I TRIED crazy LIFE HACKS to see if they actually work

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today we are going to recreate DIYs aren't they real do they actually work I'm here with you I don't know if they're gonna work but we're gonna try we're gonna try our best I'm just excited to be here with her I'm excited to try girlie clothing hats rated those I knees they're so cute that's on them we can fix this that we can fix this can how crap a pinch of creativity okay we're gonna need a pinch of creativity we have that yeah being helpful doesn't it place the torn pair of pants on a table in front of you fold them in half so one leg how are you gonna fix this I don't know which is the scissors in creativity wait by cutting a bigger hole lies why would you look bigger you can now place your entire head through it why your arms through what used to be the pant legs very how is this gonna solve my underwear from showing is she wearing pants no I don't know cuz her pants have moved I'm different location okay this is a bra it makes it worse you still have no pants okay what about the underwear showing there you they didn't fix it but listened they used to pinch your creativity okay okay now they have a new new pair of pants new pair of shirt ed pants and pants okay so since it's a pair of pass because you have two legs is it a pair of shirt no two arms it's just shirt who's gonna be mrs. undo and underwear girl um me yeah looking good thank you looking good you very much I I really try in this life to look good at all times I hope you have a pinch of creativity just a pinch and also if you want to borrow this shirt that I'm making after oh this shirt yeah I think I'll wear it to the next con No come join watch Riverdale River tell me some gummy okay we can fix this don't worry good thing I carry scissors with me and a pinch of creativity I know what I'll take these off yes oh it's a good thing you're wearing pants under your pants and underneath and pants and wore honey you got to always be careful and safe watch how you're holding those scissors you got to hold it about that oh yeah yes thank you first as he I don't pay with me but this is what we're gonna do fold them up are you sure yes I'm sure you gotta trust me on this okay and see that hole yeah it's gonna make it bigger what why well my these are my fingers I think this and my favorite pens I see these pants are for my grandma to lay them okay I think I see it now all right okay now I'm gonna put your hands tenser okay this is such a this is ingenious right is this a pinch of creativity I do this is more than a pinch this is a handful of creativity don't worry your crotch used to be in there but it's cool Ozzie it's more modest too oh my god we're monetized again thank you thank you so much bring it in buddy thank you so much you have a shirt no the legs are now sleeves but I don't have any pants now it's ya know yikes oh that happens to me actually too often all or punch me now okay over your head okay with both hands pull both corners under your arms and in front of your chest this is fully changing her outfit oh I thought she was gonna just remove it like I was hoping she would that's like how do you remove the Pistons now here's the fun part take this knot and slide it over your head check it out oh that was pretty cute actually take that yeah take I love that all right I was gonna do some pit stains okay who wants to be mrs. Petts Tina who wants to be mrs. here the scarf the scarf I'll take some pit stains all right you wanted I'll be mrs. pissing give me some pit stains been here okay I gotta I'm gonna make these look just really really nice yeah that wiesen troughton you know it's not just looks hairy you've never had deodorant that just like stain your shirt just stained it like a dark weird color no this dark how you like them pits this kind of feels nice we didn't just draw them on girl oh no I hate my star thank you I do this and then I tie it let's see if this works oh it's coming together take my purse and take a walk around I look fashionable you look you look like you meant it I'm so proud she's my friend look at me no pit stains or anything you can totally see it st. Sola oh yeah you can like this doesn't help at all no it doesn't it just makes me look like I'm wearing a scarf wait what if you like okay now put your arms up there you go I give this one a 4 out of 10 I give it a 2 because you look a little stupid yeah I blessed be honest do I really want to wear a scarf is the best no if you had a scarf can you just get a Shania shirt who wears the best yeah I just changed your wear coat I don't know about this 4 out of 10 for 10 ouch yeah let's get some pins out of - yeah let's get some tens out 10 all right ready for the next one why don't you three oh thanks again has he you ready noise I got you this looks fly it looks flawless forward to this party for weeks oh hey girl no wait oh I thought she spilled something what they're wearing the same thing hate when that happens oh and they're mad at each other they're mad oh that's all I need to back you up oh yes she has a pinch of creativity she does more than it hitch I should make it a dress nice eye your waistline I don't like this top it off with a cute denim jacket and voila actually actually it doesn't look too bad jacket makes it better yeah cuz then you had the straps this world I'm not mad at this actually I'm not mad at this