe how greedy this kid is those are stupid decline no it's not it's seven dollars off these two words these are gonna hate each other after this offer for my fidget ball fine offer the simple nipple if you add no add no you have to add no you have to oh my goodness so that got that got bitter i have these really rare specks so can you give me a good trade for that i'll give you a stack of puppets is that all you got these specs are literally legendary there's got to be some sort of fidget stock market where it can actually be decided like the rarity and the price of things so that like everyone can actually know and like everyone people can make informed trades and then the the people who trade fidgets when they're little grow up to become like these crazy day traders i'm getting carried away to be honest you should be giving me a fidget for every single magnetic ball and i'm giving you the case so add i think i'm over but i'll give you two tangles a dimple and a stack of mini i can't watch this you're killing your own family you've killed her stop she's already dead oh my gosh that's just greed [Music] i think we've gone too deep we've gone we've gone too deep from the ruthless business people to the crazy singing man i think we've gone to the depths of this i think i spent a little too long doing this as well i hope that you guys enjoyed this please make sure you check out all these awesome creators that were featured in this video some of them are actually really funny if you'd like to see me again make sure you push notifications and i will see you on the next one bye
Channel: Gloom
Views: 4,328,019
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gloom, gloomgames, kassie, gloomy kassie, gloomykassie, 2021, kartha gewart, fidget trading, fidget trading scams, tiktok fidget trading, tiktok fidget compilation, tiktok trading, tiktok scams, tik tik compilation, fidget trading tik tok, fidget trading memes, fidget toys, fidget toys tiktok, diy fidgets, fidget toys tiktok compilation, fidget toy trading compilation, fidget toy trading, scams, memes, toys, fidget, trading scams, fidget scams
Id: 027yDER5QT0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 20sec (860 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 18 2021
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