oh so you want to be the one who yeah okay I'll soup it up let's go I look so good today back up I look good today I got a pinch of pay TV to move on me ok watch this transformation I'm looking at transform wait can I do it too no cuz then we look the same again oh yeah she does not look like she's wearing a shower curtain this is the new style don't worry I got this you got a belt you know you're supposed to do it with confidence okay I am I am doing this right this old it works so if you got a long skirt on cuz if you have a tiny skirt on you put this up then you got no pants again what's up with this Channel and not wearing pants something's missing a Z I think you have to okay pass me a jean jacket how do I look it's like we're two different people no now I feel boring in comparison it's okay thank you stop checking yourself out sorry I can't my outfit just will fly never wake up like this oversleeping is the worst honestly every day I get ready every day pants off and put both legs into one side is gonna fit now half of them up over your chest how small looks like do to be for this or how big do the pants have to be yeah like that that looks cute girl yes sucker yeah I'm that girl I love it definitely love it I actually be similar pair of pants that I bought in Thailand but I didn't bring them oh I have I've got I've got a good one you do okay yeah I had a pinch of creativity okay we need to stop saying that no it's good it's good annoying when I should got she was like [Laughter] [Music] okay and then do this right yeah let me take off my tank top now I put this through yeah like this yeah you like by shoving it I don't have faith in this one okay you're on a purse got my dress [Music] I don't think anything can beat that dress no nothing like that was sick I would wear that that was a hack I was a true a true girl for DIY hack all you need is extra extra large pants that you can fit both legs in easy very stretchy very very stretchy yes I got a bunch of large pants and I couldn't do the keys they need to be stretchy very stretchy yeah she's with work she's working happy I forgot about happy with the girls oh no dress take the straps off your cotton undershirt and slide them over your head like oh that's it that works whoa what she looks so good the red lip really ties it yeah it really does I like her like Miss matching earrings - it's cute secret I think that this guy I think this is the perfect girl for this because she just looks good in everything she does she's very pretty and like this girl's jealous she's like whatever she's like under my blouse hi Jeremy you're fired [Music] my glasses blazer off although this is like pretty fancy it's like this is wholly on new year's blazer the straps aren't stretchy enough we got a problem we got a problem being all these DIY flatbacks packs they're not all working but I made the strap bigger Oh gotta get to happier I get to happy our guys drinks with the ladies oh you guys hear that breaking it Tech's snapping you're just so tired oh wow you look good you won't we look good it's not a riff more tank docks check please I'm leaving all right I'm sorry that's empty I'll have the beef au jus I'll have the chocolate cake ooh well might as well it is happy strangling right now can't breathe it's like no this is the hard part getting up see these hacks I don't know if they're on the white shirt situation honestly girl I can relate lucky for heli how are you gonna fix that though you're gonna get worse who's gonna make it worse wait in line disdains seriously I don't know where they're going with I don't either that's a clean spill though it was too perfect Island pretty impressed coffee Island they made it a place it's so - it's fashion it's not I like it it's so cute this way you know the plain white t-shirt was before it actually kind of works yeah it really does kind of works I'm swinging for Cassie I'm here no you pay you bring yourself ah don't don't worry I can fix this no a Z stop ruining my cool nails in this I can yes as he stopped it as he no well just but just believe in me trust me a Z I can get the coffee out but I can't get this sharpie out oh no if so I've made it worse I've made it worse hope this shirt wasn't expensive wait these look like my home islands toffee island you came from Coffey Islands yeah it says kaho capo is my writings not very great I'm here from the coffee is else as these coffee is all it's a good place I should have made it a Zealand oh yeah you can just sign them my whole chest can I have an autograph yeah guys everyone of visitors right here this is where she from well I I would say that my brain is a lot bigger from these hacks I feel a lot better about myself I wonder what now I can get through any situation you know what life come at me we also did a really fun video on her channel where we tried the soap or food or so anyways guys I hope you enjoyed this video I love you all so much stay awesome Stacey and don't forget me neither [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: AzzyLand
Views: 27,570,527
Rating: 4.8254046 out of 5
Keywords: azzyland, azzy, reaction, reacting, funny, tried, crazy, life, hacks, to, see, if, they, actually, work, hack, life hacks, life hack, amazing, unbelievable
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 26sec (806 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2019
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